Who do you say that I am? - St. Vincent de Paul Parish

St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church and School
3140 N. 51st Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85031
Parish Office: 623 247 6871 Fax: 623 247 4457 Website: www.svdpphx.org
St. Vincent de Paul Society: Please call 623 845 5564 for assistance
Pastor: José Jesús López Ext.105
Parochial Vicar: Rev. Benjamín Rivera Ext. 129
Deacon: Ernesto Ramírez Ext. 101
Who do you say that
I am?
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Doceavo Domingo Ordinario
June 19, 2016
Mission Statement
We are the Body of Christ, dedicated to serve our multi-cultural community to build a strong, personal relationship with
Jesus Christ. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we accomplish this through communion, faith, traditions, charity and religious
En comuniòn con Cristo, estamos dedicados a servir nuestra comunidad multi-cultural para construir una relacion
personal, fuerte con Jesucristo. Guiados por el Espíritu Santo, cumplimos esto por medio de la fe, tradiciones,
caridad y educación religiosa.
Did Jesus Know He was God?
A belief, which is occasionally challenged, even today, is that Jesus knew that He was God. Some argue that Jesus
grew in the knowledge that He was God, but was not born knowing this. As can be seen from the argument above
about Jesus being truly and fully God from His conception, since Jesus was truly God knowing all things, He must
have been born knowing all things, including that He is God. If He were born not knowing this, then He could not be
The only real objection to this belief is based on the human idea that a baby is born knowing virtually nothing. How,
people ask, could Jesus be a baby and yet know that He is God? The answer is that it is just as easy for God to be a
baby as it is for Him to be an adult man. In each case, the infinite God takes on a limited, weak human nature at the
same time that He is infinite God.
Pope Pius XII taught, in his Encyclical Mystici Corporis (“The Mystical Body” - 1943): “By means of the Beatific
Vision (the sight of God in Heaven), which He enjoyed from the time when he was received into the womb of the
Mother of God, He has for ever and continuously had present to Him all the members of His mystical Body,
and embraced them with His saving love.” (N.D. 661).
In other words Jesus possessed, in His human soul, the same immediate vision of God, which all the saints and angels
in heaven have. This means that Jesus was, at the same time, both a pilgrim on earth like us and a possessor of the
immediate vision of God. Even His human nature is endowed with an abundance of supernatural gifts.
He knows all things - past, present and future.
Jesus, throughout the Gospels, claimed to be the Son of God. When He spoke of His relation to God He said “My
Father” (Matthew 25:34 and 26:29; Luke 2:49 and 24:49; John 20:17.) When He spoke of the disciples’ relation to
God, He said “Your Father”. Even when teaching the “Our Father”, He told the disciples how they were to pray to the
Father (Matthew 6:9). Jesus knew that He was sublime over all creatures, men and angels.
He transcends the Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament (Matthew 12:41).
The angels are His servants. They appear and minister to Him (Matthew 4:11, Mark 1:13).
In Matthew 23:34 and Luke 11:49, He asserts of Himself what in the Old Testament is said of Yahweh,
making Himself equal to God.
He describes Himself as the “Lord of the Sabbath” (Matthew 12:8, Mark 2:28, Luke 6:5)
There can be no doubt, from a reading of the gospels and study of the Church’s interpretation of these passages.
Jesus clearly claims to be God.
by Gerard M. Gaskin EWTN
Bourgade Catholic High School
is proud to let the Community
of St. Vincent de Paul know
the names of the Honor Roll
Kolby Estfan
Kyle Estfan
Montserrat Ruiz
Leslie Ruiz Cabrera
Ashlyn Valencia
Xavier Collage Preparatory
Is proud to let the Community of
St. Vincent de Paul know the names of the
Honor Roll students.
