BASQUE GOVERNMENT Page 2 / 22 Introduction 1. ¿What is Basque Government? The Basque Country is an autonomous community (2.100.000 habitants) of the Spanish State, with its own regional government, which exercises several authorities including public finance, education, culture, health, security, industry, etc. The Basque Government has an annual budget of €2.25 billion for public procurement, which represents a 33% of the government budget (€1.9 billion of operational costs and €350 million of real investment). Introduction 2. Organisation de la procédure administrative de passation de marchés du gouvernement Basque The Royal Decree Law 2/2000 establishes the environment for public procurement in Spain. Three types of intermediaries are involved in the administrative procedure of public procurement of the Basque Government: • • • Government Procurement Bodies (about 150): responsible for defining global government procurement needs for the Departments of the Basque Government and decide on issues related to them Markets Commissions (about 100): responsible for assisting Government Procurement Bodies on legal issues Technical services (as many as the government departments and agencies): responsible for defining needs and consulting the previous two on technical issues For all public procurement above of €1.8 or €3 millions according to the procurement type, and €300.000 for goods supply agreements, the market commission responsible is the Central Commission for Public Procurement (CCPP) of the Department of Finance and Public Administration. Furthermore, the Consultative Council for public procurement administrative procedures acts as a central counselling body. In 2000, the Department of Finance and Public Administration of the Basque Government launched the eContratacion (eProcurement) System with prime objective to provide Basques publics administrations with all necessary services for electronically performing their procurement activities. Office of Property and Procurement Department of Finance and Public Administration Basque Government [email protected] Page 3 / 22 1) Framework of the System Among other spheres of action, the "Basque Country in the Information Society" (Plan Euskadi en la Sociedad de la Información, or PESI) includes "Administración On Line", whose stated purpose is to "reinvent and digitise the processes of Basque public authorities in order to get closer to and provide greater access to the general public and business and to be more efficient in the internal management of their resources". This sphere of action is structured into a number of separate programmes (Euskalsarea, Zuzenean, Atea, etc.). One of these is the "Government Purchases [Compras Públicas]" programme which is intended to speed up the government's procurement processes and facilitate accessibility to procurement files". This "Government Purchases" programme initially only contained three areas of action: the Government Purchases Portal, Telematic Processing of Procurement Files and the Company Classification and Register of Contractors. The new, much more ambitious System outlined in this report is the result of the experience gained through introducing and running the Government Purchases programme and the new needs and possibilities that have been detected. This is the Basque Government's eProcurement System [Sistema eContratacion]. The importance of and need for an eProcurement System is echoed in the Council of Europe’s "high-level commitment", eEurope 2002, which listed public procurement by electronic means as one of 20 basic public services defined for the future digital administration. The European Commission's "eEurope 2005" initiative also views eProcurement as a project which member states must introduce and announces that in 2005 the European Parliament will legislate on the issue. The strategic importance for the European Union of such an initiative derives from the fact that the public administration accounts for an estimated 11% of GDP. Mobilising this purchasing capacity will therefore encourage rapid adoption of e-commerce mechanisms among the European business sector and help challenge America's quasi-monopoly in this area. Moreover, the new directive on government procurement envisages a near future in which the only way of tendering for certain procurement procedures will be electronic. The preamble to the new directive recently approved by the European Parliament highlighted the fact that new electronic purchasing techniques would make it possible to "extend competition", "improve effectiveness", "save time and money", "thus guaranteeing optimum use of public funds through broad competition". European regulations are thus clearly committed to eProcurement. It is worth noting that the various initial studies which have been carried out to assess the possible economic impact of introducing eProcurement have concluded that it will mean important savings for all involved. Office of Property and Procurement Department of Finance and Public Administration Basque Government [email protected] Page 4 / 22 By extension, within the perspective of the Basque economy, it is logical to presume that the adoption of forms of eProcurement by the Basque Government will help contribute to the general economic development of the region by promoting e-commerce amongst suppliers and creating an opportunity for experimentation and familiarisation with a mechanism which the public administration as a whole will adopt in the future. It is therefore essential to advance the digitalisation of administrative procurement, and this precisely what this eProcurement System seeks to do at an overall level. 2) Integration in the eAdministracion project The eProcurement System forms part of the much wider eAdministracion (eGovernment) project, which uses common applications that have already been defined and others which have yet to be developed (e.g. electronic notification and “Web presence”), and it will progressively be adapted to the new requirements of that project. 