E N G L I S H D E PA R T M E N T / I E S F C O . D E Q U E V E D O 2 º B A C H I L L E R AT O! WOULD RATHER (‘d rather) Would rather expresa preferencia y puede referirse al presente, al pasado o al futuro. Se suele traducir por “preferiría” y su estructura es: sujeto + would rather + infinitivo sin “to”. I would rather do it by myself ( I’d rather do it by myself) En negativa se coloca “not” delante del infinitivo sin “to”. I’d rather not do it by myself. Cuando would rather introduce una oración subordinada con un sujeto distinto al de la oración principal, la estructura será: sujeto 1 + would rather + sujeto 2 + Past Simple I would rather you went by taxi. They would rather I didn’t do it by myself. Importante.- Esta construcción se refiere al presente o al futuro aunque el verbo esté en pasado. Para expresar preferencia en el pasado empleamos la siguiente estructura: sujeto 1 + would rather + sujeto 2 + Past Perfect I’d rather you had read the material in advance. I’d rather you hadn’t sent that e-mail. Para mostrar la preferencia de una cosa sobre otra utilizamos: would rather + infinitivo sin “to” 1 ........ than + infinitivo sin “to” 2. I’d rather go to a film than go to the theatre. E N G L I S H D E PA R T M E N T / I E S F C O . D E Q U E V E D O 2 º B A C H I L L E R AT O! EXERCISE Look at the following situations and show preference by using I’d rather. 1.- Your fiancé bought you a diamond ring. It was too expensive. I’d rather _____________________________________________________________________ 2.- Your friend wants to borrow your best sweater. You don’t want her to. I’d rather _____________________________________________________________________ 3.- You were planning to play tennis, but it’s raining. I’d rather _____________________________________________________________________ 4.- Both Jill and Tom have invited you to their parties on saturday night. You want to go to Jill’s party. I’d rather _____________________________________________________________________ 5.- You can have take-away Chinese food or go to an Italian restaurant. I’d rather _____________________________________________________________________ 6.- You are planning a big party but don’t want to have it at your house. I’d rather _____________________________________________________________________ 7.- Your parents want to buy you some clothes for your birthday. You prefer receiving some CDs. I’d rather _____________________________________________________________________ 8.- Your sister borrowed your clothes without asking you. You’re angry at her. I’d rather _____________________________________________________________________