Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL OF SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST IS THE MOTHER CHURCH OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF PATERSON AND THE SEAT OF ITS BISHOP. Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 10, 2016 SAINT JOHN’S CATHEDRAL STAFF Rector / Pastor Reverend Monsignor Mark J. Giordani Parochial Vicars Reverend Leonardo Lopez Reverend Luis Alberto Hernandez Permanent Deacons Mr. German Vargas Mr. Guido Pedraza Mr. Jose Pomales Mr. Luis Gil Parish Secretaries Mrs. Amparo Castellanos Ms. Ana Amezquita Ms. Patti Pardo MASS SCHEDULE / HORARIOS DE MISAS WEEKEND MASSES / FINES DE SEMANA MISAS SATURDAY VIGIL / VIGILIA LOS SABADOS 5:00 PM (English) 7:00 PM (Spanish) SUNDAY / DOMINGO 8:30 AM (English) 10:00 AM (Spanish) 11:30 AM (English) 1:00 PM (Spanish) WEEKDAY MASSES / MISAS DURANTE LA SEMANA MONDAY THRU FRIDAY / LUNES A VIERNES 7:00 PM (Spanish) FRIDAY / VIERNES 12:05 PM (English) HOLYDAY MASSES / MISAS EN DIA FESTIVO MONDAY / LUNES FRIDAY / VIERNES 7:00 PM (Spanish) 12:05 PM (English) LIBRARY (GIFT SHOP) / LIBRERIA HOURS / HORARIOS Tuesday / Martes: 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM Saturday / Sabado: 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM Sunday / Domingo: 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM Founded: 1820 Families: 589 MAIN ENTRANCE Main Street & Grand Street RECTORY / PRIESTS RESIDENCE 381 Grand Street Paterson, NJ 07505 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mon. - Fri.: 9:00 am to 8:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Sunday: 11:00 am to 2:00 pm OFFICES: THE BISHOP FRANK J. RODIMER CENTER 387-389 Grand Street, Paterson, NJ USA Main: 973-345-4070 Fax: 973-345-7831 Email: [email protected] Web: SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION / CONFESSION Every Saturday: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM When possible the Priests are available for Confession before Mass. Also by appointment by contacting the Cathedral Office. VISITATION OF THE SICK AND ELDERLY Please keep us informed when a person is sick or in the Hospital. Contact the Cathedral Office in order to put his/her name in the Mass Intention list. If the person needs to receive the Communion, a Priest will visit or send an available Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister. FUNERALS Please contact the Cathedral Office for information. EXPOSITION OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT Every Friday: After the 12:05 PM English Mass until 6:45 PM HOLY HOUR Every Monday: After the 7:00 PM Spanish Mass until 8:30 PM DEVOTIONS HOLY ROSARY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY (2000 HAIL MARY MINISTRY AND EXPOSITION OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT.) EVERY FIRST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH: From 5:30 AM to 6:00 PM CHAPLET OF THE DIVINE MERCY Every Friday: 3:00 PM Our Mission Statement Declaracion de Nuestra Mision The Roman Catholic Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist Community is dedicated to the celebration of the Eucharist, the center of our life, to prayer, holiness of life and service to the poor. La Comunidad Parroquial de la Catedral Catolica Romana de San Juan Bautista esta dedicada a la celebracion de la Eucaristia, el centro de nuestra vida, a la oracion, al ejercicio de una vida santa y al servicio de los pobres. We have a multi-faceted community, greatly enriched by people from over twenty seven (27) countries, principally from Central America, South America and the Islands of the Caribbean. Somos una comunidad polifacetica, grandemente enriquecida por gentes de veintisiete (27) Paises Naciones especialmente venida de Centro America, Suramerica, y las Islas de el Caribe. We strive to grow in our faith and love for God and one another in our service to our homeless and disadvantaged. Nosotros tratamos de crecer en fe y en amor a Dios y al projimo en nuestro servicio a los pobres, los que no tienen techo ni oportunidades. We have a strong emphasis on evangelization through prayer communities, frequent Retreats and Missions. We are profoundly dedicated to heed the call of Saint John the Baptist: "Prepare the Way of the Lord." (The Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Mathew 3:3) and "He must increase and I must decrease." (The Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint John 3:20) Hacemos gran enfasis en la evangelizacion a traves de comunidades de oracion, frecuentes Retiros y Jornadas Misioneras. Estamos profundamente dedicados a atender el llamado de San Juan Bautista: "Preparen el camino al Senor." (El Evangelio de Jesucristo segun San Mateo 3:3) y "Conviene que yo disminuya para que El crezca." (El Evangelio de Jesucristo segun San Juan 3:20) . FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 10, 2016 -MASS INTENTIONSINTENCIONES PARA LA MISA SATURDAY July 9,……………………..…Sabado 5:00 pm For St. John’s Parish Community +Irene Bedani +Frank & Marie Aiazzone +Deacon Benito Torres Health: Angelica Buscaglia 7:00 pm Por la comunidad de San Juan Bautista + Laura Yepes (7mo Aniv) +Tulio Barragan Orozco +Olga De La Hoz Mercado (1er mes) SUNDAY July 10,................................Sunday 8:30am For St. John’s Parish Community +Luigi & Felicita Giordani Health: Angelica Buscaglia +Holy Souls in Purgatory 10:00 am Por la Comunidad de San Juan Bautista Presentacion del bebé Joa Bohorquez En Honor a Nuestra Señora La Virgen del Carmen +Juan De Dios Higuita (10mo Aniv) +Antonio Silfredo Inoa +Fr. Luis Espinoza +Agustin Rayo Jr. Salud y Bienestar: Angelica Buscaglia 11:30am For St. John’s Parish Community +Claude Offray Jr. +Frank & Marie Aiazzone +Irene Bedani +Juanita Rodriguez +June Tamaro Health: Angelica Buscaglia 1:00 pm Por la Comunidad de San Juan Bautista Acc. Grac. al Señor por el bienestar de Pedro Salerna y Uvaldo Mora +Marleny Ramirez de Parga +Leticia Santana Salud y Bienestar: Gabriel Gutierrez MONDAY July 11,,………………….