CVN - Saúl Blanco Lanza

Saúl Blanco Lanza
Date of document: 19/08/2013
v 1.3.0
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Saúl Blanco Lanza
Date of birth:
Country of birth:
Aut. comm./reg. of birth:
Contact province:
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Contact address:
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Land line phone:
Personal web page:
Blanco Lanza
Castile and León
La Serna, 58
Castile and León
(+34) 987293136
(+34) 987291563
[email protected]
Current professional situation
Name of institution: Universidad de León
Department, service, etc.: Departamento de Biodiversidad y Gestión Ambiental, Instituto de Medio
Ambiente, Recursos Naturales y Biodiversidad
Category/position or post: Técnico
Teaching staff (yes/no): No
Especialista de Laboratorio
City of job: León, Castile and León, Spain
Phone: (+34) 987293136
Fax: (+34) 987291563
Email: [email protected]
Start date: 01/01/2012
Type of contract: Temporary employment
Type of dedication: Full time
Primary (UNESCO code): 241707 - Phycology
Secondary (UNESCO code): 241704 - Limnology; 250808 - Limnology
Tertiary (UNESCO code): 241713 - Plant ecology; 241720 - Plant taxonomy; 250501 - Biogeography;
250811 - Quality of water; 330800 - Environmental technology and Engineering; 330811 - Water
pollution control
Current professional activity: Taxonomía y ecología de diatomeas de agua dulce Bioindicadores
ambientales Comunidades algales en el tratamiento de purines mediante lagunaje Control de calidad
en la aplicación de índices bióticos para la monitorización de ríos y lagos
Activity keywords: Aquatic environment; Ertrophication; Lake; Aquatic biology; Algology; Taxonomy;
Hydrobiology; Algology; Biodiversity characterisation; Systematics phylogeny taxonomy; Biogeography;
Biodiversity indicators; Benthic ecosystems; Aquatic environment; Environmental indicators
(environment, fisheries and aquaculture interactions); Aquatic ecology; Environmental research
Type of management activity: University
Appl. in teaching and/or research: Publicaciones:
Previous posts and activities
Name of institution
Universidad de León
Category/position or post
Titulado Superior Investigador
Start date
Name of institution: Universidad de León
Type of institution: University
Department, service, etc.: Departamento de Biodiversidad y Gestión Ambiental, IMARENABIO
City of job: León, Castile and León, Spain
Category/position or post: Titulado Superior
Teaching management: No
Phone: (34) 987293136 - 3136
Fax: (34) 987291563 - 1563
Email: [email protected]
Start date: 01/01/2006, 7 years
End date: 31/12/2012
Type of contract: Temporary employment contract
Type of dedication: Full time
Primary (UNESCO code): 241707 - Phycology
Secondary (UNESCO code): 241704 - Limnology
Tertiary (UNESCO code): 330800 - Environmental technology and Engineering
Professional activity: Taxonomía y ecología de diatomeas de agua dulce Bioindicadores
ambientales Comunidades algales en el tratamiento de purines mediante lagunaje Control de calidad
en la aplicación de índices bióticos para la monitorización de ríos y lagos
Activity keywords: Aquatic environment; Ertrophication; Lake; Taxonomy; Hydrobiology; Aquatic
biology; Environmental indicators (environment, fisheries and aquaculture interactions); Algology;
Biodiversity characterisation; Systematics phylogeny taxonomy; Biogeography; Biodiversity
indicators; Benthic ecosystems; Aquatic environment; Aquatic ecology; Environmental research
Type of management activity: University
Official training received
University education
University degrees, engineering degrees or master's degrees
Official qualification: Higher degree
Name of qualification: Máster en Gestión y Auditorías Ambientales
City of qualification: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Castile and León, Spain
institution issuing the qualification: Universidad de Type of institution: University
las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Date of qualification: 01/03/2004
Average mark: Excellent
Official qualification: Higher degree
Name of qualification: Diploma de Estudios Avanzados
City of qualification: León, Castile and León, Spain
institution issuing the qualification: Universidad de Type of institution: University
Date of qualification: 01/05/2003
Average mark: Excellent
Official qualification: Higher degree
Name of qualification: Especialista Universitario en Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad
City of qualification: Madrid, Castile and León, Spain
institution issuing the qualification: Universidad
Type of institution: University
Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Date of qualification: 01/06/2002
Average mark: Excellent
Official qualification: Higher degree
Name of qualification: Grado de Licenciatura en Biología
City of qualification: León, Castile and León, Spain
institution issuing the qualification: Universidad de Type of institution: University
Date of qualification: 01/03/2001
Average mark: Excellent
Official qualification: Higher degree
Name of qualification: Licenciado en Biología
City of qualification: León, Castile and León, Spain
institution issuing the qualification: Universidad de Type of institution: University
Date of qualification: 01/09/2000
Average mark: Good
Doctorate programme: Ecología y Tecnología Ambiental
University issuing the qualification: Universidad de Type of institution: University
City of qualification: León, Castile and León, Spain
Date of qualification: 01/07/2007
University where DEA was obtained: Universidad de León
DEA, date: 01/05/2003
Thesis title: Ecología trófica de los peces en lagunas someras y su efecto sobre el epifiton de las plantas
Thesis director: Margarita Fernández Aláez
Thesis co-director: Susana Romo Pérez
Mark: Sobresaliente cum laude
Specialised, lifelong, technical, professional and refresher training (other than formal
academic and healthcare training)
Training title: Foro científico sobre energías convencionales y renovables”. Facultad de Ciencias Biologicas y
Ambientales de la Universidad de Leon. 30 horas.
Training title: Francés superior”. Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad de León. 120 horas.
Training title: I Jornadas de estudios africanos” Universidad de León. 12 horas.
Training title: Identificación de algas y su utilización como indicadores de la contaminación en ríos”. Universidad
de León. 45 horas.
Training title: Inglés superior”. Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad de León. 120 horas.
Training title: Iniciación al estudio de las algas”. Universidad de Murcia. 40 horas.
Training title: Introducción a la Astrofísica”. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. 120 horas.
Training title: Introducción a la Ecología del Paisaje”. Universidad de León. 50 horas.
Training title: Introducción a la programación y al análisis de datos con el sistema SAS”. SAS Institute, S.A. 20
Training title: La Astronomía como ciencia interdisciplinar”. Instituto Superior de Formación de Profesorado. 40
Training title: La cultura cientifica en la sociedad de la información”. Observatorio de la Cultura Cientifica de la
Universidad de Oviedo. 6 horas.
Training title: Los valores en la ciencia y en la cultura”. Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de
León. 35 horas.
Training title: Lucha contra incendios forestales”. Universidad de León. 40 horas.
Training title: Naturaleza en acción”. Universidad de León. 3 horas.
Training title: Primates”. Universidad de León. 20 horas.
Training title: Reproducción en cautividad de animales exóticos y salvajes”. Universidad de León. 20 horas.
Training title: Taller de identificación de diatomeas continentales”. Institut Cavanilles de Biodiversitat i Biologia
Evolutiva. 40 horas.
Training title: XIV Jornadas Estatales de Astronomía”. Asociación Leonesa de Astronomía. 30 horas.
Language skills
Teaching activity
Subjects given
Type of teaching: Unofficial teaching
Name of subject/course: Astronomía: principios integrales
Type of programme: Curso instrumental
Type of teaching: In person theory
Start date: 2009
End date: 2009
institution: Universidad de León
Type of institution: University
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Type of teaching: Unofficial teaching
Name of subject/course: Directiva-Quadro da Água: Diatomáceas bentônicas e sua utilização para a avaliação
da qualidade da água em rios de Portugal Continental
Type of programme: Curso de formación
Type of teaching: In person theory
Start date: 2007
End date: 2007
institution: Universidad de León
Type of institution: University
City: Évora, Portugal
Type of teaching: Unofficial teaching
Name of subject/course: Introducción a la Biología práctica
Type of programme: Otros cursos
Type of teaching: In person theory
Start date: 2007
End date: 2007
institution: Universidad de León
Type of institution: University
Department: Biodiversidad y Gestión Ambiental
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Type of teaching: Unofficial teaching
Name of subject/course: Diagnostico de la calidad de las aguas fluviales mediante indices diatomológicos
Type of programme: Cursos instrumentales
Type of teaching: In person theory
Start date: 2006
End date: 2006
institution: Universidad de León
Type of institution: University
Department: Biodiversidad y Gestión Ambiental
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Type of teaching: Unofficial teaching
Name of subject/course: Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible
Type of programme: Cursos de verano
Type of teaching: In person theory
Start date: 2006
End date: 2006
institution: Universidad de León
Type of institution: University
Department: Biodiversidad y Gestión Ambiental
City: Valencia de Don Juan, Castile and León, Spain
Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/course: Ecología
Type of programme: Bachelor’s degree
Type of subject: Core
Qualification: Licenciatura en Biología
Course given: 1º
Start date: 2003
Type of hours/credits: Credits
Type of teaching: Practical work (classroom-problems)
Number of times: 2
End date: 2005
Number of hours/credits: 4
institution: Universidad de León
Type of institution: University
Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Ambientales
Department: Biodiversidad y Gestión Ambiental
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/course: Ecología I
Type of programme: Bachelor’s degree
Type of teaching: Practical work (classroom-problems)
Type of subject: Core
Qualification: Licenciatura en Ciencias Ambientales
Course given: 2º
Start date: 2003
End date: 2004
Type of hours/credits: Credits
Number of hours/credits: 1
institution: Universidad de León
Type of institution: University
Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Ambientales
Department: Biodiversidad y Gestión Ambiental
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/course: Índices Bióticos de la calidad del Agua
Type of programme: Bachelor’s degree
Type of teaching: Practical work (classroom-problems)
Type of subject: Core
Qualification: Licenciatura en Ciencias Ambientales
Course given: 2º
Number of times: 2
Start date: 2003
End date: 2004
Type of hours/credits: Credits
Number of hours/credits: 1
institution: Universidad de León
Type of institution: University
Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Ambientales
Department: Biodiversidad y Gestión Ambiental
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/course: Limnología
Type of programme: Bachelor’s degree
Type of teaching: Practical work (classroom-problems)
Type of subject: Optional
Qualification: Licenciatura en Biología
Course given: 5º
Start date: 2002
End date: 2003
Type of hours/credits: Credits
Number of hours/credits: 1,5
institution: Universidad de León
Type of institution: University
Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Ambientales
Department: Biodiversidad y Gestión Ambiental
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Supervision of dissertations and/or final projects
Project title: Monitorización de los ecosistemas dulceacuícolas mediante métricas basadas en diatomeas
Type of project: Doctoral thesis
Co-director of thesis: Eloy Bécares Mantecón
University issuing the qualification: Universidad de
Type of institution: University
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Doctorate student: Cristina Cejudo Figueiras
Mark: Sobresaliente cum laude
Keywords of title: Water pollution; Water management; Aquatic biology; Hydrobiology; Algology; Aquatic ecology
Date of reading: 01/01/2011
Project title: Las diatomeas fluviales epilíticas de la parte española de la Cuenca del Duero, aspectos ecológicos,
florísticos y biogeográficos
Type of project: Doctoral thesis
University issuing the qualification: Universidad de
Type of institution: University
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Doctorate student: Irene Álvarez Blanco
Mark: Sobresaliente cum laude
Keywords of title: Taxonomy; Hydrobiology; Algology; Systematic botany; Systematics phylogeny taxonomy
Date of reading: 01/12/2009
Project title: Autoecología de las diatomeas epilíticas de los ríos de la Cuenca Hidrográfica del Duero
Type of project: Work leading to an ASD
University issuing the qualification: Universidad de
Type of institution: University
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Doctorate student: Irene Álvarez Blanco
Mark: Sobresaliente
Keywords of title: Hydrobiology; Algology; Aquatic ecology
Date of reading: 01/10/2008
Project title: Estudio comparativo de las diatomeas epifíticas de las lagunas de la Depresión del Duero
Type of project: Work leading to an ASD
Co-director of thesis: Eloy Bécares Mantecón
University issuing the qualification: Universidad de
Type of institution: University
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Doctorate student: Cristina Cejudo Figueiras
Mark: Sobresaliente
Keywords of title: Water management; Hydrobiology; Algology; Benthic ecosystems
Date of reading: 01/10/2008
Project title: Analisis de la calidad de las aguas de los ríos de la Cuenca Hidrográfica del Duero utilizando índices
Type of project: Minor thesis
University issuing the qualification: Universidad de
Type of institution: University
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Doctorate student: Irene Álvarez Blanco
Mark: Sobresaliente
Keywords of title: Water management; Hydrobiology; Algology; Quality of the environment
Date of reading: 01/02/2008
Project title: Diatomeas epilíticas en lagos europeos. Diversidad florística y relación con factores ambientales
Type of project: Minor thesis
Co-director of thesis: Eloy Bécares Mantecón
University issuing the qualification: Universidad de
Type of institution: University
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Doctorate student: Cristina Cejudo Figueiras
Mark: Sobresaliente
Keywords of title: Water management; Taxonomy; Hydrobiology; Algology; Systematic botany; Quality of the
Date of reading: 01/02/2008
Courses and seminars given oriented to university teaching training
Name of the event: Astronomía en el tiempo libre”. Ayuntamiento de León (Formación de monitores de tiempo
libre). 6 horas.
Name of the event: Ciencias para el Mundo Contemporáneo”. Centro de Formación de Profesorado e Innovación
Educativa de León. 3 horas
Name of the event: La Astronomía, un recurso educativo”. Centro de Formación de Profesorado e Innovación
Educativa de León. 6 horas.
Name of the event: Proyecto ESTALMAT I”. Centro de Formación de Profesorado e Innovación Educativa de
León. 1 hora
Other activities/achievements not included above
Description of the activity: Tutoría Externa de Empresa
Organising institution: Universidad de León
Type of institution: University
Activity end date: 26/10/2012
Description of the activity: Conferencia Contaminación lumínica”. I Semana Verde de la Universidad de León.
León, 4/5/2009
Description of the activity: Conferencia Didymo, una amenaza para la pesca fluvial”. XLIII Semana Internacional
de la Trucha. León, 11/6/2009
Description of the activity: Conferencia Observación astronómica y escucha nocturna”. I Semana Verde de la
Universidad de León. León, 5/5/2009
Experience in science and technology
Participation in research, development or innovation groups/teams
Aims of the group: Investigación
Name of the group's manager: Eloy Bécares Mantecón Number of members: 10
Standardised code: LIMNO
Type of collaboration: Co-authorship of projects and
their development
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Institution the group belongs to: Universidad de León Type of institution: University
Describe using keywords: Hydrobiology; Microbiology; Algology; Protozoology; Wastewater management;
Aquatic ecology
Scientific or technological activity
Participation in R&D&I projects funded in competitive calls by public or private bodies
Name of the project: Caracterización de comunidades microbianas en humedales construidos para el
tratamiento de aguas residuales y su relación con la eliminación de patógenos y contaminantes
Describe using keywords: Use of biochemical, microbiological and biological tools; Biological engineering;
Wastewater management; Applied ecology; Sewage sludge
Describe using keywords: Use of biochemical, microbiological and biological tools; Biological engineering;
Wastewater management; Applied ecology; Sewage sludge
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head(s) researcher(s): Eloy Bécares Mantecón
Number of researchers: 4
Number of people/year: 8
Type of participation: Collaborator
Code acc. to the funding institution: CTM2008-06676-C05-03
Start date: 01/01/2009, 3 years
End date: 31/12/2011
Total amount: 89.540
Most relevant results: Hijosa-Valsero M., Sidrach-Cardona R., Martín-Villacorta J., Bécares E. 2010
Optimization of performance assessment and desing characteristics in constructed wetlands for the renoval
of organic matter. Chemosphere. 81:651- 657.
Dedication: Part time
Applicant's contribution: Godos I, Vargas VA, Blanco S, García MC, Soto R, García-Encina PA, Becares
E, Muñoz R 2010. A comparative evaluation of microalgae for the degradation of piggery wastewater under
photosynthetic oxygenation. Biores. Technol. 101: 5150-5158
Name of the project: Impacto ecológico y sanitario de las infestaciones del alga invasora Didymosphenia
geminata en Castilla y León
Describe using keywords: Aquatic biology; Invasión; Biodiversity characterisation; Ecosystem
management; Benthic ecosystems
Describe using keywords: Aquatic biology; Invasión; Biodiversity characterisation; Ecosystem
management; Benthic ecosystems
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: Regional
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head(s) researcher(s): Eloy Bécares mantecón
Number of researchers: 5
Number of people/year: 5
Type of participation: Collaborator
Start date: 01/01/2010, 1 year - 10 months
End date: 31/10/2011
Total amount: 34.717,3
Most relevant results: Beltrami ME, Blanco S, Ciutti F, Cappelletti C, Monauni C, Pozzi S, Rimet F, Ector
L. 2008. Distribution and ecology of Didymosphenia geminata (Lyngbye) M. Schmidt (Bacillariophyta) in
Trentino watercourses (northern Italy). Cryptogamie Algol. 29: 141-160
Dedication: Part time
Applicant's contribution: Blanco S, Ector L 2009. Distribution, ecology and nuisance effects of the
freshwater invasive diatom Didymosphenia geminata (Lyngbye) M. Schmidt: a literature review. Nova Hedw.
88: 347-422
Name of the project: Tratamiento de purines mediante consorcios de algas y bacterias: Oxigenación
fotosintética y eliminación de nutrientes
Describe using keywords: Use of biochemical, microbiological and biological tools; Biological engineering;
Applied ecology; Sewage sludge
Describe using keywords: Use of biochemical, microbiological and biological tools; Biological engineering;
Applied ecology; Sewage sludge
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head(s) researcher(s): Eloy Bécares Mantecón
Number of researchers: 6
Number of people/year: 6
Type of participation: Collaborator
Code acc. to the funding institution: CTM2005-06457-C05-03
Start date: 16/02/2007, 2 years - 7 months - 13 days
End date: 29/08/2009
Total amount: 32.000
Most relevant results: Reinoso R. Torres L., Bécares E. (2008) Protozoan cysts removal and their relations
with indicator microorganisms in a combined constructed wetland for wastewater treatment. Sci. Total
Environ. 395 (2-3): 80-86
Dedication: Part time
Applicant's contribution: Godos I, Blanco S, García-Encina PA, Bécares E, Muñoz R 2009. Long-term
operation of high rate algal ponds for the bioremediation of piggery wastewaters at high loading rates.
Biores. Technol. 100: 4332-4339
Name of the project: Caracterización de comunidades microbianas y mecanismos involucrados en la
eliminación de organismos patógenos en sistemas combinados de humedales construidos
Describe using keywords: Use of biochemical, microbiological and biological tools; Biological engineering;
Applied ecology; Sewage sludge
Describe using keywords: Use of biochemical, microbiological and biological tools; Biological engineering;
Applied ecology; Sewage sludge
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head(s) researcher(s): Eloy Bécares Mantecón
Number of researchers: 8
Number of people/year: 8
Type of participation: Collaborator
Code acc. to the funding institution: CTM2005-06457-C05-03
Start date: 31/12/2005, 3 years
End date: 31/12/2008
Total amount: 83.300
Most relevant results: Reinoso R. Torres L., Bécares E. (2008) Protozoan cysts removal and their relations
with indicator microorganisms in a combined constructed wetland for wastewater treatment. Sci. Total
Environ. 395 (2-3): 80-86
Dedication: Part time
Applicant's contribution: Godos I, Blanco S, García-Encina PA, Bécares E, Muñoz R 2009. Long-term
operation of high rate algal ponds for the bioremediation of piggery wastewaters at high loading rates.
Biores. Technol. 100: 4332-4339
Name of the project: Bases científicas para la definición del estado ecológico de los sistemas lagunares de
la depresión del Duero. Establecimiento de indicadores de calidad y condiciones de referencia
Describe using keywords: Lake; Hydrobiology; Ecosystem management; Aquatic ecology
Describe using keywords: Lake; Hydrobiology; Ecosystem management; Aquatic ecology
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head(s) researcher(s): Margarita Fernández Aláez
Number of researchers: 14
Number of people/year: 14
Funding institution or bodies:
Type of institution: State agency
Type of participation: Collaborator
Code acc. to the funding institution: REN2003-03718
Start date: 01/01/2004, 3 years
End date: 31/12/2006
Total amount: 97.520
Most relevant results: García-Criado F., Bécares E., Fernández-Aláez C., Fernández-Aláez M., (2005).
Plant-associated macroinvertebrates and ecological status of shallow lakes in north-west Spain. Aquat.
Conserv. 15: 31-50.
Dedication: Part time
Applicant's contribution: Cejudo-Figueiras C, Álvarez-Blanco I, Bécares E, Blanco S 2010. Epiphytic
diatoms and water quality in shallow lakes: the neutral substrate hypothesis revisited. Mar. Freshwat. Res.
