Type of Regulation Date of Publication Date of Promulgation Organization Title Type of version Date of Enforcement URL :Law 20393 :02-12-2009 :25-11-2009 :MINISTRY OF FINANCE: UNDERSECRETARYSHIP OF FINANCE :ESTABLISHES CRIMIAL LIABILITY OF LEGAL PERSONS REGARDING THE CRIMES OF MONEY LAUNDERING FINANCING OF TERRORISM AND BRIBERY. :Single :02-12-2009 :http://www.leychile.cl/N?i=1008668&f=2009-12-02&p= LAW N° 20.393 ESTABLISHES THE CRIMINAL LIABILITY OF LEGAL PERSONS REGARDING THE CRIMES OF MONEY LAUNDERING, FINANCING OF TERRORISM, AND BRIBERY, AS INDICATED. Considering that the National Congress has approved the following: Bill: Article One: The following law regarding the criminal liability of legal persons is hereby approved: “Article 1: Contents of the law. This law regulates the criminal liability of legal persons regarding the crimes described in article 27 of law N° 19.913, article 8 of Law N° 18.314 and in articles 250 and 250 bis of the Penal Code; the procedure to be followed in the investigation and establishment of said criminal liability, the determination of the corresponding sanctions and their execution. As established by this law, the following dispositions contained in Book I of the Penal Code and Criminal Procedure Code, and the special laws indicated above, where pertinent, will be applicable additionally. For the effects of this law, the terms of paragraph 2 of article 58 of the Criminal Procedure Code will not be applicable. Article 2: Scope. The terms of this law will be applicable to private legal persons and to State corporations. TITLE I Criminal Liability of Legal Persons. 1.- Regarding the attribution of criminal liability of legal persons. Article 3. Attribution of criminal liability. Legal persons will be responsible of the crimes established in article 1, which are directly or immediately committed in their own interest and for their own gain by owners, controllers, responsible agents, senior executives, representatives or people in charge of administration or supervision, provided that the crime is the consequence of their non-fulfillment of their managerial and supervisory duties. In accordance with the same presuppositions as above, legal persons will also be liable for crimes committed by natural persons that are under the management or direct supervision of one of the individuals mentioned in the paragraph above. Management and supervisory duties will be considered fulfilled when prior to the commission of the crime, the legal person had adopted and implemented the organization, administration and supervision models required for the prevention of the crime committed, as established in the following article. Legal persons will not be held liable in those cases in which the natural persons indicated above committed the crime exclusively to their own advantage or in favor of a third party. Article 4: Model of Crime Prevention. For the effects of the terms of the third paragraph of the above article, legal persons may adopt the prevention model referred to herein, which should have the following elements as a minimum: 1) Appointment of prevention officer. a) The highest administrative authority of the legal person, who can be either its board of directors, an administration partner, a manager, a senior executive, a liquidator, its representatives, owners or partners, as corresponds to the administration structure of the organization, hereinafter the “Administrator of the Legal Person”, should appoint a prevention officer, who will hold office for a maximum of three years, and whose appointment can be renewed for equal periods. b) The prevention officer should be autonomous with respect to the Administration of the Legal Person, its owners, partners, shareholders or controllers. Nonetheless, he may fulfill controlling or internal auditing duties. In the case of legal persons whose annual income does not exceed one hundred thousand development units (UF), the owner, partner or controlling shareholder may personally take on the functions of the prevention officer. 2) Definition of the means and faculties of the prevention officer. The Administrationn of the Legal Person must provide the prevention officer with the means and faculties required for the fulfillment of his duties, which should include at least the following: a) The material resources and means required to adequately fulfill his functions, taking into account the size and economic capacity of the legal person. b) Direct access to the Administration of the Legal Person in order to inform through an adequate medium, the measures and plans implemented in the fulfillment of his duties and to report on his activities at least once every six months. 3) Establishment of a crime prevention system. The prevention officer, in conjunction with the Administration of the Legal Person, should establish a crime prevention system for the legal person which should at least contemplate the following: a) The identification of the activities or processes of the organization, be they habitual or sporadic in nature, whose context may generate or increase the risk of the commission of the crimes established in article 1. b) The establishment of specific protocols, regulations and procedures that will enable the persons involved in the activities or processes described in the paragraph above, to program and carry out their work or duties in a way that prevents the commission of the crimes described. c) The identification of the financial, administration and auditing procedures that allow the organization to prevent their use in the above crimes. d) The existence of internal administrative penalties, and procedures for reporting or persecuting pecuniary liabilities against those individuals who infringe the crime prevention system. These obligations, prohibitions and internal penalties should be listed in the regulations that the legal person draws up for its employees, and which should be made available to them. These internal regulations should be expressly incorporated into the employment and service contracts of all the workers, employees and providers of services of the legal person, including its own senior executives. 