Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 26, 2016
Decimotercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
26 de junio de 2016
Matrimony Mass
In Honor of
Stephen Reyes
Chelsea Trujillo
@ 3:00 p.m.
Sábado 25 de junio
Misa de 6:00 p.m.
† Arturo Menchaca-(Familia Menchaca)
† León Pérez Jr.-(Familia Pérez)
† Pedro,† Teresa Ríos-(Hijos e hijas de Familia Ríos)
† Baldomero, † Eva A. Martínez-(Sr./Sra. Cleo Bustamante
y Familia)
† Roberto Salazar-(Irene Vásquez & Kassandra Salazar)
† Irene,† Freddy,† Héctor Salazar-(Irene Vásquez &
Kassandra Salazar)
Domingo 26 de junio
Misa de 9:00 a.m.
† Tomasa, † Calistro Cruz -(Sr./Sra. Arnulfo Cruz y Familia)
† Hortencia,†Cresencio Pérez-(Sr./Sra. Arnulfo Cruz y
† Justo, † Alicia Correa -(Andrés Sánchez y Familia)
† Manuel Zuvía Sr.-(Familia Zuvía)
† Raúl C., † Raúl García Jr.-(Aurora, hijos e hijas)
† María Tijerina García-(Su hija Paula y David Flores)
Sunday 26th of June
Mass at 11:00 a.m.
† Sarah Alice Rodríguez-(Alicia Salinas & Family)
† Eva A. Martínez-(Annette Rubalcaba)
† Eustacia Medina-(Christina Medina Talámantez)
† Antonio, † Jesús, † Angelita Jaime-(Linda Belmares)
† Janie Ortiz-(Verónica & Joseph G. Alvarado)
* For the Health of Aurora Correa Ochoa-(Family)
Flowers for the Altar
Sonny Alaniz, Jim Stephenson Patsy Ortego, María R. Ybarra,
Louis “Sonny” Wise, ,Alicia, Linda Lomas, John Treviño, Mauro, Benito Ybarra, Audra Legler
Rumfield ,Tina Decker-Diaz, Lourdes Guadalupe Guzman, Maria R. Uribe, Albert Villanueva ,
Elijah Martinez, Jensen Cornell, Severino Perez, Hilda Medina, Adrian Martinez, David Torres,
Aracely Rios, Luis Avalos, Melissa Sanchez Lara, Lupe Villarreal, Raul Maldonado Jr.,
Jesus Sifuentes, Abel & Beatrice Almendarez, Lupe Rios, Nancy Vargas, Susan Ramirez,
Christopher E. Pruitt, Denise Pena, Pamela Nicole Gonzales, Linda Guerra, Victoria Lomas, John,
Dina Mickey Castro, Manuel Lopez Jr., Julia Trevino, Emma Puente, Alfonso Valdez, Santiago
Flores, Jose Policarpio, Joe Patlan, Baby Frankie, Amalia Villarreal, Yolanda Gonzalez Chapa, Tony
Martinez, San Juanita Ramirez, Eureka Ortiz Martinez, Rosa Jimenez, Sylvia M. White, Juan &
Rosa Romero, Avelina Bustamante, Feliz Lopez, Guadalupe Ruiz, Eduardo Ramirez, Irene
Gonzalez, Gavin Flores, Antonia Andrade, Susie Alonzo, Robert Medina, Aurora C. Ochoa, Isabel
Rocha, Maria de Jesus Mendoza, Julia De Leon, Ester Rodriguez, Hortencia Lomas,
Yvette Castro Pacheco, Zenaida Reyes, Cecilia Diaz, Alfredo M. Esquivel, Ernesto Flores Jr.,
Jorge Armando Urenda, Melissa Saucedo, Joseph M. Tambunga, Leo & Olga Montoya, Andres
Puente, Debra L. Torres, Oscar A. Briseño, Francisco D. Briseño, Felisha D. Gonzalez Rios,
Vidal Moreno, Alfonso Trevino III, Roel Serna, Mathew Garcia, Eva Caballero, Dr. Virgina
Menchaca Cole, Eliana Figueroa, Maria Vargas, Letizia Ramirez, Beatrice, Wallace Tate, Francisco
Medina, Cori Sanchez, Cecilio Medina, Rosa Puente, Julie Gruca, Amanda Bosquez, Juan Rodriguez, Dora R. Diaz, Maribel Garza, Wesley Galvan Sr., Jorge Mendoza, Teresa Salazar, Anita
Aragon, Ariana Vasquez, Juanita Balderas, Ethan Martinez, Mary Jane Flores, Carmen Diaz,
Xandrya Miyu Ordonez, Beatrice Saldana, April Nicole Foxworth, Yolanda Medina Navarez,
Rodrigo Santos, Mario Zarate, Dora Cortez, Alvessa M. Salinas, Maria G. Fuentes, Nathaniel
Omar Gonzales, Baby Mark Ponce, Alberto R. Martinez, Baldomare Gonzales, Maria T. Garcia,
Alfonso Nieto, Margarita Garcia, Macario, Petra P. Ortiz, Pedro Maape, Stan Berry, Oralia & Eleno
Duran Jr., Juanita Cardenas, Senalyn Contreras, Jose Florez, Trinidad ”Choco” Buentello, Baby
Grant Fugger Jr., Antonio & Pilar Lopez, Gilberto Mesa, Jose Rios Perez, Kari Ana Ramirez,
Eli Maldonado, Celia Aldape, Matthew Garcia, Norma Fuentes, Jesusa Longoria,
Lorenzo Gomez, Marcos Galindo Jr., Caro Valdez, Cheyenne De Luna, Santos Rodriguez Sr.
