M MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA A Y COMPETITIV VIDAD S SECRETARÍA DE E ESTADO D DE INVESTIGACIÓN D DESARROLLO E INNOVACIÓN S SECRETARÍA GE ENERAL D DE CIENCIA, TEC CNOLOGÍA E E INNOVACIÓN AYUDAS S RAMÓN Y CAJAL CONVO OCATORIA A 2014 Turno d de acceso general g No ombre: VIDAURR RE ARBIZU,, CARMEN Referencia: RYC‐2014 4‐15671 Áre ea Científicaa: Tecnologíía Electrónicca y de las Coomunicaciones Co orreo Electrónico: c.vid [email protected] m Títtulo: D DIRECCIÓN GEN NERAL D DE INVESTIGACIÓN C CIENTÍFICA Y TÉ ÉCNICA S SUBDIRECCIÓN GENERAL D DE RECURSOS HUMANOS H P PARA LA INVEST TIGACIÓN Effficiency of Mottor Imagery bassed Brain‐Comp puter Interfacess Resumen de laa Memoria: A relevant type of Human‐Macchine Interface is the Brain CComputer Interface (BCI). It trranslates the inntent of a subjject measured from brrain signals into o control actions to command machines or computer app plications. To measure m brain aactivity, many BCI systems rely on ele ectroencephalo ography (EEG), because it is relatively cheapp, easy to acquire, minimally intrusive and ddoes not involve risks for the user. Ho owever, EEG haas a very poor ssignal to noise ratio and is higghly non‐station nary. These are e major challengges for BCI systtems that limit their ap pplication in reaal‐life settings. It has been shown that a nonn‐negligible portion of the healthy populatioon, estimated 3 30%, cannot ach hieve BC CI control to an n acceptable level. This percentage may beccome as high as 100% for patients dependinng on their pathology. BCI sysstems arre inefficient. My research has addressed the inefficiency of BCI systems in the following tthree directionss: Firrst, the use of adaptive tecchniques during online expe riments. Adapttation helps overcoming nonn‐stationaritiess during the online o op peration and offfers the possib bility to study co o‐adaptation off human and m machine. My wo ork demonstratted that co‐adaptation significcantly im mproves system m performance and is a key factor f to reducce BCI inefficie ency. My PhD showed s adaptiive BCI systems working in online o op peration and ccompared them m to non‐adap ptive BCIs, findding that co‐ad daptive systems are significa ntly better. Du uring my postd doc I inttegrated machine learning methods and adaptive signal p rocessing techn niques into the e Berlin BCI sysstem. This nove el approach allo owed ussers who beforee were not ablee to operate a BCI to attain coontrol after 30 minutes of BCI training and rreduced BCI ine efficiency to thee half orr even less. Se econd, the use of invariance learning. Noisyy signals are chhallenging for adaptive a system ms because of tthe risk of learrning uninform mative siggnal variations. One way to reduce the efffect of noise iss to learn it and make the BCI B invariant too it. Another option o is to exxtract infformative invaariant informattion and comp pute features ttaking only this subspace in nto account. U Using invariant methods supports de eveloping robu ust (adaptive) BCIs. B Part of my m work used invariance leaarning to discriminate betweeen effective tasks and irreleevant baackground men ntal states that can seriously afffect BCI perforrmance. Th hird, the use off alternative signals during th he calibration pprocedure (sign nal acquisition without neuroo‐feedback) on the motor imaagery tasks where bad d or very bad performance p is expected. Wee have shown that t it is possib ble to significanntly increase the efficiency of o BCI mbs for calibratiion and simultaneously reducce the time neeeded to optimze the system, thus syystems using induced movements of the lim re elieving the useers from performing tiring motor m imagery ssessions. Quickk calibration is a key factor ffor the design of BCI system ms for paatients. Th he results of th his new techno ology can be ap pplied in two ccontexts: first,, robust system ms are necessa ry in rehabilita ation during paatient traaining, co‐adap ptive BCI system ms allow very ffast user traininng and thus tarrget the recove ery of certain bbrain areas with h the help of neeuro‐ feedback. Second d, neuro‐prosth heses for restorration of lost fuunctions that arre based on BCI technology muust be robust and efficient. Currículum V Vitae: Resumen del C Drr. in Telecomm munication Engineering, M Sc. in Telecommuunication Engin neering. Curren ntly: maternity leave. Before, from April 201 13 to Au ugust 2014 parrt‐time (10h/weeek) for the DFFG project VitaalBCI. From 201 10 to 2013 managing the EU‐‐project MUND DUS in the Macchine Le earning departm ment (maternitty break appro ox. Jan 2012 too Jan 2013). The T project was about neuroo‐prostheses co ontrolled with BCIs. Re ecently, we sho owed that it is possible to use NMES signalss to decode motor imagery and a improve claassification perrformance. This has im mplications in th he field of neuro‐rehabilitation n, because it is possible to infe er a better mod del using NMESS signals for poo or performing u users. Be efore, I was co o‐manager of th he EU‐IP‐projecct TOBI (2010‐22008) in the saame department. The projectt was a large consortium c to bring fo orward BCI. My work focused in the training of users who ccould not reach BCI control w with the state‐oof‐the‐art syste em. We reduced d the pe ercentage of peeople suffering from BCI ineffiiciency to the hhalf and showe ed that it is possible to learn too modulate sen nsorimotor rhyythms in less than one hour of trainingg with the use of machine leaarning and adap ptive technique es. In parallel, I have been working in the anaalysis off non‐stationariities in EEG datta and the robu ustification of BBCI systems within the projeccts co‐BCI and AABCI where I w was PI. From 200 06 to 20 008 I was Mariee‐Curie granted d postdoc at the Intelligent Daata Analysis gro oup in the Frau unhofer Institutte. My research h was about thee use off autoregressivee models to describe sensorim motor rhythms.. I developed a the Time Domain Parameterss. From 2005 to o 2006 I was prredoc an nd postdoc reseearcher at the C CIMA in Pamplona (Spain), in the field of fM MRI processing. My work theree was about the e influence of 4 40‐Hz au uditory stimulattion on