St ta Implem en ls a l t e hy S H f o c h n oo o i t gy rate Objective: To contribute to the development of the health potential of children through comprehensive training, using the school as a strategic context to promote a culture of health and from there spread their effects to the entire community. Components • Quality of education and health education with a comprehensive approach. • Healthy Environments. • Health services, food and school nutrition. • Community Participation. A IC DEL PA RA GUAY DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE PROMOCIÓN DE LA SALUD R EPÚ B L Topic: Health for all and all for health Responsible: Directorate of Public Policy and Social Determinants Directorate General of Health Promotion Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare Country: Paraguay TESÃI HA TEKO PORÃVE MOTENONDEHA MINISTERIO DE SALUD PÚBLICA Y BIENESTAR SOCIAL TETÃ REKUÁI GOBIERNO NACIONAL Jajapo ñande rape rã ko´ãga guive Construyendo el futuro hoy