History and Society in Contemporary Chile

Optional Program Course:
History and Society in Contemporary Chile
Chilean Universities Program, Santiago
This course will present a comprehensive view of the historic processes that have formed Chile’s
reality through a process of dialogue and systematic work between the students and specialists in the
areas of History, Literature, Human Rights and the Environment, based on lectures and student
General Objective:
To identify and recognize the fundamental and relevant processes that have determined the
economic, social and political development of contemporary Chile.
Fundamental Objectives:
• To learn the economic, political, social and geographical characteristics of Chile, as well as the
social organization and evolution that have resulted in distinct cultural and identity
expressions during the last three centuries.
• To examine the present through testimonies, artistic and documentary samples, traditional
customs, and public sites and monuments.
• To value the preservation of the environment, its interrelation with human life and its
environmental impact through field trips.
Course Methodology:
This course will combine class lectures with readings and critiques of primary, written, iconographic
and audiovisual sources by the students. There will be classes by specialists in Literature, Human
Rights and the Environment as well as field trips relating to the topics covered in class.
During the semester, the students must read and make presentations during every class module and
present a final essay, with a minimum of 5 pages, using at least three academic articles. The professor
will meet with students to help select the topic and the bibliography for the final essay.
History Module: 15%
Literature Module: 15%
Environmental Module: 15%
Human Rights Module: 15%
Final Essay: 40%
*A minimum of 80% attendance is required to pass the course.
Institute for Study Abroad® • 1100 W. 42nd St., Suite 305 • Indianapolis, IN 46208 • 800-858-0229 • Fax: 317-940-9704 • www.ifsa-butler.org
Class Schedule and Contents:
Module: History and Society in Contemporary Chile
Class Contents
Readings and Audiovisual Materials for the Class
Presentation of the class and general overview
of Chilean history and identity.
Strengths and tensions of mestizo identity and
hybrid modernity.
--Class Syllabus.
What and how was the conquest? War and
border relations.
The crash of cultures and the new economic
The colonial period in Chile: Composition of
society in Central Chile.
Independence: External influences and internal
Patriots and plebeians.
The ideas and the actors.
Republican Construction 1833-1891.
Oligarchical projects and order. Constitution
Portales and discipline of popular sectors.
Society of equality and the civil war of 1851.
1853-1858 The first mutual societies.
1883-1890 Expansion of the popular sectors
and rise of the workers’ movement.
--Pedro Rosas. Aspectos básicos de la conquista y la
colonia en Chile central.
--Pedro Rosas. Independencia de Chile.
--Orihuela. Proclama del cura de Orihuela.
Congreso Nacional. 1811.
Crisis in the oligarchic system.
Centennial of the Republic and the “social
Strikes, conflicts and massacres.
The arrival of social redemption ideology
Constitution of 1925 and crisis of 1929.
--Pastoral de M. Casanova. La condición social de
los obreros.
--Romero. Arrabales vivienda y salud, en qué hacer
con los pobres.
--Enrique Mac Iver. Discurso sobre la crisis moral de
la república.
--Sergio Grez. ¿Autonomía o escudo protector? El
movimiento obrero y popular y los mecanismos de
conciliación y arbitraje 1900-1924.
--Luis Emilio Recabarren. La mujer y su educación.
Punta Arenas. El Socialista. 1916.
Invited Lecturer
--Lecture on the 20th Century Worker’s
--Jorge Barros. El peso de la Noche.
--Diego Portales. Palo y bizcochuelo.
--Marcelo Cavarozzi. El Orden oligárquico en Chile,
--Balmaceda. El Testamento Político de Balmaceda,
Santiago, 18 de septiembre de 1891.
Institute for Study Abroad® • 1100 W. 42nd St., Suite 305 • Indianapolis, IN 46208 • 800-858-0229 • Fax: 317-940-9704 • www.ifsa-butler.org
The experience of the Frente Popular in Chile.
The Radical governments.
The development of ISI (Import Substitution
The development of industry. The Business
State. The Provider State.
Political party crisis during the mid-20th
Situation in the popular sectors. Citizen
discontent and populist tendencies.
The emergency of the three thirds (right, center
and left)
New social and political demands. The
concentration of agricultural land and the
agricultural reform.
The three transformational global proposals for
the country: “the revolution of freedom” and
the “Chilean way to Socialism”
Social agitation.
The influence of the Cuban Revolution in Latin
America and Chile.
Political participation and party polarization.
The Unidad Popular.
The military dictatorship.
The refounding project.
The Constitution of 1980.
Human rights violations.
The role of the church.
The economy and “structural adjustments”
during the dictatorship.
Economic collapse in the 1980s.
--Pedro Aguirre Cerda. Postulados como vive y
muere el pueblo en los conventillos. Diario de
Santiago. 1936.
--1939-1959 20th Century Worker’s Movement.
--Congreso Nacional 1948. Ley de defensa
permanente de la democracia.
--1956 conformación del FRAP.
--J. Garrillodo y C. Guerrero. Historia de la reforma
agraria en Chile.
