Announcing FoodFest: a celebration of the diverse

Hello Business Owners,
This month’s newsletter is full of a variety of information for businesses. As Business Ambassador I
would like to make it even more interactive – please think about how I can help make your business
more successful. Send me ideas about resources you need. Send me questions you need help with. And,
send me highlights from your business that I can share with the other business owners. See this
month’s Congratulations section highlighting some recent New Rochelle business news.
Announcing FoodFest: a celebration of the diverse and delicious culinary scene
in New Rochelle
Participating restaurants across New Rochelle will be dishing up special offers during FoodFest from
Sept. 18 – 22
New Rochelle is home to over 190 restaurants with many different cuisines. To help bring new
customers into these restaurants (and into New Rochelle), we are planning a different kind of restaurant
week. Each participating restaurant will define their own FoodFest special offer ranging from fixe prix
menus to free desserts to discounts. Diners can choose from over 30 cuisines and price points.
Advertising will begin shortly in local magazines, newspapers, radio, web and social media.
Contact me at 914-654-2189 or visit if you want your restaurant included.
If you are already signed up, please send in requested information and payment as soon as possible.
Visit these restaurants during Sept. 18 – 22 and try something
SCALE Workshop in Spanish in New Rochelle
All business owners in New Rochelle are invited to a free business growth program to be hosted in
Spanish, starting Sept. 15.
SCALE is an intensive free business growth program that requires the focus and full engagement of the
business owner. Participants will receive individual assistance with the planning, creation and
implementation of a growth plan for their business. Business owners will gain valuable skills to improve
business performance, increase revenue and create jobs. The next series of 9 sessions will be hosted at
Ground Floor Coworking in New Rochelle starting Sept. 15. The class is free and open to existing
business owners meeting the criteria listed in the attached brochure.
These sessions will be held in Spanish.
For more information and / or to register for SCALE: call Julieta: 914- 747 8020 ext 11, Email:
[email protected]
Todos los propietarios de negocios en New Rochelle están invitados a un programa de crecimiento
empresarial libre para ser alojada en español, a partir del 15 de septiembre.
SCALE es un curso intensivo GRATIS para empresarios, que requiere concentración y una total atención.
Los participantes recibirán asistencia individual en la creación de un plan de crecimiento para su
negocio. Los participantes ganaran una valiosa educación y herramientas para mejorar su negocio. La
siguiente serie de 9 sesiones tendrá lugar en Ground Floor Coworking en New Rochelle desde el 15 de
septiembre. La clase es gratuita y abierta a los propietarios de negocios que satisfacen los criterios
enumerados en el folleto adjunto existente. Estas sesiones se llevarán a cabo en español .
Para mayor información y para registrarse favor de llamar a Julieta en 914- 747- 8020 ext 11 , email:
[email protected]
New Rochelle Launches ‘Adopt-a-Street’
Beautification program to benefit commercial corridors
New Rochelle’s commercial streets will benefit from the added attention of local businesses and
organizations through the City’s new Adopt-a-Street program. Launched this summer, Adopt-a-Street
focuses on the beautification of corridors within and surrounding business districts. Application is open
to New Rochelle businesses, not-for-profits, civic groups and governmental entities. The program
requires a minimum of six scheduled cleanups throughout the year, including a major cleanup in the
spring. The City will provide the necessary supplies. Participants will be recognized on signage along the
adopted street section.
“By partnering with local businesses, institutions, neighborhood associations, and civic groups, we can
keep New Rochelle’s roadways looking their best,” said Mayor Noam Bramson.
Program guidelines and an application form are available on the City website or by calling the Bureau of Streets and Highways at (914) 2354029.
Chamber of Commerce Business Expo
The New Rochelle Chamber of Commerce is again hosting a Business Expo open to the public. The
theme is Learn-Connect-Grow. The expo will be held September 14, 2016 from 6:00 – 9:00 pm at Iona
College’s Spellman Hall. Plan to attend for smart talks, giveaways, networking and a reception.
Call the Chamber at (914) 632-5700 to register your business or for more details.
To Liebman’s Children’s Clothing on their 90th anniversary in New
To Caridad & Louie's Restaurant, a family business serving Dominican and Italian cuisine,
opening in New Rochelle on North Ave on Aug. 26! They currently have two other restaurants,
one in the Bronx and one in Yonkers and have been around for over 10
To Agostino’s for their great food review in the New York Times!
To Sky Zone Trampoline Park now open in New Roc!
If you have any business news you would like for me to share, please call or email me.
Also remember we have the brochure rack at the New Rochelle train station. Drop brochures to me at
City Hall, Development Office to post at the train.
Aug. 25
Last ArtsEncounter – free music at the New Rochelle train station from 5:30 – 7:00 pm,
sponsored by Nissan
Sept. 14
Chamber of Commerce Business Expo
Sept. 15
SCALE – free business growth program in Spanish begins
Sept. 18
New Rochelle Street Fair
Sept. 18 – 22 New Rochelle FoodFest
Sept. 23 - 25
New Rochelle ArtsFest
If you would prefer not to receive this newsletter in the future, please reply with “unsubscribe” in the
subject line.
