MES: ​
: Aprender las características de la primavera. Acercar a los niños a la naturaleza, plantas, animales y cuidado del entorno. Conocer las diferentes frutas que
nos rodean. Iniciarnos en el trazo horizontal y en el conocimientos del triangulo.
Learn the spring vocabulary and characteristics. Identify the fruits by name, smell and colors. Promote the motor skills by using different technics, such as painting with
the fingers, brushes, using plasticine and others. Finally, make a review of the weather, shapes , colors and numbers.
7-10 ABRIL
Aprovechando la llegada de la primavera, aprenderemos las características de esta estación: hace sol, salen
flores, aparecen nuevos insectos…
Trabajaremos nuestra psicomotricidad jugando con el paracaídas y diferentes canciones.
In this week we will begin with a new topic, “ spring”. We will learn a new vocabulary ( flower, rose, sunny,
rainbow, rainy, appel, orange …etc. ) and make a review of colors, shapes (circle, square and triangle), numbers
(1 to 5). Also we will make some activities to promote the motor skills by using plasticine and other materials.
In addition, we will focus in this month in the color blue and green.
13-17 ABRIL
Decoraremos las clases con diferentes motivos relacionados con la primavera. Nos iniciamos en el triangulo a
través de fichas y otras actividades de comprensión y en el trazo horizontal.
Esta semana celebraremos dos cumpleaños de la clase de los Lions.
Through this week we will focus in decorate our classroom with spring theme by using paint, plasticine, and
other materials to promote our motor skills. We will make activities of shapes and we will keep working with
the spring vocabulary such as: flower, rose, sunny, rainbow, rainy, appel, orange …etc.
20-24 ABRIL
Ampliaremos el vocabulario con las diferentes frutas que nos rodean. Las observaremos en laminas y
disfrutaremos manipulándolas; las tocaremos, oleremos y probaremos.
El día 23 es el ​
día del libro y vamos a preparar unos bonitos marcapaginas para colaborar con la ONG “save
the children”.
This week, we will learn the fruit vocabulary, such as :apple, orange, pear, bananas..etc. Also, we will make
different activities with real fruits; like tasting, smelling, touching, identifying the fruits and the colors. In
adittion, we will make worksheets to review the shapes, colors and the spring vocabulary . The 23rd we will
decorate bookmarks to colaborate with the ONG “Save the children”.
27-30 MARZO
Durante la semana prepararemos un precioso regalo para mamá a través de diferentes técnicas plásticas.
El viernes día 30 de marzo celebraremos la fiesta del color ​
AZUL. Siguiendo el cuento del monstruo de los
colores, lo trabajaremos junto al sentimiento de tristeza.
In the last week of the month, we will talk about the “mother’s day” and make a beautiful present using
different art technics. Also we will review of all previously given in the last three weeks by doing some
activities and reading stories. Finally, on the 30th we will celebrate “the blue party”!.