 POWER OF ATTORNEY I(we), ……………………………………………………………………, by the rights I(we) represent in my(our) condition as ……………………………………. and Legal Representative(s) of …………………………………………….............., a company existing under the laws of ………………………………………domiciled at ……………………………………………………………………………………., by means of this instrument, grant this ample and sufficient POWER OF ATTORNEY in favor of: Andrade Veloz & Asociados Cia. Ltda., domiciled in the city of Quito, Ecuador, so that, acting on behalf of the person(s) who grant(s) this power of attorney, they represent him(them) (it) before any entity, authority and/or person, especially before those of an Administrative, Contentious‐Administrative, Judicial or Criminal order and/or of any other order whatsoever, to request, submit, process, renew, request extensions, assignments, transfers, changes of name, changes of domicile, contract celebrations, licenses registration, to submit, answer opposing arguments, administrative motion requesting reversal of decisions, reviews, appeals, and/or judicial complaints against an administrative decision, and/or civil and/or judicial motions, as well as to file, submit, answer legal actions to declare null and void, cancellation; to file, answer administrative tutelages [tutelas administrativas]; to file, answer unfair competition legal actions in any of the varieties of Intellectual Property on behalf of the person(s) who grant(s) this power of attorney, especially of their Copyrights and Related Rights, Invention Patents, Industrial Designs, Utility Models, Certificates of Protection, Integrated Circuits Layout Designs, Undisclosed Information; Trademarks, Commercial Slogans, Commercial Names, Appellations of Origin, Commercial Emblems or Ensigns, Vegetal Varieties Obtainment. The person who is empowered is hereby authorized to exercise the attributions established in the Ecuadorian Code of Civil Procedure’s article 44, particularly to reconcile, settle or commit disputes to arbitrators, to abandon the disputes, to defer harmonious testimony or decisive oath, to answer interrogatories; and to receive the matter which the controversy is about or to take its possession. The person who is empowered may exercise agency for judicial matters, and/or ratify or not ratify the officious agency, substitute or delegate this power of attorney in favor of third parties, as well as revoke such substitutions or delegations. Issued and signed at ………………………………, on the …………………………….. day of ……………………. 200… ______________________ (Signature) PODER ESPECIAL
………………………………………………………,por los derechos que represento(amos) en mi(nuestras) calidad(es) de …………………………………….y Representante(s) Legal(es) de…………………………………………………………………....... ………………………………, una sociedad existente bajo las leyes de………………………………………………………….con domicilio en…………………………………………………………………………………, por el presente instrumento, confiero(conferimos) PODER ESPECIAL amplio y suficiente a favor de: Andrade Veloz & Asociados Cia. Ltda., domiciliada en la ciudad de Quito, Ecuador, para que actuando a nombre del(la) poderdante le(la)represente(n) ante cualquier entidad, autoridad y/o persona, especialmente ante las del orden Administrativo, Contencioso‐Administrativo, Judicial, Penal, y/o de cualquier otra que fuere, para solicitar, presentar, tramitar, renovar, solicitar prórrogas, cesiones, transferencias, cambios de nombre, cambios de domicilio, celebración de contratos, inscripción de licencias, presentar, contestar oposiciones, recursos administrativos de reposición, revisión, apelación, y/o recursos contencioso administrativos, y/o civiles, y/o penales y/o judiciales, así como para interponer, presentar, contestar acciones de nulidad, cancelación; interponer, contestar tutelas administrativas; interponer, contestar acciones de competencia desleal en cualquiera de las modalidades de Propiedad Intelectual a nombre de la (los) mandante(s), especialmente de sus Derechos de Autor y Derechos Conexos, Patentes de Invención, Diseños Industriales, Modelos de Utilidad, Certificados de Protección, Esquemas de Trazados de circuitos semiconductores, Información no Divulgada; Marcas, Lemas Comerciales, Nombres Comerciales, Denominaciones de Origen; Enseñas Comerciales, Obtenciones de Variedades Vegetales. Se faculta al apoderado a ejercer las atribuciones establecidas en el artículo 44 del Código de Procedimiento Civil Ecuatoriano, particularmente para conciliar, transigir, comprometer el pleito a árbitros, desistir del pleito, deferir el juramento decisorio, absolver posiciones; y, recibir la cosa sobre la cual verse el litigio o tomar posesión de ella. El apoderado podrá ejercer procuración judicial, y/o ratificar o no la agencia oficiosa, sustituir o delegar el presente poder a favor de terceros, así como revocar tales sustituciones o delegaciones. Dado y firmado en………………………………, a los………………días de……………………. de 200… ________________________ Firma 