Third Grade Spanish Unit 5: Nos Cuidamos

Elementary World Language
Book C Unit 5: Nos cuidamos Spanish Language
Overview. In this unit, students will learn about the country of Spain; the parts of the
body; the five senses; what you should eat to stay healthy; and some healthy habits. Essential Questions: ● What are the parts of the body? (week 1)
● What are the five senses? (week 2)
● What should you eat to stay healthy? (week 3)
● What are some healthy habits? (week 4)
Enduring Understandings: ● Spain is a country where people speak Spanish.
● Eating healthy is important for a healthy lifestyle.
● The five senses help us to live.
● Some hobbies help us to stay healthy.
CURRICULUM STANDARDS / STUDENT OUTCOMES Communication 1.1 Interpersonal - Students will: ● Converse about their bodies and healthy habits.
● Ask and answer simple questions about food preferences.
● Exchange information about what the five senses help you do.
● Ask and answer questions about what utensils they use to eat and drink.
1.2 Interpretive Reading and Listening - Students will: ● Predict based on the cover, title, and illustrations.
● Read and listen to information about the body and healthy.
● Read a picture-based story.
● Listen to and watch a video about the body.
● Read about healthy eating.
● Present tense forms of the verbs cuidar and lavar.
● Will put events in order of sequence based on a story.
● Ask and respond to questions about text read aloud.
● Become familiar with grade-appropriate vocabulary.
1.3 Presentational Speaking - Students will: ● Describe what they like and do not like to eat.
● Describe how they are feeling.
● Explain how they stay active and healthy.
● Explain how they groom themselves and get dressed.
● Describe what the five senses do to help them.
Culture 2.1 Practices and Perspectives - Students will: ● Examine healthy activities that are popular in Spain.
● Discuss activities such as el flamenco and la siesta.
2.2 Products and Perspectives - Students will: ● Talk about common foods that come from Spain.
Connections 3.1 Cross-curricular - Students will: ● Learn the prefix des- and the suffix –oso.
● Explore ways to enjoy a healthy life style.
● Identify and describe foods that are considered healthy.
● Discuss activities such as el flamenco.
3.2 Target Culture - Students will: ● Acquire information about Spain while examining stories about healthy life
● Discuss how people in Spain maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Comparisons 4.1 Language - Students will: ● Demonstrate one-to-one correspondence between spoken and printed words.
● Identify the verbs cuidar and lavar.
● Learn the prefix des- and the suffix –oso.
● Use the reflexive verb dolerse.
4.2 Culture - Students will: ● Compare healthy lifestyles in Spain with their own.
● Compare foods in Spain with their own.
Communities 5.1 Beyond the School - Students will: ● Participate in simulations that replicate authentic conversations about food, body
parts and health.
● Make healthy choices when choosing food.
5.2 Lifelong Learner - Students will: ● Utilize the language to experience news and entertainment available through print
and electronic Spanish language media.
STRUCTURE ● ¿Cuáles son las partes
del cuerpo?
● Ésta es (body part).
● Éstas son (body parts).
● Éste es (body part).
● Éstos son (body parts).
Verbos: ● tocar
Posesión: ● tu / tus
Pronombres: ● Ésta / Éste
● Éstos / Éstas
Names parts of their
face and body. Body Parts: ● boca
● brazo
● cabello
● cara
● cuerpo
● dientes
● mano
● nariz
● ojo
● oreja
● pie
● pierna
Explain how they
groom themselves
and get dressed. Activities: ● listo(a)
● sano(a)
● lavan
● peinan
● ponen
● protegen.
● Yo me lavo (body part).
● Yo me peino (body
● Yo me pongo (body
Describe how they
take care of their
body. Activities: ● siesta
● bailar
● dormir
● cuidan
● flamenco
● ¿Cómo te cuidas?
● Yo (activity).
Name the five senses. Senses: ● gusto
● oído
● olfato
● tacto
● vista
● oír/se oye
● oler/huele
● saborear
● tocar
● ver/se ve
● ¿Qué puedes hacer con
tus manos?
● Yo puedo (sense).
● ¿Qué puedes hacer con
tu nariz?
● Yo puedo (sense).
● ¿Qué puedes hacer con
tus oídos?
● Yo puedo (sense).
● ¿Qué puedes hacer con
tus ojos?
● Yo puedo (sense).
● ¿Qué puedes hacer con
tu lengua?
● Yo puedo (sense).
● ¿Cómo huele?
● Huele …
● ¿Cómo se siente?
● Siente…
● ¿Cómo se oye?
● Oye…
● ¿Cómo se ve?
● Se ve…
Discuss what they
should eat to stay
healthy. Food: ● agua
● arroz
● café
● carne
● helado
● jugo
● sopa
● frutas
● papas fritas
● pescado
● pollo
● tomate
● verduras
Temperature: ● caliente
● frío(a)
● ¿Qué se siente frío?
● El (food) es frío.
● ¿Qué se siente caliente?
● El/La (food) es caliente.
● ¿Qué debes comer para
estar saludable?
● Debes comer (food).
● ¿Qué comida es
● (Food).
● ¿Cómo es (food)?
● Caliente/Frío(a).
● ¿Qué comida te
● Me gusta(n) (food).
● No me gusta(n) (food).
Identify eating
utensils and describe
how to set a table. Utensils: ● cuchara
● cuchillo
● ¿Qué debo poner en la
● En la mesa debes poner
Discuss some healthy
habits. Health: ● alimentos
● salud
● tarjeta
● saludable
● temprano
● ¿Qué debes comer para
mantener el salud?
● Debes comer (comida)
● ¿Qué no debes comer?
● No debes comer
Verbs: ● cuidar
● cuido, cidas,
cuida, cuidamos,
● lavar
● lavo, lavas, lava,
lavamos, lavan
Describe what you
should do to stay
healthy. Activities: ● beber
● comer
● poner
● tomar
● ¿Cuáles son algunos
hábitos saludables?
● Algunos hábitos son…
Use me duele to
Feelings: describe what hurts. ● Me duele
● Me siento
● ¿Cómo te sientes?
● Me siento
● ¿Qué te duele(n)?
● Me duele(n) (partes del