Graña y Montero S.A.A. Signs the Concession Contract for the Via

Publicado en Graña y Mont ero Invest or Cent er (ht t p://invest orrelat ions.granaymont on 8/8/13 10:20 pm EDT
Graña y Montero S.A.A. Signs the Concession Contract
for the Via Expresa Sur Project
Release Date:
Jueves, Agost o 8, 2013 10:20 pm EDT
T erms:
Ciudad de Origen y Fecha de la Noticia:
LIMA, Peru
LIMA, Peru--(BUSINESS WIRE [1] )--Today, Graña y Mont ero S.A.A. (“Graña y Mont ero” or t he “Company”), t he recent ly list ed
engineering and const ruct ion Peruvian company in t he New York St ock Exchange, signed t he concession cont ract for t he
ext ension of t he Via Expresa Paseo de la República highway (t he “Via Expresa Sur Project ”) wit h t he Municipalit y of Lima.
The Via Expresa Sur Project will connect downt own Lima and t he Panamericana Sur highway t hrough 4.5 km including 5 bridges,
2 connect ing lines, 6 ent rance ramps and 5 exit ramps. The project will also have auxiliary ways from nort h t o sout h.
Wit h an est imat ed invest ment of US$230 million, t he const ruct ion will t ake 5 years, and will benefit approximat ely 75,000
vehicles in t he cit y of Lima.
Mario Alvarado, Chief Execut ive Officer of Graña y Mont ero, comment ed, “As envisaged during t he recent capit al raising
process we successfully execut ed in t he New York St ock Exchange, Via Expresa Sur will be one of t he infrast ruct ure project s
in which we will invest part of t he proceeds from t he offering.”
Abo ut Graña y Mo ntero S.A.A.
Founded in 1933, Graña y Mont ero is t he only Peruvian engineering and const ruct ion company list ed on t he Lima St ock
Exchange since 1997 and now also t he NYSE. The Company has part icipat ed in t he development of major engineering and
const ruct ion project s in Peru, including large-scale, complex project s in t he energy, mining, const ruct ion and real est at e
sect ors.
Wit h 80 years of operat ions, t he Company has leveraged it s engineering and const ruct ion expert ise int o complement ary
lines of business, such as t he development , ownership, operat ion and maint enance of infrast ruct ure asset s and real est at e
development s, and t he provision of t echnical services. The Company has significant invest ment s in infrast ruct ure
concessions, such as t hree t oll roads and Line 1 of t he Lima Met ro.
The Company has also execut ed several project s out side Peru, and has acquired t wo companies in Chile: Vial y Vives, a
const ruct ion company specialized in t he mining sect or, and CAM, which is specialized in elect ric services wit h operat ions in
Chile, Peru and Colombia.
Graña y Mont ero is list ed in t he NYSE under t icker symbol “GRAM” and in t he Lima St ock Exchange under t icker symbol
Graña y Mont ero S.A.A.
Juan Jose Arriet a, 511-213-6598
Corporat e Communicat ions
& Social Responsibilit y Officer
jarriet [email protected] [2]
Dennis Gray F., 511-213-6583
Invest or Relat ions Officer
[email protected] [3]
relacion.inversionist [email protected]
Resumen Subtitulado en Barra de Noticias:
Ticker: GRAM
Exchange: NYSE
URL de origen:
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[2] mailto:[email protected]
[3] mailto:[email protected]
[4] mailto:[email protected]