For more information
Call: 914-747-8020 ext 11
Community Capital New York brings
resources, expertise and opportunities
to entrepreneurs in Westchester.
Community Capital has 25 years of
experience working with hundreds of
entrepreneurs offering guidance,
resources and access to capital.
[email protected]
 More than 3000 hours of business
development training provided
 Clients created and/or retained more
than 700 jobs
 Clients secured $4.3million in
 More than $4 million in loan capital
secured for business start-up and
An entrepreneurial FREE training program
in Spanish for business owners designed to
support the growth and sustainability of
local businesses, stimulate the local
economy and create jobs.
7 West Cross Street
Hawthorne, NY 10532
Key Goals
What We Are Offering
SCALE is a FREE business training
program for entrepreneurs who are
positioned and prepared for growth.
Through classroom training,
individualized coaching, peer learning
and more, participants will learn
management skills that lead to real
business growth.
Benefits include:
Access to capital
Business advisors
Business resources
Case studies
Classroom training
…combined to support the growth and
sustainability of locally-owned,
independent small businesses.
The SCALE training experience is
designed to combine the best of
classroom learning with real-world case
studies, focused on the participants’
businesses. Business owners will gain
insight from successful business
owners, industry experts and business
development professionals.
Program Goals:
 Improved management skills
 Expanded Market share
 Increased Sales
 Enhanced Profitability
 Job creation
 Expanded customer base
Weekly on Thursdays
September 15 - November 10
from 6:00pm to 8:30pm
Place: Ground Floor Coworking
547 North Ave New Rochelle
Criteria for Participation
SCALE is an intensive business growth
program that requires the focus and full
engagement of the business owner.
Participants will receive individual
assistance with the planning, creation
and implementation of a growth plan for
their business. Business owners will gain
valuable skills to improve business
performance, increase revenue and
create jobs.
Selected participants must:
 Have minimum annual revenues of
Be in business at least 2 years*
Have at least a 51% ownership of
the business
Paid business taxes
Have business insurance*
Have all licenses and permits that NYS
and Westchester county require to
operate a business
* If you don’t meet these criteria, please
call to discuss your business situation
Community Capital
New York
Informes e Inscripciones:
Llamar al: 914-747-8020 ext 11
Es una organización sin fines de lucro
Community Development Financial
Institution (CDFI) que proporciona
asistencia técnica y capital a los
pequeños negocios para crear seguridad
financiera, crear empleo, revitalizar
comunidades, generar ingresos fiscales
y promover interés comunitario.
Community Capital New York es un SBA
micro-prestamista que sirve a siete
condados en el Hudson Valley. Nuestros
programas de préstamos y asistencia
para pequeñas empresas ayudan a los
empresarios a lograr sus objetivos
empresariales y económicos.
[email protected]
Programa GRATIS de entrenamiento
empresarial para dueños de negocio.
Designado para ayudar en el
crecimiento y sustentabilidad de su
negocio, así como para estimular la
economía y crear trabajos.
Un Programa de
7 West Cross Street
Hawthorne, NY 10532
Community Capital New York en
Qué estamos ofreciendo
SCALE es un programa GRATIS de
entrenamiento para empresarios
que están listos para crecer y
aprender. Mediante capacitación y
entrenamiento que le permitirá
llevar su negocio a otro nivel.
Acceso a capital
Consultores de negocios
Recursos para negocios
Casos de estudio reales
Entrenamiento en clase
Y mucho mas.
Metas del Programa
El programa de entrenamiento de
SCALE está diseñado para combinar
las mejores técnicas de aprendizaje en
el salón de clase con ejemplos de casos
de estudio reales, siempre con el
objetivo de mejorar su negocio. Los
participantes se beneficiarán con las
ideas e historias de otros empresarios
exitosos y expertos en desarrollo de
Metas del Programa:
 Mejorar sus destrezas en
 Ampliar su participacion en el
 Incremento de ventas
 Como incrementar sus ganancias
 Creacion de empleo
Los jueves de Septiembre 15 a Noviembre 10
de 6:00pm a 8:30pm
Lugar: Ground Floor Coworking
547 North Ave, New Rochelle 10801
Requisitos de Participación
SCALE es un curso intensivo
GRATIS para empresarios, que
requiere concentración y una
total atención. Los participantes
recibirán asistencia individual en
la creación de un plan de
crecimiento para su negocio. Los
participantes ganaran una valiosa
educación y herramientas para
mejorar su negocio.
Requisitos para participar:
 Tener ganancia anuales mínimas de
Estar en operacion desde hace 2 anos
como mínimo*
Ser dueno mínimo el 51% del negocio
Pagar impuestos
Tener seguro del negocio*
Tener todos los permisos y licencias
que el estado de NY y el condado de
Westchester requieren para operar un
* Si usted no cumple con algunos de estos criterios
favor de llamar para ver si puede calificar