4) Supervision and certification of the crime prevention system. a) The prevention officer, together with the Administration of the Legal Person should establish the methods for the effective application of the crime prevention model and its supervision, in order to detect and correct its faults, and update it in accordance with any changes that may occur within the respective organization. b) The Legal Persons may obtain the certification of the adoption and implementation of their crime prevention model. The corresponding certificate should state that the model includes all the requirements established in items 1), 2) and 3) above, as regards the situation, size, activity, level of income and complexity of the legal person. These certificates may be issued by external auditing companies, risk classification institutions or other organizations registered with the Superintendency of Securities and Insurance that can fulfill this duty in accordance with the regulations established by the above-mentioned supervisory organization. c) It is understood that the natural persons that take part in the certification activities carried out by the organizations described in the previous item fulfill a public function as established in article 260 of the Penal Code. Article 5.- Autonomous criminal liability of the legal person. The liability of the legal person will be autonomous of that of natural persons and will subsist with the existence of the requirements of article 3, when one of the following situations arises: 1) Individual criminal liability would have ceased to exist in accordance with the terms of items 1 and 6 of article 63 of the Penal Code. 2) Should the criminal proceedings against the natural persons indicated in items one and two of article 3 declare the temporary dismissal of the accused, according to the causes established in sections b) and c) of article 252 of the Criminal Procedure Code. The liability can also be pursued when, having accredited the existence of any of the crimes established in article 1, and when the other requirements established in article 3 have been fulfilled, it has not been possible to establish the participation of the individual(s) responsible, provided that in the course of the corresponding legal proceedings it is proved that the crime was necessarily committed within the scope of the functions and duties of the individuals indicated in paragraph one of article 3. 2.Regarding the circumstances that reduce the criminal liability of a legal person Article 6. Extenuating circumstances. The following are the extenuating circumstances are applicable to the criminal liability of the legal person: The one indicated in item number 7 of article 11 of the Penal Code. 2) The one indicated in item number 9 of article 11 of the Penal Code. It will be specifically understood that the legal person collaborates substantially when, at any stage of the juridical procedure or investigation, his legal representatives have placed relevant facts regarding this crime before the authorities or have provided information to establish the items under investigation. 3) The adoption, on the part of the legal person, prior to the beginning of the trial, of efficacious measures to prevent the reiteration of the same kind of crimes under investigation. 3.- Regarding the circumstances that increase criminal liability Article 7.- Aggravating circumstance. An aggravating circumstance of the criminal liability of the legal person is that he should have been condemned for the same crime in the course of the five preceding years. TITLE II Consequences of the Declaration of Criminal Liability of the Legal Person 1.- Regarding penalties in general Article 8.- Penalties. One or more of the following penalties may affect legal persons: 1) Dissolution of the legal person or cancellation of legal personality. This penalty will not be applicable to State corporations or to private legal persons who render a public utility service whose interruption might cause grave social and economic consequences or serious damage to the community. 2) Temporary or permanent prohibition to celebrate acts and contracts with organizations. 3) Total or partial loss of state benefits, or absolute prohibition to receive them for a given period of time. 4) Fine on fiscal benefits. 5) The accessory penalties established in article 13. Article 9. Dissolution of legal persons or cancellation of legal personality. This dissolution or cancellation will produce the definitive loss of legal personality. According to its type and juridical nature, and in view of the lack of a regulating legal text, the sentence that declares this dissolution or cancellation will appoint the liquidator(s) in charge of liquidating the legal person. Similarly, and under the same conditions, this/these liquidator(s) will be required to draw up the acts and contracts required to: 1) Put an end to all the activities of the legal person, with the exception of those which are indispensable to the success of the liquidation; 2) Pay off the liabilities of the legal person, including those derived from the commission of the crime. The due dates of all these debts will be taken as fully due, making them immediately receivable, and they should be paid in full accordance with the credit preferences and priorities established in Title XLI, Book IV of the Civil Code, especially as regards the rights of the workers and the legal person, and make a pro rata distribution of the remaining assets among shareholders, partners or owners, according to their percentages of participation. The above will be understood without prejudice to the rights of the affected parties to pursue repayment of the damage suffered from the liable parties. In the case of corporations, the terms established in article 133 bis of Law N° 18.046 will be applied. Nonetheless, when social interest requires it, the judge may issue a founded ruling and order the sale or disposal of the totality or part of the assets of the dissolved legal person; this sale or disposal will be carried out as a public auction to the highest bidder. The auction should be carried out in the presence of the judge. This penalty can only be applied in cases of the aggravating circumstance established in article 7. Similarly, it can be applied in the case of sentencing for repeated criminal offences, as established in article 351 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Article 10.