--Jose Del Pozo. Rebeldes, reformistas y
revolucionario. 1968.
--Patricio Meller. Los dos gobiernos previos a la
Unidad Popular. 1950.
--Documentos claves de la izquierda chilena,
Programa Unidad Popular. 1969-1973.
--El Moviemiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria a los
obreros. 1970.
--Patricio Meller. La situación macroeconómica
durante la unidad popular. 1970.
--Salvador Allende. Nacionalizar el Cobre. 1970.
--Salvador Allende. Discurso vía chilena al
socialismo. 1971.
--Salvador Allende Gossens. Ultimo discurso.
-- Acta de constitución de la junta de gobierno.
--Patricio Meller. Causas del golpe militar. 1973.
--1973 Razones del pronunciamiento militar.
--Edward Korry. Los Estados Unidos en Chile y Chile
en los Estados Unidos. 1970.
--M. Eugenia Rojas. La represión política en Chile.
--Historia de la Doctrina de la Seguridad Nacional.
--Patricio Meller. El modelo económico de la
dictadura military. 1975.
Institute for Study Abroad® • 1100 W. 42nd St., Suite 305 • Indianapolis, IN 46208 • 800-858-0229 • Fax: 317-940-9704 • www.ifsa-butler.org
Crisis of the model and political crisis
Popular protests and new social movements:
students, women and low income people.
The opposition, its organizations and proposals
for the end of the dictatorship.
Social movements and cultural resistance.
The triumph of the “NO”.
-- Algunos acontecimientos y dinámicas de la
historia reciente.
--Paul Drake. El movimiento obrero en Chile: de la
Unidad Popular a la Concertación. 2003.
--Manuel Delano y Hugo Traslaviña. La herencia
de los “Chicago´s boys”. 1989.
The Political Transition. Pacts and social
The battle for memory.
Governments of the Concertación: protected
citizens and citizen security.
Neoliberalism in Chile: market and subjectivity.
Between fear and consumption.
Return to the political right and social
The struggle for education, defense of the
environment and perspectives on the solution
to the “Mapuche problem”.
The balance between culture, state and citizens
in present day Chile.
--Pedro Rosas. 2000 Pinochet y su fortuna.
--Carta enviada a El Mercurio por un grupo de
historiadores. 2000.
--Pedro Rosas. Young and armed rebels. A look at
the identity and memory militant during the
transition in Chile. 1990-2004.
--Mapa judicial de Pinochet. 2006.
--Rodrigo Pizarro. Educación para ricos y para
pobres. 2003.
--Patricio Lagos. Sobre algunas formas de
construcción de movimiento estudiantil en la
década de los 90. 2006.
--Gómez . Protestas pingüinos. 2006.
--Pedro Rosas. De Pueblo convocado a ciudadano
--Pedro Rosas. Ciudadanía, subjetividad y dessubjetivación en la transición neoliberal.
--Pedro Rosas. Los silencios de la transición.
Resignificación del pasado y memoria social en la
construcción de la historia (oficial) reciente.
--Web articles about the conflicts.
--Final Group Discussion.
--Instructions for final essay.
Institute for Study Abroad® • 1100 W. 42nd St., Suite 305 • Indianapolis, IN 46208 • 800-858-0229 • Fax: 317-940-9704 • www.ifsa-butler.org
Module: Environment
Presentation of the Module
Principle Geographic and Physical Characteristics
of Chile
Geographical Location:
Advantages and disadvantages of Chile’s situation.
Basic elements to understand Chile’s
geomorphologic compression.
Chile’s climate and biodiversity.
Geographic-Human Characteristics of Chile
Structure and evolution of the Chilean population.
The diversity and complexity of population
Urban Chile and Rural Chile: the metropolitan
Some contemporary problems: spatial
segregation, real estate development and
Development Model and the Environment
Environmental problems and legislation.
Economic development and Environment.
Some emblematic sectors: Mining, Forestry,
Fishing, Energy and Tourism.
--Instituto Geográfico Militar. Colección Geografía de
Chile: Tomo Geomorfología, Geografía de los Climas,
--Instituto Geográfico Militar. Colección Geografía de
Chile: Tomo Geografía de los Climas. 1985.
--Comisión Nacional del Medio Ambiente. Biodiversidad
de Chile: Patrimonio y Desafíos. 2008.
--Selección de artículos para estudio de casos.
--Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas. Demografía histórica
de Chile.
--Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas. Revisión de
principales aspectos demográficos del país en base a
estadísticas disponibles.
--Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas. Revisión de
principales aspectos demográficos del país en base a
estadísticas disponibles .
--Selección de artículos para estudio de casos.
--E. Aliste. Medio Ambiente y Sociedad: Conceptos,
Metodologías y Experiencias desde las Ciencias Sociales y
Humanas. Editorial Universitaria. 2010.
--Selección de artículos para estudio de casos.
--Análisis de estadísticas: producción y medo ambiente.
(Banco Central, INE, ONGs).
Field Trip 1: Types of urban development and the --Tour through the Parque Metropolitano in Santiago to
observe the differences in urban development in
Visit to an urban park, to see urban marginality and different parts of the city.
the privileged areas in Santiago.
