Sister City Agreement between Springfield, Illinois, U.S.A. and San Pedro, Mexico The citizens of Springfield, Illinois, U,S.A. and the citizens of San Pedro, Mexico have respect and trustfor each other and we hereby declare that both cities shall affiliate as sister cities. There are many similarities shared by the communities of San Pedro and Springfield. The population counts, agricultural environment, fine educational institutions, and civic organizations serve to unite governmental leaders and citizens into a common bond of honor, respect and friendship. With enthusiastic spirit, the respective communities reach out to one another and pledge continual communication to enhance those similarities. We hereby declare that both cities shall affiliate as sister cities, and we shall endeavor to deepen friendship and understanding between the two cities through various exchange programs. We hereby declare that both cities affiliate as sister cities on behalf of the citizens of Springfield, Illinois, U.S.A. and San Pedro, Mexico. Chartered, subscribed and sworn this twentietfy day of August, 1996. Mayor Springfield, Illinois, U.S.A. Karen Hasara CONTRATO ENTRE SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS, U.S.A. Y SAN PEDRO, COAHUILA, MEXICO Los ciudadanos de Springfield, Illinois, U,S.A. y los ciudadanos de San Pedro de las Colonias, Coahuila, Mexico sienten un respeto y una confianza mutual y declaran que las dos ciudades se afilian como ciudades hermanas. Hay mucha semejanza entre las comunidades de San Pedro y Springfield. El numero de la poblacion, el clima agricola, las instituciones escolares, y las organizaciones civicas crean un clima de honor y respeto enque florece la amistad de las dos ciudades. Con gran entusiasmo las dos communidades se prometen mantener las lineas de comunicacion abiertas con el proposito de mejorar sus semejanza. Declaramos que las dos ciudades se afilian como ciudades hermanas y trabajaran para cementar su amistad a traves de varios programas de intercambio. Declaramos que las do ciudades se afilian como ciudades hermanas y y firmamos por los ciudadanos de Springfield, Illinois, U.S.A., y San Pedro de Las Colonias, Coahuila, Mexico. Encartado, subscrito, yjurado este d)a de Agosto, 1996. WiUL Karen Hasara Alcaldeza Springfield, Illinois, U.SA. San ?kYi C( >Ionias ID SANPEDRO.RES/KAD MEXICO A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE SELECTION OF SAN PEDRO, MEXICO AS A SISTER CITY OF NO. 69-9^prinGFIELD.ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the City of Springfield is a participant of the Sister Cities Association, an educational and charitable organization which fosters and promotes friendly relations and mutual understanding between peoples and nations outside of the United States of America; and WHEREAS, San Pedro, Mexico, has been proposed as a Sister City for Springfield, Illinois. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS: Section 1: The City Council of the City of Springfield, Illinois, hereby supports the selection of San Pedro, Mexico as a Sister City for Springfield, Illinois. Section 2; This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage. PASSED: 1996 SIGNED: O . 1996 0 RECORDED d./ .1996 /rj MAYOR ATTEST: Approved as tolegal sufficiency: Requested bv: Mavor Karen Hasara Office of Corporation Counsel / S:\APPS\WPWIN60\WPDOCS\ORDINANaRES\OTHER\SANPEDRO.RES Date Reconocimiento de San Pedro, Coahuila, Mexico, a Springfield, Illinois, E.U.A. La ciudad de San Pedro de las ColoniaSy Coahuila^ Mexico como miembro de la "Asociacion Internacional de Ciudades Hermanas'\ organizacion dedicada al intercambio de Cultura, Educacion, Deportey buena Feentrelos pueblos delmundo. Se Congratula y Reconoce a la dttdad de Springfield, Illinois^ E,U,A,, como Ciudad Hermana, Esperando que esta relacion se acrecente cada dia en beneficio de ambos paises y que los lazos deamistadperduren a traves de los tiempos. San Pedro de las Colonias, Coahuila a 14deagosto de 1996. Ing, Ga&riel Sanchez Garza PresidenteMunicipal, enteria Rdz. Sr. Salimd^ilytaz Cuellar ^rjmer Regidor Profr. Mario Mh^i^Vel Sr. Jose Lui TercerM^0or^ Sesknd ^^Godoy Ing. JoSi / Ma. del Ro Chair el Felix 'Sexto Regidor Sr. Jo Sr. FranasdEL^mrmuez:H€rr^^ Novmo Profr. Ramon ^oUs Secretario de