Aurora Camargo
Mayrhem Parra-Aguirre
Jennifer Jacqueline Prieto Perez
Kassandra Marie Bastida Rubio
Samantha Victoria Velazquez
Leslie Anahi Zaragoza
Saturday Vigil: 5:00PM
Sunday: 7:30am, 9:30am
Monday & Friday: 7:00am
Wednesday: 7:00am During Summer
Friday Adoration: 8:00am, 5:45pm
Benediction: 6:15pm
Tuesday: 5:30pm
Saturday: 3:00pm onward
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 12:00pm
1:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 2:00pm
Horas de Oficina
Lunes a Viernes
9:00am - 12:00pm
1:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 2:00pm
Stewardship Mission:
One Hour TO the LORD
One Hour WITH the LORD
Misión de Nuestro
Domingo: 11:30am, 1:30pm,
3:30pm & 6:00pm
Martes y Viernes: 6:30pm
Sàbado: 8:00am
Adoraciòn Viernes: 8:00am, 5:45pm
Bendiciòn: 6:15pm
Martes: 5:30pm
Sàbado: 3:00pm en adelante
Primero Jesús pregunta a los discípulos,
Qué dice la gente de Él? (Mc 8,27-30; Mt 16,13-20; Lc 9,18-21). En el evangelio, las opiniones están divididas:
unos piensan que es un santo y otros que está endemoniado, unos que es un profeta de Dios y otros que es
un embaucador. Los discípulos solo se atreven a exponer las positivas, que identifican a Jesús con un profeta.
Pero a Jesús no le sirve lo que dice la gente. Pregunta directamente a sus discípulos (y a cada uno de
nosotros): ¿Quién soy yo para ti?, ¿qué lugar ocupo en tu vida? En los tres evangelios, Pedro contesta en
nombre de los doce: «Tú eres el mesías» (Mc 8,29), «Tú eres el mesías de Dios» (Lc 9,20), «Tú eres el mesías,
el Hijo de Dios vivo» (Mt 16,16). San Juan también recoge una confesión similar de Pedro, aunque en otro
contexto: «Tú eres el Santo de Dios» (Jn 6,69). Vemos que hay una progresiva profundización en la identidad
de Jesús por parte de los primeros cristianos, la cual queda reflejada en estos textos.
También hoy existen distintas opiniones sobre quién es Jesús. Muchos lo consideran un fundador religioso
entre otros, un gran personaje de la antigüedad. Incluso algunos libros escritos por exegetas y teólogos lo
presentan como un personaje del pasado, del que se pueden estudiar sus huellas y su mensaje, pero con el
que no se puede entrar en contacto. Este es el gran peligro del método histórico crítico. Es una herramienta
de trabajo importante, porque Jesús es un personaje de la historia y los evangelistas han escrito sus libros con
las imágenes y las maneras de narrar propias de su época, por lo que hay que usarlo en el estudio de la Biblia.
Porque la Biblia es una obra humana, escrita por hombres, con los medios propios de su época y de su
ambiente, hay que tratarla como un texto literario, estudiando el contexto histórico, las peculiaridades
lingüísticas, el proceso de redacción de los textos, los géneros literarios.
Pero también debemos recordar que los estudios «científicos» sobre la Biblia son insuficientes, pues solo
abarcan la dimensión humana de la Escritura. Para poder captar su sentido profundo, siempre se debe tener
presente que esos textos fueron escritos desde la fe, para transmitir la fe, y que solo alcanzan su verdadero
sentido si son leídos con fe. Más aún: esos libros escritos por hombres son, al mismo tiempo, textos
inspirados, Palabra de Dios dirigida a los hombres, por lo que deben ser leídos teniendo en cuenta esta
peculiaridad, que los hace distintos de cualquier otro libro. Si se olvida esto, se pueden escribir muchas
páginas sobre su origen y evolución, pero no sobre su verdadero significado. Recordemos que «la Palabra de
Dios es viva y eficaz» (Heb 4,12), por lo que tenemos que dejarnos interpelar por ella, pues solo el que
escucha la Palabra y la pone en práctica entrará en el reino de los cielos (cf. Mt 7,24ss).
vamos a profundizar en el misterio de Jesucristo, para poder darle una respuesta personal. EWTN
We need your help!
