Curiculum Vitae - The University of Texas at Austin

Curiculum Vitae
Name: Sebastian Klor
2007 – 2012: Ph.D. Department of Land of Israel Studies, University of Haifa
(supervised by Prof. G. Alroey and Dr. L. Senkman). Dissertation: "The Aliyah from
Argentina to the State of Israel, 1948-1967". (Dissertation submitted in November,
2000 – 2005: M.A. (Cum Laude), Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry, Hebrew
University of Jerusalem (supervised by Dr. L. Senkman).
Thesis: "Jewish Immigration to the Province of Cordoba, Argentina 1901-1950".
2002 – 2003: Certificate for “Tutor in History”, David Yellin College of
Education, Jerusalem.
1996 – 1999: B.A., General History and General Humanities Studies (specialized in
Philosophy and Contemporary Jewry), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Research Assistant:
2001 – 2004: Jewish Immigration study project (supervised by Prof. Sergio DellaPergola, Prof. Hagit Lavsky and Prof. Yaakov Metzer); The Avraham Harman
Institute of Contemporary Jewry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
1999 – 2005: Research assistant (to Prof. Hain Avni) at the Department of Latin
America, Spain and Portugal; The Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary
Jewry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Teaching and Tutorial Experience:
2012: Lecturer at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina (Department of
Psychology), on the subject of the Holocaust ("Memoria y Derechos Humanos en
oposición a Genocidios y Discriminación").
2007 – 2011: Lecturer at the The Melton Centre for Jewish Education, The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, on the subject of Holocaust and Education ("Enseñanza y
Educación Judía: Aspectos Teóricos y Didácticos, EL Pueblo Judío Durante el
2008 – 2011: Trainer for the Ministery of Education of the Province of Cordoba,
Argentina. Lecturer for history teachers on the subject of the Holocaust ("De
concepción de mundo a política genocida") and the Armenian Genocide ("Genocidio
Armenio – Holocausto – Shoá con perspectiva en derechos humanos").
2002 – 2010: Lecturer on Jewish Contenporary History at the Majon LeMadrijim, the
Jewish Agency for Israel, Kiryat Moria, Jerusalem.
2010: Lecturer at the Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Argentina (Department of
Intrenational Relationships and Political Science), on the subject of the Holocaust
("De concepción de mundo a política genocida").
2010: Lecturer at the Hillel Fundation, Córdoba, Argentina, on the subject of the
Israeli-Arab Conflict ("Reflexiones en torno al Conflicto Palestino-Israelí desde una
perspectiva personal").
2003 – 2008: Lecturer on Contemporary History at the Hadassah Collage, Jerusalem.
Congresses and Conferences:
2013 (Forecoming): Participant at the XVI Congreso de Ciencias Judaicas (AMILAT),
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. "The causes underlying the Aliyah from
Argentina to the State of Israel, 1948-1967".
2012: Participant at the 28th Annual AIS International Conference (The Association
for Israel Studies), University of Haifa. "The Aliyah from Argentina to the State of
Israel, 1948-1967".
2009: Participant at the XIV International Research Conference of LAJSA 2009, Tel
Aviv University. "The Socio-demographic structure of the Aliyah from Argentina,
2009: Participant at the Conference for the Promotion of Human Rights ("Jornadas
de Promoción de Derechos Humanos"), organized jointly by INADI ("Instituto
Nacional contra la Discriminación, la Xenofobia y el Racismo"), DAIA ("Delegación de
Asociaciones Israelitas Argentinas"), and the Ministery of Education of the Province
of Cordoba, Argentina.
1. Tal, Rami (ed.), Between Thriving and Decline: The Jewish People 2004.
Annual Assessment No.1; The Jewish People Policy Planning Institute, 2004.
(Capital title: Latin American Jews). (Hebrew and English)
2. “Ser judío / sionista / argentino: la experiencia histórica y socioeconómica de
los inmigrantes judíos en Córdoba, 1901-1950”. Revista Junta Provincial de
Historia, Córdoba, 2007. (In Spanish)