61: 1457-1467
Name of the project: Aplicación de la directiva marco del agua a los lagos de la comunidad de
Castilla-León. Bases científicas para la definición de ecotipos indicadores de calidad y condiciones de
Describe using keywords: Lake; Hydrobiology; Ecosystem management; Aquatic ecology
Describe using keywords: Lake; Hydrobiology; Ecosystem management; Aquatic ecology
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: Regional
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head(s) researcher(s): Margarita Fernández Aláez
Number of researchers: 9
Number of people/year: 9
Funding institution or bodies:
Type of institution: State agency
City: Valladolid, Castile and León, Spain
Type of participation: Collaborator
Code acc. to the funding institution: LE33/03
Start date: 19/02/2003, 2 years - 10 months
End date: 31/12/2005
Total amount: 21.800
Most relevant results: Rodríguez-Villafañe C., Bécares E., Fernández-Aláez M. (2007) Waterfowl grazing
effects on submerged macrophytes in a shallow Mediterranean lake. Aquatic Botany 86:. 25-29.
Dedication: Part time
Applicant's contribution: Cejudo-Figueiras C, Blanco S, Álvarez-Blanco I, Ector L, Bécares E 2010.
Nutrient monitoring in spanish wetlands using epiphytic diatoms. Vie et Milieu / Life Environment 60: 89-94
Name of the project: Centro para la Difusión y Promoción de las Ciencias en León
Describe using keywords: Science communication; Dissemination of culture
Describe using keywords: Science communication; Dissemination of culture
Project type: Demonstration, pilot projects,
Project area: National
conceptual formulations and design of processes and
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head(s) researcher(s): Delio Del Rincón Igea
Number of researchers: 4
Funding institution or bodies:
Fundación Española de Ciencia y Tecnología
Type of institution: Foundation
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Type of participation: Collaborator
Code acc. to the funding institution: 29502/224-4G
Start date: 01/01/2002, 1 year
End date: 31/12/2002
Total amount: 4.000
Most relevant results: Pérez CL, Blanco S, Taboada A 2002. Aplicación del modelo de Science-Shop a
la universidad española: El Bazar de las Ciencias de la Universidad de León (ponencia oral). Congreso
Internacional La Ciencia ante el Público”. Salamanca. 28-31/10/2002. Actas, pp. 302-312. ISBN:
Applicant's contribution: Pérez CL, Blanco S, Taboada A 2002. Aplicación del modelo de Science-Shop
a la universidad española: El Bazar de las Ciencias de la Universidad de León (ponencia oral). Congreso
Internacional La Ciencia ante el Público”. Salamanca. 28-31/10/2002. Actas, pp. 302-312. ISBN:
Name of the project: Ecological quality and functioning of shallow lake ecosystems with respect to the
needs of the european water framework directive
Describe using keywords: Lake; Aquatic biology; Hydrobiology; Climate change; Aquatic ecology
Describe using keywords: Lake; Aquatic biology; Hydrobiology; Climate change; Aquatic ecology
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: European Union
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Colaborador
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head(s) researcher(s): Brian Moss
Number of researchers: 11
Number of people/year: 11
Funding institution or bodies:
Comisión Comunidades Europeas
Type of institution: State agency
Type of participation: Collaborator
Name of the programme: ECOFRAME
Code acc. to the funding institution: EVK1-1999-00261
Start date: 01/03/2000, 3 years
End date: 28/02/2002
Total amount: 1.000.000
Most relevant results: Moss, B., Brönmark, C., Andersson, L.-A., Jeppesen, E. George, G. (2003): Small
lakes and ponds. In: Polunin, N. Zehnder, A.J.B. (eds): Environmental future of aquatic ecosystems.
Cambridge University Press.(In press) 13-08-2003.Moss, B., Stephen, D., Alvarez, C., Jensen, J.P.,
Jeppesen, E. Wilson, D. (2003): The determination of ecological status in shallow lakes - a tested system
(ECOFRAME) for implementation of the European Water Framework Directive. - Aquatic Conservation:
Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 13: 507-549
Dedication: Part time
Name of the project: Shallow Wetland Lake Function and Restoration in a Changing European
Describe using keywords: Lake; Aquatic biology; Hydrobiology; Climate change; Aquatic ecology
Describe using keywords: Lake; Aquatic biology; Hydrobiology; Climate change; Aquatic ecology
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: European Union
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Colaborador
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head(s) researcher(s): Timo Kairesalo
Number of researchers: 8
Number of people/year: 8
Funding institution or bodies:
Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas
Type of institution: State agency
Type of participation: Collaborator
Name of the programme: SWALE
Code acc. to the funding institution: PL 9710066
Start date: 01/10/1997, 3 years - 1 month
End date: 01/11/2000
Total amount: 168.283
Most relevant results: Freshwater Biology vol. 49
Dedication: Part time
Applicant's contribution: Blanco S, Romo S, Fernández-Aláez M, Bécares E 2007. Response of epiphytic
algae to nutrient loading and fish density in a shallow lake: a mesocosm experiment. Hydrobiologia 600:
65-76 Blanco S, Fernández-Aláez M, Bécares E. 2008. Efficiency of top-down control depends on nutrient
concentration in a Mediterranean shallow lake: A mesocosm study. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 59: 922-930
Participation in R&D&I non-competitive projects, contracts or agreements with administrations
or public or private bodies
Name of the project: Procesado, análisis y cálculo de índices diatomológicos de cuatro muestras de
fitobentos fluvial
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head researcher: Eloy Bécares Mantecón
Number of researchers: 3
Number of people/year: 3
Participating bodies: Universidad de León
Funding institution or bodies:
Type of institution: Business
City: Oviedo, Principality of Asturias, Spain
Type of project: Cooperation
Start date: 25/06/2012, 18 months
Total amount: 600
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Name of the project: Análisis de diatomeas de las lagunas de Doñana
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head researcher: Eloy Bécares Mantecón
Number of researchers: 2
Number of people/year: 2
Participating bodies: Universidad de León
Funding institution or bodies:
Universidad de Sevilla
City: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain
Type of institution: University
Type of project: Cooperation
Start date: 18/11/2011, 2 years - 1 month
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Name of the project: Estudio de la biodegradación de materia orgánica y recuperación de nutrientes a
partir de aguas residuales de origen agroalimentario mediante sistemas siombióticos microalgas-bacterias.
Optimización a escala laboratorio
Describe using keywords: Waste disposal; Wastewater management
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head researcher: Eloy Bécares Mantecón
Number of researchers: 3
Number of people/year: 3
Participating bodies: Universidad de León
Funding institution or bodies:
Junta de Castilla y León
Type of institution: otros
City: Valladolid, Castile and León, Spain
Type of project: Cooperation
Start date: 05/06/2011, 1 year - 5 months - 10 days
Describe using keywords: Waste disposal; Wastewater management
Name of the project: Evaluación y control de Didymosphenia geminata en la cuenca del Duero. Detección
precoz y valoración del impacto en el hábitat fluvial. Muestreos 2010-2011
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head researcher: Eloy Bécares Mantecón
Number of researchers: 5
Number of people/year: 5
Participating bodies: Universidad de León
Funding institution or bodies:
CONFEDERACIÓN HIDROGRÁFICA DEL DUERO Type of institution: State agency
City: Valladolid, Castile and León, Spain
Type of project: Cooperation
Start date: 05/11/2010, 1 year
Total amount: 21.140,9
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Name of the project: Elaboración de los atlas de identificación de los organismos utilizados como
elementos de calidad biológicos en las nuevas redes de control en aplicación de la directiva marco del agua
(Parte diatomeas)
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head researcher: Eloy Bécares Mantecón
Number of researchers: 4
Number of people/year: 4
Participating bodies: Universidad de León
Funding institution or bodies:
Type of institution: Business
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Type of project: Cooperation
Start date: 06/08/2010, 1 year - 4 months - 26 days
Total amount: 6.490
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Name of the project: Diseño e impresión de la guía de diatomeas de la Cuenca del Duero
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head researcher: Eloy Bécares Mantecón
Number of researchers: 4
Number of people/year: 4
Participating bodies: Universidad de León
Funding institution or bodies:
CONFEDERACIÓN HIDROGRÁFICA DEL DUERO Type of institution: State agency
City: Valladolid, Castile and León, Spain
Type of project: Cooperation
Start date: 20/07/2010, 1 year - 5 months - 12 days
Total amount: 21.122
Most relevant results: Blanco S, Álvarez-Blanco I, Cejudo-Figueiras C, Bécares E 2011. Guía de las
diatomeas de la cuenca del Duero. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino / Confederación
Hidrográfica del Duero, León, 212 pp. NIPO: 771-10-005-1.
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Name of the project: Índices Diatomológicos - Proyecto SMURFIT 2
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head researcher: Eloy Bécares Mantecón
Number of researchers: 4
Number of people/year: 4
Participating bodies: Universidad de León
Funding institution or bodies:
City: Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Type of project: Cooperation
Start date: 28/11/2009, 2 years - 1 month - 1 day
Total amount: 1.600,8
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Name of the project: Índices diatomológicos - Proyecto GUADIANA 2
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head researcher: Eloy Bécares Mantecón
Number of researchers: 4
Number of people/year: 4
Participating bodies: Universidad de León
Funding institution or bodies:
City: Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Type of project: Cooperation
Start date: 28/11/2009, 2 years - 1 month - 1 day
Total amount: 3.134,9
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Name of the project: Estudio Limnológico del Lago Carucedo
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head researcher: Eloy Bécares Mantecón
Number of researchers: 5
Number of people/year: 5
Participating bodies: Universidad de León
Funding institution or bodies:
Type of institution: Business
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Type of project: Cooperation
Start date: 03/11/2009, 2 years - 1 month - 26 days
Total amount: 7.656
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Name of the project: Elaboración de un atlas de diatomeas de la cuenca del Duero (Fase III de III). Control
y seguimiento del alga invasora didymosphena geminata
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head researcher: Eloy Bécares Mantecón
Number of researchers: 6
Number of people/year: 6
Participating bodies: Universidad de León
Funding institution or bodies:
CONFEDERACIÓN HIDROGRÁFICA DEL DUERO Type of institution: State agency
City: Valladolid, Castile and León, Spain
Type of project: Cooperation
Start date: 25/08/2009, 2 years - 4 months - 7 days
Total amount: 139.812,26
Most relevant results: Blanco S, Bécares E, Hernández N, Ector E 2006. Evaluación de la calidad del
agua en los ríos de la cuenca del Duero (España) mediante índices diatomológicos. Ing. Civil 148: 139-153
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Name of the project: Índices diatomológicos-Proyecto FRANCOLÍ II
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head researcher: Eloy Bécares Mantecón
Number of researchers: 4
Number of people/year: 2
Participating bodies: Universidad de León
Funding institution or bodies:
City: Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Type of project: Cooperation
Start date: 27/07/2009, 2 years - 5 months - 5 days
Total amount: 1.914
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Name of the project: Asesoramiento de indicadores biológicos de contaminación
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head researcher: Eloy Bécares Mantecón
Number of researchers: 4
Number of people/year: 4
Participating bodies: Universidad de León
Funding institution or bodies:
Type of project: Cooperation
Start date: 28/11/2008, 3 years - 1 month - 1 day
Total amount: 27.436,39
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Name of the project: Asesoramiento y determinación de índices biológicos y la elaboración de un Atlas de
diatomeas bentónicas de la cuenca del Duero (fase II)
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head researcher: Eloy Bécares Mantecón
Number of researchers: 10
Number of people/year: 10
Participating bodies: Universidad de León
Funding institution or bodies:
CONFEDERACIÓN HIDROGRÁFICA DEL DUERO Type of institution: State agency
City: Valladolid, Castile and León, Spain
Type of project: Cooperation
Start date: 28/04/2008, 2 years - 9 months - 3 days
Total amount: 111.490,5
Most relevant results: Blanco S, Bécares E, Hernández N, Ector E 2006. Evaluación de la calidad del
agua en los ríos de la cuenca del Duero (España) mediante índices diatomológicos. Ing. Civil 148: 139-153
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Name of the project: Determinación de índices diatomológicos y concentración de pigmentos fotosintéticos
en dos muestras biológicas
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head researcher: Eloy Bécares Mantecón
Number of researchers: 4
Participating bodies: Universidad de León
Funding institution or bodies:
City: Oviedo, Principality of Asturias, Spain
Type of institution: University
Number of people/year: 4
Type of institution: Business
Type of project: Cooperation
Start date: 28/02/2008, 3 years - 10 months - 2 days
Total amount: 446,6
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Name of the project: Análisis ecológico de diatomeas lacustres
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head researcher: Eloy Bécares Mantecón
Number of researchers: 2
Number of people/year: 2
Participating bodies: Universidad de León
Funding institution or bodies:
City: Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Type of project: Cooperation
Start date: 26/01/2008, 1 year - 11 months - 5 days
Total amount: 2.500
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Name of the project: Análisis y aplicación de índices de diatomeas en la cuenca del Duero
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head researcher: Eloy Bécares Mantecón
Number of researchers: 10
Number of people/year: 10
Participating bodies: Universidad de León
Funding institution or bodies:
City: Valladolid, Castile and León, Spain
Type of institution: State agency
Type of project: Cooperation
Start date: 16/02/2007, 4 years - 6 months - 26 days
Total amount: 65.258,54
Most relevant results: Blanco S, Bécares E, Hernández N, Ector E 2006. Evaluación de la calidad del
agua en los ríos de la cuenca del Duero (España) mediante índices diatomológicos. Ing. Civil 148: 139-153
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Name of the project: Determinación de muestras de diatomeas de las lagunas de Muniellos
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head researcher: Eloy Bécares Mantecón
Number of researchers: 2
Number of people/year: 2
Participating bodies: Universidad de León
Funding institution or bodies:
Universidad de Oviedo
Type of institution: University
City: Oviedo, Principality of Asturias, Spain
Type of project: Cooperation
Start date: 13/11/2006, 5 years - 2 months - 16 days
Total amount: 406
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Name of the project: Identificación, cuantificación y análisis de dos muestras de diatomeas bentónicas
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head researcher: Eloy Bécares Mantecón
Number of researchers: 2
Number of people/year: 2
Participating bodies: Universidad de León
Funding institution or bodies:
Type of institution: Business
City: Tres Cantos, Community of Madrid, Spain
Type of project: Cooperation
Start date: 08/11/2006, 1 year
Total amount: 185,6
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Name of the project: Análisis y aplicación de índices de diatomeas en la cuenca del Duero
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head researcher: Eloy Bécares Mantecón
Number of researchers: 6
Number of people/year: 6
Participating bodies: Universidad de León
Funding institution or bodies:
CONFEDERACIÓN HIDROGRÁFICA DEL DUERO Type of institution: State agency
City: Valladolid, Castile and León, Spain
Type of project: Cooperation
Start date: 26/07/2005, 4 years - 6 months - 6 days
Most relevant results: Blanco S, Bécares E, Hernández N, Ector E 2006. Evaluación de la calidad del
agua en los ríos de la cuenca del Duero (España) mediante índices diatomológicos. Ing. Civil 148: 139-153
Describe using keywords: Water management; Algology; Ecosystem management; Applied ecology;
Aquatic ecology
Name of the project: Estudio sobre el establecimiento de las bases para la aplicación de las diatomeas
como indicadores de calidad en la margen derecha del río Duero
Describe using keywords: Water pollution; Algology; Ecosystem management; Benthic ecosystems
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de León
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Head researcher: Eloy Bécares Mantecón
Number of researchers: 2
Number of people/year: 2
Participating bodies: Universidad de León
Funding institution or bodies:
FUNDACIÓN GENERAL DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE Type of institution: Foundation
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Type of project: Cooperation
Start date: 17/06/2004, 2 years - 7 months - 15 days
Total amount: 24.964,64
Most relevant results: Blanco S, Bécares E, Cauchie HM, Hoffmann L, Ector L. 2007. Comparison of
biotic indices for water quality diagnosis in the Duero Basin (Spain) Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. Large Rivers 17:
Describe using keywords: Water pollution; Algology; Ecosystem management; Benthic ecosystems
Scientific and technological activities
Scientific production
H index: 9
Publications, scientific and technical documents
Cristina Delgado; Luc Ector; Maria Helena Novais; Saúl Blanco Lanza; Lucien Hoffmann; Isabel Pardo. Epilithic
diatoms of springs and spring–fed streams in Majorca Island (Spain) with the description of a new diatom species
Cymbopleura margalefii sp. nov.Fottea. 13, pp. 87 - 104. Praga(Czech Republic): Czech Phycological Society,
2013. ISSN 1802-5439
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 4
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Relevant results: The Island of Majorca (Spain) is characterized by a Mediterranean climate and a karstic geology
that favors the formation of numerous springs and spring–fed streams on the island’s Northwester zone. Water
and epilithic diatom samples were collected from two springs and four spring–fed streams, located at altitudes
ranging from 0 to 756 m a.s.l., in different seasons between 2005 and 2008. Water chemistry in these systems is
characterized by high concentrations of dissolved calcium and pH values ranging from 6.6 to 8.4. A total of 111
diatom taxa belonging to 40 genera were found and the most abundant taxa were illustrated with LM and SEM.
The diatom communities of the studied sites were dominated by species such as Achnanthidium minutissimum,
A. pyrenaicum, Amphora pediculus, Cymbella vulgata, Diploneis separanda, Encyonopsis minuta, Gomphonema
lateripunctatum and Navicula cryptotenella, reflecting the calcareous geological nature of Majorca Island. In the
framework of the study 22 diatom taxa, which are new for Balearic Islands were recorded, such as Achnanthidium
straubianum, Amphora indistincta, Cymbella lange–bertalotii,Encyonopsis subminuta, Karayevia kolbei, Navicula
aff.margalithii, N. reichardtiana and N. subalpina. In addition, a new freshwater diatom species belonging to the
genus Cymbopleura,C. margalefii was found in the Torrente of Deià. Cymbopleura margalefiiis described as a new
species based on LM and SEM observations, and compared with similar taxa. A checklist of the 309 diatom taxa
recorded so far from the Balearic Islands is also presented.
Relevant publication: Yes
Tiina Nõges; Timo Kairesalo; Erik Jeppesen; Saúl Blanco Lanza; Cristina Cejudo Figueiras; Irene Álvarez Blanco;
Ellen van Donk; Elizabeth Gross; Lars-Anders Hansson; Kenneth Irvine; Brian Moss; Eloy Bécares Mantecón.
Epiphytic diatoms along environmental gradients in Western European shallow lakes. CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water.
Malden(United States of America): Wiley, 2013. Disponible en Internet en: <DOI: 10.1002/clen.201200630>. ISSN
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Impact index: 2,046
Position: 19
Category: Science Edition - WATER RESOURCES
Journal in the top 25%: No
No. of journals in the cat.: 80
Relevant results: Diatom-based assays have been successfully associated worldwide with the trophic status of
lakes. Several studies have demonstrated a correlation between epiphytic diatoms and nutrient load in shallow
lakes and wetlands. We examine the relative importance of environmental factors in explaining the structure of
epiphytic diatom communities in a set of Western European shallow lakes. The effects of lake physical/chemical,
morphometric and geographical variables on diatom assemblages were tested using distance-based, canonical
correspondence and regression analyses. Our results show that epiphytic diatom communities respond, mainly
to physical/chemical variables, overriding the effects of lake depth, size and location. The clustering of studied
systems based along a total phosphorus concentration gradient concurs with previous classification of diatom taxa
and nutrient state. Assessment of epiphytic diatoms provided a potential method for shallow lake classification.
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Irene Álvarez Blanco; Cristina Cejudo Figueiras; Ignacio De Godos; Eloy Bécares Mantecón;
Raúl Muñoz; Héctor O. Guzmán; Virgilia A. Vargas; Roberto Soto. New diatom taxa from high-altitude Andean
saline lakes. Diatom Research. 28, pp. 13 - 27. Oxon(United Kingdom): Taylor & Francis, 2013. Disponible en
Internet en: <>. ISSN 0269-249X
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - MARINE & FRESHWATER
Impact index: 0,656
Relevant results: During a biological survey carried out in five shallow, high-altitude saline lakes of the Bolivian
Altiplano in 2009, six unknown diatom taxa were found in various lake populations. Detailed light and scanning
electron microscopy observations allowed the description of the following new taxa: Navicula venetoides
(distinguished from N. veneta Kützing by having coarser lineate striae), Pinnularia boliviana (similar to P.
rhombarea var. halophila Krammer but with coarser striae and a narrower central area), Nitzschia sansimoni
(morphologically close to N. supralitorea Lange-Bertalot, the latter having denser striae), Surirella striatula var.
halophila (differing from the nominate and other varieties in a distinctly heteropolar outline and the presence of
denser fibulae) and S. moralesii (with large, strictly isopolar valves and a deep pervalvar depression). Differential
diagnostic criteria with respect to similar taxa, together with ecological and biogeographical implications of these
findings, are briefly discussed.
