08 daniel45ingles - Papeles de Población

Papeles de POBLACIÓN No. 45
Juan Campos Alanís
Master in Regional Studies by the Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales «Dr.
José María Luis Mora» (2001), and currently is studying the Doctorate program
in Geography in the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. He is a fulltime professor in the Faculty of Geography of the Universidad Autónoma del
Estado de México where he develops research subjects related to poverty,
social margination and accessibility to services. Among his most recent
publications are: «Análisis al Programa de Educación, Salud y Alimentación en
el municipio de San Felipe del Progreso, Estado de México», in Papeles de
Población núm. 35, January-March 2003, and recently he finished, in collaboration
with Carlos Garrocho the research Accesibilidad a servicios de salud a
población abierta mayor de 65 años en el área metropolitana de Toluca
(in process of publication). Within the public administration sphere, he worked
for three years in the San Luis Potosí State Government, where he participated
in the modernization of the state development planning system.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Dídimo Castillo Fernández
Sociologist, with a Masters degree in Social Sciences by the Latin American
Faculty of Social Sciences, he also holds a Doctorate in Social Sciences with the
specialization in Population Studies in the Colegio de Mexico. Currently he is
professor-researcher from the Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados
de la Población of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. He coauthored the books: Marginación y pobreza en México (Editorial Ariel),
Reestructuración económica y desarrollo en América Latina, Colección: El
debate latinoamericano actual (UNAM y Siglo XXI Editores) and of
Desigualdades na América Latina. Novas perspectivas analíticas
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil). He is the director of the
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil). He is the director of the
magazine Papeles de Población. Funding member of the Asociación
Latinoamericana de Población, ALAP; ex-member of the Directive Council of
the Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología, ALAS. Currently he is member
of the Directive Council of the Sociedad Mexicana de Demografía, Somede.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Carlos Garrocho Rangel
Master in Urban Development by El Colegio de Mexico 81987) and Doctor in
Social Geography by the Exeter University (England, 1992). He has done
specialized studies in the Geography Department of the University of Glasgow
(Scotland, 1997) and in the AOTS, Tokyo, Japan (2002). He is a professorresearcher of the El Colegio Mexiquense since 1986 and member of the National
Research System (National research level I) since 1992. From 1997 to 2003 he
worked as a secretary of Development Planning of the San Luis Potosí
Governemt. His research lines are the use and spatial planning of private and
public services, the design of dynamic information systems by Internet and the
design and evaluation of public policies (including the installation of quality
systems in the public administration). Among his most recent publications are:
«La teoría de interacción espacial como síntesis de las teorías de localización de
actividades comerciales y de servicios», in Economía, Sociedad y Territorio,
July-December, 2004; «Localización, localización, localización: el manejo del
espacio en la competencia entre centros comerciales», Estudios Demográficos
y Urbanos, (in press); La dimensión espacial de la competencia comercial,
El Colegio Mexiquense, 2003 (en colaboración con Tania Chávez y José A.
Álvarez); San Luis Potosí: visión 2025, Universidad Politécnica de San Luís
Potosí, (coordinador en colaboración con Antonio Loyola), 2005; and Once
cuentos de amor y desamor (para aprender técnicas de calidad total), El
Colegio Mexiquense-Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, (in
collaboration with Francisco Segura and Roberto Ruiz), 2005. Recently he
finished the research Accesibilidad a servicios de salud a población abierta
mayor de 65 años en el área metropolitana de Toluca (which is in process
of publication).
E-mail address: [email protected]
july/september 2005
Papeles de POBLACIÓN No. 45
Cecilia Gayet
She is a professor-researcher of the Latin American Facutly of Social Sciences
(FLACSO) Campus Mexico and Coordinator of Surveys of the Centro Nacional
para el Control y Prevención del VIH/SIDA (Censida) of the Ministry of Health.