3) Master Plan for Introduction of the System As has been the case in many other administrations, a range of sometimes disparate —and even counterproductive— efforts have been made to computerise government procurement. The results have often been limited —sometimes even non-existent or frustrating— because there is no overall approach to establish targets, resources and deadlines for introduction. Furthermore, the change required is of such a scale and affects so many internal and external elements of government (and specifically an activity of that government which has been carried out in the same way since time immemorial) that in order to have some certainty of succeeding, we need to have more than just good applications in each area of government; we also need to tackle a series of complementary but no less essential strategies. For this purpose, we have prepared the Master Plan for Introduction of the eProcurement System. This is a wide-reaching document, which analyses a variety of issues, including: Office of Property and Procurement Department of Finance and Public Administration Basque Government [email protected] Page 5 / 22 Tecnimap 2004 Award ETI Euskadi 2003 Award • Strategic principles of the eProcurement System. In overall terms, this section deals with the structuring and compliance with the principles of the “Basque Country in the Information Society” Plan, and synchronisation with planned developments planned in the area of Digital Government, both in the ambit of the Basque Government and that of the European Union itself. • Anticipated benefits of introduction of the System. This area has been analysed from the following perspectives: Beneficios esperados de la implantación del proyecto eContratacion 2. Para la administración El Gobierno Vasco estima que la a dopció ctró ónica por pa rte de los Administració ad ción del el Plan de Con ontratació ción Ele Electr arte ción Genera rall de la Com nel te conjunto ra sí Comunidad Autó tónomade Euskadi red redundará ará e en el siguien nte ntode beneficios pa ara sí misma: • Acceso a nue vos provee evos roveedores, particu articularmente de Pymess-s, a all minimizar barreras rreras de acceso ccesoa la Administració ciónPú Pública. •Red s coste s de proce samien cció ón, a resultas ció ón eman educció cción de lo los stes rocesa iento y transa sacci ltas de la fluidifica ificaci anada de la digitaliza italizació ción e integ ció ón de to de contratació tegra raci ell ciclo comple leto tratación. En esta materia, se estima que la implantació plantación del del Plan generará generará los siguientes siguientes beneficios esp ecííficos p ara los funcionarios: espec para funcionarios: •Red ucció ón de los tiempos educci pos de procesamiento. • La disponib ilidad ores d e mayor valor añ disponibilid adde de más tiempo para desarrollar desarrollar lab labores de añadid adido. -Benefits for Suppliers: ease and clarity of access to the administration's markets; training and familiarisation with digital procurement mechanisms; greater effectiveness as a result of increased fluidity throughout the procurement cycle, etc. •Ligera e costes de gestió Ligera reducció reducción d de estión documental (impresió resión, copia, encuadernació ernación, gastos de enví envío por correos). •Mayo r co ntro guimiento del cedimientos de compra pú yor con troll y capacidad de se seg del marco regulatorio de de los pro roce pública. En efecto, se estima que revistas en el marco tecn ico d el Plan posibilitará que la adopció adopción global coordinada coordinada de las aplicaciones aplicaciones p previstas tecnoló ológ gico del osibilitará: -La visib ilidad y capacid ad de igital el ciclo completo visibilidad capacidad de tratamiento d dig ital d del pleto de de contratació contratación. -La e xtensió ón global e la informatizació e la gestió xpedientes e contratació nto de iante extensi global d de atización d de estión de e exp edientes d de contratación al conju conjunto de los Departamentos, entos, med ediante la adopció e la ap licació ón Lción coordinada inada d de aplicaci L-29. - Benefits for the Administration: reduction in processing and transaction costs; higher levels of monitoring of the regulatory framework of the procedures of public ProyectoeContratacion procurement and creation of a support point for complementary advances in digitalisation of the services provided by the various departments. -Increme ntar la capacid ad d e cumplimentació e normativas actuales y futurasen ito de la contratació entar capacidad de entación d de futuras en el ámb bito contratación pú pública. El desa n la digitalizació esarrollo del Plan de Contrata tratació ción Electró Electrónica constituye un paso ló lógico y natural e en lización de los servicios de laAdministració encia, la imp lantació ón del Plan constitu ye p ara los Dep artamentos: istración. En consecu consecuencia, plantaci constituye para epartam -La creació e un pu nto de partida para ulteriores avances. creación d de punto avances. -Una extensió es dig extensión natural de de sus plan planes digitalizació italización de sus servicios. -Una “op ortunidad para erimentació ue de ulteriores prestaciones e oportunidad para la exp experim entación y la familiarizació iliarización” de utilidad utilidad para para el desplieg despliegue prestaciones d de administració igital. inistración d digital. 6 Office of Property and Procurement Department of Finance and Public Administration Basque Government [email protected] Page 6 / 22 - Benefits for civil servants: access to specialist training designed to help participants develop knowledge and skills of importance for eProcurement and other future digital services that involve the same type of digital transactions and components. • Components Applications in the Architecture of the eProcurement System. From the perspective of dissemination and integration of the developments to date, this section sets out the architecture of the eProcurement system, and establishes how it will be articulated with the various systems of the Basque Government's digital government architecture (digital certification, telematic registration, electronic notification, model for Web presence, etc. These features are outlined below. • Participation by Departments in Deployment of the System. One of the keys to the success of the System consisted of its determined adoption by the various departments of the Basque Government. This is the reason why not only is a firm political base being brought about, but a high degree of structuring, organisation and leadership has also been achieved in each department. To these purposes, a specific Implementation Plan is being introduced for each department. • La previsión de los riesgos en el desarrollo del Proyecto contratación y propuesta de tratamiento de los mismos. 