Relevant publication: Yes
Irene Álvarez-Blanco; Saúl Blanco; Cristina Cejudo-Figueiras; Eloy Bécares. The Duero Diatom Index
(DDI) for river water quality assessment in NW Spain: design and validation. Environmental Monitoring and
Assessment. 185, pp. 969 - 981. Heidelberg(Germany): Springer Netherlands, 2013. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 0167-6369
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 2
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - ENVIRONMENTAL
Impact index: 1,400
Relevant results: Diatom indices developed in certain geographic regions are frequently used elsewhere,
despite the strong evidence that such metrics are less useful when applied in regions other than that where
species-environment relationships were originally assessed, showing that species have particular autoecological
requirements in different geographic areas. The goal of this study was to develop a new metric, the Duero Diatom
Index (DDI), aimed at monitoring water quality in Duero basin watercourses (NW Spain). In summer 2008 and
2009, a total of 355 epilithic diatom samples were collected following standard protocols. The 2008 samples were
used to develop the DDI, whereas the samples collected during 2009 were used in the index testing. Weighted
averages method was used to derive the autoecological profiles of diatoms with respect to pH, conductivity,
biological oxygen demand, ammonia, nitrates, and phosphates. The optimum and tolerance values for the
measured environmental variables were determined for 137 taxa with abundances and frequencies of occurrence
above 1 %, and subsequent trophic indicator and sensitivity values were defined for the DDI. The correlation
between the observed and the diatom-inferred nutrient concentrations was highest for phosphates (# (S) = 0.72).
Significant statistical relationship were observed between DDI values and the chemistry-based General Quality
Index values (p = 0.006) and the specific pollution index (SPI) diatom metric (p = 0.04). DDI has demonstrated a
better correlation with water chemistry than SPI diatom metric.
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Irene Álvarez Blanco; Cristina Cejudo Figueiras; José Manuel Recio Espejo; César
Borja Barrera; Eloy Bécares Mantecón; Fernado Díaz del Olmo; Rafael Cámara Artigas. The diatom flora
in temporary ponds of Doñana National Park (southwest Spain): five new taxa.Nordic Journal of Botany.
31, pp. 489 - 499. Malden(United States of America): Elsevier, 2013. Disponible en Internet en: <doi:
10.1111/j.1756-1051.2013.01691.x>. ISSN 1756-1051
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Impact index: 0,595
Category: Science Edition - PLANT SCIENCES
Relevant results: Doñana temporary ponds (southwest Spain) form a system of water bodies of remarkable
ecological singularity with a high protection status. However, its species composition, diversity, and distribution
of algal communities are largely unknown. During a biological survey carried out in shallow temporary ponds in
2010, several unknown diatom taxa were found in various population densities in the epiphyton of these systems.
Detailed light and scanning electron microscopy observations allowed the description of five of them (Eunotia
vozmedianoi,Planothidium lacustre,Halamphora tharsis,G. undulans andPinnularia acidophilavar.baetica) as
taxa new to science. Differential diagnostic criteria with respect to similar taxa, together with ecological and
biogeographical implications of these findings, are briefly discussed. Our results support recent studies indicating
that endemism in diatoms might be a widespread pattern.
Relevant publication: Yes
Irene Álvarez Blanco; Saúl Blanco Lanza. Benthic Diatoms from Mediterranean Coasts. pp. 1 - 472. J. Cramer,
Collection: Bibliotheca Diatomologica
Type of production: Book
Format: Book
Relevant results: Benthic marine algae play a key role in the structure and functioning of its ecosystems
and, within this group, diatoms represent the most abundant and diversified component. Littoral diatoms are
useful biological markers for reconstructing paleolimnological and paleooceanographical environments, and
their biological features make them also excellent water quality indicators, this having promoted their study at
international level. A taxonomic study on the benthic diatoms from selected Mediterranean coasts is presented
in this work. An iconographic catalogue, together with detailed taxonomic, nomenclatural and bibliographic
information, is provided as a practical reference for further taxonomic and floristic studies. The book gathers 120
representative diatom taxa in terms of abundance, but also poorly known species, selected from 23 samples
collected during spring 2010. The analyzed diatom samples were collected from coastal rocks at seven locations
from the northern Mediterranean coasts, including the Adriatic and the Aegean Seas. Certain taxa which could not
be identified to specific level are also presented. For each diatom species the following information is provided:
information about the type material, a list of synonyms, a comparative table with morphometric data provided in the
literature, an exhaustive list of illustrated bibliographic references and an iconographic series illustrating the taxon’s
morphological variability, with a total of 572 LM and 212 SEM photos arranged in 91 plates. The nomenclature,
taxonomy and systematic position are updated. Eight taxa are described as new to Science and other seven are
nomenclaturally recombined. Eight taxa are new records for the Mediter-ranean Sea and five are for the first time
illustrated in SEM.
Relevant publication: Yes
Soizic Morin; Arielle Cordonier; Isabelle Lavoie; Ardeline Arini; Saúl Blanco Lanza; Thi Thuy Duong; Elisabet
Tornés Bes; Berta Bonet; Natàlia Corcoll; Leslie Faggiano; Martin Laviale; Florence Pérès; Eloy Bécares
Mantecón; Michel Coste; Agnes Feurtet-Mazel; Claude Fortin; Helena Guasch; Sergi Sabater. Consistency
in diatom response to metal-contaminated environments. Geiszinger A, Guasch H, Ginebreda A (eds)
The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry - Emerging and Priority Pollutants: Bringing Science into River
Management Plans. pp. 117 - 146. New York(United States of America): Springer, 2012. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISBN 978-3-642-25722-3
Collection: Earth and Environmental Science
Type of production: Chapters of books
Format: Book
Ranking: 5
Acting as: Author or co-author of chapter in book
Relevant results: Diatoms play a key role in the functioning of streams, and their sensitivity to many
environmental factors has led to the development of numerous diatom-based indices used in water quality
assessment. Although diatom-based monitoring of metal contamination is not currently included in water quality
monitoring programs, the effects of metals on diatom communities have been studied in many polluted watersheds
as well as in laboratory experiments, underlying their high potential for metal contamination assessment. Here, we
review the response of diatoms to metal pollution from individual level (e.g. size, growth form, and morphological
abnormalities) to community structure (replacement of sensitive species by tolerant ones). These potential
effects are then tested using a large, multi-country database combining diatom and metal information. Metal
contamination proved to be a strong driver of the community structure, and enabled for the identification of tolerant
species like Cocconeis placentula var. euglypta, Eolimna minima, Fragilaria gracilis, Nitzschia sociabilis, Pinnularia
parvulissima, and Surirella angusta. Among the traits tested, diatom cell size and the occurrence of diatom
deformities were found to be good indicators of high metal contamination. This work provides a basis for further
use of diatoms as indicators of metal pollution.
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Cristina Cejudo Figueiras; Loïc Tudesque; Eloy Bécares Mantecón; Lucien Hoffmann;
Luc Ector. Are diatom diversity indices reliable monitoring metrics?. Hydrobiologia. 695, pp. 199 206. Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland(Holland): Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2012. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 0018-8158
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - MARINE & FRESHWATER
Impact index: 1.985
Relevant results: A biological survey was carried out in 640 stations spread over the Loire-Bretagne National
Network (France) between 1996 and 2000. Epilithic diatom inventories were obtained following standard methods.
A total of 934 diatom taxa were identified. Common diversity indices (species richness, Shannon’s diversity,
equitability, dominance, etc.) were calculated and compared against abiotic factors verify their reliability as
biomonitoring metrics. Sampling stations were classified according to their trophic status (TP concentration).
Several theoretical predictions about the relationship between community structural parameters and limnological
variables were tested. In general, diversity indices exhibited poor linear correlations with environmental
factors indicating ecological status. No clear patterns were found concerning species accumulation curves,
occurrence-abundance, frequency-abundance and frequency distribution of diatom taxa between different trophic
levels, although assemblages from stations with lower TP levels were characterized by relatively high dominances
of certain taxa, mainly Achnanthidium minutissimum. In the light of these findings, the use of diatom diversity
indices in biological quality surveillance protocols in continental waters is discouraged. Results are compared and
discussed with similar studies.
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Irene Álvarez Blanco; Cristina Cejudo Figueiras; Eloy Bécares Mantecón. Contribution to the
diatom flora of Cambodia. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 50, pp. 258 - 266. Oxford(United Kingdom): John
Wiley Sons, 2012. Disponible en Internet en: <>. ISSN
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Impact index: 1.851
Category: Science Edition - PLANT SCIENCES
Relevant results: Cambodian aquatic ecosystems are extremely diversified and constitute major preservation
targets. However, the species composition, diversity, and distribution of the inhabiting algal communities are
largely unknown. During a sample collection carried out in the Angkor and Banteay Srei monuments area in 2010,
several unknown diatom taxa were found in various population densities in the artificial lakes surrounding these
temples. Detailed light and scanning electron microscopy observations allowed the description of five of them
(Pinnularia cambodiana, P. shivae, Gomphonema angkoricum, G. paradaphnoides, and Frustulia lacus-templi)
as taxa new to science. Differential diagnostic criteria with respect to similar taxa, together with the ecological and
environmental implications of these findings, are briefly discussed.
Relevant publication: Yes
Maria Helena Novais; Saúl Blanco Lanza; Cristina Delgado; Manuela Morais; Lucien Hoffmann; Luc Ector; Luc
Ector. Ecological assessment of Portuguese reservoirs based on littoral epilithic diatoms. Hydrobiologia. 695,
pp. 265 - 279. Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland(Holland): Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2012. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 0018-8158
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - MARINE & FRESHWATER
Impact index: 1.985
Relevant results: The objective of this study was to evaluate whether biological methods based on epilithic littoral
diatoms are a valuable complement to other biological elements for the assessment of the ecological potential
of reservoirs in Portugal, in accordance with the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive. The
statistical analysis performed (PCA, DCA, ANOSIM and SIMPER) based on the study of diatom communities of
18 reservoirs allowed the following results: (i) the separation of all the a priori defined types (North, Main Courses
and South) was proved; (ii) there were no significant differences between reservoirs classified as reference and
non-reference and (iii) the classification of the reservoirs as reference or non-reference based on the use of
the diatom Specific Pollution sensitivity Index as a complementary variable allowed the definition of Maximum
Ecological Potential reservoirs for the North and South types. Methods based on the use of epilithic littoral diatoms
can therefore contribute, together with other biological elements, for the assessment of the ecological potential of
aquatic lentic systems in Portugal, almost exclusively constituted by reservoirs.
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Bart Van de Vijver; Alicia Vinocur; Gabriela Mataloni; Joan Gomà; Maria Helena Novais; Luc
Ector. Hippodonta lange-bertalotii Van de Vijver, Mataloni & Vinocur sp. nov. and related small-celled Hippodonta
taxa. Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia. 141, pp. 39 - 52. Stuttgart(Germany): Schweizerbart science publishers, 2012.
Disponible en Internet en: <>. ISBN 978-3-443-51063-3
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Impact index: 0.809
Relevant results: Hippodonta lange-bertalotii Van de Vijver, Mataloni & Vinocur sp. nov. is described from Crater
Lake, Deception Island (South Shetland Islands). Present paper reports a detailed morphological descrip-tion of
this species by means of light and scanning electron microscopy. The main diagnostic criteria in-clude the rhombic
outline of the valves, the comparatively narrow striae and the presence of two shortened striae delimiting the
central area. The adscription of this new species to the genus Hippodonta and the differences with related taxa
are briefl y discussed. Additionally, the morphological variability of the similar H. pseudacceptata is examined
analyzing the valvar ultrastructure of different populations collected from Western Europe or published in the
literature. Hippodonta pumila is presented as a heterotypic synonym of H. pseudacceptata
Relevant publication: Yes
Maria Kahlert; Martyn Kelly; Raino-Lars Albert; Salomé FP Almeida; Tomáš Bešta; Saúl Blanco Lanza; Michel
Coste; Luc Denys; Luc Ector; Markéta Fránková; Daša Hlúbiková; Plamen Ivanov; Bryan Kennedy; Petr Marvan;
Adrienne Mertens; Juha Miettinen; Joanna Picinska-Fa#tynowicz; Juliette Rosebery; Elisabet Tornés; Sirje
Vilbaste; Andrea Vogel. Identification versus counting protocols as sources of uncertainty in diatom-based
ecological status assessments. Hydrobiologia. 695, pp. 109 - 124. Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland(Holland): Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2012. Disponible en Internet en: <>. ISSN
Type of production: Article
Ranking: 6
Format: Journal
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - MARINE & FRESHWATER
Impact index: 1.985
Relevant results: In 2009, seventeen analysts participated in a pan-European diatom ring-test (intercalibration),
analyzing nine samples from seven countries following the European standard EN 14407. The objective of this
exercise was to agree on practical conventions on diatom identification to facilitate future intercalibration work
and to assess the extent to which national differences in sample analysis (counting protocol and identification
conventions) contribute to variability in EU-level comparisons of diatom-based methods. Differences in the
reported taxa lists were large, but not a major source of variation in values of a common metric (the phytobenthos
Intercalibration Common Metric, ICM). Therefore, every country can apply its own identification conventions for
national assessments, and still be fairly confident that the ICM reflects the national classification of its streams.
Part of the index variation was due to differences in counting protocols and care should be taken when handling
broken valves, girdle views and small taxa. More work at both national and European level is needed to provide a
harmonized way of using diatoms for ecological status assessments in the future.
Relevant publication: Yes
Erik Jeppesen; Thomas Mehner; Ian J Winfield; Külli Kangur; Jouko Sarvala; Daniel Gerdeaux; Martti Rask; Hilmar
J Malmquist; Kerstin Holmgren; Pietro Volta; Susana Gabriela Romo Pérez; Reiner Eckmann; Alfred Sandström;
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Andu Kangur; Henrik Ragnarsson Stabo; Marjo Tarvainen; Anne-Mari Ventelä; Martin
Søndergaard; Torben L Lauridsen; Mariana Meerhoff. Impacts of climate warming on the long-term dynamics
of key fish species in 24 European lakes. Hydrobiologia. Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland(Holland): Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 2012. Disponible en Internet en: <>. ISSN 0018-8158
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 14
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - MARINE & FRESHWATER
Impact index: 1.985
Relevant results: Fish play a key role in the trophic dynamics of lakes. With climate warming, complex changes
in fish assemblage structure may be expected owing to direct effects of temperature and indirect effects operating
through eutrophication, water level changes, stratification and salinisation. We reviewed published and new
long-term (10–100 years) fish data series from 24 European lakes (area: 0.04–5,648 km2; mean depth: 1–177
m; a north–south gradient from Sweden to Spain). Along with an annual temperature increase of about 0.15–
0.3°C per decade profound changes have occurred in either fish assemblage composition, body size and/or age
structure during recent decades and a shift towards higher dominance of eurythermal species. These shifts have
occurred despite a reduction in nutrient loading in many of the lakes that should have benefited the larger-sized
individuals and the fish species typically inhabiting cold-water, low-nutrient lakes. The cold-stenothermic Arctic
charr has been particularly affected and its abundance has decreased in the majority of the lakes where its
presence was recorded. The harvest of cool-stenothermal brown trout has decreased substantially in two southern
lakes. Vendace, whitefish and smelt show a different response depending on lake depth and latitude. Perch has
apparently been stimulated in the north, with stronger year classes in warm years, but its abundance has declined
in the southern Lake Maggiore, Italy. Where introduced, roach seems to take advantage of the higher temperature
after years of low population densities. Eurythermal species such as common bream, pike–perch and/or shad
are apparently on the increase in several of the lakes. The response of fish to the warming has been surprisingly
strong and fast in recent decades, making them ideal sentinels for detecting and documenting climate-induced
modifications of freshwater ecosystems.
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco. Id-Tax. Catálogo y Claves de Identificación de Organismos Fitobentónicos Utilizados como
Elementos de Calidad en las Redes de Control del Estado Ecológico. pp. 1 - 444. Madrid, Community of
Madrid(Spain): Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, 2012. Disponible en Internet
en: <>. ISBN
Legal deposit: M-18469-2012
Type of production: Book
Format: Book
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of entire book
Relevant results: Para facilitar y homogeneizar el tratamiento y la interpretación de la información generada en
las redes de control biológico se presenta una colección de fichas descriptivas de los organismos fitobentónicos
que incluyen: nombre científico, común, sinónimo, propiedades, descripción, ecología, ruta taxonómica e índices
y métricas, foto o ilustración incluyendo la propiedad y el autor. Esta guía ha sido elaborada por la Dirección
General del Agua y forma parte de una colección de cinco tomos
Relevant publication: Yes
Trophic Ecology of Fishes in Shallow Lakes and their Effect on Plant Epiphyton. pp. 1 - 104. Köln, Köln(Germany):
AV Academikerverlag GmbH Co. KG, 2012. Disponible en Internet en: <
details//store/gb/book/978-3-8473-4209-0/trophic-ecology-of-fishes-in-shallow-lakes>. ISBN 978-3-8473-4209-0
Type of production: Book
Format: Book
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of entire book
Relevant results: This work is based on five research papers covering different aspects of fish trophic ecology in
several shallow lakes. The feeding ecology of the Iberian endemic fish Chondrostoma arcasii and the introduced
mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki was studied experimentally by means of bifactorial mesocosm experiments
performed in two shallow lakes, testing different nutrient concentrations and fish population densities. The results
show that, for C. arcasii, water turbidity was high at the fish-added treatments, but decreased in higher nutrient
mesocosms due to cladoceran proliferation. This species exhibited a generalist diet with an important contribution
of non-planktonic components. An ontogenic shift towards bentho-detritivory was observed. The proportion of
zooplankton in gut contents increased with nutrient additions. C. arcasii selected cladocerans over copepods
and rotifers, these dominated in the resulting zooplankton community. Some fish-added mesocosms kept high
water transparency probably due to physiological alterations related to high ammonium concentrations. For G.
holbrooki, results confirm that it is a planktivorous and omnivorous species, also ingesting algae and detritus.
Nutrient fertilization caused almost no changes in feeding behavior of this species, but larger mosquitofish
stocks induced a shift to zooplanktivory. When submerged macrophytes were present, the predation affected
to planktonic and plant-associated zooplankton, otherwise predation on bottom macroinvertebrates increased.
Females preyed upon almost all animal prey more intensely than males and also on detritus. Males and juveniles
did not overlap in their diet, the former selected ostracods, while juveniles consumed mainly detritus, rotifers
and cladocerans. The fish communities inhabiting some shallow Spanish Mediterranean coastal lakes were also
investigated. Gut contents were analysed to determine the foraging pattern of each species and the influence
on the lake food web. Almost no piscivorous species were recorded and, in general, omnivorous species
dominated independently of lake trophic state. Dietary differences between fishes were found between lakes
and also between available preys. Maximum fish biomass and diversity were found in the Albufera lake, where
mugilids and Cyprinus carpio dominated. The other lakes had young populations of Atherina boyeri and Liza
ramado, endemic (Barbus guiraonis, Aphanius iberus) or introduced species (Lepomis gibbosus, Micropterus
salmoides, Gambusia holbrooki). Fish were mainly detritivorous but shifted to zooplanktivorous, depending on
the abundance of large zooplankton. Fish demographic changes and facultative prey influenced food webs of the
lakes by both direct predation and indirect effects (sediment bioperturbation and excretion). For the Albufera Lake
(Spain), an exhaustive historical review of the ichthyofauna data is presented, together with fishery records. The
results pointed out a remarkable reduction in the richness of fish species, especially from the 1950s onwards, a
noticeable increase in the populations of introduced species and an increase of mugilid populations. This trend
is in accordance with the severe eutrophication, dissapearance of submerged macrophytes and over-fishing of
some species in earlier periods. Seasonal cycles were observed for the specific composition of the captures,
which is related to the population dynamics of each species and to manipulation of the hydrological cycle of the
lake for rice cultivation. The highest commercial fish captures occurred between October and January, which
reduced the predation on macrozooplankton and increased water transparancy, which had other consequences
on the lake food web. Finally, experimental results were studied about the effect of fish density (C. arcasii) and
nutrients on the epiphyton of a shallow lake (lake Sentiz, León). Nutrient additions caused significant decrease
in total epiphyton biovolume and specially of bacillariophyceans and zygnematophyceans, with an increment in
the number of cyanobacteria. The presence of fish enhanced the abundance and biovolume of all algal groups,
except that of cyanobacteria. The different response of algal groups at higher nutrient treatments is attributed to
their ecophysiological constraints and resistance to toxicant (ammonium) accumulation. Fishes had an inconsistent
effect on the abundance of plant-associated macroinvertebrates and on epiphytic algae. Fish indirect effects are
suggested as one of the main causes for algal growth in fish-added mesocosms. Submerged macrophytes and
epiphyton decreased at increasing nutrient levels, as a result of the phytoplankton increase. In summary, the role
of direct and indirect effects of fishes and the importance of their dietary features are stressed as key factors for
understanding the causes that control epiphyton and food web structure of the study shallow lakes. Fishes affected
biodiversity, quality and water tranparency. Restoration of eutrophic shallow lakes must involve control of nutrient
inputs and fish communities, with adequate policies for fish and plant management and conservation
Relevant publication: Yes
Luc Ector; Cristina Cejudo Figueiras; Eduardo Morales; Carlos Eduardo Wetzel; Saúl Blanco Lanza; Lucien
Hoffmann. Analysis of the type of Fragilaria construens var. subsalina (Bacillariophyceae) and description of two
morphologically related taxa from Europe and the United States. Phycologia. 50, pp. 67 - 77. Lawrence(United
States of America): Allen Press, 2011. Disponible en Internet en: <>. ISSN
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 5
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - MARINE & FRESHWATER
Impact index: 2.000
Relevant results: Fragilaria construens var. subsalina is a common diatom found in a wide variety of aquatic
systems worldwide. It was described by Hustedt (1925) from brackish waters in Oldesloe, Germany; a lectotype
specimen was established by Simonsen (1987). We analysed the ultrastructure of specimens from the lectotype
material by means of light (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and show that this taxon should be
placed at the species level within the genus Pseudostaurosira (as Pseudostaurosira subsalina). A similar but
distinct taxon from the United States, found in waters with low electrolyte content, is proposed as a new species
of Pseudostaurosira, namely Pseudostaurosira americana sp. nov. We also describe a second new species from
Spain (Pseudostaurosira alvareziae sp. nov.), found in waters with moderate conductivity, which was misidentified
as P. subsalina in the past. A morphometric analysis of the valve shape supports the morphological separation
between the three species. The present study clarifies the taxonomy, ecology and systematic position of these
three taxa and provides a comparison with other, similar taxa.
