The Strategical Conference of EU‐Taiwan ICT Technical Cooperation Reunión Puntos de Contacto en CCAA Madrid, 25 de Enero de 2016 Convocatorias 7ª y 8ª. Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI2) Juan E. Riese H2020 SC1 NCP Oficina de Proyectos Europeos Subdirección General de Programas Internacionales de Investigación y Relaciones Institucionales IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs Base conceptual de IMI2 2 El espíritu de IMI2 “Deciphering the complexity of human diseases and finding safe, cost‐ effective solutions that help people live healthier lives requires collaboration across scientific and medical communities throughout the health care ecosystem. Fuente: IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs Indeed, we must acknowledge that no single institution, company, university, country, or government has a monopoly on innovation.” 3 IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs La Iniciativa de Medicamentos Innovadores 2 4 IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs Empresas EFPIA, los coartífices de IMI 5 IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs Prioridades establecidas 6 La 7ª convocatoria de IMI2‐2‐call‐7‐0 Topics under the Big Data for Better Outcomes programme 6. Coordination and support action (CSA) for the big data for better outcomes programme 7. Increase access and use of high quality data to improve clinical outcomes in heart failure (HF), atrial fibrillation (AF), and acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs 1. Validation of translational imaging methods in drug safety assessment (TRISTAN) 2. Identification of druggable targets modulating misfolded proteins in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases 3. Pathological neuron‐glia interactions in neuropathic pain 4. Dry age‐related macular degeneration: development of novel clinical endpoints for clinical trials with a regulatory and patient access intention 5. A comprehensive ‘paediatric preclinical POC platform’ to enable clinical molecule development for children with cancer 7 Condiciones de la convocatoria IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs‐2‐call‐7‐0 8 IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs Presupuestos por topic de la 7ª convocatoria (I) 9 IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs Presupuestos por topic de la 7ª convocatoria (II) 10 Primer paso: diseño del consorcio público Consortia consisting of: IMI fundable legal entities carrying out activities relevant for achieving the project objectives IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs Additional legal entities carrying out activities relevant for achieving the project objectives. 11 2º paso: diseño del consorcio público‐privado Consortia consisting of: Partners of the 1st ranked proposal IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs Industry consortium (contributing with in‐kind / cash contributions) 12 The IMI2 proposal life cycle IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs (for a 2‐stages evaluation procedure) 13‐search IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs Herramienta de búsqueda de socios 14 Topic Composición consorcio industrial 1 Bayer (coordinator), Abbvie (co‐coordinator), Sanofi, GSK, Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, PMB Alcen, General Electrics, Bruker 2 Lundbeck (lead company), J&J, Abbvie, Novartis, Lili & Lilly 3 Esteve, (coordinator), Grünenthal 4 Bayer Pharma AG (Leader), Novartis (Novartis Pharma as Deputy leader, Alcon, NIBR), Janssen‐Cilag Ltd, Roche, Zeiss 5 Eli & Lilly (Project Leader), Roche (co‐Project Leader), Bayer, PharmaMar, Pfizer 6 (CSA) Novartis (lead), Bayer + Janssen (co‐leads), 22 empresas, EFPIA y Farmaindustria 7 Bayer (lead), Vifor Pharma (co‐lead), Novartis, Servier, Somalogic IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs Consorcios industriales en cada topic 15 Criterios de Evaluación ‐ RIA Criterio 1 – Exc. S&T Criterio 2 ‐ Impacto Criterio 3* 1. Clarity and pertinence of the objectives; 2. Credibility of the proposed approach; 3. Soundness of the concept, including trans‐disciplinary considerations, where relevant; 4. Extent that proposed work is ambitious, has innovation potential, and is beyond the state of the art; 5. Mobilization of the necessary expertise to achieve the objectives of the topic and to ensure engagement of all relevant key stakeholders. 1. The expected impacts of the proposed approach listed in the IMI2 annual work plan under the relevant topic; 2. Enhancing innovation capacity and integration of new knowledge; 3. Strengthening the competitive‐ness and industrial leadership and/or addressing specific societal challenges; 4. improving European citizens' health and wellbeing and contribute to the IMI2 objectives; 5. Any other environmental and socially important impacts; 6. Effectiveness of the proposed measures to exploit and disseminate the project results (including management of IPR), to communicate the project, and to manage research data where relevant. 1. The following aspects will be taken into account: 2. Coherence and effectiveness of the project work plan, including appropriateness of the allocation of tasks and resources; 3. Complementarity of the participants within the consortium (where relevant); 4. clearly defined contribution to the project plan of the industrial partners (where relevant); 5. Appropriateness of the management structures and procedures, including risk and innovation manage‐ment and sustainability plan. IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs Fase 2 Fase 1 16 *: Quality and efficiency of the implementation Criterios de Evaluación ‐ CSA Criterio 1 – Exc. S&T Criterio 2 ‐ Impacto Criterio 3* 1. Clarity and pertinence of the objectives; 2. Credibility of the proposed approach; 3. Soundness of the concept, including trans‐disciplinary considerations, where relevant; 4. Quality of the proposed coordination and/or support measures; 5. Mobilization of the necessary expertise to achieve the objectives of the topic and to ensure engagement of all relevant key stakeholders. 1. The expected impacts of the proposed approach listed in the IMI2 annual work plan under the relevant topic; 2. Contribute to the IMI2 objectives; 3. Effectiveness of the proposed measures to exploit and disseminate the project results (including management of IPR), to communicate the project, and to manage research data where relevant. 