1 Este epí epígrafe del proyecto está está destinado al estudio de aquellos elementos que “pudieran no funcionar bien” bien” en relació relación a diferentes ámbitos del Plan y trata de establecer medidas apropiadas para paliar tales problemas, se trata en definitiva de un previsió previsión de riesgos mayores, ayores, acompañ pañada por una propuesta de tratamiento especí específica de cada uno de los mismos. A modo de resumen, indiquemos que los riesgos previstos y tratados, tratados, clasificados por ámbitos de acció acción, tratan las siguientes temáticas: •Riesgos en materia de Desarrollo Legal y Normativo: -Ausencia de un marco legal adecuado para el Plan. La legislació legislación no contempla el desarrollo tecnoló tecnológico previsto en el Plan. - Los desarrollos tecnoló tecnológicos del Plan no está están a la altura de las exigencias legales. Particularmente, existen dificultades para asegura la legalidad de los ámbitos transaccionales de las operaciones de contratació contratación. •Riesgos en materia de Privacidad y Confidencialidad. La confidencialidad de las ofertas y de las informaciones de cará carácter privado que las empresas deban cargar en el Sistema de Licitació Licitación Electró Electrónica es uno de los ámbitos de preocupació preocupación para las Empresas. En concreto, en tal ámbito debemos destacar los siguientes riesgos mayores: -Las empresas estiman que no existen suficientes niveles de seguridad seguridad y confidencialidad de sus ofertas. -Las empresas estiman que no existen suficientes niveles de confidencialidad confidencialidad de las informaciones de los datos privados (referencias, datos econó económicos, metodologí etodologías) de los licitantes. - Litigios por razones de confidencialidad y privacidad. Riesgos en materia de Desarrollo Desarrollo Tecnoló Tecnológico, gico, en este ámbito enunciamos y tratamos la siguiente tipologí tipología: -Desmaterializació aterialización de los elementos documentales de la contratació contratación. -Disponibilidad del sistema de licitació licitación electró electrónica. -Dificultades de uso de las aplicaciones telemáticas. Procedemos, seguidamente, a enunciar algunos detalles en relació relación a tales riesgos: Proyecto eContratacion 10 Office of Property and Procurement Department of Finance and Public Administration Basque Government Forecast risks and proposed resolution. This section is devoted to studying the risks associated with implementing the Plan and seeks to establish appropriate measures for resolving possible problems in technical, educational, organisational, legal or dissemination issues and in adoption of the plan by suppliers and government departments. In broad terms, it attempts to forecast large-scale risks, and propose specific treatment for each one to guarantee the success of the plan. [email protected] Page 7 / 22 • Management of Change in the context of the System. Developing digital services means not only deploying technological resources: it also involves the development of new support processes, organisational resources and skills to cope with new types of services and channels of relationship. The Plan therefore includes experimentation Muy Alta exigencia de Cambio REFERENCIA DE LAS FASES CONTEMPLADAS EN LA ESTRATEGIA DE DESPLIEGUE DEL PLAN DE CONTRATACIÓ CONTRATACIÓN ELECTRÓ ELECTRÓNICA DEL GOBIERNO VASCO. El enfoque de fases contempladas en la estrategia de despliegue del Plan de Contratació Contratació n Electró Electró nica del Gobierno Vasco toma en consideració consideració n los siguientes periodos: periodos: Aplicaciones de backback-office del Plan EE-Administació Administación y del Sistema de Contratació Contratació n Electró Electrónica. •Fase Nº Nº 1, Preparació Preparación del Lanzamiento del Sistema de Licitació Licitación Electró Electró nica. •Fase Nº Nº 2: Lanzamiento efectivo del Sistema. •Fase Nº Nº 3, concluye a los 12 meses del Lanzamiento del Sistema. Adopció Adopción por las Empresas. Muy Alta exigencia de Muy Alta Cambio exigencia de Cambio Desarrollo legal y Normativo. Evolució Evolución del Nivel y de la Exigencia Evolució ónadel Nivel del y deproyecto. la Exigencia Evoluci de Cambio lo largo de Cambio a lo largo del proyecto. EL RITMO DE DESARROLLO DEL PROYECTO DE TRANSFORMACIÓ TRANSFORMACIÓN SEGÚ SEGÚN LAS FASES DE EVOLUCIÓ EVOLUCIÓN DEL EL RITMO DE DE CONTRATACIÓ DESARROLLOÓDEL PROYECTO TRANSFORMACIÓ ÓN SEGÚ TRANSFORMACI SEGÚN LAS FASES DE EVOLUCIÓ EVOLUCIÓN DEL PROYECTO N ELECTRÓ ÓNICADE DEL GOBIERNO VASCO. CONTRATACI ELECTR PROYECTO DE CONTRATACIÓ CONTRATACIÓN ELECTRÓ ELECTRÓNICA DEL GOBIERNO VASCO. FEBR 2004 ABRIL ABRIL 2004 2004 SEPT 2004 DEC 2004 FEBR 2005 Fase º 3: antac N Impl ntación del Fase Nº Nº 3: Impla Implantación del Cambio. Cambio. Fase º 3: antac N Impl ntación del Fase Nº Nº 3: Impla Implantación del Cambio. Cambio. ••Gestionar Gestionar la la demanda. demanda. ••Gestionar Gestionar la la demanda. demanda. ••Liderazgo Liderazgo del del Cambio. Cambio. ••Liderazgo Liderazgo del del Cambio. Cambio. ••Comunicación. Comunicación. ••Comunicación. Comunicación. ••Gestión Gestión de de las las resistencias resistencias al al Cambio. Cambio. ••Gestión Gestión de de las las resistencias resistencias al al Cambio. Cambio. Evolució Evolución del Nivel y de la Exigencia Evolució ón adel deproyecto. la Exigencia Evoluci de Cambio lo Nivel largo y del de Cambio a lo largo del proyecto. Media--Alta exigencia Media Media--Alta Media exigencia de Cambio de Cambio JUNJUN2004 Muy Alta exigencia de Muy Alta Cambio exigencia de Cambio DICI 2003 Medio exigencia de Medio exigencia