January 2016 - Montgomery County Public Schools

S. Christa McAuliffe Elementary School
Principal’s Newsletter
Susie Prin, Principal Intern
Volume 5, No.4
January 2016
Our Vision: A community school where parents and staff work together as partners for the
development of the whole child.
Our Mission: A partnership of parents and staff preparing our children for the future.
We Are McAuliffe. Embracing Equity, Diversity, and Excellence.
Happy New Year and welcome back to school! I hope you all had a restful and wonderful winter
break with your families. I am honored to serve as the principal intern at S. Christa McAuliffe
Elementary. I have worked closely with Mrs. Coates since July 1, 2015 and consider it a privilege
to have the opportunity to serve the students, staff, and families in this community. Thank you in
advance for your trust in me. I do not take your trust lightly. My goals are to continue to focus
on building relationships that promote partnerships with you in order to create positive learning
environments that include challenging learning experiences for students at McAuliffe Elementary.
While I am serving as the principal intern, Mrs. Coates will be the visiting principal at Neelsville
Middle School in Germantown. Mrs. Coates will return to McAuliffe on February 22, 2016. Mr.
Sweeney, principal of Rosemont Elementary School, will be our visiting principal during this same
Winter has arrived. Please help your child to make good clothing choices for the weather. Layers
are an excellent choice as the heat in our building can vary from room to room and the outside
temperatures have varied recently, as well. When the outside temperature is 32° or above (with
wind chill), we will have outdoor play at recess. Exercise and fresh air are important to engaged
learning. If your child comes home without his/her sweater, jacket, gloves, or hat, remind him/her
to check our lost and found items in the all purpose room.
The staff at McAuliffe would like to wish you and your families a very happy and healthy 2016!
If you have any questions, please contact the school office at 301-353-0910 or me at
[email protected] . I look forward to seeing you soon.
Academic Winter Assessments
Student in Montgomery County Public Schools are administered assessments throughout the
school year in order to monitor progress and inform instructional decisions related to their learning.
During the month of January and into the first week of February, students in kindergarten through
grade 2 will participate in mClass testing, which is used as way to monitor progress and determine
a student’s instructional reading level in text reading and comprehension. Our third grade through
fifth grader students will take the Measures of Academic Progress – Reading assessment sometime
during the month of January or February. This is a computerized adaptive assessment that provides
information about the progress your child is making in reading and his or her relative strengths
and possible needs in literature, informational text, and vocabulary acquisition and use. Reading
levels, once determined through the testing, are reported on report cards and teachers in grades 35 inform parents of their child’s performance on the MAP-R.
Students in kindergarten through fifth grade will also be participating in the computer based
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) test in the area of mathematics sometime during the month
of January or February. Students in kindergarten through second grade will take the mathematics
test which is called, MAP-Primary. Students in grades 3 through 5 will take the MAP-Mathematics
test. The MAP-P and MAP-M tests are computerized adaptive tests that provide information about
the progress your child is making in mathematics as well as relative strengths and areas of possible
need in the areas of Operations & Algebraic Thinking, Number & Operations, Measurement &
Data, and Geometry.
Our English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) students will take an additional test that
measures English Language Proficiency sometime between January and mid-February.
There are also many informal assessments our teachers use on a day to day, week to week, or
month to month basis to further assess reading and math skills. Please contact your child’s teacher
if you have questions about what your child knows is able to do within all subject areas.
PARCC testing will occur between May 9, 2016 and June 3, 2016. We will send home much more
information as the times closer. We will provide you with exact dates and grade level testing days.
End of Second Quarter
The second quarter marking period ends on Friday, January 22, 2016. Report cards will be
distributed Wednesday, February 3, 2016.
Celebrate McAuliffe
This month’s Celebrate McAuliffe event will occur on Friday, January 29, 2016 at 9:15 a.m.
Parents are welcome to attend this celebration.