- Prohibition to celebrate acts and contracts with State corporations. The prohibition consists in the loss of the right to take part as a supplier of goods and services to State corporations. The Court will apply the following scale in the determination of this penalty: 1)Perpetual prohibition to celebrate acts and contracts with State corporations. 2)Temporary prohibition to celebrate acts and contracts with State corporations. The duration of these will be graded as follows: a) Minimum degree: from two to three years b) Medium degree: from three years and one day to four years c) Maximum degree: from four years and one day to five years. The prohibition will rule from the date of the execution of the resolution. The Court will communicate this to the Directorate of Public Purchases and Contracts. This Directorate will maintain an updated record of the legal persons affected by this penalty. Article 11.- Regarding the partial or total loss of fiscal benefits or absolute prohibition to receive them for a determined period of time. For the effects of this law, fiscal benefits will be understood as those benefits given by the State or State corporations to subsidies without reciprocal provision of goods or services, and especially to the subsidy for financing specific activities, programs and expenditures inherent to or associated to their application; these resources may be assigned either by biddable funds or in accordance with permanent laws, subsidies or grants in special areas or compensations established in special statutes or other documents of a similar nature. This penalty will be graded as follows: 1) Minimum degree: loss of twenty to forty percent of the fiscal benefit. 2) Medium degree: loss of forty one to seventy percent of the fiscal benefit. 3) Maximum degree: the fiscal benefit. loss of seventy one to one hundred percent of In those cases in which the legal person is not a receiver of these benefits, the sanction to be applied includes the absolute prohibition to receive them for a period of two to five years, as from the date of execution of their sentence. The Court must inform the Ministry of Finance Secretariat and General Administration and the Undersecretariat of Regional Development and Administration of the Interior Ministry of this decision, so it is duly recorded in the central records of State collaborators and Municipalities who are in charge of this aspect of administration, in accordance with the terms of Law N°19.862. Article 12.- Fiscal benefit fine. follows: This penalty will be graded as 1) Minimum degree: between two hundred to two thousand monthly tax units. 2) Medium degree: between two thousand and one to ten thousand monthly tax units. 3) Maximum degree: between ten thousand and one to twenty thousand monthly tax units. The Court may authorize that the payment of this fine is made in installments, within a time frame that does not exceed a period of twenty-four months, when the amount involved can place the business of the sanctioned legal person in jeopardy, or when this goes in favor of social interest. Once the sentence has been established, the Court will communicate the application of this fine to the National Treasury of the Republic, who will be responsible for charging it and for its payment. Article 13.- Accessory Penalties. In addition to the penalties established in the above articles, the following accessory sanctions will be applied: Publication of an excerpt of the sentence. The Court will order the publication of the resolutive section of the condemnatory sentence in the Official Gazette or in any other national newspaper. 2) Confiscation. The product of the crime and other properties, effects, documents and instruments will be confiscated. 3) In the cases in which the crime committed supposes the investment on the part of the legal person or resources that exceed its income, an accessory penalty will be established that is the deposit in the national treasury of the equivalent of the amount invested 2. Regarding the determination of sentences Article 14-. General Scale. The sentence imposed on the legal person will be determined in accordance with the sentence established for the corresponding crime in article 1, according to the following scale: General Scale of Penalties for Legal Persons 1.- Criminal penalties a)Dissolution of the legal person or cancellation of the legal entity. b)Prohibition to celebrate acts and contracts with State corporations in their maximum to perpetual degree. c) Loss of fiscal benefits in their maximum degree or absolute prohibition to receive them for a period of three years and a day to five years. d)Fiscal benefit fine in its maximum degree. In these cases, the accessory application of the penalties mentioned in article 13 will always be applied. 2.