the cerebellum. From m 2002 to 20055 I was guest researcher r at th he Graz Univerrsity of Techno ology. PhD stud dents: Claudia Sannelli (Summa Cum Laude, Dec. 20 012), Wojtech SSamek (Summa Cum Laude, June 2014), Javvier Pascual (June 2015). External Fu unding: More th han 1 Million EEuros (EU‐proje ect MUNDUS, D DFG project in SSPP 1527, BMB BF project ABCI)). International collaborationss: BCI M MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA A Y COMPETITIV VIDAD S SECRETARÍA DE E ESTADO D DE INVESTIGACIÓN D DESARROLLO E INNOVACIÓN S SECRETARÍA GE ENERAL D DE CIENCIA, TEC CNOLOGÍA E E INNOVACIÓN AYUDAS S RAMÓN Y CAJAL CONVO OCATORIA A 2014 Turno d de acceso general g D DIRECCIÓN GEN NERAL D DE INVESTIGACIÓN C CIENTÍFICA Y TÉ ÉCNICA S SUBDIRECCIÓN GENERAL D DE RECURSOS HUMANOS H P PARA LA INVEST TIGACIÓN re esearch group iin Graz, Austriaa. Group of Dr. Motoaki Kaw wanabe at ATR in the Brain In nformation Com mmunication Research R Laboratory Grroup (BICR). Group of Prof. Birrbaumer in Tüb bingen (Dr. And er Ramos) and the group of Prof. Villringer inn Leipzig. Caree er breaks: Mateernity leaave from 01‐122‐11 to 14‐01‐1 13, and from 15 5‐08‐14 until 311‐08‐15. Grantss: Post‐doctoral Marie Curie G Grant of the EU U (2006‐2008). Post‐ do octoral Grant � �Juan de la Cierva� (declined 2006). Pree‐doctoral Gran nt �Formación n de profesoraado Universitario, FPU� from m the fo ormer Spanish Ministerium for f Research (2001‐2005). ( G Grant for outsstanding acade emic results (M Master Projectt, 2000). Grant for ou utstanding acad demic results (high school dip ploma,1994). O Other: Project reviewer r for th he Spanish Govvernment and the Czech Reseearch Fo oundation. Reviewer of two PhD P dissertations and examinner of one PhD exam. I was in nvited speaker r at several Uniiversities in Europe. Sccientific producction: H‐index 1 18, number of ccitations 1728 aaccording to Go oogle scholar. N Number of pappers: 30, book cchapters: 5, number off conferences and seminars: 50. Participation n in 18 researchh projects (4 as Principal Investtigator). My cittation count sho ows that I publiished re elevant papers iin all fields wheere I worked. M MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA A Y COMPETITIV VIDAD S SECRETARÍA DE E ESTADO D DE INVESTIGACIÓN D DESARROLLO E INNOVACIÓN S SECRETARÍA GE ENERAL D DE CIENCIA, TEC CNOLOGÍA E E INNOVACIÓN AYUDAS S RAMÓN Y CAJAL CONVO OCATORIA A 2014 D DIRECCIÓN GEN NERAL D DE INVESTIGACIÓN C CIENTÍFICA Y TÉ ÉCNICA S SUBDIRECCIÓN GENERAL D DE RECURSOS HUMANOS H P PARA LA INVEST TIGACIÓN Turno d de acceso general g No ombre: GASULLA A MESTRE, IVANA Referencia: RYC‐2014 4‐16247 Áre ea Científicaa: Tecnologíía Electrónicca y de las Coomunicaciones Co orreo Electrónico: ivgaames@iteam m.upv.es Títtulo: Innovative Micro owave Photoniccs Resumen de laa Memoria: Ass a researcher in photonics, my field of exxpertise embraaces two innovvative areas: Microwave M Phootonics (MWP) and Space‐Divvision Multiplexing (SDM). My research careeer started with my PhD in 20 005 exploring nnovel ideas in h high‐speed multimode fiber (M MMF) transmission, which led d to a ew research line at the ITEAM M Institute (Polyytechnic Univ. oof Valencia). I d developed a novel and compreehensive mode el for the evaluation ne off MMF transmission that allow wed me to ide entify the two rrequirements that t must be fulfilled to achieeve broadband d transmission: low‐ lin newidth lasers aand central‐mo ode excitation. Thanks to this model, I identified that MMF links actually ddisplay passban nds above baseband that can be emplloyed for the trransmission of rradio‐over‐fibe r signals in addition to traditio onal baseband ddigital signals. T This finding meeant a paaradigm shift in n the current M MMF telecommu unications infraastructure that resulted in a series of record experiments. T The most impo ortant on ne was the tran nsmission of 1 Tb/(s.km), at the t time the w world record in capacity sent through a MM MF. This work had h a high poteential im mpact since it op pened the path h to ultra‐high ccapacity in‐housse communicattions. Up pon completingg my PhD in 20 008, I continue ed my career oon the applicatiion of Slow and d Fast Light (SFFL) techniques to MWP undeer the fraamework of th he European Project P GOSPELL. My principall role was linked to the proof‐of‐concept aapplication of 3 SFL technologies (photonic crystal waveguides, active semiconductor wavegguides based on o quantum dots d and opticaal fibers nonlinearities) to MWP, M sp pecifically to bro oadband phasee shifters and tu unable complexx‐valued filters.. Among my mo ost relevant outtcomes, it is wo orth mentioning the firrst‐ever demon nstration of tunable & reconfiggurable integra ted MWP filterrs based on a Photonic Crystall waveguide de elay line and a w world re ecord in the ban ndwidth of a tunable microwave phase shifteer. In 2011 I was aw warded a Fulbrigght Fellowship in support of reesearch to be ccarried out at S Stanford Univ. ((US) on SDM, 2 2012‐2014. With the exxploitation of the last degree of freedom fo or multiplexingg available ‐spaace‐ my work pursued p a soluttion to the cap pacity bottleneck of Digital Communiications. The fu uture optical ne etwork can bennefit from SDM M by establishing independentt multiple light paths via multticore fib bers or MMFs. The line of wo ork carried out at Stanford foccused on a speccial type of MM MF, the few‐moode fiber (FMF), which propaggates on nly a limited number of mod des, allowing a much more sttable performaance and, thus, the practical realization of SDM systems.. This ap pproach demon nstrated that SDM in FMFs ca an potentially iincrease per‐fib ber capacity by y a factor of 100 or more in access networkss and de ense data centeer interconnects. Baack in Valencia in 2014, my current interestts are focused towards the in nnovative application of SDM to MWP. This concept was firstly f inttroduced by m me in the researrch communityy in 2012, propposing the pioneering extensio on of SDM to tthe areas of an nalog photonicss and radio‐over‐fiber systems. The reesearch backgrround and expeerience develop ped through the years aroundd the areas of M MWP