boletin_34_en - Fundación Juanelo Turriano

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The Fundación Juanelo Turriano announces the 7th edition of its GARCÍA-DIEGO INTERNATIONAL
PRIZE, worth 12 000 euros, for research in any of the branches of the history of technology. The
prize is open to any individual or group submitting an original, unpublished paper.
The deadline for submissions is 23 December 2013.
See rules (in Spanish)
See rules (in English)
Noticias americanas: entretenimientos físico-históricos sobre la América meridional, y la
septentrional oriental: comparación general de los territorios, climas y producciones de
las tres especies, vegetales, animales y minerales: con relación particular de las
petrificaciones de Cuerpos marinos de los indios naturales de aquellos países ... : con un
discurso sobre el idioma, y conjeturas sobre el modo con que pasaron los primeros
pobladores / su autor Don Antonio de Ulloa, Comendador de Ocaña, en el Orden de
Santiago, Gefe de Esquadra de la Real Armada, de la Real Sociedad de Londres, y de
las Reales Academias de las Ciencias de Stockolmo, Berlín, etc [news from America:
physical-historic curiosities found in South and Northeast America: general comparison
of lands, climates and vegetable, animal and mineral production, with regard in
particular to the petrified marine bodies used by the native Indians of those countries...:
with a discussion on language and conjectures on how the earliest settlers arrived / its
author, Antonio de Ulloa, Knight Commander of the Order of Santiago, Commodore to
the Royal Navy, member of the Royal Society of London and of the Royal Academies of
Sciences of Stockholm, Berlin, etc.]. Author: Antonio de Ulloa (1716-1795).
Historia de la arquitectura cristiana española en la Edad Media según el estudio de los
elementos y los monumentos [history of Spanish Christian architecture in the Middle
Ages, a study of elements and monuments]. Author: Vicente Lampérez y Romea (18611923).
Leonardo Turriano: ingeniero del rey [Leonardo Turriano: royal engineer]. Ed. Alicia
Cámara. Authors: Alicia Cámara; Rafael Moreira; Marino Vigano: transcription and
notes on the description of the cities of Oran and Mazarquivir by Daniel Crespo.
Félix Candela, centenario 2010: la conquista de la esbeltez [Félix Candela, 2010
centenary: mastering slenderness]. VVAA. Pepa Cassinello, ed.
Pirámides y obeliscos: transporte y construcción: una hipótesis [pyramids and obelisks:
transport and construction: a hypothesis].. Author: Alejandro Ricart Cabús.
El puente moderno en España, 1850-1950: la cultura técnica y estética de los ingenieros
[modern bridges in Spain, 1850-1950: engineers’ technical and aesthetic culture].
Author: José Ramón Navarro Vera
Semblanza iconográfica de Juanelo Turriano [iconographic portrait of Juanelo Turriano].
Author: Ángel del Campo y Francés.
José María de Lanz: prefecto de Córdoba [José María de Lanz, prefect of Cordoba].
Author: Jorge Demerson.
Giovanni Francesco Sitoni: Trattato delle virtù et propietà dellé acque in the original
Italian with a Spanish translation: including the unpublished codex: Renaissance
engineer serving the Spanish crown: life and works. Author: José A. García-Diego.
Author: José A. García-Diego.
The journal Molinum is initiating a new era, in which it will graduate from a newsletter to a fullfledged, bi-monthly on-line scientific and cultural journal.
Félix Pinto Martín, who will continue to be the editor-in-chief, will head a new multi-disciplinary
team: Ágata Marquiegui Soloaga (architect and geographer), Noemí García Jiménez
(biologist), Javier Revilla Casado (historian and author of the blog “Patrimonio Industrial
Harinero”) and Diana Sánchez Mustieles (PhD. architecture).
This issue carries an interview with Bernardo Revuelta Pol, Director of the Fundación Juanelo
Molinum is published by the Asociación para la Conservación y Estudio de los Molinos (ANEM,
association for the conservation and study of mills), currently presided by Antxon Aguirre
Sorondo, member of the Fundación Juanelo Turriano’s Advisory Commission.
Download Molinum (No. 40)
Go to ACEM website
EL NUEVO MILIARIO (semi-annual bulletin on Roman roads, the history of roads and other
subjects relating to historic geography), co-sponsored by the Fundación Juanelo Turriano, has
now released its 15th (March 2013) issue.
Summary of contents:
 Nomenclatura viaria antigua. La Vía de los Vasos de Vicarello: una vía augusta de
Hispania [nomenclature for ancient roads. the Vascula Apollinaria Road: an Augustine
route in Hispania], by Jesús Sánchez Sánchez, Luis Benítez de Lugo Enrich, Jesús Rodríguez
Morales and José Luis Fernández Montoro.
 Los casos gramaticales en los vasos de Vicarello y otras fuentes itinerarias [grammatical
case in the Vascula Apollinaria (or Vicarello silver goblets) and other sources describing
historic itineraries], by Jesús Rodríguez Morales.
 Más sobre las cañadas vacceas y las vías romanas (Continuación) [more on Vaccean
cattle tracks and Roman roads (continued)], by Pedro Alegre Pastor.
 Reencuentro con el «Sáhara Occidental» (excolonia española). Geografía e historia de un
pueblo (olvidado)[revisiting the “Western Sahara” (former Spanish colony). geography and
history of a (forgotten) people], by Diego M. Muñoz Hidalgo, Ángel García Calle and
Miguel Manzanera Salavert.
 Pintia y la vía A-27[Pintia and road A-27], by Pedro Alegre Pastor
Go to El Nuevo Miliario website
Go to El Nuevo Miliario blog
Engineer Carlos Fernández Casado’s archives, on deposit at the Centre for Historic Studies on
Public Works and Urban Planning - Centre for Public Works Studies and Experimentation
(CEHOPU-CEDEX) have been opened to the public, on-line.
Visit the Carlos Fernández Casado archives
Civil Engineer Eduardo Torroja Miret’s (1899-1961) archives are likewise available.
Visit the Eduardo Torroja archive
The Royal Academy of Engineers has founded “Amigos de la Ingeniería” (friends of
engineering) to provide public opinion with an accurate and effective view of the actual
breadth of engineering and its importance in a country’s development.
See Ingenium programme, 2013-2014
Go to the Amigos de la Ingeniería website
Go to the Royal Academy of Engineering website
The Asociación para la Conservación de la Arquitectura Tradicional TAJAMAR. ARQUITECTURA,
ARTE Y PAISAJE (association for the conservation of traditional architecture TAJAMAR.
architecture, art and landscape) publishes books on architecture, among other activities.
It also has a number of historic works:
 Descripción del Real Monasterio del Escorial…” (description of the Royal Monastery at
Escorial) by D. Ximenes, 1764.
 Poblado de pescadores” (fishing village) by Muguruza 1972.
Go to artecturalibros
Go to Asociación Tajamar
If you are not interested in receiving further news from the Fundación Juanelo Turriano, please tell us by sending an e-mail to:
[email protected]