Graduate from the Doctorate in Population Studies of El Colegio de Mexico, MA
in Demography by El Colegio de Mexico and MA in Social Sciences by FlacsoMexico. Currently she is the director and main researcher of the Project: «Site:
Mexico. HIV Prevalence and Sexual Behavior in High-Risk Populations: Male
and Female Sex Workers, Men who have Sex with Men, Mobile Population/
Long Distance Truck Drivers, IDUs, Youth», of Flacso, Censida and Family
Health International. She is member of the researchers’ body in medical
sciences of the Health Ministry. Among her most recent publications are
«Migration and AIDS in Mexico: An Overview Based on Recent Evidence», in
JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 37 Supplement
4, 2004, co-authoring with C. Magis and other authors; «A New Approach HIV/
AIDS Surveillance: the Mexican Experience», in Collection of Free Papers
from XV International AIDS Conference, Medimond International Proceedings,
2004, coauthoring with C. Magis and other authors; and «Las fronteras del
riesgo», chapter of the book Fernando Lozano (coord), El amanecer del siglo
y la población mexicana, UNAM-CRIM; México, Somede, 2004.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Fátima Juárez
Professor-researcher of the Centro de Estudios Demográficos y de Desarrollo
Ambiental (CEDUA) of El Colegio de México. Ph. D. in Demography by the
London University. She has occupied positions in international organisms, such
as the director of health projects and policies in the United Nations, New York,
and she has worked in European research centres, developing researches on
sexual and reproductive health, in particular, of that of the adolescents. Similarly,
she is the director of the International Scientific Committee of the International
Union for the Scientific Study of population (IUSSP) on adolescents and their
passing to the adult life. She is member of the National Research System.
Among her recent publications are: «Young, unmarried men and sex: do friends
and partners shape risk behaviour?», in Culture, Health and Sexuality, vol. 6,
Núm. 5, Septiembre-Octubre, 2004, coauthoring with C. Marston y Cecilia
Gayet; «Adolescent reproductive health in Latin America among low-income
groups», in Poverty, Fertility and Family Planning (Pauvrete, Fecondite et
Planification Familiale), Ed. Éric Vilquin, CICRED, París, 2004; «Uso del
condón entre adolescentes mexicanos para la prevención de las infecciones de
transmisión sexual», en Salud Pública de México, Vol. 45, Suplemento 5, 2004,
co-authoring with C. Gayet y otros autores; «Safe sex in early adolescence:
Factors influencing boy’s age at first intercourse and condom use in the
shantytowns of Recife (Brazil)», Studies in Family Planning (2005).
E-mail address: [email protected]
Hernán Manzelli
BA and professor of sociology of the Buenos Aires University. Magister of the
Master in Social Sciences and Health, Flacso/Cedes. Assistant researcher in
the Centro de Estudios de Población and teacher in the Sociology Degree of the
Univertity of Buenos Aires. Recently he has published co-authoring with
Pecheny, M and Jones, D. «Experiences of stigma in people living with HIV/
AIDS and/or Hepatitis C in Argentina», in Toro-Alfonso J. y Varas-Díaz N.,
International Perspectives on AIDS Stigma, Puerto Rico, in press prensa,
2005, «Como un juego: la coerción sexual vista por varones adolescentes», in E.
A. Pantelides and E. López, Varones latinoamericanos. Estudios sobre
sexualidad y reproducción, Buenos Aires, Paidós, 2005.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Daniel Nehring
Candidate to Ph. D. in Sociology by the University of Essex, United Kingdom,
MSc in Methods of Sociological Research by the University of Essex (2003) and
BSc in Sociology by the University of Essex (2002). He had a residence as
visiting researcher in El Colegio de Mexico from November 2004 to October
2005 and in the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología
Social from September 2004 to June 2005. Research subjects: cultural
constructions of couple relations among young academics and professionals in
Mexico City (project financed by the Economic and Social Research Council
(ESRC) of the United Kingdom and the University of Essex).
E-mail address: [email protected]
july/september 2005
Papeles de POBLACIÓN No. 45
Edith Alejandra Pantelides
BSc in Sociology by the University of Buenos Aires and Ph.D in Sociology
(demography) by the University of Texas (Austin). Specialized in demography
in the Centro Latinoamericano de Demografía (Celade) and in the University of
Princeton (US). Titular researcher of the Centro de Estudios de Población/
Cenep and independent researcher of the Conicet. This year she has published
La medición de un concepto. reflexiones a partir de una investigación
sobre coerción sexual, in Álvarez Vázquez, L. and Rodríguez, A. (collectors),
La investigación en salud sexual y reproductiva. Propuestas metodológicas
y experiencias prácticas, and co-authoring with E. López «Introducción», in
Varones latinoamericanos. Estudios sobre sexualidad y reproducción.