Changing the Way Your Child Arrives or Goes Home from School
If there has been a change in the way your child comes to school or gets home from school, please
let the office know in writing of this change. Students are sent home using the daily routine
communicated with the school at the beginning of the school year, unless you have provided an
update. Play dates should be prearranged in advance of the school day. If there will be a variation
in your child’s dismissal routine (e.g. change in after-school care/activity or play-date with another
child), your child must have a note addressed to the teacher explaining this particular change. A
student who is going with another student on a different bus, cannot ride the bus unless he/she has
a written note from his/her parent. If you forgot to send a note in the morning, you can call the
main office to (301) 353-0910 prior to 3:00 p.m.
Operating Budget for the Year 2017 – A Call to Fund our Future
Interim Superintendent Larry Bowers submitted a $2.4 billion recommended operating budget for
Fiscal Year 2017 to the Board of Education on December 8. Mr. Bowers’ operating budget
recommendation includes investments to improve student literacy and math skills; build the
cultural proficiency of staff; foster stronger partnerships with the community and our families to
support students; and better organize the district to ensure every student is prepared for college
and careers.
There are a variety of ways that you can learn more about the MCPS budget and become involved
in the budget process this year, including the new Budget 101 website; Neighbor to Neighbor
small-group discussions; Parent Academy workshops; and an overview of the budget and other
documents available on the MCPS budget webpage.
Visit the budget webpage at
www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/budget/ to read more about these resources and
how to make your voice heard.
Don’t miss the chance to share your ideas and views on the proposed budget at two upcoming
public hearings: the first is Thursday, January 7; the second is Thursday, January 14. Both hearings
will be held at 7 p.m. in the auditorium of the Carver Educational Services Center. Starting
December 14 at 9:00 a.m., individuals may call the Board of Education office at 301-279-3617 to
sign up to testify at the public hearings.
El Presupuesto Operativo para el Año Fiscal 2017—Un Llamamiento a Financiar Nuestro
El Superintendente Interino Larry Bowers presentó el 8 de diciembre al Consejo de Educación un
presupuesto operativo recomendado de $2.4 mil millones para el Año Fiscal 2017. La
recomendación del Sr. Bowers para el presupuesto operativo incluye inversiones para mejorar las
destrezas de alfabetización y matemáticas de los estudiantes; aumentar la competencia cultural del
personal, fomentar colaboraciones más sólidas con la comunidad y nuestras familias para apoyar
a los estudiantes; y, organizar mejor el distrito escolar para asegurar que todos los estudiantes estén
preparados para la universidad y para carreras.
Hay varias formas en que usted puede conocer más sobre el presupuesto de MCPS y participar en
el proceso presupuestario este año, incluyendo la nueva página de internet Presupuesto 101;
conversaciones en grupos pequeños de Vecino a Vecino; talleres de la Academia para Padres; y,
un resumen general del presupuesto y otros documentos disponibles en la página de Internet del
Presupuesto de MCPS. Visite la página de Internet del presupuesto en
www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/budget/ para leer más sobre estos recursos y sobre
cómo hacer oír su voz.
No se pierda la oportunidad de compartir sus ideas y opiniones sobre la propuesta presupuestaria
durante dos audiencias públicas que se llevarán a cabo próximamente: la primera es el jueves, 7
de enero, la segunda es el jueves, 14 de enero. Ambas audiencias serán a las 7:00 p.m., en el
auditorio de Carver Educational Services Center. A partir del 14 de diciembre, a las 9:00 a.m., las
personas que deseen testificar durante las audiencias públicas pueden llamar a la oficina del
Consejo de Educación, teléfono 301-279-3617, para inscribirse.
Budget 101: The Budgeting Process Explained
MCPS has launched a new online resource to help the community better understand how the
district builds its operating budget and funds its schools. The new Budget 101 site was created to
answer many of the questions that parents, students, staff and community members have asked
about the MCPS operating budget. The site will show you where the district’s funding comes from,
how it’s spent, and how our schools are staffed to ensure we are meeting the needs of every student.