Relevant publication: Yes
Cristina González Fernández; Berta Riaño Irazábal; Beatriz Molinuevo Salces; Saúl Blanco Lanza;
María Criz García González. Effect of operational conditions on the degradation of organic matter and
development of microalgae-bacteria consortia when treating swine slurry. Applied Microbiology and
Biotechnology. 90, pp. 1147 - 1153. Berlin, Berlin(Germany): Springer, 2011. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 0175-7598
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 4
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - BIOTECHNOLOGY &
Impact index: 3.425
Relevant results: There is great controversy regarding the best substrate (fresh or anaerobically digested swine
slurry) for the development of microalgae–bacteria consortia. This study aims to elucidate the best substrate
by assessing biomass productivity, microorganism predominance, and their ability for organic matter removal.
In addition to the different substrates, different operational conditions and influent strengths were evaluated.
Increasing organic matter content when favourable temperature and illumination conditions were present
improved biomass production. However, these conditions were not favourable for microalgal growth, but they were
favourable for bacteria. Regardless of the operational conditions, reactors fed with fresh slurry not only resulted
in the highest biomass productivity, but also the greatest removal of total and soluble chemical oxygen demand
(COD). On the other hand, reactors fed with digested slurry showed biomass productivity and COD removal values
lower than those obtained for reactors fed with fresh slurry, most probably due to the recalcitrant nature of the
former. Nevertheless, digested slurry was the substrate more appropriate for microalgae growth under harsh
operational conditions (16 °C and 9-h illumination) at low influent strength and optimum operational conditions (30
°C and 24-h illumination) at higher influent strength.
Relevant publication: Yes
Irene Álvarez Blanco; Cristina Cejudo Figueiras; Ignacio De Godos; Raúl Muñoz; Saúl Blanco. Las diatomeas
de los salares del Altiplano boliviano: singularidades florísticas y biogeográficas. Boletín de la Real Sociedad
Española de Historia natural Sección Biología. 105, pp. 67 - 82. Madrid(Spain): 2011. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 0366-3272
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 5
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Relevant publication: Yes
Roberto Reinoso; Saúl Blanco Lanza; Linda Alejandra Torres Villamizar; Eloy Bécares Mantecón. Mechanisms
for parasites removal in a waste stabilization pond. Microbial Ecology. 61, pp. 684 - 692. Berlin, Berlin(Germany):
2011. Disponible en Internet en: <>. ISSN 0095-3628
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 2
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - MARINE & FRESHWATER
Impact index: 2.912
Relevant results: A waste stabilisation pond (WSP) system formed by two anaerobic ponds, a facultative
pond and a maturation pond was studied from December 2003 to September 2004 in north-western Spain in
order to evaluate its efficiency in the removal of faecal indicator bacteria (total coliforms, Escherichia coli, faecal
streptococci), coliphages, helminth eggs and protozoan (oo)cysts (Cryptosporidium and Giardia). Furthermore,
sediment samples were collected from the bottom of the ponds to assess the settling rates and thus determine
the main pathogen removal mechanisms in the WSPs system. The overall removal ranged from 1.4 log units
for coliphages in the cold period to 5.0 log units for E. coli in the hot period. Cryptosporidium oocysts were
reduced by an average of 96%, Giardia cysts by 98% and helminth eggs by 100%. The anaerobic ponds showed
significantly higher surface removal rates (4.6, 5.2 and 3.7 log (oo)cysts/eggs removed m#2 day#1, respectively)
than facultative and maturation ponds. Sunlight and water physicochemical conditions were the main factors
influencing C. parvum oocysts removal both in the anaerobic and maturation ponds, whereas other factors like
predation or natural mortality were more important in the facultative pond. Sedimentation, the most commonly
proposed mechanism for cyst removal had, therefore, a negligible influence in the studied ponds.
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza. Neodetonia nom. nov., a replacement name for Detonia Frenguelli
(Bacillariophyceae).Phycologia. 50, pp. 32 - 32. Lawrence(United States of America): Allen Press, 2011.
Disponible en Internet en: <>. ISSN 0031-8884
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - MARINE & FRESHWATER
Impact index: 2.000
Relevant results: The diatom generic name Detonia Frenguelli, 1949, is a later homonym of the fungal name
Detonia Saccardo, 1889. The generic name Neodetonia is proposed here to replace Detonia Frenguelli
Relevant publication: Yes
Eduardo Alexis Lobo Alcayaga; Carlos Eduardo Wetzel; Luc Ector; Kazuhiro Katoh; Shigeki Mayama; Saúl
Blanco Lanza. Response of epilithic diatom community to environmental gradients in subtropical temperate
Brazilian rivers. Limnetica. 29, pp. 323 - 340. Valencia, Valencian Community(Spain): Asociación Ibérica
de Limnología, 2011. Disponible en Internet en: <
ISSN 0213-8409
Legal deposit: V-2404-1986
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 6
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - MARINE & FRESHWATER
Impact index: 0.421
Relevant results: This work aims to analyse the response of epilithic diatom communities to environmental
gradients in subtropical temperate southern Brazilian rivers to contribute to the development of a widely applicable
methodology for water-quality monitoring. Samples for physical, chemical and biological determination were
collected monthly, from December 2001 to November 2002 and from March 2003 to February 2004, at 9 stations
along the rivers Pardo and Pardinho in the hydrographical basin of Rio Pardo, State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS),
Brazil. Physical and chemical variables (water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand,
chemical oxygen demand, nitrates, nitrites, phosphates and total dissolved solids) and biological variables (epilithic
diatom communities) were used as parameters for water-quality assessment. The data matrix was examined
by means of a multivariate ordination using Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA). In total, 270 taxa were
identied to specic or infra-specic levels. The results showed that of all the physical and chemical variables used,
the main gradient along the DCA rst axis was eutrophication, which was indicated by its signicant correlation
with phosphates ( p 0.001). Hence, the species’ scores on the DCA axis were used as an operational criterion
for indicating their tolerance to eutrophication. From this analysis, the 10 taxa that were the most tolerant to
eutrophication were: Cyclotella meneghiniana, Fallacia monoculata, Nitzschia acicularis, N. clausii, N. nana,
N. palea, Nitzschia sp., Pinnularia sp., Sellaphora pupula sensu lato and Ulnaria acus. The present study
showed that epilithic diatom assemblages reect anthropogenic changes in hydrographic basins in subtropical
temperate streams, especially pollution by organic enrichment and eutrophication. Phycology, Diatom taxonomy,
Bioindicators, Limnology, and Freshwater Biology Share
Relevant publication: Yes
Irene Álvarez Blanco; Cristina Cejudo Figueiras; Eloy Bécares Mantecón; Saúl Blanco Lanza. Spatiotemporal
changes in diatom ecological profiles: implications for biomonitoring. Limnology. 12, pp. 157 - 168. Berlin,
Berlin(Germany): Springer, 2011. Disponible en Internet en: <>.
ISSN 1439-8621
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 4
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Impact index: 0.983
Category: Science Edition - LIMNOLOGY
Relevant results: Diatom indices developed in certain geographic regions are frequently used elsewhere,
despite the strong evidence that such metrics are less useful when applied in regions other than that where
species–environment relationships were originally assessed, showing that species have particular autoecological
requirements in different geographic areas. In this study, we define the ecological profiles for selected
environmental variables in three common epilithic diatom species in the Duero Basin (NW Spain), comparing
our results with data gathered from different geographic regions. We assess differences in autoecological
parameters obtained from the northern and southern subbasins, and from different years, in order to observe
whether significant small-scale, spatiotemporal changes exist. Our results show that there are variations in species’
autoecological parameters between different regions. Furthermore, there are significant changes comparing
northern and southern Duero subbasins for certain species and physiochemical variables. Additionally, different
autoecologies have been observed for certain diatoms and environmental factors comparing two different years. It
can be concluded that freshwater diatom autoecologies can vary between different geographic areas. This implies
that, in order to improve water-quality bioassessments, autoecology-based diatom metrics should be developed by
quantifying species distributions along environmental gradients, using datasets representative of the areas or river
types where the metrics will be applied.
Relevant publication: Yes
Agata Wojtal; Luc Ector; Bart Van de Vijver; Eduardo Morales; Saúl Blanco Lanza; Piatek Jolanta; Agata Smieja.
The Achnanthidium minutissimum complex (Bacillariophyceae) in southern Poland. Archiv für Hydrobiologie
Supplementband Algological Studies. 136-137, pp. 211 - 238. Stuttgart, Stuttgart(Germany): E. Schweizerbart
Science Publishers, 2011. Disponible en Internet en: <>.
ISSN 0342-1120
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 5
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Relevant results: Representatives of the Achnanthidium minutissimum (Kütz.) Czarn. complex are common and
widespread diatoms in Poland. The following species were included in this study: Achnanthidium affine (Grunow)
Czarn., A. caledonicum (Lange-Bert.) Lange-Bert., A. eutrophilum (Lange-Bert.) Lange-Bert., A. exile (Kütz.) Heib.,
A. jackii Rabenh., A. lineare W. Sm., and A. minutissimum. Two additional species are here formally described,
namely Achnanthidium polonicum Van de Vijver, Wojtal, E. Moraleset Ector and A. acsiae Wojtal, E. Morales,
Van de Vijver et Ector. Information for an additional taxon is presented here, but it has been left unidentified
until a larger population is found. Results of morphological analyses performed with light and scanning electron
microscopy on this group of diatoms inhabiting springs, streams, rivers and lakes in southern Poland are illustrated
and briefly discussed. Distribution of Achnanthidium caledonicum, A. eutrophilum, A. exile, A. lineare and A.
minutissimum in waters of southern Poland corresponds well with literature reports of their autecology.
Relevant publication: Yes
Eduardo Morales; Luc Ector; Erika Fernández; Maria Helena Novais; Daša Hlúbiková; Paul B
Hamilton; Saúl Blanco Lanza; Morgan L Vis; John Patrick Kociolek. The genus Achnanthidium
Kütz. (Achnanthales, Bacillariophyceae) in Bolivian streams: a report of taxa found in recent
investigations. Archiv für Hydrobiologie Supplementband Algological Studies. 136-137, pp. 89 - 130.
Stuttgart, Stuttgart(Germany): E. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, 2011. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 0342-1120
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 7
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Relevant results: Populations of Achnanthidium Kütz. occurring in samples collected from epilithic habitats in
Bolivian rivers and streams were studied using light (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Thirteen
taxa were identified, 8 of which corresponded to diatoms that could not be identified based on local, regional
or global literature. The known taxa include Achnanthidium exiguum (Grunow) Czarn., Achnanthidium jackii
Rabenh., Achnanthidium minutissimum (Kütz.) Czarn., Achnanthidium saprophilum (H. Kobayasi et Mayama)
round et Bukht., and Achnanthidium sehuencoense E. Morales. Of these, only A. minutissimum, A. jackii, and
A. sehuencoense were found in relative abundances between 1 and 60 %. The undetermined taxa include
Achnanthidium cf. alpestre (lowe et Kociolek) Lowe et Kociolek, Achnanthidium cf. catenatum (J. Bílý et Marvan)
Lange-Bert., Achnanthidium cf. modestiforme (Lange-Bert.) Van de Vijver, Achnanthidium cf. rivulare Potapova
et Ponader, Achnanthidium sp. 1 COROICO, Achnanthidium sp. 2 COROICO, Achnanthidium sp. 2 ROCHA,
Achnanthidium sp. 2 SEHUENCAS, all of which occurred at relative abundances less than 1 %. However, one
undetermined taxon, namely Achnanthidium sp. 2 SEHUENCAS, was found under SEM in sufficient numbers to
justify its description as a new species: Achnanthidium cadimae E. Morales, E. Fernán dez et Ector. Additionally,
type material of Achnanthes kryophiloides Hohn, originally described from the Peruvian Amazon, was examined
using LM and SEM, thereby establishing its distinctness from A. sehuencoense, which thrives in Bolivian streams.
Since Hohns taxon is a later homonym of a species described from Spitsbergen, Norway, a new name is required
for the Peruvian taxon: Achnanthidium peruvianum E. Morales et Ector nom. nov. Based on current taxonomic and
ecological literature for the genus, the above taxa are discussed.
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Irene Álvarez Blanco; Cristina Cejudo Figueiras; Eloy Bécares Mantecón. Guía de las
Diatomeas de la Cuenca del Duero. pp. 1 - 212. Valladolid, Castile and León(Spain): Ministerio de Medio
Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino / Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero, 2011. Disponible en Internet en:
Collection: NIPO: 771-10-005-1
Type of production: Book
Format: Book
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of entire book
Relevant results: En esta obra se recogen los 200 taxones de diatomeas (pertenecientes a 60 géneros distintos)
más importantes de las identificadas en más de 600 muestras de epiliton fluvial recogidas durante campañas
de muestreo efectuadas entre 2003 y 2007 en la parte española de la cuenca, dentro de los programas de
seguimiento del estado de las masas de agua superficiales de la Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero. Esta
selección atiende a un doble criterio, que valora la importancia de cada taxón dentro del inventario general de la
cuenca, de forma que se han considerado las especies más abundantes y/o más ampliamente distribuidas en
la zona de estudio; así como, por su interés florístico o biogeográfico, se incluyen algunos taxones adicionales
(especies exóticas, poco conocidas o que representan novedades para la Península). Para cada especie se
ofrece la siguiente información: una descripción morfológica y autoecológica (parte II), un mapa de distribución en
la cuenca del Duero (parte III) y una serie de fotografías en microscopía óptica de campo claro donde se ilustra la
variabilidad morfológica de cada taxón, reunidas en 36 láminas (parte II).
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza. The Role of Fish Communities in the Eutrophication of Shallow Lakes.
Webber CD (ed) Eutrophication: Ecological Effects, Sources, Prevention and Reversal. pp. 41
- 66. New York(United States of America): Nova Publishers, 2010. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISBN 978-1-61728-911-8
Collection: Environmental Science, Engineering and Technology
Type of production: Chapters of books
Format: Book
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of chapter in book
Relevant results: The progressive anthropogenic eutrophication, the uncontrolled introduction of exotic fish
species, and the lack of conservation and management strategies are highlighted as the main causes explaining
the long-term changes in water biological quality in freshwater ponds and their surrounding aquatic ecosystems
worldwide. Experimental evidence shows that fish direct and indirect effects on lake food web lead to algal
growths and increased turbidity and nutrients concentration in fish-added treatments. Consequently, submerged
macrophytes and epiphytic algae usually decline at increasing nutrient levels. Additionally, many freshwater fishes
exhibit a generalist diet with an important contribution of non-planktonic components, and ontogenic shift towards
bentho-detritivory has been observed in several species. Field studies on the feeding ecology of both endemic
and introduced taxa show that demographic changes and facultative predation influence food webs in freshwater
ponds by both direct predation and indirect effects (sediment bioturbation and excretion), however, cascading
effects caused by introduced fish species may be more relevant for the food webs in certain bioclimates, e.g.
Mediterranean shallow ponds and wetlands, where almost no piscivorous species are recorded and, in general,
omnivorous species dominate independently of lake trophic state. Thus, the role of direct and indirect effects
of fishes and the importance of their dietary features are stressed as key factors for understanding the causes
that control the trophic status of freshwater ponds. Fishes affect biodiversity, quality and water transparency.
Restoration of eutrophic ponds must involve control of nutrient inputs and fish communities, with adequate policies
for fish and plant management and conservation.
Relevant publication: Yes
Ignacio de Godos; Virginia A Vargas; Saúl Blanco Lanza; María Cristina García González; Roberto Soto; Pedro
García-Encina; Eloy Bécares Mantecón; Raúl Muñoz; Eloy Bécares Mantecón; Raúl Muñoz. A comparative
evaluation of microalgae for the degradation of piggery wastewater under photosynthetic oxygenation. Bioresource
Technology. 101, pp. 5150 - 5158. Oxford(United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2010. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 0960-8524
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 3
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - AGRICULTURAL
Impact index: 4.365
Relevant results: Two green microalgae (Scenedesmus obliquus and Chlorella sorokiniana), one cyanobacterium
(Spirulina platensis), one euglenophyt (Euglena viridis) and two microalgae consortia were evaluated for their
ability to support carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous removal in symbiosis with activated sludge bacteria during
the biodegradation of four and eight times diluted piggery wastewater in batch tests. C. sorokiniana and E. viridis
were capable of supporting the biodegradation of four and eight times diluted wastewater. On the other hand,
while S. obliquus and the consortia isolated from a swine manure stabilization pond were only able to grow in
eight times diluted wastewater, S. platensis and the consortium isolated from a high rate algal pond treating swine
manure were totally inhibited regardless of the dilution applied. TOC removal efficiencies (RE) ranging from 42%
to 55% and NH4+-RE from 21% to 39% were recorded in the tests exhibiting photosynthetic oxygenation. The
similar oxygen production rates exhibited by the tested microalgae under autotrophic conditions (from 116 to 133
mg O2 L#1 d#1) suggested that factors other than the photosynthetic oxygenation potential governed piggery
wastewater biodegradation. Microalgal tolerance towards NH3 was hypothesized as the key selection criterion.
Further studies in a continuous algal–bacterial photobioreactor inoculated with C. sorokiniana, S. obliquus and S.
platensis showed that C. sorokiniana, the species showing the highest NH3-tolerance, rapidly outcompeted the
rest of the microalgae during the biodegradation of eight times diluted wastewater, achieving TOC and NH4+-RE
comparable to those recorded in the batch biodegradation tests.
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Eloy Bécares Mantecón. Are biotic indices sensitive to river toxicants? A comparison of metrics
based on diatoms and macro-invertebrates. Chemosphere. 79, pp. 18 - 25. Oxford(United Kingdom): Elsevier,
2010. Disponible en Internet en: <>. ISSN 0045-6535
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - ENVIRONMENTAL
Impact index: 3.155
Relevant results: Biotic indices based on macro-invertebrates and diatoms are frequently used to diagnose
ecological quality in watercourses, but few published works have assessed their effectiveness as biomonitors
of the concentration of micropollutants. A biological survey performed at 188 sites in the basin of the River
Duero in north-western Spain. Nineteen diatom and six macro-invertebrate indices were calculated and
compared with the concentrations of 37 different toxicants by means of a correlation analysis. Several chemical
variables analysed correlated significantly with at least one biotic index. Sláde#ek’s diatom index and the
number of macro-invertebrate families exhibited particularly high correlation coefficients. Methods based on
macro-invertebrates performed better in detecting biocides, while diatom indices showed stronger correlations with
potentially toxic elements such as heavy metals. All biotic indices, and particularly diatom indices, were especially
sensitive to the concentration of fats and oils and trichloroethene.
Relevant publication: Yes
Cristina Cejudo Figueiras; Irene Álvarez Blanco; Eloy Bécares Mantecón; Saúl Blanco Lanza. Epiphytic
diatoms and water quality in shallow lakes: the neutral substrate hypothesis revisited. Marine and Freshwater
Research. 61, pp. 1457 - 1467. Collingwood(Australia): CSIRO publishing, 2010. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 1323-1650
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 4
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Impact index: 1.572
Category: Science Edition - LIMNOLOGY
Relevant results: For bioassessment of freshwaters, diatom indices have been mainly used in streams although
their applicability in shallow lakes has been demonstrated in several studies. However, the influence of sampling
substrata on periphytic diatom communities and on the ecological quality inferred from them has been paid little
attention. In this paper, we test the ‘neutral substrate hypothesis’, which predicts no relevant influence of host plant
type on their epiphytic community. Nineteen shallow permanent lakes from north-west Spain were studied and
classified into three trophic levels. Epiphytic diatom communities growing on three different macrophytes for each
trophic level were sampled and analysed. We assess: (1) which of the most common diatom indices provides a
reliable water quality assessment, (2) how different plant substrata influence the diatom communities growing on
them and (3) how these differences affect water quality assessment. Similarity tests showed significant differences
in the composition of diatom assemblages among nutrient concentrations and host macrophytes. In contrast,
ANOVA results for selected diatom-based metrics showed significant differences among trophic levels but not
between different plant substrata. This supports the use of epiphytic diatoms as biological indicators for shallow
lakes irrespective of the dominant macrophyte.