and SDM puts me in a privilegeed position to unify them in what is my onngoing line of research: r the design and de monstration off SDM technologies sp pecifically tailorred for novel MWP application ns, exploiting unnique features brought by the inherent paralllelism of multiccore or FMFs. Resumen del C Currículum V Vitae: My research careeer in the field d of Photonics started with m my PhD in 2005 (funded by the Spanish FPI ffellowship) exp ploring new ideeas in multimode fibre es at the ITEAM M Research Institute (Polytechnic University oof Valencia, UP PVLC). The impaact of high‐speed transsmission over m p awarded by the IEEE Photonnics Society. I am a the last Spaanish my doctoral worrk was reflected in the 2008 Graduate Stud ent Fellowship esearcher that collected this extremely com mpetitive internnational award. Upon comple eting my PhD i n 2008, I continued my careeer at re ITEAM working o on the applicatiion of Slow and d Fast light techhniques to Miccrowave Photon nics. From 20122 to 2014 I wass a Fulbright Vissiting Sccholar at Stanfo ord University (US) working o on Space‐divisioon multiplexingg. Back to the ITEAM in 2014,, my current in nterests are foccused to owards the inno ovative applicattion of Space‐division multipleexing to Microw wave Photonicss. I was evaluatted as category A in both steps 1 & 2 in the 2014 ERC C Starting Grant call. I h have participateed as a research her and co‐man nager in severaal projects or Ne etworks of Exce ellence funded by public or private bodies. During my career at UP PVLC, I was invo olved in 5 Euro opean projects,, (highlighting the t FP7‐ICT pro ojects Alpha annd GOSPEL), 4 national projeccts, 3 re egional projectss and 1 project ffunded by UPV VLC. I also particcipated in a privvate project fun nded by Telefónnica Investigaciión y Desarrollo o. My 2‐year stay at Sttanford was con nducted under a competitive project funded by the Spanish Ministerio dde Educación and the US Fulb bright Co ommission, in w which I particip pated as the sccientific coordi nator. Simultan neously, I colla aborated in a pproject funded by the US Nattional Sccience Foundation (NSF) and in a project funded by Googl e Inc. Last, I accted as a contrributor to a seccond NSF‐supp ported project tto be de eveloped in 20014‐2016. Amo ong my interna ational activitiees, I carried out o productive collaborationss with Universität Duisburg‐EEssen (G Germany), Universidad Carlos III, Ecole Polytechnique Fédéérale de Lausan nne (Switzerland), Universidadd Pública de Na avarra, DTU Fotonik (D Denmark), Thalees Research & TTechnology (Fra ance). These coollaborations resulted in 5 joint journal paperrs and 3 joint co onference papeers. M MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA A Y COMPETITIV VIDAD S SECRETARÍA DE E ESTADO D DE INVESTIGACIÓN D DESARROLLO E INNOVACIÓN S SECRETARÍA GE ENERAL D DE CIENCIA, TEC CNOLOGÍA E E INNOVACIÓN AYUDAS S RAMÓN Y CAJAL CONVO OCATORIA A 2014 Turno d de acceso general g D DIRECCIÓN GEN NERAL D DE INVESTIGACIÓN C CIENTÍFICA Y TÉ ÉCNICA S SUBDIRECCIÓN GENERAL D DE RECURSOS HUMANOS H P PARA LA INVEST TIGACIÓN Th he results of m my work have leed to 53 intern national peer‐rreviewed publiccations, classifiied as 24 SCI‐JCCR journal pub blications (13 as a 1st au uthor) and 29 cconferences (15 5 as 1st authorr). Among them m, 5 are invited d papers to SCI‐JCR journals ((2 as 1st author) and 9 are invited co onference talks (6 as 1st autho or). I would like e to highlight aan invited paper to the prestig gious journal Naature Photoniccs (1st journal in the JC CR ranking for tthe Optics cateegory, IF=29.27 7 in 2011) andd a paper in Naature Commun nications (3rd jjournal in the JCR ranking for the Multidisciplinary Science categgory, IF=10.02 in 2012). The current numbe er of citations for my publicaations is 352 Scopus S /466 Go oogle Sccholar, which leeads to an h‐ind dex of 10 Scopu us /11 Google SScholar. I have aalso published a a Spanish patennt of invention on 2012 and seerved ass a reviewer forr 7 IEEE/OSA in nternational jou urnals. Concernning training acctivities, I acted d as the co‐advvisor of a PhD tthesis and 2 Master Th hesis, and I am the on‐going aadvisor of 1 PhD thesis and coo‐advisor of 2 P PhD theses. I am m a member oof the Technical Program and Local Orrganizing Comm mittees of ECOC C, the most rele evant Europeann conference in optical commu unications. M MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA A Y COMPETITIV VIDAD S SECRETARÍA DE E ESTADO D DE INVESTIGACIÓN D DESARROLLO E INNOVACIÓN S SECRETARÍA GE ENERAL D DE CIENCIA, TEC CNOLOGÍA E E INNOVACIÓN AYUDAS S RAMÓN Y CAJAL CONVO OCATORIA A 2014 D DIRECCIÓN GEN NERAL D DE INVESTIGACIÓN C CIENTÍFICA Y TÉ ÉCNICA S SUBDIRECCIÓN GENERAL D DE RECURSOS HUMANOS H P PARA LA INVEST TIGACIÓN Turno d de acceso general g No ombre: MANCUSSO , VINCEN NZO Referencia: RYC‐2014 4‐16285 Áre ea Científicaa: Tecnologíía Electrónicca y de las Coomunicaciones Co orreo Electrónico: vinccenzo.mancu [email protected] Títtulo: Op pportunistic Wiireless Architecctures Resumen de laa Memoria: Wireless W networrks are evolving towards fully flexible prot ocols by leveraging software e‐defined operaations, both in n terms of nettwork co ontrol (via SDN mechanisms) and radio reco onfigurability (vvia SDR techniq ques) [1]. More eover, desity annd traffic in wireless networkks are exxponentially inccreasing [2], which w requires novel architecctures to efficiently use the scarce wirelesss resources with w heterogen neous ne etwork protoco ols (LTE, 802.11,, mmWave solu utions, etc.) andd devices (small/metro cells, W WiFi, etc.). In this frameworrk, the proposeed project focusses on "opportuunistic" solutions for the forth hcoming 5th geeneration (5G) of highly densee and ntation and exp perimental evalluation of enerrgy‐efficient, ro obust, effficient wirelesss networks. Thee project targets analysis, dessign, implemen fair and high‐thro oughput wireleess protocols. Baased on the SDN/SDR paradiggm and on the ffeatures of moodern user's devvices and mobiile OSs, such soolutions will be e thought to sm martly an nd promptly reconfigure netw work access me echanisms in thhe shared