Literatura Chicana - City College of San Francisco

A Bibliography of
Creative and Critical
Mexican American
Writings through 1996
Compiled by
João C. Barretto,
Roberto G. Trujillo
and Andrés Rodríguez,
with introductory essays
by Luis Leal
City College of San Francisco
Rosenberg Library
San Francisco, California
A Bibliography of
Creative and Critical
Mexican American
Writings through 1996
Compiled by
João C. Barretto,
Roberto G. Trujillo
and Andrés Rodríguez,
with introductory essays
by Luis Leal
City College of San Francisco
Rosenberg Library
San Francisco, California
Copyright © 1998 by João C. Barretto, Roberto G. Trujillo and Andrés Rodríguez. All
rights reserved. Permission is granted to libraries and individuals to print out and bind this
work for non-profit purposes. No part of this book may be reproduced in any other form
or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval
systems without permission in writing from the authors. This book may not be sold for
profit either in its entirety or in parts.
Preface to the 1st edition
Critical studies on Mexican American literature were just coming into their own when Luis Leal
wrote "Mexican American Literature: A Historical Perspective."1 In this important study
maestro Leal wrote that "Mexican American literature of all genres is being written, published,
and appraised at a striking rate" and that Chicano literature "has been recognized as a subject
worthy of serious study."2 Leal goes on to discuss various perspectives that have been
attempted to define Chicano literature and also offer his own.
Since this study, first published in 1973 and later updated in 1979, a new and critical mass of
literature by and about the Mexican experience in the United States has been published. Since
1973 at least 400 new monographic titles have appeared. Given this increase in publication in
book form, one is led to speculate that the mass of literature being discussed by Leal and others
at the time was creative writing appearing in periodicals- primarily poetry, short fiction,
essays, and critical studies of these creative works. The important point of the history and
volume of literary writings is that the Mexican American has a long uninterrupted literary
tradition. The definition and context offered by Leal we find most appropriate for the present
bibliography of Chicano literature. Leal offers that "we shall consider Chicano literature here
to be that literature written by Mexicans and their descendants living or having lived in what
is now the United States. We shall consider works, especially those dating before 1821, written
by the inhabitants of this region with a Spanish background, to belong to an early state of
Chicano literature. We are not overlooking the fact that before 1848 Mexican Americans
legally did not exist as a group; they have, however, a long uninterrupted literary tradition ...
Chicano literature had its origins when the Southwest was settled by the inhabitants of
Mexico during the Colonial times and continues uninterrupted to the present."3
Given the historical context for Chicano literature alluded to above, the following
bibliography was compiled. The present work is historical in the sense that it includes all
known works within the genres and within the monograph format scope of the bibliography. It
is beyond the scope of the present work to exclude creative or critical works based on some
qualitative criteria. The present work is limited to creative and critical works published as
books, unpublished dissertations of book length, and periodical titles that include, in
significant quantity, both creative and critical literary writings on the Chicano experience.
The present work does not, however, include children's literature. The bibliography does
include a newer category, first labeled Òliteratura chicanescaÓ4 in 1976.
ÒLiteratura chicanescaÓ is a difficult category to deal with because it attempts to distinguish,
in a qualitative way, between works that are authentic to the Mexican experience in the
United States and those that are not. Numerous works are included in the bibliography at hand
that are written by "non-Chicanos." These works are included in the section literatura
chicanesca only because, to the best of our knowledge, the authors are not of Mexican descent.
Some of the works are certainly literature as art. Others are qualitatively less so, though they
too deal thematically with the Mexican experience. We again note that the scope of this
bibliography is literary history. It must necessarily be the scope of another work to selectively
identify literature as art that pertains to authorship by Mexican Americans, including literary
works by others that deal thematically with the Mexican experience in the United States.
The above comments imply that not all creative works included in this bibliography are of an
artistic quality that merit inclusion in a more selective literary bibliography-a bibliography
that would consider only the quality of the literature. It is true, however, that only by
identifying a literary history can more qualitative assessments be made. These issues are very
much the topic of some critical studies, including Francisco JimŽnez's The Identification and
Analysis of Chicano Literature (New York: Bilingual Press, 1979).
Literary works in non-print form are also included (e.g., video and sound recordings that are
available for purchase). The present bibliography includes a total of 773 works and is
organized by genre and then alphabetically by author or main entry and includes an author and
title index. The bibliography was first issued as a "working bibliography" under the title A
Current Bibliography of Chicano Literature: Creative and Critical Writings Through 1984,
(Working Bibliography Series/Stanford University Libraries, Collection Development
Program, Chicano Collections, No.2, July 1984). The present edition benefited tremendously
from contributions to the working bibliography by a number of individuals- bibliographers,
literary critics, and writers.
The compilers acknowledge the bibliographic work of others in the field, in particular, Raquel
Quiroz de Gonz‡lez, Francisco A. Lomel’, and Donaldo W. Urioste. Their works are cited in the
section on bibliographies. We also gratefully acknowledge the following for their assistance in
verifying entries of the present work: Luis Leal, Raquel Quiroz de Gonz‡lez, Francisco A.
Lomel’, Juan Bruce Novoa, Juan Rodr’guez, Bernice Zamora, Juan Felipe Herrera, Gilda Baeza,
Marta S‡nchez, and the editorial staff of Revista Chicano Rique–a, Arte Pœblico Press.
Roberto G. Trujillo
Stanford University
Luis Leal, "Mexican American Literature: A Historical Perspective," in Modern Chicano
Writers, Joseph Sommers and Tom‡s Ybarra-Frausto, eds. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall,
1979) pp.18-39. This essay is an updated version of the article with the same title which
appeared in Revista Chicano-Rique–a, A–o 1, num.1 (1973) pp.32-44.
Leal, p.18.
Leal, pp.21-22.
Francisco A. Lomel’ and Donaldo W. Urioste, "Introduction," Chicano Perspectives in
Literature: A Critical and Annotated Bibliography, (Albuquerque, NM : Pajarito Publications,
1976) pp.11-12.
Preface to the 2nd edition
The 1985 publication of the original version of this bibliography entitled Literatura Chicana :
Creative and Critical Writings Through 1984 (Floricanto Press) resulted in the first
comprehensive bibliography of creative and critical Mexican American writings. With this
updated edition containing more than twice the original number of citations, it is evident that
an explosion has occurred over the past decade in this field of writing. This extraordinary
increase is detailed in Dr. Luis Leal's introduction to this second edition of Literatura Chicana.
We, the compilers, have tried to transfer, as much as possible, the format of the first edition to
this updated work and are pleased with the results. As in the first edition, we have utilized a
modified MLA format for the citations and have included pagination information and other
pieces of bibliographic data we felt would be useful to the researcher in identifying different
editions of a particular title or translations of original works. We have also chosen to create a
combined author/title index instead of continuing with separate author and title indexes as
was done in the first edition. And, in order not to lose the critical analysis from Dr. Luis LealÕs
introduction to the original edition, we have chosen to include it, as a precursor to the
introduction for the second edition, for the readerÕs benefit.
I am hopeful that this bibliography will primarily serve a two-fold purpose - first, as a
discovery tool for all who wish to explore the richness and complexities of this literature, and
secondly, as a collection development tool which libraries may use to identify Chicano
literature titles for inclusion into their collections.
The compilation of this bibliography has been especially rewarding in that it has allowed me
greater familiarization with and a deep appreciation for the increasing volume of Mexican
American creative and critical writings that have appeared over the past decade. I am
indebted to Roberto Trujillo for having provided me with the opportunity to work with him, in
a collaborative effort, to update the first edition of Literatura Chicana in order to realize this
second, revised and updated edition.
Finally, I would like to thank the library staff at City College of San Francisco and
acknowledge their continued support and assistance.
Jo‹o C. Barretto
City College of San Francisco
July 1998
Scholars, students and librarians with interests in Chicano literature have all experienced
great difficulty in identifying new writings. There is no unique source for identifying new
authors, new works by established authors, nor new publishers. Libraries, in particular,
experience great difficulty in identifying material for addition to their collections. Over the
past twenty plus years, we have expended considerable energy trying to build comprehensive
research collections on Chicano literature. Our methodologies have included the conventional
as well as the unconventional. We have systematically searched the major bibliographic
utilities (RLIN, OCLC) and the specialized bibliographic databases (MLA and the Chicano
Database). We have systematically searched bibliographies of unpublished doctoral
dissertations on Chicano literature and have utilized the few existing published
bibliographies dealing with Chicano creative writing and its criticism. We have established
preview and approval plans with major and specialized national and international book
distributors and have maintained contacts and friendships with many Chicano writers and
scholars. We regularly browse book stores for new Chicano writings on all business and personal
travels and have concluded that only by maintaining these practices can we hope to remain
current in this area and serve as a reference and resource for others who have collecting and
scholarly interests in this field.
The present work expands on two earlier bibliographic studies on Chicano literature and now is
the most comprehensive work of its kind. It represents a tremendous effort on the part of all
three compilers and their friends and colleagues who provided individual pieces of
information. A special acknowledgment is due Jo‹o Barretto who, in addition to doing all of
the data entry and digital design work, also did the bibliographic verification for all cited
works. Our expectation is that we probably missed a few titles but hope that others who are
familiar with these oversights will notify us so that they may be included in future editions of
this work. We also wish to acknowledge that the present edition has limitations. We do not
attempt to list literary or critical works published within journals or periodicals and we do not
list manuscript source collections. We also made a decision not to attempt comprehensiveness in
listing works within the category of "Literatura Chicanesca."
Much has been written about the demise of Chicano creative writing and of publishing outlets
for new works of this genre. However, as the present work suggests, we are NOT lacking new
works, new critical studies, new doctoral dissertations, new critical studies nor works captured
on video and audio formats. In spite of new and expanded electronic resources for communicating
and archiving bibliographic data, we have no efficient system for keeping abreast of the field
of Chicano literature and, as such, we have dedicated our energies to updating the work in
hand. We hope that the new edition of Literatura Chicana will assist both scholarly and
library communities in keeping current of both creative and critical studies from the Chicano
literary community.
Roberto G. Trujillo
Head, Department of Special Collections
Frances and Charles Field Curator for Special Collections
Stanford University Libraries
July 1998
Introduction to the 1st edition
Chicano bibliographical studies in the field of literature are of recent origin. Little over a
decade has elapsed since the first bibliography dedicated entirely to Chicano literature, that
of Guillermo Rojas, was published in the pages of El Grito in 1973. Before that year critics were
still debating whether or not there was a body of literature that could be called Chicano. Those
who denied it cited as proof what they considered a fact: that is, the absence of any author or
work that could be classified as Chicano, according to the definition of Chicano then existing.
Those who believed in the existence of a Chicano literature claimed that the reason there were
no bibliographies was that Chicano literature, as other minority literatures, had been
neglected, and it was necessary to reconstruct its history. That process is still going on today.
A related problem was that of identifying Chicano literature. Some critics reduced it to that
literature related to and promoting the social movement known as La Causa which began among
the field workers of California in the early sixties. Chicano literature, these critics advocated,
must have as its aim the improvement of the social conditions under which the campesino
lived. For them, Chicano literature was a social phenomenon of recent origin, born with the
Teatro Campesino of Luis Valdez and associates. Other critics went a few years back and
selected the year 1959 as the birth of Chicano literature, for that year marks the publication of
Pocho by JosŽ Antonio Villarreal, often called the first Chicano novel.
The debate regarding the existence and nature of Chicano literature was of great importance, as
it aroused the curiosity of other critics. Their studies soon demonstrated that indeed there was
a considerable body of works that could be classified as belonging to Chicano literature. This
trend was strengthened in the Fall of 1967 with the appearance of the literary periodical El
Grito, and two years later of the anthology El Espejo/The Mirror, published by the same
editors. These two publications, and the literary prizes the publication house began to offer to
Chicano writers in 1970, established the study of Chicano literature on solid ground.
It was the concensus of opinion among critics that Chicano literature was that literature
written by authors of Mexican background born or residing permanently in the United States, a
definition which had been used in 1970 by the editors of El Grito in their announcement of the
Premio Quinto Sol. But, apparently, not much attention was paid to this definition by all
bibliographers and editors of textbooks and anthologies, as several books began to appear
which included authors who were not Chicanos. In some of them we find selections taken from
the literatures of Mexico, other Latin American countries, and even Spain. This caused some
confusion as to the true nature of Chicano literature, to the point that in 1976 a seminar at the
MLA convention held in New York was dedicated to the topic "Toward an Identification of
Chicano Literature." As the organizer and director of the seminar, Francisco JimŽnez of the
University of Santa Clara said the purpose of the seminar was "to begin the formulation of a
viable definition- identification of Chicano literature." The result of the seminar (and a
previous one held in San Francisco in 1975) was the publication of the book The Identification
and Analysis of Chicano Literature (1979), which included several of the papers read at the
two seminars together with other essays solicited from established critics, as well as an
extensive bibliography of literary criticism by Ernestina Eger, a work later amplified and
published in book form.
In some cases, of course, it was difficult to determine the background of the writer, a problem
that will always be with us, as long as the writer opts to use a pseudonym, as in the recent case
of Danny Santiago, and previously, that of Amado Muro. This problem has been partly solved
by including such works under the classification "literatura chicanesca," a term coined by
Francisco Lomel’ and Donaldo Urioste and first used in their annotated bibliography Chicano
Perspectives in Literature (1976) to designate that literature written by non-Chicanos about the
Chicano experience. Lomel’ and Urioste identified only five such authors: Frank Bonham,
William Cox, Eugene Nelson, John Nichols, and Frank Waters. The list was expanded in 1982
by Roberto Trujillo and Raquel Quiroz de Gonz‡lez in their "A Comprehensive Bibliography
( 1970- 1979)," appended to the book A Decade of Chicano Literature (1982), where 16 authors
appear. In the bibliography at hand by Roberto Trujillo and AndrŽs Rodr’guez the category
literatura chicanesca has been kept, with 32 authors. It is satisfying to see the names of authors
such as Amado Muro and Danny Santiago included in this section. The task of identifying nonChicano writers who write about the Chicano experience is not, of course, complete by any
means, and more names will have to be added to in future bibliographies.
Another problem faced by the bibliographer is that of classification. Most bibliographies in
existence classify Chicano literature by genres: poetry, novel, short fiction, theatre,
autobiography, criticism. Other categories are sometimes added, such as anthologies,
periodicals, etc. In the bibliography that follows, Trujillo and Rodr’guez add some not usually
included, such as oral tradition, unpublished dissertations, and video and sound recordings.
These sections provide very useful information to the critic, as well as other readers interested
in these related topics.
Although Chicano bibliographies on Chicano studies published before 1973 usually include a
section on literature, it was not until that year that the first one dedicated entirely to
literature appeared. In Guillermo Rojas' "Towards a Chicano/Raza Bibliography: Drama,
Prose, Poetry" which appeared in the periodical El Grito (Year 7, Book 2; 1974) we find for the
first time a body of entries (85 pages) listing Chicano literature exclusively; also, a useful list
of Chicano/Raza newspapers and periodicals, and an appendix dedicated to serial listings.
Rojas's bibliography is also the first to exclude materials not identified as Chicano. In the
"Introduction" the author tells us that he reviewed more than 30 "so-called" Chicano
bibliographies, and reports that they run the gamut, covering materials from Mariano Azuela's
Los de Abajo to Che Guevara to Boyer Bell's The Myth of t h e Guerrilla to Dee Brown's Bury My
Heart a t Wounded Knee. And he adds: "We have reviewed more than 30 works of this nature,
and it is sad indeed that no discrimination was implemented in the preparation of these
guideless guides. It is for this very reason that we decided to review all of the Chicano journals,
newspapers, bulletins and newsletters published in the Southwest by Chicanos, some wellversed in literature, others totally oblivious to the discipline, who wrote or attempted to write
and express a Chicano point of view." Although Rojas covers the short period between 1965 and
1972, his pioneer work has served as a model and has inspired others to amplify it. Not all
bibliographers, however, have paid attention to Rojas' admonition; some continue to include
items not belonging to Chicano literature.
The first annotated bibliography of Chicano literature was Carlota C‡rdenas de Dwyer's
Chicano Literature: an Introduction and Annotated Bibliography (1975), a work which,
although brief (28 pages), offers comments on over 50 works of literature. The following year
two more inclusive annotated bibliographies appeared. Charles Tatum's A Selected and
Annotated Bibliography of Chicano Studies (1976; second edition, 1979) offers brief annotations
to 307 works by Chicanos in the first edition, a number increased to 526 in the second. A novelty
is the inclusion of items on art, audio visual materials, music, and useful addresses, as well as
some on language instruction and linguistics. A separate section is dedicated to "The Chicana."
In the "Introduction" the author tells us that the materials were selected "on the basis of their
potential usefulness and availability." The inclusion of important works on specific aspects of
Mexican culture is justified by saying that they are needed "to provide the teacher with a
broader background and introduction to Chicano Studies."
Francisco A. Lomel’ and Donaldo W. Urioste's Chicano Perspectives in Literature: a Critical
and Annotated Bibliography, although brief (120 pages), offers longer critical notes and
includes a short chapter on literatura chicanesca and a useful glossary of literary terms. The
authors justify the inclusion of literatura chicanesca by saying that "the uniqueness of Chicano
reality is such that non-Chicanos rarely capture it like it is. For this reason, we propose the
latter's efforts be termed literatura chicanesca because it only appears to be Chicano.
Therefore, it must be kept in mind that the perspective is from the outside looking in. This
perspective loses the spontaneity of a natural outpouring of a people's subconscious through the
writer's creativity; instead, it becomes a calculated object of study which is valued from a
relative distance, that is, not lived." Lomel’ and Urioste's bibliography is an important
contribution which, unfortunately, has not been expanded. It is hoped that the forthcoming
Chicano Literature: a Reference Guide, by Julio Mart’nez and Lomel’ may bring the subject up to
The year 1982 saw the appearance of two valuable bibliographies, Ernestina N. Eger's A
Bibliography of Criticism of Contemporary Chicano Literature, with 2,181 listings plus a
directory of Chicano literary publications, an author index, and a title index, and Roberto
Trujillo and Raquel Quiroz de Gonz‡lez's "A Comprehensive Bibliography (1970- 1979)." These
two works complement each other and together give the critic of Chicano literature a most
useful tool to carry out investigations with a minimum of labor inquiring about sources. The
introductory essay accompanying Trujillo and Quiroz's bibliography, written by the first of the
two authors, is a most comprehensive review of the state of bibliographical research in the
field of literature up to that year. Trujillo is enthusiastic about the future of literary
bibliographical studies, and observes that "the scope and methodology of our bibliographic
work should continually improve, and Chicano literature should find itself in more academic
and community libraries.... Bibliography and the information these works disseminate are
indeed a mainstay in the history and development of Chicano Studies." Eger's comprehensive
bibliography of Chicano literary criticism is a painstaking work that will serve for years to
come as a model of bibliographical research and methodology. At the same time it reflects the
importance that critics have given to Chicano creative writings. As the author tells us in her
"Introduction," "The growth of Chicano literature in the past twenty years has been
phenomenal," and "A result of this growth has been the subsequent explosion of critical
activity in the Chicano and majority reading communities and in academic departments of
Chicano Studies, English, and Spanish. Articles have appeared in a wide variety of
established -publications, and new Chicano journals have been founded." Eger has indexed
these journals and other sources, and the result has been a most complete bibliography of
Chicano literary criticism.
With the addition of the present bibliography by Trujillo and Rodr’guez to the bibliographies
already available, especially those of Rojas, Tatum, Lomel’ and Urioste, and Eger, the critics
of Chicano literature will have at their disposal the necessary tools to undertake a thorough
study of the contributions of the Chicano writer to imaginative literature. An examination of
the Trujillo-Rodr’guez bibliography reveals that Chicano literature has come of age. As
Trujillo points out in the "Preface," since 1973 at least 400 monographic titles have appeared, a
veritable explosion that transcends that of any previous decade.
A brief examination of the entries listed in the bibliography reveals certain trends, certain
thematic and formal preferences, and a certain geographical distribution. It is obvious that
most Chicano literature is produced in the Southwest, especially in California and Texas, with
New Mexico and Arizona coming close behind. It is also obvious that poetry is still the genre
preferred by most authors, with 235 titles as compared to only 95 for the novel, 26 for short
fiction, and 23 for theatre. This fact, in itself, is significant, as it reflects a characteristic of
Chicano literature that separates it from Anglo-American literature and identifies it, in part,
with the literatures of Mexico and other Latin American countries, where poetry has always
predominated over other genres. This can also be said of thematic content, which, as in the
literatures of other Spanish-speaking countries, gives preference to the social, or socially
related themes expressed in realistic styles. This does not mean, of course, that other themes
are lacking as we also find those dealing with personal emotions, humor, irony, and even,
although on rare occasions, the fantastic, the mythical, and the surrealistic.
It is also interesting to observe that the members of the Quinto Sol generation, with the
exception of Tom‡s Rivera, who died in May 1984, have continued to published. At the same
time, the appearance of new writers is very encouraging, as it proves that a Chicano literary
tradition is well rooted; a tradition that could not have been established without the presence
of a body of critics willing to analyze, interpret, and evaluate that literature. In the recent
development of Chicano letters this critical aspect is most encouraging, as it demonstrates that
creative works being produced are not ignored.
Although in the present bibliography no literary criticism of individual authors is included,
the 42 items found in the section on general criticism reflect that the theoretical foundations of
Chicano literary criticism have been established. Also encouraging are the 51 doctoral
dissertations listed, as they indicate that the study of Chicano literature has been accepted in
the graduate schools of the nation, not to mention those of Europe, as a legitimate field of
study. Chicano literature has come a long way in the short span of two decades, and we may
look forward to another renaissance if this creative activity continues.
The present bibliography does not include the massive amount of creative and critical writings
found in periodical literature. Rojas' work, covering the years 1965 to 1972, has been
complemented by the publication of Eger's bibliography in the field of criticism and the
Chicano Periodical Index (2 vols., 1981, 1983), edited by Richard Chabr‡n and Francisco
Garc’a, including the years 1967-1978 and 1979-1981. This latter work, although dedicated to
Chicano studies in general, is very useful for the critic of literature; however, the period before
1965, and some literary periodicals not included in any bibliography, are yet to be indexed. We
hope that Roberto Trujillo will engage his bibliographical talents and unbound energy in the
preparation of a complete index of Chicano periodicals dedicated exclusively to creative
literature. For now, we remain indebted to him and his associate for the following
bibliography, which includes for the first time a comprehensive listing of monographic
materials, as well as author and title indexes.
Luis Leal
Center for Chicano Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara
Introduction to the 2nd edition
The present updated version of Literatura Chicana : A Bibliography of Creative and Critical
Mexican American Writings Through 1996 reflects the extraordinary increase in the publication
of works in the field during the last twelve years, that is, between the beginning of 1985 and
the end of 1996. Chicano literature has undergone a veritable explosion in the production of
books in all genres. No less important is the fact that the number of publishing houses
producing these books has expanded and now includes several mainstream editorial houses
which have recently become interested in publishing the works of this growing minority, a fact
that is encouraging for future writers. On the other hand, the number of Chicano publishing
houses has not increased. In actuality, it appears that there are fewer today than when the
first edition of Literatura Chicana appeared in 1985.
Another general trend detectable in the development of Chicano literature is the growing
number of fiction (novels and short stories) being produced. The appearance of new fiction
writers is also noticeable. At the same time, poets and other well-established writers have
continued to publish, thus enriching the body of works available in all genres. Fiction, of
course, has not overtaken the production of poetry, which remains the favorite means of
expression. The big surprise is the growth of literary criticism, absent just a few decades ago.
An examination of the new entries published from 1985 through 1996 listed in this bibliography
reveals very few changes in the trends, thematic and formal preferences, and geographic
distribution of the authors. What we observed in the introduction to the 1985 edition of
Literatura Chicana continues to be true. There we observed that most Chicano literature is
produced in the Southwest, especially in California and Texas, followed by New Mexico and
Arizona, and that poetry was the genre preferred by most authors, followed by the novel, short
fiction, and the theater. However, the number of entries in all genres has expanded. While in
the 1985 edition only 235 poetry entries are registered covering from the nineteenth century to
1984, that number has increased to 493, of which 185 were published between 1985 and 1996.
The number of novels listed has gone up from 95 in 1985 to 265, an increase of 170, of which 107
first appeared between 1985 and 1996, or are reprints of older novels. Although only 26 short
fiction entries appeared in 1985, in the present edition the number has increased to 109, of
which 68 were published in 1985 or later. The number of plays has also increased, from 23 to 54,
an increase of 31, with 22 having appeared since 1985. An increase, perhaps the largest, has
been in the area of literary criticism, which has increased from 42 entries in 1985 to 153 in this
edition, with 103 having appeared since 1985. Another significant growth has been in the
number of doctoral dissertations in Chicano literature, which has almost tripled, from 51 to
141, with 78 having been accepted during the last twelve years.
Many books published since 1985 are the product of established, well-known authors, such as
Alurista, Rudolfo Anaya, Ana Castillo, Lorna Dee Cervantes, Abelardo Delgado, Juan Felipe
Herrera, Mar’a Herrera-Sobek, Rolando Hinojosa-Smith, Miguel MŽndez M., JosŽ Montoya, Pat
Mora, Alejandro Morales, Gary Soto, Alma Villanueva, Tino Villanueva, and others. Among
new writers whose names do not appear in the 1985 edition are, among the poets, Francisco X.
Alarc—n (eleven listings), Carlos Cumpi‡n, CŽsar Gonz‡lez T., Ray Gonz‡lez (twelve listings),
Luis J. Rodr’guez, and Luis Alberto Urrea; and, among the novelists, Guy Garc’a, Dagoberto
Gilb, Genaro Gonz‡lez, Sylvia L—pez-Medina, Demetria Mart’nez, Eliud Mart’nez, Mary
Helen Ponce, Manuel Ramos, Benjam’n Alire S‡enz, and Gloria L. Vel‡zquez.
The classification followed in this second edition of Literatura Chicana is the same as found in
the first edition, with slight changes. The most important change is the transfer of anthologies
dedicated to a single genre to their corresponding genres, leaving the "Anthologies" section for
those of a general nature. Twenty six of these are listed in this section, although only seven
have appeared since 1985. A trend in the preparation of Chicano bibliographies has been the
appearance of specialized works, such as the one dedicated to Chicano folklore by Michael
Heisley. Also, some bibliographies in other fields have included Chicano literature, as seen in
Jo‹o Barretto's on Latin America, David R. Peck's on American Ethnic Literatures, and Marc
Zimmerman's on U.S. Latino Literature. Others bibliographers have opted for the "Selected
Bibliography" format (CŽsar Gonz‡lez T.), or for bibliographies dedicated to one author
(Teresa M‡rquez, Salvador GŸere–a / Raquel Quiroz). One of the most important reference
books published since 1985 is that of Julio A. Mart’nez and Francisco A. Lomel’, Chicano
Literature: a Reference Guide (1985), for it includes lengthy articles about Chicano authors, as
well as general historical essays. This book, however, is more than a reference work and could
well be classified as literary criticism, since it is a collection of articles by several authors.
This reference guide is important as it has served as a model for the later series of volumes
published under the title Chicano Writers, as part of the Gale Series "World Authors," which
follow the same format, although the entries are much more critical and informative, as they
include more extensive biographical, as well as bibliographical material.
These reference books are prepared with the general reader in mind, the reader who
approaches Chicano literature with the purpose of becoming informed about an author or
movement, and are useful because they can lead to more specialized studies, such as the critical
and theoretical works which, now, are quite numerous. Among the 103 titles listed in this
bibliography that have appeared since 1985, the reader will find a great thematic diversity.
Some of the most important themes treated by specialists in their fields are border literary
studies, Chicana literature, the novel, poetry, the search for identity, colonial literature,
satire, theater, language, myths, and surveys, as well as general histories. For the first time in
Chicano literary criticism, the reader will find a number of studies dedicated to a single
author. So far, there are studies about Rolando Hinojosa-Smith, Miguel MŽndez-M., Alejandro
Morales, Juan Bruce Novoa, Sabine Ulibarr’, Rudolfo Anaya, Tom‡s Rivera, Angela de Hoyos,
and Ron Arias, to mention only a few.
Another novelty in the field of Chicano studies is the appearance of several books dedicated to
literary theory. Most prominent here are the works of Justo S. Alarc—n, who analyzes Bruce
Novoa's literary theories; Norma Alarc—n, Gloria Anzaldœa, Mar’a Gonz‡lez, and Mar’a
Herrera Sobek, who study feminist literature; Guillermo Hern‡ndez, author of the first book on
Chicano satire; Manuel de Jesœs Hern‡ndez GutiŽrrez, who studies fiction from the perspective
of internal colonialism; JosŽ Lim—n, whose book is dedicated to the study of social poetry;
Rafael PŽrez Torres, to poetic movements; JosŽ David Sald’var, to cultural critique; and Ram—n
Sald’var to narrative theory.
Of great importance to the development of literary criticism is the training of critics in the
universities. A look at the number of dissertations accepted by universities, as listed in this
bibliography, reveals that the number of critics of Chicano literature has increased during the
last few years. It was not until 1971, an important year in the development of Chicano literary
historiography, that the first doctoral dissertations dealing with the history of Chicano
literature were accepted at leading universities. Philip D. Ortego presented for his doctorate a
well-researched "Background of Mexican American Literature," in which, for the first time, an
extraordinary amount of information on Chicano literature during the 19th century was
collected. Since that year, over 140 dissertations have been accepted. A brief analysis reveals
that most are dedicated to the study of genres such as theater, the novel, and poetry, followed
by studies of works by women authors. This category is followed by general surveys and
literary criticism. Thematically, identity is the favorite subject. Gaining in importance is the
interest in the works of individual authors. Surprisingly, certain subjects, like linguistics, the
border, ethnicity, mythology, periodicals and newspapers, folklore, and religion, have not
attracted as many dissertation writers, leaving much for the future scholars in the field.
An important trend is the appearance of literary and critical works by Chicanas. The few of
the past, Mar’a Amparo Ruiz de Burton, Mar’a Cristina Mena, Josephina Niggli, Jovita
Gonz‡lez, Nina Otero, and others, have been joined by a number of contemporary writers, among
them Estela Portillo Trambley, Alma Villanueva, Evangelina Vig’l, Bernice Zamora, Ana
Castillo, Sandra Cisneros, Lorna Dee Cervantes, Lucha Corpi, Angela de Hoyos, Pat Mora, Gina
ValdŽs, and Helen Viramontes. In the area of literary criticism we have Rosaura S‡nchez,
Norma Alarc—n, Mar’a Herrera Sobek, Tey Diana Rebolledo, Erlinda Gonzales-Berry, Cordelia
Candelaria, Angie Chabram, and others. The profusion in works by Chicana writers since 1984,
appear in this updated edition. Although, among Chicanos, poetry is still the favorite genre,
among Chicanas, the novel appears to be their preferred mode of expression. Of books of poetry
published since 1985 and listed here, only 13 were written by Chicanas. On the other hand,
they have contributed with 31 novels with notable recent titles found in this updated edition
by Denise Ch‡vez, Kathleen J. Alcal‡, Norma Elia Cantœ, Margarita Cota C‡rdenas, Roberta
Fern‡ndez, Sylvia L—pez-Medina, Demetria Mart’nez, Pat Mora, Mary Helen Ponce, Katherine
Quintana Ranck, Beverly Silva, and Helen Mar’a Viramontes. A recovered novel of the past is
that of Jovita Gonz‡lez Mireles.
It could be said that between 1985 and 1996, as demonstrated by the new entries registered in
this edition of Literatura Chicana, the literary production of the Chicano people has done
extremely well in comparison with other periods.
This bibliography demonstrates that a true renaissance in Chicano letters has well exceeded
that which occurred earlier. Especially noticeable is the greater presence of writings by
Chicanas, who have enriched the literature and given diversity and a new perspective to
Chicano life and culture.
As previously mentioned, an important factor in the development of Chicano/a letters is the
recent interest manifested by mainstream literary presses in publishing original works and
reprints, and translations into other languages of some of the best known works. This trend
predicts more accessibility for future writers while, at the same time, bodes greater competition
for the few small Chicano presses still operating. These Chicano presses, such as Quinto Sol,
Maize Press, Arte Pœblico, Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, and Chusma have been
persistent in their dedication to providing an outlet of quality art and print to aspiring
Chicana/o writers, and are to be commended for the service they provided at a time when it
has been most needed. They have truly helped bring about the Renaissance.
Luis Leal
Center for Chicano Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara
Adame, Leonard. Cantos pa' la Memoria. San Jose, CA : Mango Publications, 1979. [14p.] (The
Chicano Chapbook Series, no.3)
Aguilar, Ricardo. Caravana Enlutada. MŽxico : Ediciones P‡jaro Cascabel, 1975. 60p.
-----. En Son de Lluvia. MŽxico : Editorial Tras Terra, 1980. 76p.
Aguilar, Ricardo, Armando Armengol, and Oscar U. Somoza. eds. Palabra Nueva : Poes’a
Chicana. El Paso, TX : Dos Pasos Editores, 1985. 145p.
Aguilar-Henson, Marcela. Figura Cristalina. San Antonio, TX : M&A Editions, 1983. 31p.
Aigla, Jorge H. The Aztec Shell. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press, 1995. 85p.
Alarc—n, Francisco X. Body in Flames = Cuerpo en Llamas. Translated by Francisco Arag—n. San
Francisco, CA : Chronicle Books, 1990. 107p.
-----. Cuerpo en Llamas = Colainn ar Bharr Lasrach. Gabriel Rosenstock a d'aistrigh ; reamhra
le Noel Griffin. Indreabhan, Conamara : Clo Iar-Chonnachta i gcomhar le Chronicle Books,
San Francisco, CA, 1992. 127p.
-----. De Amor Oscuro = Of Dark Love, with drawings by Ray Rice ; [English translation by
Francisco Arag—n with the poet]. Santa Cruz, CA : Moving Parts Press, 1991. [53]p.
-----. De Amor Oscuro = Of Dark Love, with drawings by Ray Rice ; [English translation by
Francisco Arag—n with the poet]. Santa Cruz, CA : Moving Parts Press, 1991. 44p. Limited
edition of 70.
-----. De Amor Oscuro = Um An Ngra Dorcha. Translated by Gabriel Rosenstock ; designed by
Pieter Sluis. Indreabhan, Conamara : Clo Iar-Chonnachta in association with The Yeats Club,
Florida, 1992. [32]p.
-----. Dedicatoria Chicana. [Santa Cruz, CA : s.n., 1989?]. 1 sheet.
-----. Loma Prieta. Santa Cruz, CA : We Press, 1990. 32p.
-----. No Golden Gate for Us. Santa Fe, NM : Pennywhistle Press, 1993. 32p.
-----. Quake Poems. Santa Cruz, CA : We Press, 1989. [10]p.
-----. Snake Poems : an Aztec Invocation. San Francisco, CA : Chronicle Books, 1992. 162p.
-----. Tattoos. Oakland, CA : Nomad Press, 1985. 35 l.
Alurista. A'nque. Acuarelas hechas por Delilah Merriam-Montoya. San Diego, CA : Maize
Publications, 1979. 61p.
-----. Et Tu ... Raza? Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1996. 72p.
-----. Floricanto en Aztl‡n. Los Angeles, CA : Chicano Cultural Center, University of
California, 1971. 112p. (Creative Series, no.1)
-----. Nationchild Plumaroja: Poems 1969-1972. San Diego, CA : Toltecas en Aztl‡n, Centro
Cultural de la Raza, 1971. 193p.
-----. Return: Poems Collected and New. Ypsilanti, MI : Bilingual Press, 1982. 155p.
-----. Spik in Glyph? Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1981. 64p.
-----. Timespace Hurac‡n: Poems 1972-1975. Albuquerque, NM : Pajarito Publications, 1976.
-----. Tremble Purple : Seven Poems. Oakland, CA : Unity Publications, 1987. 29p.
-----. Z Eros. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1995. 74p.
Alvarado de Ricord, Elsie, Lucha Corpi and Concha Michel. Fireflight : Three Latin American
Poets. Translated into English by Catherine Rodr’guez-Nieto. Berkeley, CA : Oyez, 1976.
Amezquita, Ricardo Mario. Eating Stones. Illustrated by Greg Lakebrink. Springfield, IL :
Sangamon State, 1977. 15p. (Sangamon Poets Chapbook Series, no.8)
Anaya, Rudolfo. The Adventures of Juan Chicaspatas. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1984.
Arellano, Juan Estevan. Palabras de la Vista/Retratos de la Pluma (Memorias). Albuquerque,
NM : Academia Publications in cooperation with R’o Grande Institute, 1984. 64p.
ArgŸelles, Ivan. Captive of the Vision of Paradise: Poems. Illustrations by Linda Strickland.
Mill Valley, CA : Hartmus Press, 1982. 75p.
-----. Instamatic Reconditioning. Wescoville, PA : Damascus Road, 1976. 64p.
-----. The Invention of Spain: Poems. Brooklyn, NY : X-Press Press/Downtown Poets Co-op,
1978. 61p. (Downtown Poets Series)
-----. Looking for Mary Lou : Illegal Syntax : Poems. San Francisco, CA : Rock Steady Press,
1989. 169p.
-----. Manicomio: Poems. Eugene, OR : R. Moody, 1984. [26p.]
-----. The Tattooed Heart of the Drunken Sailor: Poems. Madison, WI : Ghost Pony Press, 1983.
Arellano, Anselmo F., ed. Los Pobladores Nuevo Mexicanos y Su Poes’a, 1889-1959.
Albuquerque, NM : Pajarito Publications, 1976. 175p.
Arroyo-Ortiz, Nelson. Versos de Amor. Dallas, TX : Blue Sky Press, 1992. 50p.
Arteaga, Alfred. Cantos. [S.l.] : Chusma House Publications, 1991. 51p.
Artola Allen, Adela and Marco Antonio JŽrez. L‡grimas Chicanas: Haikus Tr‡gicos. Tucson,
AZ : Mexican American Studies and Research Center, University of Arizona, 1982. (unpaged)
Baca, Jimmy Santiago. Black Mesa Poems. New York, NY : New Directions Pub. Corp., 1989.
-----. Immigrants in Our Own Land. Baton Rouge, LA : Louisiana State University Press, 1979.
-----. Immigrants in Our Own Land and Selected Early Poems. New York, NY : New Directions,
1990. 86p.
-----. Jimmy Santiago Baca: [Poems]. [s.l.: s.n.] 1978. 16p. (Rockbook, no.3)
-----. Martin ; and, Meditations on the South Valley. New York, NY : New Directions, 1987.
-----. Poems Taken from My Yard. Fulton, MO : Timberline Press, 1986. 24p.
-----. Swords of Darkness. San Jose, CA : Mango Publications, 1981. 12p. (The Chicano
Chapbook Series, no.9)
-----. What's Happening. Willimantic, CT : Curbstone Press, 1982. 32p.
Baca, Jimmy Santiago and Ralph E. Farrar, eds. Bathtub Poetry : an Anthology of Writing
from the Penitentiary of New Mexico. Santa Fe, NM : Penitentiary of New Mexico, 1986. 94p.
Bacchiega Minuzzo, Franca. ed. Sotto il Quinto Sole : Antologia di Poeti Chicani. Firenze :
Passigli Editori, 1990. 413p.
B‡ez, JosŽ. Mother Madre. San Antonio, TX : B‡ez Writing Co., 1985.
Baptiste, Victor N. Unos Pasos. Hollywood, CA : Ediciones de la Frontera, 1968. 37p.
Barrios, Gregg. Puro Rollo (a Colores). Los Angeles, CA : Quetzalc—atl Publications, 1982. 75p.
Benav’dez, Max. The Stopping of Sorrow. Santa Monica, CA : Momentum Press, 1985. 74p.
Benjamin-Labarthe, Elyette, comp. Vous Avez Dit Chicano : Anthologie ThŽmatique de PoŽsie
Chicano. Choix de po•mes prŽsentŽs et traduits par Elyette Benjamin-Labarthe. [Talence] :
Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme d'Aquitaine, 1993. 419p.
Bercerra, David et al., eds. Bajo la Piel/Under the Skin. Irvine, CA : University of California,
1987. 62p.
Bermea, Gloria and Gregorio Barrios, comp. Los Poetas Chicanos : Colecci—n de Poemas.
Crystal, Texas de Aztl‡n : Distrito Escolar Independiente de Cristal, [1975?] 70p.
Bernal, Adri‡n O. P‡ginas de Mi Vida : Poemas. San Antonio, TX : [s.n.], 1981.
Bernal, Juan Manuel. La Cocina en Huelga de Hambre = The Kitchen on a Hunger Strike.
[MŽxico] : [s.n.], 1987. 61p.
Bernal, Vicente J. Las Primicias. Dubuque, IA : Telegraph-Herald, 1916. 72p.
Binder, Wolfgang, ed. Contemporary Chicano Poetry : an Anthology. Erlangen : Palm and
Enke, 1986. 238p.
Blea, Irene. Celebrating Crying and Cursing. Pueblo, CO : Pueblo Poetry Project, 1980. 20p.
Bobi‡n, Arturo Silvano, David Garc’a and Roberto ÒChipsÓ Portales. And This is What We
Said. Lubbock, TX : Trucha Publications, 1975. 94p.
Bornstein-Somoza, Miriam. Bajo Cubierta. Tuczon, AZ : Scorpion Press, [197-] 33p.
-----. Bajo Cubierta. 2nd ed. Tucson, AZ : Scorpion Press, 1976. 33p.
Braceli, Rodolfo Eduardo. The Last Testament = El òltimo Padre : A Poemnovel. Translated by
Francisco A. Lomel’ ; pref. Gustavo V. Segade ; [editors, Juan Felipe Herrera, Charlotte
Jaramillo, Pedro Ortiz V‡squez]. 1st bilingual ed., U.S.A. San Diego, CA : Citybender, 1978.
Brinson-Pi–eda, Barbara. Nocturno. Berkeley, CA : University of California, Chicano Studies,
1978. 29p. (El Fuego de Aztl‡n, Vol. 2, no. 2, 1978)
-----. Vocabulary of the Dead. Oakland, CA : Nomad Press, 1984. 26p.
Bruce-Novoa, Juan. Inocencia Perversa/Perverse Innocence. Phoenix, AZ : The Baleen Press,
1977. 71p.
-----. Manuscrito de Origen. Ciudad Ju‡rez, Chihuahua, MŽxico : Universidad Aut—noma de
Ciudad Ju‡rez, 1995. 133p.
-----. Only the Good Times. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1995. 286p.
Burciaga, JosŽ Antonio. Dibujos y Poemas de JosŽ Antonio Burciaga / Refrescos. Menlo Park, CA
: Dise–os, 1978. 20 l.
-----. Drink Cultura : Chicanismo. Santa Barbara, CA : Joshua Odell Editions/Capra Press,
1993. 145p.
-----. Drink Cultura Refrescante. San Jose, CA : Mango Publications, 1978. 31 leaves.
-----. Restless Serpents. Menlo Park, CA : Dise–os Literarios, 1976. 64p.
-----. Undocumented Love = Amor Indocumentado : A Personal Anthology of Poetry. San Jose,
CA : C. Trujillo, Chusma House Publications, 1992. 173p.
Burk, Ronnie. En el Jard’n de los Nopales: Poems 1976-1977. Rev. 1st ed. San Jose, CA : Mango
Publications, 1983. 13p.
Bus, Heiner and Ana Castillo, eds. Recent Chicano Poetry/Neueste Chicano-Lyrik. Bamberg :
UniversitŠtsbibliothek Bamberg, 1994. 171p.
Calder—n, Tom‡s M. Think of This Situation. Illustrated by JosŽ Antonio Burciaga. Santa
Barbara, CA : The Alternative Press, 1977, 1976. [59p.]
Campbell, Roberto Bruce. Poems From My Notebook. San Antonio, TX : M&A Editions, 1978.
Campbell, Trini. Canto Indio Mexicano. New York, NY : Abra, 1977. 57p.
Candelaria, Cordelia. Arroyos to the Heart. ; edited by Ernesto Padilla. Santa Monica, CA :
Lalo Literature Division, Santa Monica College Press, 1993. 142p.
-----. Ojo de la Cueva. Colorado Springs, CO : Maize Press, 1984. 63p.
C‡rdenas, Reyes. Anti-Bicicleta Haiku. s.l.: s.n., 1976. 16p.
-----. Chicano Territory: Poems. Austin, TX : Place of Herons, 1984. 60p.
-----. Elegies for John Lennon. Austin, TX : Place of Herons. 1984.
-----. I Was Never a Militant Chicano. Austin, TX : Rel‡mpago Books Press, 1986. 44p.
-----. Survivors of the Chicano Titanic. Austin, TX : Place of Herons, 1981. 62p.
Casta–o, Wilfredo Q. Cast Small Stones Upon the Tender Earth. San Francisco, CA : Second
Coming Press, 1981. 39p.
Castellano, Olivia. Blue Horse of Madness. Sacramento, CA : Crystal Clear, 1983. 97p.
-----. Blue Mandolin, Yellow Field. Berkeley, CA : Tonatiuh-Quinto Sol International, 1980.
64p. (Grito del Sol Quarterly Books, Year 5, Book 3)
-----. Spaces That Time Missed. Sacramento, CA : Crystal Clear, 1986. 24p.
Castillo, Ana. The Invitation. s.l.: s.n., 1979. 31p.
-----. The Invitation. [San Francisco, CA] : A. Castillo, 1986, 1979. 34p. Ill. by Marina
GutiŽrrez; English translations of the Spanish poetry by Carol Maier. Ò2nd printing.Ó
-----. My Father Was a Toltec : Poems. Novato, CA : West End Press, 1988. 75p.
-----. My Father Was a Toltec and Selected Poems 1973-1988. New York, NY : W.W. Norton,
1995. 158p.
-----. Otro Canto. Chicago, IL : Alternativa Publications, 1975. 32p.
-----. Women Are Not Roses. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1984. 64p.
Catacalos, Rosemary. Again For the First Time. Santa Fe, NM : Tooth of Time, 1984, 1972. 68p.
-----. As Long As It Takes. Springfield MO : Iguana Press, 1984.
Cervantes, Irma H. Sparks, Flames, and Cinders. Scottsdale, AZ : Five Windmills Publishing
Company, 1982. 96p.
Cervantes, Lorna Dee. Emplumada. Pittsburgh, PA : University of Pittsburgh Press, 1981. 68p.
(Pitt Poetry Series)
-----. From the Cables of Genocide : Poems on Love and Hunger. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico
Press, 1991. 78p.
Chac—n, Felipe Maximiliano. Obras de Felipe Maximiliano Chac—n, ÒEl Cantor Neomexicano:
Poes’a y Prosa. Albuquerque, NM : Felipe M. Chac—n, 1924. 183p.
Ch‡vez, Denise, ed. Life is a Two-Way Street : Prison Poems. Radium Springs, NM : Women's
Center, s.d.
Ch‡vez, Fray AngŽlico. Clothed With the Sun. Santa Fe, NM : Writers' Editions, 1939. 49p.
-----. Eleven Lady Lyrics and Other Poems. Patterson, NJ : St. Anthony Guild Press, 1945. 96p.
-----. Selected Poems. Santa Fe, NM : The Press of the Territorian, 1969.
-----. The Single Rose: Poems of Divine Love. Santa Fe, NM : Los Santos Bookshop, 1948. 65p.
-----. The Virgin of Port Lligat. Fresno, CA : Academy Library Guild, 1959. 73p.
Ch‡vez, Mario. When It Rains in Cloves. San Jose, CA : Mango Publications, 1980. 9p. (The
Chicano Chapbook Series, no.5)
Cisneros, Sandra. Bad Boys. San Jose, CA : Mango Publications, 1980. 8p. (The Chicano
Chapbook Series, no.8)
-----. Loose Woman: Poems. New York, NY : Knopf : Distributed by Random House, 1994. 115p.
-----. My Wicked Wicked Ways. Bloomington, IN : Third Woman Press, 1987. 93p.
-----. My Wicked Wicked Ways.
New York, NY : Turtle Bay Books, 1993. 103p.
Clinton, Michelle T., Sesshu Foster, and Naomi Qui–—nez. eds. Invocation L.A. : Urban
Multicultural Poetry. Albuquerque, NM : West End Press, 1989. 129p.
Cobi‡n Figeroux, Ricardo. Para Todos los Panes, No Est‡n Todos Presentes. Colorado Springs,
CO : Maize Press, 1984. 62p.
Corpi, Lucha. Palabras de Mediod’a/Noon Words: Poems. Translated into English by
Catherine Rodr’guez-Nieto. Berkeley, CA : El Fuego de Aztl‡n Publications, 1980. 169p.
-----. Variaciones Sobre una Tempestad = Variations On A Storm. English translation by
Catherine Rodr’guez-Nieto. Berkeley, CA : Third Woman Press, 1990. 97p.
