31 I avail myself of this opportunity of correcting an error in a

I avail myself of this opportunity of correcting an error in a previous
work of mine, " D i e Gefasspflanzen der Magellanslander." My statement
about Stipa chrysophylla Desv. having been found in the district between
Lago Argentino and Ultima Esperanza is erroneous and refers to Stipa
pogonathera Desv.
S. speciosa occurs in N. Patagonia, by Lago Nahuel-huapi and north­
wards to Mendoza, the subsp. chrysophylla also in N. Patagonia, Neuquen
Territory, and northwards to Atacama.
Phil.—Macl., p. 176.
Macloskie states Stipa argentina Speg. to be synonymous with this
species. The author himself being of opinion that it should be considered
a variety of the same, we may let it remain as such for the present. It
should be pointed out, though, that the difference between the species and
the variety is very slight. A n y specimens of the latter I have not had at
Stipa tenuis Phil. var. argentina (Speg.) does not occur in our district.
Add Macl., p. 1 7 4 :
S. HIRTIFLORA Hack, in Dusen, Neue Gefasspfl. Patag., p. 5, Taf. 3, Fig.
7, and Taf. 7, Figs. 4-5.
Perennis, casspitosa, innovationibus extravaginalibus; culmi erecti, teretes, glaberrimi, ad 50 cm. alti, 3-nodes, nodo summo supra medio culmi
sito, apice breviter nudo; vaginas teretes, arctas, internodiis breviores,
glaberrimas, imas squamiformes, emortuas dilute fuscescentes, diu persistentes; ligulas brevissimas, truncatas, ciliolatas; laminas anguste lineares, convolutas, junceas, acutas, inferiores ad 20 cm. longas, summa 3-4 cm.
longa, complicatas diametro 1 mm. erectas, rigidas, glauco-virides, glaber­
rimas, intus costis approximatis percursas; panicula linearis, contracta, laxa,
12-15 - l ° g » ramis paucis, ad racheos nodos binis erectis, filiformibus,
hirtellis, primario inferiore c.5 cm. longo, bispiculato, in y inferiore nudo,
secundariis unispiculatis, spiculis laxe subasqualiterque dispositis, subterminalibus, brevissime pedicellatis; spiculas lineari-lanceolatas, c. 11 mm.
longas, ex albo-viridulo et livide violaceo-variegatas; glumas steriles subasquales (I 10 mm., II 11 mm. longas), lanceolatas, acutissimas, 5-nerves (in
I nervi extimi brevissimi), in y inferiore dorsi violaceas, ceterum alboviridulas, tenui-membranaceas, nervo medio scabro; gluma fertilis linearic m