wire eless spectrum. The proposedd solutions will be "opportuniistic", meaning that ussers and operattors will engine eer radio links to access radiio channels wh hen they offer high performance. Thereforee, the ons will allow to o either minimize transmissionn powers or maaximize through hput. Moreove r, the project w will study and assess prroposed solutio the role of users'' collaboration in two directions: (i) promotinng user‐based ccellular offloadiing mechanism ms, and (ii) desiggning infrastruccture‐ lesss services bassed on local context information. The formeer direction fossters high spectral efficiency at cell level, whereas w the lattter is meant to avoid that traffic passes unnecessarily through the operator's netw work. In general, user‐aassisted offload ding and infrasttructure‐less seervices can redu uce delays and airtime consum med for transmiissions in a cell.. E.g., byy using only goo od radio chann nels, the transfe er time for a giiven amount off traffic is minimized, and moore traffic can b be exchanged in the ne etwork. Similarly, context‐awaare infrastructu ure‐less servicees require very low power, the ereby allowing for frequency reuse (i.e., multiple paarallel transmissions will be po ossible over the e same frequen cy). De evice‐to‐Devicee (D2D) [3] is th he key technique needed to eenable the fore eseen solutionss, while the chaaracterization o of radio channeels in de ense environmeents will be keyy to understand d how to triggerr opportunistic network mechanisms. In the short term m, the research will target the study and desiggn of: (i) SDN‐controlled D2D architectures foor efficient and d fair data relayy, and (ii) SDR‐based D22D infrastructurre‐less architectures for conteext‐aware servicces. m, the research will target a a few practicall SDN/SDR dem mos and evaluate the possibbility to produce new patentts on In the long term pportunistic nettworking with SSDN and SDR. op In general, reseaarch results will be used to pursue the publiccation of new id deas in international renowneed peer‐review wed conferencess and journals. [1] A. Gudipati, D D. Perry, L. E. Li,, S. Katti, "SoftR RAN:Software D Defined Radio A Access Network k", in ACM HotSSDN, 2013. Mahonen, �Riding the data tsunami in the ccloud: myths an nd challenges in n future wirelesss access,� IEE EE Comm. Magazine [2] J. Zander, P. M (2013). Wang, V. Mancuso. "A Survey on Device‐to‐D Device Communication in Cellular Networks"", IEEE Communications Surveeys & [3] A. Asadi, Q. W utorials (2014). Tu Resumen del C Currículum V Vitae: Drr. Vincenzo Maancuso obtaineed his master degree d in Electtronics from University U of Pa alermo, Italy, inn 2001, and a PhD in Electro onics, Co omputer Sciencce and Telecom mmunications frrom the same U University in 20 005. After the P PhD, he has col laborated with University of R Roma ''T Tor Vergata'' an nd University o of Palermo. He has been visitting scholar at the ECE Department of Rice University, Hoouston, Texas, and postdoc in n the MAESTRO team aat INRIA Sophiaa Antipolis, Fran nce. Since Sept ember 2010, Vincenzo is with IMDEA Netwoorks Institute, w working on analyytical nd experimentaal projects on cellular c and op pportunistic wirreless networkss (802.11, 802.16/LTE) and ennergy efficient network proto ocols. an Vincenzo's publiccation record includes i more than 60 peer reviewed journal articles and d conference ppapers, among which 6 INFO OCOM paapers and severral IEEE transacctions, letters and magazines. On ngoing researcch activities: (i)) scheduling an nd inter‐cell innterference maanagement in very v dense celllular data networks (ICT CRO OWD prroject), (ii) design of SDN/SD DR‐based cellular networks (IICT CROWD prroject and TIGRE5‐CM projecct), (iii) analysis and perform mance evvaluation of inb band and outb band D2D communication schhemes (ICT CROWD project), (iii) characteriization and asssessment of mobile m brroadband systeems (H2020 MONROE project), (iv) analysiss and impleme entation of con ntext‐aware meechanisms for mobile devices, (v) M MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA A Y COMPETITIV VIDAD S SECRETARÍA DE E ESTADO D DE INVESTIGACIÓN D DESARROLLO E INNOVACIÓN S SECRETARÍA GE ENERAL D DE CIENCIA, TEC CNOLOGÍA E E INNOVACIÓN AYUDAS S RAMÓN Y CAJAL CONVO OCATORIA A 2014 Turno d de acceso general g D DIRECCIÓN GEN NERAL D DE INVESTIGACIÓN C CIENTÍFICA Y TÉ ÉCNICA S SUBDIRECCIÓN GENERAL D DE RECURSOS HUMANOS H P PARA LA INVEST TIGACIÓN modeling, measu urements, and eexperiments wiith 802.3az (EEEE links) in data centers. Paast projects: (i) experiments w with modified 8 802.11 driver/ffirmware (ICT FFLAVIA and ICT CROWD proje cts), (ii) design of flexible wirreless arrchitectures (ICTT FLAVIA projecct), (iii) analysiss and performa nce evaluation of opportunisttic scheduling sschemes for LTE E/802.11 dual‐m mode ussers. (iv) analysis and optimizaation of power ssaving strategiees for cellular packet networkss, (v) design of ggreen base stattions, (vi) fairneess in sp patially biased m mesh networkss, (vii) performance analysis aand experimen nts of 802.11‐based mesh nettworks, (viii) su upport of streaaming ap pplications in w wireless systemss, (ix) wireless m mesh networkss operated by m means of multip ple technologiess, namely IEEE 802.11, IEEE 80 02.16 an nd LEO/GEO Sattellite solutionss, (x) measurem ment‐based adm mission control in IP networks. Co ollaborative pro ojects: Vincenzo o has participatted in several E uropean, Frencch, Italian and S Spanish re esearch projectss, and has recently contribute ed to the successsful proposal o of a new H2020 0 FIRE+ project.. He is currentlyy technical man nager off two European projects: MON NROE and CROW WD. Vincenzo has beeen and is invo olved in severa al technical proogram committtees of interna ational peer‐revviewed confere ences. Indeed he is co onstantly contriibuting with his peer‐reviewin ng activity for w works submitte ed to the mostt important IEEEE, ACM, IFIP and Elsevier jou urnals an nd conferences. perience with teaching and tutoring stude ents. He has taught Internett protocols and Fundamentaals of Vincenzo has also a good exp ommunications at University