Cota C‡rdenas, Margarita. Marchitas de Mayo : (Sones Pa'l Pueblo) : Poes’a Chicana. Austin,
TX : Rel‡mpago Books Press, 1989. 57p.
-----. Noches Despertando Inconciencias. Tucson, AZ : Scorpion Press, 1977. 48p.
Los Cuatro: Poemas y Reflecciones de Cuatro Chicanos con Almas Brotando el Desmadrazgo,
Duelo, Orgullo, Corage, y Alegr’a en Esto de Ser Hechizos de la Raza Bronce-- M‡s Que
Coplas... Denver, CO : Barrio Publications, 1971. 51p.
Cuellar JimŽnez, Ben. Gallant Outcasts. San Antonio, TX : The Naylor Company, 1963.
Cumpi‡n, Carlos. Armadillo Charm. Chicago, IL : T’a Chucha Press, 1996. 80p.
-----. Coyote Sun. Chicago, IL : March/Abrazo Press, 1990. 63p.
Cumpi‡n, Carlos, ed. Emergency Tacos : Seven Poets Con Picante : Badikian, Cisneros, Cortez,
Cumpi‡n, Gallaher, L—pez-Castro, Nino. Chicano [i.e. Chicago], IL : MARCH/Abrazo, 1989.
Curiel, Barbara Brinson. Speak to Me from Dreams. Berkeley, CA : Third Woman Press, 1989.
Dayd’-Tolson, Santiago. ed. Five Poets of Aztl‡n. Binghamton, NY : Bilingual Press, 1985.
De France, Gary. Seascapes. San Jose, CA : Mango Publications, 1979. 5p.
De Hoyos, Angela. Arise, Chicano! and Other Poems. Translated into Spanish by Mireya
Robles. San Antonio, TX : M&A Editions, 1976. 29p.
-----. Arise, Chicano! and Other Poems. Spanish translation by Mireya Robles. Bilingual ed.,
3rd print., revised and enlarged. San Antonio, TX : M&A Editions, 1980. 40 p.
-----. Chicano Poems for the Barrio. Bloomington, IN : Backstage Books, 1975. 24p.
-----. Selecciones. Translated into Spanish by Mireya Robles. Xalapa, Vera Cruz, MŽxico :
Universidad Veracruzana, 1976. 48p. (Cuadernos del Caballo Verde, 16)
-----. Selected Poems/Selecciones. Spanish translation by Mireya Robles. San Antonio, TX :
Dezkalzo Press, 1979. 83p.
-----. Woman, Woman. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1985. 69p.
-----. Woman, Woman. 2nd ed. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1995. 71p.
De la Junta, Paco. 1983 Chicano Engagement Calendar: A Year of Poetry de Paco de la Junta.
With illustrations by Carlotta Espinoza. Denver, CO : Bread and Butter Press, 1982.
De La Torre, Alfredo. Caracoleando: Poemas. Dibujos de Susana de la Torre. San Antonio, TX :
M&A Editions, 1979. 51p.
De Le—n, Nephtal’. Chicano Poet: With Images and Visions of the Poet. La Puente, CA :
Sunburst Enterprises, 1973. 102p.
-----. Chicano Poet: With Images and Visions of the Poet. Lubbock, TX : Trucha Publications,
1973. 98p.
-----. Coca-Cola Dream. 2nd ed. Lubbock, TX : Trucha Publications, 1976. 21p.
-----. Hey, Mr. President, Man! Lubbock, TX : Trucha Publications, 1975. 27p.
-----. I Will Catch the Sun. Lubbock, TX : Trucha Publications, 1973. 32p.
Del Castillo, Ram—n. Five Teardrops of La Llorona. [S.l.] : Bato Pub. Co., [19--?] [6] leaves.
-----. From the Coraz—n of a Bato Loco. Illustrated by Juan Carlos Alvarado. Denver, CO :
RubŽn Sosa Villegas Publications, 1994. 26p.
-----. When the Owl Can't See at Night. Denver, CO : [s.n.], 1995. 24p.
Delgado, Abelardo. Apathy Avenue: 25 Avenues of Abelardo. Wheat Ridge, CO : Barrio
Publications, 1980. [40p].
-----. Bajo el Sol de Aztl‡n: 25 Soles de Abelardo. El Paso, TX : Barrio Publications, 1973. 32p.
-----. Chicano: 25 Pieces of a Chicano Mind. Denver, CO : Barrio Publications, 1969. 36p.
-----. A Day Is Coming : 32 Days Of Abelardo. Illustrated by Christina Summer Vidal.
Arvada, CO : Barrio Publications, 1994. 34p.
-----. Here Lies Lalo: 25 Deaths of Abelardo. Salt Lake City, UT : Barrio Publications, 1977.
-----. It's Cold: 52 Cold Thought-Poems of Abelardo. Salt Lake City, UT: Barrio Publications,
1974. 110p.
-----. La Llorona : 25 Lloronas of Abelardo. Arvada, CO : Barrio Publications, 1992. 15 (i.e.
33p.) leaves.
-----. Mortal Sin Kit. El Paso, TX : Barrio Publications, [n.d.] 31p.
-----. El Primer Medio A–o Nada M‡s : Half a Year of Abelardo. [S.l. : s.n., 197-] 187p.
-----. A Quilt of Words : 25 Quilts of Abelardo. Salt Lake City, UT : Barrio Publications, 1977.
1 v. (unpaged)
-----. Reflexiones: 16 Reflections of Abelardo. Illustrated by Sheila A. Mart’nez. Salt Lake
City, UT : Barrio Publications, 1976. 37p.
-----. 7 Abelardos. Los Angeles, CA : Barrio Publications., [197-?] 11 leaves.
-----. 7 de Abelardo. Arvada, CO : Barrio Publications, 1979. 9 leaves.
-----. A Thermos Bottle Full of Self Pity : 25 bottles of Abelardo. Arvada, CO : Barrio
Publications, [1982?] 1 v. (unpaged)
-----. Totoncaxihuitl, a Laxative : 25 Laxatives of Abelardo. Arvada, CO : Barrio
Publications, 1981. 1 v. (unpaged)
-----. Under the Skirt of Lady Justice: 43 Skirts of Abelardo. Denver, CO : Barrio Publications,
1978. 77p.
-----. Unos Perros Con Metralla/Some Dogs With Machinegun: 25 Perros of Abelardo. Arvada,
CO : Barrio Publications, 1982. 41p.
Delgado, Holly. The Junk City Journal. Albuquerque, NM : Holly Delgado, Inc., 1977. 88p.
Detroit Latin Sounds in Poetry = La Onda Latina en Poes’a, Detroit : a Poetry Anthology.
Detroit, MI : Casa de Unidad, 1985. 2v.
Dinkel, Reynalda O. Con Grato y Dulce Acento/In Pleasant and Sweet Accents: a Book of
Christmas in Poetry. Santa Fe, NM: Sleeping Fox, 1974. 31p.
Domingo, Margie. Las Mujeres de Aztl‡n : Performance Poetry. Denver, CO : Existence InVerse,
1993. 39p.
-----. Let My Existence Be Born : Collected Poems. Denver, CO : Existence InVerse, 1992. 60p.
Dom’nguez, Marco A. Sol-edad: Poemas. Los Angeles, CA : s.n., 1981. 74p.
Dur‡n, Roberto, Judith Ortiz Cofer and Gustavo PŽrez. Triple Crown : Chicano, Puerto Rican,
and Cuban-American Poetry. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press, 1987. 167p.
Elizondo, Rosa Raquel, ed. Encuentro Art’stico Femenil. Austin, TX : Casa/Tejidos Publications,
1978. 47p.
Elizondo, Sergio. Libro Para Batos y Chavalas Chicanas. Translated by Edmundo Garc’a Gir—n.
Berkeley, CA : Editorial Justa Publications, 1977. 99p.
-----. Perros y Antiperros: Una ƒpica Chicana. Translated into English by Gustavo Segade.
Berkeley, CA : Quinto Sol Publications, 1972. 75p.
Empringham, Toni, ed. Fiesta in Aztl‡n: an Anthology of Chicano Poetry. Santa Barbara, CA :
Capra Press, 1981. 128p.
Entrance: Four Chicano Poets. Greenfield Center, NY : Greenfield Review Press, 1975. 58p.
Espinosa, Mar’a. Night Music. Sausalito, CA : The Tides, 1969. 42 p.
Estupini‡n, Rafael. A Tost—n: Reminiscences of a Mexican-American. San Diego, CA : San
Diego State University Press, 1973. 103p.
Flores, Gloria Amalia. And Her Children Lived. San Diego, CA : Toltecas en Aztl‡n
Publications, Centro Cultural de la Raza, 1974. 24p.
Flores Peregrino, JosŽ. Mesqui + tierra. Albuquerque, NM : Pajarito Publications, 1977. 58p.
(Special Series, no.5)
Frumkin, Gene and Stanley Noyes, eds. The Indian R’o Grande: Recent Poems from Three
Cultures. Cerrillos, NM: San Marcos Press, 1979. 232p.
Gait‡n, Marcela T. Chicano Themes: Manita Poetry. Minneapolis, MN: Chicano Studies
Department, University of Minnesota, 1975.
Galarza, Ernesto. Kodachrome in Rhyme. South Bend, IN: University of Notre Dame, 1982.
Gallegos, Robert and Jim Sayre. Carnero. Thoreau, NM : Carol Sayre Gallery, 1985. 12p.
Galv‡n, Roberto A. Poemas en Espa–ol. San Antonio, TX : Mexican American Cultural Center
Press, 1977. 188p.
G‡lvez, Javier. Encanto Chicano. Claremont, CA : J. G‡lvez, 1971. 48p.
Gamboa, Manuel. Born Into a Felony. Syracuse, NY : Pulp Art Forms Unltd., 1977.
-----. Divergencias. Boulder, CO: Backstage Books, 1976.
Gamboa, Reymundo. Madrugada del '56/Morning of '56: Selected Poems. La Jolla, CA : Lalo
Publications, 1978. 39p.
----- and Ernesto Padilla. The Baby Chook and Other Remnants: Selected Poems. Tempe, AZ :
Other Voices Publishing House, 1976. 63p.
Garc’a, Arnoldo. Un Macehual en Madrid. Seattle, WA: Editorial Ce Atl, 1981. 28p.
Garc’a, J. I. Castillos en el Aire. Trinidad, CO: El Faro, 1925.
-----. Seria Rata! Trinidad, CO: El Faro, 1930. 51p.
Garc’a, Luis. Beans. Berkeley, CA : Oyez, 1976. 67p.
-----. A Blue Book. [S.l.] : Cloud Marauder Press ; Berkeley, CA : Distributed by Serendipity
Books, 1976. 81p.
-----. The Calculated Lion. Santiago de Chile : Ediciones Renovaci—n, 1963. 54p.
-----. The Mechanic. San Francisco, CA : White Rabbit Press, 1970. 84p.
-----. Mister Menu. San Francisco, CA : Kayak, 1968. 60p.
-----. Two Pears. [s.l.] : House of Four Press, 1982. 66p.
Garc’a, Richard. Selected Poetry. Berkeley, CA : Quinto Sol Publications, 1973. 59p.
Garc’a Camarillo, Cecilio. Borlotes Mestizos. Albuquerque, NM : Mano Izquierda Books, 1984.
-----. Burning Snow. Albuquerque, NM: Mano Izquierda Books, 1984. 26p.
-----. Calcetines Embotellados. Albuquerque, NM: Mano Izquierda Books, 1982. 32p.
-----. Carambola. Albuquerque, NM: Mano Izquierda Books, 1982. 28p.
-----, and Delilah Montoya. Crickets in My Mind. Albuquerque, NM : The authors, 1992. 19p., 9
leaves of plates.
-----. Double-face. Albuquerque, NM: Mano Izquierda Books, 1982. 36p.
-----. Ecstasy and Puro Pedo. Albuquerque, NM: Mano Izquierda Books, 1982. 28p.
-----, Carmen Tafolla and Reyes C‡rdenas. Get Your Tortillas Together. [s.l.: s.n.], 1976. 72p.
-----. Hang a Snake. Albuquerque, NM: Mano Izquierda Books, 1982. 32p.
-----. The Line. Albuquerque, NM : [s.n.],1984. 16p.
-----. Winter Month. Albuquerque, NM: Mano Izquierda Books, 1982. [40p.]
-----. Zafa'o. Other title: Zafado. Albuquerque, NM : Mano Izquierda Books, 1992. 28p.
Garc’a Nu–ez, Fernando, comp. Poes’a Chicana : Alurista, Ricardo S‡nchez, Rafael Jesœs
Gonz‡lez, Tino Villanueva, Sergio Elizondo, Abelardo Delgado, Aristeo Brito y Javier G‡lvez.
Introducci—n, selecci—n, traducciones y notas de Fernando Garc’a Nu–ez. MŽxico, D.F. :
Universidad Nacional Aut—noma, Direcci—n General de Difusi—n Cultural, Departamento de
Humanidades : Fondo Nacional para Actividades Sociales, 1979. 34p.
Garza, Cheo. Capirotada. Illustrated by Nephtal’ De Le—n. San Antonio, TX : Trucha
Publications, 1980. 124p.
Garza, Mario. Un Paso M‡s/One More Step: Collected Poems. Illustrated by Ernesto R.
Rodr’guez. Lansing, MI: El Renacimiento Publications, 1976. 115p.
Gaspar, Tom‡s. North Side Story. Berkeley, CA : El Fuego de Aztl‡n, 1978. 29p. (El Fuego de
Aztl‡n, Volume 2, No.1, 1978)
Gaspar de Alba, Alicia, Mar’a Herrera-Sobek and Demetria Mart’nez. Three Times a Woman :
Chicana Poetry. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Review Press, 1989. 156p.
G—mez-Qui–ones, Juan. 5th and Grande Vista: Poems 1960-1973. Staten Island, NY : Editorial
Mensaje, 1974. 77p.
Gonzales, Rebecca. Slow Work to the Rhythm of Cicadas. Fort Worth, TX : Prickly Pear Press,
1985. 61p.
Gonzales, Rodolfo ÒCorkyÓ. I Am Joaqu’n: an Epic Poem. s.l.: s.n., 1967. 20p.
-----. I Am Joaqu’n. Illustrated by Yermo V‡squez. Delano, CA : Farm Workers Press, 1967.
-----. I Am Joaqu’n/Yo Soy Joaqu’n: An Epic Poem. With a chronology of people and events in
Mexican American history. Toronto : Bantam Books, 1972. 122p.
Gonzales, Sylvia Alicia. La Chicana Piensa: The Social-Cultural Consciousness of a MexicanAmerian Woman. [s.l.]: Sylvia A. Gonzales, 1974. 87p.
Gonz‡lez, Beatriz. The Chosen Few. San Antonio, TX : M&A Editions, 1983. 51p. (Tortilla
Press Poetry Series, no.1)
Gonz‡lez-T., CŽsar A. Unwinding the Silence. Introduction by Luis Leal. La Jolla, CA : Lalo
Press, 1987. 89p.
Gonz‡lez-T., CŽsar A. and Luis Alberto Urrea, eds. Fragmentos de Barro : the First Seven Years.
Introduction by Juan Felipe Herrera. San Diego, CA : Tolteca Publications, Centro Cultural de
la Raza, 1987. 88p.
Gonz‡lez, David J. A Journey to the Third World. Venice, CA : Ind’gena Publications, 1979.
Gonz‡lez, Rafael Jesœs. El Hacedor de Juegos/The Maker of Games. San Francisco, CA : Casa
Editorial, 1977. 54p. (Casa Editorial Chapbook, no.5)
Gonz‡lez, Ray. ed. After Aztl‡n : Latino Poets of the Nineties. Boston, MA : D.R. Godine, 1992.
-----. Apprentice to Volcanos. Fort Collins, CO : Leaping Mountain Press, 1986. 21p.
-----. Cabato Sentora : a Book of Poems by Ray Gonz‡lez. Thesis (M. F. A.)--Southwest Texas
State University, 1995. 93 leaves
-----. ed. City Kite on a Wire : 38 Denver Poets. Denver, CO : Mesilla Press, 1986. 96p.
-----. ed. Crossing the River : Poets of the Western U.S.. Sag Harbor, NY : Permanent Press,
1987. 201p.
-----. 5 Poems. [s.l.] : Service-Berry, 1978. 6p.
-----. From the Restless Roots. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1986. 64p.
-----. The Heat of Arrivals : Poems. Brockport, NY : BOA Editions, 1996. 104p.
-----. ed. Inheritance of Light. Denton, TX : University of North Texas Press, 1996. 240p.
-----. Twilights and Chants : Poems. Golden, CO : J. Andrews, 1987. 97p.
Griego, Alfonso. Panchita : a Romantic Adventure of a Young Girl's Climb from Rags to Riches
Through Honesty and Faith in God. Albuquerque, NM : Rel‡mpago Books., 1987. 75p.
Griep-Ruiz, Leo J. Daily in All the Small. Colorado Springs, CO : Maize Press, 1984. 63p.
Guerrero, Miguel. Reflections of a Little Brown Boy. Illustrations by Rod Newhall. Stockton,
CA : [s.l.], 1977. 52p.
GutiŽrrez, Juan Pablo. Serpentino. Austin, TX : League of United Chicano Artists, 1978. 1 v.
Hern‡ndez, Alfonso C. Arrullos de Revelaci—n: Manantiales, Paradojas, Anatemas/Lullabies
of Revelation: Springs, Paradoxes, Anathemas. Translations by the author. Guadalajara,
MŽxico: Editorial Summa, 1979. 125p.
Hern‡ndez, Leo and Marty Hern‡ndez. Padre y Hijo/Father and Son: Chicano Thoughts. Los
Cerrillos, NM: San Marcos Press, 1974. 25p.
Hern‡ndez Cruz, Victor., Leroy V. Quintana, and Virgil Su‡rez. eds. Paper Dance : 55 Latino
Poets. New York, NY : Persea Books, 1995. 242p.
Hern‡ndez Tovar, InŽs. Con Raz—n, Coraz—n. San Antonio, TX : Caracol, 1977. 29p.
-----. Con Raz—n, Coraz—n. San Antonio, TX : M&A Editions, 1987. 56p. (Enlarged edition)
Herrera, Juan Felipe. Akrilica. Translated by Stephen Kessler and Sesshu Foster ; with
Dolores Bravo, Magaly Fern‡ndez and the author. Santa Cruz, CA : Alcatraz Editions, 1989.
-----. Blowfish. Thesis (M.F.A.), University of Iowa, 1990. 72 leaves.
-----. Exiles of Desire. Fresno, CA : Lalo Press Publications, 1983. 74p.
-----. Facegames. San Francisco, CA : As Is/So and So Press, 1987. 77p.
-----. Love After the Riots. Willimantic, CT : Curbstone Press, 1996. 62p.
-----. Memoria(s) from an Exile's Notebook of the Future. Santa Monica, CA : Santa Monica
College Press, 1993. 14, [10]p.
-----. Mission Street Manifesto : For All Varrios. [San Francisco, CA] : Lalo Press Publications,
1983. 1 broadside.
-----. Night Train to Tuxtla. Tucson, AZ : University of Arizona Press, 1994. 152p.
-----. Rebozos of Love/We Have Woven/Sudor de Pueblos/On Our Backs. San Diego, CA :
Toltecas en Aztl‡n Publications, 1974. 96p.
-----. The Roots of a Thousand Embraces : Dialogues. San Francisco, CA : Manic D Press, 1994.
-----. ZenJose : Scenarios. Illustrated by Roberto Segura. [s.l.] : J.F. Herrera, 1988. 1 v.
Hinojosa-Smith, Rolando R. Korean Love Songs. Berkeley CA : Editorial Justa Publications,
1978. 53p.
Howard, Dolores. Reflections / Reflecciones. Santa Barbara, CA : N.P., 1986. 26p.
Hruska y CortŽs, El’as. This Side and Other Things. San Francisco, CA : Ediciones Pocho-Che,
1971. 46p.
Huerta, Gregorio. Poes’as. Chicago, IL: Gregorio Huerta, 1984. 40p.
Iba–ez, Armando. Midday Shadows. New York, NY : Vantage Press, 1980. 128p.
Lomel’, Francisco A., ed. Morena. Santa Barbara, CA : s.n., 1980. 76p.
L—pez Dzur, Carlos A. El Hombre Extendido. Irvine, CA : University of California, Irvine, 1987.
-----. El Hombre Extendido. 2. ed. Santa Ana, CA : C.A. L—pez Dzur, 1987. 24p.
Luera, Yolanda. Solitaria J. La Jolla, CA : Lalo Press Publications, 1986. 49p.
Luna Robles, Margarita and Juan Felipe Herrera. A Night in Tunisia : Newtexts. Stanford, CA
: Dise–os Literarios, 1985. 24p.
-----. Triptych : Dreams, Lust, and Other Performances. Edited by Yolanda Luera. Santa
Monica, CA : Lalo Literature Division, Santa Monica College Press, 1993. 61p.
Maldonado, Jesœs Mar’a (El Flaco). In the Still of My Heart. Introduction by Ricardo S‡nchez.
Grandview, WA : Canto Norte–o Publications, 1993. 112p.
-----. Sal, Pimienta y Amor. Seattle, WA: Endless Despair Press, 1976. 62p.
Manazar Gamboa, Manuel (Manazar). Jam Session: Twenty Poems and One Short Story. Los
Angeles, CA : Olmeca Press, 1983. 31p.
Mares, E. A. The Unicorn Poem. Los Cerrillos, NM: San Marcos Press, 1980. 30p.
-----. The Unicorn Poem and Flowers and Songs of Sorrow. Albuquerque, NM : West End Press,
1992. 73p.
Mart’n, Patricia Preciado. Days of Plenty, Days of Want. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual
Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1988. 66p.
Mart’nez, Lorri. Where Eagles Fall. Brunswick, ME: Blackberry, 1982. 28p.
Mart’nez, Mar’a. Sterling Silver Roses. San Luis Obispo, CA : La Morenita Publishers, 1981.
Mart’nez, Victor. Caring for a House. San Jose, CA : Chusma House Publications, 1992. 65p.
-----. Libro de Poemas = Book of Poems. San Francisco, CA : Impreso y empastado en los talleres
de Misi—n Gr‡fica y Ana Fern‡ndez, 1992. 1 sheet [14]p.
Medina, RubŽn. Amor de Lejos = Fools' Love. Translations by Jennifer Sternbach with Robert
Jones. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico, 1986. 125p.
MŽndez M., Miguel. Los Criaderos Humanos (ƒpica de los Desampardos) y Sahuaros. Tucson,
AZ : Editorial Peregrinos, 1975. 83p. (Literatura chicana)
Meza, Mar’a R. Poes’as de Mar’a R. Meza. San Antonio, TX : [s.n.] ; 1995. 70p.
MirandŽ, Alfredo, ed. Alma Abierta: Pinto Poetry/Mayo de CRC. Riverside, CA : College of
Humanities and Social Sciences, 1980. 67p. (Monograph/Chicano Studies Publications Series,
Mireles, Oscar . ed. I Didn't Know There Were Latinos in Wisconsin : an Anthology of Hispanic
Poetry. Milwaukee, WI : Friends of the Hispanic Community, 1989. 134p.
----. Second Generation = La Segunda Generaci—n. Kansasville, WI : O. Mireles, 1985. 40p.
Monreal, Art. L.A. and Other Tragedies. Glendale, CA : Great Western, 1981. 77p.
Montalvo, JosŽ. A M’ QuŽ! San Antonio TX : Raza C—smica, 1983. 73p.
-----. Black Hat Poems. Illustrations by Elizabeth Padilla Pollock. Austin, TX : Slough Press,
1987. 70p.
-----. Pensamientos Capturados: Poemas de JosŽ Montalvo. San Antonio, TX : [s.n.], 1977. 68p.
Montejano, Diana L. Nebulous Thoughts. Albuquerque, NM : Mano Izquierda Books, 1987. 24p.
Montenegro, Patricia, and Marjorie Agos’n, eds. From the Midwest to the West. Bloomington,
IN : Indiana University, 1980. 34p. Midwest-East, Midwest-West ; v. 1, no. 1
Montoya, JosŽ. Information : 20 Years of Joda. San Jose, CA : Chusma House, 1991. 254p.
-----. El Sol y Los de Abajo and Other R.C.A.F. Poems. San Francisco, CA : Ediciones PochoChe, 1972. 42p.
Mora, Pat. Agua Santa = Holy Water. Boston, MA : Beacon Press, 1995. 130p.
-----. Borders. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1986. 88p.
-----. Chants. Houston TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1984. 52p.
-----. Chants. 2nd ed. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1993, 1985. 60p.
-----. Communion. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1991. 91p.
Mora, Ricardo. Alma Tierra. [s.l.] : Santo Nino Art Shop, 1976.
-----. The Black Sun. Lubbock, TX : Trucha Publications, 1973. 74p.
Moraga, Cherrie. The Last Generation : Prose and Poetry. Boston, MA. : South End Press, 1993.
Morales, Arcadio, Jr., and Brian Mart’nez, eds. Every Other Path. Santa Barbara, CA : [s.n.] ;
1982. 79p.
Morell Casanova, Alberto Rafael. 20 Poemas, 13 Poes’as, y un Credo. San Antonio, TX : Sunrise
Co., [19--] 37p.
Moreno, Dorinda. La Mujer Es la Tierra, la Tierra Da Vida. San Francisco, CA : Casa Editorial,
1975. 34p. (Casa Editorial Chapbook, no.1)
Morton, Carlos. White Heroine Winter. El Paso, TX : One Eye Press, 1971.
Mu–oz, Art. A Cop's Journal and Other Poems. San Antonio, TX : Corona Publishing Company,
1984. 56p.
-----. In Loneliness. San Antonio, TX : The Naylor Company, 1975. 78p.
Murgu’a, Alejandro. Farewell to the Coast. San Francisco, CA : Heir Press, 1980. 73p.
-----. Oraci—n a la Mano Poderosa. San Francisco, CA : Ediciones Pocho-Che, 1972. 36p.
Nahualliandoing: Poetry in Espa–ol, Nahuatl, English. San Antonio, TX : Caracol, 1977. 32p.
Navarro, Joe. Reflections of an Aztlaneco. Oakland, CA : Unity Pubications, 1987. 54p.
Niederman, Sharon and Miriam Sagan. eds. New Mexico Poetry Renaissance. Santa Fe, NM :
Red Crane Books, 1994. 224p.
Ni–o, Raœl. Breathing Light. Chicago, IL : MARCH/ABRAZO Press, 1991. 48p.
Ochoa, Jesœs B. A Soft Tongue Shall Break Hardness. El Paso, TX : American Printing
Company, 1973. 98p.
Oliphant, Dave and Luis Ramos-Garc’a, eds. Washing the Cow's Skull: Texas Poetry in
Translation/Lavando la Calavera de Vaca: Poes’a Texana en Traducci—n. Fort Worth, TX :
Prickly Pear, Studia Hisp‡nica Editorial, 1981. 400p.
Olvera, Joe. Voces de la Gente. El Paso, TX : Mictla Publications, 1972. 40p. (Mictla: The
Ninth Level of Death, Perspectiva, no.1)
Ortega, Adolfo. A Turn of Hands. San Jose, CA : Mango Publications, 1981. 10p. (The Chicano
Chapbook Series, no.10)
Ortego y Gasca, Philip D. The Wide Well of Hours. Austin, TX : Caravel Press, 1986. 26p.
(Caravel poetry series)
Ortiz de Montellano, Ana. Carta a la Nena, Mi Alma / Letter to the Child Within.
Illustrated by Amy C—rdova. Minneapolis, MN : Minnesota Center for Book Arts, 1993. 1 v.
Pacheco, Henry Louis. The Kindred = La Familia. Denver, CO : Published in cooperation the
University of Wyoming, Chicano Student Coalition by Totinem Publications, 1972. 23 leaves.
Padilla, Ernesto. Cigarro Lucky Strike. San Francisco, CA : MediammiX Publishers, 1986. 12p.
Paredes, AmŽrico. Between Two Worlds. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico, 1991. 141p.
Pepper, Margot. At This Very Moment = En Este Preciso Momento. San Francisco, CA : Freedom
Voices Publications, 1992. 77p.
PŽrez, Reymundo (Tigre) . Free, Free at Last. Denver, CO: Barrio Publications, 1970. 28p.
-----. Phases. Corpus Christi, TX : s.n., 1971. 30p.
-----. The Secret Meaning of Death. Lubbock, TX : Trucha Publications, 1972. 31p.
Pino, Frank. Paseos y Peregrinaciones: Poemas. San Antonio, TX : Mungu’a Printers, 1978. 38p.
Polkinhorn, Harry., ed. The Flight of the Eagle : Poetry on the U.S.-Mexico Border. CalŽxico,
CA : Binational Press ; Mexicali, Baja California: Editorial Binacional, 1993. 263p.
Ponce-Montoya, Juanita. Grief Work. Hicksville, NY : Exposition Press, 1978.
Qui–—nez, Naomi. Sue–o de Colibr’ = Hummingbird Dream. Los Angeles, CA : West End Press,
1985. 76p.
Quintana, Leroy V. Hijo del Pueblo: New Mexico Poems. Las Cruces, NM: Puerto del Sol Press,
1976. 37p.
-----. The History of Home. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1993. 85p.
-----. Interrogations. Chevy Chase, MD : Burning Cities Press, 1990. 101p.
-----. My Hair Turning Gray Among Strangers. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe,
1996. 76p.
-----. Sangre. Las Cruces, NM: Prima Agua Press, 1981. 62p.
Ram’rez, Orlando. Speedway. San Jose, CA : Mango Publications, 1979. 10p. (The Chicano
Chapbook Series, no.1)
R‡ngel, RubŽn. Bajo la Sombra de la Maquinaria: Poemas. Seattle, WA: Editorial Ce Atl,
1980. 18p.
Reyes, Rodrigo. Ya Vas, Carnal. by Rodrigo Reyes, Francisco X. Alarc—n, Juan Pablo GutiŽrrez.
San Francisco, CA : Humanizarte Publications, 1985. 75p.
R’os, Alberto. Elk Heads on the Wall. San Jose, CA : Mango Publications, 1979. 23p. (The
Chicano Chapbook Series, no.4)
-----. Five Indiscretions : a Book of Poems. New York, NY : Sheep Meadow Press : distributed
by Persea Books, 1985. 98p.
-----. The Lime Orchard Woman. Riverdale-on-Hudson, NY : Sheep Meadow Press, 1988. 94p.
-----. Sleeping on Fists. Story, WY : Dooryard Press, 1981. 34p.
-----. Teodoro Luna's Two Kisses. New York, NY : W.W. Norton, 1990. 95p.
-----. The Warrington Poems. Tempe, AZ : Pyracantha Press, Arizona State University School
of Art, 1989. 63p.
-----. Whispering to Fool the Wind. New York, NY : Sheep Meadow Press, 1982. 72p.
Rivera, Diana. Bird Language. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1994. 111 p.
Rivera, Marina. Mestiza: Poems. s.l.: s.n., 1977. 30p.
-----. Sobra. San Francisco, CA : Casa Editorial, 1977. 32p. (Casa Editorial Chapbook, no.6)
Rivera, Tom‡s. Always and Other Poems. Sisterdale, TX : Sisterdale Press, 1973.
-----. The Searchers : Collected Poetry. Edited by Julian Olivares. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico
Press, 1990. 112p.
Robledo, Anthony. Of Verse and Vision. New York, NY,: Vantage Press, 1983. 40p.
Rocha, Rina G. Eluder. Chicago, IL: Alexander Books Ltd., 1980. 20p.
Rodr’guez, Alfonso. Levantando la Palabra. Pr—logo de Carlos Cort’nez. Buenos Aires: Ayala
Palacio, 1991. 100p.
Rodr’guez, AndrŽs. Night Song. Chicago, IL : T’a Chucha Press, 1994. 78p.
Rodr’guez, Estevan Antonio. ed. Agua Fresca: an Anthology of Raza Poetry. Tucson, AZ : Oreja
Press, Albuquerque, NM: Pajarito Publications, 1979. 59p. (Raza Poetry)
Rodr’guez, Juan and Petra Rodr’guez, eds. Merienda Tejana : the Writings of Mary Sue Galindo,
Mar’a Lim—n, Jesse Johnson. Austin, TX : Rel‡mpago Books Press, 1985. 30p.
Rodr’guez, Luis J. The Concrete River. Willimantic, CT : Curbstone Press ; East Haven, CT :
Distributed by InBook, 1991. 125p.
-----. Poems Across the Pavement. Chicago : T’a Chucha Press, 1989. 41p.
Rodr’guez Ram—n, AndrŽs. Alma y PŽrfil de Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara, CA : Schauer
Printing Studio, 1957. 47p.
-----. Anchura a la Esperanza. Santa Barbara, CA : Schauer Printing Studio, 1957. 95p.
-----. Luces. Santa Barbara, CA : Schauer Printing Studio, 1957. 46p.
Rojas, Mary Helen. Lady in Waiting : Poems in English and Spanish. Translations of Spanish
poems by Ernesto Lombeida ; and foreword by Victor Rojas ; edited by Karin Wieder and Robert
Lawrence Schichler. Rochester, NY : Spillway Publications, 1994. 1 v. (unpaged)
Romero, Leo. Agua Negra. Boise, ID: Ahsahta Press, 1981. 42p.
-----. Celso. Berkeley, CA : Tonatiuh-Quinto Sol International, 1980. 61p. (Grito del Sol
Quarterly Books, Year 5, Book 4)
-----. Celso. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1985. 95p.
-----. During the Growing Season. Tucson, AZ : Maguey Press, 1978. 55p.
-----. Going Home Away Indian. Boise, ID : Ahsahta Press, Boise State University, 1990. 103p.
Romero, Lin. Happy Songs, Bleeding Hearts. San Diego, CA : Toltecas en Aztl‡n Publications,
1974. 39p.
Roybal, Rose Marie. From La Llorona to Envidia...a Few Reflections. Denver, CO: Southwest
Clearinghouse for Minority Publications, 1973. 31p.
Saenz, Benjamin Alire. Calendar of Dust. Seattle, WA : Broken Moon Press, 1991. 80p.
Salas, Floyd. Color of My Living Heart. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1996. 99p.
S‡laz, Fernando. Cornerstone in Rhythm. Belen, NM: Alpha Printing Ltd., 1981.
-----. Un D’a y una Vida. Boulder, CO: Pruett Publishing Company, 1977. 53p.
Salinas, Luis Omar. Afternoon of the Unreal. Fresno, CA : Abramas Publications, 1980. 55p.
-----. Crazy Gypsy. Fresno, CA : Or’gines Publications, La Raza Studies, Fresno State College,
1970. 87p.
-----. Darkness Under the Trees/Walking Behind the Spanish. Berkeley, CA : Chicano Studies
Library, University of California, 1982. 120p.
-----. Follower of Dusk. Chico, CA : Flume Press, 1991. 26p.
-----. I Go Dreaming Serenades. San Jose, CA : Mango Publications, 1979. 15p. (The Chicano
Chapbook Series, no.2)
-----. Prelude to Darkness. San Jose, CA : Mango Publications, 1981. 49p.
-----. The Sadness of Days : Selected and New Poems. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1987.
-----. The Survivors : Three Poems. [s.l.] : Halcyon Press, 1989. 1 v. (unpaged)
Salinas, Raœl R. East of the Freeway : Reflections de Mi Pueblo. Austin, TX : Red Salmon Press.
1995. 109p.
-----. Un Trip Through the Mind Jail y Otras Excursions: Poems. San Francisco, CA : Editorial
Pocho-Che, 1980. 172p.
-----. Viaje/Trip. Providence, RI: Hellcoal Press, 1973. (Hellcoal Pamphlet Series, Volume 3,
S‡nchez, Elba Rosario et al. From Silence to Howl. Santa Cruz, CA : Moving Parts Press, 1993.
-----. Tallos de Luna = Moon Shoots. Drawings by Robert Chiarito. Santa Cruz, CA : Moving
Parts Press, 1992. 37p.
S‡nchez, Pilar. Symbols. San Francisco, CA : Casa Editorial Publications, 1977. 36 leaves.
S‡nchez, Ricardo. Amerikan Journeys = Jornadas Americanas. Arte by Jesœs ÒChistaÓ Cantœ, an
Oreja original. Iowa City, IA : Rob Lewis, 1994. 59p.
-----. Amsterdam Cantos y Poemas Pistos. Austin, TX : Place of Herons, 1983. 90p. (Place of
Herons International Series)
-----. Bertrand and the Mehkqoverse : a Xicano Filmic Nuance. Austin, TX : Slough Press, 1989.
-----. Brown Bear Honey Madness: Alaskan Cruising Poems. Austin, TX : Slough Press, 1982.
-----. Canto y Grito Mi Liberaci—n (y Lloro Mis Desmadrazgos). El Paso, TX : Mictla
Publications, 1971. 93p.
-----. Canto y Grito Mi Liberaci—n (y Lloro Mis Desmadrazgos). Garden City, NY : Anchor
Press/Doubleday, 1973. 159p.
-----. Canto y Grito Mi Liberaci—n: the Liberation of a Chicano Mind Soul. Pullman, WA :
Washington State University Press, 1995. 200p.
-----. Clearing the Labyrinth : from la Pinta to Macondo via Aztl‡n (or Encuentro with Cecil H.
Green) : a Poetical Statement Upon the Inauguration of the Archiving of My Works and Papers
at the Cecil H. Green Library, Stanford University, Stanford, California, 24 de marzo de 1993.
Poetry reading by Ricardo S‡nchez to celebrate the Libraries' acquisition of the Ricardo
S‡nchez Papers for the Department of Special Collections, Cecil H. Green Library, 24 de marzo,
1993, Stanford University. Stanford, CA : [s.n.], 1993. 14p.
-----. Eagle-Visioned/Feathered Adobes : Manito Sojourns and Pachuco Ramblings, October 4th
to 24th, 1981. El Paso, TX : Cinco Puntos Press, 1990. 95p.
-----. Hechizospells. Los Angeles, CA : Chicano Studies Center Publications, University of
California, 1976. 321p. (Creative Series, no.4)
-----. Milhuas Blues and Gritos Norte–os. Milwaukee, WI: Spanish Speaking Outreach
Institute, College of Letters and Science, University of Wisconsin, 1980. 28 leaves.
-----. Milhuas Blues and Gritos Norte–os. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1984. 34p.
-----. The Northwest Cantos of Ricardo S‡nchez, Part I. Moscow, ID : Palousian Poets Press,
1992. 37p.
-----. Obras. Pembroke, NC: Quetzal/Vihio Press, 1971. 34p.
-----. Selected Poems. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1985. 88p.
-----. Sojourns and Soulmind Etchings. [s.l. : s.n.], 1977. 228 leaves.
S‡nchez, Ricarrdo Richard. The Hungry Slug. Salinas, CA : Star Publishing, 1993. 32p.
-----. Nothing Like It. Salinas, CA : Star Publishing. 1993. 40p.
S‡nchez, Rita, ed. Vision: an Anthology of Poetry. San Diego, CA : San Diego State
University, 1976. 44p.
S‡nchez, Saœl. Desalojos (a la Soledad). San Antonio, TX : M&A Editions, 1982. 33p.
S‡nchez, Trinidad. Authentic Chicano Food is Hot! Detroit, MI : T. S‡nchez, 1990. 12p.
-----. Compartiendo de la Nada. San Antonio, TX : Moises Sandoval, Publisher, 1994. 22p.
-----. Poems by Trinidad S‡nchez. Lansing, MI: Renaissance Publications, 1984. 32p.
-----. Poes’a de Trinidad S‡nchez. Lansing, MI: Renaissance Publications, 1984. 40p.
-----. Why Am I So Brown? Chicago, IL : MARCH/Abrazo Pr. , 1991. 96p.
Santana, Francisco. Pos Aqu’ Estamos! [s.l.: s.n.], 1979. 58p.
-----. Tristealegr’a : Poems. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1991. 93p.
Seldi, Rasa. Diafanidad. Los Angeles, CA, n.p., 1933. 78p.
Servidores del Arbol de la Vida. San Diego, CA : Toltecas en Aztl‡n Publications, 1973. 11
Serros, Michele M. Chicana Falsa : and Other Stories of Death, Identity, and Oxnard.
Valencia, CA : Lalo Press, 1993. 77p.
Sierra, Michael. In Their Father's Time. San Jose, CA : Mango Publications, 1981. 10p. (The
Chicano Chapbook Series, no.7)
Siete Poetas. Tucson, AZ : Scorpion Press, 1978. 98p.
Silva, Beverly. The Second Street Poems. Ypsilanti, MI: Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe,
1983. 85p.
Somoza, Joseph. Greyhound: a Poem Sequence. Sacramento, CA: Grande Ronde Press, 1968. 8p.
-----. Olive Women: Poems. Los Cerrillos, NM: San Marcos Press, 1976. 37p.
Soto, Gary. Black Hair. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1985. 78p. (Pitt Poetry
-----. Como Arbustos de Niebla. Spanish translation by Ernesto Trejo. MŽxico: Editorial
Latitudes; San Jose, CA : Mango Publications, 1980. 31p. (Colecci—n el Pozo y el PŽndulo, 20; The
Chicano Chapbook Series, no.6)
-----. The Elements of San Joaqu’n. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1977. 56p.
(Pitt Poetry Series)
-----. Father is a Pillow Tied to a Broom. Pittsburgh, PA: Slow Loris Press, 1980. 20p. (Slow
Loris Poetry Series)
-----. A Fire in My Hands: a Book of Poems. New York, NY : Scholastic, 1990. 63p.
-----. Heaven / They Say It's Not at All White. West Chester, PA : Aralia Press, [n.d.]. 4p.
-----. Home Course in Religion : New Poems. San Francisco, CA : Chronicle Books, 1991. 77p.
-----. Lesser Evils : Ten Quartets. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1988. 142p.
-----. New and Selected Poems. San Francisco, CA : Chronicle Books, 1995. 175p.
-----. Neighborhood Odes : Poems. San Diego, CA : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1992. 68p.
-----. The Tale of Sunlight. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1978. 61p. (Pitt
Poetry Series)
-----. Where Sparrows Work Hard. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1981. 65p.
(Pitt Poetry Series)
-----. Who Will Know Us? : New Poems. San Francisco, CA : Chronicle Books, 1990. 69p.
Tafolla, Carmen. Curandera. San Antonio, TX : M&A Editions, 1983. 60p.
-----. Sonnets to Human Beings and Other Selected Works. Santa Monica, CA : Lalo Press, 1992.
-----. Sonette an Menschen. Osnabruck : VC-Verlagscooperative, 1992. Zeichnungen von
Thelma Ortiz Mareida. 103p. (Osnabruck Bilingual Editions of Minority Authors ; No. 8).
Translation of: Sonnets to Human Beings.
Talam‡ntez, Luis. Life Within the Heart Imprisoned. San Jose, CA : Fidelity Printing, 1976.
Tapia, John Reyna. Shadows in Ecstasy and Other Poems. New York, NY : Vintage Press, 1971.
Tejeda, Juan. Enamorado en la Guerra y Reconociendo la Tierra: Aztl‡n '76-'77. San Antonio,
TX : M&A Editions, 1983. 60p.
Tenes, Rudy. Hand to Hand. San Jose, CA : 10s Enterprises. 1980. 353p.
-----. Mano a Mano, Gringo Chicano. San Jose, CA : Olympo, 1977. 290p.
Ter‡n, Heriberto. Espejos de Alma y de Coraz—n. [s.l.] : Familia y Amigos de Ter‡n, 1975.
-----. Vida de Ilusiones. Corpus Christi, TX : Tercer Sol Book Store, 1971. 59p.
Thakura, Manaba. ed. and translator et al. Aneka Sure Prema : Adhunika Chikano Kavita /
Love in Many Tunes : a Collection of Modern Chicano Poems. Kalikata : De Buka Stora, 1985.
Tijerina, Louis. ed. Poetas Del Barrio de la Misi—n. San Francisco, CA : Casa Editorial, 1973.
Tinoco Dur‡n, Roberto. Reality Ribs. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1993.
Torres, Luis. ed. The World of Early Chicano Poetry, 1846-1910. Encino, CA : Floricanto Press,
1994. 2 v. in 1.
Trambley, Estela Portillo. Trini. Binghamton, NY : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1986.
Trece Aliens: Chicano Poetry Anthology. Austin, TX : CASA Publications, 1976. 52p.
Trejo, Ernesto. El D’a Entre las Hojas. MŽxico: Fondo de Cultura Econ—mica, 1985. 91p. (Letras
-----. Entering a Life. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1990. 78p.
-----. Instrucciones y Se–ales. Ciudad de MŽxico : La M‡quina ElŽctrica Editorial, 1977. 1 v.
-----. Los Nombres Propios. 1a ed. MŽxico: Editorial Latitudes, 1978. 45p. (Colecci—n el Pozo y
el PŽndulo, 6)
Ulibarr’, Sabine R. Al Cielo Se Sube a Pie. Madrid: Alfagua, 1966. 65p.
-----. Amor y Ecuador. Madrid: Ediciones J. Porrua Turanzas, 1966. 80p.
Unzueta, Manuel. Sarape Connection. Santa Barbara, CA : Department of Chicano Studies,
U.C. Santa Barbara, 1984. 8p.
Urrea, Luis Alberto. The Fever of Being. West End Press, 1994. 80p.
ValdŽs, Gina. Comiendo Lumbre = Eating Fire. Colorado Springs, CO : Maize Press, 1986. 62p.
-----. Puentes y Fronteras: Coplas Chicanas. Los Angeles, CA : Castle Lithograph, 1982. 50p.
-----. Puentes y Fronteras = Bridges and Borders. Translated from the Spanish by Katherine
King and Gina ValdŽs. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1996. 82 p.
Valdez, Luis. Pensamiento Serpentino: a Chicano Approch to the Theatre of Reality. San Juan
Bautista, CA : Cucaracha Publications, 1973. 26p.
Valle, Victor Manuel. Calendar of Souls, Wheel of Fire. Irvine, CA : Pacific Writers Press,
1991. 92p.
Vallejo, Armando. Luna Llena: Ocho A–os de Poes’a Chicana, 1971-1979. Santa Barbara, CA :
Ediciones Aztl‡n, 1979. 50p. (Colecci—n Arte y Literatura Chicana, no.1)
-----. Para Morir en Tus Brazos y Compromiso. Santa Barbara, CA : Xalm‡n, 1989. 130p.
-----. Poemas de un Emigrante = Poems of an Immigrant. Santa Barbara, CA : [s.n.], 1990. 49p.
V‡squez, Robert. At the Rainbow. Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico Press, 1995.
Veinberg, Jon and Ernesto Trejo. eds. Piecework : 19 Fresno Poets. Albany, CA : Silver Skates
Pub., 1987. 221p.
Vel‡squez, Gloria L. I Used to Be a Superwoman. Santa Monica, CA : Santa Monica College
Press, 1994. 109p.
Vera, Francisco. I'm Still There : the Poetic Story of the Immigrants from All Over the World
and of Òthe WetbacksÓ from the South = Aun Estoy All‡, la Historia PoŽtica de los Inmigrantes
de Todo el Mundo y de Òlos MojadosÓ del Sur. West Covina, CA : Soleria Publishing, 1991. 81p.
Verastique, Bernadino. Yellow Luna. [s.l.: s.n.], 1971.
Vigil, Evangelina. The Computer Is Down. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1984. 64p.
-----. Nade y Nade: a Collection of Poems. San Antonio, TX : M&A Editions, 1978. 31p.
-----. Thirty an' Seen a Lot. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1982. 72p.
Villanueva, Alma. Bloodroot. Austin, TX : Place of Herons, 1977. 68p.
-----. Life Span. Austin, TX : Place of Herons, 1984. 82p.
-----. Mother, May I? Pittsburgh, PA: Motheroot Publications, 1978. 40p.
-----. Naked Ladies. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1994. 280p.
-----. Planet with Mother, May I?. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1993.
-----. The Ultraviolet Sky. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1998. 379p.
-----. Weeping Woman : la Llorona and Other Stories. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial
BilingŸe, 1994. 161p.
Villanueva, Tino. Chronicle of My Worst Years = Cr—nica de Mis A–os Peores. Evanston, IL :
Northwestern University Press, 1994. 86p.
-----. Cr—nica de Mis A–os Peores. La Jolla, CA : Lalo Press, 1987. 47p.
-----. Hay Otra Voz: Poems 1968-1971. New York, NY : Editorial Mensaje, 1972. 48p.
-----. Scene From the Movie Giant. Willimantic, CT : Curbstone Press , 1993. 55p.
-----. Shaking Off the Dark. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1984. 80p.
-----. Speak Up Chicano : Poster Poem. Austin, TX : Rel‡mpago Books. n.d.
Villegas, Robert. Credo for Future Man. Walkerton, IN: Lion Enterprises, 1980. 62p.
Xelina. Ku: Poems. San Antonio, TX : Caracol, 1977. 29p.
Zamora, Bernice. Releasing Serpents. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1994.