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza. Generador de números aleatorios para recuentos en microscopía óptica. Algas. 43, pp. 30
- 31. Madrid, Community of Madrid(Spain): Sociedad Española de Ficología, 2010. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 1695-8160
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Relevant publication: Yes
Maria Elena Beltrami; Saúl Blanco Lanza; Nicolas Scheidecker; Francesca Ciutti; Cristina Cappelletti; Laura
Mancini; Lucien Hoffmann; Luc Ector. Gomphonema vidalii sp. nov. a new diatom from Mediterranean streams.
Diatom Research. 25, pp. 29 - 42. Oxford(United Kingdom): Taylor Francis, 2010. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 0269-249X
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 2
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - MARINE & FRESHWATER
Impact index: 1.030
Relevant results: A new benthic diatom species, Gomphonema vidalii sp. nov., is described with light (LM) and
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations. It was found in three Mediterranean watercourses: Farfa
(Central Italy), Bévéra (France and Italy) and Paillon streams (South-Eastern France). Valves have a clavate
shape and striae are slightly radial, the central ones being shorter than the others; one stigma is present in the
central area. G. vidalii belongs to the group of Gomphonema species with doubly-punctate striae, a feature which
is considered by some authors typical of the genus Gomphoneis. Distinct to Gomphonema vidalii is the presence
of stigmoid areolae in the central area, different in structure from stigmata and stigmoids which can be found in
some Gomphonema and Gomphoneis species.
Relevant publication: Yes
Ignacio de Godos; Saúl Saúl Blanco; Pedro A García Encina; Eloy Bécares Mantecón; Raúl Muñoz. Influence of
flue gas sparging on the performance of high rate algae ponds treating agro-industrial wastewaters. Journal of
Hazardous Materials. 179, pp. 1049 - 1054. Oxford(United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2010. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 0304-3894
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 2
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Impact index: 3.723
Category: Science Edition - ENGINEERING, CIVIL
Relevant results: The influence of flue gas sparging (7% CO2) on the performance of two 465 L High-Rate
Algal Ponds (HRAPs) treating diluted swine manure at 10 days of hydraulic retention time was evaluated under
continental climatic conditions (Castilla y León, Spain). COD, NH4+, and PO43# removal efficiencies were not
significantly affected by flue gas input (at 2.2 and 5.5 L min#1), which suggests that CO2 sparging does not
compromise wastewater treatment in HRAPs. In this particular study, COD and NH4+ removal efficiencies of 56 ±
31% (near to maximum swine manure biodegradability) and 98 ± 1%, respectively, were consistently maintained,
regardless of the environmental and operational conditions. CO2 sparging resulted however in lower pH values
(#2 units lower) and an enhanced NH4+ nitrification (higher NO3# and NO2# concentrations) compared to the
system operated in the absence of flue gas supply. Biomass concentration was only higher (#30% than in the
control HRAP) when flue gases were supplied at 5.5 L min#1, probably due to the fact that the higher irradiances
and temperatures prevailing within this experimental period resulted in an inorganic carbon-limited scenario in
the control HRAP. Therefore, it can be concluded that CO2 assimilation would be ultimately dependent on the
occurrence of inorganic carbon limitation and will never occur in light, COD or nutrients-limited scenarios.
Relevant publication: Yes
Jonathan C Taylor; Anatoliy Levanets; Saúl Blanco Lanza; Luc Ector. Microcostatus schoemanii sp. nov., M.
cholnokyi sp. nov. and M. angloensis sp. nov. three new terrestrial diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) from South Africa.
Phycological Research. 58, pp. 177 - 187. Weinheim(Germany): John Wiley Sons, 2010. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 1440-1835
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 3
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - MARINE & FRESHWATER
Impact index: 1.186
Relevant results: The terrestrial diatom Microcostatus schoemanii sp. nov. is described from dry soils of the Faan
Meintjies Nature Reserve (North-West Province, South Africa). Microcostatus cholnokyi sp. nov. and Microcostatus
angloensis sp. nov. are described from sandy soils at a colliery near the town of Kriel (Mpumalanga Province,
South Africa). The morphology of these taxa is examined using both light and scanning electron microscopy and
new taxa are compared with similar species. In M. schoemanii the density of the striae combined with the valve
outline and the distance between the central raphe endings are the main distinguishing morphological features.
M. cholnokyi is differentiated by the presence of a conopeum and the distinct structure of the microcostae. M.
angloensis is similar to M. schoemanii but differentiated by the shape of the cell and the apices, the angle of
striation and the distance in between the proximal raphe endings.
Relevant publication: Yes
Cristina Cejudo Figueiras; Saúl Blanco Lanza; Irene Álvarez Blanco; Luc Ector; Eloy Bécares Mantecón.
Nutrient monitoring in spanish wetlands using epiphytic diatoms. Vie et Milieu / Life and Environment. 60, pp.
89 - 94. Banyuls-sur-Mer, Languedoc-Roussillon(France): Observatoire Océanologique - Laboratoire Arago Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 2010. Disponible en Internet en: <
volume-60-2010/60-issue-2/602-article-2/download.html>. ISSN 0240-8759
Collection: Diatoms
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 2
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Impact index: 0.474
Category: Science Edition - ECOLOGY
Relevant results: The Water Framework Directive requires that the European Union countries determine the
biological state of their waters with respect to sites of high quality. Although bioindicators have been widely applied
in running waters and deep lakes throughout Europe, little is known about their applicability in shallow lakes and
wetlands. The objective of this work is to check the effectiveness of epiphytic diatoms as indicators of the trophic
state in two wetlands of Álava Province (N Spain). Diatom and water chemical samples were collected during
summer and autumn 2007, following standard methodology. Stems of submerged macrophyte (Carex riparia,
Iris pseudacorus, Veronica anagallis-aquatica) were sampled in each lake. Based on the number of statistically
significant correlations between diatom indices and environmental factors, the SID index was show as the most
suitable method to assess nutrients within these systems. SID was significantly correlated with TP, NTK and
ammonium levels. Among three different plants, only the indices calculated from I. pseudacorus samples were
significantly correlated with nutrients.
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza. Un humedal abulense alberga una especie de alga diatomea desconocida para la ciencia.
Quercus. 288, pp. 12 - 12. Madrid, Community of Madrid(Spain): América Ibérica, 2010. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 0212-0054
Legal deposit: M-1778-82
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Cristina Cejudo Figueiras; Irene Álvarez Blanco; Eloy Bécares Mantecón; Lucien Hoffmann.
Atlas de las Diatomeas de la Cuenca del Duero / Diatom Atlas of the Duero Basin. pp. 1 - 386. León, Castile and
León(Spain): Universidad de León - Área de Publicaciones, 2010. ISBN 978-8-4997-3536-6
Legal deposit: LE-1157-2010
Type of production: Book
Format: Book
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of entire book
Relevant results: This book gathers the 200 main diatom taxa in terms of abundance and occurrence, selected
from more than 600 samples of river epilithon collected during annual surveys carried out between 2003 and 2007
in the Spanish part of the basin. Certain taxa that could not be identified to specific level are also presented. For
every diatom species, the following information is provided: a morphometric and autoecological description, a
selection of illustrated bibliographic references and an iconographic series illustrating the taxon’s morphological
variability, with a total of 3110 photographs in light and scanning electron microscopy gathered into 109 plates. The
nomenclature, taxonomy and systematic position of taxa follow the most recent phycological literature. 118 species
new to the Duero Basin and 29 species new to the Iberian Peninsula are presented.
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza. Darwin y las Algas. Algas. 40, pp. 23 - 24. Madrid, Community of Madrid(Spain): Sociedad
Española de Ficología, 2009. Disponible en Internet en: <>.
ISSN 1695-8160
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Maria Helena Novais; Lucien Hoffmann; Luc Ector. Eolimna becaresii sp. nov., a new diatom
taxon from Spanish shallow lake. Diatom Research. 24, pp. 487 - 494. Oxford(United Kingdom): Taylor Francis,
2009. Disponible en Internet en: <>. ISSN 0269-249X
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - MARINE & FRESHWATER
Impact index: 0.985
Relevant results: In 2003 during a biological survey carried out on the shallow lakes located on the northern
Iberian plateau, a diatom community dominated by an unknown Eolimna sp. was found as an epiphyte on Chara
connivens in Lake Constanzana (Spain). Detailed light and scanning electron microscopy observations allowed the
description of this new species. Differential diagnostic criteria with respect to similar taxa, especially E. archibaldii
J.C. Taylor Lange-Bertalot, together with ecological implications of this finding, are briefly discussed.
Relevant publication: Yes
Ignacio de Godos; Saúl Blanco Lanza; Pedro García-Encina; Eloy Bécares Mantecón; Raúl Muñoz. Long-term
operation of high rate algal ponds for the bioremediation of piggery wastewaters at high loading rates. Bioresource
Technology. 100, pp. 4332 - 4339. Oxford(United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2009. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 0960-8524
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 2
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - AGRICULTURAL
Impact index: 4.253
Relevant results: The performance of two 464-L high rate algal ponds (HRAPs) treating 20- and 10-folds
diluted swine manure at 10 days of hydraulic residence time was evaluated under continental climatic conditions
in Castilla y Leon (Spain) from January to October. Under optimum environmental conditions (from July to
September), both HRAPs supported a stable and efficient carbon and nitrogen oxidation performance, with
average COD and TKN removal efficiencies of 76 ± 11% and 88 ± 6%, respectively, and biomass productivities
ranging from 21 to 28 g/m2 d. Nitrification was identified as the main TKN removal mechanism at dissolved
oxygen concentrations higher than 2 mg/L (accounting for 80–86% of the TKN removed from January to May
and for 54% from July to September). On the other hand, empirical evidences of a simultaneous nitrification–
denitrification process were found at dissolved oxygen concentrations lower than 0.5 mg/L (high organic loading
rates). However, despite the achievement of excellent COD and nitrogen oxidation performance, phosphorous
removal efficiencies lower than 10% were recorded in both HRAPs probably due to the high buffer capacity of
the piggery wastewater treated (absence of abiotic pH-mediated View the MathML source precipitation). Finally,
a detailed monitorization of the dynamics of microalgae population revealed that the combination of moderate
temperatures/solar irradiances and high organic loading rates, prevailing during late spring and summer, supported
higher microalgae diversities than those found during winter conditions.
Relevant publication: Yes
Daša Hlúbiková; Saúl Blanco Lanza; Elisa Falasco; Joan Gomà; Lucien Hoffmann; Luc Ector. Nitzschia alicae
spec. nov. and N. puriformis spec. nov., new diatoms from European rivers and comparison with the type material
of N. sublinearis and N. pura.Journal of Phycology. 45, pp. 742 - 760. Weinheim(Germany): John Wiley Sons,
2009. Disponible en Internet en: <>. ISSN 1529-8817
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 2
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - MARINE & FRESHWATER
Impact index: 2.270
Relevant results: Nitzschia sublinearis Hustedt and N. pura Hustedt are common oligosaprobic freshwater
diatom species that frequently occur in diatom inventories, thus being important in water quality studies. Both are
considered as species with overlapping diagnostic criteria in several floras, which is typical of the whole genus
Nitzschia. The type material of Hustedt of N. sublinearis and N. pura was examined using LM and EM in order
to document the range of variation within the type populations and to compare it with populations occurring in
different European rivers. Detailed observations allowed recognition of two new freshwater diatom species: N.
alicae sp. nov., occurring in mesotrophic up to eutrophic conditions, and N. puriformis sp. nov., mostly occurring in
oligotrophic habitats, both in rivers and streams at middle and high altitudes. The most reliable taxonomic features
that separate both new species from the most similar taxa are the density of fibulae and striae, valve shape, and
valve width as well as the shape of areolae. Morphological examination of different populations indicates that N.
puriformis is relatively common in European rivers and has been overlooked to date and confounded with N. pura
by several researchers. By contrast, N. alicae has, to date, been collected only in Slovakia and Northern Italy, but
with a high frequency of occurrence and sometimes in high abundance at sites.
Relevant publication: Yes
Fernanda Ferrari; Carlos Eduardo Wetzel; Luc Ector; Saúl Blanco Lanza; João Cláudio Cerqueira-Viana; Eduardo
Mendes da Silva; Denise de Campos-Bicudo. Perinotia diamantina, sp. nov., a new diatom species from the
Chapada Diamantina, Northeastern Brazil. Diatom Research. 24, pp. 79 - 100. Oxford(United Kingdom): Taylor
Francis, 2009. Disponible en Internet en: <>. ISSN
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 4
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - MARINE & FRESHWATER
Impact index: 0.985
Relevant results: The diatom flora of tropical freshwater environments of South America is unique when
compared to temperate areas of the continent such as Austral and Antarctic zones, where the species composition
tends to present many cosmopolitan elements. The present work describes a new diatom species from the
Chapada Diamantina (BA, Brazil), a semi-arid region of Northeastern Brazil, belonging to the recently described
monospecific genus Perinotia Metzeltin Lange-Bertalot. This work also provides additional information on valve
structure observed under electron and light microscopy for the generitype. Perinotia diamantina differs from the
type species, P. jankae Metzeltin Lange-Bertalot, by presenting greater valve width and smaller length/width ratio.
Irregularly distributed puncta around the terminal raphe endings also differ between P. diamantine from P. jankae.
Ecological information for both species is given.
Relevant publication: Yes
Maria Helena Novais; Saúl Blanco Lanza; Daša Hlúbiková; Elisa Falasco; Joan Gomà; Cristina Delgado; Plamen
Ivanov; Éva Ács; Manuela Morais; Lucien Hoffmann; Luc Ector. Taxonomic revision, morphological examination
and biogeography of the Gomphonema rosenstockianum and G. tergestinum species complex (Bacillariophyceae).
Fottea. 9, pp. 257 - 274. Praha, Praha(Czech Republic): Czech Phycological Society, 2009. Disponible en Internet
en: <>. ISSN 1802-5439
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 2
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Impact index: 1.762
Category: Science Edition - PLANT SCIENCES
Relevant results: The type material of Gomphonema rosenstockianum LANGE–BERT. et E. REICHARDT from
La Gomera (Canary Islands, Spain) and epilithic material of rivers from several European countries were examined
using light and scanning electron microscopy in order to improve the knowledge on the taxonomical status of the
G. rosenstockianum and G. tergestinum (GRUNOW) M. SCHMIDT species complex. Two other Gomphonema
species, G. supertergestinum E. REICHARDT and G. angustius E. REICHARDT, recently described and belonging
to the same group, are also presented in detail. After the analysis of several populations of G. rosenstockianum
and G. tergestinum it was possible to define several reliable criteria to allow morphological differentiation of both
species under LM and SEM as well. A geometric morphometric analysis clearly demonstrated the separation of
these taxa considering valve outline, size and shape of the central area and position of the stigma. Apart from
the morphological analysis, compilation of the results of this study has also revealed differences in ecological
preferences of the two species. World and European distribution maps of the four Gomphonema taxa are
Relevant publication: Yes
Elisa Falasco; Saúl Blanco Lanza; Francesca Bona; Joan Gomà; Daša Hlúbiková; Maria Helena Novais;
Lucien Hoffmann; Luc Ector. Taxonomy, morphology and distribution of the Sellaphora stroemii complex
(Bacillariophyceae). Fottea. 9, pp. 243 - 256. Praha, Praha(Czech Republic): Czech Phycological Society, 2009.
Disponible en Internet en: <>. ISSN 1802-5439
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 2
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - PLANT SCIENCES
Impact index: 1.762
Relevant results: Live and treated materials from three populations of diatoms collected in Italy, Slovakia and
Spain, identified in previous inventories as Navicula stroemii HUST. sensu KRAMMER et LANGE–BERTALOT,
were examined under light and scanning electron microscopy. The analyses highlighted the typical single H–
shaped plastid, characteristic of the genus Sellaphora. Considering this, we thoroughly investigated type materials
from the Sellaphora stroemii complex. According to the standard European diatom flora of KRAMMER LANGE–
BERTALOT (1986: Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa 2/1), six species should be considered as taxonomic
synonyms of Navicula stroemii, now Sellaphora stroemii (HUST.) H. KOBAYASI in MAYAMA et al.: Navicula
aggerica E. REICHARDT, N. rivularis HUST., N. subbacillum HUST., N. subcontenta WILLI KRIEG., N. vasta
HUST. and N. ventraloides HUST. The type materials of these species were examined using both light and
scanning electron microscopy and geometric morphometric analysis. The analysis of the valve ultrastructure
demonstrated the affiliation of Navicula aggerica, N. subbacillum, N. vasta and N. ventraloides to the genus
Sellaphora. A Principal Component Analysis based on the shape of the valve outline, allowed us to define the
European taxa Sellaphora stroemii, S. ventraloides and S. aggerica as three separated taxa, clearly distinct from
the Indonesian diatom Sellaphora subbacillum, comb. nov. Moreover, considering the need of a replacement name
for Navicula subcontenta (KRIEGER 1943), already validly published by HUSTEDT in 1942, we propose the new
name Navicula petrmarvanii nom. nov. for KRIEGER’s species.
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Eloy Bécares Mantecón. Una nueva alga invasora llega a España: Didymosphenia geminata.
Quercus. 283, pp. 30 - 35. Madrid, Community of Madrid(Spain): América Ibérica, 2009. Disponible en Internet
en: <>. ISSN 0212-0054
Legal deposit: M-1778-82
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Irene Álvarez Blanco; Cristina Cejudo Figueiras. A test on different aspects of diatom
processing techniques.Journal of Applied Phycology. 20, pp. 445 - 450. Heidelberg(Germany): Springer, 2008.
Disponible en Internet en: <>. ISSN 0921-8971
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - MARINE & FRESHWATER
Impact index: 1.209
Relevant results: A factorial experiment was carried out in order to assess the effects of four treatment steps in
diatom processing techniques (the quantity of hydrogen peroxide added to the sample, the time allowed to the
digestion reaction, the use of centrifugation and the method used to settle the frustules onto the coverslip) on
different aspects of the quality of the resulting microscopic slide: the concentration of organic and inorganic matter,
the density, randomness and homogeneity of the frustule distribution in the slide, and the abundance of broken
frustules and girdle views. The results show no significant effects of any of the experimental treatments on the
proportion of broken frustules in the samples. No significant effects were related to the duration of the oxidation
reaction in any of the aspects evaluated in the quality of the slides. A sample:hydrogen peroxide ratio of 1:1 for
a 6-h oxidizing reaction can be used to optimize the protocol. Despite being more time consuming, the use of
successive decantations instead of centrifuging is more appropriate to achieve better results. Slide quality can also
be improved by leaving the coverslips to dry at room temperature in order to improve the distribution of frustules.
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Luc Ector; Viola Huck; Olivier Monnier; Henry-Michel Cauchie; Lucien Hoffmann; Eloy Bécares
Mantecón. Diatom assemblages and water quality assessment in the Duero Basin (NW Spain). Belgian Journal
of Botany. 141, pp. 39 - 50. Meise(Belgium): Royal Botanical Society of Belgium, 2008. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 0778-4031
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Impact index: 0.205
Category: Science Edition - PLANT SCIENCES
Relevant results: In order to determine water quality status in the Duero basin (NW Spain), epilithic diatom
samples were collected and analyzed in 137 stations in August 2004 following normalized standard protocols.
The floristic particularities of the diatom assemblages in the basin are discussed. A total of 429 diatom taxa
were identified in the basin and 90 taxa (21%) were new for the Iberian Peninsula. Especially noticeable was the
presence of Achnanthidium rivulare, only known until now from North America. Ordination revealed the existence
of five species assemblages related to the following environmental factors: 5-Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand
(BOD5), [PO43-], and conductivity. Light and scanning electron microscopy micrographs are provided for some
common, infrequent or exotic diatom species present in the Duero basin. Three diatom indices (Specific Pollution
Index SPI, European Index CEC and Biological Diatom Index BDI) were applied. All of them correlated significantly
with water physical and chemical variables, but SPI achieved the best correlations, and is therefore recommended
as the reference diatom index for this Mediterranean basin.
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Luc Ector. Didymosphenia geminata (Bacillariophyta, Gomphonemataceae),
una amenaza para nuestros ríos. Cuadernos de Biodiversidad. 26, pp. 3 - 6. Alicante,
Valencian Community(Spain): Universidad de Alicante, 2008. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 1575-5495
Legal deposit: MU-1286-1999
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Relevant publication: Yes
Maria Elena Beltrami; Saúl Blanco Lanza; Francesca Ciutti; Cristina Cappelletti; Catia Monauni; Sabrina
Pozzi; Frédéric Rimet; Luc Ector. Distribution and ecology of Didymosphenia geminata (Lyngbye) M.