o of Palermo, and d Switching, Wi reless Commun nications and Performance Evvaluation of Nettworks at Univeersity co Caarlos III of Mad drid. He has also taught 19 short courses on 2G and 3G cellular networkss, IP networkingg, voice over IP P, QoS and nettwork se ecurity. He has directed 12 Master M Theses and a 12 Bacheloor Theses at Un niversity of Pale ermo, and 3 M Master Theses a and 1 PhD Thessis at Un niversity Carloss III of Madrid. M MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA A Y COMPETITIV VIDAD S SECRETARÍA DE E ESTADO D DE INVESTIGACIÓN D DESARROLLO E INNOVACIÓN S SECRETARÍA GE ENERAL D DE CIENCIA, TEC CNOLOGÍA E E INNOVACIÓN AYUDAS S RAMÓN Y CAJAL CONVO OCATORIA A 2014 D DIRECCIÓN GEN NERAL D DE INVESTIGACIÓN C CIENTÍFICA Y TÉ ÉCNICA S SUBDIRECCIÓN GENERAL D DE RECURSOS HUMANOS H P PARA LA INVEST TIGACIÓN Turno d de acceso general g No ombre: GARCIA VARA, IVAN N Referencia: RYC‐2014 4‐15621 Áre ea Científicaa: Tecnologíía Electrónicca y de las Coomunicaciones Co orreo Electrónico: ivan n.garcia.vara@ @gmail.com m Títtulo: De esarrollo de esttructuras semicconductoras III‐V V para células ssolares multuniión de alta eficiencia Resumen de laa Memoria: Mi carrera investtigadora se ha eenmarcado en el desarrollo dee células solare es fotovoltaicas de alta eficienccia, con enfoqu ue en células so olares multiunión de seemiconductores III‐V. Durante e mi Tesis Docttoral en el Insttituto de Energía Solar de la U Universidad Po olitécnica de Madrid (IE ES‐UPM), desarrrollé células so olares de doble e unión de GaInnP/GaAs ajustadas en red sobre substratos dde GaAs, abarca ando el crecimiento ep pitaxial de las eestructuras sem miconductoras m mediante epitaaxia en fase de vapor con precursores metallorgánicos (MO OVPE), la fabricaación de e los dispositivos de célula so olar y su mode elado y caracteerización. Este trabajo estuvo o enmarcado poor la participacción en el proyyecto eu uropeo FULLSPECTRUM, y por otros proyectos nacionales y contratos co on empresas nacionales e intternacionales. Un resultado global g im mportante fue u un record mund dial de eficienciia a alta concenntración en este tipo de célula as publicado enn Applied Physics Letters e inccluido en n las listas oficiaales de eficienccias record. Esta a tecnología fuee transferida a empresas espa añolas y extranjjeras, y fue objeto de una patente. Mi Tesis Doctoral fue galardonaada con el Prem mio Extraordinarrio de Doctorad do de la UPM. Co on el objetivo d de superar las limitaciones termodinámicas intrínsecas a laas estructuras ajustadas en reed, en 2012 em mprendí mi estancia po ostdoctoral en el National Renewable Energgy Laboratory ((NREL, Golden, CO, Estados Unidos), U con unn contrato Fulb bright (2012‐2013) y po osteriormente ccon un contrato Marie Curie ‐ IOF (2013‐preesente, proyectto METACELLS) de la Unión Euuropea. El trab bajo en estos 3 años en n NREL se ha ceentrado en el d desarrollo de esstructuras metaamórficas de cé élula solar, con n el objetivo dee conseguir ajusstar las anchuraas de baanda prohibida de las subcélu ulas al óptimo para el especttro solar de trabajo. El logro principal se ppuede resumir en la obtenció ón de efficiencias de conversión fotovoltaica record (>446%) median nte el desa arrollo de células de 4 uniones de GaaInP/GaAs/GaIn nAs(1eV)/GaInA As(0.7eV). Esto o fue posible gracias al dise eño e implementación de uuna unión túnel metamórficca de GaaAsSb/GaInAs yy de células meetamórficas de GaInAs de 1eV V con densidad des de dislocacciones < 5e5 cm m‐2 y eficiencia as de luminesceencia intterna > 90%, en n mi proyecto M METACELLS. Ottro trabajo imp portante durantte este postdocc es el análisis y aprovechamiiento de la lum minescencia en células solares III‐V, y en concreto de el reciclaje de fo otones y del accoplamiento de e fotones, en ell marco de un p proyecto F‐PACE del US Deparrtment of Energgy. Con este traabajo he emos conseguid do acercarnos al límite teóricco de eficienciaa en células mo onounión de GaAs y GaInP m mediante recicla aje de fotones, y en cé élulas de dos uniones, aproveechando el acop plamiento de ffotones. Ademáás hemos demo ostrado experim mentalmente q que el efecto d de las vaariaciones espectrales en estass células es menor, gracias al aacoplamiento d de fotones, y, por lo tanto, su pproducción de energía es mayyor. Co on todo esto hee adquirido unaa amplia experriencia multidis ciplinar en el d desarrollo de esstructuras semiiconductoras III‐V y células so olares de e alta eficienciaa de varias teccnologías. Mi plan p es transfeerir este conoccimiento en la fase de retornno de mi proyyecto Marie Cu urie y se eguidamente aaplicarlo al deesarrollo de cé élulas solares de alta eficie encia y/o cam mpos adyacenttes como la optoelectrónica de co omunicaciones o la iluminación n de estado sólido. Resumen del C Currículum V Vitae: Web: http://scho W olar.google.com m/citations?hl=e en&user=WiH__XPIAAAAJ Pu ublicaciones: 299 en revistas intternacionales, 4 47 en conferen cias (24 ponencias, 5 ponencias invitadas). Índice h: 11 Se elección de pub blicaciones en reevista. M A. Steiner, J. F. Geisz, an nd S. R. Kurtz,, �Back reflecctors based on n buried Al2O3 for I. García, C. F. Kearns‐McCoy,, J. S. Ward, M. nhancement off photon recycling in monolith hic, on‐substratte III‐V solar ce ells,� Applied Physics Letterss, vol. 105, no. 13, p. 133507,, Sep. en 20 014. García, W. E. McMahon, A. G. Norman, J. Sim mon, J. F. Geisz, D. J. Friedman, M. J. Romero o (2014) �Lattice‐Mismatched d 0.7‐ R. M. France, I. G V GaInAs Solar C Cells Grown on GaAs Using Ga aInP Compositioonally Graded B Buffers�, IEEE Journal of Phottovoltaics, 4 pp p. 190‐195. eV nce, J. Kang, S.