-----. Restless Serpents. Menlo Park, CA : Dise–os Literarios, 1976. 74p.
Acosta, Oscar Zeta. La Autobiograf’a de un Bœfalo Prieto [traducci—n, Argelia Castillo Cano].
MŽxico, D.F. : Grijalbo, 1994. 260p.
-----. The Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo. San Francisco, CA : Straight Arrow Books, 1972.
-----. The Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo. New York, NY : Popular Library, 1972. 245p.
-----. The Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo. London: Spice Box Books, 1974. 199p. (Charisma
-----. Oscar ÒZetaÓ Acosta, the Uncollected Works. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1996.
-----. The Revolt of the Cockroach People. San Francisco, CA : Straight Arrow Books, 1973.
-----. The Revolt of the Cockroach People. With an introduction by Hunter S. Thompson ;
afterword by Marco Acosta. New York, NY : Vintage Books, 1989. 262p.
Alarc—n, Justo S. Los Siete Hijos de la Llorona. MŽxico, D.F. : Alta PimŽria Pro Arte y Cultura,
1986. 145p.
Alcala, Kathleen J. Mrs. Vargas and the Dead Naturalist. Corvallis, OR : CALYX Books,
1992. 170p.
Anaya, Rudolfo. Alburquerque. Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico Press, 1992. 280p.
-----. Bend’ceme, Ultima. MŽxico, D.F. : Editorial Grijalbo, 1992. 310p. Translation of Bless
me, Ultima.
-----. Bless Me, Ultima. Berkeley, CA : Quinto Sol Publications, 1972. 248p.
-----. Bless Me, Ultima. Special illustrated ed. New York, NY : Warner Books, 1994. 277p.
-----. Heart of Aztl‡n. Berkeley, CA : Editorial Justa Publications, 1976. 209p.
-----. Heart of Aztl‡n. Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico Press, 1990. 209p.
-----. Jalamanta : a Message From the Desert. New York, NY : Warner Books, 1996. 194p.
-----. The Legend of La Llorona: a Short Novel. Berkeley, CA : Tonatiuh-Quinto Sol
International, 1984. 95p.
-----. Lord of the Dawn : the Legend of Quetzalcoatl. Albuquerque, NM : University of New
Mexico Press, 1987. 159 p.
-----. R’o Grande Fall. New York, NY : Warner Books, 1996. 359p.
-----. Segne Mich, Ultima: Roman [Bless Me, Ultima. German]. Translated by Horst Tonn.
Frankfurt am Main: Nexus, 1984. 230p.
-----. Sous le Soleil de Zia : Roman [Zia Summer. French]. Traduit de l'amŽricain par Simone
Pellerin. Paris : A. Michel, 1996. 355p.
-----. Urutima boku ni daichi no oshie wo [Bless Me, Ultima. Japanese]. Translated by
Kanehara Mizuhito. Tokyo : Soshisha, 1996. 290p.
-----. Tortuga. Berkeley, CA : Editorial Justa Publications, 1979. 197p.
-----. Tortuga. Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico Press, 1992. 197p.
-----. Zia Summer. New York, NY : Warner Books, 1995. 386p.
Apodaca, Rudy. The Waxen Image. Mesilla, NM : Titan Publishing Company, 1977. 304p.
Arag—n, Ray John de. The Legend of La Llorona. Las Vegas, NM : Pan American Pub. Co., 1980.
Aranda, Charles. Dudes or Duds. Albuquerque, NM: Carlo Press, 1984. 107p.
Arellano, Juan Estevan. Inocencio : Ni Pica Ni Escarda, Pero Siempre Se Come el Mejor Elote.
MŽxico, D.F. : Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes : Grijalbo, 1992. 226p.
Arias, Ron. The Road to Tamazunchale. Reno, NV: West Coast Poetry Review, 1975. 109p.
-----. The Road to Tamazunchale. Albuquerque, NM: Pajarito Publications, 1978. 127p.
-----. The Road to Tamazunchale. 3rd ed. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe,
1987. 134p.
-----. La Strada per Tamazunchale. Introduzione, traduzione e glossario a cura di Michele
Bottalico. Bari : Palomar, 1992. 183p.
Barrio, Raymond. The Devil's Apple Corps: a Trauma in Four Acts. Guerneville, CA : Ventura
Press, 1976. 61p.
-----. PflaumenpflŸcker. Frankfurt am Main : Nexus Verlag, 1982. 279p. Translation of Plum
Plum Pickers.
-----. The Plum Plum Pickers. Sunnyvale, CA : Ventura Press, 1969. 201p.
-----. The Plum Plum Pickers. New York, NY : Canfield Colophon Books, 1971. 201p.
-----. The Plum Plum Pickers. Ypsilanti, MI: Bilingual Press, 1985.
Ben’tez, Sandra. All’ D—nde el Mar Recuerda. Translation of A Place Where the Sea
Remembers by Susana Ben’tez Lacy. New York, NY : Simon and Schuster, 1996. 156 p.
-----. A Place Where the Sea Remembers. Minneapolis, MN: Coffee House Press, 1993. 163p.
Bethancourt, T. Ernesto. The Me Inside of Me. Minneapolis, MN : Lerner Publications Co., 1985.
Brito, Aristeo. El Diablo en Texas. Tucson, AZ : Editorial Peregrinos, 1976. 99p.
-----. The Devil in Texas = El Diablo en Texas. Translated from the Spanish by David
William Foster. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press, 1990. 212p.
Camarena, Emanuel J. The Fields of Vanity. New York, NY : Carlton Press, Inc., 1991. 95p.
Candelaria, Nash. Inheritance of Strangers. Binghamton, NY : Bilingual Press/Editorial
BilingŸe, 1985. 268p.
-----. Leonor Park. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1991. 191p.
-----. Memories of the Alhambra. Palo Alto, CA : Cibola Press, 1977. 191p.
-----. Not by the Sword. Ypsilanti, MI: Bilingual Press, 1982. 235p.
Cano, Daniel. Pepe R’os. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1991. 264p.
-----. Shifting Loyalties. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1995. 311p.
Cantœ, Norma Elia. Can’cula : Snapshots of a Girlhood en la Frontera. Albuquerque, NM :
University of New Mexico Press, 1995. 132p.
C‡rdenas, Leo. Return to Ramos. New York, NY : Hill and Wang, 1970. 72p.
Castillo, Ana. Las Cartas de Mixquiahuala. Traducci—n de M—nica Mansour. MŽxico, D.F. :
Grijalbo, 1994. 192p. Translation of: The Mixquiahuala Letters.
-----. The Mixquiahuala Letters. Binghamton, NY : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1986.
-----. The Mixquiahuala Letters. New York, NY : Anchor Books, 1992. 138p.
-----. Sapogonia : an Anti-Romance in 3/8 Meter. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial
BilingŸe, 1990. 312p.
-----. Sapogonia : an Anti-Romance in 3/8 meter. New York, NY : Anchor Books, Doubleday,
1994. 354p.
-----. So Far From God. New York, NY : W.W. Norton, 1993. 252p.
Chac—n, Eusebio. El Hijo de la Tempestad; Tras la Tormenta la Calma. Santa Fe, NM:
Tipograf’a de ÒEl Bolet’n Popular,Ó 1892.
Ch‡vez, Denise. Face of an Angel. New York, NY : Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1994. 467p.
Ch‡vez, Fray AngŽlico. The Lady From Toledo. Fresno, CA : Academy Guild Press, 1960. 165p.
Corpi, Lucha. Cactus Blood : a Mystery. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1995. 249p.
-----. Delia's Song. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1989. 191p.
-----. Eulogy for a Brown Angel : a Mystery Novel. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1992. 189p.
C‡rdenas, Margarita Cota. Puppet : a Chicano Novella. Austin, TX : Rel‡mpago Press, 1985.
Cummings, Mar’a S. L—pez de (Mar’a Sacramenta L—pez de). Claudio and Anita : a Historical
Romance of San Gabriel's Early Mission Days. Los Angeles, CA : J. F. Rowny Press, 1921. 142p.
De Casas, Celso A. Pelon Drops Out. Berkeley, CA : Tonatiuh International, 1979. 185p.
De La Torre, Alfredo. El Le—n Sali— de la Jaula. Albuquerque, NM: Pajarito Publications, n.d.
Del Fuego, Laura. Maravilla. Encino, CA : Floricanto Press, 1989. 233p.
Delgado, Abelardo Letters to Louise. Berkeley, CA : Tonatiuh-Quinto Sol International, 1982.
134p. (Special reissue of Grito del Sol Quarterly Books, Year 4, Books 3-4, 1979)
Dur‡n, Miguel. Don't Spit on My Corner. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1992. 187 p.
Elizondo, Sergio. Muerte en una Estrella. MŽxico, D.F. : Tinta Negra, 1984. 135p.
-----. Suruma. El Paso, TX : Dos Pasos, 1990. 160p.
Espinosa, Aurelio Macedonio. Conchita ArgŸello: Historia y Novela Californiana. New York,
NY : The Macmillan Company, 1938. 71p.
Fern‡ndez, Roberta. Intaglio : a Novel in Six Stories. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1990.
Fontes, Montserrat. Dreams of the Centaur. New York, NY : W.W. Norton, 1996. 349p.
-----. First Confession. New York, NY : Norton, 1991. 310p.
Gallegos, Sallie. Stone Horses. Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico Press, 1996. 272p.
Garc’a, Guy. A Flor de Piel. [Translation of Skin Deep byAngelika Scherp]. MŽxico, D.F. :
Editorial Diana, 1991. 198p.
-----. Obsidian Sky. New York, NY : Simon and Schuster, 1994. 365p.
-----. Skin Deep. New York, NY : Farrar Straus Giroux, 1988. 185p.
Garc’a, Lionel. Hardscrub. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1990. 300p.
-----. Leaving Home. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1984. 249p.
-----. A Shroud in the Family. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1987. 319p.
-----. To a Widow with Children. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1994. 263p.
Gilb, Dagoberto. The Last Known Residence of Mickey Acu–a. New York, NY : Grove Press,
1994. 218p.
G—mez-Pe–a, Guillermo. Friendly Cannibal. San Francisco, CA : Artspace Books, 1996. 45p.
G—mez-Vega, Ibis. Send My Roots Rain. San Francisco, CA : Aunt Lute Books, 1991. 204p.
Gonzales, Laurence. Jambeaux. New York, NY : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979. 275p.
-----. The Last Deal. New York, NY : Atheneum, 1981. 283p.
-----. El Vago. New York, NY : Atheneum, 1983. 309p.
Gonzales-Berry, Erlinda. Paletitas de Guayaba. Albuquerque, NM : El Norte, 1991. 92p.
Gonz‡lez, Genaro. Only Sons. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1991. 128p.
-----. Rainbow's End. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1988. 227p.
Gratt‡n-Dom’nguez, Alejandro. The Dark Side of the Dream. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press,
1995. 434p.
Hinojosa-Smith, Rolando R. Los Amigos de Becky. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico, 1991. 128p.
-----. Becky and Her Friends. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1990. 160p.
-----. Claros Varones de Belken = Fair Gentlemen of Belken County. Tempe, AZ : Editorial
BilingŸe, 1986. 223p.
-----. Dear Rafe. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press. 1985. 134p. English translation of Mi
Querido Rafa by the author.
-----. Estampas del Valle. Tempe, AZ : Editorial BilingŸe, 1994. 136p.
-----. Estampas del Valle y Otras Obras/Sketches of the Valley and Other Works. New
edition with English translation by Gustavo Valadez and JosŽ Reyna. Berkeley, CA : Editorial
Justa, 1980. 163p.
-----. Generaciones, Notas y Brechas/Generations, Notes, and Trails. English translation by
Fausto Avenda–o. San Francisco, CA : Casa Editorial, 1978. 200p. (Casa Editorial Chapbook,
-----. Generaciones y Semblanzas. Berkeley, CA : Justa Publications, 1977. 178p.
-----. Klail City : a Novel / Rolando Hinojosa. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1987. 143p.
-----. Klail City und Umgebung. Translated by Yolanda Julia Broyles. Frankfurt, Germany:
Suhrkamp, 1981. 156p.
-----. Klail City y sus Alrededores. Habana, Cuba: Casa de las AmŽricas, 1976. 161p.
-----. Klail City y sus Alrededores / El Condado de Belken--Klail City. Tempe, AZ : Editorial
BilingŸe, 1993. 159p.
-----. Mi Querido Rafa. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1981. 112p. (Klail City Death Trip
-----. Partners in Crime. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1985. 248p. (Klail City Death Trip
-----. Rites and Witnesses: a Comedy. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1982. 112p.
-----. The Useless Servants. Houston, TX. : Arte Pœblico Press, 1993. 191p.
-----. The Valley: A Re-Creation in Narrative Prose of a Portfolio of Etching, Engravings,
Sketches, and Silhouettes by Various Artists in Various Styles, Plus a Set of Photographs from
a Family Album. Ypsilanti, MI: Bilingual Press, 1983. 112p.
Islas, Arturo. Migrant Souls. New York, NY : Morrow, 1990. 247p.
-----. The Rain God: a Desert Tale. Palo Alto, CA : Alexandrian Press, 1984. 180p.
-----. De Regenod: een Woestijnvertelling. Haarlem, Netherlands: Willem J. Wildeboer, 1986.
174p. Dutch translation of The Rain God.
Ju‡rez, Tina. Call No Man ÒMasterÓ. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1995. 395p.
Lachtman, Ofelia Dumas. A Shell for Angela. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, University of
Houston, 1995. 214p.
Lim—n, Graciela. The Memories of Ana Calder—n. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, University
of Houston, 1994. 199p.
L—pez, Tom‡s. The Aguila Family. Sacramento, CA : Mexican-American Publications, 1980.
-----. Chicano, Go Home: The Life of Alfonso Rodr’guez. Hicksville, NY : Exposition Press,
1976. 216p.
L—pez-Medina, Sylvia. Cantora. Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico Press, 1992.
-----. Het Lied Van de Mexicana's [Cantora. Dutch]. Translated by Babet Mossel. Amsterdam :
M. Muntinga, 1995. 304p.
Mart’nez, Demetria. Mothertongue. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1994.
-----. Mothertongue. New York, NY : One World, 1996. 194p.
Mart’nez, Eliud. Voice-Haunted Journey. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe,
1990. 255p.
Mart’nez, Max. Schoolland : a Novel. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1988. 250p.
-----. White Leg : a Novel. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1996. 253p.
Mart’nez, Ricardo A. The Healing Ritual. Berkeley, CA : Tonatiuh-Quinto Sol International,
1983. 174p. (Grito del Sol, Year 7, Book 1, 1982)
Mart’nez, Victor. Parrot in the Oven : Tales from My Life = El Perico en el Horno. New York,
NY : HarperCollins Publishers, 1996. 216p.
Marvin, Isabel R. Josefina and the Hanging Tree. Fort Worth, TX : Texas Christian University
Press, 1992. 127 p.
Medina, Frank. Once Upon a Cotton-Picking Time. New York, NY : Vantage, 1975. 252p.
Medina, Roberto C. Fabian Doesn't Die. Las Cruces, NM: BilingŸe Publications, 1981. 147p.
-----. Fabi‡n No Se Muere: Novela de Amor. Las Cruces, NM : BilingŸe Publications, 1978.
-----. Two Ranges. Las Cruces, NM : BilingŸe Publications, 1974. 163p.
MelŽndez, Rudolph R. Pachuco Mark. New York, NY : Grossmount Publishers, 1976. 203p.
MŽndez M., Miguel. The Dream of Santa Mar’a de las Piedras. Translated from the Spanish by
David William Foster. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press, 1989. 194p.
-----. Entre Letras y Ladrillos : Autobiograf’a. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe,
1996. 128p.
-----. Los Muertos TambiŽn Cuentan. Ciudad Ju‡rez, Chihuahua, MŽxico : Universidad
Aut—noma de Ciudad Ju‡rez, 1995. 160p.
-----. Peregrinos de Aztl‡n. Tucson, AZ : Editorial Peregrinos, 1974. 210p.
-----. Peregrinos de Aztl‡n. Berkeley, CA : Editorial Justa, 1979. 205p.
-----. Peregrinos de Aztl‡n. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1991. 193p.
-----. Pilgrims in Aztl‡n. Translated by David William Foster. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual
Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1992. 178p.
-----. Que No Mueran los Sue–os. MŽxico, D.F. : Ediciones Era, 1991. 162p.
-----. El Sue–o de Santa Mar’a de las Piedras. Guadalajara : EDUG / Universidad de
Guadalajara, 1986. 276p.
-----. El Sue–o de Santa Mar’a de las Piedras. MŽxico, D.F. : Editorial Diana, 1993. 175p.
Mireles, Jovita Gonz‡lez. Caballero : a Historical Novel. Edited by JosŽ E. Lim—n and Mar’a
Cotera. Foreword by Thomas H. Kreneck. College Station, TX : Texas A&M University Press,
1996. 350p.
Monreal, David Nava. Cinco de Mayo : an Epic Novel. Encino, CA : Floricanto Press, 1993.
Mora, Pat. A Birthday Basket for T’a. New York, NY : Macmillan, 1992. 32p.
Morales, Alejandro. The Brick People. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1988. 300p.
-----. The Brick People. 2nd ed. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1992. 318p.
-----. Caras Viejas y Vino Nuevo. MŽxico, D.F. : Editorial Joaqu’n Mortiz, 1975. 127p.
-----. Death of an Anglo. ; Translation of La Verdad Sin Voz from the Spanish by Judith
Ginsberg. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press, 1988. 241p.
-----. Old Faces and New Wine. English translation of Caras Viejas y Vino Nuevo by Max
Mart’nez; edited and revised by J. Monle—n and Alurista. San Diego, CA : Maize Press, 1981.
-----. The Rag Doll Plagues. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1991. 200p.
-----. Reto en el Para’so. Ypsilanti, MI: Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1983. 381p.
-----. Reto en el Para’so. MŽxico, D.F. : Grijalbo : Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes,
1992. 452p.
-----. La Verdad Sin Voz. MŽxico: Editorial Joaqu’n Mortiz, 1979. 300p.
Murgu’a, Alejandro. Southern Front. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1990.
Nava, Michael. The Death of Friends. New York, NY : G.P. Putnam's, 1996. 232p.
-----. ed. Finale. Boston, MA : Alyson Publications, 1989. 287p.
-----. Goldenboy. Boston, MA : Alyson, 1988. 215p.
-----. Goldenboy. 1st paperback ed. Boston, MA : Alyson, 1991. 215p.
-----. The Hidden Law. New York, NY : HarperCollins, 1992. 193p.
-----. The Hidden Law. New York, NY : Ballantine Books, 1994. 185p.
-----. How Town : a Novel of Suspense. New York, NY : Harper and Row, 1990. 244p.
-----. The Little Death. Boston, MA : Alyson Publications, 1986. 168p.
Niggli, Josephina. Mexican Village. Chapel Hill, NC : The University of North Carolina
Press, 1945. 491p.
-----. Mexican Village. Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico Press, 1994. 491p.
-----. A Miracle for Mexico. Paintings by Alejandro Rangel Hidalgo. Greenwich, CT: New York
Graphic Society Publishers, 1964. 179p.
-----. Step Down, Elder Brother : a Novel. New York, NY : Rinehart and Co., 1947. 374p.
Ornelas, Berta. Come Down from the Mound. Phoenix, AZ : Miter Publishing Company, 1975.
Paredes, AmŽrico. George Washington G—mez. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1990. 302p.
Pe–a, Terri de la. Latin Satins. Seattle, WA : Seal Press, 1994. 257p.
-----. Margins. Seattle, WA : Seal Press, 1991. 329p.
PŽrez, Emma. Gulf Dreams. Berkeley, CA : Third Woman Press, 1996. 157 p.
Ponce, Mary Helen. The Wedding. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1989. 199p.
Ramos, Manuel. The Ballad of Gato Guerrero. New York, NY : St. Martin's Press, 1994. 183p.
-----. The Ballad of Rocky Ruiz. New York, NY : St. Martin's Press, 1993. 201p.
-----. The Last Client of Luis Montez. New York, NY : St. Martin's Press, 1996. 194p.
Ranck, Katherine Quintana. Portrait of Do–a Elena. Berkeley, CA : Tonatiuh-Quinto Sol
International, 1982. 89p.
Rechy, John. Bodies and Souls. New York, NY : Carroll and Graf, 1983. 421p.
-----. CitŽ de la Nuit. Paris : Gallimard, 1965. 463p. Translation of City of night.
-----. City of Night. New York, NY : Grove Press, 1963. 410p.
-----. City of Night. New York, NY : Grove Press, 1964. 380p. [ÒFirst paperback editionÓ]
-----. City of Night. London : MacGibbon and Kee, 1964. 381p.
-----. City of Night. New York, NY : Ballantine Books, 1973. 308p.
-----. City of Night. With a new introduction by John Rechy. Revised edition. New York, NY :
Grove Press, 1984.
-----. As Cidades da Noite. Rio de Janeiro : Editora Civiliza•‹o Brasileira, 1964. 438p.
Translation of City of Night.
-----. La Ciudad de la Noche. MŽxico, D.F. : Edivisi—n, 1987. 412p. Translation of City of
-----. The Fourth Angel. New York, NY : Viking Press, 1972. 157p.
-----. Het Sterven van een Lange Dag Uithoorn : Nieuwe Wieken, 1971. 246p. Translation of
This Day's Death.
-----. De Koele Vampiers. Uithoorn : Nieuwe Wieken, 1973. 253p. Translation of The
-----. Marilyn's Daughter. New York, NY : Carroll and Graf Publishers, 1988. 531p.
-----. The Miraculous Day of Amalia G—mez. New York, NY : Arcade Pub., 1991. 206p.
-----. Nacht in der Stadt. MŸnchen : Droemer Knaur, 1965. 463p. Translation of City of Night.
-----. Numbers. New York, NY : Grove Press, 1967. 256p.
-----. Numbers. Rev. ed. New York, NY : Grove Press, 1984. 256p.
-----. Numbers. New York, NY : Grove Weidenfeld, 1990. 256p.
-----. Nummern. Darmstadt : Melzer, 1968, 1967. 287p. Translation of Numbers.
-----. Nummers. Uithoorn : Nieuwe Wieken, 1967. 301p. Translation of Numbers.
-----. Rushes. New York, NY : Grove Press, 1971. 222p.
-----. De Stad Behoort de Nacht. Amstelveen : Nieuwe Wieken, [19--]. 424p. Translation of
City of Night.
-----. This Day's Death. New York, NY : Grove Press, 1969. 255p.
-----. The Vampires. New York, NY : Grove Press, 1971. 276p.
-----. Ti Dage. K¿benhavn : S. Vendelkr, 1968. 203p. Translation of Numbers.
Rivera, Beatriz. African Passions and Other Stories. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1995.
Rivera, Rick P. A Fabricated Mexican. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico House, 1995. 168p.
Rico, Armando B. Three Coffins for Nino Lencho. Berkeley, CA : Tonatiuh-Quinto Sol
International, 1983. 229p.
R’os, Isabella (Diane L—pez). Victuum. Ventura CA : Diana-Etna, 1976. 345p.
Rivera, Tom‡s. Ò...Aber die Erde Verschlang Ihn NichtÒ : a German translation of and a critical
introduction to Tom‡s Rivera's novel Ò--y no se lo trag— la tierraÓ by Tio Schurti. 1990. 139
leaves. The translator's thesis (M.A.)--University of Texas at Austin.
-----. This Migrant Earth. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1987. 128p.
-----. Tom‡s Rivera : the Complete Works. Edited by Julian Olivares. Houston, TX : Arte
Pœblico Press, 1991. 447p.
-----. Ò...Y No Se Lo Trag— la TierraÒ / Ò...And the Earth Did Not PartÒ. Berkeley CA : Quinto
Sol Publications, 1971. 177p.
-----. Ò...Y No Se Lo Trag— la TierraÒ / Ò...And the Earth Did Not Devour HimÒ Translated by
Evangelina Vigil-Pi–on. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1987. 160p.
-----. Ò...Y No Se Lo Trag— la TierraÒ / Ò...And the Earth Did Not Devour HimÒ English and
Spanish. Translated by Evangelina Vigil-Pi–on. Rev. ed. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press,
1990. 206p.
-----. Ò...Y No Se Lo Trag— la TierraÒ / Ò...And the Earth Did Not Devour HimÒ English and
Spanish. Translated by Evangelina Vigil-Pi–on. 2nd ed. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1992.
Robinson, Louie Garc’a. The Devil, Delfina Varela and the Used Chevy : Which Examines
Delfina Varela's Puzzling Pact with the Devil, the Plaintive Love Story of Ruiz L—pez
Mondrag—n, and the Doomed Hispanic Political Dream of Manuel Caballos. New York, NY :
Anchor Books, 1993. 289p.
Rodr’guez, Alfredo. Estas Tierras. El Paso, TX : Dos Pasos Editores, 1987. 106 p.
Rodr’guez, Dennis. Pachuco. Los Angeles, CA : Holloway Publishing Company, 1980. 212p.
Rodr’guez, Joe. The Oddsplayer. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1989. 136p.
Rodr’guez, Victor. Eldorado in East Harlem : a Novella. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1992.
Romero, Danny. Calle 10 : a Novel. Other title: Calle Ten. San Francisco, CA : Mercury House,
1996. 154p.
Romero, Orlando. Nambe-Year One. Berkeley, CA : Tonatiuh International, 1976. 172p.
Ruiz, Ronald. Happy Birthday Jesœs. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1994. 314p.
Ruiz de Burton, Mar’a Amparo. The Squatter and the Don : a Novel Descriptive of
Contemporary Occurrences in California. San Francisco, CA : [S. Carson & Co.], 1885. 421p.
-----. The Squatter and the Don. Edited and introduced by Rosaura S‡nchez and Beatriz Pita.
Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1992. 381p.
-----. Who Would Have Thought It? Edited and introduced by Rosaura S‡nchez and Beatrice
Pita. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press. 1995. 298p.
Saenz, Benjamin Alire. Carry Me Like Water. New York, NY : Hyperion, 1995. 503p.
-----. Carry Me Like Water. New York, NY : HarperPerennial, 1996. 503 p.
-----. Dark and Perfect Angels. El Paso, TX : Cinco Puntos Press, 1995. 130p.
Salas, Floyd. Lay My Body on the Line. Berkeley CA : Y'Bird Press, 1978. 206p.
-----. State of Emergency. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1996. 396p.
-----. Tattoo the Wicked Cross. New York, NY : Grove Press, 1967. 351p.
-----. Tatuaje Indeleble. [Versi—n espa–ola de Carlos Sempau Sopena.] Barcelona : Luis de
Caralt, 1970. 319p.
-----. What Now My Love? New York, NY : Grove Press, 1969. 154p.
-----. What Now My Love? Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, University of Houston, 1994.
Salas, Frieda I. Wind in the Pepper Tree. New York, NY : Exposition Press, 1969. 83p.
S‡nchez, Phil. Don Phil-O-Meno Si la Mancha. Alamosa, CO: Phil S‡nchez, 1977. 162p.
S‡nchez, Ricardo. Perdido : a Barrio Story. Austin, TX : R. Lewis for REM, 1985. 15p.
Soto, Gary. Jesse. San Diego, CA : Harcourt Brace, 1994. 166p.
-----. Pacific Crossing. San Diego, CA : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1992. 134p.
Taylor, Sheila Ortiz. Faultline. Tallahassee, FL : Naiad Press, 1982. 126p.
-----. Slow Dancing at Miss Polly's. Tallahassee, FL : Naiad Press, 1989. 76p.
-----. Spring Forward/Fall Back. Tallahassee, FL : Naiad Press, 1985. 257p.
-----. Southbound : the Sequel to Faultline. Tallahassee, FL : Naiad Press, 1990. 226 p.
Tenorio, Arthur. Blessing from Above. Las Vegas, NV: West Las Vegas Schools Press, 1971.
Torres-Metzgar, Joseph V. Below the Summit. Berkeley, CA : Tonatiuh International, 1976.
Trambley, Estela Portillo. Trini. Binghamton, NY : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1986.
Trujillo, Charley. Dogs From Illusion. San Jose, CA : Chusma House Publications, 1994. 199p.
Urrea, Luis Alberto. In Search of Snow. New York, NY : HarperCollins Publishers, 1994. 258p.
ValdŽs, Gina. There Are No Madmen Here. San Diego, CA : Maize Press, 1981. 152p.
V‡squez, Richard. Another Land. New York, NY : Avon, 1982. 293p.
-----. Chicano. Garden City, NY : Doubleday, 1970. 376p.
-----. Chicano. New York, NY : Doubleday, 1970. 350p.
-----. Chicano. New York, NY : Avon, 1971. 350p.
-----. Chicano. Traducci—n de Rafaela Zavala Pi–on. 4a ed. MŽxico, D.F. : Organizaci—n
Editorial Novaro, 1972. 389p.
-----. The Giant Killer. New York, NY : Manor Books, 1978. 207p.
-----. The Giant Killer. Davenport, FL : Coral Reef Publications, 1977.
Vea, Alfredo. La Maravilla. New York, NY : Dutton, 1993. 305p.
-----. The Silver Cloud Cafe. New York, NY : Dutton, 1996. 343p.
Vel‡squez, Gloria L. Maya's Divided World. Houston, TX : Pi–ata Books, 1995. 125p.
-----. Tommy Stands Alone. Houston, TX : Pi–ata Books, 1995. 135p.
Venegas, Daniel. Las Aventuras de Don Chipote or Cuando los Pericos Mamen. MŽxico D.F. :
Secretar’a de Educaci—n Pœblica, 1984. 155p.
Vento, Arnold Carlos. La Cueva de Naltzatl‡n. MŽxico, D.F. : Fondo de Cultura Econ—mica,
1987. 103 p.
Villarreal, JosŽ Antonio. Clemente Chac—n. Binghamton, NY : Bilingual Review/Press,
SUNY-Binghamton, 1983. 168p.
-----. The Fifth Horseman. Garden City, NY : Doubleday, 1974. 398p.
-----. The Fifth Horseman. 2nd edition. Binghamton, NY : Bilingual Review/Press, SUNYBinghamton, 1983. 410p.
-----. Pocho. Garden City, NY : Doubleday and Company, 1959. 235p.
-----. Pocho. Garden City, NY : Anchor Books, 1970. 187p.
-----. Pocho : en Espa–ol. Traducci—n de Roberto Cantœ. New York, NY : Anchor Books, 1994.
Villarreal, Rosa Martha. Doctor Magdalena : Novella. Berkeley, CA : TQS Publications,
1995. 89p.
Villase–or, Edmund. Macho! Toronto, NY : Bantam Books, 1973. 245p.
Villase–or, Victor. Macho! Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1991. 236p.
-----. Wild Steps of Heaven. New York, NY : Delacorte Press, 1996. 296p.
Viramontes, Helena Mar’a. Under the Feet of Jesus. New York, NY : Dutton, 1995. 180p.
Acosta Torres, JosŽ. Cachito M’o. Translated into English by Herminio R’os-C. Berkeley, CA :
Editorial Justa Publications, 1973. 103p.
Aguilar, Ricardo. Madreselvas en Flor. Xalapa, MŽxico : Universidad Veracruzana, 1987. 91p.
-----. Madreselvas en Flor. Albuquerque, NM : Puerto del Sol, 1994. 593p.
Aguilar, Ricardo, Armando Armengol, and Oscar U. Somoza. eds. Palabra Nueva: Cuentos
Chicanos. s.l.: Texas Western Press, 1984. 147p.
Aguilar, Ricardo, Armando Armengol, and Oscar U. Somoza. eds. Palabra Nueva. Cuentos
Chicanos II. El Paso, TX : Dos Pasos Editores, 1987. 127p.
Aguilar Melantz—n, Ricardo, comp. Cuento Chicano del Siglo XX : Breve Antolog’a. Selecci—n,
pr—logo y notas de Ricardo Aguilar Melantz—n. MŽxico, D.F. : Ediciones Coyoac‡n : Universidad
Nacional Aut—noma de MŽxico, Coordinaci—n de Difusi—n Cultural/Direcci—n de Literatura ; Las
Cruces, Nuevo MŽxico : New Mexico State University, Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos,
Instituto de Estudios Chicano-Latinoamericanos, Colegio de Artes y Ciencias, 1993. 293p.
Aguilar Melantz—n, Ricardo and Cecilia Pino. Antolog’a del Cuento Chicano. Toluca, Estado
de MŽxico : Universidad Aut—noma del Estado de MŽxico, 1992. 164p.
----- . El Cuento Chicano : Antolog’a. Montevideo : Editorial Signos, 1991. 97p.
Alurista, and Xelina Rojas-Urista. eds. Southwest Tales : a Contemporary Collection.
Colorado Springs, CO : Maize Press, 1986. 158p.
Anaya, Rudolfo. The Silence of the Llano: Short Stories. Berkeley, CA : Tonatiuh-Quinto Sol
International, 1982. 173p.
-----. ed. Tierra : Contemporary Short Fiction of New Mexico. El Paso, TX : Cinco Puntos, 1989.
Avenda–o, Fausto. El Sue–o de Siempre y Otros Cuentos. Ciudad Ju‡rez, Chihuahua, MŽxico :
Universidad Aut—noma de Ciudad Ju‡rez, 1996. 145 p.
Benavides, Rosamel, comp. Antolog’a de Cuentistas Chicanas : Estados Unidos de los '60 a los
'90. Santiago : Editorial Cuarto Propio, 1993. 172p.
Bjorkquist, Elena D’az. Suffer Smoke : Cuentos de Morenci. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press,
1996. 208p.
Brito, Aristeo. Fomento Literario : Cuentos i Poemas. Washington, D.C. : Congreso Nacional de
Asuntos Colegiales; Editorial Peregrinos, 1974. 63p. Primavera ; v.1, no.4, 1974.
Bruce-Novoa, Juan, and JosŽ Guillermo Saavedra, eds. Antolog’a Retrospectiva del Cuento
Chicano. MŽxico : Consejo Nacional de Poblaci—n, 1988. 217p.
Candelaria, Nash. The Day the Cisco Kid Shot John Wayne. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual
Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1988. 172p.
Carrillo, Adolfo. Cuentos Californianos. Los Angeles, CA : s.n., 1922. 96p.
-----. Cuentos Californianos. Introducci—n de Miguel L—pez Rojo ; ilustraciones de Fulgencio
Corral. Guadalajara, Jalisco, MŽxico : Secretar’a de Cultura de Jalisco, 1993. 196p.
-----. Memorias del MarquŽs de San Basilisco. San Francisco, CA : International Publishing Co.,
1897. 276p.
Castillo, Ana. Loverboys : Stories . New York, NY : W.W. Norton, 1996. 224p.
Castillo, Rafael. Distant Journeys. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1991.
Chac—n, Felipe Maximiliano. Short Stories. Translated by Julian J. Vigil. Las Vegas, NM :
Editorial Telera–a, 1980. 36p.
Ch‡vez, Denise. The Last of the Menu Girls. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1986. 190p.
Ch‡vez, Fray AngŽlico. The Short Stories of Fray AngŽlico Ch‡vez. Edited by Genaro M.
Padilla. Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico Press, 1987. 139p.
Cisneros, Sandra. El Arroyo de la Llorona. New York, NY : Vintage Books, 1996. Translation
by Liliana Valenzuela of Woman Hollering Creek. 191p.
-----. La Casa en Mango Street. New York, NY : Vintage Books, 1991. 110p. Translation of The
House on Mango Street by Elena Poniatowska.
-----. The House on Mango Street. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1983. 103p.
-----. The House on Mango Street. 2nd rev. ed. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1988. 103p.
-----. The House on Mango Street. 1st hardcover ed. New York, NY : A.A. Knopf, 1994. 134p.
-----. Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories. New York, NY : Random House, 1991. 165p.
-----. Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories. New York, NY : Vintage Books, 1992. 165p.
Contreras, Juan A. Morningsong, Ma–anitas. El Paso, TX : Education Systems Development, Inc.,
1987. 79p.
De la Garza, Beatriz Eugenia. The Candy Vendor's Boy and Other Stories. Houston, TX : Arte
Pœblico Press, University of Houston, 1994. 220p.
Di-Bella, JosŽ Manuel. Literatura de la Frontera MŽxico-Norteamericana : Cuentos =
U.S./Mexican Border Literature : Short Stories. Mexicali, Baja California, MŽxico :
Universidad Aut—noma de Baja California ; CalŽxico, Calif. : San Diego State University,
1989. 144p.
-----. Nailed to the Wound. San Diego, CA : San Diego State University Press, 1993. 162p.
Elizondo, Sergio. Rosa, la Flauta. Berkeley, CA : Editorial Justa, 1980. 70p.
Espinoza, Herberto. Viendo Morir a Teresa y Otros Relatos / Watching Teresa Die and Other
Stories. Translated from the Spanish by D.J. Espinoza; edited by Alurista. Bilingual edition.
San Diego, CA : Maize Press, 1983. 110p.
Fern‡ndez, JosŽ B. and Nasario Garc’a, eds. Nuevos Horizontes: Cuentos Chicanos,
Puertorrique–os y Cubanos. Lexington, MA : D.C. Heath, 1982. 168p.
Forte-Escamilla, Kleya. The Storyteller with Nike Airs, and Other Barrio Stories. San
Francisco, CA : Aunte Lute Books, 1994. 160p.
Gaspar de Alba, Alicia. The Mystery of Survival and Other Stories. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual
Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1993. 106p.
Gilb, Dagoberto. The Magic of Blood. Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico Press, 1993.
-----. Winners on the Pass Line. El Paso, TX : Cinco Puntos Press, 1985. 93p.
G—mez, Alma, Cherrie Moraga and Mariana Romo-Carmona. eds. Cuentos : Stories By Latinas.
New York, NY : Kitchen Table - Women of Color Press, 1983. 241p.
Gonz‡lez, Ray . The River Bottom Ranch Stories. Thesis (M.F.A.)--Dept. of English,
University of Utah, 1994. 181 leaves.
----, ed. Mirrors Beneath the Earth : Short Fiction By Chicano Writers. Willimantic, CT :
Curbstone Press, 1992. 331p.
----, ed. Under the Pomegranate Tree : the Best New Latino Erotica. New York, NY :
Washington Square Press, 1996. 362p.
Kanellos, Nicolas and Luis D‡vila, eds. Latino Short Fiction. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press,
1980. 96p. (Revista Chicano-Rique–a, A–o VIII, num.1, Invierno 1980)
Kanellos, Nicolas . ed. Short Fiction by Hispanic Writers of the United States. Houston, TX. :
Arte Pœblico Press, 1993. 285p.
Keller, Gary. Tales of El Huitlacoche. Colorado Springs, CO : Maize Press, 1984. 77p.
-----. Zapata Lives! Colorado Springs, CO : Maize Press, 1994. 166p.
-----. Zapata Rose in 1992, and Other Tales. San Luis Obispo, CA. : Maize Press, 1992. 326p.
Kirack, Alex (Gallo). Space Flutes + Barrio Paths. Illustrated by Mario Acevedo Torero. San
Diego, CA : Centro de Estudios Chicanos Publications, 1972. 72p.
Lesley, Craig and Katheryn Stavrakis, eds. Dreamers and Desperadoes : Contemporary Short
Fiction of the American West. New York, NY : Laurel, 1993. 532p.
Mart’n, Patricia Preciado. El Milagro and Other Stories. Tucson, AZ : University of Arizona
Press. 92p.
Mart’nez, Max. The Adventures of the Chicano Kid and Other Stories. Houston, TX : Arte
Pœblico Press, 1982. 169p.
-----. De Avonturen van de Chicano Kid en Andere Verhalen. Samengesteld door Hub.
Hermans. Houten [Netherlands] : Het Wereldvenster : NOVIB, 1990. 174p.
-----. Monologue of the Bolivian Major: Cuento. San Antonio, TX : M&A Editions, 1978. 9p.
-----. A Red Bikini Dream. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1990. 143p.
Mart’nez-Serros, Hugo. The Last Laugh and Other Stories. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press,
1988. 198p.
Mayo, C. M. Sky Over El Nido : Stories. Athens, GA : University of Georgia Press, 1995. 164p.
Mayo, Wendell. Centaur of the North. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1996. 127p.
MŽndez M., Miguel. Cuentos y Ensayos Para Reir y Aprender. Hermosillo, MŽxico : Talleres de
Imparcolor, 1988. 109p.
-----. Cuentos y Ensayos Para Reir y Aprender. 2.ed. Hermosillo, MŽxico : MŽndez, M., 1990.
-----. Cuentos para Ni–os Traviesos/Stories for Mischievous Children. Translated by Eva
Price. Berkeley, CA : Editorial Justa Publications, 1979. 103p.
-----. Tata Casehua y Otros Cuentos. Translations by Eva Price, Leo Barrow and Marco
Portales. Berkeley, CA : Editorial Justa Publications, 1980. 106p.
Moraga, Cherrie, ed. Cuentos: Stories by Latinas. New York, NY : Kitchen Table, Women of
Color Press, 1983. 241p.
----. Loving in the War Years: Lo Que Nunca Pas— Por Sus Labios. Boston, MA : South End
Press, 1983. 152p.
Monreal, David Nava. The New Neighbor and Other Stories. Irvine, CA : Pacific Writers
Press, 1987. 173 p.
Navarro, J. L. Blue Day on Main Street. Berkeley, CA : Quinto Sol Publications, 1973. 127p.
Ochoa, Esperanza. Siete del Valle / Seven Valley Stories. Edinburg, TX : University of Texas - Pan American Press, 1995. 209p.
Olivares, Juli‡n. ed. Cuentos Hispanos de los Estados Unidos. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press,
1993. 242p.
Ortiz y Pino, JosŽ. Curandero: a Cuento. Santa Fe, NM : Sunstone Press, 1983. 111p.
Paredes, AmŽrico. The Hammon and the Beans and Other Stories. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico
Press, University of Houston, 1994. 230p.
Poey, Delia and Virgil Su‡rez. eds. Iguana Dreams : New Latino Fiction. New York, NY :
HarperPerennial, 1992. 376p.
Ponce, Mary Helen. Recuerdo: Short Stories of the Barrio. Tujunga, CA : Adame and
Associates, 1983. 33p.
-----. Taking Control. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1987. 128p.
Ramos, Luis Arturo. Siete Veces el Sue–o. San Antonio, TX : M&A Editions, 1976. 52p.
Ramos-Garc’a, Luis ed. Cuentos de Austin/Tales from Austin. Austin, TX : Studia Hisp‡nica
Editors, 1980. 181p.
R’os, Alberto. The Iguana Killer: Twelve Stories of the Heart. Etchings by Antonio Pazos. s.l.:
, New York, NY : A Blue Moon and Confluence Press Book, 1984. 119p.
-----. Pig Cookies and Other Stories. San Francisco, CA : Chronicle Books, 1995. 190p.
Rivera, Tom‡s. The Harvest : Short Stories. Bilingual ed. Edited, with translations by Juli‡n
Olivares. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1989. 135p.
Rodr’guez, Armando Rafael. ed. The Gypsy Wagon: un Sancocho de Cuentos Sobre la
Experiencia Chicana. Los Angeles, CA : Aztl‡n Publications, University of California, 1974.
Romero, Leo. Rita and Los Angeles. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press, 1995. 137p.
Saenz, Benjamin Alire. Flowers for the Broken : Stories. Seattle, WA : Broken Moon Press,
1992. 165p.
S‡laz, RubŽn Dar’o. Heartland: Stories of the Southwest. Santa Fe, NM : Blue Feather Press,
1977. 117p.
S‡nchez, Rosaura. ed. Requisa Treinta y Dos: Colecci—n de Cuentos. La Jolla, CA : Chicano
Research Publications, University of California, 1979. 184p. (Chicano Studies Monograph
Series, Southwest Border Series)
S‡nchez, Saœl. Hay Plesha Lichans Tu Di Flac. Translated into English by Saœl S‡nchez.
Berkeley, CA : Editorial Justa Publications, 1977. 100p.
Santos, E. D. Mesquite Sighs : a Collection of Short Stories. Hondo, TX : La Sombra Pub. ; 1992.
Silva, Beverly. The Cat and Other Stories. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press, 1986. 102p.
Simmen, Edward. ed. North of the R’o Grande : the Mexican-American Experience in Short
Fiction. New York, NY : Penguin Group, 1992. 431p.
Soto, Gary. Baseball in April and Other Stories. San Diego, CA : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
1990. 137p.
-----. BŽisbol en Abril y Otras Historias. Ilustraci—n de Mauricio G—mez Mor’n ; traducci—n de
Tedi L—pez Mills. MŽxico, D.F. : Fondo de Cultura Econ—mica, 1993. 147p.
-----. The Level at Which the Sky Begins. Irvine, CA : University of California, 1976. 27
leaves. Thesis (M.F.A.).
Soto, Gary., ed. Pieces of the Heart : New Chicano Fiction. San Francisco, CA : Chronicle
Books, 1993. 179p.
Trambley, Estela Portillo. Rain of Scorpions and Other Stories. Berkeley, CA : Tonatiuh
International, 1975. 178p.
-----. Rain of Scorpions and Other Stories. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe,
1992. 175p.
Trevi–o, Jesœs. The Fabulous Sinkhole, and Other Stories. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press,
1995. 175p.
Trujillo, Luis M. Cuentos de Brujas, Diablos y QuiŽn Sabe QuŽ M‡s. Alamosa, CO : Trujillo,
1987. 255p.
Ulibarr’, Sabine R. The Best of Sabine Ulibarr’ : Selected Stories. Albuquerque, NM :
University of New Mexico Press, 1993. 513p.
-----. El Condor, and Other Stories / El Condor, y Otros Cuentos. Bilingual ed. Houston, TX :
Arte Pœblico Press, 1989. 224p.
-----. Governor Glu Glu and Other Stories = El Gobernador Glu Glu y Otros Cuentos. Tempe, AZ :
Bilingual Press, 1988. 153p.
-----. Mi Abuela Fumaba Puros y Otros Cuentos de Tierra Amarilla/My Grandmother Smoked
Cigars and Other Stories of Tierra Amarilla. Berkeley, CA : Quinto Sol Publications, 1977.
-----. Mi Abuela Fumaba Puros. MŽxico, D.F.: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes :
Grijalbo, 1992. 207p.
-----. Primeros Encuentros/First Encounters. Ypsilanti, MI: Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe,
1982. 87p.
-----. Sue–os / Dreams. Edinburg, TX : University of Texas-Pan American Press, 1994. 105p.
-----. Tierra Amarilla: Cuentos de Nuevo MŽxico. Quito, Editorial Casa de la Cultura
Ecuatoriana, 1964. 101p.
-----. Tierra Amarilla: Stories of New Mexico/Tierra Amarilla: Cuentos de Nuevo MŽxico.
Translated into English by Thelma Campbell Nason. Albuquerque, NM : University of New
Mexico Press, 1971. 167p.
Ulica, Jorge. Cr—nicas Diab—licas (1916-1926) de ÒJorge UlicaÓ/Julio G. Arce. Compiled by Juan
Rodr’guez. San Diego, CA : Maize Press, 1982. 172p.
Viramontes, Helena Mar’a. The Moths and Other Stories. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press.
1985. 118p.
-----. The Moths and Other Stories. 2nd ed. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1995. 125p.
Zamora, Bernice and Linda Morales Armas, eds. The Best of Chicano Fiction. Albuquerque,
NM: Pajarito Publications, 1981. 123p. (De Colores: Journal of Chicano Expression and
Thought, Volume 5, no.3-4, 1981)
Zapata, Celia Correas de. ed. Short Stories by Latin American Women : the Magic and the
Real. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1990. 224p.
Avenda–o, Fausto. El Corrido de California: a Three Act Play. Berkeley, CA : Editorial Justa
Publications, 1979. 63p.
Campa, Arthur Le—n, ed. Los Comanches: a New Mexican Folk Drama. Albuquerque, NM :
University of New Mexico Press, 1942. 43p. (The University of New Mexico Bulletin, Language
Series, Volume 7, no.1; whole no.376)
-----. Spanish Religious Folktheatre in the Spanish Southwest (First Cycle). Albuquerque,
NM : University of New Mexico Press, 1934. 71p. (The University of New Mexico Bulletin,
Language Series, Volume 5, no. 1; whole no. 238)
-----. Spanish Religious Folktheatre in the Spanish Southwest (Second Cycle). Albuquerque,
NM : University of New Mexico Press, 1934. 157p. (The University of New Mexico Bulletin,
Language Series, Volume 5, no. 2; whole no. 238)
Las Cucarachas: Quinto Festival de los Teatros Chicanos. Primer Encuentro Latinoamericano.
MŽxico, D.F., Verano, 1974. San Francisco, CA : Concilio Mujeres, 1974. 24p.
Cruz Gonz‡lez, JosŽ. Harvest Moon. Seattle, WA : Rain City Projects, 1994. 34p.
De Le—n, Nephtal’. 5 Plays. Denver, CO : Totinem Publications, 1972. 159p.