We are looking for volunteers who wish to give their
services as CATECHIST in English and Spanish for the
preparation of the sacraments of Confirmation and First
Eucharist .
If you want to help this beautiful work send an email:
[email protected] or
call at : 623-247-6871 Ext 250 for Flor Elena Coffey
!Necesitamos su ayuda!
Estamos en búsqueda de personas voluntarias que deseen
entregar sus servicios como CATAQUISTAS en inglés y
español para la preparación de los sacramentos de
Confirmación y Eucaristía.
Si desea ayudar en esta bella labor escríbenos al correo
electrónico: [email protected] ó llámenos
al: 623-247-6871 Ext 250
pregunte por Flor Elena Coffey
Inscripciones de Catequesis para adultos
RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos)
Julio 13, 2016 1:00 pm. – 4:00 pm. salón Sharpe
Julio 14, 2016 1:00 pm. – 4:00 pm. salón Sharpe
Julio 17, 2016 1:00 pm. – 4:00 pm. salón Sharpe
Ser miembro registrado con número de sobre.
Copia de Acta de Bautismo o de nacimiento, (si no es
Pago total para el día de la inscripción.
Comprobante de domicilio con nombre del adulto
Cuota de inscripción
$ 90.00 x Adulto
$ 130.00 x 2 adultos
Para más información comuníquese con
Georgina Ramos al (602) 621-2198
Horario de atención del Coordinador
(Programa de Educación Religiosa)
Attention Coordinator Schedule
(Religious Education Program)
MIÉRCOLES desde las 4pm - 7pm
JUEVES desde las 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. y
de 1 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Alguna pregunta, pueden escribir al:
[email protected]
Los certificados de Confirmación / 1ra
Eucaristía pueden pasar a buscarlos
por la oficina Parroquial
WEDNESDAY from 4pm to 7pm.
THURSDAY from 9am - 12pm and
from 1pm - 7pm
Any question may be send to:
[email protected]
Confirmation/1st Eucharist certifictes
may be picked up in the parish office.
Adult Sacraments – R. C. I. A. Enrollment
“ Rite of Catholic Initiation for Adults”
Registrations: September 12 at 7:15pm
• Who is RCIA is for?
Adults in need of Baptism.
Adults baptized in another Christian church.
Tradition who desires to become Catholic.
Adults baptized Catholic in need of First Holy
Communion and /or Confirmation.
These sessions also are opportunities for anyone
who may have questions about the Catholic
For More information please call the parish office
Weekly Parish Activity Schedule
Calendario Semanal Parroquial
Weekly Colletion ~ Colecta Semanal
June 11th & 12th, 2016
Monday/Lunes, June 19th, 2016
7:00am Daily Mass/Misa Diaria
6:00pm ROCK Youth Group- Field
7:00pm Al-Anon - Field House
7:00pm Clases Bíblicas Room 93
Daily Mass/Misa Diaria
ROCK Youth Group- Room 102& 103
Daily Mass /Misa
Guadalupanas- Guadalupe Chapel
Number of Member envelopes used this weekend: 694
Nùmero de sobres usados este domingo: 694
Daily Mass/Misa Diaria
Armada Blanca - Ministerio de Niños
Ministros de Enfermos- Room 106
Legion de Maria- 101
Choir Practice- Room 209
Apóstoles de la Palabra- Room 103
Clases Bíblicas Room 92, 102 & 107
Alcoholicos Anonimos en Field House
Daily Mass/Misa Diaria
Clases Bíblicas Room - Cry Room
Choir Practice - Room 209
Alcoholicos Anonimos Field House
Reavivamiento Matrimonial - Hall
Daily Mass/Misa Diaria
Daily Mass/Misa
Grupo de Evangelizacion - Room 103
Mujeres de Fe - Hall
Clases Bíblicas Room 93
Alcoholicos Anonimos en Field House
Talleres de Oración y Vida- Room 91
Divine Mercy Prayer Group -Church
Novenarios Group - 100
Thank you/Gracias!
