Contenidos del eForm

Descripción de contenidos del E-FORM
Capítulo “Proyectos de cooperación europea”
*Documento-resumen del formulario online (eForm) de la 2ª convocatoria de este capítulo,
elaborado a título meramente informativo para facilitar la preparación de solicitudes.
Tanto el eForm oficial como la guía de la convocatoria (Guidelines) y los manuales del eForm
(Proposal Submission User Guide) y de la solicitud (Guide for applicants) están disponibles en el
Part A. Identification of the applicant and if applicable other
organisation(s) participating in the project
Datos de las organizaciones, persona de contacto (coordinador) y
representante legal de cada una de las organizaciones participantes.
Este apartado va precedido del listado de organizaciones –donde se
comprobará que se cumple el requisito de nº mínimo de socios- .
Part B. Organisation and activities
B.2 Aims and activities of the organisation*
Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities,
affiliations etc.) relating to the domain covered by the project. (Max. 1000
Please describe the role of the organisation in the project. (Max. 1000
Part C. Description of the project
C.6 Summary of the project.
Please note that this information may be used for dissemination purposes. (Max 2000
Si este resumen se escribe en otro idioma, deberá acompañar un resumen en
inglés, puesto que esta información se usará por la CE con fines divulgativos.
C.7 Summary of the project’s budget (make sure that the figures correspond to the
detailed budget form).
Part D. Overview of the partners' operational & financial capacity
Please describe how your international and/or European experience is relevant to the
implementation of the proposed project. (Max. 500 characters).
If other organisations contribute to the project without being a full partner, please
detail their role.
Aprovechar este apartado para hacer constar a terceros que participen en el
proyecto pero sin llegar a la categoría de SOCIOS.
Part E. Award criteria
Please answer the following questions. Note that the quality of the application will be
evaluated on the basis of the answers provided. (Max. 1000 characters/question)
E.1 Relevance.
35% de peso de la puntuación
1. How relevant is the project to one or more of the priorities considered as
instrumental to the achievement of the objectives of the Programme?
2. To what extent is the project aiming at producing results which will go beyond the
sole interest of the partners and direct participants and have potential long-term
impacts? (Max. 1000 characters)
3. How complementary is the project to cultural actions implemented at national,
regional or local level? (Max. 1000 characters)
4. Are there other priorities identified in the framework of the project and how
appropriate are they to achieve the specific objectives of the programme?
E.2 Quality of the content and activities
25% de peso de la puntuación
1. Are there concrete and well defined outputs (deliverables) and how appropriate are
they towards the overall objectives of the project?
2. How clear and realistic is the time-table for implementing the project activities?
3. How appropriate is the allocation of the budget and human resources to the
activities undertaken in the framework of the project?
4. Is there qualitative and quantitative assessment of the results foreseen and how
clear and appropriate is it?
5. If applicable, is there a convincing and clearly defined audience development
6. How concrete and well defined are the activities to be implemented in the
framework of the project? How clearly the objectives and activities of the projects are
related to the identified needs of the target groups?
7. How relevant is the experience of the team taking part in the project, for example,
in terms of organisational skills, experience and track record in the cultural and
creative sectors, communication and language skills?
To this purpose, the CVs of the persons responsible for the submitted project within
the applicant organisation and each partner institution will be assessed.
E.3 Communication and dissemination
20% de peso de la puntuación
1. How clear and appropriate is the strategy to communicate on the activities of the
partners' network, including the objectives, target groups, tools, channels, media,
impact and Timeline?
2. How will EU support be made visible throughout the duration of the project and
beyond and contribute to a positive image of the EU?
3. How will the experience and knowledge acquired through the project be
disseminated and to whom (at local, regional, national and/or European level),
including beyond the duration of the project?
E.4 Quality of the partnership
20% de peso de la puntuación
1. How is the partnership defined and to what extent does it ensure a strong
involvement of all partners and a clear division of tasks between them?
Please describe the method of management applied to the project (cooperation
scheme with co-organisers e.g. contacts, meetings, etc.)
2. How will the partnership be made to last beyond the duration of the project? (Max.
1000 characters)
To what extent does the partnership go beyond the organisations' direct geographical
neighbours and draw partners from a diverse geographical range of participating
countries? (Max. 1000 characters)
Part F. Work programme
Part G. Statistics
Anexos al formulario electrónico
El conjunto de los anexos no puede superar los 10 Mb de peso
La siguiente tabla indica los límites de caracteres , incluyendo los espacios, de
los campos de texto del eForm –sólo de aquellos límites que no vienen
expresamente indicados en el propio formulario-. (Fuente: Proposal Submission
User Guide. How to create, complete and submit an Application eForm, pag
40. Version 1. 16 July 2014)