‐‐H. Wei, M. Oc hoa, D. J. Fried dman, (2014), � �Metamorphicc Ga0.76In0.24 4As/GaAs0.75Sb b0.25 I. García, J. F. Geeisz, R. M. Fran 16, p: 074508. tunnel junctions grown on GaAss substrates�, Journal of Appplied Physics, 11 2014) �Thin, hhigh quality GaInP compositio onally graded bbuffer layers gro own at high growth I. García, R. M. FFrance, J. F. Geeisz, J. Simon (2 M MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA A Y COMPETITIV VIDAD S SECRETARÍA DE E ESTADO D DE INVESTIGACIÓN D DESARROLLO E INNOVACIÓN S SECRETARÍA GE ENERAL D DE CIENCIA, TEC CNOLOGÍA E E INNOVACIÓN AYUDAS S RAMÓN Y CAJAL CONVO OCATORIA A 2014 Turno d de acceso general g D DIRECCIÓN GEN NERAL D DE INVESTIGACIÓN C CIENTÍFICA Y TÉ ÉCNICA S SUBDIRECCIÓN GENERAL D DE RECURSOS HUMANOS H P PARA LA INVEST TIGACIÓN rates for metamo orphic III‐V solaar cell applicatio ons�, Journal oof Crystal Grow wth, 393, pp: 64 4‐69. nhanced extern nal radiative eff fficiency for 20.8% efficient siingle‐ J. F. Geisz, M. A.. Steiner, I. Garrcía, S. R. Kurtzz, D. J. Friedmaan (2013), �En junction GaInP so olar cells�, Applied Physics Le etters, 103, p. 0041118. I. Garcia, I. Rey‐‐Stolle, B. Galiaana, C. Algora ((2009), �A 32 .6% efficient laattice‐matched dual‐junction ssolar cell working at 1000 suns�, pplied Physics LLetters, 94, p. 0 053509. Ap Paatentes os Algora, Mathieu Baudrit, Ignnacio Rey‐Stolle e (P5817EPPC),, �Method Im plemented In A A Computer For The Iváán García, Pilarr Espinet, Carlo Nu umerical Simulaation Of Semico onductor Devices Containing TTunnel Junction ns�, 5‐4‐2010, UPM Prremios Prremio Extraordiinario de Docto orado, por la Un niversidad Polittécnica de Madrid (2011). Prremio Extraordiinario Fin de Caarrera, por la Un niversidad de V Valladolid (2004 4). Trrabajo en centro os extranjeros. Co ontrato Fulbrigght para realizaación de investigación post‐ddoctoral en el National Rene ewable Energy Laboratory (G Golden, CO, Esttados Un nidos) � 2012‐‐2013. ( Europea a): Proyecto � �METACELLS� � para realizació ón de investigaación post‐docttoral en el Nattional Prrograma Marie Curie � IOF (Unión Re enewable Energgy Laboratory (Golden, CO, Esttados Unidos) � � 2013‐2015. Prrograma Nacion nal FPU: estanccia en Phillips U Universitat (Maarburg, Alemania), Julio‐Octub bre 2007. Objettivo: estudio de el ordenamientto en GaaInP crecido po or MOVPE. Se elección de partticipación en prroyectos y conttratos con emp resas: �Full Spectrum: � : A new PV wavve making more e efficient use of the solar spectrum�, Unió ón Europea ‐ Prrograma de Energías No Nucleeares de e la Unión Europea, VI P. Marcco, Noviembre 2 2003 a Noviem mbre 2008 �Producción en � Isofotón de céélulas solares IIII‐V multiunión ccon eficiencias del 35 % a 100 00 soles�, ISOFFOTON, S.A., Fe ebrero 2006 � � Julio 20 007 �Simulación de � células solares de concentración�, Abengoaa Solar New Technologies, S. A A., Febrero 20009 ‐ Febrero 201 10 �F‐PACE: Found � dational Program m to Advance C Cell Efficiency� �, US Departme ent of State, Enero 2011 � Occtubre 2014. Dirección de trab bajos de formacción UPM), 1 Trabajo o Fin de Masterr (IES‐UPM) y 2 proyectos de in nvestigación (N NREL � Estadoss Unidos) 1 Proyecto Fin dee Carrera (IES‐U Contratado Docctor por la ANECA (2012) Accreditación de C M MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA A Y COMPETITIV VIDAD S SECRETARÍA DE E ESTADO D DE INVESTIGACIÓN D DESARROLLO E INNOVACIÓN S SECRETARÍA GE ENERAL D DE CIENCIA, TEC CNOLOGÍA E E INNOVACIÓN AYUDAS S RAMÓN Y CAJAL CONVO OCATORIA A 2014 Turno d de acceso general g No ombre: KOCH , TTOBIAS Referencia: RYC‐2014 4‐16332 Áre ea Científicaa: Tecnologíía Electrónicca y de las Coomunicaciones Co orreo Electrónico: koch [email protected] Títtulo: D DIRECCIÓN GEN NERAL D DE INVESTIGACIÓN C CIENTÍFICA Y TÉ ÉCNICA S SUBDIRECCIÓN GENERAL D DE RECURSOS HUMANOS H P PARA LA INVEST TIGACIÓN Infformation‐theo oretic limits of ccommunication n systems unde r realistic assum mptions Resumen de laa Memoria: Drr. Koch conductted his undergraduate and grraduate studiess in Electrical En ngineering from m 1998‐2004 annd his doctoral studies from 2 2004‐ 20 009, both at ETTH Zurich (Switzerland). From m 2010‐2012, hhe was a Marie Curie Researrch Fellow at tthe University of Cambridge (UK). Fu urthermore, hee was a researcch intern at Bell Labs (Murrayy Hill, NJ) in 20 004 and at Univ versitat Pompeeu Fabra (Spain n) in 2007. Dr. Koch joined the Univeersidad Carlos III de Madrid (SSpain) in 2012 aas a Visiting Prrofessor. He is currently a Maarie Curie Invesstigator at the ssame un niversity. Drr. Koch is an exp pert in informaation theory and d his work has ccovered various topics in this area, including g wireless comm munications, on n‐chip co ommunications, quantization and samplingg, communicattion with disccrete signal co onstellations, aand informatio on theory at finite blocklength. He aims at realisttic limits, takin ng the practica l limitations in n communicatio on systems intto account. For example, wirreless co ommunication channels are typically analyyzed by assum ming that the receiving term minals are aw ware of the ch hannel propagation ch haracteristics. H However, in praactical commun nication system ms, such knowle edge is a priori not available bbut must be obttained, for exam mple, byy transmitting p pilot symbols. IIn his work, Drr. Koch takes thhe overhead du ue to channel e estimation intoo account, thereby providing more re ealistic fundameental limits. Hee further incorp porates hardwaare limitations into his work, ttaking the loss due to low‐pre ecision quantization orr limitations on the signal consstellation into a account. Inter alia, Dr. Kocch's research cu urrently concerrns the informa tion‐theoretic limits of short‐p packet wirelesss communicatio ons. Indeed, mo ost of the current inforrmation‐theoreetic analyses prrovide asymptootic results in the t limit as the e length of thee employed errror‐correcting codes c tends to infinity. As we move towards next‐ge eneration wirelless communication systems (referred to as �5G�), such h analyses may have lim mited significan nce, since emeerging applicatio ons in 5G mayy require the exchange e of short packets. Thhus, more refin ned analyses of o the acchievable data rates as a functtion of the codeword length aand a given tarrget probability of error are reequired. In his w work, Dr. Koch aims at information‐th heoretic limits that help bette er understand the fundamental tradeoff between spatial ddiversity, spatia al multiplexing, and co ost of channel eestimation. Resumen del C Currículum V Vitae: To obias Koch receeived his M.Sc. degree in elecctrical engineerring (with distin nction) in 2004 