- Penalties for felonies a) Temporary prohibition to celebrate acts and contracts with State corporations in their minimum to medium degrees. b) Loss of fiscal benefits in their minimum to medium degrees or absolute prohibition to receive these benefits for a period of two to three years. c) Fine in its minimum to medium degree. In these cases, the accessory applications of the penalties mentioned in article 13 will always be applied. Article 15. Legal determination of the sentence applied to the crime. The crimes sanctioned in articles 250 and 250 bis of the penal Code and article 8 of Law 18.314 will receive the penalties established in this law for minor crimes, as established in the above article. Criminal penalties will be applicable as established in the preceding article for offences described in article 27 of Law 19.913. Article 15. Liabililty modification circumstances. In the case of felonies, in the concurrence of an extenuating circumstance and of no aggravating counterpart, only two of the penalties established in Article 14 will be applied, one of which should be applied in its minimum degree. In the case of crimes, the Court will only apply minimum penalties, should the case warrants it. In the case of the concurrence of the aggravating circumstance contemplated in this law and no extenuating circumstance, in the case of felonies the Court will apply all the penalties in their maximum degree should the case warrant it, or dissolution or cancellation. In the case of the concurrence of two or more extenuating circumstances and no aggravating counterparts, in the case of felonies, the Court should apply a single penalty in its overall extension. In the case of crimes it should apply two penalties contemplated for felonies. In the case of the concurrence of various extenuating circumstances and the aggravating circumstance contemplated in this law, this will be rationally compensated with one of the extenuating circumstances, and the penalties should be adjusted in accordance with the above paragraphs. Article 17.- Rules for the legal determination of the penalty. In order to regulate the extent and nature of the penalties to be applied, the Court should take into account the following criteria, keeping a detailed record of the reasons for its ruling: 1) The amounts of money involved in the commission of the crime. 2) The size and nature of the legal person. 3) The economic capacity of the legal person 4) The degree of respect and fulfillment of the legal and regulatory corpus and the compulsory technical rules to be observed in the exercise of his habitual activity or business. 5) The extent of the damage caused by the crime. 6) The gravity of the social or economic consequences, or of the serious damage that the application of the sentence could cause on the community in the case of State companies or companies that render public utility services. Article 18.- Transmission of criminal liability to the legal person. In the case of joint or voluntary transformation, merger, absorption, division or dissolution of the legal person responsible for one or more of the crimes described in article 1, their liability derived from the commission of previous crimes will be transmitted to the legal person(s)that cause the crime, in accordance with the following guidelines all of which is without prejudice to the rights of third parties acting in good faith. 1) In the case of the sentence being a fine, in the case of transformation, merger or absorption of a legal person, the resulting legal person will be responsible for the total amount. In the case of division, the resulting legal persons will be jointly responsible for the payment of this sum. 2) In the case that a profit-earning legal person is dissolved by common consent, the fine will be transmitted to the partners and capital shareholders, who will be responsible for the total of the liquidation amount established. 3) In the case of any other penalty, the Judge will rule in accordance with each case and its convenience. In order to reach a decision in this sense, he should pay special attention to the substantial continuity of material and human resources and to the activity carried out. 4) The authorization established in paragraph one of article 559 of the Civil Code may not be given from the moment a request is issued for a formal investigative audience against a non-profit making legal person to its final absolutory or condemnatory ruling. 3.-Extinction of the criminal liability of the legal person. Article 19.- Extinction of the criminal liability of the legal person who is eliminated for the same causes established in article 93 of the penal Code, with the exception of those appearing in its number 1. TITLE III Proceedings 1.- Opening of the investigation into the criminal liability of the legal person. Article 20. Investigation of the criminal liability of legal persons. If, during the investigation of one of the crimes established in article 1, the Public Prosecutor is informed of the eventual participation of one of the persons indicated in article 3,it will extend its investigation in order to establish the liability of the corresponding legal person. Article 21.- Application of regulations regarding the defendant. The terms of articles 4, 7, 8 10 93, 98, 102, 183, 184 , 186, 193, 194 and 257 of the Criminal Procedure Code will be applicable, especially the rights and guarantees to be exercised by the ay representative of the legal person. Article 22. Formalization of the investigation. When the Public Prosecutor deems it convenient to formalize proceedings against a legal person, he will request that the examining judge subpoenas the legal person’s representative in accordance with the terms of article 230 and following articles of the Criminal Procedure Court. The minimum requirement for this procedure is the request for a formalizing investigation hearing or the presentation of a legal requirement in accordance with the simplified regulations in connection with the natural person who might affect the liability of the legal person in accordance with paragraphs one and two of article 3, with the exception of the cases described in article 5. This request must also contain the individualization of the legal representative of the legal person. Article 23. Representation of the legal person. If when subpoenaed to Court, the legal representative of the accused legal person does not appear and does not justify this absence, the Court may order his arrest until the hearing is carried out, which should take place within a maximum period of twenty-four hours from the arrest. If the legal representative is not available, the Public Prosecutor will request that the Court appoints a public criminal defender, who will act as ad litem curator. In any case, the legal person may at all times appoint a defense attorney of his choice. When the Criminal Procedure Law demands the presence of the accused as a condition or requirement for a Court hearing it is understood that this requirement is fulfilled with the presence of the ad litem curator or defense attorney, as the case may be. In both cases, the penalties established in paragraph one are valid. Article 24.