Division of International Trade and Integration Address: Av. Dag

General information
The word “dispute” is used to designate cases, consultations or complaints submitted to the
Andean Community’s dispute resolution system, independently of the procedural stage that has
been reached.
This database includes only the documents which are available to the public through the Andean
Community’s official web site. ECLAC does not make any changes to them and is not responsible
for any changes subsequently made by the Andean Community.
If no information is provided as to the content of a decision, it may be assumed that there was
none available.
Type of information
The database provides information on disputes of a commercial nature only. Accordingly, in
relation to the Court of Justice, only actions of non-compliance are found in the database.
The database only contains judgements by the Court of Justice and resolutions and rulings of the
Secretariat which decide on the basic issue of a dispute. The Andean Community’s official web
site may be consulted directly to obtain a complete overview of other issues considered in the
course of a complaint.
Cases which appear more than once on the Andean Community web site were entered only once
in this database.
In cases in which a sanction was applied, there is only access to the decision that ordered such
sanction, although other decisions may subsequently have been issued on that matter (for
example, sanctions may be lifted or re-authorized).
In “dumping" actions which are considered by the General Secretariat, only definitive measures to
authorize or deny the application of antidumping measures are included (provisional measures
taken in the course of the proceedings are not included, nor are the associated petitions).
The classification system of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is used to
indicate the countries involved.
As of 1 August 1997, the General Secretariat took over the functions of the Cartagena Agreement
Board, and hence the latter body only appears as a party to disputes prior to that date.
When an Andean country makes a complaint against the subregion, the countries belonging to
the subregion shall be named as parties in the dispute.
When the parties are legal or physical persons, they are associated with their country of
nationality. If the respondent is a legal person of a country that is not part of the Andean
Community, the country of the Andean company representing the respondent in the territory of
the Andean Community is used, or the Andean country that is implementing the disputed action
(for example, the importing of subsidized products or dumping).
Division of International Trade and Integration
Address: Av. Dag Hammarskjöld # 3477 Vitacura – Santiago Chile
For the purposes of comparison between the dispute resolution system of the Andean
Community and the other systems and in order to allow an integrated search by subject, the
disputes were grouped according to the WTO subject classification, which was extended to
include additional subjects used in other systems. The disputes were accordingly classified into
the following groups: antidumping, tariffs, agriculture, textiles, customs valuation, services, taxes,
licences, rules of origin, safeguards, subsidies and countervailing measures, sanitary and
phytosanitary measures, technical barriers, investments, intellectual property, public
procurement, pre-shipment inspection, other non-tariff measures.
"Other non-tariff measures” is understood to mean any measure of an administrative or customs
nature by which a country prohibits, impedes or hinders imports, or when it authorizes imports by
going against a prior rule (for example, by applying import quotas, entitlements, visa
requirements, restrictions on border traffic, undue retention, import-financing restrictions, customs
procedures, prohibitions or suspensions of imports, unjustified delays, prior import authorizations,
etc.). This classification does not include the following: licences, sanitary or phytosanitary
measures, technical barriers, rules of origin, tariffs, customs valuation and other matters which
are covered by specific agreements (in the context of WTO).
The “taxes” category includes disputes referring to any type of fiscal discrimination in terms of
dues, tributes, rates, taxes, restrictions and charges.
In the subject list, “taxes” is considered a synonym for “economic and fiscal policies”.
In the Spanish-language version of the website, the words “subvenciones" and “subsidios” are
considered to be synonymous.
Object of the dispute
If the object of a dispute appears as “broad or non-specific in scope”, this covers the following
situations: a regulation which affects various products, such as regulations applying to tariff rates
or imposing restrictions on products originating from a particular country in a generic manner; a
regulation on issues applying to intangible assets (patents, brand names); a regulation covering
control or inspection activity by the public authorities; a regulation referring to various products of
different types; a request for pre-judicial interpretation made to the Court of Justice of the Andean
Community by the court of justice of a member State; or lastly, when the official web site of the
dispute resolution system in question does not provide the relevant information.
In cases in which the object of the dispute is identified by the NANDINA Common Nomenclature
subheading, the most generic subheading (two digits) for the product is used and the description
is provided in the most generic form (without specifying size, manufacturing material, etc.).
Starting date of the case: this is the date indicated in the summary of the case on the official
Andean Community web site.
Division of International Trade and Integration
Address: Av. Dag Hammarskjöld # 3477 Vitacura – Santiago Chile
Date of the decision: this is the date on which the decision was signed by the Secretary General
of the Andean Community (if the date given in the case summary on the Andean Community
website differs from the date of the resolution, the date in the summary is used).
When the date is not shown in the case summary on the website, the date in the resolution is
Fecha del recurso de consideración (Date of petition for review): the date on which the Secretary
General signed the decision on the petition for review.
In cases of “pre-judicial interpretation” the date shown is the date on which the Justice Tribunal
took a decision concerning a request for pre-judicial interpretation presented by the competent
national tribunal.
Decision I: this is the decision that rejects or accepts an investigation of dumping, subsidies or
distortion of competition (this takes place, for example, in disputes concerning dumping, subsidies
and free competition).
Decision II: decision on the merits of the dispute.
Declara incumplimiento: La Secretaría General
considera que el país demandado ha incurrido en
incumplimiento de las normas que conforman el
ordenamiento jurídico de la Comunidad Andina.
Reclamo declarado improcedente: No se acogen los
argumentos del reclamante.
