US-México Border Health Commission Budget Committee Proposed

U.S.-México Border Health Commission
Budget Committee Proposed Funding Allocation Summary
The following matrix identifies the proposed activities/initiatives and funding allocations, as well as the
lead U.S. states for the U.S.-México Border Health Commission’s (BHC) 2013-2014 program year, as
determined by the BHC’s Budget Committee on February 6, 2013.
A total of 16 activity proposals were submitted to the BHC’s Program Committee for review, of which,
eight were accepted and recommended to the Budget Committee for the purpose of allocating funding.
While the Prevention and Health Promotion among Vulnerable Populations (PHPVP) initiative was
initially included under the proposed Community-based Healthy Border Initiatives, the Budget
Committee decided to keep it as a separate initiative, bringing the total number of activities to nine.
The information included in the matrix is pending Office of Global Affairs (OGA) approval. Upon
approval, this information will be incorporated into the OGA Guidance for Preparing a Non-Competing
Continuation Application for the BHC’s Border Health Improvement Initiative Single Eligibility
Cooperative Agreement for the program year September 1, 2013-August 31, 2014. Complete meeting
minutes from the Program and Budget Committees’ meetings are forthcoming.
USMBHC- Budget Committee
Proposed Funding Allocation-Pending OGA Approval
Sep. 1, 2013-Aug. 31, 2014 Work Plan Activities - 02/06/13
$ 250,000
$ 50,000
$ 50,000
$ 450,000
$ 75,000
$ 175,000
$ 15,000
$ 15,000
D:Community-based Healthy Border Initiatives / Iniciativas Comunitarias
de Frontera Saludable
Prevention and Health Promotion among Vulnerable Populations /
Prevención y Promoción de la Salud a las Poblaciones Vulnerables
J: Border Binational Obesity Prevention Technical WG / Grupo de Trabajo
Técnico Binacional en la Prevención de Obesidad en la Frontera
H: U.S.-México Border TB Consortium & Legal Forum / Consorcio
Fronterizo de México- Estados Unidos en Tuberculosis y Foro Legal
$ 120,000
G: Border Binational Reproductive Health Summit / Cumbre Binacional
Fronteriza de la Salud Reproductiva
$ 100,000
$ 100,000
F: Border Binational Resource Development Symposium / Simposium
Binacional Fronterizo sobre el Desarrollo de Recursos
$ 90,000
$ 90,000
I: Border Binational Infectious Disease Conference / Conferencia
Binacional sobre Enfermedades Infecciosas en la Frontera
$ 200,000
$ 200,000
B: Healthy Border 2010/2020 Strategic Plan-Phase V / Fase V del Plan
Estratégico para Frontera Saludable 2010/2020
$ 125,000
$ 125,000
C: Leaders across Borders / Líderes a través de las Fronteras
$ 150,000
$ 150,000
= New activity
Notes: Red letters identify each proposed activity as discussed by Program Committee.
I: It is recommended this activity alternates years with the Border Binational Obesity Prevention Summit. Program Committee recommended
to include the Border Health Research Forum and Work Group meeting as a rack under BBID.
F: Program Committee combined this activity with the proposed Border Health Stakeholders Capacity Building Workshop (COBINAS IV)
Y:\Operations\Meetings\3_Budget CTE\2013\February\Reports\2013-2014 Proposed Work Plan & Budget_Budget Cmte_020613 for Distribution.docx
$ 1,425,000.00