- Inapplicability of the principle of opportunity. The terms of article 170 of the Criminal Procedure Code will not be applicable in the case of the criminal liability of the legal person. Article 25.- Conditional suspension of the procedure. The conditional suspension of the procedure can be established in those cases in which there is no sentence or other conditional suspension of the current proceeding in connection with the legal person accused of some of the crimes included in the law. As corresponds, the examining judge will rule that during the period of suspension, which cannot be less than six months or longer than three years, the legal person is subjected to the fulfillment of one or more of the following conditions: 1) Payment of a given amount of money for fiscal benefit 2) Carry out a given community service. 3) Give periodic reports on his financial situation to the institution that requires them. 4) Implement a program to apply the model of organization, administration and supervision referred to in article 4. 5) Any other condition that should be considered appropriate, and suggested by the Public Prosecutor. In those cases in which the judge rules the measure established in 1) he should communicate this decision to the National Treasury of the Republic. Article 26.- Determination of the procedure applicable to the criminal liability of the legal person. If according to the rules of simplified procedure, the Public Prosecutor accuses or requires the enforcement of the sentences applicable for felonies in their minimum degree, the hearing and ruling will be carried out in accordance with the simplified procedure rules. In those cases in which the Public Prosecutor accuses and requests sentences of felony in its medium degree, the hearing and ruling will be carried out in accordance with the rules of oral hearings as established in Title III of Book II of the Criminal Procedure Code. If the Public Prosecutor accuses and requires the natural and legal person in a same act, the procedure applicable to natural persons will be followed. This will not be applicable in the case of criminal sentences. Regarding the criminal liability of legal persons, the payment procedure will be invalid. Article 27.- Abbreviated Procedure. The procedure established in articles 406 and following articles of the Criminal Procedure Code will be applicable to establish liability and impose the sanctions established in this law. This procedure will be followed to hear and rule regarding the facts that the Public Prosecutor requires to rule one or more felony sentences. The Court may not impose a sentence that exceeds or is more unfavorable than the sentence issued by the Public Prosecutor. Article 28.- Defense of legal persons. All legal persons that cannot obtain defense attorneys on their own, will have the right to request the designation of a public criminal defense attorney. Article 29. Suspension of the sentence. If in its sentencing, the Court ruled a sentence for felony in its minimum degree, it may by means of a founded and exceptional decision, dispose of the suspension of the sentence and its effects for a period of no less than six months or no more than two years when taking into account the number of workers or net annual sales or exports of the affected company. of confiscation. In this case, the Court may set aside the sentence In the case of State companies or companies that render public utility services whose interruption might have grave social and economic consequences or cause serious damage to the community, the judge may rule the suspension of any of the sentences imposed. After the period established in paragraph one comes to an end, without the legal person being subjected to a new requirement or formalization of the investigation, the Court will leave the sentence without effect and will rule the definitive dismissal of the trial. This suspension does not affect the civil liability derived from the crime.” Article Two: The following paragraph two is inserted into article 294 bis of the Penal Code: “When the association was formed through a legal person, an additional sentence of the dissolution or cancellation of their legal personality will be imposed as an accessory consequence to the sentence.” Article Three: In article 298 of Law N° 19.913 , the creation of the Financial Analysis Unit is introduced into the following second paragraph, modifying diverse legal considerations regarding money and asset laundering “When the association was formed through a legal person, an additional sentence of the dissolution or cancellation of their legal person will be imposed as an accessory consequence to the sentence.” This document has been approved and passed be me, so be it promulgated and put into force as a Law of the Republic, Santiago 25 November 2009. MICHELLE BACHELET JERIA, PRESIDENT OF THE Republic, Andrés Velasco Brañes, Minister of Finance.- Edmundo Pérez Yoma, Interior Minister. Mariano Fernández Amunátegui, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Carlos Maldonado Curti, Minister of Justice I transcribe for your knowledge and perusal. Yours faithfully María Olivia Recart Herrera, Undersecretary of Finance. WARNING: This translation is solely for purposes of disclosure and has no official status. Chilean Law are only published in its official language which is Spanish , with no official versions in any other language. If any discrepancies exist, the Spanish version of the Law prevails. ADVERTENCIA: La presente traducción es exclusivamente para fines de divulgación y no tiene carácter oficial. Las leyes chilenas se publican únicamente en su idioma oficial que es el español, no existiendo versiones oficiales en otros idiomas. En caso de posibles discrepancias, prevalecerá la versión en idioma español.