Cambio. de Cambio. with Desarrollo Institucional, Organizativo y Equipo de Trabajo. Trabajo. PRIMERAS LICITACIONES EN DEPARTAMENTOS PIONEROS. Alta exigencia de Alta exigencia Cambio de Cambio SEPT 2003 Ámbito de la Formació Formación Fase Nº Nº 3 Alta exigencia de Alta exigencia Cambio de Cambio Fase Nº Nº 2 Fase Nº Nº 1 Media--Alta exigencia Media Media--Alta Media exigencia de Cambio de Cambio Media--Alta exigencia Media de Cambio Medio exigencia de Cambio. Adopció Adopción por la Administració Administració n. EL RITMO DE DESARROLLO DEL PROYECTO DE TRANSFORMACIÓ TRANSFORMACIÓN SEGÚ SEGÚN LAS FASES DE EVOLUCIÓ EVOLUCIÓN DEL EL RITMO DE DE CONTRATACIÓ DESARROLLOÓDEL PROYECTO TRANSFORMACIÓ ÓN SEGÚ TRANSFORMACI SEGÚN LAS FASES DE EVOLUCIÓ EVOLUCIÓN DEL PROYECTO N ELECTRÓ ÓNICADE DEL GOBIERNO VASCO. CONTRATACI ELECTR PROYECTO DE CONTRATACIÓ CONTRATACIÓN ELECTRÓ ELECTRÓNICA DEL GOBIERNO VASCO. ºº Alta exigencia de Cambio •Fase Permanente o de Ré Régimen de Crucero. mechanisms for ºº motivating and mobilising staff with a view to managing the changes required by introduction and provision of digital services, on the basis that the eProcurement Plan is a logical and natural step in the digitalisation of the government's services. Medio exigencia de Medio exigencia Cambio. de Cambio. Fase º 4: N Fase Nº Nº 4: Soporte. Soporte. Fase º 4: N Fase Nº Nº 4: Soporte. Soporte. •Medir •Medir los los beneficios. beneficios. •Medir •Medir los los beneficios. beneficios. •Implantar •Implantar ajustes. ajustes. •Implantar •Implantar ajustes. ajustes. • Training. Some of the digital mechanisms involved in eProcurement will be new to suppliers and to the government departments themselves. The plan Propuesta de tipología de formación a ofrecer en el contexto del Plan de Contratación Electrónica del Gobierno Vasco. 2 • El m apa de habilidades y conocim ientos del personal adscrito al Centro de Sopo rte al Plan . • El m apa de habilidades para la im plantació plantació n de funcionalidades de Adm inistració inistració n Digital: El G obierno Federal Alem á n y el G obierno Britá Britá nico han desarrollado dos estudios destinados a enunciar el com pendio de habilidades y conocim iento s que han de acom pañ pañ ar el despliegue eficaz de funcionalidades de Adm inistració inistració n Digital. Este epí epí grafe los enuncia. Procedem os, seguidam ente, a enunciar el con tenido de tales elem entos. Office of Property and Procurement Department of Finance and Public Administration Basque Government [email protected] 86 Page 8 / 22 establishes skill and knowledge profiles and defines specific contents in areas such as: training courses for suppliers and civil servants, guides and manuals, self-help documents, mechanisms for simulating and experimenting with tendering methods, etc. • Support Centre and components of CRM. Strategy Adopting eProcurement involves important Los posibles componentes de la estrategia C.R.M con destino al challenges which 1 Plan. should not be minimised. In keeping with the lines set out in the P.I.T 2003Gestión Centro de Aplicació Aplicación múltiples Llamadas 2005, a support centre C.R.M Canales de Acceso (propia o has been set up to compartida. address issues such as service quality, Organización Integración technical assistance, y Gestión del de Procesos Cambio y Sistemas. structure of access channels, Formación personalising of marketing and dissemination services, etc. The CRM multi-channel base will be one of the most important challenges of this Support Centre. 102 • REFEREN C IA DE LAS FASES DE ADO PC IÓ IÓ N DEL P LAN DE CO N TR ATAC IÓ IÓ N ELECT R Ó N IC A PO R PART E DE LO S D EPAR TAM EN TO S DEL GO BIERN O VASCO . TAMEN Infraestructuras Tecnológicas. • De De sarrollar y ac acordar ordar un Plan Plan de Im ple me ada uno de los mentació ntació n para para ccada los De Departa partame mentos, ntos, e stablecie stablec ie ndo, proba ble me ón probable mente, nte, una una v vis isiió n de de e x pe rime ada rimentació ntació n n de dell Plan Plan para para ccada De Departame partamento. nto. ••Ac tivac ó n de tivaciió de l Plan de Marke Marke ting: ting: lanzam lanzam ie nto de los m dm inistració m ensaje ensajess para para la la A Adm inistrac ió n e en n la fase fase N Nº 1. 1. • El de desarrollo sarrollo de de un un Plan de de de de s plie gue de infraestructuras infraes tructuras de base y ym m uy particularme tió ón particularmente, nte, la la e xte xtens nsió ió n de de la la ges gesti n de de e x pe die ntes de contratac ón c ontrataciió nm m e diante la la aplicació aplicac ió n LL- 29. Participación Empresas y Departamentos G.V. ••De sarrollo de de acciones acciones de de ccom om unic ació unicac ió n con destino des tino a cada c ada De Departame nto. • Espe Es pe c ificar ific ar de de un un Plan de de F ormac ió ió n adaptado ada uno a daptado ccada uno de los De Departame parta mentos ntos.. ••Pactar us usuarios pione pioneros ros ((“e arly adopte adopte rs” rs” )) e ntre ntre los De Departame ntos m ás prope propensos nsos.. - La ón e La formac formaciió en n la gestió ges tió n n de de e x pe die ntes de c ontratació ontratac ió n m ediante ediante la aplicació aplicac ió n LL- 29. - La ó n para upe rLa formac formaciió para los los ssupe rus uarios. •• Espe Es pe c ificac ific ac ió ió n de de un un Plan y un un Cale Cale ndario ndario de de lanzam lanzam ie iento nto de de lic itaciones itac iones piloto piloto para para cada cada De Departame partamento. nto. ••Es pec ific ació iones de soporte Especificac ión n de las func funciones s oporte tté c nico de dell Equipo Ce ntral de dell Plan Plan a a la re realizació alizac ió n de las im im plantacione plantac ione s. s. Pr Pr Pr Pr Pr Pr ••De De sarrollo de l m m apa de habilidade habilidadess y cconocim onoc im ientos onal us uario de ientos de de l pe rs rsonal usuario de los los de departame partamentos ntos de de l Gobie Gobierno rno Vasco. Vasc o. En es este te á ámbito de searí searíam os os e nunciar nunc iar la prioridad prioridad de : • De finic ón que ma de finiciió n de un un es esque de lide lide razgo razgo y y organizac ó n, lecc ió ón organizaciió n, se selecci n de dell L íde r de de l Plan a a nive l De partam ental. ental. Adopció Adopció n por la Adm inistraci ó n. Pr Pr Pr Pr ••Ac tivac ó n de • Ac tivació tivaciió de l Plan de de A ctivac ió n n de dell Plan Plan de ME N S A JES Rting: R ELEV CIA PARA M EN AJES AY OR AN RA Marke lanzam ie nto de Marke ie de los DE M AYO Marke ting: lanzamA ieN nto de losPA Marketing: ting: lanzam iento nto de ensaje ss para la inistració m ensaje Adm inistrac ió ón m ensaje para la Adm inistrac ió n Ó N ensaje s para para A dm inistraci PlaRO PU ES TA DE Mm AR ARK K ETI ET I NG Y D IFU SIÓ SI e e n la en n la fase fase N Nº 3. 