Visit www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/budget-101/index.html to check out this new resource.
Presupuesto 101: El Proceso Presupuestario Explicado
MCPS ha lanzado un nuevo recurso en línea para ayudar a la comunidad a entender mejor cómo
el distrito escolar arma su presupuesto operativo y financia sus escuelas. El nuevo sitio de
Presupuesto 101 fue creado para responder a muchas de las preguntas que los padres, los
estudiantes, el personal, y los miembros de la comunidad han planteado sobre el Presupuesto
Operativo de MCPS. Este sitio le mostrará de dónde provienen los fondos del distrito escolar,
como se gastan, y cómo se provee el personal a las escuelas para asegurarnos de estar
para probar este nuevo
Neighbor to Neighbor (English and Spanish)
Neighbor to Neighbor gives members of the MCPS community the opportunity to participate in
small-group discussions about the MCPS budget. Everyone is invited to host a Neighbor to
Neighbor discussion. It can take place during a PTA meeting, a brown bag lunch at a local business
or nonprofit, or in the home of a friend or family member. The Neighbor to Neighbor web-based
tool includes everything you need to have a self-guided discussion about the budget and submit
your feedback to the Board of Education and the interim superintendent. Visit
www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/info/neighbor-to-neighbor/ and get started today!
Vecino a Vecino Brinda a los miembros de la comunidad de MCPS la oportunidad de participar
en conversaciones en grupos pequeños sobre el presupuesto de MCPS. Todos están invitados a
organizar una charla de Vecino a Vecino. Puede tener lugar durante una reunión de la Asociación
de Padres y Maestros (Parent-Teacher Association‒PTA), en un negocio u organización sin fines
de lucro donde todos lleven su propio almuerzo, o en la casa de un amigo o pariente. La
herramienta de Vecino a Vecino con base en Internet incluye todo lo que usted necesita para tener
una conversación auto guiada sobre el presupuesto y presentar sus comentarios/sugerencias
www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/info/neighbor-to-neighbor/ para empezar hoy mismo!
2016-2017 School Year Calendar
The Montgomery County Board of Education has approved the calendar for the 2016–2017 school
year. School will begin on Monday, August 29, 2016, and is scheduled to end on Friday, June 16,
2017. The calendar was developed in partnership with the Montgomery County Council of PTAs,
the school district’s three employee associations, and the Montgomery County Region of Maryland
Association of Student Councils, as well as other community members and school system
www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/calendar and will soon be available in seven languages—
Amharic, Chinese, English, French, Korean, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
Calendario Escolar 2016-2017
El Consejo de Educación del Condado de Montgomery ha aprobado el calendario para el ciclo
escolar 2016-2017. Las clases comenzarán el lunes, 29 de agosto, 2016, y están programadas a
finalizar el viernes, 16 de junio, 2017. El calendario fue desarrollado en colaboración con
Montgomery County Council of PTAs, las tres asociaciones de empleados del distrito escolar, y
Montgomery County Region of Maryland Association of Student Councils, además de otros
miembros de la comunidad y el liderazgo del sistema escolar. El calendario se puede encontrar en
el sitio de Internet de MCPS (www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/calendar) y pronto estará
disponible en siete idiomas—amárico, chino, inglés, francés, coreano, español, y vietnamita.
Nominate a Parent for Contributions to Education
Do you know a parent who is making a positive impact in MCPS? Now is the time to nominate
him or her for the Maryland Parent Involvement Matters Award, which recognizes parents who
have made significant contributions to a local public school system. The award is sponsored by
the Maryland State Department of Education. Visit
marylandpublicschools.org/MSDE/programs/pima/index.html for more information. The
deadline is January 29, 2016.