Schmidt (Bacillariophyta) in Trentino watercourses (northern Italy).Cryptogamie-Algologie. 29, pp. 141 160. Paris, Île de France(France): Association des Amis des Cryptogames, 2008. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 0181-1568
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 2
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Impact index: 0.667
Category: Science Edition - PLANT SCIENCES
Relevant results: In 2000 the European Parliament and The European Union Council recommended that member
countries assess water quality using diatoms, as part of the phytobenthos. In Italy this recommendation has
given new impetus to the study of diatom communities and the application of biotic indices. During the summer
of 2004, a total of 11 rivers of the Trentino province (Northern Italy) were sampled, revealing the presence in
low abundances of the diatom Didymosphenia geminata (Lyngbye) M. Schmidt. The sites where this diatom
occurred were characterised by a low pollution impact; they were also lake fed or had a regulated flow regime,
although with different geologies. Morphological features of D. geminata frustules were analysed using LM and
SEM and specimens could be referred to the morphotype geminata. In many countries this species is expanding
its distribution and in New Zealand it is considered an invasive alga. This work provides an initial report on the
presence of D. geminata in the Trento province, and contributes to increasing the knowledge on its distribution in
Italy and its ecology in the Alps.
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco; Luc Ector. Distribution, ecology and nuisance effects of the freshwater invasive diatom
Didymosphenia geminata (Lyngbye) M. Schmidt: a literature review. Nova Hedwigia. 88, pp. 347 - 422.
Stuttgart, Stuttgart(Germany): E. Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2008. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 0029-5035
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Impact index: 0.619
Category: Science Edition - PLANT SCIENCES
Relevant results: The diatom Didymosphenia geminata (Lyngbye) M.Schmidt has been commonly considered a
taxon restricted to pristine habitats in mountainous areas of circumboreal regions. Recent studies show that it has
a broader distribution and ecological amplitude. This shift seems to have occurred recently, as it now forms large
growths in rivers within its native geographical area (North America, Europe) but also mass developments have
recently appeared in New Zealand, where it is considered an aggressive invasive species with dramatic ecological
and economic impacts. This nuisance organism grows attached in streambeds and may impact freshwater fish
and aquatic plants and insects, causing severe disturbance in food webs. This paper investigates the historic and
current biogeographic range of this invasive species (and varieties) based on 1000 citations collected mainly from
the scientific literature. The locations where this diatom has appeared, including both fossil and recent records, are
presented in world distribution maps. Our results confirm that the native range of D. geminata is almost restricted
to the Holarctic region, though its distribution area is broader than usually reported in the literature. The ecological
profile of this alga, along with its nuisance effects, is also discussed. Excessive growths do not only appear in
areas where this species is presumably exotic. Contrarily to general statement, reports of mass developments of
D. geminata date back to the 19th century. World references to D. geminata have increased exponentially during
the last decades; however; with respect to the whole diatom literature during the XIX and XX centuries, the relative
frequency of citations has decreased progressively.
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza. Ecología trófica de los peces en lagunas someras y su efecto sobre el
epifiton de las planta. Ambiociencias. 1, pp. 40 - 42. León, Castile and León(Spain): Facultad
de Ciencias Biológicas y Ambientales. Universidad de León., 2008. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 1988-3021
Legal deposit: LE-903-2007
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of educational publication
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Margarita Fernández Aláez; Eloy Bécares Mantecón. Efficiency of top-down
control depends on nutrient concentration in a shallow lake: a mesocosm study.Marine and Freshwater
Research. 59, pp. 922 - 930. Collingwood(Australia): CSIRO publishing, 2008. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 1323-1650
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Impact index: 1.500
Category: Science Edition - LIMNOLOGY
Relevant results: In shallow lakes, the influence of top-down control is considered to be less important under a
Mediterranean bioclimate, although little experimental data support this hypothesis. The present study aimed to
experimentally assess the importance of top-down forces in the trophic status of Mediterranean shallow lakes. A
bifactorial mesocosm experiment was carried out in a shallow lake using a range of nutrient concentrations and
fish population densities. The results demonstrated an expected increase in turbidity levels as nutrients and fish
density increased, as a result of both sediment resuspension and chlorophyll a concentrations. Nevertheless, at
higher nutrient additions, turbidity decreased in the mesocosms in response to cladoceran proliferation because
the fishes were unable to control zooplankton growth under such conditions. Fish diet content analysis showed
a generalist diet with an important contribution of non-planktonic components; the proportion of zooplankton in
the diet contents increased with nutrient additions. Fishes preferred cladocerans over copepods and rotifers,
these latter taxa dominated the resulting zooplankton community. Some fish-added mesocosms retained high
transparency levels, most likely because of physiological changes in response to high ammonium concentrations.
In summary, the dietary spectrum of Chondrostoma arcasii [Steindachner], despite some electivity patterns,
depends largely on available resources. The trophic ecology of cyprinids, acting both through direct and indirect
effects on food webs, is a determinant factor explaining, in part, stable high turbidity levels in many shallow lakes.
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Susana Gabriela Romo Pérez; Margarita Fernández Aláez; Eloy Bécares Mantecón.
Response of epiphytic algae to nutrient loading and fish density in a shallow lake: a mesocosm experiment.
Hydrobiologia. 600, pp. 65 - 76. Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland(Holland): Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2008. Disponible
en Internet en: <>. ISSN 0018-8158
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - MARINE & FRESHWATER
Impact index: 1.449
Relevant results: Studies on the effect of eutrophication on the ecology of shallow lakes, usually pay scant
attention to changes within the epiphytic algal community, though the contribution of this to the ecosystem
dynamics is transcendental. In order to test the influence of nutrient loadings and fish densities in the structure
of algal epiphyton in a shallow lake, an experiment was performed using in situ mesocosms. Nutrient additions
were related to significant decreases in the total epiphyton biovolume and that of bacillariophyceans and
zygnematophyceans, but with increases in the abundance of cyanobacteria. The different response of algal
groups at the higher nutrient concentrations (increases or decreases in their abundance and/or biovolume) can
be related to their ecophysiological constraints such as different resistance to toxicant ammonium accumulation.
Plant-associated macroinvertebrates numbers were positively correlated with total numbers of epiphyton. The
presence of planktivorous fish enhanced the abundance and biovolume of all algal groups, except cyanobacteria.
Fishes enhanced the abundance of plant-associated animals and of total epiphyton. Fish indirect effects (e.g.,
nutrients release) and their dietary particularities were among the factors that together with nutrients influenced
epiphyton growth. The role of indirect effects of fishes and the importance of their dietary particularities are
stressed as key factors to understand the processes controlling epiphyton ecology and the food web structure of
shallow lakes.
Relevant publication: Yes
Bart Van de Vijver; Martin Kelly; Saúl Blanco Lanza; Amelie Jarlman; Luc Ector. The unmasking of a
sub-Antarctic endemic: Psammothidium abundans (Manguin) Bukhtiyarova et Round in European rivers.
Diatom Research. 23, pp. 233 - 242. Oxford(United Kingdom): Taylor Francis, 2008. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 0269-249X
Type of production: Article
Ranking: 3
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - MARINE & FRESHWATER
Impact index: 0.607
Relevant results: Psammothidium abundans (Manguin) Bukhtiyarova Round was described 50 years ago from
the sub-Antarctic Kerguelen archipelago (southern Indian Ocean). Apart from single occurrences in South Africa,
southern Australia and Tierra del Fuego, the reported distribution of this species is restricted to the (sub-)Antarctic
Region. In the northern hemisphere, the species was only very sporadically reported from two rivers in Scotland.
During surface water surveys in Sweden, United Kingdom and Ireland (as part of water quality investigations),
several populations of an Achnanthoid species similar in appearance to P. abundans have been found in rivers
and brooks. The morphological analysis of the European forms, together with a thorough examination of the type
material (including lectotypification of P. abundans), could not reveal any morphological differences between the
European and sub-Antarctic (type) populations. This paper is the result of the morphological study of this species
and raises questions about how the species ended up so far from its original distributional range. After elimination
of all possible dispersion abilities, it is most likely that the species has always been present in the European rivers
but has been overlooked till now. Possible causes for this are the lack of appropriate identification literature during
standard European water monitoring, species drift and force-fitting and the fact that many rivers have not been
thoroughly studied.
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco. Trophic ecology of fishes in shallow lakes and their effect on plant epiphyton. Alquibla. 47, pp. 24 24. Valencia, Valencian Community(Spain): Asociación Ibérica de Limnología, 2008. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 1134-5535
Legal deposit: M-44149-1988
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of published critical note
or commentary
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Eloy Bécares Mantecón; Henry-Michel Cauchie; Lucien Hoffmann; Luc Ector. Comparison
of biotic indices for water quality diagnosis in the Duero Basin (Spain). Archiv für Hydrobiologie Supplementband
Large Rivers. 17, pp. 267 - 286. Stuttgart, Stuttgart(Germany): E. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, 2007.
Disponible en Internet en: <>. ISSN 0945-3784
Collection: Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Use of Algae for Monitoring Rivers, Hungary,
Balatonfüred, 12–16 September 2006
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Relevant results: Several methods for water quality assessment have been proposed for European rivers. The
EU Water Framework Directive requires the use of ecological indicators for stream monitoring networks and
has encouraged research on biological indices. However, there is a lack of integrative studies comparing the
efficiency of such methods in the determination of the ecological status in rivers. The present work, carried out
in the Spanish side of the Duero Basin, the largest in the Iberian Peninsula, aimed at comparing different water
quality indices. The survey was conducted during autumn 2003 and summer 2004 in 95 sites covering the entire
basin. Epilithic diatoms and benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled and analysed following standard methods
for the calculation of the macroinvertebrate index IBMWP and 18 different diatom indices. Additionally, water
physical and chemical variables were measured and Habitat (IHF) and Riparian (RQI) indices were determined
in situ. In general, both diatom and macroinvertebrate indices were strongly correlated with each other and with
abiotic factors. The highest correlation coefficients between water physical and chemical data (especially with the
concentrations of phosphates and N-derived compounds) were obtained for the diatom index SPI and the IBMWP,
though no biotic method detected changes in the concentrations of toxicants (Zn2+, Cr III). The use of diversity
metrics as monitoring indices is not recommended. The results indicated that several different biotic indices, based
on a wide range of biotic communities, must be integrated in water quality surveillance protocols, in order to reflect
complementary aspects of the ecological status in river ecosystems.
Relevant publication: Yes
Zlatko Levkov; Saúl Blanco Lanza; Svetislav Krstic; Teofil Nakov; Luc Ector. Ecology of benthic diatoms from
Lake Macro Prespa (Macedonia). Archiv für Hydrobiologie Supplementband Algological Studies. 124, pp. 71
- 83. Stuttgart, Stuttgart(Germany): E. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, 2007. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 0342-1120
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 2
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Relevant results: Lake Prespa belongs to the group of ancient lakes. By subterranean channels it is connected
with Lake Ohrid. In the past two decades, Lake Prespa has been characterized by a decrease of its water level
and an increased cultural and natural eutrophication. In this period, very few ecological studies were performed,
based mainly on composition and biomass of the phytoplankton community. From June 2002 to May 2003
analyses of 18 physical and chemical parameters and composition of benthic diatoms were performed on 12
sampling sites of Lake Macro Prespa. About 300 diatom taxa were identified in the lake. Relative abundances
were calculated by counting 200 diatom valves. 143 diatom taxa had abundances of more than 1 % in at least one
sampling site. Deep benthic communities were dominated by Cyclotella ocellata and Diploneis mauleri, while in the
littoral region these communities were dominated by small Navicula sensu lato species. For statistical analyses,
the 17 most abundant diatom taxa ( 1 % in total abundance) were used. Contrarily to the expectations, TP had a
negligible influence on diatom community structure. The main environmental factors controlling species distribution
and abundances were ammonium and metallic cations (Cu, Mn, K) and, secondarily, dissolved oxygen and Secchi
depth, as inferred from both correlation and multivariate (CCA) analysis.
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Eloy Bñecares Mantecón; Noemí Hernández; Luc Ector. Evaluación de la calidad
del agua en los ríos de la cuenca del Duero (España) mediante índices diatomológicos. Ingeniería Civil.
148, pp. 139 - 143. Madrid, Community of Madrid(Spain): CEDEX, 2006. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 0213-8468
Legal deposit: M-28150-1971
Collection: NIPO: 163-12-002-5
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Relevant results: En verano de 2005 se realizó un muestreo en 140 estaciones de la red ICA de la cuenca
del Duero, a fin de determinar la calidad ecológica del agua en estos puntos utilizando diatomeas como
bioindicadores. Los resultados muestran que el índice de diatomeas más apropiado para esta cuenca es el Índice
de Poluosensibilidad Específica(IPS). Según este índice, el 61, 4% de los puntos alcanzan un estado ecológico de
sus aguas Bueno o Muy Bueno, cumpliendo con los objetivos determinados por la Directiva Marco del Agua. Sin
embargo, el 38, 6% de los puntos no llegan a un nivel aceptable según dicho criterio
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Susana Gabriela Romo Pérez. Ictiofauna del Lago de la Albufera de Valencia: evolución
histórica y situación actual.Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural Sección Biología. 101, pp.
45 - 56. Madrid, Community of Madrid(Spain): Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, 2006. Disponible en
Internet en: <>. ISSN 0366-3272
Legal deposit: S-581-1988
Type of production: Article
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Relevant results: Despite of the traditional socioeconomic importance of fisheries in Lake Albufera of Valencia,
documented since the XIII century, there is an absence of long-term and comparative studies, and recent studies
on the composition and ecological relevance of its fish assemblages. Available data are almost obsolete or
fragmentary, and mainly based on qualitative analyses of species composition or on commercial captures.
In consequence, an exhaustive historical review of the ichthyofauna data together with fishery records were
analysed, and additionally fish communities were studied during summer 2000 and spring 2002. The aim is
to determine the present status and fish changes since first records in 1865, and ascertain the influence of
fish associations on the lake ecology. Results pointed out: a) a remarkable reduction in fish species richness,
especially from the 1950s to 2002; b) a noticeable increase in the populations of exotic species, mainly Gambusia
holbrooki and Lepomis gibbosus, that replaced to autochthonous species, such as Aphanius iberus, Barbus
bocagei, Chondrostoma arrigonis or Valencia hispanica; c) that since the decade of 1950, mugilid captures
increased (from 80 to 490 t year-1) in detriment of species, such as Anguilla anguilla or Dicentrarchus labrax.
This trend agrees with the severe eutrophication, dissapearance of submerged macrophytes and over-fishing of
these species in earlier periods; d) seasonal cycles were observed for the specific composition of the captures,
which is related to each species population dynamics (common in coastal lakes) and to manipulation of the
lake water renewal for rice cultivation. The highest commercial fish captures occurred between October and
January, which reduced the predation on macrozooplankton and had consequences on the lake food web and
water transparency, e) a relationship between fish assemblages and the lake trophic state was observed. The
progressive anthropogenic eutrophication of the lake, the uncontrolled introduction of exotic species and scarce
conservation and management of the lake and surrounded ecosystems, as well as of its fish resources, are
pointed out as some of the main causes for the changes observed in its ichthyofauna
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Eloy Bécares Mantecón. Método de muestreo de diatomeas epífitas en
lagunas para la aplicación de la Directiva Marco del Agua. Tecnología del Agua. 277, pp. 42 47. Bilbao, Basque Country(Spain): Reed Business Information, 2006. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 0211-8173
Legal deposit: B-4156-1984
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Relevant results: Se propone un método para la toma de muestras de diatomeas epífitas en lagos y lagunas
con el fin de aplicar dichas comunidades algales en la determinación del estado ecológico de estos sistemas
acuáticos de acuerdo con los requisitos de la Directiva Marco del Agua. La metodología se basa en el empleo
de muestradores tipo Kornijów para la recolección del epifiton desarrollado sobre helófitos. Los resultados
preliminares muestran la eficacia de este método en la evaluación de la calidad del agua. La aplicación de
esta sencilla metodología permite el empleo de las diatomeas epífitas como indicadores biológicos de los
medio lacustres, generando resultados reproducibles en el tiempo y basados en un protocolo común fácilmente
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Eloy Bécares Mantecón. Valoración económica de los análisis diatomológicos en la
implantación de la Directiva Marco del Agua. Algas. 36, pp. 4 - 5. Madrid, Community of Madrid(Spain): Sociedad
Española de Ficología, 2006. Disponible en Internet en: <>.
ISSN 1695-8160
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Relevant publication: Yes
Josep Maria Trigo-Rodríguez; Jordi Llorca; José Ángel Docobo; Saúl Blanco Lanza; Óscar Díez. Bólidos: cómo
estudiarlos y distinguirlos de otros fenómenos luminosos. Tribuna de Astronomía: Revista de Astronomía,
Astrofísica y Ciencias del Espacio. 75, pp. 68 - 77. Madrid, Community of Madrid(Spain): Sirius, 2005. Disponible
en Internet en: <>. ISSN 0213-5892
Legal deposit: GU-389-1985
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Relevant results: La observación de un bólido es uno de los momentos más emocionantes para cualquier
aficionado a la Astronomía. Estos eventos revisten un extraordinario valor científico dado que anuncian el
encuentro de la Tierra con fragmentos de asteroides y cometas de grandes dimensiones. El estudio preciso de
sus trayec-torias en el cielo desde varios lugares permite establecer si se producen meteoritos y delimitar su lugar
de caída. La Red Española de Investigación sobre Bólidos y Meteoritos está recopilando valiosa información
sobre estos eventos y a disposición de la comunidad amateur para asesorar sobre estos temas. Este artículo
pretende destacar el extraordinario valor de estudiar los bólidos, informar qué datos se requieren para su estudio
científico y mostrar cómo distinguirlos de otros objetos que surcan los cielos.
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Ricardo Chao; José Vicente Casado; Óscar Díez; Jordi Llorca; José Ángel Docobo; Josep
Maria Trigo-Rodríguez; Alberto J Castro-Tirado. Fuego en el Cielo: El superbólido del 4 de Enero de 2004
y el meteorito Villalbeto de la Peña. Tribuna de Astronomía: Revista de Astronomía, Astrofísica y Ciencias
del Espacio. 67, pp. 26 - 35. Madrid, Community of Madrid(Spain): Sirius, 2005. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 0213-5892
Legal deposit: GU-389-1985
Type of production: Article
Ranking: 1
Format: Journal
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Relevant results: El domingo 4 de enero de 2004 a las 16h46m45s T.U.C. un impresionante bólido con destellos
más intensos que la Luna llena fue observado por miles de personas desde la mitad norte peninsular. Del objeto
inicial, con una masa preatmosférica aproximada de media tonelada, han sido recuperados varios meteoritos,
los primeros recuperados en territorio español en más de medio siglo. En el presente artículo se describe la
labor de los aficionados en la búsqueda y recuperación de fragmentos así como también en la calibración de las
fotografías y el vídeo casual que van a permitir el cálculo de la trayectoria atmosférica y de la órbita heliocéntrica
del cuerpo progenitor con una precisión jamás obtenida desde nuestro país
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Luc Ector; Eloy Bécares Mantecón. Muestreo del fitobentos en ríos, lagos y
humedales: requisitos y recomendaciones para la Directiva Marco del Agua, con especial enfoque a
los trabajos desarrollados sobre diatomeas en la Cuenca del Duero. Algas. 34, pp. 42 - 47. Madrid,
Community of Madrid(Spain): Sociedad Española de Ficología, 2005. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 1695-8160
Collection: Bioindicadores y monitorización
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Luc Ector; Eloy Bécares Mantecón. Epiphytic diatoms as water quality indicators
in Spanish shallow lakes. Vie et Milieu / Life and Environment. 53, pp. 71 - 79. Banyuls-sur-Mer,
Languedoc-Roussillon(France): Observatoire Océanologique - Laboratoire Arago - Université Pierre et Marie
Curie, 2004. Disponible en Internet en: <>. ISSN 0240-8759
Collection: Diatoms
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Impact index: 0.587
Category: Science Edition - ECOLOGY
Relevant results: The Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires that the European Union countries determine
the biological state of their waters with respect to sites of high quality. Despite bioindicators have been widely
applied in running waters and deep lakes throughout all Europe, little is known about their applicability in shallow
lakes. In this context, the objective of this work is to check the effectiveness of epiphytic diatoms as indicators of
the trophic state in six shallow lakes of León Province (NW Spain). Epiphyton was sampled from helophyte stems
in six shallow lakes covering different ecological conditions. A significant correlation was found between the total
nitrogen concentration and the diatom indices SPI (Specific Polluosensitivity Index) and BDI (Biological Diatom
Index), this correlation being lower with respect to the total phosphorus concentration. The classification of the
lakes according to the trophic and saprobic levels based on diatoms corresponds to that obtained from the analysis
of the limnological and chemical parameters of the studied systems. Despite the use of these indices has been
traditionally limited to rivers and channels, our results show the effectiveness of epiphytic diatoms as biological
indicators of the quality of water in Mediterranean shallow lakes and the applicability of common diatom indices for
biomonitoring purposes in these aquatic ecosystems
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Susana Gabriela Romo Pérez; María José Villena Álvarez. Experimental study on the diet of
mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) under different ecological conditions in a shallow lake. International Review of
Hydrobiology. 89, pp. 250 - 262. Weinheim(Germany): WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH Co. KGaA, 2004. Disponible en
Internet en: <>. ISSN 1434-2944
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - MARINE & FRESHWATER
Impact index: 0.742
Relevant results: We studied the diet of the eastern mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki with in situ experimental
mesocosms located in a shallow lake. Different nutrient concentrations (phosphorus and nitrogen) and fish
population densities were tested. Our results confirm that it is a planktivorous species, with also a great ingestion
of algae and detritus. Nutrient fertilization caused almost no changes in this species feeding behavior, but larger
mosquitofish stocks induced a shift to zooplanktivory and a decline in detritivory. When macrophytes were
present, the predation effect focused on zooplankton and plant-associated animals, otherwise predation on
bottom macroinvertebrates increased. Females preyed upon almost all groups more intensely, including detritus.
