COUNTRIES, NATIONALITIES AND LANGUAGES The word 'Nationality' is not often used in spoken English. It is a formal and official word and it appears more frequently in written English. You will find the word 'Nationality' is used a lot in the travel industry and for immigration. We almost never say: What is your nationality? We usually say: Where are you from? OR Where do you come from? To tell someone your nationality you DON'T say: My nationality is Chilean. You say: I'm Chilean Remember I am from Mexico To Be + from + country I am Mexican To Be + Nationality Below is a list of countries with the appropriate nationality. The Language that appears is the main language that is spoken in the country. We have not included all the languages that they may speak in that country. Country Nationality Language Argentina Argentine / Argentinean Spanish Australia Australian English Belgium Belgian French / Flemish Brazil Brazilian Portuguese Canada Canadian English / French Chile Chilean Spanish China Chinese Chinese Colombia Colombian Spanish Costa Rica Costa Rican Spanish 69 Cuba Cuban Spanish Denmark Danish (Dane) Danish Dominican Republic Dominican Spanish Ecuador Ecuadorian Spanish Egypt Egyptian Arabic El Salvador Salvadorian Spanish England English English Finland Finnish Finnish France French French Germany German German Greece Greek Greek Guatemala Guatemalan Spanish Haiti Haitian French / Creole Honduras Honduran Spanish Ireland Irish Irish / English Israel Israeli Hebrew Italy Italian Italian Japan Japanese Japanese Korea Korean Korean Mexico Mexican Spanish Netherlands Dutch Dutch New Zealand New Zealander English / Maori Nicaragua Nicaraguan Spanish Norway Norwegian Norwegian Panama Panamanian Spanish Paraguay Paraguayan Spanish 70 Peru Peruvian Spanish Poland Polish Polish Portugal Portuguese Portuguese Puerto Rico Puerto Rican Spanish Russia Russian Russian Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabic Spain Spanish Spanish Sweden Swedish Swedish Switzerland Swiss Swiss Taiwan Taiwanese Chinese Thailand Thai Thai Turkey Turkish Turkish United States American * English Uruguay Uruguayan Spanish Venezuela Venezuelan Spanish Vietnam Vietnamese Vietnamese Wales Welsh Welsh / English *You will notice that people from United States have the nationality 'American'. Some people from other parts of the American continent (especially Central and South America) tend not to like the word American for people from the United States. You will find that they will call them North American. Fecha de consulta: 29 de octubre de 2010 71 FALSE COGNATES A false cognate is a Spanish word that looks or sounds similar to an English word but has a totally different meaning. Some examples are shown below. SPANISH WORD actual avergonzado ayudar banco biblioteca cacerola ceder compasión conocido concurso darse cuenta éxito fábrica fecha fenomenal, genial padres política real salida tela ENGLISH TRANSLATION current embarrassed to assist bank library pan to compromise sympathy familiar contest to realize success factory date CONFUSED WITH actual pregnant to attend bench bookshop bread commitment affection relative to answer to make event cloth data SPANISH TRANSLATION verdadero embarazada asistir a un lugar banco de plaza librería pan compromiso simpatía pariente contestar realizar suceso tejido and tela dato terrific terrifying terrorífico parents policy actual exit fabric relatives police current success factory parientes policía actual éxito fábrica 72 CHART NUMBERS You can find some videos about numbers pronunciation at: 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 14 15 thirteen fourteen fifteen 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 16 17 18 19 20 sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 twenty- twenty- twenty- twenty- twenty- twenty- twentyone two three four five six seven 28 29 30 twenty- twenty- thirty eight nine 31 thirtyone 32 thirtytwo 33 thirtythree 34 thirtyfour 35 thirtyfive 36 thirtysix 38 thirtyeight 39 thirtynine 40 forty 41 fortyone 42 fortytwo 43 fortythree 44 fortyfour 45 fortyfive 46 47 forty-six fortyseven 48 fortyeight 49 fortynine 50 fifty 51 52 fifty-one fiftytwo 53 fiftythree 54 fiftyfour 55 56 57 fifty-five fifty-six fiftyseven 58 fiftyeight 59 fiftynine 60 sixty 61 sixtyone 63 sixtythree 64 sixtyfour 65 sixtyfive 68 sixtyeight 69 sixtynine 70 seventy 62 sixtytwo 37 thirtyseven 66 67 sixty-six sixtyseven 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 seventy- seventy- seventy- seventy- seventy- seventy- seventyone two three four five six seven 78 79 80 seventy- seventy- eighty eight nine 81 eightyone 82 eightytwo 83 eightythree 84 eightyfour 85 eightyfive 86 eightysix 87 eightyseven 88 eightyeight 89 eightynine 90 ninety 91 92 93 ninety- ninety- ninetyone two three 94 ninetyfour 95 96 97 ninety- ninety- ninetyfive six seven 98 ninetyeight 99 ninetynine 100 one hundred 73 CHART PRONOUNS 1 person st 2 person nd 3rd person (m) 3 person (f) rd 3 person (n) rd 1 person (pl.) st 2 person (pl.) nd 3 person (pl) rd Subject Object Possessive Possessive Reflexive Pronouns Pronouns Adjectives Pronouns Pronouns I me my mine myself you you your yours yourself he him his his himself she her her hers herself it it its (not used) itself we us our ours ourselves you you your yours yourselves they them their theirs themselves 74 JOBS AND PROFESSIONS ENGLISH SPANISH ENGLISH SPANISH lawyer abogado bookseller librero actor/actress actor/actriz sailor marinero customs officer aduanero doctor médico farmer agricultor mechanic mecánico builder albañil miner minero architect arquitecto model modelo consultant asesor instructor monitor astronaut astronauta monk monje air hostess azafata nun monja dustman basurero nanny niñera fireman bombero labourer obrero waiter/waitress camarero/a office worker oficinista lorry driver camionero baker panadero singer cantante shepherd pastor foreman capataz hairdresser peluquero butcher carnicero journalist periodista postman cartero fisherman pescador scientist científico pilot piloto surgeon cirujano painter pintor cook cocinero politician político driver conductor policeman policía accountant contable caretaker portero servant criado teacher profesor priest cura psychologist psicólogo dentist dentista psychiatrist psiquiatra receptionist recepcionista shop assistant dependiente 75 electrician electricista watchmaker relojero employee empleado reporter reportero bank clerk empleado de priest banco sacerdote nurse enfermero tailor sastre writer escritor secretary secretario student estudiante soldier soldado chemist farmacéutico shorthand typist taquimecanográfa plumber fontanero taxi driver taxista farmer granjero technician técnico engineer ingeniero bullfighter torero gardener jardinero translator traductor jeweller joyero salesman vendedor judge juez vet veterinario shoemaker zapatero fecha de consulta: 29 de octubre de 2010 76 FAMILY VOCABULARY father mother brother sister father-in-law mother-in-law brother-in-law sister-in-law husband wife grandfather grandmother great-grandfather great-grandmother great-great-grandmother great-great-grandfather son daughter grandson granddaughter great-grandson great-granddaughter great-great-grandson great-great-granddaughter uncle aunt great-uncle great-aunt cousin nephew niece stepfather stepmother stepson stepdaughter padre madre hermano hermana suegro suegra cuñado cuñada esposo esposa abuelo abuela bisabuelo bisabuela tatarabuela tatarabuelo hijo hija nieto nieta bisnieto bisnieta tataranieto tataranieta tío tía tío abuelo tía abuela Primo, prima sobrino sobrina padrastro madrastra hijastro hijastra Fecha de consulta: 29 de octubre de 2010 77