and his Ph.D. degree in electtrical engineeriing in 20 009, both from ETH Zurich, Sw witzerland. From m June 2010 unntil May 2012, he was a Marie Curie Intra‐Euuropean Resea arch Fellow with the Un niversity of Cam mbridge, UK. H He was also a research intern at Bell Labs, M Murray Hill, NJ in 2004 and att Universitat Po ompeu Fabra (UPF), Sp pain, in 2007. H He joined the U Universidad Carlos III de Madr id (UC3M), Spaain, in June 201 12 as Profesor VVisitante. Since e June 2013 he is an Investigador Marrie Curie with U UC3M. pert in informaation theory and d his work has ccovered various topics in this area, including g wireless comm munications, on n‐chip Drr. Koch is an exp co ommunications, quantization and sampling,, communicatioon with discrete signal consttellations, the development of message‐paassing alggorithms for co ontinous‐time ssynchronization n, and informattion theory at ffinite blockleng gth. He has co‐aauthored 10 jo ournal articles in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory and d 24 conferenc e articles in re efereed confere ence publicatioons. In addition n, he was inviteed to prresent his workk at 7 conferencces. Drr. Koch was aw warded a Fellow wship for Prosp pective Researcchers from the Swiss National Science Foun dation (which he turned dow wn), a Marie Curie Intraa‐European Felllowship for Career Developm ment, and a Maarie Curie Caree er Integration G Grant. He is co o‐author of a poster that won the Best Poster Awarrd at the IEEE C Communicationn Theory Worksshop in 2013 and co‐author oof a paper that won the 2013 3 IEEE Sw weden VT‐COM M‐IT Joint Chapter Best Studentt Conference Paaper Award. Drr. Koch is particcipating or has participated in n 10 research pprojects: 1 fund ded by the Com munidad de Maadrid, 1 by the Spanish Ministtry of Ecconomy and Co ompetitiveness, 2 by the Spanish Ministry of SScience and Inn novation, 4 by tthe European CCommission, 1 b by the Isaac Newton Trrust, and 1 by tthe Swedish Reesearch Council. He is or wass principal inve estigator in 3 of these projectts. He is curren ntly directing or o co‐ directing 3 Ph.D. theses and hass directed or co o‐directed 1 Ph..D. thesis, 2 Maaster's theses, a and 3 undergradduate projects or internships. Drr. Koch was an invited speakerr at the second and fourth Inteernational Sym mposium on App plied Sciences inn Biomedical and Communicaations M MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA A Y COMPETITIV VIDAD S SECRETARÍA DE E ESTADO D DE INVESTIGACIÓN D DESARROLLO E INNOVACIÓN S SECRETARÍA GE ENERAL D DE CIENCIA, TEC CNOLOGÍA E E INNOVACIÓN AYUDAS S RAMÓN Y CAJAL CONVO OCATORIA A 2014 Turno d de acceso general g D DIRECCIÓN GEN NERAL D DE INVESTIGACIÓN C CIENTÍFICA Y TÉ ÉCNICA S SUBDIRECCIÓN GENERAL D DE RECURSOS HUMANOS H P PARA LA INVEST TIGACIÓN Te echnologies (ISA ABEL) in 2009 and 2011, resspectively, at tthe 9th Annuall Information Theory T and Appplications Worrkshop (ITA), at the International Wo orkshop on Frontiers of Teleco ommunicationss and Coding (h held in honor o of Ezio Biglieri� �s 70th birthda ay), and at the 11th International Sym mposium on Wiireless Commun nication System ms. Drr. Koch was a m member of thee Technical Program Committ ee of the 23rd Annual IEEE In nternational Syymposium on P Personal Indoorr and Mobile Radio Co ommunication in 2012, the 2014 Internationaal Zurich Semin nar on Communications, and tthe 11th Intern national Sympo osium n Wireless Com mmunication Syystems. He orgganized the speecial session �Wireless � communications att finite blockle ength� at the 11th on International Sym mposium on W Wireless Commu unication System ms and he is th he Publications Chair of the 20016 IEEE Intern national Sympo osium n Information TTheory. He has been a referee of various IEEEE journals and cconferences and d has been Sesssion Chair at va arious conferences. on Drr. Koch is curren ntly serving as V Vice Chair of th he Spain Chapteer of the IEEE In nformation Theory Society. M MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA A Y COMPETITIV VIDAD S SECRETARÍA DE E ESTADO D DE INVESTIGACIÓN D DESARROLLO E INNOVACIÓN S SECRETARÍA GE ENERAL D DE CIENCIA, TEC CNOLOGÍA E E INNOVACIÓN AYUDAS S RAMÓN Y CAJAL CONVO OCATORIA A 2014 Turno d de acceso general g No ombre: NAVARR RO URRIOS,, DANIEL Referencia: RYC‐2014 4‐15392 Áre ea Científicaa: Tecnologíía Electrónicca y de las Coomunicaciones Co orreo Electrónico: danielnavarrourrrios@gmail. com Títtulo: D DIRECCIÓN GEN NERAL D DE INVESTIGACIÓN C CIENTÍFICA Y TÉ ÉCNICA S SUBDIRECCIÓN GENERAL D DE RECURSOS HUMANOS H P PARA LA INVEST TIGACIÓN High‐Frequency A Acoustic Lasers for Sensing and Time‐Keepingg Applications Resumen de laa Memoria: Du uring the first 88 of my 11 yeaars of experiencce in research I was focused in exploring an nd optimizing aalternatives for improving the light em mission efficien ncy of Silicon (SSi) based materrials and photoonic structures fabricated usin ng CMOS comppatible fabrication techniquess. The main goals were to obtain opticcal stimulated e emission and la sing integrated d in a Si photonics platform. Foollowing a time eline, three werre my ubjects: main research su Si nano ostructures in different dielecttric matrices annd Si‐nanostructtures coupled to Erbium ions iin various diele ectric matrices. 1. Si based light emittingg photonic wave eguides for opttical amplification purposes. 