Males and juveniles did not overlap diet, the former being more selective on ostracods, while juveniles consumed
detritus, rotifers and cladoceran. Our data support the idea that mosquitofish can cause important top-down effects
in shallow lakes under a wide variety of ecological conditions, being an important zooplanktivore in both turbid and
plant-dominated shallow lakes especially in the Mediterranean zone, where high temperatures and absence of
piscivores promote maintenance of its populations during the whole year.
Relevant publication: Yes
Eloy Bécares Mantecón; Ana Conty Fernández; Saúl Blanco Lanza; Carlos Rodríguez Villafañe. Funcionamiento
de los lagos someros mediterráneos. Ecosistemas. 13 - 2, pp. 2 - 12. Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre,
2004. Disponible en Internet en: <>. ISSN
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 3
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Relevant results: Aún existe un importante desconocimiento sobre el funcionamiento de las lagunas o lagos
someros mediterráneos. Ante la carencia de estudios propios de estos ambientes, la abundancia de estudios
en el norte de Europa ha supuesto una generalización de procesos y características potencialmente aplicables
a nuestros lagos. Sin embargo, la comparación de los distintos estudios en ambas zonas demuestra que las
lagunas mediterráneas presentan peculiaridades únicas y un funcionamiento significativamente diferente.
Tamaños más pequeños, mayor aislamiento, fuertes oscilaciones de la lámina de agua, mayor productividad
y ausencia de ciertos grupos tróficos, entre otras, son características distintivas de nuestros sistemas. Estas
características tienen importantes implicaciones en la dinámica de sus poblaciones y en la estructura y
funcionamiento de las comunidades.
Relevant publication: Yes
Enrique Alegre; Saúl Blanco Lanza; Manuel Castejón; Raúl López; Lidia Sánchez. Segmentación
autónoma y extracción de características geométricas en diatomeas. XXV Jornadas de
Automática. Ciudad Real. Actas.26, pp. 1 - 6. Ciudad Real(Spain): 2004. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISBN 84-688-7460-4
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 2
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Relevant results: En este trabajo se ha realizado una aplicación que extrae automáticamente las principales
características geométricas de las algas diatomeas. Estas algas resultan de gran utilidad en la monitorización
de la calidad de las aguas, de ahí la importancia que la automatización de los procesos de análisis conlleva.
La aplicación extrae 15 descriptores geométricos de cada diatomea almacenando su valor tanto en píxeles
como en micrómetros. Se obtiene también la presencia o no del estigma al ser éste un valor determinante en la
clasificación. Para llegar a este resultado es necesario realizar con anterioridad una segmentación autónoma de
las imágenes digitales obtenidas mediante fotografía digital. Dicha segmentación autónoma requirió del desarrollo
de un método específico basado en la combinación de dos técnicas: binarización por umbralización y detección
de bordes utilizando el filtro de Canny. La separación de objetos solapados se resolvió mediante un método que
combina binarizaciones, filtrados, adelgazamientos, operaciones morfológicas y el detector de bordes de Canny.
Los valores geométricos calculados se compararon con los resultados proporcionados por un experto, tras realizar
las mediciones de forma manual. Los resultados son muy similares por lo que se considera correcto el desarrollo
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Susana Gabriela Romo Pérez; María José Villena Álvarez; Susana Martínez. Fish
communities and food web interactions in some shallow Mediterranean lakes. Hydrobiologia. 506, pp. 473
- 480. Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland(Holland): Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 0018-8158
Collection: Shallow Lakes 2002
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: ISI
Category: Science Edition - MARINE & FRESHWATER
Impact index: 0.72
Relevant results: Fish communities of five shallow Spanish Mediterranean lakes were studied and stomach
content analysed to determine the foraging pattern of each species and the influence on the lake food web. Lakes
ranged from 0.5 to 2300 ha with less than 3 m mean depth, while the trophic state varied from mesotrophy to
hypertrophy. We fished during summer 2000 and 2001, and for one lake also during spring 2002. Almost no
piscivores species were recorded and in general omnivorous species dominated independently of lake trophic
state. Fish dietary differences were found among lakes and prey availabilities. Maximum fish biomass and diversity
were found in the Albufera lake, where mugilids (Mugil cephalus and Liza aurata) and Cyprinus carpio dominated.
The other lakes had young populations of Atherina boyeri and Liza ramada, endemic species (Barbus guiraonis,
Aphanius iberus) or introduced species (Lepomis gibbosus, Micropterus salmoides, Gambusia holbrooki). Fish
were mainly detritivorous and shifted to zooplanktivorous depending on abundance of large zooplankton. Fish
demographic changes and facultative preys influenced food webs of the lakes by both direct predation and indirect
nutrient recycling from the sediment. Omnivorous structure of fish communities in these Mediterranean warmer
lakes resembles that described in some food webs of tropical lakes. Bottom-up mechanisms seem to be more
relevant in warmer lakes and submerged plants were special key factors to maintain clear waters in the study
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Margarita Fernández Aláez; Eloy Bécares Mantecón; Susana Gabriela Romo Pérez; Luc
Ector. Réponses de la communauté de diatomées épiphytes aux changements expérimentaux du réseau
trophique dans un lac peu profond (Espagne). Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles de l Ouest de
la France, Supplement Hors Serie. 2, pp. 288 - 304. Nantes, Pays de la Loire(France): Société des Sciences
Naturelles de l Ouest de la France, 2003. ISSN 0758-3818
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Relevant results: The main goal of this study is to test the effect of the variations in nutrients concentration
(bottom-up” effects) and predator fish density (top-dow” effects) on the composition and abundance of the
community of epiphytic diatoms in a shallow lake. We have carried out a 6 week, bifactorial (nutri-ents input x
fish density) mesocosm experiment. Results show that nutrients addition leads to a greater total abundance of
diatoms, but there is a differential pattern between species, thus only few taxa (Gomphonema parvulum, Nitzschia
palea) grew under eutrophic conditions, while others (Achnanthidium minutissimum, Cocconeis placentula) only
grew in control treatments. Nutrients excess seems to have a negative effect over total growth. The presence of
planktivorous fish (Chon-drostoma arcasii) also increased the density of some species (G. parvulum, N. palea),
in detriment of others. We discuss the role of epiphyton in the lacustrine eutrophication precess and the use of
mesocosm experiments to study diatom autoecology, and its use as bioindicators of the trophic sta-tus in lakes
and wetlands.
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco. Estudio experimental sobre la influencia de los nutrientes en la ecología trófica de
los peces en una laguna somera. Ecosistemas. 11 - 1, pp. 24 - 25. Alcalá de Henares, Community
of Madrid(Spain): Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre, 2002. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISSN 1132-6344
Legal deposit: M-44149-1988
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of published critical note
or commentary
Relevant results: El presente estudio se enmarca dentro del Proyecto de la Unión Europea Shallow Wetland
Lake Function and Restoration in a Changing European Environment (PL 9710066 Swale) cuyo principal
objetivo es la determinación de los principales factores que regulan el las condiciones ecológicas de las lagunas
someras europeas. Para ello se realizó durante 1998 y 1999 un experimento consistente en la alteración tanto
del estado trófico como de la densidad poblacional de depredadores (distintas especies de Ciprínidos) en
diversos mesocosmos instalados en lagunas de cinco localidades de la Unión Europea. Se contrastan así dos
explicaciones alternativas acerca de la dinámica trófica de los sistemas lénticos.
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco. Estudio experimental sobre la influencia de los nutrientes en la ecología trófica de los peces en
una laguna somera. Alquibla. 33, pp. 19 - 19. Valencia, Valencian Community(Spain): Asociación Ibérica de
Limnología, 2001. Disponible en Internet en: <>. ISSN 1134-5535
Legal deposit: M-44149-1988
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of published critical note
or commentary
Relevant results: El presente estudio se enmarca dentro del Proyecto de la Unión Europea Shallow Wetland
Lake Function and Restoration in a Changing European Environment (PL 9710066 Swale) cuyo principal
objetivo es la determinación de los principales factores que regulan el las condiciones ecológicas de las lagunas
someras europeas. Para ello se realizó durante 1998 y 1999 un experimento consistente en la alteración tanto
del estado trófico como de la densidad poblacional de depredadores (distintas especies de Ciprínidos) en
diversos mesocosmos instalados en lagunas de cinco localidades de la Unión Europea. Se contrastan así dos
explicaciones alternativas acerca de la dinámica trófica de los sistemas lénticos.
Relevant publication: Yes
Saúl Blanco Lanza. Estudio Experimental sobre la Influencia de los Nutrientes en la Ecología
Trófica de los Peces de una Laguna Somera. pp. 1 - 188. León, Castile and León(Spain):
Universidad de León. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Ambientales. Departamento de Ecología,
Genética y Microbiología, 2001. Disponible en Internet en: <
Type of production: Book
Format: Book
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of entire book
Relevant results: El presente estudio se enmarca dentro del Proyecto de la Unión Europea Shallow Wetland
Lake Function and Restoration in a Changing European Environment (PL 9710066 Swale) cuyo principal
objetivo es la determinación de los principales factores que regulan el las condiciones ecológicas de las lagunas
someras europeas. Para ello se realizó durante 1998 y 1999 un experimento consistente en la alteración tanto
del estado trófico como de la densidad poblacional de depredadores (distintas especies de Ciprínidos) en
diversos mesocosmos instalados en lagunas de cinco localidades de la Unión Europea. Se contrastan así dos
explicaciones alternativas acerca de la dinámica trófica de los sistemas lénticos
Relevant publication: Yes
Reviews in journals: 2
Saúl Blanco Lanza. Creencias populares. pp. 1 - 128. Lulu, 2011. Disponible en Internet en: <http://>. ISBN
Type of production: Book
Format: Book
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of entire book
Relevant results: ¿Sabía Vd. que el frío no provoca resfriados? ¿o que Edison no inventó la bombilla? ¿o que es
falso que nazcan más niños durante la luna llena? En este libro se desmontan más de 200 creencias erróneas y
falsos mitos procedentes del mundo de la ciencia, la historia y la cultura popular.
Saúl Blanco Lanza. Uranoscopia. Curiosidades Astronómicas para el Aficionado. pp. 1 - 230. Lulu, 2011.
Disponible en Internet en: <
%C3%B3micas-para-el-aficionado/paperback/product-15828486.html>. ISBN 978-1-4467-5099-5
Type of production: Book
Format: Book
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of entire book
Relevant results: Este volumen recoge una selección de 20 artículos y ensayos relacionados con la Astronomía
(a veces de forma remota), publicados a lo largo de la pasada década en diferentes publicaciones.
Saúl Blanco Lanza. Miscelánea Astronómica. La Astronomía Contada en Pocas Palabras. pp. 1
- 330. Madrid, Community of Madrid(Spain): Bubok Publishing, 2010. Disponible en Internet en:
<>. ISBN 978-8-4991-6457-1
Legal deposit: M-1546-2010
Type of production: Book
Format: Book
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of entire book
Relevant results: Este libro contiene una selección de casi 300 breves columnas sobre Astronomía publicadas en
el periódico Diario de León entre 2003 y 2009 bajo el epígrafe A Ras de Cielo”.
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Eloy Bécares Mantecón; Olivier Monnier; Luc Ector. Convenio específico de colaboración
entre la Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero y la Universidad de León dentro del convenio marco de
colaboración general entre el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y la Universidad de León para el análisis y la
aplicación de índices de diatomeas en la cuenca del Duero. Estudio de la situación actual de la calidad de las
aguas superficiales mediante índices de diatomeas en la cuenca. Campañas 2004 – 2005. Informe de síntesis. pp.
1 - 85. Valladolid, Castile and León(Spain): Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero, 2006.
Type of production: Scientific and technical document Format: Scientific and technical document or report
or report
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of reserved scientific or
technical document
Cristina Cejudo Figueiras; Irene Álvarez Blanco; Saúl Blanco Lanza; Eloy Bécares Mantecón. Convenio específico
de colaboración entre la Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero y la Universidad de León dentro del convenio
marco de colaboración general entre el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y la Universidad de León para el análisis y
la aplicación de índices de diatomeas en la cuenca del Duero. Estudio de la situación actual de la calidad de las
aguas superficiales mediante índices de diatomeas en las estaciones de la Red de Control Biológico. Campaña
2004. pp. 1 - 85. Valladolid, Castile and León(Spain): Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero, 2006.
Type of production: Scientific and technical document Format: Scientific and technical document or report
or report
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of reserved scientific or
technical document
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Olivier Monnier; Eloy Bécares Mantecón; Luc Ector. Establecimiento de las Bases para la
Aplicación de las Diatomeas como Indicadores de Calidad en la Cuenca del Río Duero. Estudio de la Situación
Actual de la Calidad de las Aguas Superficiales Mediante Índices de Diatomeas en la Cuenca. Campaña 2005. pp.
1 - 42. Valladolid, Castile and León(Spain): Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero, 2006.
Type of production: Scientific and technical document Format: Scientific and technical document or report
or report
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of reserved scientific or
technical document
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Viola Huck; Olivier Monnier; Eloy Bécares Mantecón; Luc Ector. Establecimiento de las Bases
para la Aplicación de las Diatomeas como Indicadores de Calidad en la Cuenca del Río Duero. Estudio de la
Situación Actual de la Calidad de las Aguas Superficiales Mediante Índices de Diatomeas en la Cuenca. Campaña
2004.pp. 1 - 49. Valladolid, Castile and León(Spain): Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero, 2005.
Type of production: Scientific and technical document Format: Scientific and technical document or report
or report
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of reserved scientific or
technical document
Saúl Blanco Lanza; Frédéric Rimet. Rubrique nécrologique: Prof. Dr. Ramón Margalef. Diatomania. 8, pp. 30 - 31.
Thonon-Les-Bains, Rhône-Alpes(France): Association des Diatomistes de Langue Française, 2004. Disponible en
Internet en: <>.
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Ranking: 1
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with
external admissions assessment committee
Work presented in conferences at the national or international level
"20. Ector L, Blanco S 2007. Didymosphenia geminata (Lyngbye) M. Schmidt: a review of its world
distribution and nuisance effects in European countries (panel). IV European Phycological Congress. Libro
de resúmenes, pp. 129. Oviedo (España). 23-27/7/2007".
"21. Ector L, Blanco S 2007. Biogéographie mondiale et écologie d’une diatomée coloniale envahissante à
tendance cosmopolite : Didymosphenia geminata (Lyngbye) M. Schmidt, bientôt une peste dans tous les
cours d’eau européens? (panel). 26ème Colloque de lAssociation des Diatomistes de Langue Française.
Programa científico, pp. 23. Aveiro (Portugal). 5-8/9/2006".
"22. Van de Vijver B, Kelly M, Blanco S, Jarlman A, Ector L 2007. Psammothidium abundans (Manguin)
Bukht. et Round: une espèce endémique antarctique ou cosmopolite negligée? (panel). 26ème Colloque
de lAssociation des Diatomistes de Langue Française. Programa científico, pp. 30. Aveiro (Portugal).
"23. Van de Vijver B, Kelly M, Blanco S, Jarlman A, Ector L 2007. Psammothidium abundans: the
unmasking of an Antarctic endemic (panel). 19th North American Diatom Symposium. Libro de resúmenes,
pp. 30. Pellston, Estados Unidos. 19-22/9/2007".
"24. Blanco S, Fernández-Aláez M, Bécares E, Romo S, Ector L 2003. Variabilidad morfológica del género
Gomphonema (Bacillariophyceae) en el epifiton de una laguna somera (León, NO España) (ponencia oral).
XIV Simposio de Botánica Criptogámica. Libro de Resúmenes, pp. 23. Murcia. 17-19/12/2003".
"25. Alegre E, Blanco S, Castejón M, López R Sánchez E, 2004. Segmentación autónoma y extracción de
características geométricas en diatomeas (panel) XXV Jornadas de Automática. Programa científico, pp. 11.
Ciudad Real. 8-10/9/2004".
"26. Blanco S, Huck V, Monnier O, Albaladejo PV, Hernández N. Sanz U, Cauchie HM, Bécares, Ector L
2005. Diatomeas epilíticas y calidad del agua en la cuenca del río Duero (NO España) (panel). XV Simposio
de Botánica Criptogámica. Libro de Resúmenes, pp. 33. Bilbao. 21-24/9/2005".
"27. Blanco S, Ector L, Bécares E 2006. Diatomeas exóticas de los ríos de la cuenca del Duero (panel). 2º
Congreso Nacional sobre Especies Exóticas Invasoras. Libro de resúmenes pp. 70. León. 19-22/9/2006".
"28. Álvarez I, Cejudo C, Blanco S, Hernández N Bécares E 2007. Análisis de calidad de las aguas de
los ríos de la cuenca hidrográfica del Duero utilizando índices diatomológicos (panel). XVI Simposio de
Botánica Criptogámica. Libro de resúmenes, pp. 32. León. 19-22/9/2007".
"29. Cejudo C, Blanco S, Bécares E 2007. Diatomeas epífitas en lagos europeos: diversidad florística y
relación con factores ambientales (panel). XVI Simposio de Botánica Criptogámica. Libro de resúmenes, pp.
33. León. 19-22/9/2007".
"30. Falasco E, Bona F, Badino G, Torrisi M, Blanco S, Ector L 2008. Autoecologia e distribuzione di alcune
specie di diatomee invasive (panel). XVIII Congresso Gadio. Libro de resúmenes, pp. 12. Alessandria
(Italia). 9/5/2008".
"31. Novais MH, Ector L, Gomà J, Falasco E, Delgado C, Hlúbiková D, Ivanov P, Van de Vijver B, Blanco
S, Morais M, Hoffmann L 2008. Morphological characterization of the type material of Gomphonema
rosentockianum Lange-Bertalot Reichardt and related taxa from European rivers (panel). II Central
European Diatom Meeting. Libro de resúmenes, pp. 65. Trento (Italia). 12-15/6/2008".
"32. Hlúbiková D, Blanco S, Falasco E, Gomà J, Hoffmann L, Ector L 2008 Biogeography and taxonomy of
Nitzschia pura and N. sublinearis: Comparison of the type material of Hustedt with different populations from
European rivers (panel). II Central European Diatom Meeting. Libro de resúmenes, pp. 67. Trento (Italia).
"33. Delgado C, Ector L, Novais MH, Blanco S, Hoffmann, Pardo I 2008. Diatoms of Mallorca (Balearic
Islands): Springs and spring-fed streams (panel). II Central European Diatom Meeting. Libro de resúmenes,
pp. 40. Trento (Italia). 12-15/6/2008".
"34. Ector L, Blanco S 2008. Didymosphenia geminata (Lyngbye) M. Schmidt: Distribution, invasiveness and
bibliometric data (panel). II Central European Diatom Meeting. Libro de resúmenes, pp. 47. Trento (Italia).
"35. Falasco E, Blanco S, Bona F, Gomà J, Hlúbiková D, Novais H, Hoffmann L, Ector L 2008.
Morphological observations in the Sellaphora stroemii complex: Light and electron microscopy analysis of
type materials and of some European populations (panel). II Central European Diatom Meeting. Libro de
resúmenes, pp. 71. Trento (Italia). 12-15/6/2008".
"36. Van de Vijver B, Kelly M, Blanco S, Jarlman A, Ector L 2008. Psammothidium abundans: The
unmasking of an Antarctic endemic (panel). II Central European Diatom Meeting. Libro de resúmenes, pp.
83. Trento (Italia). 12-15/6/2008".
"37. Ferrari F, Wetzel CE, Ector L, Blanco S, Viana JC, Silva EM, Bicudo DC 2008. Le genre Perinotia
dans la région nord-est du Brésil : morphologie et taxinomie d’une nouvelle espèce et de P. jankae (panel).
27ème Colloque de lAssociation des Diatomistes de Langue Française. Programa científico, pp. 26. Dijon
(Francia). 1-4/9/2008".
"38. Blanco S, Novais MH, Hoffmann L, Ector L 2008. Une nouvelle espèce d’Eolimna épiphyte dans un
étang espagnol (presentación oral). 27ème Colloque de lAssociation des Diatomistes de Langue Française.
Programa científico, pp. 30. Dijon (Francia). 1-4/9/2008".