-----. Tequila Mockingbird. San Antonio, TX : Trucha Publications, 1979. 123p.
Dom’nguez, Sylvia Maida. La Comadre Mar’a: una Comedia. Austin, TX : American
Universal Artforms Corporation, 1973. 75p.
Englekirk, John E., ed. Passion Play in New Mexico. Berkeley, CA : University of California
Press, n.d. 2 v.
Feyder, Linda, ed. Shattering the Myth: Plays by Hispanic Women. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico
Press, 1992. 255p.
Flores, Richard R. Los Pastores : History and Performance in the Mexican Shepherd's Play of
South Texas. Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press, 1995. 202p.
Garc’a-Camarillo, Mia. Sacrifice. San Antonio, TX : M & A Editions, 1977. 46p.
Garza, Robert J., ed. Contemporary Chicano Theatre. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre
Dame Press, 1976. 248p.
Hern‡ndez, Alfonso. The False Advent of Mary's Child and Other Plays. Berkeley, CA :
Editorial Justa Publications, 1979. 59p.
Huerta, Jorge A. Chicano Theater: Themes and Forms. Ypsilanti, MI : Bilingual Press, 1982.
-----. ed. Necessary Theater : Six Plays About the Chicano Experience. Houston, TX : Arte
Pœblico Press, 1989. 368p.
-----, ed. El Teatro de la Esperanza: an Anthology of Chicano Drama. Goleta, CA : Teatro de
la Esperanza, 1973. 125p.
Jones, David Richard, ed. New Mexico Plays. Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico
Press, 1989. 231p.
Kanellos, Nicolas, ed. Hispanic Theatre in the United States. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico
Press, 1984. 79p.
-----. Mexican American Theatre : Legacy and Reality. Pittsburgh, PA : Latin American
Literary Review Press, 1987. 126p.
-----. ed. Mexican American Theatre: Then and Now. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1983.
120p. (Revista Chicano-Rique–a, A–o XI, Num.1, Spring 1983)
-----. and Jorge A. Huerta. eds. Nuevos Pasos : Chicano and Puerto Rican Drama. Houston, TX :
Arte Pœblico Press, 1989. 204p.
-----. Two Centuries of Hispanic Theatre in the Southwest. Houston, TX : Revista ChicanoRique–a, 1982. 20p.
Mares, E. A. I Returned and Saw Under the Sun : Padre Mart’nez of Taos : a Play / Volv’ y V’
Bajo el Sol. Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico Press, 1989. 101p.
Monreal, David Nava and Olivia D‡vila Flores. Cellmates / [David Monreal]. QuŽ, C—mo y
Cu‡ndo / [Olivia D‡vila Flores] ; Juan Villegas, editor ; Julie Foraker, co-editor. Irvine, CA :
Ediciones Teatrales de Gestos, 1987. 64p.
Montoy, Dale. ed. Festival de los Teatros Chicanos. San Diego, CA : Teatro Nacional de
Aztl‡n, 1977. 31p.
Moraga, Cherrie. Giving Up the Ghost: Teatro in Two Acts. Los Angeles, CA : West End Press,
1986. 58p.
-----. Heroes and Saints and Other Plays. Albuquerque, NM: West End Press, 1994. 149p.
Morton, Carlos. Los Dorados. Studio City, CA : Players Press, 1991. 20p.
-----. El Jard’n. Studio City, CA : Players Press, 1991. 27p.
-----. Johnny Tenorio and Other Plays. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1992. 192p.
-----. The Many Deaths of Danny Rosales. Studio City, CA : Players Press, 1991. 48p.
-----. The Many Deaths of Danny Rosales and Other Plays. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press,
1983. 128p.
-----. The Miser of Mexico. Studio City, CA : Players Press, 1993. 47p.
Niggli, Josephina. Mexican Folk Plays. Chapel Hill, NC : University of North Carolina
Press, 1938. 223p.
Osborn, M. Elizabeth. ed. On New Ground : Contemporary Hispanic-American Plays. New
York, NY : Theatre Communications Group, 1987. 280p.
-----. Pancho Diablo. Studio City, CA : Players Press, 1993. 43p.
-----. Rancho Hollywood. Studio City, CA : Players Press, 1991. 40p.
-----. The Savior. Studio City, CA : Players Press, 1993. 51p.
-----. White Heroin Winter. El Paso, TX : One Eye Press, 1971. 20p.
Rodr’guez, Josef. The Pyramid of Ignacio PŽrez. s.l.: s.n., 1971. 89p.
Rufus. The Last Taco in PŽrez: a Comic Tragedy. Los Angeles, CA : Pachuco Publishing
Company, 1975. 323p.
Sandoval, Lorenzo Luis. Mexicanville. Woodstock, IL : Dramatic Pub., 1995. 54p.
Seller, Maxine Schwartz, ed. Ethnic Theatre in the United States. Westport, CT: Greenwood
Press, 1983. 606p.
Teatro Chicano. Cuernavaca, Morelos, MŽxico : Centro Cultural Mascarones, 1976. 79p.
Teatro De La Esperanza. Guadalupe: an Original Script. Goleta, CA : El Teatro de la
Esperanza, 1975. 83 leaves.
Teatro Del Piojo. Tortilla Curtain: a Collective Play. Seattle, WA : Editorial Ce Atl, 1980.
Teatro Libertad. Teatro Libertad Presenta ÒLos PeludosÓ: an Original Bilingual Play. Tucson,
AZ : Teatro Libertad, 1978. 38p.
Trambley, Estela Portillo. Sor Juana and Other Plays. Ypsilanti, MI : Bilingual
Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1983. 195p.
Valdez, Luis and El Teatro Campesino. Actos. Fresno, CA : Cucaracha Press, 1971. 245p.
-----. Luis Valdez--Early Works : Actos, Bernabe, and Pensamiento Serpentino. Houston, TX :
Arte Pœblico Press, 1990. 199p.
-----. The Shrunken Head of Pancho Villa : a Play. San Juan Bautista, CA : El Centro
Campesino Cultural, 1972. 1 v. variously paged.
-----. Zoot Suit and Other Plays. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1992. 214p.
Villegas, Robert. The Resurrection: a Short Play. Indianapolis, IN: Lion Enterprises, 1978.
Aguilar-Henson, Marcela. The Multi-Faceted Poetic World of Angela de Hoyos. Austin, TX :
Rel‡mpago Books Press, 1982. 82p.
Aguilar Melantz—n, Ricardo. La Frontera Mexico-USA : Novela, Cuento y Chiste. El Paso, TX :
Center for Inter-American and Border Studies, University of Texas at El Paso, 1990. 42 leaves.
Alarc—n, Justo S. El Espacio Literario de Juan Bruce-Novoa y la Literatura Chicana : un
An‡lisis Metacr’tico del Texto / Juan Bruce-Novoa's Theory of Chicano Literary Space : a
Metacritical Analysis of the Text. San Diego, CA : Marin Publications, 1995. 111p.
Alarc—n, Norma. ed. Chicana Critical Issues. Berkeley, CA : Third Woman Press, 1993. 281p.
Aldaco, Guadalupe Beatriz, comp. Encuentro Binacional Ensayo sobre la Literatura de las
Fronteras (1994 : San Luis R’o Colorado, MŽxico). Literatura Fronteriza de Ac‡ y de All‡ :
Memoria del Encuentro Binacional Ensayo sobre la Literatura de las Fronteras. Hermosillo,
Sonora, MŽxico : Instituto Sonorense de Cultura ; Distrito Federal, MŽxico : Consejo Nacional
para la Cultura y las Artes, 1994. 308p.
Anaya, Rudolfo and Francisco A. Lomel’. eds. Aztl‡n : Essays on the Chicano Homeland.
Albuquerque, NM : Academia/El Norte Publications, 1989. 248p.
Anzaldœa, Gloria, ed. Making Face, Making Soul = Haciendo Caras : Creative and Critical
Perspectives by Women of Color. San Francisco, CA : Aunt Lute Foundation, 1990. 402p.
Avenda–o, Fausto, et al. Literatura Hispana de los Estados Unidos. Explicaci—n de Textos
Literarios. Sacramento, CA : California State University, 1988. 152p.
Baker, Houston A., Jr., ed. Three American Literatures: Essays in Chicano, Native American,
and Asian American Literature for Teachers of American Literature. New York, NY : Modern
Language Association of America, 1982. 265p.
Balassi, William Victor et al., eds. This is About Vision : Interviews with Southwestern
Writers. Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico Press, 1990. 204p.
Benjamin-Labarthe, Elyette, et al, editors. Congr•s EuropŽen sur les Cultures d'AmŽrique
Latine aux Etats-Unis (6th : 1994 : Bordeaux, France). Bordeaux : Maison des Pays IbŽriques,
1995. 417 p.
BŽranger, Jean, et al., eds. MultilingŸisme at Multiculturalisme en AmŽrique du Nord : Temps,
Mythe et Histoire. Bordeaux : Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux III, 1989. 197p.
Bergmann, Emilie L. and Paul Julian Smith, eds. ÀEntiendes? : Queer Readings, Hispanic
Writings. Durham, NC : Duke University Press, 1995. 429p.
Broyles-Gonz‡lez, Yolanda. El Teatro Campesino : Theater in the Chicano Movement. Austin,
TX : University of Texas Press, 1994. 286p.
Bruce-Novoa, Juan. Chicano Authors: Inquiry by Interview. Austin, TX : University of Texas
Press, 1980. 292p.
-----. Chicano Poetry: a Response to Chaos. Austin, TX : University of Texas Press, 1982. 237p.
-----. La Literatura Chicana a TravŽs de Sus Autores. Traducci—n de Stella Mastrangelo.
MŽxico: Siglo Veintiuno Editores, 1983. 293p.
-----. et al., eds. Missions in Conflict : Essays on U.S.-Mexican Relations and Chicano Culture.
International Symposium on Chicano Culture (1st : 1984 : University of Mainz). TŸbingen : Narr,
1986. 304p.
-----. RetroSpace : Collected Essays on Chicano Literature Theory and History. Houston, TX :
Arte Pœblico Press, 1990. 189p.
Bus, Heiner. ed. Hispanorama Schwerpunkt--Chicanoliteratur. Nurnberg : Deutscher
Spanischlehrerverband, 1990. 73p.
Calder—n, Hector and JosŽ David Sald’var. eds. Criticism in the Borderlands : Studies in
Chicano Literature, Culture, and Ideology. With a foreword by Rolando Hinojosa. Selected
and annotated critical bibliography of contemporary Chicano literary criticism compiled by
Robert Trujillo, JosŽ David Sald’var, and Hector Calder—n. Durham, NC : Duke University
Press, 1991. 289p.
Candelaria, Cordelia. Chicano Poetry: a Critical Introduction. Westport, CT: Greenwood
Press, 1986. 260p.
-----. Seeking the Perfect Game : Baseball in American Literature. New York, NY : Greenwood
Press, 1989. 165p.
C‡rdenas, Guadalupe. El Arquetipo de la Madre Terrible en Peregrinos de Aztl‡n. MŽxico :
Alta Pimer’a Pro Arte y Cultura, 1990. 148p.
Castillo, Ana. Massacre of the Dreamers : Essays on Xicanisma. Albuquerque, NM : University
of New Mexico Press, 1994. 238p.
Chicano Literature and Cultural Identity. Santa Barbara, CA : Center for Chicano Studies,
University of California, Santa Barbara, 1987. 143p.
Cortina, Rodolfo J. and Felipe Herrera. eds. ÒEl MutualistaÓ (1947-1950): a Facsimile Edition
of a Milwaukee Hispanic Newspaper. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1984. 104p.
Duke dos Santos, Mar’a I. and Patricia de la Fuente. eds. Sabine R. Ulibarr’ : Critical Essays.
Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico Press, 1995. 277p.
Eysturoy, Annie O. Daughters of Self-Creation : the Contemporary Chicana Novel.
Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico Press, 1996. 172p.
Fabre, Genevi•ve, ed. European Perspectives on Hispanic Literature of the United States.
Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1988. 160p. (International Conference on ÒHispanic Cultures
and Identities in the United StatesÓ (1986 : Paris, France))
Federighi, Luciano. Letterature Afroamericana, Chicana e degli Indiani d'America. Milano :
Jaca Book, 1993. 135p.
Flores, Arturo Conrado. El Teatro Campesino de Luis Valdez, 1965-1980. Madrid : Pliegos,
1990. 128p.
Fodde, Luisanna. Alienazione e Consapevolezza Culturale: l'Emergere della Letteratura
Chicana. Cagliari: [s.n.], 1983. 22p. (Cagliari, ISCA)
Gish, Robert. Beyond Bounds : Cross-Cultural Essays on Anglo, American Indian, and Chicano
Literature. Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico Press, 1995. 170p.
Gonzales-Berry, Erlinda. ed. Pas— por Aqu’ : Critical Essays on the New Mexican Literary
Tradition, 1542-1988. Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico Press, 1989. 319p.
Gonzales-Berry, Erlinda and Chuck Tatum, eds. Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary
Heritage. Vol. II. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1996. 296 p.
Gonz‡lez, Mar’a. Contemporary Mexican-American Women Novelists : Toward a Feminist
Identity. New York, NY : P. Lang. 110p.
Gonz‡lez, Ray, ed. Tracks in the Snow : Essays by Colorado Poets. Arvada, CO : Mesilla Press,
1989. 122p.
Gonz‡lez-T., CŽsar A. Rudolfo A. Anaya : Focus on Criticism. La Jolla, CA : Lalo Press, 1990.
Graham, Don, James W. Lee and William T. Pilkington. eds. The Texas Literary Tradition:
Fiction, Folklore, History. Austin, TX : College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas; Texas
State Historical Association, 1983. 238p.
GrandjŽat, Yves-Charles et al. Ecritures Hispaniques aux Etats-Unis : MŽmoire et Mutations.
Aix-en-Provence : UniversitŽ de Provence, 1990. 256p.
GŸere–a, Salvador, et al. Tres Aproximaciones a la Cultura Chicana. MŽxico : Secretar’a de
Relaciones Exteriores, 1993. 34p.
Gurpegu’, JosŽ Antonio. Alejandro Morales : Fiction Past, Present, Future Perfect. Tempe, AZ :
Bilingual Review Press, 1996. 114p.
GutiŽrrez, Ram—n and Genaro Padilla, eds. Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage.
Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1993. 318p.
GutiŽrrez-Jones, Carl Scott. Rethinking the Borderlands : Between Chicano Culture and Legal
Discourse. Berkeley, CA : University of California Press, 1995. 219p.
Haughton, Lynda. Luis Valdez : Notes on an American Theatre in Process. Milwaukee, WI :
Spanish Speaking Outreach Institute, College of Letters and Science, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1983. 9p.
Hermans, Hub. and Francisco Lasarte. eds. Literatura Chicana. Atlanta, GA : Rodopi, 1995.
Herms, Dieter. Die Zeitgenossische Literatur der Chicanos (1959-1988). Frankfurt am Main :
Vervuert, 1990. 332p.
Hern‡ndez, Guillermo. Chicano Satire : a Study in Literary Culture. Austin, TX : University of
Texas Press, 1991. 152p.
-----. La S‡tira Chicana : un Estudio de Cultura Literaria. Traducci—n de Stella Mastrangelo.
MŽxico : Siglo Veintiuno Editores, 1993. 174p.
Hern‡ndez GutiŽrrez, Manuel de Jesœs. El Colonialismo Interno en la Narrativa Chicana : el
Barrio, el Anti-Barrio, y el Exterior. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1994.
Herrera-Sobek, Mar’a. ed. Beyond Stereotypes : the Critical Analysis of Chicana Literature.
Binghamton, NY : Bilingual Press, 1985. 152p.
-----. The Bracero Experience : Elitelore Versus Folklore. Los Angeles, CA : UCLA Latin
American Center Publications, University of California, 1979. 142p.
----- and Helena Mar’a Viramontes. eds. Chicana Creativity and Criticism : Charting New
Frontiers in American Literature. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press ; Irvine, CA :
Mexico/Chicano Program, University of California, Irvine, 1988. 190p.
----- and Helena Mar’a Viramontes. eds. Chicana Creativity and Criticism : New Frontiers in
American Literature. Rev. ed. Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico Press, 1996. 289p.
-----, et al., eds. Chicana (W)rites : on Word and Film. Berkeley, CA : Third Woman Press,
1995. 312p.
-----. ed. Reconstructing a Chicano/a Literary Heritage : Hispanic Colonial Literature of the
Southwest. Tucson, AZ : University of Arizona Press, 1993. 213p.
Hinojosa-Smith, Rolando R. Crossing the Line: The Construction of a Poem. Milwaukee, WI:
Spanish Speaking Outreach Institute, College of Letters and Science, University of Wisconsin,
1981. 15p.
Horno-Delgado, Asunci—n, et al. Breaking Boundaries : Latina Writing and Critical Readings.
Amherst, MA : University of Massachusetts Press, 1989. 268p.
JimŽnez, Francisco, ed. The Identification and Analysis of Chicano Literature. New York, NY :
Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1979. 411p.
Joysmith, Claire, ed. Las Formas de Nuestras Voces : Chicana and Mexicana Writers in Mexico.
MŽxico : Universidad Nacional Aut—noma de MŽxico, Centro de Investigaciones sobre AmŽrica
del Norte, 1995. 350p.
Jussawalla, Feroza F. and Reed Way Dasenbrock. eds. Interviews with Writers of the PostColonial World. Jackson, MS : University Press of Mississippi, 1992. 312p.
Keller, Gary, ed. Miguel MŽndez in Aztl‡n : Two Decades of Literary Production. Tempe, AZ :
Bilingual Review/Press, 1995. 98p.
Landy, Lino. Posibilidades de una Literatura Chicana / Possibilities Of Chicano Literature. El
Paso, TX : University of Texas at El Paso, 1973. 140p.
Lattin, Vernon E., ed. Contemporary Chicano Fiction : a Critical Survey. Binghamton, NY :
Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1986. 331p.
-----, et al., eds. Tom‡s Rivera, 1935-1984, the Man and His Work. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual
Review/Press, 1988. 158p.
Lector. Encino, CA : Floricanto Press, 1988. 59p.
Leal, Luis. Aztl‡n y MŽxico: PŽrfiles Literarios e Hist—ricos. Binghamton, NY : Bilingual
Review Press, SUNY-Binghamton, 1984. 256p.
-----, et al., eds. A Decade of Chicano Literature (1970-1979): Critical Essays and
Bibliography. Santa Barbara, CA : Editorial La Causa, 1982. 131p.
-----. No Longer Voiceless. San Diego, CA : Marin Publications, 1995. 196p.
Lewis, Marvin A. Introduction to the Chicano Novel. Milwaukee, WI: Spanish Speaking
Outreach Institute, College of Letters and Science, University of Wisconsin,1982. 74p.
-----. Introduction to the Chicano Novel. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1984. 86p.
Lim—n, JosŽ Eduardo. Dancing with the Devil : Society and Cultural Poetics in MexicanAmerican South Texas. Madison, WI : University of Wisconsin Press, 1994. 240p.
-----. Mexican Ballads, Chicano Poems : History and Influence in Mexican-American Social
Poetry. Berkeley, CA : University of California Press, 1992. 219p.
Lizarraga, Sylvia. An Analysis of the Double Exploitation of Women in the Short Story by
Tom‡s Rivera, ÒOn The Road to Texas: Pete FonsecaÓ. Berkeley, CA : Chicano Studies Library
Publications Unit University of California, 1983. Working paper series (Chicano Political
Economy Collective) ; no. 110. 20 leaves.
Lomel’, Francisco A. and Donaldo W. Urioste. Chicano Literature and Criticism. Albuquerque,
NM: Pajarito Publications, 1977. 85p. (De Colores, Volume 3, No.2)
----- and Carl R. Shirley. Chicano Writers. First Series. Detroit, MI : Gale Research, 1989.
----- and Carl R. Shirley. Chicano Writers. Second Series. Detroit, MI : Gale Research, 1992.
-----. Eusebio Chac—n: a Literary Portrait of 19th Century New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM :
Southwest Hispanic Research Institute, University of New Mexico, 1987. 59p. (Working paper
; no. 113)
-----, ed. Handbook of Hispanic Cultures in the United States. Literature and Art. Houston, TX
: Arte Pœblico Press ; Madrid Instituto de Cooperaci—n Iberoamericana, 1993. 413 p.
L—pez, JosŽ Timoteo, Edgardo Nu–ez and Roberto Lara Vialpando. Breve Rese–a de la
Literatura Hispana de Nuevo MŽxico y Colorado. Ju‡rez, Chihuahua, MŽxico: Imprenta
Comercial, 1959. 91p.
L—pez Rojo, Miguel. Three Critical Texts of the Chicano Generation of the Eighties. Stanford,
CA : Stanford Center for Chicano Research, 1992. 36 leaves. (Working paper series / Stanford
Center for Chicano Research ; no. 34)
-----. Tres Textos Cr’ticos Chicanos de la Generaci—n del Ochenta. Stanford, CA : Stanford
Center for Chicano Research, 1992. 37 leaves. Working paper series (Stanford Center for
Chicano Research) ; no. 35.
Luna Lawhn, Juanita et al, eds. Mexico and the United States: Intercultural Relations in the
Humanities. San Antonio, TX : San Antonio College, 1984. 166p.
Lyon, Ted. The Originality of Chicano Literature: a Comparison with Contemporary Mexican
Writing. Lubbock, TX : Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies, 1974.
Maier, Annette. Dark, Distinct, and Excellently Female? : die SexualitŠt der Frauen in
Ausgewahlten Werken der Modernen Chicana-Literatur. Frankfurt am Main ; New York, NY :
P. Lang, 1996. 199p.
Maldonado, Jesœs Mar’a. Poes’a Chicana: Alurista, el Mero Ching—n. Seattle, WA: Centro de
Estudios Chicanos, University of Washington, 1971. 11p.
Mart’n-Rodr’guez, Manuel Mar’a. Rolando Hinojosa y Su ÒCronic—nÓ Chicano : una Novela del
Lector. Sevilla : Universidad de Sevilla, Publicaciones, 1993. 224p.
Mart’nez, Julio A. and Francisco A. Lomel’. eds. Chicano Literature : a Reference Guide.
Westport, CT : Greenwood Press, 1985. 492p.
Mart’nez-Conde, Juan GutiŽrrez. Literatura y Sociedad en el Mundo Chicano ; Incluye, -- Y No
Se Lo Trag— la Tierra de Tom‡s Rivera. Madrid : Ediciones de la Torre, 1992. 216p.
MŽndez M., Miguel. De la Vida y del Folclore de la Frontera. Tucson, AZ : Mexican American
Studies and Research Center, University of Arizona, 1986. 116p.
Messenger, Robert. Novel Guide for Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo A. Anaya. Glenview, IL :
ScottForesman, 1996. 32p.
MiguŽlez, Armando. An Analysis of the Border as a Literary Setting. El Paso, TX : The
University of Texas at El Paso, 1983. 15p. (Border perspectives ; no. 3)
Moraga, Cherrie. The Last Generation : Prose and Poetry. Boston, MA : South End Press, 1993.
Morton, Carlos. Critical Responses to ÒZoot SuitÓ and ÒCorridosÓ. El Paso, TX : University of
Texas, 1984. 19p. (Occasional Paper Series, no.2)
Mujer y Literatura Mexicana y Chicana : Culturas en Contacto : Primer Coloquio Fronterizo, 22,
23 y 24 de abril de 1987. Mexico City : Colegio de MŽxico, Programa Interdisciplinario de
Estudios de la Mujer ; Tijuana, B.C., MŽxico : Colegio de la Frontera Norte, 1988. 264p.
Mujer y Literatura Mexicana y Chicana : Culturas en Contacto, 2 : Segundo Coloquio Fronterizo.
MŽxico, D.F. : Colegio de MŽxico, Programa Interdisciplinario de Estudios de la Mujer ; Tijuana,
B.C., MŽxico : Colegio de la Frontera Norte, 1990. 315p.
Murrieta Sald’var, Manuel. Mi Letra No Es en InglŽs : la Resistencia Cultural Sonorense en la
Poes’a de ÒEl Tucsonense,Ó 1915-1957. Hermosillo, Sonora : Instituto Sonorense de Cultura y
Gobierno del Estado de Sonora, 1991. 118p.
Olivares, Juli‡n. ed. International Studies in Honor of Tom‡s Rivera. Houston, TX : Arte
Pœblico Press, 1986. 198p.
Ortego y Gasca, Philip D. and David Conde, eds. The Chicano Literary World 1974.
Proceedings of the National Symposium on Chicano Literature and Critical Analysis,
November 1974. Las Vegas, NM: New Mexico Highlands University, 1974. 94 leaves.
-----, ed. Focus: Chicano Literature. Houston, TX : Joint Council of Teachers of English, 1976. 24
leaves. (Special summer issue of English in Texas, Volume 7, no.4, 1976)
-----, Tom‡s Rivera and JosŽ Reynaldo Reyna. New Voices in Literature: The Mexican
American. Edinburgh, TX : Pan American University, 1971. 34p.
PŽrez-Torres, Rafael. Movements in Chicano Poetry : Against Myths, Against Margins. New
York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 1995. 332p.
Pettit, Arthur G. Images of the Mexican American in Fiction and Film. College Station, TX :
Texas A&M University Press, 1980. 282p.
Piller, Walter. Der Chicano-Roman : Stufen Seiner Entwicklung. New York, NY : P. Lang, 1991.
Pi–a Ortiz, Mart’n. La Frontera Como Ruptura y Desarraigo : la Simbolizaci—n de una Ruptura
Hist—rica en la Obra de Miguel MŽndez. Hermosillo, Sonora : Instituto Sonorense de Cultura,
1994. 137p.
-----. Frontera y Literatura : la Expresi—n de una Ruptura Hist—rica en la Obra de Miguel
MŽndez. Hermosillo, Sonora, MŽxico : Universidad de Sonora, Departamento de Letras y
LingŸ’stica, Divisi—n de Humanidades y Bellas Artes, 1993. 165p.
Polkinhorn, Harry. ed. Border Literature : a Binational Conference = Literatura Fronteriza.
San Diego, CA : Institute for Regional Studies of the Californias, San Diego State University,
1987. 80p.
----- et al., eds. Borderlands Literature : Towards an Integrated Perspective / Encuentro
Internacional de la Literatura de la Frontera. San Diego, CA : Institute for Regional Studies of
the Californias, San Diego State University ; Mexicali, B.C. : XIII Ayuntamiento de Mexicali,
1990. 338p.
-----. et al., eds. La Linea : Ensayos Sobre Literatura Fronteriza MŽxico-Norteamericana = The
Line : Essays on Mexican/American Border Literature. Mexicali, Baja California, MŽxico :
Universidad Aut—noma de Baja California ; CalŽxico, CA : San Diego State University, 1988.
Pottlitzer, Joanne. Hispanic Theater in the United States and Puerto Rico : a Report to the Ford
Foundation. New York, NY : Ford Foundation, 1988. 85p.
Quintana, Alvina E. Home Girls : Chicana Literary Voices. Philadelphia, PA : Temple
University Press, 1996. 165p.
Rahner, Christiane. Chicano-Theater Zwischen Agitprop und Broadway : die Entwicklung des
Teatro Campesino (1965-1985). TŸbingen : G. Narr, 1991. 176p. (Frankfurter Beitrage zur
Lateinamerikanistik ; 3)
Ram’rez, Elizabeth Cantœ. Footlights Across the Border : a History of Spanish-Language
Professional Theatre on the Texas Stage. New York, NY : P. Lang, 1990. 194p.
Ramos, Luis Arturo. Angela de Hoyos: a Critical Look. Albuquerque, NM : Pajarito
Publications, 1979. 53p.
Rebolledo, Tey Diana. Women Singing in the Snow : a Cultural Analysis of Chicana Literature.
Tucson, AZ : University of Arizona Press, 1995. 250p.
Rivera, Tom‡s. Literatura Chicana: Vida en Busca de Forma. Arlington, VA : ERIC Document
Reproduction Serivce, 1980. 12 leaves.
Robinson, Cecil. Mexico and the Hispanic Southwest in American Literature. Revised from
With the Ears of Strangers. Tucson, AZ : University of Arizona Press, 1977. 391p.
-----. No Short Journeys : the Interplay of Cultures in the History and Literature of the
Borderlands. Tucson, AZ : University of Arizona Press, 1992. 147p.
-----. With the Ears of Strangers: the Mexican American in American Literature. Tucson, AZ :
University of Arizona Press, 1963. 338p.
Rocard, Marcienne. The Children of the Sun : Mexican-Americans in the Literature of the
United States. Translated by Edward G. Brown, Jr. Tucson, AZ : University of Arizona Press,
1989. 470 p.
-----. Les Fils du Soleil: la MinoritŽ Mexicaine ˆ Travers la LittŽrature des Etats-Unis. Paris:
Maisonneuve et Larose, 1980. 493p.
Rodr’guez del Pino, Salvador. La Novela Chicana Escrita en Espa–ol: Cinco Autores
Comprometidos. Ypsilanti, MI : Bilingual Press, 1982. 159p. (Studies in the Language and
Literature of United States Hispanics)
Rojas, Guillermo. ed. Chicano Studies--Nuevos Horizontes. Minneapolis, MN : Published by
the Prisma Institute in cooperation with the Institute for the Study of Ideologies and
Literature, 1987. 90p. Midwest Foco (9th : 1986 : University of Minnesota)
Romo, Ricardo and Raymund Paredes, eds. New Directions in Chicano Scholarship. La Jolla,
CA : Chicano Studies Program, University of California, San Diego, 1978. 268p. (Chicano
Studies Monograph Series)
Rosaldo, Renato. Race and the Borderlands in Arturo Islas's Migrant Souls. Stanford, CA :
Stanford Center for Chicano Research, 1992. 13p. (Working papers series, no. 37)
Rudin, Ernst. Tender Accents of Sound : Spanish in the Chicano Novel in English. Tempe, AZ :
Bilingual Press, 1996. 285p.
Sald’var, JosŽ David. The Dialectics of Our America : Genealogy, Cultural Critique, and
Literary History. Durham, NC : Duke University Press, 1991. 213p.
-----. The Rolando Hinojosa Reader: Essays, Historical and Critical. Houston, TX : Arte
Pœblico Press, 1985. 109p.
-----. Texas Border Narratives As Cultural Critique. Stanford, CA : Stanford Center for
Chicano Research, 1987. 25 leaves. (Working paper series ; no. 19)
Sald’var, Ram—n. Chicano Narrative : the Dialectics of Difference. Madison, WI : University
of Wisconsin Press, 1990. 250p.
-----. Figural Language in the Novel: The Flowers of Speech From Cervantes to Joyce.
Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 1984. 267p.
S‡nchez, Marta. Contemporary Chicana Poetry: an Approach to an Emerging Literature.
Berkeley, CA : University of California, 1985. 377p.
S‡nchez, Ricardo. Poetry and the Mexican American. El Paso, TX : College of Education,
University of Texas at El Paso, 1973. 29 leaves.
Shirley, Carl R. and Paula W. Shirley. Understanding Chicano Literature. Columbia, SC :
University of South Carolina Press, 1988. 237p.
Simmen, Edward, ed. The Chicano: From Caricature to Self-Portrait. New York, NY : The
New American Library, 1971. 318p.
-----. Pain and Promise: the Chicano Today. New York, NY : New American Library, 1972.
Sommers, Joseph and Tom‡s Ybarra-Frausto, eds. Modern Chicano Writers: a Collection of
Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice-Hall, 1979. 190p.
Somoza, Oscar U. Narrativa Chicana Contemporanea: Principios Fundamentales. MŽxico:
Editorial Signos, s.a., 1983.
Spitta, Silvia. Between Two Waters : Narratives of Transculturation in Latin America.
Houston, TX : Rice University Press, 1995. 246p.
Tatum, Charles. Chicano Literature. Boston, MA: Twayne Publishers, 1982. 214p.
-----. La Literatura Chicana. Translation of Chicano Literature. MŽxico, D.F. : Secretar’a de
Educaci—n Pœblica, 1986. 261p.
-----. ed. Mexican American Literature. Orlando, FL : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1990. 720p.
El Teatro Campesino : the Evolution of America's First Chicano Theatre Company, 1965-1985.
Limited ed. San Juan Bautista, CA : El Teatro, 1985. 47p.
Temple, Judy Nolte. ed. Open Spaces, City Places : Contemporary Writers on the Changing
Southwest. Tucson, AZ : University of Arizona Press, 1994. 144p.
Tessarolo Bondolfi, Lia. Dal Mito al Mito : la Cultura di Espressione Chicana, dal Mito
Originario al Mito Rigeneratore. Lia Tessarolo Bondolfi ; con testi di Rudolfo A. Anaya ... [et
al.]. Milano : Jaca Book, 1988. 169p.
Trejo Fuentes, Ignacio. De Ac‡ de Este Lado : una Aproximaci—n a la Novela Chicana. MŽxico,
D.F. : Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 1989. 263p.
Twenty-Five Years of Hispanic Literature in the United States, 1965-1990 : an Exhibit, With
Accompanying Text. Curated by Roberta Fern‡ndez ; Produced and installed by Patricia
Bozeman. Houston, TX : M.D. Anderson Library, University of Houston, 1992. 58p.
Understanding the Chicano Experience Through Literature. Houston, TX : Mexican American
Studies Program, 1981. 53p. (Mexican American Studies Monograph Series, no.3)
Valentine, Kristin Bervig et al. Angle of Vision : Interpreting Contemporary Western Fiction.
Tempe, AZ : Arizona State University, 1986.
Vassallo, Paul, ed. The Magic of Words: Rudolfo A. Anaya and His Writings. Albuquerque,
NM : University of New Mexico Press, 1982. 83p.
V‡zquez-Castro, Javier. Acerca de Literatura (Di‡logo con 3 Autores Chicanos). San Antonio,
TX : M&A Editions, 1979. 58p.
Villarino, JosŽ and Arturo Ram’rez. comps. Chicano Border : Culture and Folklore. San Diego,
CA : Marin Publications, 1992. 243p.
Walter, Roland. Magical Realism in Contemporary Chicano Fiction: Ron Arias, ÒThe Road to
TamazunchaleÓ (1975), Orlando Romero, ÒNambe--Year oneÓ (1976), Miguel MŽndez M., ÒThe
Dream of Santa Mar’a de las Piedras (1989)Ó. Frankfurt : Vervuert, 1993. 150p.
Xavier, Roy Eric. Politics and Chicano Culture: a Perspective on El Teatro Campesino.
Berkeley, CA : Chicano Studies Library Publications, University of California, 1983. 41 leaves.
(Chicano Political Economy Collective Working Paper Series, no.109)
Aguilar, Pancho. Clash: Poems. San Francisco, CA : Poetry for the People Press, 1980. 20p.
(Poetry for the People Chapbook Series)
-----. Dark Smoke. San Francisco, CA : Second Coming Press, 1978. 61p.
Alarc—n, Justo S. Chulifeas Fronteras: Cuentos. Albuquerque, NM : Pajarito Publications, 1981.
-----. Crisol. Madrid : Editorial Fundamentales, 1984. 247p.
-----. Los Dos Compadres : Cuentos Breves del Barrio. MŽxico : Alta Primer’a Pro Arte y
Cultura, 1993. 129p.
-----. Poemas en Mi Menor. MŽxico : Alta Primer’a Pro Arte y Cultura, 1991. 130p.
Attaway, George C. Rio Crossing. Salt Lake City, UT : Northwest Publishing, Inc., 1993. 258p.
Badikian, Beatriz. Akewa is a Woman. Chicago, IL : MARCH (Movimiento Artistico
Chicano)/ABRAZO, [1984]. 16p.
Ball, John Dudley. The Murder Children : a Novel. New York, NY : Dodd, Mead, 1979. 311p.
Bonham, Frank. Viva Chicano. New York, NY : Dell Publishing Company, 1971. 160p.
Bradford, Richard. Red Sky at Morning. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, 1968. 256p.
-----. So Far from Heaven. New York, NY : Lippincott, 1973. 273p.
Carpintero, Rogelio Leonardo. The Misfortunes of a Chicano: a Search for Identity Amid
Poverty and Discrimination. New York, NY : William-Frederick Press, 1977. 139p.
Chandler, David. Huelga! a Novel. New York, NY : Simon and Schuster, 1970. 284p.
Colman, Hila. Chicano Girl. New York, NY : Morrow, 1973. 191p.
Cook, Bruce. Death as a Career Move. New York, NY : St. Martin's Press, 1992. 233p.
-----. The Sidewalk Hilton. New York, NY : St. Martin's Press, 1994. 277p.
Corbin, Steven. A Hundred Days from Now. Boston, MA : Alyson Publications, 1994. 224p.
Cox, William Robert. Chicano Cruz. New York, NY : Bantam, 1972. 216p.
Crook, Elizabeth. Promised Lands : a Novel of the Texas Rebellion. New York, NY :
Doubleday, 1994. 511p.
Cuesta, Benedicto. El Paisano. Santa Fe, NM : Sunstone Press, 1976. 127p.
Dines, Carol. Best Friends Tell the Best Lies. New York, NY : Delacorte Press, 1989. 213p.
Dunne, Mary Collins. Reach Out, Ricardo. New York, NY : Abelard-Schuman, 1971. 157p.
Flynn, Robert. Seasonal Rain and Other Stories. San Antonio, TX : Corona/David Bowen, 1986.
Garner, Claud. Wetback. New York, NY : Coward-McCann, 1947. 215p.
Gault, William Campbell. The Chicano War. New York, NY : Walker, 1986. 186p.
Griffith, Beatrice Winston. American Me. Boston, MA : Houghton Mifflin Co., 1948. 341p.
Hamilton, M. C. They Also Tried : Chasing the American Dream. New York, NY : Vantage
Press, 1994. 166p.
Hensley, Joe L. Grim City. New York, NY : St. Martin's Press, 1994. 231p.
Kahn, Gordon. A Long Way From Home. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press, 1989. 455 p.
Kelton, Elmer. The Manhunters. Fort Worth, TX : Texas Christian University Press, 1994.
Kirack, Alex (Gallo). Space Flutes and Barrio Paths. San Diego, CA : Centro de Estudios
Chicanos Publications, 1972. 72p.
Kotkin, Joel. The Valley. New York, NY : Bantam, 1983. 233p.
Maclean, Angus. Cuentos : Based on the Folk Tales of the Spanish Californians. Fresno, CA :
Pioneer Pub. Co., 1979. 205p.
-----. The Curse of the Feathered Snake and Other Stories. Fresno, CA : Pioneer Publishing,
1979. 129p.
-----. From the Beginning of Time and Other Stories. San Luis Obispo, CA : Padre Productions,
1985. 233p.
Madison, Winifred. Mar’a Luisa. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott [1971] 187p.
-----. Mar’a Luisa. Traducido del inglŽs por Charlotte Vasey. Philadelphia, PA: J. B.
Lippincott, 1979. 174p.
Means, Florence (Crannell). Teresita of the Valley. Illustrated by Nicholas Panesis. Boston,
MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1943. 166p.
Muro, Amado (Chester Seltzer). The Collected Stories of Amado Muro. Austin, TX : Thorp
Springs Press, 1979. 165p.
Nash, N. Richard. Cry Macho: a Novel. New York, NY : Delacorte Press, 1975. 302p.
Nelson, Eugene. Bracero. Berkeley, CA : Thorp Springs Press, 1972. 309p.
-----. Bracero. Second edition. Culver City, CA : Peace Press, 1975, 1972. 309p.
-----. Bracero. Stockholm : Bokforlaget Prisma, 1981. 315p.
Nichols, John. The Magic Journey. New York, NY : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1978. 529p.
-----. The Milagro Beanfield War. New York, NY : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1974. 445p.
-----. The Milagro Beanfield War. Illustrations by Rini Templeton. 1st Ballantine Books trade
ed. New York, NY : Ballantine Books, 1996. 456 p.
-----. The Nirvana Blues. New York, NY : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1981. 527p.
Pereira, Teresinha Alves. Andale, Rosana. Bloomington, IN : Backstage Books, 1973.
-----. Hey, Mex. Bloomington, IN: Backstage Books, 1972. 18p.
Plate, Peter. Joaqu’n (in the Fog). Oakland, CA : Red Star Black Rose, 1988. 69p.
Priddy, Laurance L. A Son of Durango. Santa Fe, NM : Sunstone Press, 1996. 176p.
Rice, David. Give the Pig a Chance and Other Stories. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial
BilingŸe, 1996. 179p.
Robles, Mireya. En Esta Aurora. San Antonio, TX : M&A Editions, 1978. 33p.
-----. Tiempo Artesano. Primera edici—n. Barcelona: Editorial Campos, 1973. 85p.
-----. Tiempo Artesano/Time, the Artisan. Translated by Angela de Hoyos. Austin, TX :
Dissemination Center for Bilingual Bicultural Education, 1977. 135p.
Sagel, Jim. Los Cumplea–os de Do–a Agueda. Austin, TX : Place of the Herons Press, 1984. 75p.
-----. Foreplay and French Fries. San Jose, CA : Mango Publications, 1981. 16p.
-----. Hablando de Brujas y la Gente Antes: Poemas del R’o Chama. Austin, TX : Place of the
Herons Press, 1981. 76p.
-----. M‡s Que No Love It. Albuquerque, NM : West End Press, 1991. 117p.
-----. On the Make Again = Otra Vez en la Movida : New and Collected Poems. Albuquerque,
NM : West End Press, 1990. 93p.
-----. Rebuilt. Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico, 1976. 42 leaves. Thesis (M.A.)
-----. Sabelotodo Entiendelonada and Other Stories. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial
BilingŸe, 1988. 137p.
-----. El Santo Queso = The Holy Cheese. Hanover, NH : Ediciones del Norte, 1990. 221p.
----- and Nila NorthSun. Small Bones, Little Eyes: Poems. Fallon, NV : Duck Down, 1981. 76p.
(Windriver Series)
-----. Tunom‡s Honey. Ypsilanti, MI: Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1983. 141p.
-----. Tunom‡s Honey. Habana : Casa de las AmŽricas, 1981. 83p. (Premio Casa de las
AmŽricas: Cuento 1981)
-----. Where the Cinnamon Winds Blow = D—nde Soplan los Vientos de Canela. Santa Fe, NM :
Red Crane Books, 1993. 156p.
S‡nchez, Thomas. Zoot-Suit Murders: a Novel. New York, NY : Dutton, 1978. 230p.
Santiago, Danny (Dan James). Famous All Over Town. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1983.
Sauvageau, Juan. A Pesar del R’o/In Spite of the River. Kingsville, TX : Twin Palms Press,
1977. 163p.
-----. Stories That Must Not Die. Austin, TX : Oasis Press, 1975-76. 4 v.
Serrano, Nina. Heart Songs: The Collected Poems of Nina Serrano (1969-1979). San Francisco,
CA : Editorial Pocho-Che, 1980. 108p. (The Tenth Anniversary Series)
Shulman, Irving. The Square Trap. New York, NY : Arno, 1976. 374p. (The Chicano Heritage)
Smith, C.W. Thin Men of Haddam. New York, NY : Grossman Publishers, 1973. 327p.
-----. Thin Men of Haddam. New York, NY : Avon, 1975. 239p.
Stone, Elinore Cowan. The Laughingest Lady. New York, NY : D. Appleton-Century Co., 1940.
Taylor, Theodore. The Maldonado Miracle. Garden City, NY : Doubleday, 1973. 189p.
Teall, Richard. There Are No Flights Out Tonight. Albuquerque, NM : Pajarito Publications,
1976. 60p.
Thurlo, Aimee and David Thurlo. Second Shadow. New York, NY : Forge, 1993. 382p.
Vargas, Roberto. Nicaragua, Yo Te Canto Besos, Balas y Sue–os. San Francisco, CA : Editorial
Pocho-Che, 1980. 138p. (The Tenth Anniversary Series)
-----. Primeros Cantos. San Francisco, CA : Ediciones Pocho-Che, 1971. 42p.
Vergara, Lautaro. Ecos Serranos: Southwestern Poems and Other Spanish Selections.
Translated by Mar’a C. de Vergara and T.M. Pearce. Placitas, NM : Tumbleweeds Press, 1970.
Waters, Frank. People of the Valley. Denver, CO : Sage Books, 1941. 309p.
-----. People of the Valley. New York, NY : Farrar and Rinehart, 1941. 309p.
-----. People of the Valley. Chicago, IL : Swallow Press, 1969. 201p.
-----. People of the Valley. Athens, OH: Swallow Press, 1984. 201p.
Zolo, Don. Legion of Roots. City of Industry, CA : General Means, 1982. 178p.
Aiken, Riley. Mexican Folktales from the Borderland. Dallas, TX : Southern Methodist
University Press, 1980. 159p.
Aranda, Charles. Dichos: Proverbs and Sayings from the Spanish. Santa Fe, NM : Sunstone
Press, 1977. 32p.
-----. New Mexico Folklore from the Spanish. Collected and translated by Charles Aranda.
Albuquerque, NM : Aranda, 1977. 25p.
Arellano, Juan Estevan, ed. Entre Verde y Seco. Dixon, NM : La Academia de la Nueva Raza,
Braddy, Haldeen. Mexico and the Old Southwest: People, Palaver, Places. Port Washington,
NY : Kennikat Press, 1971. 229p.
Brown, Lorin W., Charles L. Briggs and Marta Weigle. Hispano Folklife of New Mexico: The
Lorin W. Brown Federal Writers Project Manuscripts. Albuquerque, NM : University of New
Mexico Press, 1978. 79p.
Burciaga, JosŽ Antonio . Spilling the Beans. Santa Barbara, CA : Joshua Odell Editions, 1995.
Cabeza de Baca, Elba. Folk Tales of New Mexico. Las Vegas, NM : s.n., 1985. 12p.
-----. Legends of a Hermit. S.l. : s.n., 198-? 24p.
Campa, Arthur Le—n. Spanish Folk Poetry in New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM : University of
New Mexico Press, 1946. 224p.
Campos, Anthony John, ed. and tr. Mexican Folk Tales. Tucson, AZ : University of Arizona
Press, 1977. 136p.
Ch‡vez, Fray AngŽlico. From an Altar Screen/El Retablo: Tales from New Mexico. Illustrated
by Peter Hurd. New York, NY : Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1957. 119p.
Ch‡vez, Tibo J. New Mexican Folklore of the R’o Abajo. Portales, NM : Bishop Printing
Company, 1972. 67p.
-----. New Mexican Folklore of the R’o Abajo. Santa Fe, NM : W. Gannon, 1987. 67p.
Cobos, RubŽn, ed. Southwestern Spanish Proverbs/Refranes Espa–oles del Suroeste. Los
Cerrillos, NM : San Marcos Press, 1973. 144p.
Coca, Benjam’n. Montezuma, Nuevo MŽjico, U.S. of A. Montezuma, NM : Montezuma
Publications, 1982. 5p.
Compendio de Folklore Nuevo Mejicano : Conjunto de las Tradiciones, Creencias y Costumbres
Populares : Ensayos Folkloricos / por alumnos de las escuelas superiores del condado de Santa
Fe. Santa Fe, NM, 1977. 124p.
De Arag—n, Ray John. The Legend of La Llorona. Illustrated and technical design by Rosa
Mar’a de Arag—n. Las Vegas, NM : Pan American Publishing Company, 1980. 94p.
Espinosa, Aurelio Macedonio, ed. Romancero de Nuevo MŽjico. Madrid : Consejo Superior de
Investigaciones Cient’ficas, 1953. 302p. (Revista de filolog’a espa–ola. A–ejo 58)
Garc’a, Nasario. ed. Recuerdos de los Viejitos = Tales of the R’o Puerco. Albuquerque, NM :
University of New Mexico Press, 1987. 266p.
Garc’a De Rivera, Clorinda. Folklore Neomexicano. Albuquerque, NM : Starline Printing,
1982. 50p.
Griego y Maestas, JosŽ. Cuentos: Tales from the Hispanic Southwest. Based on stories
originally collected by Juan B. Rael; selected by and adapted into Spanish by JosŽ Griego y
Maestas; retold in English by Rudolfo A. Anaya. Santa Fe, NM : Museum of New Mexico Press,
1980. 174p.
Herrera-Sobek, Mar’a. The Bracero Experience : Elitelore Versus Folklore. Los Angeles, CA :
UCLA Latin American Center Publications, University of California, 1979. 142p. (UCLA Latin
American studies ; v. 43)
Hispano Culture of New Mexico. New York, NY : Arno Press, 1976. 102p.
Jaramillo, Cleofas M. Shadows of the Past/Sombras del Pasado. Santa Fe, NM : Ancient City
Press, 1972. 115p.
Lucero-White, Aurora. ed. Coloquios de los Pastores / Colloquies of the Shepherds : a
Centuries-Old Christmas Folk Play. Santa Fe, NM : Santa Fe Press, 1940. 51p.
-----. Literary Folklore of the Hispanic Southwest. San Antonio, TX : Naylor Co., 1953. 247p.
