420 INDEX TO I N T R O D U C T I O N . Fungi, propagation by fragments of spawn, 52. , variations of, 54. , no hybrids, 54. , uses of, 60. as nutriment, 60. , accidents from, 63. anaesthetic, 66. as manure, 67. • , worship of, 67. , diseases produced by, 68. in animals, 68. in vegetables, 70. , insect-borne, 70. on living plants, 73. , cultivation of, 77. , collection and preservation of, 83. , systematic arrangement, 86. Fungology, 2. • —, objections to the term, 2. Funguses, 2. Fusisporium, 52. Galls, 88. Gasteromycetes, 11, 20. Geaster, 12. Geoglossum, 87. German tinder, 65. Germination, 50, 81. Gill-bearing Fungi, 5. Gills, variations of, 56. Graphiola Phoonicis, 56. Gymnosporium, 45. Helvetia, 18. Hericium, 8. 1 Hydnangium carota;color, 11. Hydnei, 8, 20. Hydnum auriscalpium, 8. repandum, 8. Hymenangium, 13. Hymenium, 5, 7, 10, 56. , variations of, 56. Hymenogastcr, 13. Hymenomycetes, 10, 20, 56. Hyphomycetes, 16, 21, 46, 58. Hypogrei, 11, 18, 20. Hypoxylon marginatum, 80. Hysterangium, 87. Hysterium Rubi, 51. Isaria, 86. Isariei, 16, 21. Jew's-ear, 65. Ketchup, 64. Labrella Ptarmica}, 53. Lactarii, 47. Lamella?, 3. Lecidea atro-alba, 40. Lentinus lepideus, 59. tigrinus, 59. Lenzites betidina, 5. Leptomiti, 29, 53. Lichen eonccntricus, 40. Lycogala epiclendrum, 26. terrestris, 23. Lycoperdon, 23. '•— Bovista, 67. Marasmius hicrnatoeephalus, 80. oreades, 15. rotula, 58. urens, 61. Mclanconiei, 15, 21. Melanogaster Broomeianus, 11. Merulius lacrymans, 7. Mitrula paludosa, 28. Morel, 17, 63. Moulds, 2, 16, 19. Moxa, 65. Muccdines, 16, 20. Mucor nitens, 19, 29. Mucorini, 21. Muscardine, 70. Mushroom, as a type, 3, 45. cosmopolite, 36. considered commercially , cultivation of, 78. on lawns, 79.