Tuesday/Martes, June 20th, 2016
Wednesday/Miercoles, June 21st, 2016
Thursday/Jueves, June 22nd, 2016
Friday/Viernes, June 23rd, 2016
Saturday/Sabado, June 24th, 2016
Daily Mass/Misa Diaria
Clases Bíblicas - Room 103
Grupo Al-Anon- Field House
Vigil Mass/Misa de Vigilia- Church
Sunday/Domingo, June 25th, 2016
7:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous in Field House
Jueves 23 de junio de 7 a 9pm en la Iglesia
Tema: El amor de Dios en las familias.
Mass Intentions / Intenciòn de Misas
Sunday/Domingo-June 19th, 2016
† For God’s People
† Ana Lizzeth Fuentes
† Oscar Avila
† Jesus Alberto Fuentes
† Guillermo Navarro
† Dolores Salazar
† Mark Ferlisi & † Pauline Ferlisi
Monday/Lunes - June 20th, 2016
Tuesday/Martes - June 21st, 2016
† Jo De Herrera
† Bienvenida Tolentino
Wednesday/Miercoles - June 22nd, 2016
† Jose Delgado
Thursday/Jueves - June 23rd, 2016
† Roberto Barrera
Friday/Viernes - June 24th, 2016
L Familia Barrera Barajas
† Maria Guadalupe Patino & L Juan Patino
Saturday/Sabado - June 25th, 2016
† Adela Quezada Flores e hijos
† Manuel Rodriguez
“Your Poor Box at Work”
In the Gospel today, Jesus tells us “whoever wishes to save his life will lose
it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.” know this week you
are brining help to the poor and needy through your gifts to the Society
of St. Vincent de Paul and our members are bringing hope to our brothers
and sister who are having a hard time making ends meet.
Call Larry at 480-235-4160
May God bless us all!
Attention parishioners!
During June
the south parking lot
will be closed due to the
remodeling of our school restrooms.
¡Atención feligreses!
Durante el mes de Junio
el estacionamiento del lado sur
estará cerrado debido a la remodelación
de los baños.
Weekly Readings:
Lecturas de la Semana
Monday: 2 KGS 17:5-8, 3-15A,1
Monday: 2 Rs 17, 5-8.13-15.18
Tuesday: 2 KGS 19:9B-11, 14-21,
Martes: 1 Rs 19, 9-11. 14-21.
PS 60:3,4-5,12-13 MT 7:1-5
31-35A, 36 PS 48:2-3AB, 3CD-4,
10-11 MT 7:6, 12-14
Wednesday: 2 KGS 22:8-13;
23:1-3 PS 119:33,34,35,36,37, 40
MT 7:15-20
Thursday: 2 KGS 24:8-17 PS
79:1B-2, 3-5, 8, 9 MT 7:21-29
Friday: IS 49:1-6 PS 139:1B-3, 1314AB, 14C-15 MT 6:19-23
Saturday: LAM 2:2, 10-14, 18-19
PS 74:1B-2,3-5,6-7 MT 8:5-17
Sunday: 1 KGS 19:16B, 19-21
GAL 5:1, 13-18 Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-8,
9-10, GAL 3:26-29 LK 9:51-62
Sal 59, 3. 4-5.12-13 Mt 7, 1-5
31-35. 36 Sal 47, 2-3a. 3b-4. 9.
10-11 Mt 7, 6. 12-14
Miercoles: 2 Rs 22, 8-13; 23,
1-3 Sal 118, 33. 34-35.36.37. 40 Mt
Mt 7, 15-20
Jueves: 2 Rs 24, 8-17 Sal 78,1-
2.3-5. 8. 9 Mt 7, 21-29
Viernes: 2 Rs 11,1-4.9-18.20
Sal 131,11.12.13-14.17-18 Mt 6,
Sabado: Lam 2, 2. 10-14. 18-19
Sal 73, 1-2. 3-5a. 5b-7 Mt 8, 5-17
Domingo: 1Rs 19, 16b. 19-21
Sal15, 1-2a y 5. 7-8. 9-10. Gal 5, 1.