"39. Taylor JC, Levanets A, Blanco S, Ector L 2008. Taxinomie, diversité et distribution des diatomées du
genre Microcostatus Johansen et Sray dont trois nouvelles espèces terrestres d’Afrique du Sud (panel).
27ème Colloque de lAssociation des Diatomistes de Langue Française. Programa científico, pp. 35. Dijon
(Francia). 1-4/9/2008".
"40. Wetzel CE, Ector L, Blanco S, Hoffmann L, Bicudo DC 2008. Taxinomie des Eunotia planctoniques
dans le bassin du Rio Negro (Amazonie, Brésil) (presentación oral). 27ème Colloque de lAssociation des
Diatomistes de Langue Française. Programa científico, pp. 39. Dijon (Francia). 1-4/9/2008".
"41. Cejudo C, Álvarez I, Blanco S, Hlúbiková D, Bécares E, Hernández N, Hoffmann L, Ector L 2008. Flore
des diatomées du bassin hydrographique du Duero (Espagne) : résultats préliminaires (presentación oral).
27ème Colloque de lAssociation des Diatomistes de Langue Française. Programa científico, pp. 44. Dijon
(Francia). 1-4/9/2008".
"42. Novais MH, Blanco S, Delgado C, Morais M, Hoffmann L, Ector L 2008. Écologie et taxinomie des
diatomées épilithiques des lacs de barrage du Portugal (panel). 27ème Colloque de lAssociation des
Diatomistes de Langue Française. Programa científico, pp. 58. Dijon (Francia). 1-4/9/2008".
"43. Rodríguez-Villafañe C, Blanco S, Conty A, Bécares E 2008. Interactive effects of Crucian carp and
tench on the limnological variables of a shallow lake (panel). Shallow lakes conference Structure and
functioning of world shallow lakes”. Punta del Este (Uruguay), 23-28/11/2008".
"44. Blanco S, Cejudo C, Álvarez I, Bécares E, Sáenz de Buroaga M, Lobo L 2008. Water quality
assessment in two Spanish shallow lakes using epiphytic diatoms (panel). Shallow lakes conference
Structure and functioning of world shallow lakes”. Punta del Este (Uruguay), 23-28/11/2008".
"45. Beltrami ME, Ector L, Blanco S, Scheidecker N, Ciutti F, Cappelletti C, Mancini L, Hoffmann L 2009.
Découverte d’une nouvelle espèce de Gomphonema (Bacillariophyceae) dans les rivières méditerranéennes
d’Italie et de France (panel). 28ème Colloque de l’Association des Diatomistes de Langue Française,
Programa científico, pp. 31. Banyuls (Francia), 7-10/9/2009".
"46. Cejudo-Figueiras C, Blanco S, Álvarez-Blanco I, Bécares E, Sáenz de Buroaga M, Lobo L, Ector L
2009. Utilisation des diatomées épiphytes pour lévaluation de la qualité de leau dans les lagunes (Province
d’Alava, Nord de l’Espagne). 28ème Colloque de l’Association des Diatomistes de Langue Française,
Programa científico, pp. 61. Banyuls (Francia), 7-10/9/2009".
"49. Novais MH, Blanco S, Delgado C, Morais M, Hoffmann L, Ector L 2009. Diatom-based ecological
assessment in Portuguese reservoirs (panel). 9èmes Journées Internationales de Limnologie, Association
Française de Limnologie et Centre de Recherche Public Gabriel Lippmann. Abstract book, pp. 89.
Luxemburgo, 6-9/4/2009".
"49. Novais MH, Blanco S, Delgado C, Morais M, Hoffmann L, Ector L 2009. Diatom-based ecological
assessment in Portuguese reservoirs (panel). 9èmes Journées Internationales de Limnologie, Association
Française de Limnologie et Centre de Recherche Public Gabriel Lippmann. Abstract book, pp. 89.
Luxemburgo, 6-9/4/2009".
"51. Novais MH, Blanco S, Delgado C, Morais M, Hoffmann L, Ector L 2009. Ecological assessment of
Portuguese reservoirs based on littoral epilithic diatoms (panel). International Symposium Use of Algae for
Monitoring Rivers”. Abstracts book, pp. 96. Belvaux (Luxemburgo), 23-25/11/2009".
"52. Moreno M, Martínez JM, De Castro S, Bécares E, Blanco S 2009. Vigilancia de microcistinas en
aguas de consumo humano tras un bloom algal en la provincia de Zamora (panel). X Congreso Español y I
Iberoamericano de Salud Ambiental. Libro de Resúmenes, pp. 20. A Coruña, 28-30/10/2009".
"53. Becares E, Jubete F, Carranza F, Hernández N, Blanco S 2009. The effect of birds and water
management on Boada Lake water quality (panel). 6th International Symposium on Limnology and Aquatic
Birds. Abstracts book, pp. 19. Huesca, 27-30/10/2009".
"54. Blanco S, Bécares E 2010. The invasive diatom Didymosphenia geminata: first occurrences of mass
infestations in the Iberian Peninsula (panel). Symposium on non-native freshwater species introduction in
the Iberian Peninsula. Pamplona, 12-13/11/2009".
"55. Novais MH, Blanco S, Morais M, Hoffmann L, Ector L 2010. Freshwater diatoms of Portugal: a
catalogue and an iconographic atlas (panel). XV Congreso de la Asociación Española de Limnología y VII
Congreso Ibérico de Limnología. Libro de resúmenes, pp. 47. Ponta Delgada (Portugal). 5-9/7/2010".
"56. Blanco S, Álvarez-Blanco I, Cejudo-Figueiras C, Hernández N, Bécares E 2010. Atlas de las diatomeas
de la Cuenca del Duero (panel). XV Congreso de la Asociación Española de Limnología y VII Congreso
Ibérico de Limnología. Libro de resúmenes, pp. 79. Ponta Delgada (Portugal). 5-9/7/2010".
"57. Blanco S, Escudero A, Cejudo-Figueiras C, Álvarez-Blanco I, Seisdedos P, Bécares E 2010.
Didymosphenia geminata: a new biological invasion in the duero basin (presentación oral). XV Congreso de
la Asociación Española de Limnología y VII Congreso Ibérico de Limnología. Libro de resúmenes, pp. 148.
Ponta Delgada (Portugal). 5-9/7/2010".
"58. Blanco S, Bécares E 2010. Are biotic indices sensitive to river micropollutants? A comparison of metrics
based on diatoms and macroinvertebrates (panel). Workshop Emerging and Priority Pollutants: Bringing
Science into the river Management Plans”. Abstracts book, pp. 48. Girona, 25-26/3/2010".
"59. Alvarez-Blanco I, Cejudo-Figueiras C, Bécares E, Blanco S 2011. The Duero Diatom Index (DDI): a
new metric for assessment of rivers and streams in the Duero basin (Spain). 5th Central European Diatom
Meeting (5th CE-Diatom) and 25 Treffen Deutschsprachiger Diatomologen mit Internationaler Beteiligung.
Libro de resúmenes, pp. 67. Szczecin (Polonia). 24-27/3/2011".
"60. Cejudo-Figueiras C, Blanco S, Alvarez-Blanco I, Bécares E, Hoffmann L, Ector L. 2011. Diatom
atlas of the Duero basin (Spain). 5th Central European Diatom Meeting (5th CE-Diatom) and 25 Treffen
Deutschsprachiger Diatomologen mit Internationaler Beteiligung. Libro de resúmenes, pp. 73. Szczecin
(Polonia). 24-27/3/2011".
"61. Álvarez-Blanco I, Blanco S, Cejudo-Figueiras C, Bécares E. 2011. The Duero Diatom Index (DDI) for
river water quality assessment in NW Spain: design and validation. Symposium for European Freshwater
Sciences (SEFS 7). Libro de resumenes. Girona (Spain). 27-1/6-7/2011".
"62. Cejudo-Figueiras C, Álvarez-Blanco I, Bécares E, Blanco S 2011. Epiphytic diatoms along
environmental gradients in European shallow lakes. (poster). Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences
(SEFS 7). Libro de resúmenes, Girona (España). 27-1/6-7/2011".
"63. Blanco S, Álvarez-Blanco I, Cejudo-Figueiras C, Bécares E 2012. Contribution to the diatom flora of
Cambodia: five new freshwater taxa. 6th Central European Diatom Meeting (5th CE-Diatom) and 26 Treffen
Deutschsprachiger Diatomologen mit Internationaler Beteiligung. Libro de resúmenes, pp. 46. Innsbruck
(Austria). 23-25/3/2012".
"64. Álvarez-Blanco I, Blanco S, Cejudo-Figueiras C, Bécares E 2012. New diatom taxa from
high-altitude Andean saline lakes. 6th Central European Diatom Meeting (5th CE-Diatom) and 26 Treffen
Deutschsprachiger Diatomologen mit Internationaler Beteiligung. Libro de resúmenes, pp. 45. Innsbruck
(Austria). 23-25/3/2012".
"65. Cejudo-Figueiras C, Blanco S, Álvarez-Blanco I, Recio JM, Bécares E, Díaz del Olmo F 2012. The
diatom flora in temporary ponds of Doñana National Park (SW Spain): six new taxa. 6th Central European
Diatom Meeting (5th CE-Diatom) and 26 Treffen Deutschsprachiger Diatomologen mit Internationaler
Beteiligung. Libro de resúmenes, pp. 49. Innsbruck (Austria). 23-25/3/2012".
"Abarca N, Jahn R, Israde I, Blanco S 2007. Diatoms as indicators of water quality in the Lerma River,
Mexico (panel) 1st Central European Diatom Meeting. Libro de resúmenes, pp. 23. Berlín (Alemania).
"Blanco S, Alegre E, Castejón, López R, 2004. Determination of morphometric parameters in diatoms using
image analysis (panel). 18th International Diatom Symposium. Programa científico y libro de resúmenes, pp.
83. Mi#dzyzdroje (Polonia). 2-7/9/2004".
"Blanco S, Bécares E, Ector L 2006. Diversidad de diatomeas epilíticas en la Cuenca del Duero (panel).
XIII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Limnología y V Congreso Ibérico de Limnología. Libro de
resúmenes, pp. 64. Barcelona (España). 2-7/7/2006".
"Blanco S, Bécares E, Ector L, Hernández N, Coleto C, González G, Miró I, Hoffmann L 2006. Comparison
of biotic indices for water quality diagnosis in the Duero basin (Spain). (ponencia oral). 6th International
Symposium on Use of Algae for Monitoring Rivers. Libro de resúmenes, pp. 28. Balatonfüred (Hungría).
"Blanco S, Bécares E, Fernández-Aláez M 2000. Estudio experimental del espectro trófico de dos especies
de peces en una laguna somera de León (panel). X Congreso de la Asociación Española de Limnología y
II Congreso Ibérico de Limnología. Programa científico y libro de resúmenes, pp. 214. Valencia (España).
"Blanco S, Bécares E, Fernández-Aláez M, Romo S 2004. Epiphytic biomass in Spanish shallow lakes
(ponencia oral). 5th conference in the ecology and management of shallow lakes. Libro de resúmenes, pp.
14. Dalfsen (Holanda). 5-9/6/2005".
"Blanco S, Ector L 2003. Diatomées épiphytes comme indicateurs trophiques dans les lacs peu profonds
européens (panel). 22éme Colloque de l’ Association des Diatomistes de Langue Française. Programa
científico, pp. 11. Espot (Lleida). 9-12/9/2003".
"Blanco S, Ector L 2004. Taxonomie de quelques Gomphonema épiphytes au moyen de la géométrie
morphométrique (ponencia oral). 23éme Colloque de l’ Association des Diatomistes de Langue Française.
Programa científico, pp. 23. Orléans (Francia). 14-16/9/2004.".
"Blanco S, Escudero A, Cejudo-Figueiras C, Álvarez-Blanco I, Seisdedos P, Bécares E 2009.
Didymosphenia geminata en la cuenca del Duero: caracterización preliminar (panel). 3º Congreso Nacional
sobre Especies Exóticas Invasoras. Libro de resúmenes pp. 78. Zaragoza. 19-22/9/2009".
"Blanco S, Fernández-Aláez M, Bécares E, Romo S 2004. Caracterización preliminar de la biomasa
epifítica en lagunas de Castilla y León (panel). XII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Limnología y
IV Congreso Ibérico de Limnología. Programa científico y libro de resúmenes, pp. 106. Oporto (Portugal).
"Blanco S, Fernández-Aláez M, Bécares E, Romo S, Ector L 2002. Étude expérimentale sur linteraction
des communautés de diatomées épiphytes et du réseau trophique dun lac peu profond (Lac de Sentiz,
Leon, Espagne) (panel). 21éme Colloque de l’ Association des Diatomistes de Langue Française. Programa
científico, pp. 3. Nantes (Francia). 10-13/9/2002".
"Blanco S, Fernández-Aláez M, Romo S, Bécares E 2005. Response of epiphytic algae to nutrient loading
and fish predation in a shallow lake (panel). American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Summer
Meeting. Libro de resúmenes, pp. 61. Santiago de Compostela (España). 6/19-24/2005".
"Blanco S, Huck V, Monnier O, Hernández N. Sanz U, Cauchie HM, Bécares, Ector L 2005. Evaluation de la
qualité de l’eau dans les rivières méditerranéennes du bassin du Duero (Espagne) au moyen des diatomées
épilithiques (ponencia oral). 24éme Colloque de l’ Association des Diatomistes de Langue Française.
Programa científico, pp. 39. Bordeaux (Francia). 6-8/9/2005".
"Blanco S, Rodríguez-Villafañe C 2007. Contribución a la flora de diatomeas de la Reserva Natural de
Muniellos (Asturias, España) (panel). VIII Coloquio Internacional de Botánica Pirenáico-Cantábrica. Libro de
resúmenes, pp. 45. León. 4-6/7/2007".
"Blanco S, Romo S 2004. Comunidad piscícola del Lago de la Albufera de Valencia (España). Evolución
histórica y situación actual (panel). XII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Limnología y IV Congreso
Ibérico de Limnología. Programa científico y libro de resúmenes, pp. 88. Oporto (Portugal). 5-9/7/2004".
"Blanco S, Romo S, Villena MJ 2002. Estudio dietario de Gambusia holbrooki bajo diferentes condiciones
ecológicas (panel). XI Congreso de la Asociación Española de Limnología y III Congreso Ibérico de
Limnología. Programa científico y libro de resúmenes, pp. 103. Madrid (España). 17-21/6/2002".
"Blanco S, Romo S, Villena MJ 2002. Fish communities and food web interactions in six shallow
Mediterranean lakes (panel). International Conference on Limnology of Shallow Lakes. Libro de resúmenes,
pp. 206. Balatonfüred (Hungría). 25-30/5/2002".
"Ector L, Blanco S, Monnier O, Bécares E 2006. Use of epilithic diatoms for monitoring rivers in the Duero
basin (NW Spain) (panel). 19th International Diatom Symposium. Libro de resúmenes, pp. 25. Irkutsk
(Rusia). 28/8-3/9/2006".
"Ector L, Bouillon P, Bey MY, Blanco S, Bouillon C, Chavaux R, Georges A, Guillard D, Horn M,
Lalanne-Cassou C, Monnier O, Olivesi R, Peeters V, Rimet F, Vandewalle C, Vidal H, Voisin JF, Zydek
N 2005. Exercice annuel d’intercalibration IBD et découverte des diatomées épilithiques particulières des
rivières de la región du Limousin (Massif central, France) (ponencia oral). 24éme Colloque de l’ Association
des Diatomistes de Langue Française. Programa científico, pp. 25. Bordeaux (Francia). 6-8/9/2005".
"Ector L, Hlúbiková D, Hoffmann L, Blanco S. 2009. Apparition de Didymosphenia geminata et autres
diatomées exotiques invasives dans le bassin hydrographique du Duero (Espagne) (panel). 9èmes
Journées Internationales de Limnologie, Association Française de Limnologie et Centre de Recherche
Public Gabriel Lippmann. Abstract book, pp. 78. Luxemburgo, 6-9/4/2009".
"Levkov Z, Blanco S, Krstic S, Nakov T, Ector L 2005. Ecologie des diatomées benthiques du Lac Prespa
(Macédoine) (panel). 24éme Colloque de l’ Association des Diatomistes de Langue Française. Programa
científico, pp. 39. Bordeaux (Francia). 6-8/9/2005".
Experience in R&D&I management and participation in scientific committees
Scientific advisory committees, scientific societies
Committee title: Asociación Española de Científicos
Primary (UNESCO code): 240000 - Life Science
Committee title: Asociación Ibérica de Limnología
Primary (UNESCO code): 241704 - Limnology
Committee title: Asociación de Diatomólogos francófonos
Primary (UNESCO code): 241707 - Phycology
Committee title: International Society for Diatom Research
Primary (UNESCO code): 241707 - Phycology
Committee title: Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural
Primary (UNESCO code): 240000 - Life Science
Committee title: Sociedad Española de Biología Evolutiva
Primary (UNESCO code): 240000 - Life Science
Committee title: Sociedad Española de Ficología
Primary (UNESCO code): 241707 - Phycology
Experience organising R&D&I activities
Title: Semana de la Ciencia
Type of activity: Colaborador
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Type of participation: Colaborador
Start date: 2009
End date: 2009
Area of the activity: Universitario
Title: XVI Simposio de Botánica criptogámica
Type of activity: Miembro del comité organizador
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Type of participation: Organiser
Start date: 2007
End date: 2007
Title: XIV Jornadas Estatales de Astronomía
Type of activity: Vocal del comité organizador
City: León, Castile and León, Spain
Area of the activity: National
Area of the activity: National
Type of participation: Organiser
Start date: 2000
End date: 2000
R&D&I management experience
Title/name of the activity: Phytotaxa. ISSN 1179-3155
Responsibility held: Editor Asociado
Title/name of the activity: International Journal of Ecosystem. ISSN 2165-8889.
Responsibility held: Editor asociado.
Other achievements
Stays in public or private R&D&I centres
institution: Department Environment and Agro-biotechnologies
City: Belvaux, Luxembourg
Primary (UNESCO code): 241707 - Phycology
Secondary (UNESCO code): 241720 - Plant taxonomy
Tertiary (UNESCO code): 330800 - Environmental technology and Engineering
Start date: 08/01/2009, 1 year
End date: 31/12/2009
Aims of the stay: Post-doctoral
Describe using keywords: Taxonomy; Algology
institution: Department Environment and Agro-biotechnologies
City: Belvaux, Luxembourg
Primary (UNESCO code): 241707 - Phycology
Secondary (UNESCO code): 241720 - Plant taxonomy
Tertiary (UNESCO code): 330800 - Environmental technology and Engineering
Start date: 15/04/2005, 3 months
End date: 15/07/2005
Aims of the stay: Doctorate
Describe using keywords: Taxonomy; Algology
institution: Cellule de Recherche en Environnement Type of institution: Public Research Body
et Biotechnologies
City: Luxemburgo, Luxembourg
Primary (UNESCO code): 241707 - Phycology
Secondary (UNESCO code): 241720 - Plant taxonomy
Tertiary (UNESCO code): 330800 - Environmental technology and Engineering
Start date: 16/09/2002, 3 months
End date: 21/12/2002
Aims of the stay: Doctorate
Describe using keywords: Taxonomy; Algology
institution: Departamento de Microbiología y
Type of institution: University
Faculty, institute or centre: Universitat de València
City: Burjassot, Valencian Community, Spain
Primary (UNESCO code): 241707 - Phycology
Secondary (UNESCO code): 241720 - Plant taxonomy
Tertiary (UNESCO code): 330800 - Environmental technology and Engineering
Start date: 01/01/2001, 6 months
End date: 30/06/2001
Aims of the stay: Doctorate
Describe using keywords: Taxonomy; Algology
Grants and scholarships obtained
Name of the grant: Beca de Colaboración del Consejo Social de la Universidad de León (1999, 1 año).
Name of the grant: Beca de Colaboración del Departamento de Ecología y Microbiología de la Universidad
de Valencia (2001, 6 meses).
Name of the grant: Beca de Investigación de la Universidad de León (2001, 4 años).
Name of the grant: Beca de colaboración como investigador de Proyecto de la Unión Europea Shallow
wetland lake function and restoration in a changing European environment”
Name of the grant: Beca de la Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana para la realización del Máster en
Gestión y Auditorías Ambientales (2002, 2 años).
Name of the grant: Beca del Centre de Recherche Publique Gabriel Lippmann (Luxemburgo) (2002, 3
Recognition/accreditation for teaching work and compensation received
Description: Certificate - Proficency test Benthic Diatoms 2011
Conferring institution: External Quality Assessment Type of institution: University
Trials Phytoplankton - Universität Rostock
City: Rostock, Germany
Date of recognition: 22/10/2012
Description: Evaluado positivamente para la contratación de profesorado universitario en la figura
Conferring institution: Agencia para la Calidad del Sistema Educativo de Castilla y León
Date of recognition: 2012
Description: Evaluado positivamente para la contratación de profesorado universitario en la figura de
Conferring institution: Agencia Nacional de
Type of institution: ANECA
Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación
Date of recognition: 2008