30 March 2016 Spanish Regional Accounts. Base 2010 Regional Gross Domestic Product Year 2015 Main results - Comunitat Valenciana is the Autonomous Community registering the greatest increase of its GDP in terms of volume (3.6%), followed by Comunidad de Madrid (3.4%) and Cataluña (3.3%). - The regional territories with the fewest growth rates were Cantabria (2.6%), the Autonomous City of Melilla and Aragón (2.7% for both of them). - If the values of GDP per inhabitant are analysed, Comunidad de Madrid presents the highest register with 31,812 euros, 36.6% above the Spanish average, which is 23,290 euros. Conversely, Extremadura presented the smallest GDP per capita with 16,166 euros, 30.96% below the national average. Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Year 2015 Last 25 February, the Quarterly National Accounts of Spain estimated the volume in growth of the Spanish economy for the four quarters of 2014, whose result was 3.2% for the whole year. The regional distribution of this data showed that Comunitat Valenciana was the Autonomous Community that registered a higher GDP growth in volume terms (3.6%), followed by Comunidad de Madrid (3.4%) and Cataluña (3.3%). Four regions registered real GDP growth rates similar to that of the national average (3.2%). Of these, Illes Balears and Castilla la Mancha were slightly above average, while Andalucia and Galicia stood slightly below. In turn, the smallest GDP growth rates in terms of volume were recorded in Cantabria (2.6%), the Autonomous City of Melilla and Aragón (2.7% for both of them). SRA Base 2010 (1/4) All Autonomous Communities, including the two cities with Statute of Autonomy, stood over the forecasted data for the whole 28-member European Union (EU-28), which stood at 1.8%. GDP annual growth rate in terms of volume 2015 Comunitat Valenciana Madrid, Comunidad de Cataluña Balears, Illes Castilla-la Mancha España Andalucía Galicia País Vasco Murcia, Región de Asturias, Principado de Extremadura Ceuta Navarra, Comunidad Foral de Castilla y León Canarias Rioja, La Aragón Melilla Cantabria UE-28 0.0% 3.6% 3.4% 3.3% 3.2% 3.2% 3.2% 3.2% 3.2% 3.1% 3.1% 3.1% 3.0% 3.0% 2.9% 2.9% 2.8% 2.8% 2.7% 2.7% 2.6% 1.8% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% The greater increase in the volume GDP variation rate, recorded in Comunitat Valenciana, was due both to an evolution in the Manufacturing industry that was significantly more favourable than the national one, and to a better behaviour of the Construction sector. In turn, the smallest real variation of the GDP, registered in Cantabria, was affected to a great extent by the decrease, in terms of volume, in the added value associated to the Agriculture and Industry, and and to a lesser extent in the Services sector. CRE base 2010 (2/4) GDP per inhabitant Regarding the nominal Gross Domestic Product per capita, Comunidad de Madrid registered the greatest value, with 31,812 euros per inhabitant in 2015. It was followed by País Vasco (30,459 euros) and Comunidad Foral de Navarra (28,682 euros). On the other side of the spectrum were Extremadura (16,166 euros per inhabitant), the Autonomous City of Melilla (17,173 euros) and Andalucía (17,263 euros). The national average stood at 23,290 euros. Seven Autonomous Communities stood above that register. GDP per cápita in euros. Year 2015 Madrid, Comunidad de 31,812 País Vasco 30,459 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 28,682 Cataluña 27,663 Aragón 25,552 Rioja, La 25,507 Balears, Illes 24,394 España 23,290 Castilla y León 21,922 Cantabria 20,847 Asturias, Principado de 20,675 Comunitat Valenciana 20,586 Galicia 20,431 Canarias 19,900 Ceuta 19,399 Murcia, Región de 18,929 Castilla-la Mancha 18,354 Andalucía 17,263 Melilla 17,173 Extremadura 16,166 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 CRE base 2010 (3/4) In relative terms, the GDP per capita in Comunidad de Madrid was 36.6% higher than the national average, that of País Vasco was 30.8% higher and that of Comunidad Foral de Navarra 23.2% higher. In turn, the GDP per inhabitant in Extremadura was 30.6% lower than the national figure. That of the Autonomous City of Melilla was 26.3% below and that of Andalucía 25.9% below. Ratio regional GDP per capita / national GDP per capita (as %). (%). Year 2015 Madrid, Comunidad de 36.6% País Vasco 30.8% Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 23.2% Cataluña 18.8% Aragón 9.7% Rioja, La 9.5% Balears, Illes 4.7% Castilla y León -5.9% Cantabria -10.5% Asturias, Principado de -11.2% Comunitat Valenciana -11.6% Galicia -12.3% Canarias -14.6% Ceuta -16.7% Murcia, Región de -18.7% Castilla-la Mancha -21.2% Andalucía -25.9% Melilla -26.3% Extremadura -30.6% -40% -30% -20% For further information see INEbase-www.ine.es/en/ -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% All press releases at: www.ine.es/en/prensa/prensa_en.htm Press Office: Telephone numbers: 91 583 93 63 / 94 08 – Fax: 91 583 90 87 - [email protected] Information Area: Telephone number: 91 583 91 00 – Fax: 91 583 91 58 – www.ine.es/infoine/?L=1 CRE base 2010 (4/4)