13-18 Lc 9, 51-62
As we finalize our Fiesta Raffle for this year, please consider
donating an unused timeshare or a used car
(in good condition), or underwrite the cost of a big screen TV,
game system or tablet/laptop.
This will be the 6th year for our Silent Auction and every year it
gets better and better due to the support of our parish.
In past years, we have been fortunate to have a large donation
of new toys but not the case this year. Please consider donating
a new or slightly used item like a toy, appliance, bike, etc. or an
unused gift card, tickets for sports or entertainment events, etc.
Donations can be dropped off in the office.
Please look for weekly updates in the bulletin regarding the
Fiesta. Please mark your calendars. The Fiesta will be held on
September 23rd thru the 25th. Your generous support is greatly
Registración para Catequesis
Familias que regresan
Julio 5, 2016 1:00 – 4:00 pm. salón Sharpe
Julio 6, 2016 1:00 – 4:00 pm. salón Sharpe
Julio 10, 2016 2:00 – 6:00 pm. salón Sharpe
Registraciones para NUEVAS familias
Julio 13, 2016 1:00 pm. – 4:00 pm. salón Sharpe
Julio 14, 2016 1:00 pm.– 4:00 pm. salón Sharpe
Julio 17, 2016 8:30 am. – 5:30 pm. salón Sharpe
• Vivir dentro de los límites de la Parroquia. (35th Ave a 59th Ave
/ McDowell a Camelback)
• Ser miembro registrado y activios por mas de 6 meses con
número de sobre
• Copia de Acta de Bautismo (si aún no la ha traído) o de
nacimiento si no ha sido bautizado.
• Pago total para el día de la registración.
Familias registradas como miembros de la Parroquia
$ 90.00 x niño
$ 130.00 x 2 niños
$ 40.00 x niño adicional
Familias NO registradas (viven dentro del área)
$ 130.00 x niño
$ 230.00 x 2 niños
$ 40.00 x niño adicional
Jueves, 30 Junio de 7pm a 9pm en la Iglesia.
Tema: La Misericordia de Dios en las Familias.
Para más información llame
Catechesis Registrations
Returning Families
July 5, 2016 1:00 – 4:00 pm. Sharpe Hall
July 6, 2016 1:00 – 4:00 pm. Sharpe Hall
July 10, 2016 2:00 – 6:00 pm. Sharpe Hall
Registrations for NEW Families
July 13, 2016 1:00 pm. – 4:00 pm. Sharpe Hall
July 14, 2016 1:00 pm.– 4:00 pm. Sharpe Hall
July 17, 2016 8:30 am. – 5:30 pm. Sharpe Hall
• Parents must live with in the Parish boundaries (35th Ave to 59th Ave from McDowell to Camelback)
• Must be a active registered members for at least 6 moths of our Church
• Copy of Baptismal Certificate
• Payment in full due at the time of registration.
Registered members of our Church
$ 90.00 x child
$ 130.00 x 2 children
$ 40.00 x additional child
Not a Parish member (live with in the boundaries)
$130.00 x child
$ 230.00 x children
$ 40.00 x additional child
Costos de registración 2016
Parish Manager
Ofelia Fiorentino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 103
[email protected]
Parish Secretaries
Josefina Mata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 101
[email protected]
Alicia Colorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 102
Youth Ministry
Esmeralda De la Rosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 114
[email protected]
Music Director
Jose Luis Castro
[email protected]
Adrián Jiménez
Rey David Aguirre
Christian Formation
Flor Elena Coffey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 250
[email protected]
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
María Mendoza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 330
[email protected]
Interim Principal
Mr. Enrique Diaz
Marriage Preparation
Nancy Pérez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 107
[email protected]
RCIA Adult Formation
Sister Margery Therese . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 113
[email protected]
RICA Catequesis para Adultos
Georgina Ramos
School Office
Phone: 623-247-8595
Fax: 623-245-0132
St. Vincent de Paul School
Sr. Cabrini Thomas
Daughters of Charity
Sr. Mary Loretta
Sr. Marie Do
School Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 7:30am-3:30pm