1. Coherence and effectiveness of the project work plan, including appropriateness of the allocation of tasks and resources; 2. Complementarity of the participants within the consortium (where relevant); 3. Clearly defined contribution to the project plan of the industrial partners (where relevant); 4. Appropriateness of the management structures and procedures, including risk and innovation management (and sustainability plan where relevant). *: Quality and efficiency of the implementation IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs Fase 2 Fase 1 17 Criterios de Participación a) legal entities established in a Member State or an associated country, or created under Union law; and b) which fall within one of the following categories: i. micro, small and medium‐sized enterprises and other companies with an annual turnover of EUR 500 million or less, the latter not being affiliated entities of companies with an annual turnover of more than 500 million; the definition of ‘affiliated entities’ within the meaning of Article 2(1)(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1290/2013 shall apply mutatis mutandis; ii. secondary and higher education establishments; iii. non‐profit organisations, including those carrying out research or technological development as one of their main objectives or those that are patient organisations. c) the Joint Research Centre; d) international European interest organisations; In accordance with Article 10(2) point (a) of the Regulation (EU) No 1290/2013, in case of participating legal entity established in a third country, that is not eligible for funding according to point (a) above, funding from the IMI2 JU may be granted provided the participation is deemed essential for carrying out the action by the IMI2 JU. IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs Pueden participar únicamente: 18 Diabetes/metabolic disorder – Non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease Immunology – Immune Tolerance therapies Other enablers of innovation – Sustainable pan‐EU pediatric CT network (EUPCTN) – Patient‐stakeholders engagement in product lifecycle Data and Knowledge Management – Generation and exploitation of real world evidence Infection control including vaccines – Innovation in vaccines Translational safety – Models & platforms to improve the prediction & toxicity & safety CNS including neurodegeneration – Autism spectrum disorders Presupuesto aprox. 200 Mio. € IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs Posibles topics para 2016 (1ª conv.) 19 Posibles topics para 2016 (2ª conv.) Diabetes/metabolic disorders – CNS including neurodegeneration – – Models & platforms to improve the prediction & toxicity & safety Biomarkers Data and Knowledge Management – – – Antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance Human challenge trials Translational safety – – Multiple Sclerosis Epigenetics Infection control including vaccines – – Alzheimer’s Disease Pain Immunology – – Diabetes Generation and exploitation of real world evidence Access standards and interoperability Support new research paradigms Other enablers of innovation – – Stakeholders’ engagement in product life cycle Unlocking the Solute Carrier Gene‐Superfamily for Effective New Therapies IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs 20 La 8ª convocatoria de IMI2‐2‐call‐8 IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs 1. Ebola and other filoviral haemorrhagic fevers (Ebola+) programme: future outbreaks 21 Key deliverables might include (but are not limited to) the following: the progression of a novel vaccine candidate, diagnostic or treatment up to a stage ready for testing in an outbreak setting; the development of tools to help with pre‐clinical and clinical development of vaccine candidates and treatments (incl. Proof of Concept testing of existing platforms for screening compounds for Ebola and other filoviruses); the development and/or validation of a novel diagnostic test that is sufficiently sensitive, rapid, user‐friendly, cheap, and usable in resource‐limited settings; the development of novel strategies to improve the stability of vaccines against Ebola and other filoviral infections during transport and storage, e.g. which would allow storage at 8°C or ambient temperatures for prolonged durations; the development of novel manufacturing and delivery strategies; the development of learning and strategies for optimal deployment and adherence to vaccination programmes; the facilitation of the exploitation of recent advances in our understanding of Ebola and other filoviral infections and the acceleration of their development into health care interventions. IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs Entregables esperados en los proyectos 22 Every proposal should plan for a clearly defined strategy on how to ensure translation of the relevant project outputs into regulatory, clinical and healthcare practices, and ultimately into value for people in countries at risk of future outbreaks of filoviral haemorrhagic fevers. Activities relating to the detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse effects or any other drug‐related problem should take into account the country‐level pharmacovigilance systems. In that respect, a plan for interactions with regulatory agencies/health technology assessment bodies including relevant milestones and allocated resources should be proposed (e.g. qualification advice on the proposed methods for novel methodologies for drug development, qualification opinion). A plan for aspects related to sustainability, facilitating continuation beyond the duration of the project, should also be proposed. IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs Otros aspectos a tener en cuenta en el topic conv. 8 23 La colaboración con pacientes en un proyecto IMI2 While preparing their proposals, applicant consortia should ensure that needs of patients are adequately addressed and, where appropriate, patient involvement is encouraged. There are a number of ways for patients to get involved in IMI projects – as full project partners or as members of advisory committees (such as ethics boards), for example. It might be interesting to set up a Patient Advisory Platform / Group, which would be relevant all the way through the project and through to the sustainability elements post‐IMI funding. – Patient organisations are your gateway to real life implementation. This is an excellent opportunity to involve them in the sustainability of the project when thinking of uptake of the research IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs Applicant consortia are encouraged to consider whether their proposal could benefit from patient involvement. 24 La colaboración con pacientes en un proyecto IMI2. ¿Qué pueden hacer los pacientes? input into operationalisation and monitoring of patient recruitment for clinical trials co‐designing the value proposition for patients taking part in the study/ trial development of materials to encourage patient recruitment input into the wording of informed consents input into Patient Reported Outcomes tools input into benefit risk discussions community outreach and dissemination, especially from the patient perspective. IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs 25 IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs La Propiedad Industrial en IMI2 26 IMI2 – 7ª y 8ª convocatorias XVIII Reunión de CCAAs Juan E. Riese jriese@eu‐ 27