
Here we are again at another turning point in my life and career. This has been
an exciting and fulfilling process of attaining
acknowledge, artistic creation and, as well as,
self-discovery. Undoubtedly, all this could not
have been possible to achieve without the invaluable help of many people. Most of them who collaborated to get this enterprise come to an end are
formally mentioned at the end of each chapter.
However, this is of course not enough.
First of all, I would like to express my
gratitude to all my promotors and supervisors
(in Groningen and San Luis), who supported me,
guided my projects and respected my ideas from
the very beginning. I especially want to thank
Paul and Daniel for believing in my “crazy computational” approaches, giving me the time and
place to carry them out, and always making sure
that I stay busy no matter what. Also, I thank Uli
and Siewert-Jan because without their guidance
and continuous support none of this would have
been possible. Your long hours and dedication are
greatly appreciated.
The whole staff of the Molecular
Neurobiology group has, somehow and at the
right time, given its contribution which is also
valid for the entire Department of Animal
Physiology. Secretaries, technicians, Master students, PhD students and Professors must know
that I am fully grateful for your help. Moreover,
it’s very gratifying to realize that my cultural and
scientific background has been substantially enlarged by working with such a nice group of people. Thank you to the entire department.
Special thanks to Ivi, Niki and Pieter for
the great time at work and also for the unforgettable “Nirvana, Salsa, Merengue” moments.
I want to give a big thank you to Paulien
for those great moments that we shared from the
very beginning.
I would also like to express my gratitude to the people who warmly welcomed me in
Hungary. I really appreciate the support that the
groups of Prof. Penke and Prof. Viskolcz have offered me during my stay in Szeged. Also, I am
very grateful to Csaba who did not only guide me
in my first steps into peptide synthesis, but also
received me as a member of his family.
My deepest appreciation to Prof.
Csizmadia, aka IGC. You have been not only my
mentor, but also a source of inspiration.
During my first visit to Szeged I was
very lucky to meet a formidable person, Mr. Izsák,
who soon became one of my dearest friends since
then. Robi, I don’t know if I would be able to show
my appreciation by writing or saying these simple
words. However, if something is sure it’s that your
scientific, artistic, and personal inputs are invaluable to me. Köszönöm szépen!
I would like to extend my sincere appreciation and thanks to the always active community of dancers and dance-related people of
Groningen who contributed to the success and
failure of my inner and outer artistic being. I
can’t avoid the need of expressing my most sincere gratitude to Random Collision, especially
155 acknowledgements
to Kirsten and Edan. Thank you guys. From this
tiny, but yet rich dance world, I want to especially
thank to Helena, aka Ms. Volkov. More than expressing my gratitude I should apologize for using, and sometimes abusing Ms. Volkov’s intellectual, physical, and spiritual beauty as an infinite
source of inspiration. I deeply appreciate your
presence in my life.
Jose, Jacek, Vincent, Wojtek, Anthony,
Tomek, Caroline and Glenn are the people who
created a fun and very enjoyable ambience not
only in Groningen but also in every city of Europe
where we have expended some time together.
Thanks guys!
En cuanto a la gente que deje en
Argentina, lo mínimo que puedo hacer es agradecerles toda la ayuda prestada desde mis primeros pasos en investigación en el gropu de Modelado
Molecular hasta mis primeras experiencias docente en la cátedra de Química General. Así es
que quiero agradecer a todos mis colegas de la
UNSL. Especialmente quiero agradecer a Miguel,
Ana y Sebastián. La verdad es que sin Uds. todo
esto habría sido imposible de realizar.
Por allí en Mendoza, Dora, Mabel, Edith
y Miguel son y siempre lo fueron mi primera y
principal plataforma de despegue. Sin Uds. yo hoy
no estaría escribiendo estas palabras. Gracias por
Gerardo, Vero y Alma. Les agradezco
infinitamente por todo el amor y cariño dado. Por
cuidar a Thorio, por haberme convertido en el tío
más feliz del mundo y sobre todo por ser mi plat-
156 aforma de aterrizaje cuando el volar se me hace
pesado. Miles de gracias por estar siempre ahí.
Mamá, vos sos la fuerza hecha mujer,
tantas cosas que has tenido que hacer por mí, te
estoy infinitamente agradecido. Si algo aprendí de
vos y el Papá es que debo luchar y trabajar duro
por lo que quiera hacer de mi vida, por mis sueños. Y acá estoy terminando otra etapa en mi vida
gracias a vos. Esta tesis también va dedicada a vos.
Claro está que no puedo dejar de agradecer a todos los Argentos que han hecho de
Groningen una “klein Argentinië”. Euge, Maxi,
Juan, Casper (por adopción) y Marina son mi cable a tierra, o mejor dicho el cable a mi tierra. En
cuanto a Marina, que te puedo decir?!, sos lo más
piba. No sé como agradecerte todo lo que me has
ayudado y bancado desde que estoy en Holanda.
Desde la bici de la prehistoria que me prestante
cuando vine por primera vez, los mates compartidos, las tardes de gym, los asados y hasta las
noches en vela por tus (benditos) experimentos.
La verdad es un gustazo haberte conocido.
Ik wil graag mijn dank uitspreken aan
Maarten en zijn familie (de hele Wieringa en
Zijlstra families), die al snel mijn Nederlandse
familie zijn geworden. Jullie hebben een extra
gezellig Groningen voor me gecreëerd. Hartelijk
bedankt voor jullie steun.
Finally, because it’s nearly impossible
to mention here everyone who has in one way
or another helped me during my PhD adventure, I give you my most sincere thank y’all! ■