3. la fase fase Nº Nº 2. Pr Pr Prim e era ra dotac ió ió n de me medios dios humanos humanos con con de stino stino a a la Dire c ció c ión n de l Plan: Plan: • Responsable Respons able de M arket ing ing del del Plan. • Sec Sec ret retaria. aria. • Responsable Respons able de F ormac ió ió n. n. SEPT S EPT 2003 2 00 3 Pr Pr DICI 2003 2 00 3 Pr Pr M Me e nsa jjes es a las E Em m pres pr es a as s Pr ov eedo ee dorras. as. Prov Desarrollo Institucional, Organizativo y Equipo de T rabajo . Pr Pr Pr Pr • Inc orporac ió ón Incorporaci n de de té té cnicos cnicos de de s oporte le legal gal y normativ o. M Me e nsajes nsa jes a los LasD epa acciones rt am entos rtam ento s d e ell singulares de Marketing y Difusión del Plan: G o bierno . Go Actos públicos de difusión del Plan. PRIMERAS PRIM ERAS LICITACIONES EN DEPART AMENT OS PIONEROS. ••Se lecc ió tor de l Plan ió n de de l Dire Direcctor Plan de dell Plan Plan de de Contratac ió ió n Elec tró ó nic a.. Electr FEBR 2004 2 00 4 ABRIL ABRIL 2004 2004 M Mnn DEC 2 00 4 2004 S EPT SEPT 2 00 4 2004 JUN 2004 2 FEBR 2005 • U tilizació el G obierno Va sco, com o por las Em presas, del tilizació n, tanto por parte d del Vasco, del CER TIFICA DO “ GO VERN MEN T EN DO R SED ELECTR O N IC S UPPLIER TIFICADO ELECTRO U PPLIER ” com o m edio com plem en tario de m arketing y difusió difusió n . La c re ació ació n de tal C ertificado ertific ado , a im agen de los c ertificados “ Euskalit ” y su correspon te “ Q d e plata ” perm itirí c orrespon dien diente itirí a desarrollar las siguientes sigu ientes funciones: Media--Alta exigencia Media exige ncia de Cambio Pr Pr Pr Pr Fase N º 4 Fa se N º 3 - Con vertir a las em presas que h ayan adoptado la licitació licitació n electró electró nic a en un referente referen te tracto r para el resto de los proveedo res. º Es ta Fa se Nº 3, co nclu y e a los 12 mes es del La nzamie nto del S istem a, s iendo el enfoque d el Plan de M arketing la difu sión el G enerar un u n m ecanism ecan ism o visual sigu iente m ens aje d e -relevanc ia: Medio exigencia de de Me dio exigencia Cambio. •C C reac ió ió n de l Equipo Equipo Ope O perativ rativ o de Dire Dire cc ió ió n de de l Plan. •T Analist a para la Téc nico nic o para det erminac ió edimient os ión de de proc procedimient os.. LOS PART OS D EL BI ER N O VA S CO E N LA L OS D E EPA RT AMEN A ME N T TOS E L GO GOBIER VAS EN DE D EL LP PRO RO Y E CT O D E CO N TR A T TACIÓ ACI Ó N EL ELE ECTR CTR Ó N IC A. • Responsable Respons able de Aplicac Aplicac iones iones del del Centro Cent ro de Soporte. • Pactar Pactar us usuarios pione ros ros ( “e early arly adopte rs” rs” ) e ntre los los De partame ntos m ás ás prope nsos. nsos . •C C reac ió ió n de l Equipo Equipo Ins tituc ional. ional. • Operador Operador de de llamadas del del Cent Centro ro de Soport Soporte. e. • T écnico c nico de de Int Integrac egrac ió ió n de Canales de Acc esoo yy Operador Acces Operador C.R.M. C.R.M. • T éc nico de Formac ió n. ión. Alta exigencia de Cambio •A cordar Ac ordar los me medios dios econ económ óm icos icos y hum hum anos. anos . Se gunda gunda dotac ió ió n de de m e dios humanos con de de stino a la la Dire ón de l Plan: Direcccciió • T éc nico espec ializado ializado en en la c reac os . reac ió ió n n de de mat materiales eriales format format iv ivos. • Ges tor de Gestor de Contenidos W W eb y Doc ument ales. • De Desarrollo sarrollo de de acciones acc iones de com c om unic unicació ac ió n con c on des destino a c ada ada De partame nto. • De De sarrollo sarrollo de un Com prom prom is o Ins tituc ional o. ional de l Gobie Gobie rno Vasc Vasco. Ámbito Organizativo e Institucional. Muy Alta exigencia de de Muy Cambio Formación, Desarrollo Legal y Normativo. • Responsable Respons able del del Cent ro ro de de Soporte. Marketing and Dissemination of the System. The purpose is to explain the characteristics of the System, generate mechanisms of adoption among companies and departments, develop mechanisms to allow Fase Fa se N º 2 Fase N º 1 para e xteriorizar al Plan y su adopció exteriorizar adopció n por parte de las Em presas. Este m ecanism ecan ism o visu al podrí podrí a ser utilizado a los siguientes sigu tes efectos: •El Pl an de C ontrat aci ón ien E lectrónic a; u n paso hac ia de s arrollo futu ro de in terés gen eral: la res pu est a a los retos tec nol óg icos , organiz ativos y de difusi ón emp resa rial pla nte ados po r el Plan de • Desarrollo d e elem entos C ontratación Elec trón ic a g ene rará un s alto cualit ativ o de interésde gen eral y serv irá de p un to d e lanz am iento de nuev as iniciativas y de sa rrollos de in terés para to dos los D epa rtamen tos de l G obiern o • Edició Edició n de certificados o Vasco. Em presas. pu blicidad. diplom as de adopció adopció n por pa rte de parte las • U tilizació ctos de su pa pele ríí a. tilizació n por parte pa rte de las Em presas a efe efectos papeler • Para la visu alizació aliza ció n en las w ebeb- s de las Em presas proveedo ras. the public to view the plan and generate continuous dissemination of the best practices that will allow the socio-economic network to be integrated into the plan. • Su to referen cial en el currí S u incorpo ració ració n com o elem en ento currículo de las Em presas , a la altu ra de las re fe rencias IS O , A EN O R , “ Euskalit” referencias ISO Euskalit” y su correspondien correspon dien te “ Q de plata ” , etc. Office of Property and Procurement Department of Finance and Public Administration Basque Government [email protected] 123 Page 9 / 22 • Organisational Structure and Human Resources. This structure involves a framework of reference, as well as the provision of human and other resources for management in five dimensions (institutional leadership, operative leadership, operation, EJEMPLO DE ESQUEMA DE ORGANIZACIÓ ORGANIZACIÓN A INCORPORAR PARA EL DESPLIEGUE DEL PLAN DE CONTRATACIÓ CONTRATACIÓN ELECTRÓ ELECTRÓNICA. Perfiles Departamentales Prescriptore Prescriptore Prescriptoresss Usuar Usuar ios. Usuarios. ios. SuperSuper SuperUsuar ios Usuar ios Usuarios del del Plan del Plan Plan Departamental Departamental Departamental Lí íde de rrr L Líde Perfiles Departamentales Direcció Dirección del Plan de Contratació Contratació n Electró Electrónica Director Director Secretaria Secretaria Responsa Responsa ble Responsable ble Operador de l Operador Operador de dell del del del Call .. Call Center Call Center Center. Call .. Call Center Call Center Center. Impulso Impulso Institucional Institucional yy Operativo Operativo al al plan plan Equipo Institucional Impulso al Plan Representa Representa ntes Representantes ntes Comisi ó Comisi ón n Comisió n Central Central de Central de de Contrataci ó Contrataci ón. n. Contratació n. Director Director Genera DirectorGenera Generalll de de P atrimo nio deP Patrimo atrimonio nioyy y Contrataci ó Contrataci ón n Contratació n Representa Representa ntes Representantes ntes Viceconsejer ííaa de Viceconsejer de Viceconsejería de Administraci ó Administraci ón n Administració n yyyServicios. Servicios. Servicios. Oficina Oficina Oficina Modernizaci ó Modernizaci ón n Modernizació n Administraci ó Administraci ón n Administració n Directores Directores de Directores de de Recursos Recursos Recursos Generales Generales d los Generalesd deeelos los Departa Departa mentos Departamentos mentos Director Director del Pla n Directordel del Pla Plan n de ó de Co ntrataci ón n deCo Contrataci ntratación Electr ó Electr ónica. nica. Electrónica. Centro de Soporte C.R.M al Plan. Té écnic cnic o T o de Técnic o de de Integraci n Integraci ó Integración ón de de Canales de Canales Canales de de Acceso deAcceso Accesoyyy Opera Opera dor C .R.M Operador dorC C.R.M .R.M Equipo Operativo de Direcció Direcció n del Plan Director Director Genera DirectorGenera Generalll de de Patrimo nio dePatrimo Patrimonio nioyyy Contrataci ó Contrataci ón n Contratació n Director Director Recursos DirectorRecursos Recursos Generales Generales d la Generales de deela la Viceconsejer ííaa de Viceconsejer de Viceconsejería de Administraci ó Administraci ón n Administració n yyyServicios. Servicios. Servicios. Oficina Oficina Oficina Modernizaci ó Modernizaci ón n Modernizació n Administraci ó Administraci ón n Administració n Directores Directores del Directores del del Plan Plan de Plan de de Contrataci ó Contrataci ón n Contratació n Electr ó Electr ónica. nica. Electrónica. LLLíderes ííderes deres de de de Impl ó Impl antaci ón n Implantaci antación Departa Departa mental es Departamental mentales es Té é ccnic nic o T o Técnic o desarro llo desarrollo desarrollo materiales. materiales. materiales. Responsa Responsa ble Responsable ble de de de Formació ón. n. Formaci Formación. Lí íde L de rrr Líde Relación de perfiles de interés para el Despliegue del Plan Perfiles de Contratación Electrónica del Gobierno Vasco. Departamentales Marketing y Contenidos Documentales. Prescriptore Prescriptore Prescriptoresss Usuar Usuar ios. Usuarios. ios. SuperSuper SuperUsuar ios Usuar ios Usuarios del del Plan del Plan Plan Departamental Departamental Departamental Gest Gest or de Gestor or de de Contenidos Contenidos Web y Contenidos Web Web y y Docu Docu mental es. Documental mentales. es. Responsable Responsable del Responsable del del Centro oporte Centro de S oporte Centro de deS Soporte C.R.M C.R.M al Pla n C.R.M al al Pla Plan n Á rea de Formació Formación (Centro de Soporte) del del Plan del Plan Plan Departamental Departamental Departamental de de proce dimie ntos deproce procedimie dimientos ntos Respons Respons able Responsable able de de Marketing de Marketing Marketing Responsa Responsa ble Responsable ble de de de Formació ón. Formaci n. Formación. Usuar Usuar ios. Usuarios. ios. Super -Super SuperUsuar Usuar ios Usuarios ios Responsa Responsa ble Responsable ble de de de A A plicac iones. Aplicac plicaciones. iones. Centro Centro de de Soporte Soporte al al Plan Plan Direcci ó Direcci ón n Gener Gener al Dirección General al de áática de Infor m tica yyy deInfor Inform mática Telecomunicaciones. Telecomunicaciones. Telecomunicaciones. Té écnic T cnico o Técnic o Analista Analista Analista para para la parala la determi ó determi naci ón n determinaci nación Prescriptore Prescriptore Prescriptoresss 1 Lí íde de rrr L Líde Perfiles Departamentales Desarrollo Legal y Normativo. Letrados Letrados Letrados OMA OMA OMA Prescriptore Prescriptore Prescriptoresss Usuarios. Usuarios. Usuar ios. SuperSuper SuperUsuar Usuar ios Usuarios ios del del Plan del Plan Plan Departamental Departamental Departamental Letrados Letrados Letrados Patrimonio Patrimonio y Patrimonio y y Contratació ó n. Contrataci n. Contratació n. Lí íde de rrr L Líde Perfiles Departamentales Prescriptore Prescriptore Prescriptoresss Usuar Usuar ios. Usuarios. ios. Super -Super SuperUsuarios Usuarios Usuarios del del Plan del Plan Plan Departamental Departamental Departamental Lí íde de rrr L Líde methods and procedures, training) and seven functional areas of the Plan (institutional coordination, introduction of the plan in the departments, management, marketing, management of document contents, support centre, legal and statutory development). • Definition of the Strategy for Deployment of the System. The Plan involves 4 different phases, from pilot experimentation to the setting up of a permanent system. For each phase, specific frameworks of action are identified for departments and suppliers. • Functional and Regulatory Elements of Electronic Tendering. The removal of paper as and the use of digital mechanisms will involve certain differences in the way eProcurement procedures operate. This area deals with the specific regulatory and legal