Mart’n, Patricia Preciado. Songs My Mother Sang to Me : an Oral History of Mexican American
Women. Tucson, AZ : University of Arizona Press, 1992. 224p.
Miller, Elaine K. Mexican Folk Narrative from the Los Angeles Area. Austin, TX : Published
for the American Folklore Society by the University of Texas Press, 1973. 388p.
Ortiz y Pino, JosŽ. Don JosŽ, the Last Patron. Santa Fe, NM : Sunstone Press, 1981. 123p.
Paredes, AmŽrico. A Texas-Mexican Cancionero: Folksongs of the Lower Border. Urbana, IL :
University of Illinois Press, 1976. 194p. (Music in American Life)
-----. Folklore and Culture on the Texas-Mexican Border. Austin, TX : CMAS Books, Center for
Mexican American Studies, University of Texas at Austin, 1993. 287p.
-----. ed. Uncle Remus con Chile. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1993. 178p.
-----. The Undying Love of ÒEl IndioÓ C—rdova : Decimas and Oral History in a Border Family.
Stanford, CA : Stanford Center for Chicano Research, 1986. 20p. (Ernesto Galarza
Commemorative Lecture ; 1)
-----. With His Pistol in His Hand: a Border Ballad and Its Hero. Austin, TX : University of
Texas Press, 1958. 262p.
Perales, Alonso M. La Lechuza: Cuentos de Mi Barrio. San Antonio, TX : The Naylor Company,
1972. 26p.
PŽrez, Emma A. Oral Narratives as Chicana (His)Tory Text. Tucson, AZ : Women's Studies,
The University of Arizona, 1994. 19p. (Working paper (Southwest Institute for Research on
Women (U.S.)) no. 32.
Piruli, Madigan. The Devil and Juan Pistolas. Lubbock, TX : Truch Publications, 1973. 18p. (A
Trucha Publications Book)
Rael, Juan Bautista. Cuentos Espa–oles de Colorado y Nuevo MŽxico/Spanish Tales from
Colorado and New Mexico: Spanish Originals with English Summaries. Stanford, CA :
Stanford University Press, 1940. 2 v.
-----. Cuentos Espa–oles de Colorado y Nuevo MŽxico/Spanish Tales from Colorado and New
Mexico: Spanish Originals with English Summaries. 2nd edition. Stanford, CA : Stanford
University Press, 1957. 2 v.
-----. Cuentos Espa–oles de Colorado y Nuevo MŽxico/Spanish Folk Tales from Colorado and
New Mexico: Spanish Language Originals with English Summaries. 2nd edition revised.
Santa Fe, NM : Museum of New Mexico Press, 1977. 2 v.
Reyna, JosŽ Reynaldo. Folklore Chicano del Valle de San Luis, Colorado. San Antonio, TX :
Penca Books, 1980. 35p.
-----. Modismos de Tejas. San Antonio, TX : Penca Books, n.d. 57p.
-----. Raza Humor: Chicano Joke Tradition in Texas. San Antonio, TX : Penca Books, 1980.
Rivera, Susana Madrid. El Piojo y la Liendre. Berkeley, CA : Quinto Sol Publications, 1974.
Robe, Stanley Linn, comp. Antolog’a del Saber Popular: a Selection from Various Genres of
Mexican Folklore Across Borders. Los Angeles, CA : Aztl‡n Publications, Chicano Studies
Center, University of California, 1971. 75p.
-----, ed. Hispanic Folktales from New Mexico: Narratives from The R.D. Jameson Collection.
Berkeley, CA : University of California Press, 1977. 223p. (Folklore Studies, no.30)
Rocha Alvarado, Arturo. Cr—nica de Aztl‡n: a Migrant's Tale. Berkeley, CA : Quinto Sol
Publications, 1977. 179p.
Rodr’guez, Gregorita. Singing for My Echo : Memories of Gregorita Rodr’guez, a Native Healer
of Santa Fe as Told to Edith Powers. Santa Fe, NM : Cota Editions, 1987. 95p.
S‡nchez, Rosaura. Telling Identities : the Californio Testimonios. Minneapolis, MN :
University of Minnesota Press, 1995. 337p.
Shirreffs, Gordon D. Brasada ; Blood Justice. New York, NY : Leisure Books, 1993. 188, 144p.
Tapia, John Reyna. La Tierra Comprometida: Pa' los Gringos Nomas? Washington, DC :
University Press of America, 1981. 196p.
Topete, Eutemio and Jerry Gonzales, comp. Recordar es Vivir. Berkeley, CA : Editorial Justa
Publications, 1978. 77p.
Weigle, Marta and Peter White. The Lore of New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM : University of
New Mexico Press, 1988. 523p.
----- ed. Two Guadalupes : Hispanic Legends and Magic Tales from Northern New Mexico.
Santa Fe, NM : Ancient City Press, 1987. 164p.
West, John O., ed. Mexican-American Folklore. Little Rock, AK : August House, 1988. 314p.
Alarc—n, Francisco X., and Lorna Dee Cervantes. eds. Chicanas y Chicanos en Di‡logo. Santa
Cruz, CA : Porter College, University of California, Santa, Cruz, 1989. 124p.
Alarc—n, Norma. et al., eds. The Sexuality of Latinas. Berkeley, CA : Third Woman Press,
1993. 189p.
Albi, F.E. and Jesœs G. Nieto, eds. Sighs and Songs of Aztl‡n: New Anthology of Chicano
Literature. Bakersfield, CA : Universal Press, 1975. 214p.
Alurista et al., eds. Festival de Flor y Canto: an Anthology of Chicano Literature. Los
Angeles, CA : University of Southern California, 1976. 216p.
-----, ed. El Ombligo de Aztl‡n. San Diego, CA : Centro de Estudios Chicanos Publications, San
Diego State College, 1972, 1971. 92p.
----- and Xelina Rojas-Urista, eds. Southwest Tales : a Contemporary Collection. Colorado
Springs, CO : Maize Press, 1986. 158p.
Anaya, Rudolfo The Anaya Reader. New York, NY : Warner Books, 1995. 562p.
----- and Simon J. Ortiz, eds. A Ceremony of Brotherhood, 1680-1980. Albuquerque, NM :
Academia Press, 1981. 141p.
----- and Antonio M‡rquez, eds. Cuentos Chicanos. Albuquerque, NM : New America,
University of New Mexico, 1980. 109p. (New America, Volume 4, no. 1)
----- and Antonio M‡rquez, eds. Cuentos Chicanos: A Short Story Anthology. Rev. ed.
Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico Press, 1984. 186p.
----- et al. Flow of the River = Corre el R’o. Albuquerque, NM : Hispanic Culture Foundation,
1988. 59p.
-----. ed. Voces : an Anthology of Nuevo Mexicano Writers. Albuquerque, NM : El Norte
Publications, 1987. 232p.
Antolog’a de la Literatura Chicana. Pr—logo, introducci—n, selecci—n y notas de Mar’a Eugenia
Gaona. MŽxico D.F. : Centro de Ense–anza para Extranjeros, Universidad Nacional Aut—noma
de MŽxico, 1986. 284p.
Armas, JosŽ, Bernice Zamora and Michael Reed. eds. Flor Y Canto IV and V: an Anthology of
Chicano Literature from the Festivals Held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1977 and Tempe,
Arizona, 1978. Albuquerque, NM : Pajarito Publications, Flor y Canto V Committee, 1980. 249p.
Augenbraum, Harold and Ilan Stavans, eds. Growing Up Latino : Memoirs and Stories. Boston,
MA : Houghton Mifflin, 1993. 344p.
Boyle, Kay, et al. Beyond Rice: a Broadside Series. San Francisco, CA : Mango Publications
and Noro Press, 1979. 1 portfolio, 17 leaves.
Boza, Mar’a del Carmen, Beverly Silva and Carmen Valle. eds. Nosotras : Latina Literature
Today. Binghamton, NY : Bilingual Review/Press, 1986. 93p.
Canto Al Pueblo: Antolog’a. Mesa, AZ : Arizona Canto al Pueblo IV, Comite Editorial, 1980.
Cantoleo '76: Anthology of Literature, Music, and Theatre Documenting a Festival Held in
Austin, Texas, December 1976. Austin, TX : CASA (Chicanos Artistas Sirviendo a Aztl‡n)
Publications, 1977.
Carrillo, Leonardo et al, eds. Canto al Pueblo: an Anthology of Experiences. San Antonio, TX :
Penca Books, 1978. 107p.
Casta–eda Shular, Antonia, Tom‡s Ybarra-Frausto and Joseph Sommers, eds. Literatura
Chicana: Texto y Contexto/Chicano Literature: Text and Context. Englewood Cliffs, NJ :
Prentice-Hall, 1972. 368p.
Castillo-Speed, Lillian. ed. Latina : Women's Voices from the Borderlands. New York, NY :
Simon and Schuster, 1995. 284p.
Cavazos, David Sergio, et al eds. 'Ta Cincho. Austin, TX : CASA Publications, 1977. 117p.
Cenzontle: Chicano Short Stories and Poetry. Fifth Chicano Literary Prize, 1978-1979. Irvine,
CA : Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California, 1979. 132p.
Cenzontle: Chicano Short Stories and Poetry. Sixth Chicano Literary Prize, 1979-1980. Irvine,
CA : Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California, 1980. 194p.
Cenzontle: Chicano Short Stories and Poetry. Seventh Chicano Literary Prize, 1980-1981.
Irvine, CA : Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California, 1981. 194p.
Cenzontle: Chicano Short Stories and Poetry. Eighth Chicano Literary Prize, 1981-1982.
Irvine, CA : Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California, 1982. 117p.
Cenzontle: Chicano Short Stories and Poetry. Twelfth and Thirteenth Chicano Literary Prize,
1985-1987. Irvine, CA : Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California, 1988.
Ch‡vez, Albert C., comp. Yearnings: Mexican-American Literature. West Haven, CT:
Pendulum Press, 1972. 135p. (Now Age Books)
(First) Chicano Literary Prize, Irvine, 1974-1975. Irvine, CA : Department of Spanish and
Portuguese, University of California, 1975. 178p.
(Second) Chicano Literary Prize, Irvine, 1975-1976. Irvine, CA : Department of Spanish and
Portuguese, University of California, 1976. 164p.
(Third) Chicano Literary Prize, Irvine, 1976-1977. Irvine, CA : Department of Spanish and
Portuguese, University of California, 1977. 164p.
(Fourth) Chicano Literary Prize, Irvine, 1977-1978. Irvine, CA : Department of Spanish and
Portuguese, University of California, 1978. 168p.
Cotera, Martha. Diosa y Hembra : the History and Heritage of Chicanas in the U.S. Austin,
TX : Information Systems Development, 1976. 202 p.
Cuadros, Gil. City of God. San Francisco, CA : City Lights, 1994. 150 p.
De La Fuente, Patricia, ed. Chicano Collection. Special issue on Chicano writers. Riversedge,
Volume 4, no.2, 1982. 95p.
Dwyer, Carlota C‡rdenas de, ed. Chicano Voices. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1975. 189p.
(Multi-Ethnic Literature)
Fern‡ndez, Roberta, ed. In Other Words : Literature by Latinas of the United States. Houston,
TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1994. 554 p.
Flores, Joseph A., ed. Songs and Dreams. West Haven, CT : Pendulum Press, 1972. 137p. (Now
Age Books)
Frack, Seth Alexander, ed. Menudo. El Paso, TX : One Eye Press, 1972.
G—mez-Pe–a, Guillermo. Warrior for Gringostroika : Essays, Performance Texts, and Poetry. St.
Paul, MN : Graywolf Press, 1993. 174p.
Gonz‡lez, Ray, ed. Currents from the Dancing River : Contemporary Latino Fiction, Nonfiction,
and Poetry. New York, NY : Harcourt Brace, 1994. 573p.
----, ed. Without Discovery : a Native Response to Columbus. Seattle, WA : Broken Moon
Press, 1992. 233p.
Guerra, Victor, ed. El Camino de la Cruz: una Antolog’a Chicana. Austin, TX : Tejidos
Publications, 1981. 62p.
Harth, Dorothy E. and Lewis M. Baldwin, eds. Voices of Aztl‡n: Chicano Literature of Today.
New York, NY : New American Library, 1974. 246p.
Hern‡ndez, Lisa and Tina Ben’tez. eds. Palabras Chicanas : an Undergraduate Anthology.
Berkeley, CA : Mujeres en Marcha, University of California, Berkeley. 1988. 97p.
Hintz, Joy, comp. Anthology of Ohio Mexican American Writers. Tiffin, OH : Heidelberg
College, 1974. 122p.
-----. Mexican-American Anthology II: Poetry, Prose, Essays, Stories, Songs, Dichos, Corridos,
Art. Lansing, MI : El Renacimiento, 1976. 394p.
Kanellos, Nicolas, ed. A Decade of Hispanic Literature: an Anniversary Anthology. Houston,
TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1982. 308p. (Revista Chicano-Rique–a, A–o X, num.1-2, InviernoPrimavera 1982)
----- and Luis D‡vila, eds. Los Tejanos: a Texas-Mexican Anthology. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico
Press, 1980. 128p. (Revista Chicano-Rique–a, A–o VIII, num.3, Verano 1980)
Keller, Gary and Francisco JimŽnez, eds. Hispanics in the United States: an Anthology of
Creative Literature, Volume I and II. Ypsilanti, MI : Bilingual Review Press, 1980. Volume 1,
177p. Volume II, 200p.
Knapp, Martha P. ed. Flor y Canto en Minnesota. St. Paul, MN : COMPAS, 1978. 40p.
JimŽnez, Francisco, comp. Mosaico de la Vida: Prosa Chicana, Cubana y Puertorrique–a. New
York, NY : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981. 221p.
Literatura Fronteriza: Antolog’a del Primer Festival San Diego-Tijuana, Mayo 1981. Festival
San Diego-Tijuana (1981: Tijuana, Mexico). San Diego, CA : Maize Press, 1982. 171p.
Lomel’, Francisco A.. Nuevos Horizontes de 15 Mundos. Santa Barbara, CA : Chicano Studies
Creative Writing, University of California, 1979. 84p.
L—pez, Tiffany Ana., ed. Growing Up Chicana/o : an Anthology. New York, NY : W. Morrow,
1993. 272p.
-----., ed. Growing Up Chicana/o : an Anthology. New York, NY : Avon Books, 1995, 1993.
Lowenfels, Walter, comp. From the Belly of the Shark: a New Anthology of Native
Americans, Poems by Chicanos, Eskimos, Hawaiians, Indians, Puerto Ricans in the U.S.A. with
Related Poems by Others. New York, NY : Vintage Books, 1973. 352p.
Ludwig, Ed and James Santiba–ez, eds. The Chicanos: Mexican American Voices. Baltimore,
MD : Penguin Books, 1971. 286p.
Madison, D. Soyini, ed. The Woman That I Am : the Literature and Culture of Contemporary
Women of Color. New York, NY : St. Martin's Press, 1994. 709p.
Magill, Frank. ed. Masterpieces of Latino Literature. New York, NY : HarperCollins, 1994.
Mart’n-Rodr’guez, Manuel Mar’a. La Voz Urgente : Antolog’a de Literatura Chicana en
Espa–ol. Edici—n, introducci—n y apŽndices de Manuel M. Mart’n-Rodr’guez. Madrid : Editorial
Fundamentos, 1995. 411p.
Meier, Matt S. and Feliciano Rivera, eds. Readings on La Raza, the Twientieth Century. New
York, NY : Hill and Wang, 1974. 277p.
MŽndez, Larry and Lloyd Mondrag—n, eds. Expressions and Ideas/Expresiones e Ideas. Salt
Lake City, UT: s.n., n.d.
Mexican American Literature. Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Globe Book Co., 1993. 154p.
Milligan, Bryce, et al., eds. Daughters of the Fifth Sun : a Collection of Latina Fiction and
Poetry. New York, NY : Riverhead Books, 1995. 283p.
Montalvo, Carmen, et al. El Quetzal Emplumece. San Antonio, TX : Mexican American Cultural
Center, 1976. 488p.
Moraga, Cherrie and Ana Castillo, eds. Esta Puente, Mi Espalda: Voces de Mujeres
Tercermundistas en los Estados Unidos. Trans. of This Bridge Called My Back. San Francisco,
CA : ISM Press, 1988. 281p.
Moraga, Cherrie and Gloria Anzaldœa, eds. This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical
Women of Color. Watertown, MA : Persephone Press, 1981. 262p.
Morales, Arcadio, Jr. and Brian Mart’nez, eds. Every Other Path. Santa Barbara, CA :
Chicano Studies, University of California, 1982. 79p.
Moreno, Dorinda. La Mujer en Pie de Lucha: y la Hora Es Ya! San Francisco, CA : Espina del
Norte Publications, 1973. 213p.
Mosches, Eduardo. ed. Del Otro Lado: Literatura Chicana 2. MŽxico: Consejo Nacional para la
Cultura y las Artes, s.a. 23p.
Nosotros Anthology. Edited by El Taller. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1977. 114p.
( Revista Chicano-Rique–a, A–o V, num.1, Invierno 1977)
Olivares, Juli‡n and Evangelina Vigil . eds. Decade II : an Anniversary Anthology. Houston,
TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1993. 256p.
Ortego y Gasca, Philip D., ed. We Are Chicanos: an Anthology of Mexican-American
Literature. New York, NY : Washington Square Press, 1973. 330p.
Palley, Julian. ed. Best New Chicano Literature 1986. Binghamton, NY : Bilingual
Press/Editorial BilingŸe, 1986. 84p.
-----. ed. Best New Chicano Literature 1989. Tempe, AZ : Bilingual Press/Editorial BilingŸe,
1989. 126p.
Paredes, AmŽrico and Raymund Paredes, eds. Mexican-American Authors. Boston, MA :
Houghton Mifflin, 1972. 152p.
Rebolledo, Tey Diana and Eliana S. Rivero, eds. Infinite Divisions : an Anthology of Chicana
Literature. Tucson, AZ : University of Arizona Press, 1993. 393p.
-----., and Erlinda Gonzales-Berry, Teresa M‡rquez. eds. Las Mujeres Hablan: an Anthology of
Nuevo Mexicana Writers. Albuquerque, NM : El Norte Publications, 1988. 210p.
Resiembra: an Anthology of Writings. Espa–ola, NM : Conjunto Cultural Norte–o, 1982. 64p.
Rodr’guez, Jesœs Y. et al. L‡grimas, Pistolas y Ombligos. Seattle, WA: Centro de Estudios
Chicanos, University of Washington, 1974. 11p. (Monograph Series, no.3)
Romano-V., Octavio I. and Herminio R’os-C., eds. Chicanas en la Literatura y el Arte.
Berkeley, CA : Quinto Sol, 1973. 84p. (El Grito, Year 7, no.1)
-----. El Espejo/The Mirror: Selected Mexican-American Literature. Berkeley, CA : Quinto Sol,
1969. 241p.
-----. El Espejo/The Mirror: Selected Chicano Literature. Fifth printing, revised. Berkeley,
CA : Quinto Sol Publications, 1972. 284p.
-----, ed. Voices : Readings from El Grito, a Journal of Contemporary Mexican American
Thought, 1967-1971. Berkeley, CA : Quinto Sol Publications, 1971. 210p.
-----. ed. Voices : Readings from El Grito, a Journal of Contemporary Mexican American
Thought, 1967-1973. Revised and expanded 2nd ed. Berkeley, CA : Quinto Sol Publications,
1973. 542p.
Salas, Floyd. et al. eds. Stories and Poems from Close to Home. Berkeley, CA : Ortalda and
Associates, 1986. 509p.
Salinas, Luis Omar and Lillian Faderman, eds. From the Barrio: a Chicano Anthology. San
Francisco, CA : Canfield Press, 1973. 154p.
Snyder, Harold C. and Philip Ochoa, eds. Voces del Barrio: a Basic Reader. New York, NY :
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1973. 96p.
Solorzano, Stephanie, ed. Whispering Images: a Collection of Creative Writings. Santa
Barbara, CA : s.n., 1984. 60p.
Somoza, Oscar U., ed. Chicano Literature. Special issue of Denver Quarterly, Volume 16, no.3,
Fall 1981. 128p.
-----. Nueva Narrativa Chicana. Pr—logo y Selecci—n de Oscar U. Somoza. MŽxico : Editorial
Di—genes, 1983. 103p. (Antolog’as tem‡ticas, num.19)
Tashlik, Phyllis., ed. Hispanic, Female and Young : an Anthology. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico
Press, 1994. 217p.
Tales of Childhood in Prose and Poetry. Berkeley, CA : Tonatiuh-Quinto Sol International,
1980. 64p. (Grito del Sol Quarterly Books, Year 5, Book 1, 1980)
Tlacuilos. Salt Lake City: s.n., 1975.
Trujillo, Carla. ed. Chicana Lesbians : the Girls Our Mothers Warned Us About. Berkeley, CA :
Third Woman Press, 1991. 202p.
Ulibarr’, Sabine R., ed. and tr. La Fragua Sin Fuego/No Fire for the Forge: Stories and Poems in
New Mexican Spanish and English. Los Cerrillos, NM : San Marcos Press, 1971. 66p. (The New
Mexico Heritage Series)
Valdez, Luis and Stan Steiner, eds. Aztl‡n: an Anthology of Mexican-American Literature.
New York, NY : Knopf, 1972. 410p.
Vallejo, Armando, ed. Pensamientos: Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara, CA : EOP, Santa Barbara
City College, 1981. 20p.
-----. Reflexiones Mezcladas. Santa Barbara, CA : s.n., 1981.
Vento, Arnoldo C., et al. eds. Festival Flor y Canto II: an Anthology of Chicano Literature
from the Festival Held March 12-16, 1975, Austin, Texas. Albuquerque, NM : Pajarito
Publications, 1979. 168p. (Pajarito Publications Special Series)
Vigil, Evangelina, ed. Woman of Her Word: Hispanic Women Write. Houston, TX : Arte
Pœblico Press, 1983. 180p. (Revista Chicano-Rique–a, A–o XI, num.3-4, Fall-Winter 1983)
Villanueva, Tino, comp. Chicanos: Antolog’a Hist—rica y Literaria. MŽxico: Fondo de Cultura
Econ—mica, 1980. 531p. (Colecci—n Tierra Firme)
-----., comp. Chicanos : Selecci—n. MŽxico, D.F. : Fondo de Cultura Econ—mica, 1985. 199p.
Zigal, Thomas and Rolando R. Hinojosa-Smith, eds. El Boom de Tejas. A special issue of the
Pawn Review on Texas Chicano Writers, Volume 7, no.3. Austin, TX : Calliope Press, 1983.
Abrazos. Chicago, IL: MARCH (Movimiento Artistico Chicano), 1976-.
Americas Review. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1986-.
Atisbos. Stanford, CA : Stanford University, 1975-.
Aztl‡n: Chicano Journal of the Social Sciences and the Arts. Los Angeles, CA : Aztl‡n
Publications, Chicano Studies Center, University of California, 1970-.
Bilingual Review/La Revista BilingŸe. New York, NY : Department of Romance Language,
City College of New York, NY, 1974-.
Blue Mesa Review. Albuquerque, NM : Creative Writing Center, Department of English,
University of New Mexico, 1989-.
CafŽ Solo. San Luis Obispo, CA : Solo Press, 1969-.
La Calavera Chicana. Berkeley, CA : Chicano Studies, University of California, 1973-.
Cambios Phideo. New Haven, CT : Yale Mecha, 1976-.
Campo Libre. Los Angeles, CA : Centro de Publicaciones, Department of Chicano Studies,
California State University, 1981.
Capirotada. El Paso, TX : Chicano Studies Program, University of Texas at El Paso, 1977-.
Caracol. San Antonio, TX : Caracol Press, 1974-. (Ceased)
Carta Abierta. Seguin, TX : Center for Mexican American Studies, Texas Lutheran College,
Chicano Theatre. San Juan Bautista, CA : Cucaracha Press, 1973-. (Ceased)
Chiricu. Bloomington, IN : Chicano-Rique–o Studies, Indiana University, 1981-.
Chismearte. Los Angeles, CA : Concilio de Arte Popular, 1976-.
City Bender. San Diego, CA : s.n.,
Comadre. San Jose, CA : s.n., 1977-. (Ceased)
Con Safos. Los Angeles, CA : s.n., 1968-. (Ceased)
La Confluencia. Albuquerque, NM : La Confluencia, Inc., 1976Cr’tica: a Journal of Critical Essays. La Jolla, CA : Third World Studies, University of
California, 1984-.
Coraz—n de Aztl‡n. Los Angeles, CA : [ s.n.], 1982-.
El Cuaderno. Dixon, NM : Academia de la Nueva Raza, 1971-. (Ceased)
Dactylus. University of Texas at Austin. Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese and The Center for
Mexican American Studies. Austin, TX : The Dept., 1984-.
De Colores: Journal of Emerging Raza Philosophies. Albuquerque, NM : Pajarito Publications,
Ecos: a Latino Journal of People's Culture and Literature. Chicago, IL : LUCA (Latinos,
Universidad, Comunidad y Arte), Rafael Cintr—n Ortiz Cultural Center, 1981-.
Encuentro Femenil. San Fernando, CA : s.n., 1973-. (Ceased)
Escandalar. Elmhurst, NY : Escandalar, Inc., 1978-.
Escolios. Los Angeles, CA : Cal State University, 1978?-.
Expresi—n! Stanford, CA : Stanford University, CA, 1991?-.
Fifth Sun. Santa Monica, CA : Quincuny Press, 1974-.
Firme Magazine. San Gabriel, CA : Mexican American Ventures, 1980-.
Fomento Literario. Washington, D.C. : El Congreso Nacional de Asuntos Colegiales.
Forum Literario. Hollywood, CA : University Underground Press, 1973-. (Ceased?)
Fragmentos de Barro/Pieces of Clay. Annual Chicano Studies Literary Contest. San Diego, CA :
San Diego Mesa College. 1st, Spring 1976El Fuego de Aztl‡n. Berkeley, CA : El Fuego de Aztl‡n Press, 1976-.
Gestos. Irvine, CA : Spanish and Portuguese Dept., University of California, 1986-.
El Grito: a Journal of Contemporary Mexican-American Thought. Berkeley, CA : Quinto Sol
Publications, 1967-. (Ceased)
Grito del Sol: a Chicano Quarterly. Berkeley, CA : Tonatiuh International, 1976-. (Ceased)
Hembra. Austin, TX : Hermanas en Movimiento Brotando Ra’ces de Aztl‡n, 1976-.
Hijas de Cuauhtemoc. Long Beach, CA : Hijas de Cuauhtemoc, 1971-. (Ceased)
Huehuetitl‡n. San Antonio, TX : M&A Editions, 1980-.
Imagine. Boston, MA : Tino Villanueva, 1984-.
El Jalamate. San Francisco, CA : La Raza Information Center, 1973-.
Journal of Ethnic Studies. Bellingham, WA: College of Ethnic Studies, 1973-.
Latin American Literary Review. Pittsburgh, PA : Carniege-Mellon University, Department of
Modern Languages, 1972-.
Llueve Tlaloc. Tucson, AZ : Pima Community College, Bilingual Bicultural Program, 1974-.
La Luz. Denver, CO : La Luz Publications, 1972-.
Magaz’n: la Revista del Mexicano de Tejas. San Antonio, TX : Magazin, Inc., 1971-. (Ceased
El Maizal. San Antonio, TX : s.n., 1977-.
Maize: Notebooks of Xicano Literature and Art. Colorado Springs, CO : Maize Press, 1977-.
Mango. San Jose, CA : Mango Press, 1976-.
Melus. Los Angeles, CA : Department of English, University of Southern California, 1970-.
Mester. Los Angeles, CA : Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California,
Metam—rfosis. Seattle, WA : Centro de Estudios Chicanos, University of Washington, 1977-.
Midwest-East, Midwest-West: a Chicano-Rique–o Studies Publication. Bloomington, IN :
Indiana University, 1980. (Single issue - ceased)
Minority Voices. University Park, PA : Paul Robeson Cultural Center, 1978-. (Ceased)
Miquitzli. Stanford, CA : Chicano Press At Stanford, Stanford University, 1972-. (Ceased)
The Montoya Poetry Review. Sacramento, CA : California State University, 1980. (Single
issue - ceased)
El Nahuatzen. Iowa City, IA : University of Iowa, 1979-. (Ceased)
Nanahuatz’n. Providence, RI : Mecha, Brown University, 1978-.
New Chicana/Chicano Writing. Tucson, AZ : University of Arizona Press, 1992-.
Ollantay Theater Magazine. Jackson Heights, NY : Ollantay Press, 1993-.
Nuestro. New York, NY : Nuestro Publications, 1977-.
La Palabra. Phoenix, AZ : s.n., 1979-.
El Pocho Che. Oakland, CA : s.n., 1969-. (Ceased)
Poema Convidado. Bloomington, IN : Backstage Books,
Prisma. Oakland, CA : Department of Ethnic Studies, Mills College, 1979-. (Ceased)
Quetzal. Lumlee, NC : Randall Ackley, 1970-.
Q-Vo Magazine. Los Angeles, CA : s.n., 1970-.
Rayas. Albuquerque, NM : Rayas Publications, 1978-. (Ceased)
La Raz—n Mestiza. San Francisco, CA : Concilio Mujeres, 1974?-. (Ceased)
Red Trapaze: a Monthly Monopoem. San Francisco, CA : Poetasumanos Press, 1980-.
Regeneraci—n. Los Angeles, CA : Regeneraci—n Publications, 1970- (Ceased)
Revista Chicano-Rique–a. Houston, TX : University of Houston, 1973-.
Saguaro. Tucson, AZ : Mexican American Studies and Research Center, University of Arizona,
San Antonio Literature Day : the Newsletter of the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center, Literature
Program. San Antonio, TX : The Program, 1991-.
Lo Sencillo. San Fernando, CA : Sencillos Publishers, 1971-.
Somos. San Bernardino, CA : Los Padrinos of Southern California, 1978-.
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Barretto, Jo‹o. A Selective Bibliography of Works on Chicano and Latin American Themes.
Stanford, CA : Stanford University, 1990. 185p.
Bleznick, Donald William. A Sourcebook for Hispanic Literature and Language: a Selected,
Annotated Guide to Spanish, Spanish-American, and Chicano Bibliography, Literature,
Linguistics, Journals and Other Source Material. Second edition. Metuchen, NJ : Scarecrow
Press, 1983. 304p.
C—rdova, Gilberto Benito. Bibliography of Unpublished Materials Pertaining to Hispanic
Culture. Santa Fe, NM : Bilingual-Bicultural Communications Arts Unit, Division of
Instructional Services, New Mexico State Department of Education, 1972. 48p.
Dwyer, Carlota C‡rdenas de. Chicano Literature: an Introduction and an Annotated
Bibliography. Austin, TX : Department of English and Center for Mexican American Studies,
University of Texas at Austin, 1977. 9p.
Eger, Ernestina N. A Bibliography of Criticism of Contemporary Chicano Literature.
Berkeley, CA : Chicano Studies Library Publications, University of California, 1982, 1980.
295p. (Chicano Studies Library Publications Series, no.5)
Gonz‡lez-T., CŽsar A. A Selected Bibliography of Chicano Literature. San Diego, CA :
Chicano Studies Dept., San Diego Mesa College, 1992. 29 leaves.
GŸere–a, Salvador and Raquel Quiroz de Gonz‡lez. eds. Luis Leal : a Bibliography with
Interpretive and Critical Essays. Berkeley, CA : Chicano Studies Library Publications Unit,
University of California at Berkeley, 1988. 119p. (Chicano Studies Library publications series ;
no. 14)
Heisley, Michael. An Annotated Bibliography of Chicano Folklore from the Southwestern
United States. Los Angeles, CA : Produced for and distributed by the Center for the Study of
Comparative Folklore and Mythology, University of California, 1977. 188p.
Lomel’, Francisco A. and Donaldo W. Urioste. Chicano Perspectives in Literature: a Critical
and Annotated Bibliography. Albuquerque, NM : Pajarito Publications, 1976. 120p.
M‡rquez, Teresa Bibliography on Works By and About Rudolfo Anaya. [s.l., s.n.], 1983. 21
Mart’nez, Julio A. and Francisco A. Lomel’. Chicano Literature: a Reference Guide. Westport,
CT: Greenwood Press, 1985. 492p.
Morales, Phyllis S. Fray AngŽlico Ch‡vez: a Bibliography of His Published Writings, 19251978. Santa Fe, NM: Lightning Tree Press, 1980. 80p.
Peck, David R. American Ethnic Literatures : Native American, African American,
Chicano/Latino, and Asian American Writers and Their Backgrounds : an Annotated
Bibliography. Pasadena, CA : Salem Press, 1992. 218p.
Rodr’guez, AndrŽs. A Bibliography on Chicano Short Fiction, 1913 to 1986. Stanford, CA :
Stanford University Libraries, Dept. of Foreign Language and Area Studies, Collection
Development Program, 1986. 110 leaves. (Working bibliography series ; no. 4)
Rojas, Guillermo, comp. ÒToward a Chicano/Raza Bibliography: Drama, Prose, Poetry.Ó In El
Grito: a Journal of Contemporary Mexican-American Thought, Volume 7, no.2, 1973. Berkeley,
CA : Quinto Sol Publications, 1973. 85p.
Scott, Frank, CŽsar Caballero and Ida Gonz‡lez. Chicano Literature: a Selective
Bibliography. El Paso, TX : University of Texas at El Paso, 1977. 13p.
Tatum, Charles. A Selected and Annotated Bibliography of Chicano Studies. Manhattan, KS :
Society of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies, 1976. 107p.
-----. A Selected and Annotated Bibliography of Chicano Studies. 2d ed. Lincoln, NE : Society
of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies, 1979. 121p.
Trujillo, Roberto G. and Raquel Quiroz de Gonz‡lez. ÒA Comprehensive Bibliography (19701979).Ó In A Decade of Chicano Literature (1970-1979): Critical Essays and Bibliography.
Santa Barbara, CA : Editorial La Causa, 1982. pp.107-128.
----- and AndrŽs Rodr’guez. A Current Bibliography of Chicano Literature : Creative and
Critical Writings Through 1984. Stanford, CA : Stanford University Libraries, Collection
Development Program, Chicano Collections, 1984. 75 leaves (Working bibliography series ; no.
-----. ÒAn Essay on Collection Development and Bibliography of Chicano Literature Published
1980-1984.Ó By Roberto G. Trujillo with assistance from A.A. Rodr’guez and Richard Kiy.
LECTOR, Volume 3, no.1, July/August, 1984. pp.20-28. Berkeley, CA : California Language
Data Base, 1984.
-----. Literatura Chicana: a Comprehensive Bibliography (1980-June 1984). Stanford, CA :
Stanford University Libraries, Collection Development Program, Chicano Collections, 1984.
21p. (Working Bibliography Series, no.1)
-----. Literatura Chicana : Creative and Critical Writings Through 1984. Compiled by Roberto
G. Trujillo and AndrŽs Rodriguez and with an introductory essay by Luis Leal. Oakland, CA :
Floricanto Press, 1985. 95 p.
Zimmerman, Marc. U.S. Latino Literature : an Essay and Annotated Bibliography. Chicago, IL
: MARCH/Abrazo Press, 1992. 156 p.
Acosta, Oscar Zeta. Oscar ÒZetaÓ Acosta, the Uncollected Works. Edited by Ilan Stavans.
Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1996. 312p.
Anaya, Rudolfo. A Chicano in China. Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico Press,
1986. 202p.
-----. Rudolfo Anaya : Autobiography. Berkeley, CA : TQS publications, 1991. 26p.
Anzaldœa, Gloria. Borderlands = La Frontera ; the New Mestiza. San Francisco, CA :
Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987. 203p.
Arias, Ron. Five Against the Sea : a True Story of Courage and Survival. New York, NY : New
American Library, 1989. 226p.
Baca, Jimmy Santiago. Working in the Dark : Reflections of a Poet of the Barrio. Santa Fe, NM
: Red Crane Books, 1991. 168p.
B‡ez, Joan. Daybreak. New York, NY : Dial Press, 1968. 159p.
Benav’dez, Roy P. The Three Wars of Roy Benav’dez. San Antonio, TX : Corona Pub. Co., 1986.
Binder, Wolfgang. ed. Partial Autobiographies : Interviews with Twenty Chicano Poets.
Erlangen : Palm and Enke, 1985. 263p.
Cervantes, John. My Moline. Canoga Park, CA : Canyon Publishing, 1986. 167p.
Ch‡vez, AngŽlico. Ch‡vez: a Distinctive American Clan of New Mexico. Santa Fe, NM : W.
Gannon, 1989. 146p.
-----. Tres [sic] Macho--He said: Padre Gallegos of Albuquerque, New Mexico's First
Congressman. Santa Fe, NM : W. Gannon, 1985. 117p.
Ch‡vez, Thomas E. Manuel çlvarez, 1794-1856: a Southwestern Biography. Niwot, CO:
University Press of Colorado, 1990. 243p.
Corral, Jesœs C. Caro Amigo: the Autobiography of Jesœs C. Corral. Tucson, AZ : Westernlore
Press, 1984. 238p.
De La Fuente, Mario. I Like You, Gringo, But! Phoenix, AZ : Phoenix Books, 1972. 176p.
Delgado, Abelardo. An Autobiographical Sketch of Abelardo. Arvada, CO : Barrio
Publications, 1992. 27 leaves
Fisch, Louise Ann. All Rise : Reynaldo G. Garza : the First Mexican American Federal Judge.
College Station, TX : Texas A&M University Press, 1996. 224p.
Galarza, Ernesto. Barrio Boy. Notre Dame, IN : University of Notre Dame Press, 1971. 275p.
Garc’a, Andrew. Tough Trip Through Paradise, 1878-1879. Edited by Bennett H. Stein. New
York, NY : Ballantine Books, 1967. 382p.
Garc’a, Lionel. I Can Hear the Cowbells Ring. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1994. 205p.
Gonz‡lez, Ray. Memory Fever : a Journey Beyond El Paso del Norte. Seattle, WA : Broken
Moon Press, 1993. 223p.
Jaramillo, Cleofas M. Romance of a Little Village Girl. San Antonio, TX : The Naylor
Company, 1955. 200p.
Lattin, Vernon E. et al. eds. Tom‡s Rivera, 1935-1984, the Man and His Work. Tempe, AZ :
Bilingual Review/Press, 1988. 158p.
Lindheim, Bessie. Leonor Villegas Magn—n and the Mexican Revolution. Edited by Stan Green.
Laredo, TX : Border Studies, 1991. 20p.
L—pez-Stafford, Gloria. A Place in El Paso : a Mexican-American Childhood. Albuquerque,
NM : University of New Mexico Press, 1996. 212p.
MacLean, Angus. Legends of the California Bandidos. Fresno, CA : Pioneer Pub., 1977. 237p.
Ma•z, Apaxu. Xicano : an Autobiography. East Lansing, MI : Sun Dog Clan Press, 1995. 68p.
-----. Xicano : an Autobiography. 2nd printing, revised. East Lansing, MI : Sun Dog Clan Press,
1996. 72p.
Marroqu’n, Sol. Part of the Team (Story of an American Hero): Based on the Life of Sergeant
Alfredo (Freddy) Gonz‡lez, United States Marine Corps. Mission, TX : Sol Marroquin, R’o
Grande Printers and Publishers, 1979. 179p.
Mart’n, Patricia Preciado. Images and Conversations : Mexican Americans Recall a
Southwestern Past. Tucson, AZ : University of Arizona Press, 1983. 110p.
Meier, Matt S. Mexican American Biographies : a Historical Dictionary, 1836-1987. New
York, NY : Greenwood Press, 1988. 270p.
Mora, Pat. Nepantla : Essays from the Land in the Middle. Albuquerque, NM : University of
New Mexico Press, 1993. 181p.
Olivares, Juli‡n and Evangelina Vigil . eds. U.S. Hispanic Autobiography. Houston, TX : Arte
Pœblico Press, 1988. 243p. (Special issue of The Americas Review: a Review of Hispanic
Literature and Art of the USA, vol. 16, Fall-Winter 1988, nos. 3-4.)
Padilla, Genaro M. The Genealogy of a Text and a Text of Genealogy : Rafael Chac—n's
ÒMemoriasÒ. Albuquerque, NM : Southwest Hispanic Research Institute, University of New
Mexico, 1991. 55 leaves. Working paper (Southwest Hispanic Research Institute) ; no. 116.
-----. My History, Not Yours : the Formation of Mexican American Autobiography. Madison,
WI : University of Wisconsin Press, 1993. 280p.
P‡rez, Luis. El Coyote, The Rebel. New York, NY : Holt and Co., 1947. 233p.
Ponce, Mary Helen. Hoyt Street : an Autobiography. Albuquerque, NM : University of New
Mexico Press, 1993. 338p.
-----. Hoyt Street : Memories of a Chicana Childhood. New York, NY : Anchor Books, 1995.
-----. Calle Hoyt : Recuerdos de una Juventud Chicana. Translation of Hoyt Street by M—nica
Ruvalcaba. New York, NY : Anchor Books, 1995. 470p.
Prieto, Jorge. Harvest of Hope: the Pilgrimage of a Mexican-American Physician. Notre
Dame, IN : University of Notre Dame Press, 1989. 157p.
Quinn, Anthony. One Man Tango : a Memoir. New York, NY : HarperCollins Publishers, 1995.
-----. The Original Sin: a Self-Portrait. Boston, MA : Little, Brown, 1972. 311p.
-----. The Original Sin. London: W.H. Allen, 1973. 310p.
-----. The Original Sin. New York, NY : Bantam, 1974. 373p.
Rodr’guez, Luis J. Always Running : la Vida Loca, Gang Days in L.A. Willimantic, CT :
Curbstone Press, 1993. 260p.
----- Always Running : la Vida Loca, Gang Days in L.A. 1st Touchstone ed. New York, NY :
Simon and Schuster, 1994. 260p.
-----. La Vida Loca : el Testimonio de un Pandillero en Los Angeles. Traducido por Ricardo
Aguilar Melantz—n y Ana Brewington. New York, NY : Simon and Schuster, 1996. 284p.
-----. Siempre Corriendo : la Vida Loca, los D’as de la Ganga en Los Angeles. Traducci—n del
original en inglŽs de Ricardo Aguilar Melantz—n y Ana Brewington. MŽxico : Grupo Editorial
Planeta, 1996. 293p.
Rodr’guez, Richard. Days of Obligation : an Argument with My Mexican Father. New York,
NY : Viking, 1992. 230p.
-----. Hunger of Memory: the Education of Richard Rodr’guez, an Autobiography. Boston, MA :
D.R. Godine, 1981. 195p.
-----. Sed de Recuerdos : la Educaci—n de Richard Rodr’guez ; una Autobiograf’a Traduccci—n de
Hunger of Memory por Guadualupe Meza Staines. MŽxico : Publigrafics, 1986. 224p.
Ronstadt, Federico JosŽ Mar’a. Borderman : Memoirs of Federico JosŽ Mar’a Ronstadt. Edited
by Edward F. Ronstadt ; foreword by Bernard L. Fontana. Albuquerque, NM : University of New
Mexico Press, 1993. 154p.
Rosenus, Alan. General M.G. Vallejo and the Advent of the Americans : a Biography.
Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico Press, 1995. 292p.
Ruiz, Reynaldo. Encuentro con Estanislao Eckermann. Sumerville, NJ : SLUSA, 1989. 123p.
Salas, Floyd. Buffalo Nickel : a Memoir. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1992. 347p.
Soto, Gary. California Childhood: Recollections and Stories of the Golden State. Berkeley,
CA : Creative Arts Books, 1988. 255p.
-----. Living Up the Street. San Francisco, CA : Strawberry Hill Press. 1985. 159p.
-----. Small Faces. Houston, TX ; Arte Pœblico Press, 1986. 126p.
-----. Small Faces. New York, NY : Dell, 1993, 1986. 137p.
-----. A Summer Life. Hanover, NH : University Press of New England, 1990. 115p.
Stavans, Ilan. Bandido : Oscar ÒZetaÓ Acosta and the Chicano Experience. New York, NY :
HarperCollins Publishers, 1995. 142p.
-----. Bandido : Oscar ÒZetaÓ Acosta and the Chicano experience. 1st pbk. ed. New York, NY :
IconEditions, 1996. 142p.
Villase–or, Victor. Lluvia de Oro. MŽxico, D.F. : Planeta Mexicana, 1993. 647p.
-----. Rain of Gold. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1991. 551p.
-----. Walking Stars : Stories of Magic and Power. Houston, TX : Pi–ata Books, 1994. 202p.
Villegas de Magn—n, Leonor. The Rebel. Houston, TX : Arte Pœblico Press, 1994. 297p.
Acosta, Oscar Zeta. Oscar Zeta Acosta [Reads From] El Rebel de las Cucarachas
[soundrecording]. Los Angeles, CA : University of Southern California, Public Broadcasting,
1974. 1 sound-cassette.
Alarc—n, Francisco X. Francisco Alarc—n [videorecording]. San Francisco, CA : American Poetry
Archives, San Francisco State University, 1989. 1 videocassette (60 min.)
Alarc—n, Norma. PoŽticas Feministas a la Mexicana/Chicana : 21 de mayo de 1991
[videorecording]. 1991. 1 videocassette.
Alurista. Enajenaci—n e Iron’a en los Personajes de Arlt y Acosta. [videocassette] Stanford, CA :
Stanford University, Spanish and Portuguese Department, 1991.
Anaya, Rudolfo. Aztl‡n a Homeland Without Boundaries. A research lecture delivered at the
University of New Mexico, April 11, 1989. 1 videocassette.
-----. Interview with Chicano Author Rudolfo Anaya [soundrecording]. Archive of Hispanic
Literature on Tape (Library of Congress). 1 sound tape reel.
-----. An Interview with New Mexico Writer Rudy Anaya. Interviewed by Harold Rhodes.
Albuquerque, NM : KNME-TV, 1981. 1 videocassette (30 min.)
-----. Rudolfo Anaya Interview with Kay Bonetti. Columbia, MO : American Audio Prose
Library, 1982. 1 sound cassette (53 min.)
-----. Rudolfo Anaya Reads Excerpts from Bless Me Ultima and Other Stories; An interview
with the author is also included. Columbia, MO : American Audio Prose Library, n.d. 2 cassette
set. 1982.
-----. Rudolfo Anaya. Produced and directed by Booth Gallett. Santa Fe, NM : New Mexico
State Library, 1983. 1 videocassette (ca. 30 min.)
Anzaldœa, Gloria. Borderlands and the Mestiza. Albuquerque, NM : University of New
Mexico. 1 videocasette. A lecture delivered at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque,
New Mexico, March 27, 1990.
-----. Gloria Anzaldœa [videorecording]. San Francisco, CA : American Poetry Archives, San
Francisco State University, 1988. 1 videocassette (40 min.)
Baca, Jimmy Santiago. Chicano Literature, 1940-1990. 1989. 1 videocassette. ÒThe 1989 summer
Hispanic humanities lecture series.Ó
-----. Jimmy Santiago Baca [videorecording]. San Francisco, CA : American Poetry Archives,
San Francisco State University, 1989. 1 videocassette (29 min.)
-----. Jimmy Santiago Baca [videorecording]. Producer, Cindy Barchus ; Executive producer,
Dale Kruzic. Albuquerque, NM : KNME-TV, 1991. 1 videocassette (VHS) (ca. 28 min.)
-----. New Letters on the Air (Radio program). Kansas City, MO : University of Missouri, 1991.
1 sound cassette.
-----. Swirl Like a Leaf. A production of David Grubin Productions, Inc. and Public Affairs
Television, Inc. ; a presentation of Thirteen/WNET. [United States] : Newbridge
Communications, 1995. 1 videocassette (55 min.) SERIES: The language of life : a festival of
Bruce-Novoa, Juan. Juan D. Bruce-Novoa. [soundrecording]. Washington, DC : United States
Library of Congress, Hispanic Division, The Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape, 1979.
-----. Chicano Literature [videorecording]. San Antonio, TX : Trinity University, 1981. 8
videocassettes (VHS)
-----. The Hispanic Presence in American Culture. [videorecording] San Antonio, TX : Trinity
University, 1989. 1 videocassette (VHS) (47 min.)
-----. When the Critical 'They' Are 'Us'. [videocassette]. Stanford, CA : Stanford University,
Califas: Chicano Art and Culture in California [videorecording]. Califas Conference (1982 :
University of California, Santa Cruz). 171 videocassettes (66 hrs., 20 min.), 6 transcripts (6 v), 1
index (36 leaves) and 10 sound cassettes.
C‡rdenas, Roberto. ed. The Life and Poetry of Olivia Castellano. [videotape] Sacramento, CA
: California State University, Film Archives, Communications Studies Department. 1989.
Castellano, Olivia. Olivia Castellano. USC Public Broadcasting in cooperation with El
Centro Chicano. Los Angeles, CA : Division of Public Broadcasting, University of Southern
California, 1974. 1 cassette, 10 min.