Environmental Conflicts I:
A look at current conflicts:
Mining and Andean towns in the Pascua Lama
HydroAysen: between protection and growth.
Punta Choros and Ventanas: Energy, mining and
social conflict.
Forestry and energy development and the
Mapuche People.
--V. Toledo. Pueblo Mapuche, Derechos Colectivos y
Territorio. Chile Sustentable.
--P. Mariman, et. al. Escucha Winka. LOM Ediciones. 2006.
--N. Yáñez y R. Molina. La gran minería y los derechos
indígenas en el norte de Chile. LOM Ediciones. 2008.
--Videos: Marrichiwew /Newen Mapu /Apaga y Vámonos.
Environmental Conflicts II: Local Communities
Urban development and citizens movements
Preparation for field trip.
- Hand out observation outline
- Route and places to be visited
- Instructions about the activity
--J. Durston. Comunidades Campesinas, Agencias Públicas
y Clientelismos Políticos en Chile. LOM Ediciones. 2005.
Institute for Study Abroad® • 1100 W. 42nd St., Suite 305 • Indianapolis, IN 46208 • 800-858-0229 • Fax: 317-940-9704 • www.ifsa-butler.org
Field Trip 2
Tour through Metropolitan and 5th Regions: Tiltil,
Los Andes, El Melón, etc.
Close of module. Hand out instructions for final
Receive field trip questionnaire.
Review and synthesis of environmental situation in
Module: Literature
Philosophy of history and social realism in the
novel of Baldomero Lillo and Gonzálex Vera.
High culture and popular culture in shaping the
national subject Mistral.
Changes in the urban popular imagination. Carlos
--Baldomero Lillo. El Chiflón del Diablo. En Subterra. Ed.
Andrés Bello. 1984.
--Vera González y José Santos. Vidas Mínimas. Editorial
LOM. 1996.
--Película. Marcelo Ferrari. Subterra. 2008.
--Gabriela Mistral. Antología en Verso y Prosa. Editorial
--Película.TVN. Gabriela Mistral. 2010.
--Carlos Droguett. Fabula del Medio Pollo, En Patas de Perro.
Editorial Seix Barral. 1979.
Rise and fall of imaginary emancipation and the
advent of the dictatorship, Isabel Allende, La Casa
de los Espíritus.
The drama of transition and rhetoric of torture in la
Muerte y la doncella de Ariel Dorfman.
--Isabel Allende. La Casa de los Espíritus. Rustica de Bolsillo.
--Película. Bille August. La Casa de los Espíritus. 1993.
--Ariel Dorfman. La Muerte y la Doncella. LOM. 1997.
--Película. Roman Polanski. La Muerte y la Doncella. 1994.
Metaphors of the society of spectacle and chronic
melancholy of Pedro Lemebel.
--Pedro Lemebel. Loco Afán. Crónicas de Sidario. LOM.
--De Perlas y Cicatrices. LOM. 1999.
--Película. Verónica Quense. Documental Pedro Lemebel
Corazón en Fuga. 2009.
Grammar of shock and love for the sensor in
Diamela Eltit.
Synthesis of the literature section
Conversation with Prof. P. Rosas
--Diamela Eltit. Lumpérica (Selección). Ed. Sudamericana.
--Mano de Obra (Selección). Editorial Sudamericana. 2009.
Institute for Study Abroad® • 1100 W. 42nd St., Suite 305 • Indianapolis, IN 46208 • 800-858-0229 • Fax: 317-940-9704 • www.ifsa-butler.org
Module: Human Rights
Construction of the Republic and Human Rights
(1891-1930). Historic human rights problems in
Structural Discrimination
Social processes in Latin America and its response:
development of the National Security Doctrine.
--Pedro Nikken. El concepto de Derechos Humanos.
Lecture: the democratic break in Chile and Human
Rights violations. Individual and organizational
reactions to the protection and defense of human
Lecture: Human Rights and the transition to
democracy. 1989 and the mooring of the
authoritarian system. Challenges for the
democratic governments. New themes relating to
Human Rights.
Lecture: Gender, Youth, Human Rights, new social
movements and discrimination in postdictatorship Chile
Invited lecturer
Indigenous people and Human Rights. The
concept of the minority. Collective rights. Mapuche
people: historical antecedents and the vision of the
actors (Mapuches, government, state). Human
rights as a response to the Mapuche issue:
economic, cultural and political rights.
--Manuel Carretón, Eric Hershberg, et al. La caja de
--Edgar Velasquez. Doctrina de Seguridad Nacional.
--Raul Rettig. Informe de la tortura en Chile.
--Género y derechos humanos en Chile.
--Investigador invitado. Problemas y políticas de género,
discriminación, juventud y control social.
--Sergio Villalobos. Araucanía: Errores Ancestrales.
--Claudio Nash. El conflicto mapuche.
Institute for Study Abroad® • 1100 W. 42nd St., Suite 305 • Indianapolis, IN 46208 • 800-858-0229 • Fax: 317-940-9704 • www.ifsa-butler.org