1. gusta/practicar al (volleyball) - A Ignacio 2. encanta

GUSTAR Verbs – to like
(to do something)
8 Sentences
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The verb gustar means to like or be pleasing.
To say someone likes to do something, the sentence structure is:
(A + person) IDOP + gusta + the infinitive verb.
The verbs encantar (to love), disgustar (to hate) and interesar (to interest) follow the same sentence
(a mí) me gusta = I like
(a ti) te gusta = you (familiar) like
(a person) le gusta = he/she, you formal like
(a nosotros) nos gusta = we like
(a vosotros) os gusta = you all inf. like
(a people) les gusta = they, you all like
Tell what sport each person likes, loves or hates to play or practice. Use the infinitives jugar al (to play) and
practicar al (to practice) as indicated and the “gustar verbs” gusta/encanta/disgusta/interesar. Follow the
Modelo: encanta/jugar al (ping pong) A Ana María
A Ana María le encanta jugar al ping pong
1. gusta/practicar al (volleyball) - A Ignacio
2. encanta/jugar al (football) - A Uds.
3. disgusta/jugar al (chess) - A mí
4. gusta/practicar al (basketball) A Eugenio
5. encanta/jugar al (soccer) A nosotros
6. gusta/practicar al (tennis) A ti
7. encanta/jugar al (softball) A Guido y a Pepe
8. interesar/practicar al (baseball) A nosotros
© 2012 Sue Summers
The verb gustar means to like or be pleasing.
To say someone likes to do something, the sentence structure is:
(A + person) IDOP + gusta + the infinitive verb.
The verbs encantar (to love), disgustar (to hate) and interesar (to interest) follow the same sentence
(a mí) me gusta = I like
(a ti) te gusta = you (familiar) like
(a person) le gusta = he/she, you formal like
(a nosotros) nos gusta = we like
(a vosotros) os gusta = you all inf. like
(a people) les gusta = they, you all like
Tell what sport each person likes, loves or hates to play or practice. Use the infinitives jugar al (to play) and
practicar al (to practice) as indicated and the “gustar verbs” gusta/encanta/disgusta/interesar. Follow the
Modelo: encanta/jugar al (ping pong) A Ana María
A Ana María le encanta jugar al ping pong
1. gusta/practicar al (volleyball) - A Ignacio
A Ignacio le gusta practicar al volibol.
2. encanta/jugar al (football) - A Uds.
A Uds. les encanta jugar al fútbol americano.
3. disgusta/jugar al (chess) - A mí
A mí me disgusta jugar al ajedrez.
4. gusta/practicar al (basketball) A Eugenio
A Eugenio le gusta practicar al baloncesto.
5. encanta/jugar al (soccer) A nosotros
A nosotros nos encanta jugar al fútbol.
6. gusta/practicar al (tennis) A ti
A ti te gusta practicar al tenis.
7. encanta/jugar al (softball) A Guido y a Pepe
A Guido y a Pepe les encanta jugar al softbol.
8. interesar/practicar al (baseball) A nosotros
A nosotros nos interesa practicar al béisbol.
© 2012 Sue Summers