Sweet Dreams Teddy

Size: 25 cm [10”] tall, without hat
dc2tog: [Draw up a loop in next st] twice, yarn
over and draw through all 3 loops on hook.
Designed by Michele Wilcox
What you will need:
RED HEART® Sport Socks: 1 ball
each 00047 Light Grey A and
00016 Black C
RED HEART® Sport Socks Color: 1
ball 00051 Holiday Stripes B
Crochet Hook: 3.5mm [US E-4]
Fiberfill, pompom maker, stitch
marker, yarn needle
TENSION/GAUGE: 16 sts = 10
cm [4”]; 13 rows = 10 cm [4”]
in double crochet. CHECK YOUR
TENSION/GAUGE. Use any size
hook to obtain the tension/gauge.
Socks, Art. 9809604
available in 100 g (3.5
oz), 410 m (448 yd)
Socks Color, Art.
9809605 available in
100 g (3.5 oz), 410 m
(448 yd) balls
Sweet Dreams
A cuddly crocheted bear is the perfect
companion for bedtime. The pompom on a
chain can be omitted for smaller fingers.
TEDDY (Make 2)
Beginning at top of head, with A, ch 7.
Row 1: Dc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch
across – 6 dc.
Row 2: Ch 1, turn, dc in first dc, 2 dc in next
dc, dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in last
dc – 8 dc.
Rows 3-4: Ch 1, turn, dc in first dc, 2 dc in
next dc, dc to last 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in
last dc – 12 dc at end of Row 4.
Row 5: Ch 1, turn, dc in each dc across.
Rows 6-9: Repeat Row 3 – 20 dc at end of
Row 9.
Row 10: Ch 1, turn, dc in each dc across.
Rows 11-12: Repeat Row 3 – 24 dc at end of
Row 12.
Rows 13-23: Ch 1, turn, dc in each dc across.
Rows 24-25: Ch 1, turn, dc in first dc, dc2tog,
dc to last 3 dc, dc2tog, dc in last dc – 20 dc at
end of Row 25.
Row 26: Ch 1, turn, dc in first dc, dc2tog, dc
in next 2 dc, [dc2tog] 5 times, dc in next 2 dc,
dc2tog, dc in last dc – 13 dc.
Row 27: Repeat Row 24 – 11 dc.
Row 28: Ch 1, turn, dc in each dc across.
Row 29: Change to B, ch 1, turn, dc in each
dc across.
Row 30: Ch 1, turn, dc in first dc, 2 dc in each
of next 2 dc, dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc,
dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in each of next 2 dc, dc
in last dc – 16 dc.
Rows 31-33: Repeat Row 3 – 22 dc at end of
Row 33.
Rows 34-35: Ch 1, turn, dc in each dc across.
Row 36: Repeat Row 3 – 24 dc.
Rows 37-53: Ch 1, turn, dc in each dc across.
First Leg
Row 54: Ch 1, turn, dc in next 12 dc, leave
remaining sts unworked.
Rows 55-63: Ch 1, turn, dc in each dc across
– 12 dc.
Row 64: Ch 1, turn, [dc in next dc, dc2tog] 4
times – 8 dc.
Row 65: Ch 1, turn, dc in each dc across.
Row 66: Change to A, ch 1, turn, 2 dc in each
dc across – 16 dc.
Rows 67-71: Ch 1, turn, dc in each dc across.
Row 72: Ch 1, turn, [dc in next 2 dc, dc2tog] 4
times – 12 dc.
Row 73: Ch 1, turn, [dc in next dc, dc2tog] 4
times – 8 dc.
Row 74: Ch 1, turn, [dc2tog] 4 times.
Fasten off.
Second Leg
Row 54: Join B in next unworked st, ch 1, dc
in same st, dc across remaining 11 dc – 12
Repeat Rows 55-74 of First Leg.
With B, ch 23.
Row 1: Dc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch
across – 22 dc.
Row 2: Ch 2 (counts as htr), turn, htr in first
dc, 2 htr in each dc across – 44 htr.
Fasten off.
With B, ch 13.
Row 1: Ch 1, turn, dc in 2nd ch from hook and
in each ch across – 12 dc.
Row 2: Ch 1, turn, dc in each dc across
Fasten off.
Please Note: Print this pattern using Landscape Orientation.
Find more ideas & inspiration: www.redheart.co.uk
©2014 Coats & Clark
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LW4568EN Sweet Dreams Teddy
With A, ch 7.
Row 1: Dc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch
across – 6 dc.
Row 2: Ch 1, turn, 2 dc in first dc, dc in next
dc, [2 dc in next dc] twice, dc in next dc, 2 dc
in last dc – 10 dc.
Row 3: Ch 1, turn, 2 dc in first dc, dc in next 3
dc, [2 dc in next dc] twice, dc in next 3 dc, 2
dc in last dc – 14 dc.