Castillo, Ana. Ana Castillo [soundrecording]. Houston, TX : Ahmsa, 1984,. 1 sound cassette (45
-----. Ana Castillo [videorecording]. San Francisco, CA : American Poetry Archives, San
Francisco State University, 1986. 1 videocassette (23 min.)
-----. Mexican-American Writer and Poet Ana Castillo Reading from Her Works. Archive of
Hispanic Literature on Tape (Library of Congress), Washington, DC., 1994. 1 sound tape reel,
10 in.
Catacalos, Rosemary. Rosemary Catacalos :Poetry Reading. University of Texas at Austin,
Undergraduate Library, March 8, 1985. 1 sound tape reel (33 min., 20 sec.).
Cervantes, Lorna Dee. Lorna Dee Cervantes [videorecording]. San Francisco, CA : American
Poetry Archives, San Francisco State University, 1985. 1 videocassette (34 min.)
Chase, Cida. Bless Me, Ultima with commentary by Cida Chase. 1992. 1 videocassette (29
Ch‡vez, Denise. Denise Ch‡vez [personal interview]. Albuquerque, NM : KUNM-FM, 1988. 1
sound cassette (30 min.) (Writing the Southwest series).
Chicana Anthology. With Interviews by Patricia McCrae. [soundrecording]. Houston, TX :
Revista Chicano-Rique–a, 1984. 90 min.
Chicano Literary Criticism in a Social Context : National Conference [videorecording]. May 2830, 1987, Kresge Auditorium, Stanford University / [sponsored by Stanford Humanities Center,
Stanford Center for Chicano Research]. Stanford, CA : The Centers, 1987. 8 videocassettes (898
Chicano Literature in the Seventies [videorecording]. Santa Barbara, CA : The Center, 1980.
Organized and sponsored by the Chicano Studies Center ; moderators Luis Leal and Francisco
Lomel’. 2 videocassettes (65 min.)
Chicano Writers and Critics. [videorecording] Department of Chicano Studies, California
State University Los Angeles ; produced by Roberto Cantœ. Los Angeles, CA : Television
Production Center, Instructional Media Services, California State University Los Angeles, 1981.
1 videocassette (51 min.)
Cisneros, Sandra. Sandra Cisneros. With Interview by Patricia McCrae. [soundrecording].
Houston, TX : Revista Chicano-Rique–a, 1984. 45 min.
-----. Sandra Cisneros Reads from ÒThe House on Mango StreetÓ, and ÒWoman Hollering
CreekÓ, and Talks About the Chicana Experience in Life and Fiction. [soundrecording]. New
York, NY : Moveable Feast, 1992. 1 sound cassette (30 min.)
-----. House on Mango Street ; Woman Hollering Creek. [soundrecording]. New York, NY:
Random House Audio Pub., 1992.
-----, and Nina Cassian. Nina Cassian and Sandra Cisneros Reading Their Poems
[soundrecording]. 1995. 1 sound tape reel (CA. 60 min.) Gertrude Clarke Whittall Poetry and
Literature Fund. Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature (Library of Congress)
-----. ÒThe Poet and the PoemÓ at the Library of Congress. [soundrecording]. 1995. 1 sound tape
reel (CA. 60 min.) Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature (Library of Congress).
Corpi, Lucha. Lucha Corpi : Reading and Conversation with Norma Alarc—n [videorecording].
San Francisco, CA : American Poetry Archives, San Francisco State University, 1989. 1
videocassette (42 min.)
-----., and Mary Helen Ponce. Lucha Corpi and Mary Helen Ponce Read from Their Writings.
University of New Mexico, April 5, 1989. 1 videocassette.
Contacto [videorecording] / producer/director, Raymond Tracy. Santa Barbara, CA : Television
Services Instructional Development, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1985. 4
videocassettes (116 min.)
A Decade of Chicano Literature, 1970-1979: Chicano Literature in the 1970s. [[videorecording]]
Santa Barbara, CA : University of California, Television Services, 1977. 30 min.
Encuentro: Interviews with Leading Chicano Writers. Salvador Rodr’guez del Pino with
Alurista. [videorecording]. Santa Barbara, CA : University of California, Television Services,
1977. 30 min.
-----. Salvador Rodr’guez del Pino with Rudolfo Anaya. [videorecording]. Santa Barbara, CA :
University of California, Television Services, 1977. 30 min.
-----. Salvador Rodr’guez del Pino with Ron Arias. [videorecording]. Santa Barbara, CA :
University of California, Television Services, 1977. 30 min.
-----. Salvador Rodr’guez del Pino with Aristeo Brito. [videorecording]. Santa Barbara, CA :
University of Calfornia, Television Services, 1977. 29 min.
-----. Salvador Rodr’guez del Pino with Juan Bruce-Novoa. [videorecording]. Santa Barbara,
CA : University of California, Television Services, 1977. 29 min.
-----. Salvador Rodr’guez del Pino with Sergio Elizondo. [videorecording]. Santa Barbara, CA
: University of California, Television Services, 1977. 29 min.
-----. Salvador Rodr’guez del Pino with Rolando Hinojosa. [videorecording]. Santa Barbara,
CA : University of California, Television Services, 1978. 30 min.
-----. Salvador Rodr’guez del Pino with Luis Leal. [videorecording]. Santa Barbara, CA :
University of California, Television Services, 1977. 30 min.
-----. Salvador Rodr’guez del Pino with Miguel MŽndez. [videorecording]. Santa Barbara, CA :
University of California, Television Services, 1977. 30 min.
-----. Salvador Rodr’guez del Pino with Alejandro Morales. [videorecording]. Santa Barbara,
CA : University of California, Television Services, 1977. 30 min.
-----. Salvador Rodr’guez del Pino with Tom‡s Rivera. [videorecording]. Santa Barbara, CA :
University of California, Television Services, 1977. 30 min.
----. Salvador Rodr’guez del Pino with Juan Rodr’guez. [videorecording]. Santa Barbara, CA :
University of California, Television Services, 1977. 30 min.
-----. Salvador Rodr’guez del Pino with Ricardo S‡nchez. [videorecording]. Santa Barbara,
CA : University of California, Television Services, 1977. 30 min.
-----. Salvador Rodr’guez del Pino with Gary Soto. [videorecording]. Santa Barbara, CA :
University of California, Television Services, 1977. 28 min.
-----. Salvador Rodr’guez del Pino with Tino Villanueva. [videorecording]. Santa Barbara, CA
: University of California, Television Services, 1977. 29 min.
-----. Salvador Rodr’guez del Pino with Tom‡s Ybarra-Frausto. [videorecording]. Santa
Barbara, CA : University of California, Television Services, 1977. 30 min.
-----. Salvador Rodr’guez del Pino with Bernice Zamora. [videorecording]. Santa Barbara, CA
: University of California, Television Services, 1977. 30 min.
-----. Evaluation of Writers and Poets. Luis Leal with Salvador Rodr’guez del Pino.
[videorecording]. Santa Barbara, CA : University of California, Television Services, 1978. 30
-----. Chicano Poetry: From Origins to Resurgence, 1848-1967. With Francisco Lomel’. Santa
Barbara, CA : University of California, Television Services, 1978. 27 min.
-----. Aztl‡n Revisted: Contemporary Chicano Poetry, 1965-1979. With Francisco Lomel’.
[videorecording]. Santa Barbara, CA : University of California, Television Services, 1978. 25
-----. The Chicano Novel. With Salvador Rodr’guez del Pino. [videorecording]. Santa
Barbara, CA : University of California, Television Services, 1978. 29 min.
Entelequ’a [motion picture] / produced, directed and edited by Juan Salazar ; original
screenplay by Ricardo S‡nchez. Salt Lake City, UT : Chispa, 1978. 1 film reel (17 min.)
Entelequ’a [videorecording] / produced, directed and edited by Juan Salazar ; original
screenplay by Ricardo S‡nchez. Salt Lake City, UT : Chispa, 1987. 1 videocassette (17 min.)
An Evening of Chicano Poetry [soundrecording]. 1 sound tape reel (CA. 60 min.) Recorded for the
Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 1986. Lorna
Dee Cervantes, Sandra Cisneros, Alberto R’os, and Luis Omar Salinas, four American poets of
Mexican descent, read from their works.
Gonz‡lez, Ray. Poetry Reading [soundrecording]. 1989. 1 sound tape reel (43 min.) Ruth
Stephan poetry readings ; no. 45
Herrera, Juan Felipe. Juan Felipe Herrera [soundrecording]. New letters on the air (Radio
program) Kansas City, MO : University of Missouri, [1992] 1 sound cassette (29 min.)
-----. Juan Felipe Herrera. USC Public Broadacsting in cooperation with El Centro Chicano. Los
Angeles, CA : Division of Public Broadcasting, University of Southern California, 1974. l
cassette, 17 min.
Herrera-Sobek, Mar’a. Reconstructing the Ethical Canon in Chicana Poetics. [videocassette].
Stanford University, Spanish and Portuguese Department, 1991.
Hinojosa-Smith, Rolando R. Dr. Rolando Hinojosa [videorecording]. Brownsville, TX :
University of Texas at Brownsville, Media Services, 1995. 1 videocassette (ca. 60 min.)
-----. Rolando Hinojosa, 4-28-93 [videorecording]. Stanford, CA : [s.n.], 1993. 1 videocassette.
-----. With Interview by Patricia McCrae. [soundrecording]. Houston, TX : Revista ChicanoRique–a, 1984. 45 min.
Huerta, Jorge A. Ritual to Rascuachi and Back: the History and Evolution of Chicano Theatre.
[soundrecording]. The Center for Cassette Studies, 1974.
Mares, E. A. E. A. Mares. USC Broadcasting in Cooperation with El Centro Chicano. Los
Angeles, CA : Division of Public Broadcasting, University of Southern California, 1974. 1
cassette, 15 min.
-----. Hispanic-American Writer E.A. (Tony) Mares Reading From His Poetry [soundrecording].
1985. 1 sound tape reel. Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape (Library of Congress)
Mart’nez, Demetria. Demetria Mart’nez Reads Her Poetry. [videorecording]. San Francisco,
CA : American Poetry Archive, Poetry Center, San Francisco State University, 1991. 1
Mart’nez, Victor. Victor Mart’nez [videorecording] San Francisco, CA : American Poetry
Archives, San Francisco State University, 1984. 1 videocassette (30 min.)
Montoya, JosŽ. JosŽ Montoya [soundrecording]. USC Public Broadcasting in cooperation with El
Centro Chicano. Los Angeles, CA : Division of Public Broadcasting, University of Southern
California, 1974. 1 cassette, 10 min.
-----. JosŽ Montoya. [videorecording]. USC Public Broadcasting in cooperation with El Centro
Chicano. Los Angeles, CA : Division of Public Broadcasting, University of Southern California,
1974. 1 cassette, 10 min.
-----. JosŽ Montoya [videorecording]. San Francisco, CA : American Poetry Archives, San
Francisco State University, 1984. 1 videocassette (34 min.)
-----. JosŽ Montoya, Interview [videorecording]. Stanford, CA : Jack Genero, 1994. 1
videocassette (ca. 60 min.)
-----. JosŽ Montoya Discusses Chicano Movement and Reads From His Book ÒInformation, 20
Years of JodaÓ [videorecording]. Stanford, CA : Jack Genero, 1994. 1 videocassette (ca. 60 min.)
-----. JosŽ Montoya Reading in the UCSD New Poetry Series, Nov. 12, 1980 [soundrecording]. 1
sound tape reel
-----. JosŽ Montoya Reads His Poetry, March 19, 1987 [videorecording]. San Francisco, CA :
American Poetry Archive, San Francisco State University, 1987. 1 videocassette
-----. JosŽ Montoya Reads His Poetry, February 20, 1992 [videorecording]. San Francisco, CA :
Poetry Center and American Poetry Archives, 1992. 1 videocassette (22 min.)
Morales, Alejandro. Seminar and Lecture on May 27, 1993, Stanford University. Spanish
Seminar 389. Stanford, CA : Stanford University, 1993. 1 videocassette (90 min.)
Morales, Sylvia. Chicana [videorecording]. Los Angeles, CA : Howard A. Anderson Company,
1991. 1 videocassette (23 min.)
-----. Esperanza [videorecording]. Los Angeles, CA : H.A. Anderson, 1991. 1 videocassette (CA.
52 min.)
Mora, Pat. With Interview by Patricia McCrae. [soundrecording]. Houston, TX : Revista
Chicano-Rique–a, 1984. 45 min.
Moraga, Cherrie. Cherrie Moraga: Loving in the War Years. Los Angeles, CA : Pacifica Radio
Archive, 1984. 1 sound cassette (56 min.)
-----. Cherrie Moraga Poems. San Francisco, CA : American Poetry Archive, 1988. 1
videocassette (VHS) (102 min.).
-----. Cherrie Moraga, Reading and Interview 2-25-88. San Francisco, CA : American Poetry
Archive at the Poetry Center, San Francisco State University, 1988. 1 sound cassette (102 min.).
Morton, Carlos. Hispanic-American Playwright Carlos Morton Reading from His Work
[soundrecording]. 1985. 1 sound tape reel. Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape (Library of
Las Mujeres Hablan: an Anthology of Nuevo Mexicana Writers. New Mexican writers read
selections of their works at the University of New Mexico, November 19, 1988. 1 videocassette
National Association for Chicano Studies. NACS Conference; (19th :; 1990 :; Albuquerque,
NM). Papers presented at the 19th NACS Annual Conference, March 30-31, 1990. 6
National Hispanic Book Fair Anthology. With Interviews by Patricia McCrae.
[soundrecording]. Houston, TX : Revista Chicano-Rique–a, 1984. 90 min.
Necessary Theatre : Conversations with Leading Chicano and Chicana Theatre Artists. La
Jolla, CA : UCSD-TV, 1995. 10 videocassettes.
New Passages: Contemporary Chicano Writers. [videorecording]. University of Wisconsin,
Ozuna, Alejandro. Los Literarios Chicanos: an Examination of Chicano Literature Past and
Present. [soundrecording]. The Center for Cassette Studies, 1974.
La Onda Chicana : program presented by the Chicano Fellows Program, Jan. 23-25, 1991
[videocassette]. Stanford University, CA: Chicano Fellows Program, 1991. 4 vhs.
Palabra: a Sampling of Contemporary Latino Writers [videorecording]. Presented by the Poetry
Center and American Poetry Archives, San Francisco State University ; written by Benjamin
Alire Saenz and Rosemary Catacalos. San Francisco, CA : The Center, 1993. 1 videocassette (52
Poets Around the River: Fifteen San Antonio Poets. San Antonio, TX : Mesilla Press, 1991. 1
sound cassette.
Ponce, Mary Helen. Mary Helen Ponce 2/9/95 reading at SFSU. [videorecording] San Francisco,
CA : Poetry Center and American Poetry Archives, 1995. 1 videocassette (55 min.)
Ponce, Mary Helen and Genaro M. Padilla. Continuing to Reconstruct the Canon Chicano
Writers and Critics [lectures by Mary Helen Ponce and Genaro Padilla]. Albuquerque, NM :
University of New Mexico General Library, 1987. 1 videocassette (VHS) (60 min.)
Rasgado en Dos = Ripped in Two : a Profile of Three San Diego Chicano Poets, Gina ValdŽs,
Patrick Ojeda, and Alurista : with commentary by Michael Davidson. [soundrecording] 1984. 1
sound tape reel (30 min.) Recorded in San Diego for the ÒCalifornia TimesÓ radio program.
Rechy, John. John Rechy Reads His Novels, May 21, 1992 [videorecording]. San Francisco, CA :
American Poetry Archive, Poetry Center, San Francisco State University, 1992. 1 videocassette
Reconstructing the Canon Chicano: Writers and Critics : a Symposium on American Literature.
Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico General Library, 1986-1987. 6 videocassettes
Regua, Richard. Richard Regua Discusses Bless Me, Ultima. San Jose, CA : Evergreen Valley
College, 1989. 1 sound cassette.
Regua, Richard. Richard Regua Discusses Bless me, Ultima. San Jose, CA : Evergreen Valley
College, 1989. 1 videocassette.
Rodr’guez, Luis J. Luis Rodr’guez Reads His Poetry. [videorecording] San Francisco, CA :
American Poetry Archive, Poetry Center, San Francisco State University, 1991. 1 videocassette.
Rodr’guez, Richard. Richard Rodr’guez : Victim of Two Cultures. A presentation of Films for
the Humanities and the Sciences ; a production of Public Affairs Television, Inc. ; produced and
directed by Betsy McCarthy. World of ideas with Bill Moyers (Television Program) Princeton,
NJ : Films for the Humanities, 1994. 1 videocassette (50 min.) (The Moyers collection)
-----. Round Table Discussion ÒHunger of MemoryÓ. 1982. 1 sound cassette (75 min.) Mexican
American Library Project (Austin, TX).
Saenz, Benjamin Alire. Benjamin Alire Saenz Reads His Poetry, Oct. 10, 1991 [videorecording].
San Francisco, CA : American Poetry Archive, Poetry Center, San Francisco State University,
1991. 1 videocassette
Salas, Floyd . Rebound Project Reading with Floyd Salas and L. D. Cervantes [videorecording].
San Francisco, CA : American Poetry Archives, San Francisco State University, 1980. 1
videocassette (20 min.)
Salinas, Raœl R. Chicano Poet Raœl Salinas [videorecording]. Introduction and interview by
Ben Olgu’n. Stanford, CA : Jack Genero, 1994. 3 videocassettes (115 min.)
S‡nchez, Ricardo. Re-Encountering the Chicano Movement. 1 sound cassette. University
lecture series / Iowa State University ; 1993.
-----. Ricardo S‡nchez : USC Public Broadcasting in Cooperation with El Centro Chicano. Los
Angeles, CA : Division of Public Broadcasting, University of Southern California, 1974. 1
videocassette (23 min).
Sifuentes, Frank and Olivia Castellano. Frank Sifuentes [soundrecording]. Los Angeles, CA :
University of Southern California, Public Broadcasting, 1974. 1 sound cassette
Soto, Gary. Gary Soto [videorecording] San Francisco, CA : American Poetry Archives, San
Francisco State University, 1981. 1 videocassette (30 min.)
Soto, Gary. Gary Soto. Holmes, PA : Trumpet Club, 1992. 1 sound cassette (ca. 25 min.)
-----. Gary Soto II [soundrecording]. New letters on the air (Radio program) Kansas City, MO :
University of Missouri, 1992. 1 sound cassette (29 min.).
-----. New Letters on the Air (Radio program). Kansas City, MO : University of Missouri, 1982.
1 sound cassette (29 min.)
-----. Poets in Person. Gary Soto with Joseph Parisi. [soundrecording] Chicago, IL : Modern
Poetry Association, 1991. 1 sound cassette.
Southwest Symposium, April 11-12, 1991. Gary Soto, keynote speaker. Southwest Symposium;
(1991 :; University of New Mexico); 1991. 2 videocassettes.
Tafolla, Carmen, Carmen Tafolla [soundrecording]. New letters on the air (Radio program).
Kansas City, MO : University of Missouri, 1991. 1 sound cassette (29 min.)
-----. With Our Very Own Names. San Antonio, TX : Tafolla Levitan Communications, 1991. 1
videocassette (55 min.)
The Texas Literary Tradition. University of Texas at Austin. 1983. 2 sound cassettes (115 min.)
Texas Poems in Six Voices. [soundrecording]. Cedar Park, TX : Prickly Pear Press, 1993. 1 sound
Trevi–o, Jesœs. Birthwrite: Growing Up Hispanic [videorecording]. Director, Luis R. Torres.
New York, NY,: Cinema Guild, 1989. 1 videocassette (57 min.)
Trujillo, Charley. Charlie Trujillo, an Interview [videorecording]. Stanford, CA : Jack Genero,
1994. 1 videocassette (CA. 45 min.)
Ulibarr’, Sabine R. Hispanic-American Writer Sabine R. Ulibarr’ Reads from His Prose and is
Interviewed. [soundrecording] Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape (Library of Congress). 1
sound tape reel, 1985.
-----. Ulibarr’ Ese Se–or de Voz Hispana. [videorecording] Spanish version. Albuquerque, NM :
Educational Television Division, IDEA Center, University of New Mexico, 1988. 1 videocasstte
(CA. 15 min.)
-----. Ulibarr’ Speaking on Hispanics. [videorecording] English version. Albuquerque, NM :
Educational Television Division, IDEA Center, University of New Mexico, 1988. 1
videocassette (12 min.)
ValdŽs, Gina. Gina ValdŽs: Poetry Reading, May 25, 1994 [soundrecording]. University of
California, San Diego. 1994. 1 sound cassette
ValdŽs, Xelina. Xelina and Gena [i.e. Gina] ValdŽs Reading in the UCSD New Poetry Series,
April 14, 1980. [soundrecording]. 1 sound cassette
Valdez, Luis. Bettina Gray Speaks with Luis Valdez [videorecording]. KQED, San Francisco ;
producer, Lonnie Porro ; director, Steve Kotton. Princeton, N.J. : Films for the Humanities and
Sciences, 1993. 1 videocassette (26 min.)
-----. Luis Valdez: Four Roads to America [videorecording]. Produced by Arts Council of San
Antonio in collaboration with the Association of American Cultures. Washington, D.C. :
Association of American Cultures, 1986. 1 videocassette (U-matic) (30 min.)
-----. Luis Valdez on Corridos [videorecording]. San Diego, CA : KPBS Television, 1987. 1
videocassette (28 min.)
-----. Profile: Luis Valdez, the Making of a Mexican-American Playwright [soundrecording].
Washington, D.C. : National Public Radio, 1987. 1 sound cassette
-----. Zoot Suit [videorecording]. Produced by Peter Burrell ; directed by Luis Valdez ; written
for the screen by Luis Valdez. Universal City, CA : MCA Universal Home Video, 1991. 1
videocassette (104 min.)
Vigil, Evangelina. With Interview by Patricia McCrae. [soundrecording]. Houston, TX:
Revista Chicano-Rique–a, 1984. 45 min.
Villanueva, Alma. Alma Villanueva [videorecording]. Produced by the American Poetry
Archive through a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. San Francisco, CA : San
Francisco State University, American Poetry Archive, 1983 1 videocassette (VHS) (27 min.)
-----. Alma Villanueva at UCSD, May 25, 1983 [soundrecording]. 1 sound cassette
Villase–or, Edmund. The Chicano Novel. [soundrecording]. The Center for Cassette Studies,
1974. 23 min. (Chicano Arts)
Viramontes, Helena Mar’a. Helena Viramontes [soundrecording]. Long Beach Festival of
Women Authors (3rd : 1985 : Long Beach, CA) Garden Grove, CA : The Replay Co., 1985. 1 sound
Voces Chicanas [videorecording]. Francisco Lomel’ with Lorna Dee Cervantes.
[videorecording]. Santa Barbara, CA : University of California, Television Services, 1979. 49
-----. Francisco Lomel’ with Jaime Ch‡vez-Ortiz. [videorecording]. Santa Barbara, CA :
University of California, Television Services, 1979. 46 min.
-----. Francisco Lomel’ with Abelardo Delgado. [videorecording]. Santa Barbara, CA :
University of California, Television Services, 1979. 48 min.
-----. Francisco Lomel’ with JosŽ Montoya. [videorecording]. Santa Barbara, CA : University of
California, Television Services, 1981. 48 min.
-----. Francisco Lomel’ with Javier Pacheco. [videorecording]. Santa Barbara, CA : University
of California, Television Services, 1979. 48 min.
-----. Francisco Lomel’ with Isabella R’os (Diane L—pez). [videorecording]. Santa Barbara, CA
: University of California, Television Services, 1979. 43 min.
-----. Francisco Lomel’ with Luis Omar Salinas. [videorecording]. Santa Barbara, CA :
University of California, Television Services, 1981. 52 min.
Aguila Family, 32
Aguilar Melantzón, Ricardo, 41, 53
Aguilar, Pancho, 65
Aguilar, Ricardo, 1, 41
Aguilar-Henson, Marcela, 1, 53, 89
Aigla, Jorge H., 1
Aiken, Riley, 71
Akewa is a Woman, 65
Akrilica, 13
Al Cielo Se Sube a Pie, 24
Alarcón, Francisco X., 1, 2, 75, 107
Alarcón, Justo S., 27, 53, 65
Alarcón, Norma, 53, 75, 99, 107, 109
Albi, F.E., 75
Alburquerque, 27
Alcala, Kathleen J., 27
Aldaco, Guadalupe Beatriz, 53
Alejandro Morales : Fiction Past, Present, Future
Perfect, 55
Alienated Rebels: John Rechy and James Baldwin,
Alienazione e Consapevolezza Culturale:
l'Emergere della Letteratura Chicana, 55
All Rise : Reynaldo G. Garza : the First Mexican
American Federal Judge, 104
Allí Dónde el Mar Recuerda, 29
Alma Abierta: Pinto Poetry/Mayo de CRC, 15
Alma Tierra, 16
Alma Villanueva, 116
Alma Villanueva at UCSD, May 25, 1983, 116
Alma y Pérfil de Santa Barbara, 19
Alurista, 2, 41, 75, 89, 107, 110
Alvarado de Ricord, Elsie, 2
Alvarado, Rudolph, V., 89
Always and Other Poems, 18
Always Running : la Vida Loca, Gang Days in L.A.,
Amaya, José Miguel, 89
American Ethnic Literatures : Native American,
African American, Chicano/Latino, and Asian
American Writers and Their Backgrounds : an
Annotated Bibliography, 100
American Me, 66
Americas Review, 83
Amerikan Journeys, 20
Amezquita, Ricardo Mario, 2
Amigos de Becky, 31
Amor de Lejos, 15
Amor Indocumentado, 5
Amor y Ecuador, 24
Amsterdam Cantos y Poemas Pistos, 20
Ana Castillo, 108
Analysis of the Border as a Literary Setting, 59
1983 Chicano Engagement Calendar: A Year of
Poetry de Paco de la Junta, 8
20 Poemas, 13 Poesías, y un Credo, 16
5 Plays, 49
5th and Grande Vista: Poems 1960-1973, 12
7 Abelardos, 9
7 de Abelardo, 9
A Flor de Piel, 30
A Mí Qué!, 15
A Pesar del Río, 68
A Tostón: Reminiscences of a Mexican-American,
A'nque, 2
Aber die Erde Verschlang Ihn Nicht, 37
Abrazos, 83
Acerca de Literatura (Diálogo con 3 Autores
Chicanos), 62
Acosta Torres, José, 41
Acosta, Oscar Zeta, 27, 103, 107
Actos, 51
Adame, Leonard, 1
Adventures of Juan Chicaspatas, 2
Adventures of the Chicano Kid and Other Stories, 44
African Passions and Other Stories, 36
After Aztlán : Latino Poets of the Nineties, 12
Afternoon of the Unreal, 19
Again For the First Time, 6
Agosín, Marjorie, 15
Agricultural Promise and Disillusionment in the
California Novel : Frank Norris, John Steinbeck,
and Raymond Barrio, 93
Agua Fresca: an Anthology of Raza Poetry, 18
Agua Negra, 19
Agua Santa, 16
Analysis of the Double Exploitation of Women in
the Short Story by Tomás Rivera, "On The Road
to Texas: Pete Fonseca, 57
Analysis of the Theater of Luis Valdez, 89
Anaya Reader, 75
Anaya, Rudolfo, 2, 27, 28, 41, 53, 75, 103, 107,
Anchura a la Esperanza, 19
And Her Children Lived, 10
And the Earth Did Not Devour Him, 37
And the Earth Did Not Part, 37
And This is What We Said, 4
Andale, Rosana, 67
Aneka Sure Prema : Adhunika Chikano Kavita, 23
Angela de Hoyos and Ricardo Sánchez: a Thematic,
Stylistic and Linguistic Analysis of Two Chicano
Poets, 89
Angela de Hoyos: a Critical Look, 60
Angle of Vision : Interpreting Contemporary
Western Fiction, 62
Annotated Bibliography of Chicano Folklore from
the Southwestern United States, 99
Another Land, 39
Anthology of Ohio Mexican American Writers, 77
Anti-Bicicleta Haiku, 5
Antología de Cuentistas Chicanas : Estados Unidos
de los '60 a los '90, 41
Antología de la Literatura Chicana, 75
Antología del Cuento Chicano, 41
Antología del Saber Popular: a Selection from
Various Genres of Mexican Folklore Across
Borders, 73
Antología Histórica del Cuento Literario Chicano
(1877-1959), 94
Antología Retrospectiva del Cuento Chicano, 42
Anzaldúa, Gloria, 53, 79, 103, 107
Anzaldúa, Mike, 99
Apathy Avenue: 25 Avenues of Abelardo, 8
Apodaca, Rudy, 28
Apprentice to Volcanos, 12
Aproximación Sociolingüística a Tres Autores
Prototípico/Canónicos de la Literatura Chicana:
Miguel Méndez, Rolando Hinojosa-Smith y
Rudolfo Anaya, 92
Aragón, Ray John de, 28
Aranda, Charles, 28, 71
Aranda, José Francisco, Jr., 89
Arellano, Anselmo F., 3
Arellano, Juan Estevan, 2, 28, 71
Argüelles, Ivan, 2, 3
Arias, Ron, 28, 103, 110
Arise, Chicano! and Other Poems, 7
Armadillo Charm, 7
Armas, José, 76, 89
Armengol, Armando, 1, 41
Arquetipo de la Madre Terrible en Peregrinos de
Aztlán, 54, 90
Arroyo de la Llorona, 42
Arroyo-Ortiz, Nelson, 3
Arroyos to the Heart, 5
Arrullos de Revelación: Manantiales, Paradojas,
Anatemas, 13
Arteaga, Alfred, 3
Artola Allen, Adela, 3
As Long As It Takes, 6
Aspectos de la Literatura Chicana, 99
Aspects du Mouvement Culturel Chicano :
l'Historien, le Politicien et l'Artiste, 92
Aspects of Chicano Literature, 99
Assimilation Through Alienation: Four MexicanAmerican Writers and the Myth of the American
Adam (Rudolfo Anaya, José Antonio Villarreal,
Alberto Ríos, Richard Rodríguez, Adamic Motif),
At the Rainbow, 24
At This Very Moment, 17
Atisbos, 83
Attaway, George C., 65
Augenbraum, Harold, 76
Aun Estoy Allá, la Historia Poética de los
Inmigrantes de Todo el Mundo y de "los Mojados"
del Sur, 24
Authentic Chicano Food is Hot!, 21
Autobiografía de un Búfalo Prieto, 27
Autobiographical Sketch of Abelardo, 104
Autobiographical Voice and the Making of the Self
in Bernardo Vega, Sandra Cisneros, Rigoberta
Menchu and El Inca Garcilaso De La Vega
(Guatemala, Peru), 93
Autobiographies of Resilient Children : Brothers
and Keepers, Hunger of Memory, I Know Why the
Caged Bird Sings, This Boy's Life And The
Woman Warrior, 90
Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo, 27
Avendaño, Fausto, 41, 49, 53
Aventuras de Don Chipote or Cuando los Pericos
Mamen, 39
Avonturen van de Chicano Kid en Andere Verhalen,
Aztec Palimpsest : Discursive Appropriations of
Mexican Culture, 90
Aztec Shell, 1
Aztlán : Essays on the Chicano Homeland, 53
Aztlán a Homeland Without Boundaries, 107
Aztlán Revisted: Contemporary Chicano Poetry,
1965-1979, 111
Aztlán y México: Pérfiles Literarios e Históricos,
Aztlán: an Anthology of Mexican-American
Literature, 81
Aztlán: Chicano Journal of the Social Sciences and
the Arts, 83
Benjamin Alire Saenz Reads His Poetry, Oct. 10,
1991, 114
Benjamin-Labarthe, Elyette, 3, 53
Béranger, Jean, 53
Bercerra, David, 4
Bergmann, Emilie L., 54
Bermea, Gloria, 4
Bernal, Adrián O., 4
Bernal, Juan Manuel, 4
Bernal, Vicente J., 4
Bertrand and the Mehkqoverse : a Xicano Filmic
Nuance, 20
Best Friends Tell the Best Lies, 66
Best New Chicano Literature 1986, 79
Best New Chicano Literature 1989, 79
Best of Chicano Fiction, 47
Best of Sabine Ulibarrí : Selected Stories, 46
Bethancourt, T. Ernesto, 29
Between Heaven and Earth: Actos of El Teatro
Campesino, 90
Between Two Waters : Narratives of Transculturation
in Latin America, 62
Between Two Worlds, 17
Beyond Bounds : Cross-Cultural Essays on Anglo,
American Indian, and Chicano Literature, 55
Beyond Rice: a Broadside Series, 76
Beyond Stereotypes : the Critical Analysis of
Chicana Literature, 56
Bibliography of Criticism of Contemporary
Chicano Literature, 99
Bibliography of Hispanic Women Writers, 99
Bibliography of Unpublished Materials Pertaining
to Hispanic Culture, 99
Bibliography on Chicano Short Fiction, 1913 to
1986, 100
Bibliography on Works By and About Rudolfo
Anaya, 100
Bilingual Review/La Revista Bilingüe, 83
Binder, Wolfgang, 4, 103
Bird Language, 18
Birthday Basket for Tía, 34
Birthwrite: Growing Up Hispanic, 115
Bjorkquist, Elena Díaz, 42
Black Hair, 22
Black Hat Poems, 15
Black Mesa Poems, 3
Black Sun, 16
Blea, Irene, 4
Bless me, Ultima, 27
Bless Me, Ultima with commentary by Cida Chase,
Blessing from Above, 38
Bleznick, Donald William, 99
Blood Justice, 74
Blowfish, 13
Blue Book, 10
Blue Day on Main Street, 45
Baby Chook and Other Remnants: Selected Poems,
Baca, Jimmy Santiago, 3, 103, 108
Bacchiega Minuzzo, Franca, 3
Background of Chicano Theatre and the Artistic and
Political Development of the Teatro Campesino,
Backgrounds of Mexican American Literature, 95
Bad Boys, 6
Badikian, Beatriz, 65
Báez, Joan, 103
Báez, José, 3
Bain, Joe Staten, 89
Bajo Cubierta, 4
Bajo el Sol de Aztlán: 25 Soles de Abelardo, 8
Bajo la Piel, 4
Bajo la Sombra de la Maquinaria: Poemas, 18
Baker, Houston A., Jr., 53
Balassi, William Victor, 53
Baldwin, Lewis M., 77
Ball, John Dudley, 65
Ballad of Gato Guerrero, 35
Ballad of Rocky Ruiz, 35
Bandido : Oscar "Zeta" Acosta and the Chicano
Experience, 106
Baptiste, Victor N., 3
Barcelo, Margarita Theresa, 89
Barrera, José Joaquín, 89
Barretto, João, 99
Barrio Boy, 104
Barrio on the Hill : the Puritan Crucible and Chicano
Literature, 89
Barrio, el Anti-barrio y el Exterior : la
Textualización Semiótica del "Colonialismo
Interno" en la Narrativa Chicana, 92
Barrio, Raymond, 28, 29
Barrios, Gregg, 3
Barrios, Gregorio, 4
Barron-McKeagney, Theresa, 89
Baseball in American Literature: From Ritual to
Fiction, 90
Baseball in April and Other Stories, 46
Bathtub Poetry : an Anthology of Writing from the
Penitentiary of New Mexico, 3
Beans, 10
Becky and Her Friends, 31
Béisbol en Abril y Otras Historias, 46
Below the Summit, 38
Benavides, Rosamel, 41
Benavídez, Max, 3
Benavídez, Roy P., 103
Bendíceme, Ultima, 27
Benítez, Sandra, 29
Benítez, Tina, 77
Blue Mandolin, Yellow Field, 5
Blue Mesa Review, 83
Bobián, Arturo Silvano, 4
Bodies and Souls, 35
Body in Flames, 1
Boland, Mary Denning, 89
Bonham, Frank, 65
Book of Poems, 15
Boom de Tejas, 81
Border Crossers and Coyotes: a Reception Study Of
Latin American and Latina/o Literatures
(Chicano, Multiculturalism), 95
Border Literature : a Binational Conference, 60
Borderlands, 103
Borderlands and the Mestiza, 107
Borderlands Literature : Towards an Integrated
Perspective, 60
Borderman : Memoirs of Federico José María
Ronstadt, 106
Borders, 16
Borlotes Mestizos, 11
Born Into a Felony, 10
Bornstein-Somoza, Miriam, 4
Boyle, Kay, 76
Boza, María del Carmen, 76
Braceli, Rodolfo Eduardo, 4
Bracero, 67
Bracero Experience : Elitelore Versus Folklore, 56,
Braddy, Haldeen, 71
Bradford, Richard, 65
Brady, Mary Patricia, 89
Brasada, 74
Breaking Boundaries : Latina Writing and Critical
Readings, 56
Breathing Light, 16
Breve Reseña de la Literatura Hispana de Nuevo
México y Colorado, 58
Brick People, 34
Bridges and Borders, 24
Briggs, Charles L., 71
Brinson-Piñeda, Barbara, 4
Britee, Fiona Margaret, 89
Brito, Aristeo, 29, 42, 90, 110
Brown Bear Honey Madness: Alaskan Cruising
Poems, 20
Brown Eyed Children of the Sun': the Cultural
Politics of El Teatro Campesino, 91
Brown, Lorin W., 71
Broyles-González, Yolanda, 54
Bruce-Novoa, Juan, 4, 42, 54, 108, 110
Buffalo Nickel : a Memoir, 106
Burciaga, José Antonio, 4, 5, 71
Burk, Ronnie, 5
Burning Snow, 11
Bus, Heiner, 5, 54
Busto, Rudy Val, 90
Caballero : a Historical Novel, 34
Caballero, César, 100
Cabeza de Baca, Elba, 71
Cachito Mío, 41
Cactus Blood : a Mystery, 30
Café Solo, 83
Calavera Chicana, 83
Calcetines Embotellados, 11
Calculated Lion, 11
Calderón, Hector, 54
Calderón, Tomás M, 5
Calendar of Dust, 19
Calendar of Souls, Wheel of Fire, 24
Califas: Chicano Art and Culture in California, 108
California Childhood: Recollections and Stories of
the Golden State, 106
Call No Man "Master", 32
Calle 10, 37
Calle Hoyt : Recuerdos de una Juventud Chicana,
Calle Ten, 37
Calvillo, Jaime Darío, 90
Camarena, Emanuel J., 29
Cambios Phideo, 83
Camino de la Cruz: una Antología Chicana, 77
Campa, Arthur León, 49, 71
Campbell, Roberto Bruce, 5
Campbell, Trini, 5
Campo Libre, 83
Campos, Anthony John, 71
Candelaria, Cordelia, 5, 54, 90
Candelaria, Nash, 29, 42
Candy Vendor's Boy and Other Stories, 43
Canícula : Snapshots of a Girlhood en la Frontera,
Cano, Daniel, 29
Canto al Pueblo: an Anthology of Experiences, 76
Canto Al Pueblo: Antología, 76
Canto Indio Mexicano, 5
Canto y Grito Mi Liberación (y Lloro Mis
Desmadrazgos), 20
Canto y Grito Mi Liberación: the Liberation of a
Chicano Mind Soul, 20
Cantoleo '76: Anthology of Literature, Music, and
Theatre Documenting a Festival Held in Austin,
Texas, December 1976, 76
Cantora, 33
Cantos, 3
Cantos pa' la Memoria, 1
Cantú, Norma Elia, 29
Capirotada, 11, 83
Captive of the Vision of Paradise: Poems, 2
Caracol, 83
Chabram, Angie C., 90
Chacón, Eusebio, 30
Chacón, Felipe Maximiliano, 6, 42
Challener, Daniel D., 90
Chandler, David, 65
Chants, 16
Charlie Trujillo, an Interview, 115
Chase, Cida, 109
Chávez, Albert C., 76
Chávez, Angélico, 103
Chávez, Denise, 6, 30, 42, 109
Chávez, Fray Angélico, 6, 30, 42, 71
Chávez, Mario, 6
Chávez, Thomas E., 103
Chávez, Tibo J., 71
Chávez: a Distinctive American Clan of New
Mexico, 103
Chávez-Ortiz, Jaime, 116
Cherrie Moraga Poems, 113
Cherrie Moraga, Reading and Interview 2-25-88,
Cherrie Moraga: Loving in the War Years, 113
Chicana, 112
Chicana (W)rites : on Word and Film, 56
Chicana Anthology, 109
Chicana Creativity and Criticism : Charting New
Frontiers in American Literature, 56
Chicana Creativity and Criticism : New Frontiers in
American Literature, 56
Chicana Critical Issues, 53
Chicana Discourse : Negations and Mediations, 95
Chicana Falsa : and Other Stories of Death, Identity,
and Oxnard, 22
Chicana Lesbians : the Girls Our Mothers Warned Us
About, 80
Chicana Piensa: The Social-Cultural Consciousness
of a Mexican-Amerian Woman, 12
Chicana Voices in American Drama : Silviana
Wood, Estela Portillo Trambley, Cherrie Moraga,
Milcha Sánchez-Scott, Josefina López, 93
Chicanas en la Literatura y el Arte, 80
Chicanas y Chicanos en Diálogo, 75
Chicanismo in Selected Poetry from the Chicano
Movement, 1969-1972: a Rhetorical Study, 97
Chicano, 39
Chicano Authors: Inquiry by Interview, 54
Chicano Border : Culture and Folklore, 62
Chicano Collection, 77
Chicano Cruz, 66
Chicano Girl, 65
Chicano in China, 103
Chicano Literary Criticism : Directions and
Development of an Emerging Critical Discourse,
Chicano Literary Criticism in a Social Context :
National Conference, 109
Caracoleando: Poemas, 8
Carambola, 11
Caras Viejas y Vino Nuevo, 34
Caravana Enlutada, 1
Carbonell, Ana María, 90
Cárdenas, Guadalupe, 54
Cárdenas, Leo, 29
Cárdenas, Lupe, 90
Cárdenas, Margarita Cota, 30
Cárdenas, Reyes, 5, 11
Cárdenas, Roberto, 108
Caring for a House, 15
Carmen Tafolla, 115
Carnero, 10
Caro Amigo: the Autobiography of Jesús C. Corral,
Carpenter, Lorene, 90
Carpintero, Rogelio Leonardo, 65
Carrillo, Adolfo, 42
Carrillo, Leonardo, 76
Carrillo, Lorett, 90
Carry Me Like Water, 38
Carta a la Nena, Mi Alma, 17
Carta Abierta, 83
Cartas de Mixquiahuala, 29
Casa en Mango Street, 42
Caso : a Study of an Emic Genre of Folk Narrative
Among Mexican Americans of West Texas, 92
Cassian, Nina, 109
Cast Small Stones Upon the Tender Earth, 5
Castañeda Shular, Antonia, 76
Castaño, Wilfredo Q., 5
Castellano, Olivia, 5, 108, 115
Castillo, Ana, 5, 6, 29, 30, 42, 54, 79, 108
Castillo, Rafael, 42
Castillos en el Aire, 10
Castillo-Speed, Lillian, 76
Cat and Other Stories, 46
Catacalos, Rosemary, 6, 108
Cavazos, David Sergio, 76
Celebrating Crying and Cursing, 4
Cellmates, 50
Centaur of the North, 44
Cenzontle: Chicano Short Stories and Poetry.
Eighth Chicano Literary Prize, 1981-1982, 76
Cenzontle: Chicano Short Stories and Poetry.
Seventh Chicano Literary Prize, 1980-1981, 76
Cenzontle: Chicano Short Stories and Poetry.
Sixth Chicano Literary Prize, 1979-1980, 76
Cenzontle: Chicano Short Stories and Poetry.