Recurso de reconsideración (revisión) declarado
procedente: Se acogen los argumentos del reclamante
y, por lo tanto, se revoca la resolución o sentencia que
fue objeto de recurso.
Recurso de reconsideración (revisión) declarado
improcedente: No se acogen los argumentos del
reclamante y, por lo tanto, se confirma la resolución o
sentencia que fue objeto de recurso.
Recurso de reconsideración declarado parcialmente
procedente: Los argumentos del reclamante se
acogen parcialmente.
Calificación de restricción: La Secretaría General
califica las medidas impuestas por aquel contra quien
se dirige el reclamo como restricción al comercio.
Calificación de gravamen: La Secretaría General
califica las medidas impuestas por aquel contra quien
se dirige el reclamo como gravamen al comercio.
Autoriza la aplicación de medidas correctivas: La
Secretaría General autoriza al reclamante a aplicar
medidas correctivas.
Deniega la aplicación de medidas correctivas: La
Secretaría General rechaza la solicitud del reclamante
de aplicación de medidas correctivas previstas en el
Declaration of non-compliance: the Secretary General
considers that the respondent country is not complying
with its obligations under the legal system of the Andean
Complaint declared improper: the arguments of the
complainant are not accepted.
Petition for review accepted: the arguments of the
Complainant are accepted and the resolution or
sentence that was the subject of the petition is revoked.
Petition for review rejected: the arguments of the
Complainant are not accepted and the resolution or
sentence that was the object of the appeal is confirmed.
Petition for review partially accepted: the arguments of
the Complainant are partially accepted.
Determination of restriction: the General Secretariat
determines that the measures imposed by the
Respondent are a restriction on trade.
Determination of duty: the General Secretariat
determines that the measures imposed by the
Respondent are a tax on trade.
Authorizes the application of corrective measures: the
General Secretariat authorizes the Complainant to apply
corrective measures (safeguards).
Denial of the application of corrective measures: the
General Secretariat denies the request of the
Complainant for application of the corrective measures
provided for in article 97 of the Cartagena Agreement.
El artículo 97 del Acuerdo de Cartagena dispone que cuando ocurran importaciones de productos originarios de la subregión, en
cantidades o en condiciones tales que causen perturbaciones en la producción nacional de productos específicos de un país
Division of International Trade and Integration
Address: Av. Dag Hammarskjöld # 3477 Vitacura – Santiago Chile
artículo 97 del Acuerdo de Cartagena.
Suspende la aplicación de medidas correctivas: La
Secretaría General suspende las medidas de
salvaguardia empleadas por el reclamante.
Solicitud aplicación AD aceptada: La Secretaría
General autoriza al reclamante a aplicar medidas
Solicitud aplicación AD denegada: La Secretaría
General no autoriza al reclamante a aplicar medidas
Solicitud de aplicación de derecho compensatorio
aceptada: La Secretaría General autoriza al
reclamante a aplicar un derecho compensatorio contra
el reclamado.
Solicitud de aplicación de derecho compensatorio
denegada: La Secretaría General no autoriza al
reclamante a aplicar un derecho compensatorio contra
aquel respecto del cual se dirige el reclamo.
Acoge la investigación de dumping, subsidio o
distorsión de competencia: La Secretaría General
declara la procedencia de la solicitud de inicio de
investigación de supuestas prácticas de dumping,
subsidios o distorsiones de la competencia.
Deniega la investigación de dumping, subsidio o
distorsión de competencia: La Secretaría General
declara la improcedencia de la solicitud de inicio de
investigación de supuestas prácticas de dumping,
subsidios o distorsiones de la competencia.
Desistimiento del reclamo: El reclamante desiste de
proseguir con la demanda.
Terminación anticipada por cumplimiento: Aquel
respecto del cual se dirige el reclamo cumple con la
determinación de la resolución o sentencia o levanta la
medida conflictiva en el curso de la demanda.
Suspension of the application of corrective measures:
the General Secretariat suspends the safeguard
measures employed by the Complainant.
Acceptance of request for antidumping measures: the
General Secretariat authorizes the Complainant to apply
antidumping measures.
Rejection of request for antidumping measures: the
General Secretariat does not authorize the Complainant
to apply antidumping measures.
Acceptance of request for application of countervailing
duty: the General Secretariat authorizes the
Complainant to apply countervailing duty against the
Rejection of request for the application of countervailing
duty: the General Secretariat does not authorize the
Complainant to apply countervailing duty against the
Approval of request for investigation into dumping,
subsidy or distortion of trade: the General Secretariat
declares that the request to begin investigation into
alleged practices of dumping, subsidies or distortion of
competition is proper.
Rejection of request for investigation into dumping,
subsidy or distortion of trade: the General Secretariat
declares that the request to begin investigation for
alleged practices of dumping, subsidies or distortion of
competition is improper.
Abandonment of the complaint: the Complainant
abandons the complaint.
Early termination on account of compliance: the
Respondent complies with the terms of the resolution or
sentence, or repeals the disputed measure, in the
course of the complaint proceedings.
miembro, este podrá aplicar medidas correctivas, no discriminatorias, de carácter provisional, sujetas al posterior pronunciamiento
de la Secretaría General.
Article 97 of the Cartagena Agreement provides that if products originating in the subregion are imported in such quanitities or
conditions as to disrupt a Member Country’s production of specific products, that Country may take non-discriminatory and
temporary corrective measures, subject to the subsequent decision of the General Secretariat.
Division of International Trade and Integration
Address: Av. Dag Hammarskjöld # 3477 Vitacura – Santiago Chile