framework for areas such as: receipt of offers, filing, electronic notification, electronic document formats, reaction to transmission problems or non-availability of systems, etc. • Adoption of Electronic Tendering by Companies. The success of the eProcurement Plan depend basically on participation by the suppliers. To ensure this participation, a raft of measures is proposed to encourage etendering, covering issues such as agreements with business associations for representation of suppliers in the galvanisation of the Plan, selection of leading companies in adopting e-tendering, search for profiles of procurement operations that might be best suited to fast dissemination or Office of Property and Procurement Department of Finance and Public Administration Basque Government [email protected] 132 Page 10 / 22 determination of mechanisms for encouraging e-tendering and the final disappearance of tenders in hard copy. • Possible future developments of the System. It is forecast that the response to the technological, organisational and business dissemination challenges posed by the eProcurement Plan will lead to a major advance in general interest, serving as a launch-pad for new initiatives and developments in the area of new digital services, generation of legal and regulatory arrangements, and also in the possible extension of the use of the system of eProcurement as an infrastructure of general interest by other levels of the Basque public administration (territorial [provincial] governments, local administration), or even in other areas. 4) Main objectives Development and introduction of the eProcurement System is intended to: • Increase effectiveness and reduce handling costs. • Develop higher levels of service to companies and to other government services involved in procurement and public purchasing. • Guide procurement processes with greater uniformity of criteria, in addition offering supplementary levels of adaptation to standards and procedures. • Encourage competition, through open and effective communication that allows reasonable access so that all companies can know and benefit from the business opportunities provided by the Basque public authorities. • Capitalise on the government's purchasing potential to promote eProcurement and the electronic signature, as two basic features of the "Basque Country in the Information Society" plan. • Exploit its potential as a trunk feature or platform of general interest at other levels in the public administration (town councils, provincial government, etc.), which could use this infrastructure. • Satisfy the expectations of Basque citizens and companies, responding to the drive for competitiveness and technological development being developed by Basque companies. • Provide a suitable answer to the technological, organisational and business dissemination challenges posed by the eProcurement System, which will lead to a major advance in general interest and will serve as a launch pad for new initiatives and developments. Although the results of the various studies carried out to into the financial savings (for all involved) of adopting electronic government procurement vary greatly, they all predict significant savings, ranging from 2-4% to 10-12%. Office of Property and Procurement Department of Finance and Public Administration Basque Government [email protected] Page 11 / 22 5) Key Features of the eProcurement System The Basque Government's eProcurement System can be classed as: An All-embracing System. Because it includes and computerises all areas of administrative procurement, in their internal and external aspects, interrelating them all, so that the information need only be entered in the system once. Because it takes into account the organisational changes involved in introduction, together with the risks and means of dealing with them, by planning all the tasks necessary to achieve the reasonable success of the System. A modular System. Because each area of activity, although related to the others, is in turn independent, so that development of any one does not involve a change in the entire overall system, but a change in its application and the interfaces with the others. A progressive System. Because it is intended to incorporate into the system—gradually but surely—an increasing number of the elements contracted by the various Departments of the Government, its Autonomous Bodies and Private Law Public-Sector Companies, as well as any other Provincial or Local governments that so wish, starting with the Central Procurement Committee. In the area of the Basque Government alone, this will involve many hundreds of civil servants and other posts in the administration, with 100 procurement boards [mesas de contratación], 150 procurement bodies and innumerable organs of management, covering practically offices and services, since all of them make procurements, and all of them have to do so using the same procedure. An open System offering a clear service to the citizen. Because we are not going to limit ourselves to internal processes, but instead are opening up eProcurement to the outside, to the contractor-tendered-awardee of the procurement procedures, through a specialised portal (, integrated in the Basque Government's general website (www. ( and An unmistakably digital System. Because it incorporates a digital log of inputs and outputs, electronic notification and the recognised electronic signature, in both internal and external areas. And because computerisation is going to replace the hard-copy procedure, we want it to be a parallel task, so that the valid signature will be the one made digitally on the file and not the handwritten signature on the document printed out by the application. Similarly the valid notification will be the one that is made electronically and not the parallel copy sent by post. An innovative and ambitious System. Because despite the fact that administrative procurement is a very common activity in the public administration, there are no precedents in this area for an System of this scope. A Recognised and Valued Project. Because it has received the “ETI EUSKADI 2003” award for the best institutional project and the “TECNIMAP 2004” award for the best business-targeted electronic service. It has also been favourably received in the area of the European Union's “IDA” project, where it was analysed alongside another seven initiatives by various public authorities— Office of Property and Procurement Department of Finance and Public Administration Basque Government [email protected] Page 12 / 22 possibly the most relevant ones in the sphere of eProcurement anywhere in Europe—, including such prestigious undertakings as the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance's CONSIP project, the UK government’s OGC project and the French Government's MINDEF programme. 