……...Lunes 7:00 pm +Luis Antonio Castillo +Jose Carlos Pagan +Ramon Antonio Nuñez +Rumualdo Elias Martinez (1er mes) +Emiiio Johan Lucero Rodriguez Salud y Bienestar: Angelica Buscaglia TUESDAY July 12,.……………………..…..Martes 7:00 pm +Jose Carlos Pagan +Jose Robles Castillo +Agustin Rayo Jr. Salud y Bienestar: Angelica Buscaglia WEDNESDAY July 13………………...…....Miércoles 7:00 pm +Frank & Marie Aiazzone +Frank Diaz +Cindy Villalba (21 aniv) THURSDAY July 14,…………………………Jueves 7:00 pm +Francisco Sanchez +Augusto Gonzalez Quiroz +Cindy Villalba (21 aniv) Salud y Bienestar: Angelica Buscaglia FRIDAY July 15 ,………………………..Viernes 12:05 pm +Fr. Paul Pulvirenti +Justin Pasquariello Health: Angelica Buscaglia 7:00 pm +Agustina Becco +Agustin Rayo Jr. Salud Consuelo Romero de Riva Salud y Bienestar: Angelica Buscaglia FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME First Reading: Deuteronomy 30:10-14 Moses petitions the people to follow the commandments God has set before them. He reminds them that the laws are not in the sky or far away at sea, but are accessible to them and meant to be followed if they wish to prosper. Second Reading: Colossians 1:15-20 Paul discusses the divine nature of Jesus, and explains that Jesus was created before anything else. Everything else was "created through him, and for him." Gospel: Luke 10:25-37 While discussing everlasting life, a lawyer mentions loving one's neighbor as oneself. The lawyer then asks Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus tells him about a man beaten by robbers, who was ignored by both a priest and a Levite before a Samaritan stopped and offered him aid. Jesus asks the lawyer who was neighbor to the injured man. The lawyer says "the one who treated him with compassion." Jesus encourages him to go and do the same. ©2000 Bon Venture Services, Inc. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday Dt 30:10-14; Col 1:15-20; Lk 10:25-37 Monday Is 1:10-17; Mt 10:34—11:1 Tuesday Is 7:1-9; Mt 11:20-24 Wednesday Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Mt 11:25-27 Thursday Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Mt 11:28-30 Friday Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Mt 12:1-8 Saturday Mi 2:1-5; Mt 12:14-21 FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME “Moses said to the people: ‘If only you would heed the voice of the Lord, your God, and keep his commandments and statutes that are written in the book of the law, when you return to the Lord your God with all your hearts and with all your soul…’ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart…being…strength…and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.’ He replied to him, ‘You have answered rightly, do this and you will live.’ ‘And who is my neighbor?’” Perhaps the best known parable of Jesus, using the law of the first testament, tells us how we remain ‘connected’ a very popular expression. Whether we are using an ipad, cell phone or computer, being connected is essential. I can ask myself if I really work at being connected - with my heart, my being, my strength and soul - to my God. Do I have the courage to approach the Lord as did the scholar of the law? I pray, I keep the commandments, the beatitudes are a guiding force in my life, as I address the needs of my neighbor. How wonderful to live so well. But am I willing to take the extra step as portrayed in the person who treated the downtrodden one with mercy? Pope Francis has told us that when we have experienced mercy, it is then that we can exhibit mercy. We are all called to be the Good Samaritan. UNA FRESCA PERSPECTIVA DE LAS LECTURAS DOMINICALES SU PALABRA HOY por el Reverendo William J. Reilly Décimo Quinto Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario 10 de julio de 2016 “Moisés dijo a su pueblo: ‘habrás escuchado la voz del Señor, tu Dios, y observado sus mandamientos y sus leyes, que están escritas en este libro de la Ley, después de haberte convertido al Señor, tu Dios, con todo tu corazón y con toda tu alma.’ … El le respondió: ‘Amarás al Señor, tu Dios, con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma, con todas tus fuerzas y con todo tu espíritu, y a tu prójimo como a ti mismo.’ ‘Has respondido correctamente, le dijo Jesús; obra así y alcanzarás la vida’. ‘¿Y quién es mi prójimo?.’” Quizá la mejor parábola de Jesús, utilizando la ley del primer testamento, nos dice cómo mantenernos ‘conectados’, una expresión muy popular hoy en día. Ya estemos utilizando un ipad, un teléfono celular o la computadora, el estar conectados es esencial. Puedo preguntarme si en realidad trato de mantenerme conectado – con mi corazón, mi ser, mi fuerza y mi alma – a mi Dios. ¿Tengo el coraje de acercarme al Señor como lo hizo el doctor de la Ley? Rezo, guardo los mandamientos, las bienaventuranzas son una fuerza que guía mi vida al atender las necesidades de mi prójimo. Es maravilloso vivir así de bien. Pero, ¿estoy dispuesto a tomar los pasos extras como lo hizo el que trató con misericordia al herido? El Papa Francisco nos ha dicho que cuando hemos experimentado misericordia es cuando podemos demostrar misericordia. Todos hemos sido llamados a ser el Buen Samaritano