Ramon H. Garcia, Elvia Chavez, Isidro Rangel, Hector Gonzalez Jr., Mamie Galan, Felipa Carmona,
Fabiola Lanestosa, Alexander Peyton Wickham, Damien Nino Jr.,Dominga Fernandez Alfaro
8:00 am
† Ramiro Aldape Sr.-(daughter, Dora Betancourt)
* For the health of Aurora Ochoa-(Family)
8:00 am
† Cruz L. Villarreal-(Petra Villarreal & Family)
† Aldo Saldaña-(Saldaña Family)
(Church) 6:00 pm
6:00 pm
* For Our Parishioners
In Thanksgiving of
On their Matrimony
† Arturo, † Juanita B. Criel -(Son Mario Criel & Family)
† Ramón Llames-(Mr. & Mrs. Armando Silva)
Chelsea Trujillo & Stephen Reyes
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Cyril of Alexandria
St. Irenaeus
Wednesday: Ss. Peter and Paul
Thursday: The First Holy Martyrs of the Holy
Roman Church
Blessed Junípero Serra; Canada Day;
First Friday
Saturday: First Saturday
We pray for
† Maribel Garza
We pray for them who went home to our Lord.
May God embrace her in resurrection and
bring comfort and peace to her family
in their time of loss.
Mark Your Calendar for Retiro Guadalupano
Topic: Descubriendo A Santa María de Guadalupe
Where: Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Hall, Carrizo Springs
When: Saturday July 23, 2016 / Time: 9 am to 1 pm
Speaker: Mr. Alberto Mata
(Please call Parish office 830-876-2239 to sign up.)
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my
soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least
spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You have already
come, and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.
Composed by St. Alphonsus Liguori
BINGO @ 7 pm
June 27
Bingo Doors will open @ 5:00 p.m.
Domingo Guadalupano
Interview: Wednesday, July 6 @ 5:00 pm
Class: Wednesday, July 13 @ 7:00 pm
Baptism: Sat. July 16 & Sun. July 17
July 3
Se les invita a las Guadalupanas y a toda la comunidad a participar en el rezo del Santo Rosario antes de Misa a las 8:30 am.
Después de la Misa, se ofrecerá una convivencia en el
Salón Parroquial.
Divine Mercy Chaplet
@ 3:00 p.m.
July 3
Silent Auction Information
If anyone has used items (in good condition) or new ones
and would like to donate them for our silent auction in
September. Please drop items at the parish office.
All donation would be greatly appreciated.
Raffle Tickets
Just a friendly reminder if you have sold
your raffle tickets, please turn them in at
parish office as soon as possible. Extra
raffle tickets are available at parish office.
June 26-July 02 Lisa Jaime
July 03-09 Consuelo Rangel
When bringing the Virgencita back to church, please repose
her on the Our Lady Guadalupe altar before the Saturday 6 pm.
Next Week Second Collection: June 26
Peter’s Pence
Sunday Collection
Regular Collection………………$
Second Collection……………….$
CCD Collection…..…............. $
Thank you for your generous donation.
“There are so many things to do.” “We have
so little time.” How many variations of these statements have you heard or even said yourself?
Actually neither statement is completely
true. There are many things to do in this life, but really few things that are vitally important. Working,
searching, conniving, and worrying our way to
“gratify[ing] the desires of the flesh,” as Paul relates
in today’s second reading, are really non-productive.
So little time? When we take on the freedom that
Christ offers us, we have all the time we need in this
world, and even more in the next. Elisha, the prophet Elijah’s chosen servant, was slightly befuddled
about what he should do. When Elijah called, he returned to bid farewell to his parents and provide
food for his people. Only then did he follow. Jesus
demands something different, something more of
his disciples. He calls us to a single-minded determination to drop everything and follow him. Now, not
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Cleaning Chapel June 2016: Martha Castañeda/ Jill Mina
Money Counter Schedule .
June 27 Elisa D./Alicia L. Mtz./Alicia A. Mtz.
July 3 Mary R./Concha A./Tomas A.
6:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
Kassandra Salgado
Klarissa Salgado
Gisselle Herring
Maribel Martínez
Adrianna González
A’lan Bernal
Lilliana Martínez
Klarysa Saldaña
Steven Campos
J.L. Talamantez
Brianna Campos
Paul Asbury
We would like to
invite everyone to
pray the Holy Rosary:
Ministers of
Holy Communion
Martha Bustamante
María Criel
Richard Jaime
Lisa Jaime
Isabel Cumpian
María Castellán
Mon.- Wed: 7:30 am
Thurs - Fri. 5:30 pm
in the convent chapel.
David Ojeda
Susie Campos
María Gutiérrez
María Criel
Joe Tobías
María Hodges (Eng.)
Selena García
Isabel Cumpian
San Juan Pérez
Belia Talamantez
11:00 a.m.
In the Chapel
7:30-8:00 a.m.
Thursday –Friday
5:30-6:00 p.m.
In the Church
Pray the Rosary
7:00pm Soldados de
Cristo – Rosary