Twelfth and Thirteenth Chicano Literary Prize,
1985-1987, 76
Cenzontle: Chicano Short Stories and Poetry. Fifth
Chicano Literary Prize, 1978-1979, 76
Ceremony of Brotherhood, 1680-1980, 75
Cervantes, Irma H., 6
Cervantes, John, 103
Cervantes, Lorna Dee, 6, 75, 109, 111, 114, 116
Chicano Literary Prize, First, Irvine, 1974-1975,
Chicano Literary Prize, Fourth, Irvine, 1977-1978,
Chicano Literary Prize, Second, Irvine, 1975-1976,
Chicano Literary Prize, Third, Irvine, 1976-1977,
Chicano Literary World 1974. Proceedings of the
National Symposium on Chicano Literature and
Critical Analysis, November 1974, 59
Chicano Literature, 80, 108
Chicano Literature : a Reference Guide, 58
Chicano Literature and Criticism, 57
Chicano Literature and Cultural Identity, 54
Chicano Literature and the Construction of
Ethnicity (Octavio Paz, Oscar Zeta Acosta, Gloria
Anzaldúa, Richard Rodríguez), 89
Chicano Literature in Spanish: Roots and Content,
Chicano Literature in the Seventies, 109
Chicano Literature, 1940-1990, 108
Chicano Literature, 1965-1975: the Flowering of
the Southwest, 91
Chicano Literature: a Reference Guide, 100
Chicano Literature: an Introduction and an
Annotated Bibliography, 99
Chicano Literature: Text and Context, 76
Chicano Literature: a Selective Bibliography, 100
Chicano Narrative : the Dialectics of Difference, 61
Chicano Novel, 111
Chicano Novel: a Study in Self-Definition, 98
Chicano Novel: Toward a Definition and Literary
Criticism, 94
Chicano Perspectives in Literature: a Critical and
Annotated Bibliography, 100
Chicano Poems for the Barrio, 7
Chicano Poet Raúl Salinas, 114
Chicano Poet: With Images and Visions of the
Poet, 8
Chicano Poetry: a Critical Introduction, 54
Chicano Poetry: a Response to Chaos, 54
Chicano Poetry: From Origins to Resurgence,
1848-1967, 111
Chicano Roman im Kontext : eine Einführung, 90
Chicano Satire : a Study in Literary Culture, 56
Chicano Studies--Nuevos Horizontes, 61
Chicano Territory: Poems, 5
Chicano Theater: Themes and Forms, 50
Chicano Theatre, 83
Chicano Themes: Manita Poetry, 10
Chicano Voices, 77
Chicano War, 66
Chicano Writers and Critics, 109
Chicano, Go Home: The Life of Alfonso Rodríguez,
Chicano: 25 Pieces of a Chicano Mind, 8
Chicano: From Caricature to Self-Portrait, 61
Chicano: a Literary Response to the Rhetoric of
Dominance (Paredes, Américo, Mena, María
Cristina, González, Jovita, Guerra, Fermina, Ruiz
de Burton, María Amparo), 92
Chicano-Roman : Stufen Seiner Entwicklung, 59
Chicanos : Selección, 81
Chicanos: Antología Histórica y Literaria, 81
Chicanos: Mexican American Voices, 78
Chicano-Theater Zwischen Agitprop und Broadway :
die Entwicklung des Teatro Campesino (19651985), 60
Child Protagonist in Chicano Fiction, 97
Children of the Sun : Mexican-Americans in the
Literature of the United States, 60
Chiricu, 83
Chismearte, 83
Chosen Few, 12
Christian, Karen Sue, 90
Christie, John Sutherland, 90
Chulifeas Fronteras: Cuentos, 65
Cidades da Noite, 36
Cigarro Lucky Strike, 17
Cinco de Mayo : an Epic Novel, 34
Cisneros, Sandra, 6, 42, 109, 111
Cité de la Nuit, 35
City Bender, 83
City Kite on a Wire : 38 Denver Poets, 12
City of God, 77
City of Night, 35, 36
Ciudad de la Noche, 36
Claiming the Americas: Contemporary Third World
Literature, 96
Claros Varones de Belken, 31
Clash: Poems, 65
Claudio and Anita : a Historical Romance of San
Gabriel's Early Mission Days, 30
Clearing the Labyrinth : from la Pinta to Macondo
via Aztlán, 20
Clemente Chacón, 39
Clinton, Michelle T., 6
Clothed With the Sun, 6
Cobián Figeroux, Ricardo, 7
Cobos, Rubén, 72
Coca, Benjamín, 72
Coca-Cola Dream, 8
Cocina en Huelga de Hambre, 4
Colainn ar Bharr Lasrach, 1
Collected Stories of Amado Muro, 67
Colloquies of the Shepherds, 72
Colman, Hila, 65
Colonialismo Interno en la Narrativa Chicana : el
Barrio, el Anti-Barrio, y el Exterior, 56
Coloquios de los Pastores, 72
Color of My Living Heart, 19
Comadre, 84
Comadre María: una Comedia, 49
Comanches: a New Mexican Folk Drama, 49
Come Down from the Mound, 35
Comiendo Lumbre, 24
Communion, 16
Como Arbustos de Niebla, 22
Comparative Study of French-Canadian and
Mexican-American Contemporary Poetry, 93
Compartiendo de la Nada, 21
Compendio de Folklore Nuevo Mejicano : Conjunto
de las Tradiciones, Creencias y Costumbres
Populares : Ensayos Folkloricos, 72
Comprehensive Bibliography (1970-1979), 100
Computer Is Down, 24
Con Grato y Dulce Acento, 9
Con Razón, Corazón, 13
Con Safos, 84
Conchita Argüello: Historia y Novela Californiana,
Concrete River, 19
Condado de Belken--Klail City, 32
Conde, David, 59
Condor, and Other Stories, 46
Condor, y Otros Cuentos, 46
Confluencia, 84
Confusing Signs : Three Spanish American
Encounters With(in) the Postmodern Position ;
Alejandro Jodorowsky, Guillermo, Gómez-Peña,
and Diamela Eltit, 94
Congrès Européen sur les Cultures d'Amérique Latine
aux Etats-Unis (6th : 1994 : Bordeaux, France),
Conlogue, William Paul, 90
Constructing Lives, Constructing Stories:
Responses of Mexican-American Students to
Mexican-American Literature (Multicultural
Literature, Reader Response), 92
Contacto, 110
Contemporary Chicana Poetry: an Approach to an
Emerging Literature, 61
Contemporary Chicano Fiction : a Critical Survey,
Contemporary Chicano Poetry : an Anthology, 4
Contemporary Chicano Theatre, 49
Contemporary Chicano/a Writing and the
Representation of Community, 94
Contemporary Mexican-American Women
Novelists : Toward a Feminist Identity, 55
Continuing to Reconstruct the Canon Chicano
Writers and Critics, 114
Contreras, Juan A, 42
Cook, Bruce, 65
Cooper Alarcón, Daniel Francis, 90
Cop's Journal and Other Poems, 16
Corazón de Aztlán, 84
Corbin, Steven, 66
Córdoba, Roberto Hernán, 90
Córdova, Gilberto Benito, 99
Cornerstone in Rhythm, 19
Corpi, Lucha, 2, 7, 30, 109
Corral, Jesús C., 103
Corre el Río, 75
Corrido de California: a Three Act Play, 49
Cortina, Rodolfo J., 54
Cota Cárdenas, Margarita, 7
Cotera, Martha, 77
Cox, William Robert, 66
Coyote, 105
Coyote Sun, 7
Crazy Gypsy, 19
Creative Collectives : a Study of Chicana Artistic
Expressiveness, 95
Credo for Future Man, 25
Criaderos Humanos (Épica de los Desampardos) y
Sahuaros, 15
Crickets in My Mind, 11
Crisol, 65
Crítica: a Journal of Critical Essays, 84
Critical Crossroads : Narrative, Rhetoric, and
Ideology in Critical Essays of the Chicano
Renaissance, 97
Critical Responses to "Zoot Suit" and "Corridos". ,
Criticism in the Borderlands : Studies in Chicano
Literature, Culture, and Ideology, 54
Crónica de Aztlán: a Migrant's Tale, 74
Crónica de Mis Años Peores, 25
Crónicas Diabólicas (1916-1926) de "Jorge
Ulica"/Julio G. Arce, 47
Crook, Elizabeth, 66
Crossing the Line: The Construction of a Poem, 56
Crossing the River : Poets of the Western U.S., 12
Cruz González, José, 49
Cry Macho: a Novel, 67
Cuaderno, 84
Cuadros, Gil, 77
Cuatro: Poemas y Reflecciones de Cuatro Chicanos
con Almas Brotando el Desmadrazgo, Duelo,
Orgullo, Corage, y Alegría en Esto de Ser
Hechizos de la Raza Bronce-- Más Que Coplas...,
Cucarachas: Quinto Festival de los Teatros
Chicanos. Primer Encuentro Latinoamericano, 49
Cuellar Jiménez, Ben, 7
Cuento Chicano : Antología, 41
Cuento Chicano del Siglo XX : Breve Antología, 41
Cuentos : Stories By Latinas, 43
Cuentos Californianos, 42
Cuentos Chicanos, 75
Cuentos Chicanos: A Short Story Anthology, 75
Cuentos de Austin, 45
Cuentos de Brujas, Diablos y Quién Sabe Qué Más,
Cuentos Españoles de Colorado y Nuevo México, 73
Cuentos Hispanos de los Estados Unidos, 45
Cuentos para Niños Traviesos, 44
Cuentos y Ensayos Para Reir y Aprender, 44
Cuentos: Tales from the Hispanic Southwest, 72
Cuentos: Stories by Latinas, 44
Cuerpo en Llamas, 1
Cuesta, Benedicto, 66
Cueva de Naltzatlán, 39
Cultural Ambivalence in Early Chicana Prose
Fiction, 98
Cummings, María S. López de, 30
Cumpián, Carlos, 7
Cumpleaños de Doña Agueda, 67
Curandera, 23
Curandero: a Cuento, 45
Curiel, Barbara Brinson, 7
Current Bibliography of Chicano Literature :
Creative and Critical Writings Through 1984,
Currents from the Dancing River : Contemporary
Latino Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry, 77
Curse of the Feathered Snake and Other Stories, 66
Days of Plenty, Days of Want, 15
De Acá de Este Lado : una Aproximación a la Novela
Chicana, 62
De Amor Oscuro, 1
De Aragón, Ray John, 72
De Casas, Celso A., 30
De Colores: Journal of Emerging Raza
Philosophies, 84
De France, Gary, 7
De Hoyos, Angela, 7, 8
De La Fuente, Mario, 104
De La Fuente, Patricia, 77
De la Garza, Beatriz Eugenia, 43
De la Junta, Paco, 8
De La Torre, Alfredo, 8, 30
De la Vida y del Folclore de la Frontera, 58
De León, Nephtalí, 8, 49
Dear Rafe, 31
Death as a Career Move, 65
Death of an Anglo, 34
Death of Friends, 34
Decade II : an Anniversary Anthology, 79
Decade of Chicano Literature (1970-1979): Critical
Essays and Bibliography, 57
Decade of Chicano Literature, 1970-1979: Chicano
Literature in the 1970s, 110
Decade of Hispanic Literature: an Anniversary
Anthology, 78
Dedicatoria Chicana, 1
Del Castillo, Ramón, 8
Del Fuego, Laura, 30
Del Otro Lado: Literatura Chicana 2, 79
Del XIX al XX : la Novela Aztlanense en Español,
Delgado, Abelardo, 8, 9, 30, 104, 116
Delgado, Holly, 9
Delia's Song, 30
Demetria Martínez Reads Her Poetry, 112
Denise Chávez, 109
Desalojos (a la Soledad), 21
Detroit Latin Sounds in Poetry, 9
Developing an Instrument to Identify Culturally
Representative Mexican-American Literature, 98
Devil and Juan Pistolas, 73
Devil in Texas, 29
Devil's Apple Corps: a Trauma in Four Acts, 28
Devil, Delfina Varela and the Used Chevy, 37
Di Stefano, Onofre, 91
Día y una Vida, 19
Diablo en Texas, 29
Diafanidad, 21
Dialectics of Our America : Genealogy, Cultural
Critique, and Literary History, 61
Diamond, Betty Ann, 91
Díaz-Ortiz, Elia Mar, 91
Di-Bella, José Manuel, 43
Dactylus, 84
Daily in All the Small, 13
Dal Mito al Mito : la Cultura di Espressione
Chicana, dal Mito Originario al Mito
Rigeneratore, 62
Dancing with the Devil : Society and Cultural
Poetics in Mexican-American South Texas, 57
Danler, Paul Stefan, 90
Dark and Perfect Angels, 38
Dark Side of the Dream, 31
Dark Smoke, 65
Dark, Distinct, and Excellently Female? : die
Sexualität der Frauen in Ausgewahlten Werken der
Modernen Chicana-Literatur, 58
Darkness Under the Trees/Walking Behind the
Spanish, 19
Darstellung der Chicanos als Individuen und als
Gruppe im Erzahlwerk Rolando Hinojosas, 97
Dasenbrock, Reed Way, 57
Daughters of Self-Creation : the Contemporary
Chicana Novel, 55
Daughters of the Fifth Sun : a Collection of Latina
Fiction and Poetry, 79
Dávila Flores, Olivia, 50
Dávila, Luis, 43, 78
Day Is Coming : 32 Days Of Abelardo, 8
Day the Cisco Kid Shot John Wayne, 42
Daybreak, 103
Daydí-Tolson, Santiago, 7
Days of Obligation : an Argument with My Mexican
Father, 105
Dibujos y Poemas de José Antonio Burciaga /
Refrescos, 4
Dichos: Proverbs and Sayings from the Spanish, 71
Diciendo Nuestros Cuentos : las Vidas de Mujeres
Latinas, 89
Dines, Carol, 66
Dinkel, Reynalda O, 9
Diosa y Hembra : the History and Heritage of
Chicanas in the U.S., 77
Discourse of Development and Narratives of
Resistance, 96
Distant Journeys, 42
Divergencias, 10
Doctor Magdalena : Novella, 40
Dogs From Illusion, 39
Domingo, Margie, 9
Domínguez, Marco A., 9
Domínguez, Sylvia Maida, 49
Don José, the Last Patron, 72
Don Phil-O-Meno Si la Mancha, 38
Don't Spit on My Corner, 30
Dónde Soplan los Vientos de Canela, 68
Dorados, 50
Dos Compadres : Cuentos Breves del Barrio, 65
Double-face, 11
Dr. Rolando Hinojosa, 111
Dream of Santa María de las Piedras, 33
Dreamers and Desperadoes : Contemporary Short
Fiction of the American West, 44
Dreams, 47
Dreams of the Centaur, 30
Drink Cultura : Chicanismo, 4
Drink Cultura Refrescante, 5
Drolet, Anne McCart, 91
Dudes or Duds, 28
Duke dos Santos, María I., 54
Dunne, Mary Collins, 66
Durán, Miguel, 30
Durán, Roberto, 9
Dwyer, Carlota Cárdenas de, 77, 91, 99
Ecritures Hispaniques aux Etats-Unis : Mémoire et
Mutations, 55
Ecstasy and Puro Pedo, 11
Effect of a Unit in Chicano Literature on NinthGrade Students' Attitudes Towards Chicanos, 97
Eger, Ernestina N., 99
Elam, Harry Justin, 91
Eldorado in East Harlem : a Novella, 37
Elegies for John Lennon, 5
Elements of Contemporary American Culture as
Reflected in Selected Works of American
Literature, 1960-1974, 95
Elements of San Joaquín, 22
Eleven Lady Lyrics and Other Poems, 6
Elizondo, Rosa Raquel, 9
Elizondo, Sergio, 9, 30, 43, 110
Elk Heads on the Wall, 18
Eluder, 18
Embracing Contradiction: a Cross-Cultural Study of
the Mother in Writing by Women Of Color, 97
Emergency Tacos : Seven Poets Con Picante :
Badikian, Cisneros, Cortez, Cumpián, Gallaher,
López-Castro, Nino, 7
Emplumada, 6
Empringham, Toni, 10
En el Jardín de los Nopales: Poems 1976-1977, 5
En Este Preciso Momento, 17
En Son de Lluvia, 1
Enajenación e Ironía en los Personajes de Arlt y
Acosta, 107
Enamorado en la Guerra y Reconociendo la Tierra:
Aztlán '76-'77, 23
Encanto Chicano, 10
Encuentro, 110, 111
Encuentro Artístico Femenil, 9
Encuentro Binacional Ensayo sobre la Literatura de
las Fronteras, 53
Encuentro con Estanislao Eckermann, 106
Encuentro Femenil, 84
Encuentro Internacional de la Literatura de la
Frontera, 60
Englekirk, John E., 49
Enríquez, Evangelina, 91
Entelequía, 111
Entelequía: Chicano Timespace in the Poetry of
Ricardo Sánchez, 93
Entering a Life, 23
Entiendes? : Queer Readings, Hispanic Writings, 54
Entrance: Four Chicano Poets, 10
Entre Letras y Ladrillos : Autobiografía, 33
Entre Verde y Seco, 71
Escandalar, 84
Escolios, 84
Espacio Literario de Juan Bruce-Novoa y la
Literatura Chicana : un Análisis Metacrítico del
Texto, 53
E. A. Mares. USC Broadcasting in Cooperation with
El Centro Chicano, 112
Eagle-Visioned/Feathered Adobes : Manito Sojourns
and Pachuco Ramblings, October 4th to 24th,
1981, 21
East of the Freeway : Reflections de Mi Pueblo, 20
Eating Fire, 24
Eating Stones, 2
Ecos Serranos: Southwestern Poems and Other
Spanish Selections, 69
Ecos: a Latino Journal of People's Culture and
Literature, 84
Fernández, José B., 43
Fernández, Roberta, 30, 77
Festival de Flor y Canto: an Anthology of Chicano
Literature, 75
Festival de los Teatros Chicanos, 50
Festival Flor y Canto II: an Anthology of Chicano
Literature from the Festival Held March 12-16,
1975, Austin, Texas, 81
Fever of Being, 24
Feyder, Linda, 49
Fictional World of Rolando Hinojosa, 93
Fields of Vanity, 29
Fiesta in Aztlán: an Anthology of Chicano Poetry,
Fifth Horseman, 39
Fifth Sun, 84
Figura Cristalina, 1
Figural Language in the Novel: The Flowers of
Speech From Cervantes to Joyce, 61
Figure of the Pocho in Contemporary Chicano
Fiction, 92
Fils du Soleil: la Minorité Mexicaine à Travers la
Littérature des Etats-Unis, 60
Finale, 34
Fire in My Hands: a Book of Poems, 22
Fireflight : Three Latin American Poets, 2
Firme Magazine, 84
First Confession, 30
First Encounters, 46
Fisch, Louise Ann, 104
Fisher, Jerilyn Beth, 91
Five Against the Sea : a True Story of Courage and
Survival, 103
Five Indiscretions : a Book of Poems, 18
Five Poets of Aztlán, 7
Five Teardrops of La Llorona, 8
Flight of the Eagle : Poetry on the U.S.-Mexico
Border, 17
Flor y Canto en Minnesota, 78
Flor Y Canto IV and V: an Anthology of Chicano
Literature from the Festivals Held in Albuquerque,
New Mexico, 1977 and Tempe, Arizona, 1978,
Flores Peregrino, José, 10
Flores, Arturo Conrado, 55, 91
Flores, Gloria Amalia, 10
Flores, Joseph A., 77
Flores, Juan Manuel, 91
Flores, Noe A., 91
Flores, Richard R., 49
Flores, Richard Reyes, 91
Floricanto en Aztlán, 2
Flow of the River, 75
Flowers for the Broken : Stories, 45
Flynn, Robert, 66
Focus: Chicano Literature, 59
Fodde, Luisanna, 55
Espejo, 80
Espejos de Alma y de Corazón, 23
Esperanza, 113
Espinosa, Aurelio Macedonio, 30, 72
Espinosa, María, 10
Espinoza, Herberto, 43
Essay on Collection Development and
Bibliography of Chicano Literature Published
1980-1984, 100
Esta Puente, Mi Espalda: Voces de Mujeres
Tercermundistas en los Estados Unidos, 79
Estampas del Valle, 31
Estampas del Valle y Otras Obras, 31
Estas Tierras, 37
Estupinián, Rafael, 10
Et Tu ... Raza?, 2
Ethnic Theatre in the United States, 51
Eulogy for a Brown Angel : a Mystery Novel, 30
European Perspectives on Hispanic Literature of the
United States, 55
Eusebio Chacón: a Literary Portrait of 19th Century
New Mexico, 58
Evaluation of Writers and Poets, 111
Evening of Chicano Poetry, 111
Every Other Path, 16, 79
Evolution of Chicano Theatre, 92
Exiles of Desire, 13
Expresión!, 84
Expresiones e Ideas, 79
Expressions and Ideas, 79
Extinct Lands, Scarred Bodies : Chicana Literature
and the Reinvention of Space, 89
Eysturoy, Annie O., 55, 91
Fabian Doesn't Die, 33
Fabián No Se Muere: Novela de Amor, 33
Fabre, Geneviève, 55
Fabricated Mexican, 37
Fabulous Sinkhole, and Other Stories, 46
Face of an Angel, 30
Facegames, 13
Faderman, Lillian, 80
Fair Gentlemen of Belken County, 31
False Advent of Mary's Child and Other Plays, 50
Familia, 17
Famous All Over Town, 68
Farewell to the Coast, 16
Farrar, Ralph E., 3
Father and Son: Chicano Thoughts, 13
Father is a Pillow Tied to a Broom, 22
Faultline, 38
Federighi, Luciano, 55
Feminism on the Border : from Gender Politics to
Geopolitics, 96
Folk Tales of New Mexico, 71
Folklore and Culture on the Texas-Mexican Border,
Folklore and Ethnic Identity of a Mexican-American
Woman, 93
Folklore Chicano del Valle de San Luis, Colorado,
Folklore Neomexicano, 72
Follower of Dusk, 20
Fomento Literario, 84
Fomento Literario : Cuentos i Poemas, 42
Fontes, Montserrat, 30
Fools' Love, 15
Footlights Across the Border : a History of SpanishLanguage Professional Theatre on the Texas
Stage, 60
Foreplay and French Fries, 67
Formas de Nuestras Voces : Chicana and Mexicana
Writers in Mexico, 57
Forte-Escamilla, Kleya, 43
Forum Literario, 84
Foster, Sesshu, 6
Fourth Angel, 36
Fox, Claire Frances, 91
Frack, Seth Alexander, 77
Fragmentos de Barro, 84
Fragmentos de Barro : the First Seven Years, 12
Fragua Sin Fuego, 81
Francisco Alarcón, 107
Frank Sifuentes, 115
Fray Angélico Chávez: a Bibliography of His
Published Writings, 1925-1978, 100
Free, Free at Last, 17
Friendly Cannibal, 31
From an Altar Screen, 71
From Cabeza De Vaca to Oscar Zeta Acosta: Chicano
Literature as Mission in the American Wilderness
(Mexican-Americans), 89
From Imitation to Diversification : NineteenthCentury California Pre-Chicano Poetry, 97
From La Llorona to Envidia...a Few Reflections, 19
From Silence to Howl, 20
From the Barrio: a Chicano Anthology, 80
From the Beginning of Time and Other Stories, 66
From the Belly of the Shark: a New Anthology of
Native Americans, Poems by Chicanos, Eskimos,
Hawaiians, Indians, Puerto Ricans in the U.S.A.
with Related Poems by Others, 78
From the Cables of Genocide : Poems on Love and
Hunger, 6
From the Corazón of a Bato Loco, 8
From the Midwest to the West, 15
From the Restless Roots, 13
Frontera, 103
Frontera Como Ruptura y Desarraigo : la
Simbolización de una Ruptura Histórica en la
Obra de Miguel Méndez, 59
Frontera Mexico-USA : Novela, Cuento y Chiste, 53
Frontera y Literatura : la Expresión de una Ruptura
Histórica en la Obra de Miguel Méndez, 59
Frumkin, Gene, 10
Fry, William A., 91
Fuego de Aztlán, 84
Fuente, Patricia de la, 54
Gaitán, Marcela T., 10
Galarza, Ernesto, 10, 104
Gallant Outcasts, 7
Gallegos, Robert, 10
Gallegos, Sallie, 30
Galván, Roberto A., 10
Gálvez, Javier, 10
Gamboa, Manuel, 10
Gamboa, Reymundo, 10
García Camarillo, Cecilio, 11
García De Rivera, Clorinda, 72
García Nuñez, Fernando, 11
García, Andrew, 104
García, Arnoldo, 10
García, David, 4
García, Guy, 30, 31
García, J. I., 10
García, Lionel, 31, 104
García, Luis, 10, 11
García, Nasario, 43, 72
García, Richard, 11
García-Camarillo, Mia, 49
Garner, Claud, 66
Gary Soto, 115
Gary Soto II, 115
Garza, Cheo, 11
Garza, Mario, 11
Garza, Robert J., 49
Garza-Falcón-Sánchez, Leticia Magda, 91
Gaspar de Alba, Alicia, 12, 43
Gaspar, Tomás, 11
Gault, William Campbell, 66
Geirola, Gustavo, 92
Genealogy of a Text and a Text of Genealogy :
Rafael Chacón's "Memorias, 105
Genealogy of North American Feminism, 19631991 : Competing Narratives of "Gender," "Race"
and "Ethnicity.", 96
Generaciones y Semblanzas, 32
Generaciones, Notas y Brechas, 32
General M.G. Vallejo and the Advent of the
Americans : a Biography, 106
Generations, Notes, and Trails, 32
Gentry, Robert W, 92
Geographies of Struggle : Ideological
Representations of Social Space in Four Chicana
Writers, 89
George Washington Gómez, 35
Gestos, 84
Get Your Tortillas Together, 11
Giant Killer, 39
Gilb, Dagoberto, 31, 43
Gina Valdés: Poetry Reading, May 25, 1994, 115
Gish, Robert, 55
Give the Pig a Chance and Other Stories, 67
Giving Up the Ghost: Teatro in Two Acts, 50
Gloria Anzaldúa, 107
Gobernador Glu Glu y Otros Cuentos, 46
Goldenboy, 35
Goldman, Anne Elizabeth, 92
Gómez, Alma, 43
Gómez-Peña, Guillermo, 31, 77
Gómez-Quiñones, Juan, 12
Gómez-Vega, Ibis, 31
Gonzales, Jerry, 74
Gonzales, Laurence, 31
Gonzales, Rebecca, 12
Gonzales, Rodolfo "Corky", 12
Gonzales, Sylvia Alicia, 12
Gonzales-Berry, Erlinda, 31, 55, 79, 92
González, Alberto, 92
González, Beatriz, 12
González, David J., 12
González, Genaro, 31
González, Ida, 100
González, María, 55
González, María Carmen, 92
González, Rafael Jesús, 12
González, Ray, 12, 13, 43, 55, 77, 104, 111
González-T., César A., 12, 55, 99
Governor Glu Glu and Other Stories, 46
Graham, Don, 55
Graham, Joe Stanley, 92
Grajeda, Rafael F., 92
Grandjéat, Yves-Charles, 55, 92
Grattán-Domínguez, Alejandro, 31
Greyhound: a Poem Sequence, 22
Grief Work, 17
Griego y Maestas, José, 72
Griego, Alfonso, 13
Griep-Ruiz, Leo J., 13
Griffith, Beatrice Winston, 66
Grim City, 66
Grito del Sol: a Chicano Quarterly, 84
Grito: a Journal of Contemporary MexicanAmerican Thought, 84
Growing Up Chicana/o : an Anthology, 78
Growing Up Latino : Memoirs and Stories, 76
Guadalupe: an Original Script, 51
Guajardo, Paul S., 92
Güereña, Salvador, 55, 99
Guerra, Victor, 77
Guerrero, Miguel, 13
Gulf Dreams, 35
Gurpeguí, José Antonio, 55
Gutiérrez, Juan Pablo, 13
Gutiérrez, Ramón, 55
Gutiérrez-Jones, Carl Scott, 56
Guzmán-Treviño, Susan, 92
Gypsy Wagon: un Sancocho de Cuentos Sobre la
Experiencia Chicana, 45
Hablando de Brujas y la Gente Antes: Poemas del
Río Chama, 67
Hacedor de Juegos, 12
Haciendo Caras, 53
Hamilton, M. C., 66
Hammon and the Beans and Other Stories, 45
Hand to Hand, 23
Handbook of Hispanic Cultures in the United States.
Literature and Art, 58
Hang a Snake, 11
Happy Birthday Jesús, 37
Happy Songs, Bleeding Hearts, 19
Hard Labor : Race, Class and the Affirmation of
Culture in American Women's Autobiographies,
Hardscrub, 31
Harth, Dorothy E., 77
Harvest : Short Stories, 45
Harvest Moon, 49
Harvest of Hope: the Pilgrimage of a MexicanAmerican Physician, 105
Haughton, Lynda, 56
Hay Otra Voz: Poems 1968-1971, 25
Hay Plesha Lichans Tu Di Flac, 45
Healing Ritual, 33
Heart of Aztlán, 27
Heart Songs: The Collected Poems of Nina Serrano
(1969-1979), 68
Heartland: Stories of the Southwest, 45
Heat of Arrivals : Poems, 13
Heaven / They Say It's Not at All White, 22
Hechizospells, 21
Heisley, Michael, 99
Helena Viramontes, 116
Hembra, 84
Hensley, Joe L., 66
Here Lies Lalo: 25 Deaths of Abelardo, 8
Hermans, Hub., 56
Herms, Dieter, 56
Hernández Cruz, Victor, 13
Hernández Gutiérrez, Manuel de Jesús, 56, 92
Hernández Tovar, Inés, 13
Hernández, Alfonso, 50
Hernández, Alfonso C., 13
Hernández, Guillermo, 56
Hernández, Leo, 13
Hernández, Lisa, 77
Hernández, Marty, 13
Heroes and Saints and Other Plays, 50
Herrera, Felipe, 54
Herrera, Juan Felipe, 13, 14, 111
Herrera-Sobek, María, 12, 56, 72, 111
Het Sterven van een Lange Dag, 36
Hey, Mex, 67
Hey, Mr. President, Man!, 8
Hidden Law, 35
Hijas de Cuauhtemoc, 85
Hijo de la Tempestad, 30
Hijo del Pueblo: New Mexico Poems, 17
Hinojosa-Smith, Rolando R., 14, 31, 32, 56, 81,
110, 111, 112
Hintz, Joy, 77, 78
Hispanic Folktales from New Mexico: Narratives
from The R.D. Jameson Collection, 73
Hispanic Presence in American Culture, 108
Hispanic Theater in the United States and Puerto
Rico : a Report to the Ford Foundation, 60
Hispanic Theatre in the United States, 50
Hispanic, Female and Young : an Anthology, 80
Hispanic-American Playwright Carlos Morton
Reading from His Work, 113
Hispanic-American Writer E.A. (Tony) Mares
Reading From His Poetry, 112
Hispanic-American Writer Sabine R. Ulibarrí Reads
from His Prose and is Interviewed, 115
Hispanics in the United States: an Anthology of
Creative Literature, Volume I and II, 78
Hispano Culture of New Mexico, 72
Hispano Folklife of New Mexico: The Lorin W.
Brown Federal Writers Project Manuscripts, 71
Hispanorama Schwerpunkt--Chicanoliteratur, 54
Historical and Comparative Content and Linguistic
Analysis of the Development of the Image of the
Chicano in the Literature from 1804 to 1980 and
Its Implications to Education, 96
History of Home, 17
History of Mexican American Professional Theatre
in Texas: 1875-1935, 96
History of Teatro in Lubbock, Texas, 89
Holy Cheese, 68
Holy Water, 16
Hombre Extendido, 14
Home Course in Religion : New Poems, 22
Home Girls : Chicana Literary Voices, 60
Horno-Delgado, Asunción, 56
House on Mango Street, 42
House on Mango Street ; Woman Hollering Creek,
How Town : a Novel of Suspense, 35
Howard, Dolores, 14
Hoyt Street : an Autobiography, 105
Hoyt Street : Memories of a Chicana Childhood,
Hruska y Cortés, Elías, 14
Huehuetitlán, 85
Huelga! a Novel, 65
Huerta, Gregorio, 14
Huerta, Jorge A., 50, 92, 112
Hummingbird Dream, 17
Hundred Days from Now, 66
Hunger of Memory: the Education of Richard
Rodríguez, an Autobiography, 105
Hungry Slug, 21
I Am Joaquín, 12
I Am Joaquín: an Epic Poem, 12
I Can Hear the Cowbells Ring, 104
I Didn't Know There Were Latinos in Wisconsin : an
Anthology of Hispanic Poetry, 15
I Go Dreaming Serenades, 20
I Like You, Gringo, But!, 104
I Returned and Saw Under the Sun, 50
I Used to Be a Superwoman, 24
I Was Never a Militant Chicano, 5
I Will Catch the Sun, 8
I'm Still There : the Poetic Story of the Immigrants
from All Over the World and of "the Wetbacks"
from the South, 24
Ibañez, Armando, 14
Identification and Analysis of Chicano Literature,
Identity Extremes : the Autobiographical Impulse of
Oscar Acosta and Richard Rodríguez, 92
Iguana Dreams : New Latino Fiction, 45
Iguana Killer: Twelve Stories of the Heart, 45
Illingworth-Rico, Alfonso, 92
Image of the Mexican in American Literature, 95
Image of the Spanish American Woman in Recent
Southwest Fiction, 93
Images and Conversations : Mexican Americans
Recall a Southwestern Past, 104
Images of the Mexican American in Fiction and
Film, 59
Imagine, 85
Immigrants in Our Own Land, 3
Immigrants in Our Own Land and Selected Early
Poems, 3
In Loneliness, 16
In Other Words : Literature by Latinas of the United
States, 77
In Pleasant and Sweet Accents: a Book of Christmas
in Poetry, 9
In Search of Snow, 39
In Spite of the River, 68
In the Still of My Heart, 14
In Their Father's Time, 22
Indian Río Grande: Recent Poems from Three
Cultures, 10
Industrializing the Garden : the Progressive Farmer
in American Farm Literature, 90
Infinite Divisions : an Anthology of Chicana
Literature, 79
Information : 20 Years of Joda, 15
Inheritance of Light, 13
Inocencia Perversa, 4
Inocencio : Ni Pica Ni Escarda, Pero Siempre Se
Come el Mejor Elote, 28
Instamatic Reconditioning, 2
Instrucciones y Señales, 23
Instructional Materials for a Community College
Course in Chicano Literature, 91
Intaglio : a Novel in Six Stories, 30
International Studies in Honor of Tomás Rivera, 59
Interrogations, 17
Interview with Chicano Author Rudolfo Anaya, 107
Interview with New Mexico Writer Rudy Anaya, 107
Interviews with Writers of the Post-Colonial World,
Introduction to the Chicano Novel, 57
Invention of Spain: Poems, 2
Invitation, 5
Invocation L.A. : Urban Multicultural Poetry, 7
Islas, Arturo, 32
It's Cold: 52 Cold Thought-Poems of Abelardo, 8
Jornadas Americanas, 20
José Montoya, 112
José Montoya Discusses Chicano Movement and
Reads From His Book "Information, 20 Years of
Joda", 112
José Montoya Reading in the UCSD New Poetry
Series, Nov. 12, 1980, 112
José Montoya Reads His Poetry, February 20, 1992,
José Montoya Reads His Poetry, March 19, 1987,
José Montoya, Interview, 112
Josefina and the Hanging Tree, 33
Journal of Ethnic Studies, 85
Journey to the Third World, 12
Joysmith, Claire, 57
Juan Bruce-Novoa's Theory of Chicano Literary
Space : a Metacritical Analysis of the Text, 53
Juan D. Bruce-Novoa, 108
Juan Felipe Herrera, 111
Juárez, Tina, 32
Junk City Journal, 9
Jussawalla, Feroza F., 57
Kahn, Gordon, 66
Kanellos, Nicolas, 43, 50, 78
Keller, Gary, 43, 44, 57, 78
Kelton, Elmer, 66
Kevane, Bridget Anne, 93
Kindred, 17
Kirack, Alex (Gallo), 44, 66
Kitchen on a Hunger Strike, 4
Klail City : a Novel, 32
Klail City Death Trip Series" de Rolando Hinojosa :
la Novela del Lector, 93
Klail City und Umgebung, 32
Klail City y sus Alrededores, 32
Knapp, Martha P., 78
Kodachrome in Rhyme, 10
Koele Vampiers, 36
Korean Love Songs, 14
Kossnar, Sylvia, 99
Kotkin, Joel, 66
Koundoura, María, 93
Ku: Poems, 25
Jalamanta : a Message From the Desert, 28
Jalamate, 85
Jam Session: Twenty Poems and One Short Story,
Jambeaux, 31
James, Dan, 68
Jaramillo, Cleofas M., 72, 104
Jardín, 50
Jay, Julia De Foor, 92
Jérez, Marco Antonio, 3
Jesse, 38
Jiménez, Francisco, 56, 78
Jimmy Santiago Baca, 108
Jimmy Santiago Baca: [Poems], 3
Joaquín (in the Fog), 67
John Rechy Reads His Novels, May 21, 1992, 114
John Steinbeck's Use of Non-Teleological Thinking
in His Mexican-American Characters, 92
Johnny Tenorio and Other Plays, 51
Johnson Stephenson, María Mercedes, 93
Johnson, Elaine Dorough, 93
Jones, David Richard, 50
Jordan, R. A., 93
L.A. and Other Tragedies, 15
Laberinto de la Soledad de Octavio Paz y Su
Aplicación Temática en la Novela Chicana, 98
Laberintos de la Mexicanidad : la Construcción de la
Identidad en la Autobiografía Chicana
Contemporanea ( José A. Villarreal, Ernesto
Galarza, Richard Rodríguez, Gloria Anzaldúa), 98
Lachtman, Ofelia Dumas, 32
Lady From Toledo, 30
Lady in Waiting : Poems in English and Spanish, 19
Lágrimas Chicanas: Haikus Trágicos, 3
Lágrimas, Pistolas y Ombligos, 80
Landy, Lino, 57
LaPresto, Brigitte Loos, 93
Lasarte, Francisco, 56
Last Client of Luis Montez, 35
Last Deal, 31
Last Generation : Prose and Poetry, 16, 59
Last Known Residence of Mickey Acuña, 31
Last Laugh and Other Stories, 44
Last of the Menu Girls, 42
Last Taco in Pérez: a Comic Tragedy, 51
Last Testament, 4
Latin American Literary Review, 85
Latin Satins, 35
Latina : Women's Voices from the Borderlands, 76
Latino Fiction and the Modernist Imagination :
Literature of the Borderlands, 90
Latino Short Fiction, 43
Lattin, Vernon E., 57, 104
Laughingest Lady, 68
Lavando la Calavera de Vaca: Poesía Texana en
Traducción, 16
Lay My Body on the Line, 38
Leal, Luis, 57, 110, 111
Leaving Home, 31
Lechuza: Cuentos de Mi Barrio, 73
Lector, 57
Lee, James W., 55
Lee, Joyce Glover, 93
Legend of La Llorona, 28, 72
Legend of La Llorona: a Short Novel, 28
Legendary Narratives Inherited by Children of
Mexican-American Ancestry : Cultural Pluralism
and the Persistence Of Tradition, 96
Legends of a Hermit, 71
Legends of the California Bandidos, 104
Legion of Roots, 69
León Salió de la Jaula, 30
Leonor Park, 29
Leonor Villegas Magnón and the Mexican
Revolution, 104
Lesley, Craig, 44
Lesser Evils : Ten Quartets, 22
Let My Existence Be Born : Collected Poems, 9
Letter to the Child Within, 17
Letterature Afroamericana, Chicana e degli Indiani
d'America, 55
Letters to Louise, 30
Levantando la Palabra, 18
Level at Which the Sky Begins, 46
Lewis, Marvin A., 57
Libro de Poemas, 15
Libro Para Batos y Chavalas Chicanas, 9
Life and Poetry of Olivia Castellano, 108
Life and Works of Fabiola Cabeza de Baca, New
Mexican Hispanic Woman Writer : a Contextual
Biography, 95
Life is a Two-Way Street : Prison Poems, 6
Life Span, 25
Life Within the Heart Imprisoned, 23
Like a Mighty Rushing Wind : the Religious
Impulse in the Life and Writing of Reies López
Tijerina, 90
Lime Orchard Woman, 18
Limón, Graciela, 32
Limón, José Eduardo, 57
Lindheim, Bessie, 104
Line, 11
Line : Essays on Mexican/American Border
Literature, 60
Linea : Ensayos Sobre Literatura Fronteriza MéxicoNorteamericana, 60
Literarios Chicanos: an Examination of Chicano
Literature Past and Present, 113
Literary Folklore of the Hispanic Southwest, 72
Literary Transculturation in Latin America, 97
Literatura Chicana, 56, 62
Literatura Chicana : Creative and Critical Writings
Through 1984, 101
Literatura Chicana a Través de Sus Autores, 54
Literatura Chicana: Texto y Contexto, 76
Literatura Chicana: Vida en Busca de Forma, 60
Literatura Chicana: a Comprehensive Bibliography
(1980-June 1984), 100
Literatura de la Frontera México-Norteamericana :
Cuentos, 43
Literatura Fronteriza, 60
Literatura Fronteriza de Acá y de Allá : Memoria del
Encuentro Binacional Ensayo sobre la Literatura
de las Fronteras, 53
Literatura Fronteriza: Antología del Primer Festival
San Diego-Tijuana, Mayo 1981., 78
Literatura Hispana de los Estados Unidos.
Explicación de Textos Literarios, 53
Literatura Méjicoamericana del Suroeste de los
Estados Unidos, 94
Literatura y Sociedad en el Mundo Chicano ; Incluye,
-- Y No Se Lo Tragó la Tierra de Tomás Rivera, 58
Little Death, 35
Lives and Works of Five Hispanic New Mexican
Women Writers, 1878-1991, 95
Living Up the Street, 106
Lizarraga, Sylvia, 57
Llorona : 25 Lloronas of Abelardo, 8
Llueve Tlaloc, 85
Lluvia de Oro, 106
Lo Que Nunca Pasó Por Sus Labios, 44
Loma Prieta, 1
Lomelí, Francisco A., 14, 53, 57, 58, 78, 100, 111,
116, 117
Long Way From Home, 66
Looking for Mary Lou : Illegal Syntax : Poems, 2
Loose Woman: Poems, 6
López Dzur, Carlos A., 14
López Rojo, Miguel, 58
López, José Timoteo, 58
López, Miguel Rojo, 93
López, Tiffany Ana, 78
López, Tomás, 32
López-Medina, Sylvia, 33
López-Stafford, Gloria, 104
Lord of the Dawn : the Legend of Quetzalcoatl, 28
Lore of New Mexico, 74
Lorna Dee Cervantes, 109
Love After the Riots, 13
Love in Many Tunes : a Collection of Modern
Chicano Poems, 23
Loverboys : Stories, 42
Loving in the War Years, 44
Lowenfels, Walter, 78
Lucero, Marcela Christine, 93
Lucero-White, Aurora, 72
Luces, 19
Lucha Corpi : Reading and Conversation with
Norma Alarcón, 109
Lucha Corpi and Mary Helen Ponce Read from Their
Writings, 109
Ludwig, Ed, 78
Luera, Yolanda, 14
Luis Leal : a Bibliography with Interpretive and
Critical Essays, 99
Luis Rodríguez Reads His Poetry, 114
Luis Valdez : Notes on an American Theatre in
Process, 56
Luis Valdez on Corridos, 116
Luis Valdez: Four Roads to America, 116
Luis Valdez--Early Works : Actos, Bernabe, and
Pensamiento Serpentino, 51
Lullabies of Revelation: Springs, Paradoxes,
Anathemas, 13
Luna Lawhn, Juanita, 58
Luna Llena: Ocho Años de Poesía Chicana, 19711979, 24
Luna Robles, Margarita, 14
Luz, 85
Lynch, Honora Moore, 93
Lyon, Ted, 58
Madison, D. Soyini, 78
Madison, Winifred, 66
Madreselvas en Flor, 41
Madrugada del '56, 10
Magazín: la Revista del Mexicano de Tejas, 85
Magic Journey, 67
Magic of Blood, 43
Magic of Words: Rudolfo A. Anaya and His
Writings, 62
Magical Realism in Contemporary Chicano Fiction,
Magill, Frank, 78
Maier, Annette, 58
Maïz, Apaxu, 104
Maizal, 85
Maize: Notebooks of Xicano Literature and Art, 85
Maker of Games, 12
Making Face, Making Soul, 53
Making History: Generational Constructs, National
Identity and Critical Discourse in Twentieth
Century Chicana/o Literature, 94
Maldonado Miracle, 68
Maldonado, Jesús María, 14, 58
Man's Inhumanity to Man : Justice and Injustice in
Three Mexican-American Playwrights, 94
Manazar Gamboa, Manuel (Manazar), 14
Mango, 85
Manhunters, 66
Manicomio: Poems, 2
Mano a Mano, Gringo Chicano, 23
Manuel Álvarez, 1794-1856: a Southwestern
Biography, 103
Manuscrito de Origen, 4
Many Deaths of Danny Rosales, 51
Many Deaths of Danny Rosales and Other Plays, 51
Maps for the Journey : Shamanic Patterns in Anaya,
Asturias, and Castañeda, 90
Maravilla, 30, 39
Marchitas de Mayo : (Sones Pa'l Pueblo) : Poesía
Chicana, 7
Mares, E. A., 14, 50, 112
Margins, 35
María Luisa, 66
Marilyn's Daughter, 36
Márquez, Antonio, 75
Márquez, Teresa, 79, 100
Marrero, María Teresa, 93
Marroquín, Sol, 104
Martin ; and, Meditations on the South Valley, 3
Martín, Patricia Preciado, 15, 44, 72, 104
Martínez, Brian, 16, 79
Martínez, Demetria, 12, 33, 112
Martínez, Eliud, 33
Martínez, Julio A., 58, 100
Martínez, Lorri, 15
Martínez, María, 15
Martínez, Max, 33, 44
Martínez, Ricardo A., 33
Macehual en Madrid, 10
Macho!, 40
MacIntosh, Roderick James, 93
Maclean, Angus, 66, 104
Martínez, Victor, 15, 33, 112
Martínez-Conde, Juan Gutiérrez, 58
Martínez-Serros, Hugo, 44
Martín-Rodríguez, Manuel María, 58, 78, 93
Marvin, Isabel R., 33
Mary Helen Ponce 2/9/95 reading at SFSU, 114
Más Que No Love It, 67
Massacre of the Dreamers : Essays on Xicanisma, 54
Masterpieces of Latino Literature, 78
Maya's Divided World, 39
Mayo, C. M., 44
Mayo, Wendell, 44
McCrae, Patricia, 112, 113, 116
McFerran, Virginia Derus, 93
McGinity, Sue Simmons, 93
Me Inside of Me, 29
Means, Florence (Crannell), 67
Mechanic, 11
Mediating the Past : Continuity and Diversity in the
Chicano Literary Tradition, 94
Medina, Frank, 33
Medina, Roberto C., 33
Medina, Rubén, 15
Meier, Matt S., 78, 104
Mejía, Jaime Armin, 93
Meléndez, Rudolph R., 33
Melus, 85
Memoria(s) from an Exile's Notebook of the Future,
Memorias del Marqués de San Basilisco, 42
Memories of Ana Calderón, 32
Memories of the Alhambra, 29
Memory Fever : a Journey Beyond El Paso del Norte,
Méndez M., Miguel, 15, 33, 34, 44, 58, 110
Méndez, Larry, 79
Mendoza, Louis Gerard, 94
Menudo, 77
Merienda Tejana : the Writings of Mary Sue
Galindo, María Limón, Jesse Johnson, 19
Mesqui + tierra, 10
Mesquite Sighs : a Collection of Short Stories, 46
Messenger, Robert, 58
Mester, 85
Mestiza: Poems, 18
Mestizaje: the Transformation of Ancient Indian
Religous Thought in Contemporary Chicano
Fiction, 98
Metamórfosis, 85
Mexican American Biographies : a Historical
Dictionary, 1836-1987, 104
Mexican American Literature, 62, 79
Mexican American Literature: a Preliminary
Bibliography of Literary Criticism, 99
Mexican American Prose Narrative in Texas: the
Jest and the Anecdote, 96
Mexican American Theatre : Legacy and Reality, 50
Mexican American Theatre: Then and Now, 50
Mexican Americans in Modern American Fiction,
Mexican Ballads, Chicano Poems : History and
Influence in Mexican-American Social Poetry, 57
Mexican Folk Narrative from the Los Angeles Area,
Mexican Folk Plays, 51
Mexican Folk Tales, 71
Mexican Folktales from the Borderland, 71
Mexican Village, 35
Mexican-American Anthology II: Poetry, Prose,
Essays, Stories, Songs, Dichos, Corridos, Art,
Mexican-American Folklore, 74
Mexican-American Writer and Poet Ana Castillo
Reading from Her Works, 108
Mexicanville, 51
Mexico and the Hispanic Southwest in American
Literature, 60
Mexico and the Old Southwest: People, Palaver,
Places, 71
Mexico and the United States: Intercultural
Relations in the Humanities, 58
Meza, María R., 15
Mi Abuela Fumaba Puros, 46
Mi Abuela Fumaba Puros y Otros Cuentos de Tierra
Amarilla, 46
Mi Letra No Es en Inglés : la Resistencia Cultural
Sonorense en la Poesía de "El Tucsonense,"
1915-1957, 59
Mi Querido Rafa, 32
Michel, Concha, 2
Midday Shadows, 14
Midwest-East, Midwest-West: a Chicano-Riqueño
Studies Publication, 85
Migrant Souls, 32
Miguel Méndez in Aztlán : Two Decades of Literary
Production, 57
Miguélez, Armando, 59
Miguélez, Generoso Armando, 94
Milagro and Other Stories, 44
Milagro Beanfield War, 67
Milhuas Blues and Gritos Norteños, 21
Miller, Elaine K., 72
Milligan, Bryce, 79
Minority Voices, 85
Minority Woman's Voice: a Cultural Study of Black
and Chicana Fiction, 91
Miquitzli, 85
Miracle for Mexico, 35
Miraculous Day of Amalia Gómez, 36
Mirandé, Alfredo, 15
Mireles, Jovita González, 34
Mireles, Oscar, 15
Mirror: Selected Chicano Literature, 80
Mirror: Selected Mexican-American Literature, 80
Mirrors Beneath the Earth : Short Fiction By
Chicano Writers, 43
Miser of Mexico, 51
Misfortunes of a Chicano: a Search for Identity
Amid Poverty and Discrimination, 65
Mission Street Manifesto : For All Varrios, 13
Missions in Conflict : Essays on U.S.-Mexican
Relations and Chicano Culture, 54
Mister Menu, 11
Mixquiahuala Letters, 29
Modern Chicano Writers: a Collection of Critical
Essays, 62
Modismos de Tejas, 73
Moesser, Alba Irene, 94
Monahan, Helena, 94
Mondragón, Lloyd, 79
Monologue of the Bolivian Major: Cuento, 44
Monreal, Art, 15
Monreal, David Nava, 34, 44, 50
Montalvo, Carmen, 79
Montalvo, José, 15
Montejano, Diana L., 15
Montenegro, Patricia, 15
Montes de Orca Ricks, María, 94
Montezuma, Nuevo Méjico, U.S. of A., 72
Montoy, Dale, 50
Montoya Poetry Review, 85
Montoya, Delilah, 11
Montoya, José, 15, 112, 116
Moon Shoots, 20
Moore, Consuela Marie (Sybil Kein), 94
Mora, Joshua Al, 94
Mora, Pat, 16, 34, 104, 113
Mora, Ricardo, 16
Moraga, Cherrie, 16, 43, 44, 50, 59, 79, 113
Morales Armas, Linda, 47
Morales, Alejandro, 34, 94, 110, 112
Morales, Arcadio, Jr., 16, 79
Morales, Phyllis S., 100
Morales, Sylvia, 112, 113
Morell Casanova, Alberto Rafael, 16
Morena, 14
Moreno, Dorinda, 16, 79
Morgan, Nina Y., 94
Morning of '56: Selected Poems, 10
Morningsong, Mañanitas, 42
Mortal Sin Kit, 8
Morton, Carlos, 16, 50, 51, 59, 94, 113
Mosaico de la Vida: Prosa Chicana, Cubana y
Puertorriqueña, 78
Mosches, Eduardo, 79
Mother Madre, 3
Mother, May I?, 25
Mothertongue, 33
Moths and Other Stories, 47
Movements in Chicano Poetry : Against Myths,
Against Margins, 59
Moynagh, Maureen Anne, 94
Mrs. Vargas and the Dead Naturalist, 27
Muerte en una Estrella, 30
Muertos También Cuentan, 33
Mujer en Pie de Lucha: y la Hora Es Ya!, 79
Mujer Es la Tierra, la Tierra Da Vida, 16
Mujer y Literatura Mexicana y Chicana : Culturas en
Contacto : Primer Coloquio Fronterizo, 22, 23 y
24 de abril de 1987, 59
Mujer y Literatura Mexicana y Chicana : Culturas en
Contacto, 2 : Segundo Coloquio Fronterizo, 59
Mujeres de Aztlán : Performance Poetry, 9
Mujeres Hablan: an Anthology of Nuevo Mexicana
Writers, 79, 113
Multi-Faceted Poetic World of Angela de Hoyos, 53
Multilingüisme at Multiculturalisme en Amérique du
Nord : Temps, Mythe et Histoire, 54
Multinationalism : Redrawing the Map of the
Intellectual's Labor in the Age of
Postcoloniality, 93
Muñoz, Art, 16
Murder Children : a Novel, 65
Murguía, Alejandro, 16, 34
Muro, Amado, 67
Murrieta Saldívar, Manuel, 59
Mutualista" (1947-1950): a Facsimile Edition of a
Milwaukee Hispanic Newspaper, 54
My Father Was a Toltec : Poems, 6
My Father Was a Toltec and Selected Poems 19731988, 6
My Grandmother Smoked Cigars and Other Stories
of Tierra Amarilla, 46
My Hair Turning Gray Among Strangers, 17
My History, Not Yours : the Formation of Mexican
American Autobiography, 105
My Moline, 103
My Wicked Wicked Ways, 6
Mystery of Survival and Other Stories, 43
Mythopoeia of Chicano Poetry : an Introduction to
Cultural Archetypes, 98
Mythos und Realitët der Chicanos. Eine Literarische
Studie unter Beruicksichtigung Soziologischer
Aspekte in den Romanen "Bless me Ultima" von
Rudolfo A. Anaya, "...Y No Se Tragó La Tierra /
...And The Earth Did Not Devour Him" von Tomás
Rivera und "Generaciones y Semblanzas" von
Rolando Hinojosa, 97
Nacht in der Stadt, 36
NACS Conference; (19th :; 1990 :; Albuquerque,
NM), 113
Nade y Nade: a Collection of Poems, 24
Nahualliandoing: Poetry in Español, Nahuatl,
English, 16
Nahuatzen, 85
Niño, Raúl, 16
No Dejen Que Se Escapen : Modes of Repression and
Modes of Resistance in Chicana or Mexicana
Literature, 96
No Fire for the Forge, 81
No Golden Gate for Us, 1
No Longer Voiceless, 57
No Short Journeys : the Interplay of Cultures in the
History and Literature of the Borderlands, 60
Noches Despertando Inconciencias, 7
Nocturno, 4
Nombres Propios, 24
Noon Words, 7
North of the Río Grande : the Mexican-American
Experience in Short Fiction, 46
North Side Story, 11
NorthSun, Nila, 68
Northwest Cantos of Ricardo Sánchez, Part I, 21
Nosotras : Latina Literature Today, 76
Nosotros Anthology, 79
Not by the Sword, 29
Nothing Like It, 21
Novel Guide for Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo A.