Buenos Aires, Paidós.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Virgilio Partida Bush
Actuary by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and MSc in
demography by El Colegio de México. He was a researcher in the Centro de
Estudios Demográficos y de Desarrollo Urbano of El Colegio de México and
currently he is the general director of Sociodemographic Studies and Prsopective
from Conapo. He is a professor in the Faculty of Sciences of UNAM and El
Colegio de Mexico, among others. Honor Professor of the Interamerican Centre
of Social Security Studies. Author of 16 books, among them; Migración
interna. INEGI, El Colegio de México and IISUNAM, 1994; La tabla de vida
activa. El Colegio de México, 1996; and Índices de desarrollo social en las
etapas del curso de vida 2000. Consejo Nacional de Población, México, 2003
(with Ricardo Aparicio); as well of more than 100 articles in specialized
magazines and books chapters. He is a funding member of the Mexican Society
of Demography, of which he has been president and vice-president. He is also
a member of the National Research System.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Leticia Robles Silva
Pd. D. in Social Sciences by th eUniversity of Guadalajara-CIESAS Occidente.
She is a professor-researcher in the Unversity of Guadalajara. Recent publications:
Robles L. (2003), «Doble o triple jornada: el cuidado a los enfermos crónicos»,
in Estudios del Hombre; 17, Robles L. (2003), «Algunas falacias sobre la vejez:
una reflexión desde el cuidado», in Travesaño año 2000. Temas de población.
12, Robles L. (2004), «El cuidado en el hogar a los enfermos crónicos: un sistema
de autoatención», in Cadernos de Saúde Pública; 20(2).
E-mail address: [email protected]
Ana Luz Torres Martínez
B. Sc. In Economy by the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC)
and MSc in Demography by El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. Currently she is
studying the Doctorate in Economic Sciences of the Autonomous University of
Baja California.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Eunice Danitza Vargas Valle
B.Sc. in History by the Autonomous University of Baja California and M.Sc. in
Demography by El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. Currently she is studying the
doctorate in Sociology with specialty in demography in the University of Texas,
E-mail address: [email protected]
Fortino Vela Peón
Economist and demographer. Currently he Works as a professor-researcher of
the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco (UAM-X), in the Economic
Production Department. His research lines are in the application of quantitative
methods to Demography and in development and research subjects. His most
recent publications are: «Un acto metodológico básico de la investigación social:
la entrevista cualitativa», in María Luisa Tarrés (coord.) Observar, escuchar
y comprender sobre la tradición cualitativa en la Investigación social,
Miguel Ángel Porrúa, 2004; «La productividad por edad en México: un enfoque
económico-demográfico», en Margarita Fernández y Magdalena Saleme (comp.),
Dimensión social y humana del crecimiento económico, UAM, 2004. In
collaboration with Dídimo Castillo Fernández, «Puebla: situación demográfica y
condiciones de bienestar. Los desafíos para la política social» in Jaime Ornelas
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Papeles de POBLACIÓN No. 45
(coord.) Visión de Puebla, Colección Pensamiento Histórico, BUAP, 2004.
He has lectured in the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (Mexico), El
Colegio de México, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte and in the UAM-X.
Similarly, he has participated in academia events and projects at national and
international levels.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Carlos Welti Chanes
He is an economist, sociologist and demographer by the University of Chicago.
He is a titular researcher of the Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales de la
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). He is member of the
National Research System since it was funded. He has been president of the
Mexican Society of Demography, general coordinator of the Population
Activities Latin American Program and vice-rector of Research and Postgraduate
Studies of the University of Puebla. He is a professor of quantitative analysis
of the postgraduate program in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of
the UNAM. He is a member of the Administration Council of the Mexican
Association of Family Planning (Mexfam) and heads its technical committee.
He has published a large number of works on fecundity. In one of his most
recent works he analyzes the information from the 2003 National Reproductive
Health Survey, where he shows the possible overestimation of the fecundity
descent in Mexico during the last years.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Elmyra Ybáñez Zepeda
She is a professor-researcher of El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Ph. D. in
Population Studies of El Colegio de México and MSc in Demography of the
same institution. Among her research subjects are the population projections
and demographic aging. She has participated in different research projects
related to aging and health in Mexico and currently she is coordinating a project
along with Steven Wallace from UCLA called «Relaciones transfronterizas y
atención a la salud en Tijuana».
E-mail address: [email protected]