Equivalentes de “to run” ! 1. ! 2. ! 3. ! 4. ! 5. ! 6. ! 7. ! 8. ! 9. ! 10. ! 11. ! 12. ! 13. ! 14. ! 15. ! 16. ! 17. ! 18. ! 19. ! 20. ! ! ! ! run, go faster than walking = correr to run, to flow (liquids) = correr to run for elected office = postularse (para), aspirar (a) to run along = extenderse por run around, surround = rodear to run up, climb = trepar to run a company = dirigir, administrar to run a fever = tener fiebre to run across, into = tropezarse con, toparse con to run away = escaparse, huir to run into (crash, collide) = chocar con to run out of = acabársele, quedarse sin to run over (riding or driving) = atropellar to run over (overflow) = desbordarse in the long run = a la larga to run around, cheat (on someone) = engañar to run, cost = costar to run an ad = poner un anuncio to run late = ir tarde to run, operate, work (machines, cars) = andar, funcionar Equivalentes de “to run” - práctica ! 1. You don’t run things here! __________________________________________ 2. We ran out of time. __________________________________________ 3. Are you running late? __________________________________________ 4. My car’s not running. __________________________________________ 5. Flowers run all along the path (sendero). __________________________________________ 6. Who is running for president? __________________________________________ 7. If it buy this, how much will it run me? __________________________________________ 8. The boy was run over by a car. __________________________________________ 9. They’re going to run the ad tomorrow. __________________________________________ 10. She’s running a fever. __________________________________________ 11. The river is running over its banks. (orillas)_______________________________________ 12. They ran away. __________________________________________ 13. It will work in the long run. __________________________________________ 14. The mouse ran up the clock __________________________________________ 15. The trains run every hour. __________________________________________ 16. A path ran along the river. __________________________________________ 17. She’s running around on her boyfriend. __________________________________________ 18. The bus ran into a bridge. __________________________________________ 19. We’ve run into a problem. __________________________________________ 20. A river runs through it. __________________________________________