Anaya, 58
Novela Chicana Escrita en Español : Cinco Autores
Comprometidos, 96
Novela Chicana Escrita en Español: Cinco Autores
Comprometidos, 61
Noyes, Stanley, 10
Nuestro, 86
Nueva Narrativa Chicana. Prólogo y Selección de
Oscar U. Somoza, 80
Nuevos Horizontes de 15 Mundos, 78
Nuevos Horizontes: Cuentos Chicanos,
Puertorriqueños y Cubanos, 43
Nuevos Pasos : Chicano and Puerto Rican Drama, 50
Numbers, 36
Nummern, 36
Nummers, 36
Nuñez, Edgardo, 58
Nailed to the Wound, 43
Naked Ladies, 25
Nambe-Year One, 37
Nanahuatzín, 85
Narrativa Chicana Contemporanea: Principios
Fundamentales, 62
Narrativa de Alejandro Morales: Encuentro, Historia
y Compromiso Social, 96
Narratives of Self : the Chicana
Bildungsroman/Kunstlerroman, 91
Nash, N. Richard, 67
National Association for Chicano Studies, 113
National Hispanic Book Fair Anthology, 113
Nationchild Plumaroja: Poems 1969-1972, 2
Nava, Michael, 34, 35
Navarro, J.L., 45
Navarro, Joe, 16
Neate, Wilson, 94
Nebulous Thoughts, 15
Necessary Theater : Six Plays About the Chicano
Experience, 50
Necessary Theatre : Conversations with Leading
Chicano and Chicana Theatre Artists, 113
Neighborhood Odes : Poems, 22
Nelson, Emmanuel Sampath, 94
Nelson, Eugene, 67
Nepantla : Essays from the Land in the Middle, 104
Nericcio, William Anthony, 94
Neueste Chicano-Lyrik, 5
Neustadt, Robert Alan, 94
New and Selected Poems, 22
New Border Establishing Shots : Aesthetics and
Politics in the Era of North American Free Trade,
New Chicana/Chicano Writing, 85
New Directions in Chicano Scholarship, 61
New Letters on the Air, 108, 115
New Mexican Folklore of the Río Abajo, 71
New Mexico Folklore from the Spanish, 71
New Mexico Plays, 50
New Mexico Poetry Renaissance, 16
New Neighbor and Other Stories, 44
New Passages: Contemporary Chicano Writers, 113
New Voices in Literature: The Mexican American,
Nicaragua, Yo Te Canto Besos, Balas y Sueños, 68
Nichols, John, 67
Niederman, Sharon, 16
Nieto, Jesús G., 75
Niggli, Josephina, 35, 51
Night in Tunisia : Newtexts, 14
Night is Ending : a Novel, 89
Night Music, 10
Night Song, 18
Night Train to Tuxtla, 14
Nina Cassian and Sandra Cisneros Reading Their
Poems, 109
Obras, 21
Obras de Felipe Maximiliano Chacón, "El Cantor
Neomexicano: Poesía y Prosa, 6
Obsidian Sky, 31
Ochoa, Esperanza, 45
Ochoa, Jesús B., 16
Ochoa, María, 95
Ochoa, Philip, 80
Oddsplayer, 37
Of Dark Love, 1
Of Verse and Vision, 18
Ojo de la Cueva, 5
Padilla, Genaro M., 95, 105, 114
Padre Martínez of Taos : a Play, 50
Padre y Hijo, 13
Páginas de Mi Vida : Poemas, 4
Pain and Promise: the Chicano Today, 61
Paisano, 66
Palabra, 86
Palabra Nueva : Poesía Chicana, 1
Palabra Nueva. Cuentos Chicanos II, 41
Palabra Nueva: Cuentos Chicanos, 41
Palabra: a Sampling of Contemporary Latino
Writers, 113
Palabras Chicanas : an Undergraduate Anthology,
Palabras de la Vista/Retratos de la Pluma
(Memorias), 2
Palabras de Mediodía, 7
Paletitas de Guayaba, 31
Palley, Julian, 79
Panchita : a Romantic Adventure of a Young Girl's
Climb from Rags to Riches Through Honesty and
Faith in God, 13
Pancho Diablo, 51
Paper Dance : 55 Latino Poets, 13
Para Morir en Tus Brazos y Compromiso, 24
Para Todos los Panes, No Están Todos Presentes, 7
Paraíso, Caída y Regeneración en Tres Novelas
Chicanas, 90
Paredes, Américo, 17, 35, 45, 72, 73, 79
Paredes, Raymund, 61, 79, 95
Párez, Luis, 105
Parrot in the Oven : Tales from My Life, 33
Part of the Team (Story of an American Hero): Based
on the Life of Sergeant Alfredo (Freddy)
González, United States Marine Corps, 104
Partial Autobiographies : Interviews with Twenty
Chicano Poets, 103
Partners in Crime, 32
Parunilam, Thomas Varkey, 95
Paseos y Peregrinaciones: Poemas, 17
Pasó por Aquí : Critical Essays on the New Mexican
Literary Tradition, 1542-1988, 55
Passion Play in New Mexico, 49
Pastores : History and Performance in the Mexican
Shepherd's Play of South Texas, 49
Pastores" : Performance, Poetics, and Politics in
Folk Drama, 91
Patterns of Anarchy and Order in the Works of John
Rechy, 93
Peck, David R., 100
Pelon Drops Out, 30
Peña, Terri de la, 35
Pensamiento Serpentino: a Chicano Approch to the
Theatre of Reality, 24
Pensamientos Capturados: Poemas de José
Montalvo, 15
Pensamientos: Santa Barbara, 81
Old Faces and New Wine, 34
Olguín, Ben, 95
Oliphant, Dave, 16
Olivares, Julián, 45, 59, 79, 104
Olive Women: Poems, 22
Olivia Castellano, 108
Ollantay Theater Magazine, 86
Olvera, Joe, 17
Ombligo de Aztlán, 75
On New Ground : Contemporary Hispanic-American
Plays, 51
On the Make Again, 67
Once Upon a Cotton-Picking Time, 33
Onda Chicana, 113
Onda Latina en Poesía, Detroit, 9
One Man Tango : a Memoir, 105
One More Step: Collected Poems, 11
Only Sons, 31
Only the Good Times, 4
Open Spaces, City Places : Contemporary Writers
on the Changing Southwest, 62
Opposing Oppositions : Competition for
Authenticity in U.S. Ethnic Writing, 1960-1983,
Oración a la Mano Poderosa, 16
Oral Narratives as Chicana (His)Tory Text, 73
Original Sin, 105
Original Sin: a Self-Portrait, 105
Originality of Chicano Literature: a Comparison
with Contemporary Mexican Writing, 58
Ornelas, Berta, 35
Ortega, Adolfo, 17
Ortego y Gasca, Philip D., 17, 59, 79, 95
Ortiz Cofer, Judith, 9
Ortiz de Montellano, Ana, 17
Ortiz y Pino, José, 45, 72
Ortiz, Simon J., 75
Osborn, M. Elizabeth, 51
Oscar "Zeta" Acosta, the Uncollected Works, 27,
Oscar Z. Acosta, in Context, 89
Oscar Zeta Acosta [Reads From] El Rebel de las
Cucarachas, 107
Otra Vez en la Movida, 67
Otro Canto, 6
Ozuna, Alejandro, 113
Pacheco, Henry Louis, 17
Pacheco, Javier, 117
Pachuco, 37
Pachuco Mark, 33
Pacific Crossing, 38
Padilla, Ernesto, 10, 17
Padilla, Genaro, 55
People of the Valley, 69
Pepe Ríos, 29
Pepper, Margot, 17
Perales, Alonso M., 73
Perdido : a Barrio Story, 38
Peregrinos de Aztlán, 33, 34
Pereira, Teresinha Alves, 67
Pérez, Emma, 35
Pérez, Emma A., 73
Pérez, Gustavo, 9
Pérez, Hector, 95
Pérez, Reymundo, 17
Pérez-Torres, Rafael, 59, 95
Performance and the Construction of Identity in
U.S. Latino [Chicano, Cuban American] Fiction,
Perico en el Horno, 33
Perros y Antiperros: Una Épica Chicana, 9
Perverse Innocence, 4
Pettit, Arthur G., 59
Pflaumenpflücker, 28
Phases, 17
Pianca, Marina, 95
Pieces of Clay, 84
Pieces of the Heart : New Chicano Fiction, 46
Piecework : 19 Fresno Poets, 24
Pig Cookies and Other Stories, 45
Pilgrims in Aztlán, 34
Pilkington, William T., 55
Piller, Walter, 59
Piña Ortiz, Martín, 59, 95
Pino, Cecilia, 41
Pino, Frank, 17
Piojo y la Liendre, 73
Piruli, Madigan, 73
Place in El Paso : a Mexican-American Childhood,
Place Where the Sea Remembers, 29
Planet with Mother, May I?, 25
Plate, Peter, 67
Plum Plum Pickers, 29
Pobladores Nuevo Mexicanos y Su Poesía, 18891959, 3
Pocho, 39
Pocho : en Español, 40
Pocho Che, 86
Poema Convidado, 86
Poemas de un Emigrante, 24
Poemas en Español, 10
Poemas en Mi Menor., 65
Poems Across the Pavement, 19
Poems by Trinidad Sánchez, 21
Poems From My Notebook, 5
Poems of an Immigrant, 24
Poems Taken from My Yard, 3
Poesía Chicana : Alurista, Ricardo Sánchez, Rafael
Jesús González, Tino Villanueva, Sergio
Elizondo, Abelardo Delgado, Aristeo Brito y
Javier Gálvez, 11
Poesía Chicana: Alurista, el Mero Chingón, 58
Poesía de Trinidad Sánchez, 21
Poesías, 14
Poesías de María R. Meza, 15
Poet and the Poem" at the Library of Congress, 109
Poetas Chicanos : Colección de Poemas, 4
Poetas Del Barrio de la Misión, 23
Poéticas Feministas a la Mexicana/Chicana, 107
Poetics of Resistance : Discourses of Difference in
the Contemporary Writings of African-American
Women and Chicanas, 96
Poetry and the Mexican American, 61
Poetry Reading, 111
Poets Around the River: Fifteen San Antonio Poets,
Poets in Person, 115
Poey, Delia, 45
Poey, Delia María, 95
Politics and Chicano Culture: a Perspective on El
Teatro Campesino, 63
Politics of Solitude : Alienation in the Literatures of
the Americas, 94
Polkinhorn, Harry, 17, 60
Ponce, Mary Helen, 35, 45, 95, 105, 109, 114
Ponce-Montoya, Juanita, 17
Portales, Roberto "Chips", 4
Portillo, Febe, 95
Portrait of Doña Elena, 35
Pos Aquí Estamos!, 21
Posibilidades de una Literatura Chicana, 57
Possibilities Of Chicano Literature, 57
Pottlitzer, Joanne, 60
Prensa of San Antonio and Its Literary Page, 19131915, 91
Priddy, Laurance L., 67
Prieto, Jorge, 105
Primer Medio Año Nada Más : Half a Year of
Abelardo, 9
Primeros Encuentros, 46
Primicias, 4
Prisma, 86
Profile: Luis Valdez, the Making of a MexicanAmerican Playwright, 116
Progression from Individual to Social
Consciousness in Two Chicano Novelists: José
Antonio Villarreal and Oscar Zeta Acosta, 95
Promised Lands : a Novel of the Texas Rebellion, 66
Puentes y Fronteras, 24
Puentes y Fronteras: Coplas Chicanas, 24
Puppet : a Chicano Novella, 30
Puro Rollo (a Colores), 3
Pyramid of Ignacio Pérez, 51
Reconstructing a Chicano/a Literary Heritage :
Hispanic Colonial Literature of the Southwest, 56
Reconstructing Motherhood : the Female Gothic and
Transcultural Strategies in African American and
Chicana Feminist Writings, 90
Reconstructing the Canon Chicano: Writers and
Critics : a Symposium on American Literature,
Reconstructing the Ethical Canon in Chicana
Poetics, 111
Recordar es Vivir, 74
Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage, 55
Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage.
Vol. II, 55
Recuerdos de los Viejitos, 72
Red Bikini Dream, 44
Red Sky at Morning, 65
Red Trapaze: a Monthly Monopoem, 86
Reed, Michael, 76
Re-Encountering the Chicano Movement, 114
Reflecciones, 14
Reflections, 14
Reflections of a Little Brown Boy, 13
Reflections of an Aztlaneco, 16
Reflexiones Mezcladas, 81
Reflexiones: 16 Reflections of Abelardo, 9
Refranes Españoles del Suroeste, 72
Regeneración, 86
Regenod: een Woestijnvertelling, 32
Regua, Richard, 114
Reid, Robin Anne, 96
Releasing Serpents, 25
Requisa Treinta y Dos: Colección de Cuentos, 45
Resiembra: an Anthology of Writings, 80
Restless Serpents, 5, 25
Resurrection: a Short Play, 52
Retablo, 71
Retextualized Transculturations : the Emergence of
la Malinche as Figure in Chicana Literature, 97
Rethinking the Borderlands : Between Chicano
Culture and Legal Discourse, 56
Reto en el Paraíso, 34
RetroSpace : Collected Essays on Chicano Literature
Theory and History, 54
Return to Ramos, 29
Return: Poems Collected and New, 2
Revista Chicano-Riqueña, 86
Revolt of the Cockroach People, 27
Reyes, Rodrigo, 18
Reyna, José Reynaldo, 59, 73, 96
Rhetoric of Apocalypse : an Inquiry into the
Ascriptive Values in Chicano Self-Presentation,
Ricardo Sánchez : USC Public Broadcasting in
Cooperation with El Centro Chicano, 114
Rice, David, 67
Richard Regua Discusses Bless Me, Ultima, 114
Quake Poems, 1
Que No Mueran los Sueños, 34
Qué, Cómo y Cuándo, 50
Quetzal, 86
Quetzal Emplumece, 79
Quilt of Words : 25 Quilts of Abelardo, 9
Quinn, Anthony, 105
Quiñónez, Naomi, 6, 17
Quintana, Alvina E., 60, 95
Quintana, Leroy V., 13, 17
Quiroz de González, Raquel, 99, 100
Q-Vo Magazine, 86
Race and the Borderlands in Arturo Islas's Migrant
Souls, 61
Radical Discourse and Cultural Interdependencies
Between the United States and Mexico, 95
Rael, Juan Bautista, 73
Rag Doll Plagues, 34
Rahner, Christiane, 60, 95
Rain God: a Desert Tale, 32
Rain of Gold, 106
Rain of Scorpions and Other Stories, 46
Rainbow's End, 31
Ramírez, Arturo, 62
Ramírez, Elizabeth Cantú, 60, 95
Ramírez, Orlando, 18
Ramos, Luis Arturo, 45, 60
Ramos, Manuel, 35
Ramos-García, Luis, 16, 45
Rancho Hollywood, 51
Ranck, Katherine Quintana, 35
Rángel, Rubén, 18
Rasgado en Dos, 114
Rayas, 86
Raza Humor: Chicano Joke Tradition in Texas, 73
Razón Mestiza, 86
Reach Out, Ricardo, 66
Readings on La Raza, the Twientieth Century, 78
Reality Ribs, 23
Rebel, 105, 106
Rebolledo, Tey Diana, 60, 79
Rebound Project Reading with Floyd Salas and L. D.
Cervantes, 114
Rebozos of Love/We Have Woven/Sudor de
Pueblos/On Our Backs, 14
Rebuilt, 68
Recent Chicano Poetry, 5
Rechy, John, 35, 36, 114
Richard Rodríguez : Victim of Two Cultures, 114
Rico, Armando B., 37
Rio Crossing, 65
Río Grande Fall, 28
Ríos, Alberto, 18, 45, 111
Ríos, Isabella, 37, 117
Ríos, Katheryn Lynn, 96
Ríos-C., Herminio, 80, 96
Ripped in Two : a Profile of Three San Diego
Chicano Poets, Gina Valdés, Patrick Ojeda, and
Alurista, 114
Rita and Los Angeles, 45
Rites and Witnesses: a Comedy, 32
Ritual to Rascuachi and Back: the History and
Evolution of Chicano Theatre, 112
River Bottom Ranch Stories, 43
Rivera, Beatriz, 36
Rivera, Diana, 18
Rivera, Feliciano, 78
Rivera, Marina, 18
Rivera, Rick P., 37
Rivera, Susana Madrid, 73, 96
Rivera, Tomás, 18, 37, 45, 59, 60, 110
Rivero, Eliana S., 79
Road to Tamazunchale, 28
Robe, Stanley Linn, 73
Robinson, Cecil, 60
Robinson, Louie García, 37
Robledo, Anthony, 18
Robles, Mireya, 67
Rocard, Marcienne, 60
Rocha Alvarado, Arturo, 74
Rocha, Rina G., 18
Rodríguez del Pino, Salvador, 61, 96, 110, 111
Rodríguez Ramón, Andrés, 19
Rodríguez, Alfonso, 18
Rodríguez, Alfredo, 37
Rodríguez, Andrés, 18, 100
Rodríguez, Armando Rafael, 45
Rodríguez, Dennis, 37
Rodríguez, Estevan Antonio, 18
Rodríguez, Gregorita, 74
Rodríguez, Jesús Y., 80
Rodríguez, Joe, 37
Rodríguez, Josef, 51
Rodríguez, Juan, 18, 110
Rodríguez, Luis J., 19, 105, 114
Rodríguez, Petra, 18
Rodríguez, Richard, 105, 106, 114
Rodríguez, Victor, 37
Roesner, Charlene, 96
Rogers-Zegarra, Nancy Evelyn, 96
Rojas, Guillermo, 61, 100
Rojas, Mary Helen, 19
Rojas-Urista, Xelina, 41, 75
Rolando Hinojosa Reader: Essays, Historical and
Critical, 61
Rolando Hinojosa y Su "Cronicón" Chicano : una
Novela del Lector, 58
Rolando Hinojosa, 4-28-93, 111
Romance of a Little Village Girl, 104
Romancero de Nuevo Méjico, 72
Romano-V., Octavio I., 80
Romero, Danny, 37
Romero, Leo, 19, 45
Romero, Lin, 19
Romero, Orlando, 37
Romo, Ricardo, 61
Romo-Carmona, Mariana, 43
Ronstadt, Federico José María, 106
Roots of a Thousand Embraces : Dialogues, 14
Rosa, la Flauta, 43
Rosaldo, Renato, 61
Rosales, Jesús, 96
Rosemary Catacalos :Poetry Reading, 108
Rosenthal, James, 96
Rosenus, Alan, 106
Round Table Discussion "Hunger of Memory", 114
Roybal, Rose Marie, 19
Rudin, Ernst, 61
Rudolfo A. Anaya : Focus on Criticism, 55
Rudolfo Anaya, 107
Rudolfo Anaya Interview with Kay Bonetti, 107
Rudolfo Anaya Reads Excerpts from Bless Me
Ultima and Other Stories, 107
Rufus, 51
Ruiz de Burton, María Amparo, 38
Ruiz, Reynaldo, 106
Ruiz, Ronald, 37
Rushes, 36
Russell, Louise, 96
Saavedra, José Guillermo, 42
Sabelotodo Entiendelonada and Other Stories, 68
Sabine R. Ulibarrí : Critical Essays, 54
Sacrifice, 49
Sadness of Days : Selected and New Poems, 20
Saenz, Benjamin Alire, 19, 38, 45, 114
Sagan, Miriam, 16
Sagel, Jim, 67, 68
Saguaro, 86
Sal, Pimienta y Amor, 14
Salas, Floyd, 19, 38, 80, 106, 114
Salas, Frieda I., 38
Sálaz, Fernando, 19
Sálaz, Rubén Darío, 45
Salazar, Inés Mónica, 96
Salazar, Juan, 111
Saldaña, María Josefina, 96
Saldívar, José David, 54, 61, 96
Saldívar, Ramón, 61
Saldívar-Hull, Sonia, 96
Salinas, Luis Omar, 19, 20, 80, 111, 117
Salinas, Raúl R., 20, 114
San Antonio Literature Day : the Newsletter of the
Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center, Literature
Program, 86
Sánchez, Elba Rosario, 20
Sánchez, Marta, 61
Sánchez, Phil, 38
Sánchez, Pilar, 20
Sánchez, Ricardo, 20, 21, 38, 61, 110, 111, 114
Sánchez, Ricarrdo Richard, 21
Sánchez, Rita, 21
Sánchez, Rosaura, 45, 74
Sánchez, Saúl, 21, 45
Sánchez, Thomas, 68
Sánchez, Trinidad, 21
Sandoval, Anna, 96
Sandoval, Lorenzo Luis, 51
Sandra Cisneros, 109
Sandra Cisneros Reads from "The House on Mango
Street", and "Woman Hollering Creek", and Talks
About the Chicana Experience in Life and
Fiction, 109
Sangre, 17
Santana, Francisco, 21
Santiago, Danny, 68
Santibañez, James, 78
Santo Queso, 68
Santos, E. D., 46
Sapogonia : an Anti-Romance in 3/8 Meter, 29
Sara Estela Ramírez : the Early Twentieth Century
Texas-Mexican Poet, 97
Sarape Connection, 24
Sátira Chicana: un Estudio de Cultura Literaria, 56
Sauceda, Lora Kaye, 97
Sauvageau, Juan, 68
Savior, 51
Sayre, Jim, 10
Scene From the Movie Giant, 25
Schaefer, Irene Emma, 97
Schafer, Helmut, 97
Schoolland : a Novel, 33
Scott, Frank, 100
Screen Play and Inscription : Narrative Strategies in
Four Post-1960s Novels, 95
Search for Selfhood and Order in Contemporary
Chicano Fiction, 90
Searchers : Collected Poetry, 18
Seascapes, 7
Seasonal Rain and Other Stories, 66
Second Generation, 15
Second Shadow, 68
Second Street Poems, 22
Secret Meaning of Death, 17
Sed de Recuerdos : la Educación de Richard Rodríguez
; una Autobiografía, 106
Sedano, Michael Victor, 97
Sedore, Timothy Stephen, 97
Seeking the Perfect Game : Baseball in American
Literature, 54
Segne Mich, Ultima: Roman, 28
Segunda Generación, 15
Seldi, Rasa, 21
Selecciones, 7
Selected and Annotated Bibliography of Chicano
Studies, 100
Selected Bibliography of Chicano Literature, 99
Selected Mexicana and Chicana Fiction : New
Perspectives on History, Culture and Society, 98
Selected Poems, 6, 21
Selected Poems/ Selecciones, 7
Selected Poetry, 11
Selective Bibliography of Works on Chicano and
Latin American Themes, 99
Self-Representation in Chicana and Latino/a Theater
and Performance Art, 93
Seller, Maxine Schwartz, 51
Seltzer, Chester, 67
Seminar and Lecture, 112
Sencillo, 86
Send My Roots Rain, 31
Seria Rata!, 10
Serpentino, 13
Serrano, Nina, 68
Serros, Michele M., 22
Servidores del Arbol de la Vida, 22
Seven Valley Stories, 45
Sexuality of Latinas, 75
Shadows in Ecstasy and Other Poems, 23
Shadows of the Past, 72
Shaking Off the Dark, 25
Shattering the Myth: Plays by Hispanic Women, 49
Shell for Angela, 32
Shifting Loyalties, 29
Shirley, Carl R., 57, 58, 61
Shirley, Paula W., 61
Shirreffs, Gordon D., 74
Short Fiction by Hispanic Writers of the United
States, 43
Short Stories, 42
Short Stories by Latin American Women : the Magic
and the Real, 47
Short Stories of Fray Angélico Chávez, 42
Shroud in the Family, 31
Shrunken Head of Pancho Villa : a Play, 52
Shulman, Irving, 68
Sidewalk Hilton, 65
Siempre Corriendo : la Vida Loca, los Días de la
Ganga en Los Angeles, 105
Sierra, Michael, 22
Siete del Valle, 45
Siete Hijos de la Llorona, 27
Siete Poetas, 22
Siete Veces el Sueño, 45
Sifuentes, Frank, 115
Sighs and Songs of Aztlán: New Anthology of
Chicano Literature, 75
Silence as a Discourse: Resistance in the Writing of
Women of Color, 96
Silence of the Llano: Short Stories, 41
Silva, Beverly, 22, 46, 76
Silver Cloud Cafe, 39
Simmen, Edward, 46, 61
Singing for My Echo : Memories of Gregorita
Rodríguez, a Native Healer of Santa Fe as Told to
Edith Powers, 74
Single Rose: Poems of Divine Love, 6
Sketches of the Valley and Other Works, 31
Skin Deep, 31
Sky Over El Nido : Stories, 44
Sleeping on Fists, 18
Slow Dancing at Miss Polly's, 38
Slow Work to the Rhythm of Cicadas, 12
Small Bones, Little Eyes: Poems, 68
Small Faces, 106
Smith, C.W., 68
Smith, Paul Julian, 54
Snake Poems : an Aztec Invocation, 2
Snyder, Harold C., 80
So Far From God, 30
Sobra, 18
Socio-Historical Implication of the Valley as a
Metaphor in Three Colorado Chicana Poets, 93
Sociology Through Literature: the Case of the
Mexican-American, 98
Soft Tongue Shall Break Hardness, 16
Sojourns and Soulmind Etchings, 21
Sol y Los de Abajo and Other R.C.A.F. Poems, 15
Sol-edad: Poemas, 9
Solitaria J, 14
Solorzano, Stephanie, 80
Sombras del Pasado, 72
Some Dogs With Machinegun: 25 Perros of
Abelardo, 9
Sommers, Joseph, 61, 76
Somos, 86
Somoza, Joseph, 22
Somoza, Oscar U., 1, 41, 62, 80, 97
Son of Durango, 67
Sonette an Menschen, 23
Songs and Dreams, 77
Songs My Mother Sang to Me : an Oral History of
Mexican American Women, 72
Sonnets to Human Beings, 23
Sonnets to Human Beings and Other Selected
Works, 23
Sor Juana and Other Plays, 51
Soto, Gary, 22, 38, 46, 106, 110, 115
Sotto il Quinto Sole : Antologia di Poeti Chicani, 3
Sourcebook for Hispanic Literature and Language: a
Selected, Annotated Guide to Spanish, SpanishAmerican, and Chicano Bibliography, Literature,
Linguistics, Journals and Other Source Material,
Sous le Soleil de Zia : Roman, 28
Southbound : the Sequel to Faultline, 38
Southern Front, 34
Southwest Symposium, April 11-12, 1991, 115
Southwest Tales : a Contemporary Collection, 41,
Southwestern Spanish Proverbs, 72
Space Flutes + Barrio Paths, 44
Space Flutes and Barrio Paths, 66
Spaces That Time Missed, 5
Spanish Folk Poetry in New Mexico, 71
Spanish Folk Tales from Colorado and New Mexico:
Spanish Language Originals with English
Summaries, 73
Spanish Religious Folktheatre in the Spanish
Southwest (First Cycle), 49
Spanish Religious Folktheatre in the Spanish
Southwest (Second Cycle), 49
Spanish Tales from Colorado and New Mexico:
Spanish Originals with English Summaries, 73
Spanish Tales from Colorado and New Mexico:
Spanish Originals with English Summaries, 73
Sparks, Flames, and Cinders, 6
Speak to Me from Dreams, 7
Speak Up Chicano : Poster Poem, 25
Speedway, 18
Spik in Glyph?, 2
Spilling the Beans, 71
Spitta, Silvia, 62, 97
Spring Forward/Fall Back, 38
Square Trap, 68
Squatter and the Don, 38
Squatter and the Don : a Novel Descriptive of
Contemporary Occurrences in California, 38
Stad Behoort de Nacht, 36
State of Emergency, 38
Stavans, Ilan, 76, 106
Stavrakis, Katheryn, 44
Steiner, Stan, 81
Stenson, Sharon, 97
Step Down, Elder Brother : a Novel, 35
Sterling Silver Roses, 15
Stone Horses, 30
Stone, Elinore Cowan, 68
Stopping of Sorrow, 3
Stories and Poems from Close to Home, 80
Stories for Mischievous Children, 44
Stories That Must Not Die, 68
Storm, Delilah Anne, 97
Storyteller with Nike Airs, and Other Barrio Stories,
Strada per Tamazunchale, 28
Study in the Evaluation of Chicano Adolescent
Literature, 91
Study of Anglo and Chicano Literal, Implicit, and
Scriptal Comprehension of Ethnic Stories, 96
Teatro Campesino Chicano y la Vanguardia Teatral:
1965-1975, 98
Teatro Campesino de Luis Valdez, 1965-1980, 55,
Teatro Chicano, 51
Teatro Chicano: the Los Angeles Experience, 19791980, 97
Teatro De La Esperanza, 51
Teatro de la Esperanza: an Anthology of Chicano
Drama, 50
Teatro Del Piojo, 51
Teatro Latinoamericano Frente a la Historia: 19591980, 95
Teatro Libertad, 51
Teatro Libertad Presenta "Los Peludos": an Original
Bilingual Play, 51
Teatro Notes : the Quarterly Newsletter of El Teatro
Campesino, 86
Tecolote, 86
Tejanos: a Texas-Mexican Anthology, 78
Tejeda, Juan, 23
Tejidos, 86
Telling Her Stories to Change the (Con)Text of
Identity: Four Novels by Contemporary American
Women Authors of Color (Tan Amy, Hurston Zora
Neale, Silko Leslie Marmon, Cisneros Sandra),
Telling Identities : the Californio Testimonios, 74
Telling Our Stories : the Lives of Latina Women, 89
Tema del Destierro en Peregrinos de Aztlán, 93
Temple, Judy Nolte, 62
Tenaz Talks Teatro, 86
Tender Accents of Sound : Spanish in the Chicano
Novel in English, 61
Tenes, Rudy, 23
Tenorio, Arthur, 38
Teodoro Luna's Two Kisses, 18
Tequila Mockingbird, 49
Terán, Heriberto, 23
Teresita of the Valley, 67
Tessarolo Bondolfi, Lia, 62
Testimonios Pintaos : the Political and Symbolic
Economy of Pinto/a Discourse, 95
Texas Border Narratives As Cultural Critique, 61
Texas Literary Tradition, 115
Texas Literary Tradition: Fiction, Folklore,
History, 55
Texas Poems in Six Voices, 115
Texas-Mexican Cancionero: Folksongs of the
Lower Border, 72
Thakura, Manaba, 23
Tharp, Julie Ann, 97
Theatre for Social Change : the Artistic and Social
Vision in Revolutionary Theatre in America,
1930-1970, 91
Thematic Study of Three Chicano Narratives:
Estampas del Valle y Otras Obras, Bless Me,
Ultima, and Peregrinos de Aztlán, 93
Study of Selected Works by Mexican-American and
French-Canadian Writers with a View to
Determining Similarities and Differences in the
Experiences of These Two Minority Cultures, 90
Study on the Status of Chicano Literature in Selected
Texas Secondary Schools, 91
Suárez, Virgil, 13, 45
Sueño de Colibrí, 17
Sueño de Santa María de las Piedras, 34
Sueño de Siempre y Otros Cuentos, 41
Sueños, 47
Suffer Smoke : Cuentos de Morenci, 42
Summer Life, 106
Suruma, 30
Survivors : Three Poems, 20
Survivors of the Chicano Titanic, 5
Swirl Like a Leaf, 108
Swords of Darkness, 3
Symbols, 20
Syncretism in Counter-Hegemonic Literature by
Latinos in the United States, 95
Syntax and Bilingual Chicano Poetry, 90
Ta Cincho, 76
Tafolla, Carmen, 11, 23, 115
Taking Control, 45
Talamántez, Luis, 23
Tale of Sunlight, 22
Tales from Austin, 45
Tales from the Second City : Social Geographic
Imagination in Contemporary Urban California
Chicana/Chicano Literature and Arts, 98
Tales of Childhood in Prose and Poetry, 80
Tales of El Huitlacoche, 43
Tales of the Río Puerco, 72
Tallos de Luna, 20
Tapia, John Reyna, 23, 74
Tashlik, Phyllis, 80
Tata Casehua y Otros Cuentos, 44
Tattoo the Wicked Cross, 38
Tattooed Heart of the Drunken Sailor: Poems, 3
Tattoos, 2
Tatuaje Indeleble, 38
Tatum, Charles, 62, 100
Tatum, Chuck, 55
Taylor, Sheila Ortiz, 38
Taylor, Theodore, 68
Teall, Richard, 68
Teatralidad Latinoamericana de la Utopía
Experimentación Teatral, 92
Teatro Campesino : the Evolution of America's First
Chicano Theatre Company, 1965-1985, 62
Teatro Campesino : Theater in the Chicano
Movement, 54
Torres, Luis A. (Luis Angel), 97
Torres-Metzgar, Joseph V., 38
Torres-Padilla, José Luis, 97
Tortilla Curtain: a Collective Play, 51
Tortuga, 28
Totoncaxihuitl, a Laxative : 25 Laxatives of
Abelardo, 9
Tough Trip Through Paradise, 1878-1879, 104
Tovar, Inés Hernández, 97
Toward a Chicano/Raza Bibliography: Drama,
Prose, Poetry, 100
Toward a Feminist Identity : Contemporary
Mexican-American Women Novelists, 92
Towards a Definition of, and Critical Approaches to,
Chicano(a) Literature, 91
Tracks in the Snow : Essays by Colorado Poets, 55
Traditional Spanish Wedding, Reflecting the Life
Styles of a Spanish Speaking Community, 96
Trambley, Estela Portillo, 23, 39, 46, 51
Transformations in Rolando Hinojosa's "Klail City
Death Trip Series, 93
Tras la Tormenta la Calma, 30
Treatment of American Indians, Asian-Americans,
and Hispanic-Americans in Selected Literature
Anthologies Used in Grades Seven Through
Twelve Published Since 1980, 97
Trece Aliens: Chicano Poetry Anthology, 23
Trejo Fuentes, Ignacio, 62
Trejo, Ernesto, 23, 24
Tremble Purple : Seven Poems, 2
Tres Aproximaciones a la Cultura Chicana, 55
Tres Etapas en el Desarrollo de la Novela Chicana
Contemporanea, 97
Tres Textos Críticos Chicanos de la Generación del
Ochenta, 58
Tres [sic] Macho--He said: Padre Gallegos of
Albuquerque, New Mexico's First Congressman,
Treviño, Jesús, 46, 115
Tri-Colored Caged Muse: a Comparative Study of
Afro-American, Mexican-American, and NativeAmerican Literature, 94
Trini, 23, 39
Trip, 20
Trip Through the Mind Jail y Otras, 20
Triple Crown : Chicano, Puerto Rican, and CubanAmerican Poetry, 9
Triptych : Dreams, Lust, and Other Performances, 14
Tristealegría : Poems, 21
Trujillo, Carla, 80
Trujillo, Charley, 39, 115
Trujillo, Luis M., 46
Trujillo, Roberto G., 100, 101
Tunomás Honey, 68
Turn of Hands, 17
Twenty-Five Years of Hispanic Literature in the
United States, 1965-1990 : an Exhibit, With
Accompanying Text, 62
There Are No Flights Out Tonight, 68
There Are No Madmen Here, 39
Thermos Bottle Full of Self Pity : 25 bottles of
Abelardo, 9
They Also Tried : Chasing the American Dream, 66
Thin Men of Haddam, 68
Think of This Situation, 5
Third Woman, 86
Thirty an' Seen a Lot, 25
This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical
Women of Color, 79
This Day's Death, 36
This is About Vision : Interviews with Southwestern
Writers, 53
This Migrant Earth, 37
This Side and Other Things, 14
Thomas, George Aaron, 97
Three American Literatures: Essays in Chicano,
Native American, and Asian American Literature
for Teachers of American Literature, 53
Three Coffins for Nino Lencho, 37
Three Contemporary Chicano Poets: Antecedants
and Actuality, 98
Three Critical Texts of the Chicano Generation of
the Eighties, 58
Three Plays on the Latin Experience in America, 94
Three Times a Woman : Chicana Poetry, 12
Three Wars of Roy Benavídez, 103
Thurlo, Aimee, 68
Thurlo, David, 68
Ti Dage, 36
Tiempo Artesano, 67
Tierra : Contemporary Short Fiction of New
Mexico, 41
Tierra Amarilla: Cuentos de Nuevo México, 47
Tierra Amarilla: Stories of New Mexico, 47
Tierra Amarilla: Cuentos de Nuevo México, 47
Tierra Comprometida: Pa' los Gringos Nomas?, 74
Tigre, 17
Tijerina, Louis, 23
Time, the Artisan, 67
Timespace Huracán: Poems 1972-1975, 2
Tin Tan: Revista Cósmica, 86
Tinoco Durán, Roberto, 23
Tlacuilos, 80
To a Widow with Children, 31
Tomás Rivera : the Complete Works, 37
Tomás Rivera, 1935-1984, the Man and His Work,
57, 104
Tommy Stands Alone, 39
Tonantzín, 86
Tongchinsub, Helen J., 97
Topete, Eutemio, 74
Topographies of Power: Minority American
Literature and the Politics of Space (Asian
American, African American, Chicano), 94
Torres, Luis, 23
Valdez, Luis, 24, 51, 52, 81, 116
Valentine, Kristin Bervig, 62
Valle, Carmen, 76
Valle, Victor Manuel, 24
Vallejo, Armando, 24, 81
Vallejos, Thomas, 98
Valley, 32, 66
Vampires, 36
Vargas, Roberto, 68, 69
Variaciones Sobre una Tempestad, 7
Variations On A Storm, 7
Vásquez, Richard, 39
Vásquez, Robert, 24
Vassallo, Paul, 62
Vázquez-Castro, Javier, 62
Vea, Alfredo, 39
Vega, Manuel de Jesús, 98
Veinberg, Jon, 24
Velasco, Juan, 98
Velásquez Treviño, Gloria Louise, 98
Velásquez, Gloria, 39
Velásquez, Gloria L., 24, 39
Venegas, Daniel, 39
Vento, Arnold Carlos, 39
Vento, Arnoldo C., 81
Vera, Francisco, 24
Verastique, Bernadino, 24
Verdad Sin Voz, 34
Vergara, Lautaro, 69
Versos de Amor, 3
Viaje, 20
Vialpando, Roberto Lara, 58
Victor Martínez, 112
Victuum, 37
Vida de Ilusiones, 23
Vida Loca : el Testimonio de un Pandillero en Los
Angeles, 105
Viendo Morir a Teresa y Otros Relatos, 43
Vigil, Evangelina, 24, 25, 79, 81, 104, 116
Villa, Raúl Homero, 98
Villanueva, Alma, 25, 116
Villanueva, Tino, 25, 81, 111
Villarino, José, 62
Villarreal, José Antonio, 39, 40
Villarreal, Rosa Martha, 40
Villaseñor, Edmund, 40, 116
Villaseñor, Victor, 40, 106
Villegas de Magnón, Leonor, 106
Villegas, Robert, 25, 52
Viramontes, Helena María, 40, 47, 56, 116
Virgin of Port Lligat, 6
Visión Axiológica en la Narrativa Chicana, 97
Visión de la Frontera en la Obra de Miguel Méndez,
Visión Panorámica de la Literatura Méxicoamericana
Hasta el Boom de 1966, 94
Vision: an Anthology of Poetry, 21
Viva Chicano, 65
Vocabulary of the Dead, 4
Twilights and Chants : Poems, 13
Two Centuries of Hispanic Theatre in the Southwest,
Two Guadalupes : Hispanic Legends and Magic Tales
from Northern New Mexico, 74
Two Pears, 11
Two Ranges, 33
U.S. Hispanic Autobiography, 104
U.S. Latino Literature : an Essay and Annotated
Bibliography, 101
U.S./Mexican Border Literature : Short Stories, 43
Ulibarrí, Sabine R., 24, 46, 47, 81, 115
Ulica, Jorge, 47
Último Padre, 4
Último Vuelo, 87
Ultraviolet Sky, 25
Um An Ngra Dorcha, 1
Un Paso Más, 11
Uncle Remus con Chile, 73
Under the Feet of Jesus, 40
Under the Pomegranate Tree : the Best New Latino
Erotica, 43
Under the Skin, 4
Under the Skirt of Lady Justice: 43 Skirts of
Abelardo, 9
Understanding Chicano Literature, 61
Understanding the Chicano Experience Through
Literature, 62
Undocumented Love, 5
Undying Love of "El Indio" Córdova : Decimas and
Oral History in a Border Family, 73
Unicorn Poem, 14
Unicorn Poem and Flowers and Songs of Sorrow, 14
Unos Pasos, 3
Unos Perros Con Metralla, 9
Unwinding the Silence, 12
Unzueta, Manuel, 24
Urioste, Donaldo W., 57, 97, 100
Urrea, Luis Alberto, 12, 24, 39
Urutima boku ni daichi no oshie wo, 28
Use of Chicano Literature in University and College
Spanish-Language Courses in the Southwestern
United States, 91
Useless Servants, 32
Vaca, Nick Corona, 98
Vago, 31
Valdés, Gina, 24, 39, 115
Valdés, Xelina, 116
Voces : an Anthology of Nuevo Mexicano Writers,
Voces Chicanas, 116, 117
Voces de la Gente, 17
Voces del Barrio: a Basic Reader, 80
Voice-Haunted Journey, 33
Voices : Readings from El Grito, a Journal of
Contemporary Mexican American Thought,
1967-1971, 80
Voices : Readings from El Grito, a Journal of
Contemporary Mexican American Thought,
1967-1973, 80
Voices of Aztlán: Chicano Literature of Today, 77
Volví y Ví Bajo el Sol, 50
Vórtice, 87
Vous Avez Dit Chicano : Anthologie Thématique de
Poésie Chicano, 3
Vowell, Faye Nell, 98
Voz Urgente : Antología de Literatura Chicana en
Español, 78
White Heroin Winter, 51
White Heroine Winter, 16
White Leg : a Novel, 33
White, Peter, 74
Who Will Know Us? : New Poems, 22
Who Would Have Thought It?, 38
Why Am I So Brown?, 21
Wide Well of Hours, 17
Wild Steps of Heaven, 40
Wind in the Pepper Tree, 38
Winkler, Helga, 98
Winners on the Pass Line, 43
Winter Month, 11
With His Pistol in His Hand: a Border Ballad and Its
Hero, 73
With Our Very Own Names, 115
With the Ears of Strangers: the Mexican American
in American Literature, 60
Without Discovery : a Native Response to
Columbus, 77
Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories, 42
Woman of Her Word: Hispanic Women Write, 81
Woman That I Am : the Literature and Culture of
Contemporary Women of Color, 78
Woman, Woman, 8
Women Are Not Roses, 6
Women Singing in the Snow : a Cultural Analysis of
Chicana Literature, 60
Women's Identity Formations and the Intersecting
Concepts of Gender, Race, and Class in the Plays
of Ntozake Shange, Beth Henley, and Cherrie
Moraga, 92
Wood Ibis, 87
Word and Place and Time : Critical and Teaching
Approaches to Our Culturally Diverse American
Literature, 96
Working in the Dark : Reflections of a Poet of the
Barrio, 103
World of Early Chicano Poetry, 1846-1910, 23
Wake, Judith A., 98
Walking Stars : Stories of Magic and Power, 106
Walter, Roland, 62
Warrington Poems, 18
Warrior for Gringostroika : Essays, Performance
Texts, and Poetry, 77
Washing the Cow's Skull: Texas Poetry in
Translation, 16
Watching Teresa Die and Other Stories, 43
Waters, Frank, 69
Waxen Image, 28
We Are Chicanos: an Anthology of MexicanAmerican Literature, 79
Wedding, 35
Weeping Woman : la Llorona and Other Stories, 25
Weigle, Marta, 71, 74
Wentworth, Theodore O., 98
West, John O., 74
Wetback, 66
What Matter Who's Speaking? : the Politics of
Authorship and Modernism, 94
What Now My Love?, 38
What's Happening, 3
When It Rains in Cloves, 6
When the Critical 'They' Are 'Us', 108
When the Owl Can't See at Night, 8
Where Eagles Fall, 15
Where Sparrows Work Hard, 22
Where the Cinnamon Winds Blow, 68
Whispering Images: a Collection of Creative
Writings, 80
Whispering to Fool the Wind, 18
Xalmán, 87
Xavier, Roy Eric, 63
Xelina, 25
Xelina and Gena [i.e. Gina] Valdés Reading in the
UCSD New Poetry Series, April 14, 1980, 116
Xicano : an Autobiography, 104
Y No Se Lo Tragó la Tierra, 37
Ya Vas, Carnal, 18
Ybarra-Frausto, Tomás, 61, 76, 98, 111
Yearnings: Mexican-American Literature, 76
Yellow Luna, 24
Yo Soy Joaquín, 12
Yunque, 87
Zapata Rose in 1992, and Other Tales, 44
Zapata, Celia Correas de, 47
Zaragoza, Cosme M., 98
Zeitgenossische Literatur der Chicanos (19591988), 56
ZenJose : Scenarios, 14
Zia Summer, 28
Zigal, Thomas, 81
Zimmerman, Marc, 101
Zolo, Don, 69
Zoot Suit, 116
Zoot Suit and Other Plays, 52
Zoot-Suit Murders: a Novel, 68
Z Eros, 2
Zafa'o, 11
Zafado, 11
Zamora, Bernice, 25, 47, 76, 98, 111
Zapata Lives!, 44
Luis Leal is Professor Emeritus at the University at Urbana and has served as Acting Director of
the Center for Chicano Studies at the University of California at Santa Barbara, Honorary
Consultant for Mexican and Chicano literature with the Stanford University Libraries and
Visiting Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Stanford University. Dr.
Leal has achieved a record of distinction as Professor of Spanish American literature and has
authored numerous books and articles in every major journal dealing with Latin American and
Chicano literature. He continues to be active in research and critical writings and is, currently
Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Chicano Studies at the University of California at
Santa Barbara.
Jo‹o C. Barretto is the Acquisitions Librarian and the Coordinator of Collection Development
for the Rosenberg Library at the City College of San Francisco. He is also an adjunct faculty
librarian for Las Positas and Chabot Colleges. While at Stanford University, he held
positions as Assistant to the Curator for Latin American, Mexican American, and Iberian
Collections and Cultural Outreach Librarian to the Hispanic community on campus. He is the
compiler of A Selective Bibliography of Works on Chicano and Latin American Themes (1990).
Roberto G. Trujillo is the Frances and Charles Field Curator for Special Collections and the
Head of the Department of Special Collections at Stanford University. He is the co-compiler
of the first edition of Literatura Chicana : Creative and Critical Writings Through 1984, the
co-editor of A Decade of Chicano Literature (1970-1979) and has written numerous
bibliographic essays on Chicano literature. Prior to heading the special collections program at
Stanford he was the Curator for Latin American, Mexican American, and Iberian Collections at
AndrŽs Rodr’guez is the co-compiler of Literatura Chicana : Creative and Critical Writings
Through 1984. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California at Santa Cruz, an M.A.
in creative writing from Stanford University, and his undergraduate degree from the
University of Iowa. He is also the author of Book of t h e Heart: t h e Poetics, Letters, and Life of
John Keats (1993), and a book of poetry, Night Song, T’a Chucha Press (1994) as well as other
critical essays.