2. Optical microcavities ((like light‐emittting Si based rinngs and disks and rare‐earth d doped glass miccrosphere laserrs) integratables in a 3. m and sensing a applications. Si chip for short‐range telecomm nce 2011 my m main research lin ne has become e cavity optomeechanics, which h concerns the u understanding and exploitatio on of the interaction Sin be etween light an nd mechanical objects on low w‐energy scaless. In 2014, my ccoworkers and I demonstrateed the first optomechanical crrystal with localized aco oustic modes aappearing in a full acoustic gapp, a work that h has been published in Nature CCommunication ns. In the samee year e demonstrated a self‐stabilizzed acoustic lasser driven by ooptical forces in ntegrated in a Si chip, which ooperates at am mbient conditions of we temperature and d pressure. Thee combined cha aracteristics of this latter syste em are expecte ed to impact inntra‐chip time‐kkeeping and sensing ap pplications, sincce high intensitty sound wavess can be conveerted to electricc signals when impinging piezzoelectric mate erials. The results of this work are un nder review in Nature Photon nics since Octoober 2014 and I have been in nvited to preseent them in an n invited talk at the prrestigious confeerence Phononss 2015, to be he eld in Nottingh am (UK) from 1 12th � 17th July 2015. nce I joined thee CNR Nanoscieence Insitute Piisa NEST in Ma rch 2014 I am aalso investigating optomechannical interactions in lasing devvices, Sin su uch as quantum m‐cascade‐laserrs operating in tthe THz region and rare earth h doped glass m microsphere lassers. The idea iss to exploit thee very high electromagn netic field inten nsities achieved above threshhold and to obttain extremely high quality faactors by exploiting laser linew width naarrowing. oncerning the simulation, fa brication and characterizatio on of I have acquired wide experience in several experimental techniques co ph hotonic materiaals and structurres: ‐ Continu uous wave and time resolved standard and m micro‐ luminisce ence spectrosco opy. Optical gain and lossees measuremen nts with Variabble Stripe Length, Shifting Exccitation Spot annd Pump and P Probe techniqu ues in ‐ mensional light‐eemitting wavegguides. planar and bidim Optical characterizatiion of active and a passive phhotonic structu ures (waveguid des, microdisk and ring reso onators, 1D and 2D ‐ hotonic crystal cavities, etc). ph ‐ Simulattion of photon nic structures with FDTD annd BPM metho ods (MEEP, BEAMPROP and FULLWAVE) and optomechaanical structures with FFEM methods (C COMSOL). Litho ographic mask ddesign (Tanner L‐Edit tools). Fabricaation of porous silicon sampless in electrochem mical laboratory and subseque ent thermal andd chemical trea atments. ‐ ‐ Use of clean n room facilitiess such as: e‐bea am lithography,, UV photolitography, thermal evaporators, SScanning Electro on Microscopy,, etc Currículum V Vitae: Resumen del C I ggraduated in Ph hysics in the Un niversity of La LLaguna in 20022 (mark 2.08/4 of Spanish stan ndard scale). M My Ph.D thesis w was done undeer the su upervision of Drr. Néstor E. Cap puj (University o of La Laguna) a nd prof. Lorenzzo Pavesi (University of Trentoo, Italy). An uno official collaboration be etween the gro oups of both su upervisors allow wed me to perfform several extended stagess at the group of prof. Pavesi during my Ph..D. In de ecember of 20006, I received tthe European P Ph.D. degree frrom the Univerrsity of La Laguna with Sobressaliente Cum Laude, obtainingg the Ph h.D Extraordinaary Award from the Experimen ntal and Techniccal Sciences Divvision. Frrom December 2006 to May 20 008 I continued d my research aat the Universitty of Trento with a post‐doctorral contract. In June 2008 I joiined the MIND group in the Electronics Depaartment of the University of Ba arcelona (UB) aafter being awa arded with a Juaan de la Cierva fellowsh hip associated tto the FP6‐EU p project LANCERR. M MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA A Y COMPETITIV VIDAD S SECRETARÍA DE E ESTADO D DE INVESTIGACIÓN D DESARROLLO E INNOVACIÓN S SECRETARÍA GE ENERAL D DE CIENCIA, TEC CNOLOGÍA E E INNOVACIÓN AYUDAS S RAMÓN Y CAJAL CONVO OCATORIA A 2014 Turno d de acceso general g D DIRECCIÓN GEN NERAL D DE INVESTIGACIÓN C CIENTÍFICA Y TÉ ÉCNICA S SUBDIRECCIÓN GENERAL D DE RECURSOS HUMANOS H P PARA LA INVEST TIGACIÓN In September of f 2011 I joined the Catalan Institute of Nanooscience and N Nanotechnology y (ICN2). Soon afterwards, I w was awarded w with a Be eatriu de Pinòs ‐ Mod. B post‐doctoral fellow wship. This gran t is co‐financed d by the Marie Curie‐COFUND D actions of the FP7‐EU programme an nd by the Gen neralitat de Cattalunya. I was appointed as the scientific coordinator of the ICN2 acttivities within the FP7‐EU prroject TA AILPHOX. Sin nce March of 2014 I am working as a Type III Researcheer at the CNR Nanoscience In nstitute Pisa (N NEST) (Italy) fin nanced by the ERC‐ Ad dvanced Grant SOULMAN. peer‐reviewed regular scientiffic articles, inde exed and with relative qualityy index. 37 of them are in the 1st ‐ I have published 61 p uartil of their rrespective areaa (n.a. the confference proceddings are not included here). In addition, I have published d 5 indexed articles Qu without relative quality index, 1 1 book chapter and 1 book. M My works have rreceived 1234 ccitations accordding to GOOGLE SCHOLAR and d 881 cittations according to ISI WEB O OF SCIENCE. My h‐factor is 200 according to G GOOGLE SCHOLAR and h=18 aaccording to ISI WEB OF SCIEN NCE . Th he average num mber of citations/year during tthe last 5 years is 182 cit/year.. ‐ I have 556 participation ns in congresse es and 1 invitedd seminar. With hin them there are 10 invited ttalks, 36 oral communicationss and 10 0 posters. Thesee have led to th he publication o of 28 papers in conference pro oceedings. ‐ I have d directed 1 Ph.D D thesis in the U UB and 1 Masteer Thesis in the BCN Photonicss Master. ‐ I have participated in 14 R&D&I projects fundeed in competitive calls, 6 of o them Europpean under different frameework prrogrammes. I w was the main in nvestigator of two t GICSERV pprojects (Proyecctos de acceso a la instalacióón científico téccnica singular (ICTS) ( de enominada �SSala Blanca integrada de micro o y nanofabrica ción�) in collaaboration with the Microelecttronics Institute e of Barcelona ((IMB‐ CN NM). ‐ ed bu EU‐LLP) and �Maleta Pedagógica EC CBI� I have also participatted in two teacching innovatioon projects � SceTGo (funde (fu unded by La Fundación la Caixxa), in which I co ollaborated witth the Pedagogy Faculty of the e UB as a physiccs expert. I am accredited as �Profesor �Profesor Lecctor� by the AQU‐ ‐ � Titullar� by the A ANECA and as �Profesor � Agrregado� and � A Caatalunya. ‐ nal of I am reviewer in severral journals such as: Applied PPhysics Letters, Optics Express,, Journal of Lighhtwave and Tecchnology, Journ Ap pplied Physics, JJournal of Physsics D, Optical M Materials, etc.