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Desenvolupament neuronal i malalties metabòliques
Producció científica 2007
Arias A, Corbella M, Fons C, Sempere A, García Villoria J, Ormazábal A, Poo P, Pineda M,
Vilaseca MA, Campistol J, Briones P, Pampols T, Salomons GS, Ribes A, Artuch R. Creatine
transporter deficiency: prevalence among patients with mental retardation and pitfalls in
metabolite screening. Clin Biochem 2007 ; 40 (16-17) : 1328-31
Factor impacte: 2,072
Campistol J, Arias A, Poo P, Pineda M, Hoffmann M, Vilaseca MA, Artuch R, Ribes A. Deficiencia
del transportador de creatina cerebral: una enfermedad neurometabólica infradiagnosticada. Rev
Neurol 2007 ; 44 (6) : 343-7
Factor impacte: 0,736
Campistol J. Enfermedades neurometabólicas de presentación neonatal como causantes de
trastornos del neurodesarrollo. Rev Neurol 2007 ; 44 (S03) : S19-S25
Factor impacte: 0,391
Català-Temprano A, Claret Teruel G, Cambra FJ, Pons Odena M, Noguera A, Palomeque A.
Intracranial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure as risk factors in children with traumatic
brain injuries. J Neurosurg 2007 ; 106 (6 Suppl) : 463-6
Factor impacte: 1,990
Claret Teruel G, Palomeque A, Cambra FJ, Català-Temprano A, Noguera A, Costa JM. Severe
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Factor impacte: 1,227
Donati F, Gobbi G, Campistol J, Rapatz G, Daehler M, Sturm Y, Aldenkamp AP. Oxcarbazepine
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valproate in newly diagnosed children with partial seizures. Seizure 2007 ; 16 (8) : 670-9
Factor impacte: 1,815
Fons-Estupiñá MC, Poo P, Colomer J, Campistol J. Secuencia de Moebius: hallazgos
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Factor impacte: 0,736
García Cazorla A, Serrano M, Pérez Dueñas B, González V, Ormazábal A, Pineda M, Fernández
Álvarez E, Campistol J, Artuch R. Secondary abnormalities of neurotransmitters in infants with
neurological disorders. Dev Med Child Neurol 2007 ; 49 (10) : 740-4
Factor impacte: 2,433
García Vicente S, Yraola F, Martí L, González Muñoz E, García Barrado MJ, Cantó C, Abella A,
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Karall D, Haberlandt E, Scholl Burgi E, Baumgartner S, Naudó M, Martorell L. Homozygosity for
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Factor impacte: 1,857
Lasuen del Olmo N, Palomeque A. Convulsiones en el paciente pediátrico. Jano 2007 ; 1653 :
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Ormazábal A, Artuch R. Dopa-responsive infantile hypokinetic rigic syndrome due to dominant
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Factor impacte: 2,315
Martorell L, Cobo AM, Baiget M, Naudó M, Poza JJ, Parra J. Prenatal diagnosis in myotonic
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Montero R, Pineda M, Aracil A, Vilaseca MA, Briones P, Sánchez-Alcázar JA, Navas P, Artuch R.
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Factor impacte: 2,306
Muller JS, Herczegfalvi A, Vilchez JJ, Colomer J, Bachinski LL, Mihaylova V, Santos M, Schara U,
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Navarro R, Javahery R, Levi A. Infrahyoid muscle flap for pharyngeal fistulae after cervical spine
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Factor impacte: 2,021
Navarro R, Alonso I, Costa JM. Relevance of surgical strategies for the management of paediatric
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Factor impacte: 0,993
Pascual SI, Herrera A, Poo P, García Aymerich V, Aguilar Barberá M, Bori Fortuny I, García Ruiz
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Guía terapéutica de la espasticidad infantil con toxina botulínica. Rev Neurol 2007 ; 44 (5) : 303-9
Factor impacte: 0,736
Ramaekers VT, Sequeira JM, Artuch R, Blau N, Temudo T, Ormazábal A, Pineda M, Aracil A,
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Factor impacte: 1,225
Ribasés M, Serrano M, Fernández Álvarez E, Pahisa S, Ormazábal A, García Cazorla A, Pérez
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genetic analysis. Mol Genet Metab 2007 ; 92 (3) : 274-7
Factor impacte: 2,550
Rice G, Patrick T, Parmar R, Taylor CF, Aeby A, Aicardi J, Artuch R, Montalto SA, Bacino CA,
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Rodríguez Rodríguez CM, Pineda M, Duque R, Cormier-Daire V. Síndrome de Dyggve-MelchiorClausen, dificultad en su diagnóstico por similitud con la enfermedad de Morquio. Neurologia
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Factor impacte: 0,828
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Factor impacte: 1,750
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Factor impacte: 1,990
Sebastiani G, Simó M, Luaces C, Pineda M, García García JJ. Amnesia global transitoria: una
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Sempere-Pérez A, Campistol J, García Cazorla A, Guillén A, Pérez N. Cavernomatosis múltiple
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Factor impacte: 0,736
Serrano M, Lizarraga I, Reiss J, Dias AP, Pérez Dueñas B, Vilaseca MA, Artuch R, Campistol J,
García Cazorla A. Cranial ultrasound and chronological changes in molybdenum cofactor
deficiency. Pediatr Radiol 2007 ; 37 (10) : 1043-6
Factor impacte: 0,991
Serrano M, Ormazábal A, Pérez Dueñas B, Artuch R, Coroleu W, Krauel J, Campistol J, García
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Factor impacte: 6,014
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Factor impacte: 0,993
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Factor impacte: 0,836
Urreizti R, Asteggiano C, Vilaseca MA, Corbella E, Pinto Sala X, Grinberg Vaisman D, Balcells
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Factor impacte: 2,072
Vera M, Navarro R, Esteban E, Costa JM. Association of atlanto-occipital dislocation and
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Factor impacte: 0,993
Vilaseca MA, Artuch R, Bauzá FR, Pineda M, García A, Campistol J. Diagnóstico diferencial de la
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