Edinburgh 2016 XIV Symposium Knowledge into Solutions 18th May, 2016 Guideline for the Proceedings of the XIV Symposium of Mexican Students and Studies Edinburgh 2016. First. The size of the document should be A4, regular margins, double spaced paragraph, Times New Roman font size 12 and justified. The file should be standardized with text processing software, such as Microsoft Word. If the document contains formulas, equations or mathematical languages, these should be complete or in the corresponding electronic format. Second. Related to the extension of the articles, these should not exceed 1300 words or 5 pages, including summary, charts, graphics, foot notes and bibliography. Third. In a separate page, the author will indicate his/her name, the way in which he/she would like it to appear in the publication, including, in case they exist, co-authors, university or organization to which the author belongs, institutional email and any other information which could facilitate the localization of the author in case of any query. Fourth. Maximum five key words should be included in the essay as to facilitate its indexing and inclusion on bibliographic databases Fifth. For those essays containing mathematical logic, the summary should clarify the problem the author aims to solve and which mathematical method is applied. The assumptions and conclusions of the analysis should also be expressed with words and not only mathematical symbols. Sixth. Graphics, tables (or charts), figures, maps and photos (if required) should be presented in electronic format, they will be ordered numerically in the order they appear and they should indicate where they should be introduced. They should have title and legend (used abbreviations should be addressed in the text). Every graphical element will be delivered in the exact same way it is received. The name of the software should be mentioned, and it the format should be compatible with the standards used to create such materials (for figures, maps and photos it is suggested to use the extensions .gif, .jpg, tiff and not exported from Word). In the same way, charts and graphics should be selfexplanatory (without having to check the text to understand it), indicate the units and have all the footnotes and the complete corresponding sources. Seventh. If the text includes quotations, these should contain the following characteristics: if they are five lines or less, they will be preceded by colon and inverted commas, if their extension is longer, they Edinburgh 2016 XIV Symposium Knowledge into Solutions 18th May, 2016 will be located in an independent paragraph, with indentation, without inverted commas and single spaced. Eighth. All essays should have a bibliography section that will be presented at the end of the work. It should be ordered alphabetically with the last name of the author in the beginning, or if it is an institution, by its name or title. Bibliography citations should be presented in parenthesis within the text and completed in the bibliography section at the end of the work. In the following lines, examples of proper citation are presented: Reference in the text should be addressed in the following form: the last name of the author, year of publication and the number of the page or pages in parenthesis: (Beltrán, 1960: 103). When the citation contains more than one author, it should include the latin abbreviation et al “and others”: (Quirarte, Coria et al., 2006: 68). In the bibliography section at the end of the work, a completed citation should be added. If two or more works of the same author were edited in the same year, they will be distinguished by letters: a, b, c, etc: (Castañeda, 2013a: 113). The Books should be referenced as follows: a) author or authors should be addressed by last name and first name, b) year of publication in parenthesis, c) in brackets the original year of publication (if available), d) the title of the work in italics, e) volume/tome (if available), f) place, g) editor and h) number of pages: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (2012) [1780], Don Quijote de la Mancha, Madrid, Ibarra, pp. 661. • Chapters should be referenced as follows: a) author or authors will begin by last name followed by first name, b) the publication year in parenthesis, c) the title of the chapter, d) the title of the book in italics, e) place, f) publisher and g) number of pages: Anguiano Roch, Eugenio (2013), “El acuerdo Transpacífico: una visión geopolítica” en Arturo Oropeza Edinburgh 2016 XIV Symposium Knowledge into Solutions 18th May, 2016 García (coord.), El Acuerdo de Asociación Transpacífico ¿bisagra o confrontación entre el Atlántico y el Pacífico?, México, UNAM-IIEc, CEPAL, pp. 23-36. Ivanova, Antonina, y José Antonio Martínez De la Torre (2005), “Desarrollo humano y género en la agenda global”, en: Ivanova, Antonina y Ernesto Rangel (edits.), Globalización y regionalismo, La Paz, UABCS, UCOL, pp. 150-170. Journal articles should be presented as follows: a) author or authors will begin by last name followed by first name, b) the publication year in parenthesis, c) the title of the article in inverted commas (with no underlying), d) the name of the journal in italics, e) volume and number, f) place, g) publisher, h) date and i) number of pages: Medina Ramírez, Salvador (2014), “La relación comercial entre México y la India”, Comercio Exterior, vol. 64, núm. 4, México, BANCOMEXT, julio y agosto, pp. 8-12. Martínez Saavedra, Beatriz, Ishita Banerjee. (2015), “Oscilaciones nacionalistas: del ethos gandhiano al nacionalismo hindú en la trayectoria política de Vallabhbhai Patel”, Estudios de Asia y África, vol. L, núm. 2, México, COLMEX, mayo-agosto, pp. 45-70. • Web sources should be addressed according to the type of publication: book, chapter of a book, journal or newspaper article. The date of the electronic publication will be included and the date in which it was acquired will be included in parenthesis, also the web address or url between <>, preceded by the phrase “available in”: Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas (2014), “El poder de 1,800 millones. Los adolescentes, los jóvenes y la transformación del futuro”, Nueva York, UNFPA, 136 pp. (Consultado el 8 de mayo de 2015), disponible en: El poder de 1,800 millones Ninth. The use of bibliography should be homogeneous throughout the entire work. Tenth. When using an acronym or an abbreviation for the first time, its equivalency should be offered first, followed by the acronym or abbreviation in parenthesis. The acronym should be used later. Eleventh. If a word or phrase is going to be highlighted on the text, the use of italics or underlying the expression is recommended. Bold letters and inverted commas should be avoided Twelfth: The deadline for summiting works will be June 30th 2016.