Row 4: Ch 1, turn, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next
5 dc, [2 dc in next dc] twice, dc in next 5 dc, 2
dc in last dc – 18 dc.
Rows 5-6: Ch 1, turn, dc in each dc across.
Row 7: Ch 1, turn, [dc in next dc, dc2tog] 5
times – 13 sts.
Fasten off.
With A, ch 6.
Round 1: Dc in 2nd ch from hook and in
next 3 ch, 3 dc in last ch, turn to work along
opposite side of foundation ch, dc in next 3 ch,
2 dc in last ch – 12 dc.
Round 2: Working in continuous rounds in a
spiral manner, dc in first dc, dc in next 3 dc, 2
dc in each of next 3 dc, dc in next 3 dc, 2 dc
in each of last 2 dc – 18 dc. Place marker for
beginning of round.
Round 3: [Dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc] 6
times – 24 dc.
Round 4: Dc in each dc around.
Round 5: [Dc in next 3 dc, 2 dc in next dc] 6
times – 30 dc.
Round 6: Dc in each dc around, slip st in first
Fasten off.
ARM (Make 2)
EAR (Make 2)
With B, ch 20.
Row 1: Ch 1, turn, dc in 2nd ch from hook and
in each ch across – 19 dc.
Rows 2-15: Ch 1, turn, dc in each dc across.
Row 16: Ch 1, turn, [dc in next dc, dc2tog] 6
times, dc in last dc – 13 dc.
Row 17: Change to A, ch 1, turn, dc in each
dc across.
Row 18: Ch 1, turn, [dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in
next dc] 4 times, dc in last dc – 17 dc.
Rows 19-23: Ch 1, turn, dc in each dc across.
Row 24: Ch 1, turn, [dc2tog] 8 times, dc in last
dc – 9 dc.
Fasten off, leaving long tail of yarn for sewing.
Thread tail through remaining sts and pull to
gather. Sew arm closed, stuffing lightly with
With B, ch 6.
Row 1: Dc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch
Rows 2-38: Ch 1, turn, working in back loops
only, dc in each dc across.
Shape Top of Hat
Row 1: Turn to work along edges of rows,
work 38 dc evenly across – 38 dc.
Rows 2-6: Ch 1, turn, dc in each dc across.
Satin Stitch
Please Note: Print this pattern using Landscape Orientation.
Find more ideas & inspiration: www.redheart.co.uk
©2014 Coats & Clark
Row 7: Ch 1, turn, [dc in next 4 dc, dc2tog] 6
times, dc in last 2 dc – 32 dc.
Row 8: Ch 1, turn, [dc in next 3 dc, dc2tog] 6
times, dc in last 2 dc – 26 dc.
Row 9: Ch 1, turn, [dc in next 2 dc, dc2tog] 6
times, dc in last 2 dc – 20 dc.
Rows 10-15: Ch 1, turn, dc in each dc across.
Row 16: [Dc in next 3 dc, dc2tog] 4 times –
16 dc.
Row 17-26: Ch 1, turn, dc in each dc across.
Row 27: Ch 1, turn, [dc in next 2 dc, dc2tog] 4
times – 12 dc.
Rows 28-36: Ch 1, turn, dc in each dc across.
Row 37: Ch 1, turn, [dc in next dc, dc2tog] 4
times across – 8 dc.
Rows 38-40: Ch 1, turn, dc in each dc across.
Row 41: Ch 1, turn, [dc2tog] 4 times – 4 dc.
Row 42: Ch 1, turn, dc in each dc across.
Row 43: Draw up a loop in each of 4 dc, yo
and pull through all loops, ch 10 (for hanging
Fasten off.
Sew side seam of each Ear. Sew Ears on
either side of head, with top of Ear under Row
8 of Head to leave room for Hat between ears.
Sew one Arm on either side of Body.
With C, embroider nose and eyes in satin
stitch and mouth in straight stitch on Snout.
Stuff Snout lightly and sew in centre of Head.
Sew Hat seam. Fold up brim. Sew on Head
between ears. Using pompom maker, make a
5 cm [2”] pompom
Sew to end of ch-10 on Hat.
Weave in ends.
A, B, C = Colour A, B, C; ch = chain; cm =
centimetres; dc = double crochet; htr = half
treble crochet; mm = millimetres; st(s) =
stitch(es); tog = together; yo = yarn over;
[ ] = work directions in brackets the number
of times specified; * or ** = repeat whatever
follows the * or ** as indicated.
Sew two Teddy pieces together, stuffing lightly
with fiberfill.
Sew Collar around neck with ends at centre
of front.
Sew Button Strip down centre of front, under
Collar. Using a length of contrasting colour
of B, embroider 4 buttons, evenly spaced, in
satin st along Button Strip.
Straight Stitch
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