Nomine a un Padre/Madre por Sus Contribuciones a la Educación
¿Conoce usted a un padre/madre que está teniendo un impacto positivo en MCPS? Este es el
momento de nominarlo/a para el Premio de Maryland La Participación de los Padres Es Importante
(Maryland Parent Involvement Matters Award‒PIMA), que da reconocimiento a padres de familia
que han brindado contribuciones significativas al sistema escolar público local. El premio está
patrocinado por el Departamento de Educación del Estado de Maryland. Visite
http://marylandpublicschools.org/MSDE/programs/pima/index.html para más información. El
plazo límite es el 29 de enero, 2016.
Ways to Keep Informed about Montgomery County Public Schools
Alert MCPS
Alert MCPS provides information about major changes in school system operations via text
messages delivered to devices you register, such as cell phones, smart phones, and pagers. Signing
up for Alert MCPS is free, but check with your wireless provider about charges associated with
text messages. Messages are provided in English and Spanish. Parents and staff can also sign up
to receive messages for specific MCPS schools. This service would be used for situations that
affect one or a small number of schools, such as a power outage. Sign up at
A Twitter account allows you to follow MCPS updates, including emergency messages, on your
computer, cell phone, or mobile device. Go to http://twitter.com/mcps to follow MCPS or to create
an account.
MCPS Website
Changes in school operations due to weather conditions or other emergencies are posted on the
MCPS website at www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org. Messages are posted in English and Spanish.
Recorded Information Line
To hear a recorded message about changes in school operations in English and Spanish, call 301279-3673.
Emergency messages, news about MCPS, coverage of Board of Education meetings, and more,
are provided on Comcast Cable Ch. 34, Verizon Ch. 36, and RCN Ch. 89. For more info, visit
TV and Radio: Local Stations
Tune in to local TV and radio stations for news about changes in school operations due to
weather conditions or other emergencies.
Dates to Remember
Monday, January 4
Monday, January 18
Friday, January 22
Friday, January 22
Monday, January 25
Tuesday, January 26
Tuesday, January 26
Tuesday, January 26
Wednesday, January 27
Wednesday, February 3
Friday, February 12
Monday, February 15
Friday, February 26
School Resumes – Happy New Year!
Holiday – Schools and Offices Closed
Second Marking Period Ends
PTA Family BINGO & Pancakes (6pm-8pm)
No School – Professional Day for Teachers
Third Marking Period Begins
Third Grade Mad Science
Fifth Grade field trip to Kingsley Center
Fifth Grade field trip to Kinglsey Center
Report Card Distribution
Valentine Parties 2:15 p.m.
Holiday – Schools and Offices Closed
Early Release Day dismissal at 12:55 p.m.
January 5,
Come one, come all! Bring the WHOLE FAMILY
On Friday, January 22, 2016 starting at 6:30 PM, PTA will be hosting
2 Annual Pancakes and Bingo Family Fun Night.
Tickets will be $5 per person in Advance ($6 per person at the door!)
for a delicious Pancake and Sausage dinner and Bingo.
If you would like to help flip some flapjacks, set up/clean-up, or call
please contact Marianna Kasprzak at [email protected] or
A flyer will be coming home in Thursday Folders
so that families may order advanced tickets!
The PTA is looking for Parent Volunteers to help
with Afterschool Spring Clubs. Would you like to
run a club? Do you love to dance? Craft? For more
information, please contact
Kasprzak([email protected]) or
Jennifer Buchet([email protected])
Box Tops for Education
Box Tops donations have come pouring in. Please continue to
send in your Box Tops. We hope to break last year’s total of
$798 raised.
Membership Drive and Volunteers:
If you would like to become a PTA member and have not done
so already, please fill out your membership form and send in
your form and dues in an envelope marked with your student’s
name and “Attention: PTA.” While being a member does not
obligate you to volunteer, we hope you will consider helping
when you can!
If we all do a little, a lot gets done. 
As always, feel free to contact anyone on the PTA board.
Marianna Kasprzak
Jenny Buchet
Vice President
[email protected]
Tammy Hanna
[email protected]
Adam Creuziger