6) Application components of the System The eProcurement System involves or affects over a dozen computer applications. We will now briefly explain the requirements met by each application; whether it is mainly internal or external; whether it is general or specialised; whether it is for exclusive use by eProcurement or is also used by other types of files. The application code is given in brackets. 6.1) In the field of procurement (L-29) PROCUREMENT FILE HANDLING APPLICATION For any information system which seeks to computerise administrative procurement, the file management application is the mainline application of the system, since from it are fed most of the other applications in the system and it is this application which conditions the time of procurement and, thus the time of the other applications. It is important to bear in mind that administrative procurement, to a greater extent even than the rest of the administrative procedures, is an element which changes over time, and we need the different applications to reflect the real situation at any given time. The functions of an application of this kind must include: Office of Property and Procurement Department of Finance and Public Administration Basque Government [email protected] Page 13 / 22 • • • • All the possibilities envisaged by law. The mechanisation of all phases of the file. The management of all possible incidents. Automatic document production functions. A procurement file management application, the L-29, which offers all of the abovementioned functions has already been introduced in the Central Procurement Committee and in various government departments. (K-60) CONTRACTOR REGISTER Gives key information on the companies that have decided to register with the Basque Government, who are not obliged to submit any legal and tax documentation with Office of Property and Procurement Department of Finance and Public Administration Basque Government [email protected] Page 14 / 22 their tenders, since these are already stored in the Register. Because it is necessary in administrative procurement to provide authenticated evidence of these circumstances in order for a tender to be accepted, this application serves in some way as the necessary "access filter" to the System. (K-68) CLASSIFICATION OF COMPANIES Some business classification is required to tender for most government contracts. Spanish legislation now allows the Basque Government to provide this service to Basque companies. (P-32) COMPANY REGISTER AND CLASSIFICATION WEBSITE This website allows free consultation of registered companies and their corresponding classification. It also enables online consultation of the registry certification itself. Use of the service requires prior accreditation on Office of Property and Procurement Department of Finance and Public Administration Basque Government [email protected] Page 15 / 22 the system by means of a certificate with a recognised electronic signature. This option is of particular interest for members of the procurement boards of other public authorities. CONTRACT REGISTER Will contain information on Basque Government contracts. Depending on whether the procurement files of all the procurement boards are computerised in the future, this information will come automatically from the L-29. 6.2) In the field of tendering (P- 90 a et b) ELECTRONIC TENDERING SYSTEM Starting from the fact that the procurement files and their corresponding rules are already posted on the Internet, once introduced, this system permit tenders to be sent and received from bidders (by means of a recognised electronic signature), and contracts to be awarded through electronic procedures structured around this electronic tendering application. The system guarantees the confidentiality of the tenders through data scrambling and Office of Property and Procurement Department of Finance and Public Administration Basque Government [email protected] Page 16 / 22 encryption on the supplier’s computer, and the requirement that they may only be opened with the necessary quorum of the procurement board present, using the members' recognised electronic signature certificates. The application also allows for the possibility of "virtual" assistance for the procurement boards by the interested parties. This is another of the basic applications of the System and the one that completes any eProcurement System. (M-20) WEBSITE WITH INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS Provides potential bidders with information on the administrative contracts that the various procurement boards of the Basque Government intend to tender out, including the technical and administrative rules of each contract, miscellaneous other information, and a link to the advertisement published in the Official Gazette of the Basque Country [Boletín Oficial del País Vasco]. Office of Property and Procurement Department of Finance and Public Administration Basque Government [email protected] Page 17 / 22 6.3) In the field of public procurement (C-12) PURCHASE AND STORES MANAGEMENT APPLICATION Manages requests for standardised material from the departments, performing budgetary control, management of the Basque Government's various stores and selection of suppliers, and helps in the awarding process. (C-12 w) SUPPLIERS' WEBSITE All the administration's relations with authorised suppliers are made through this website, from the electronic order to monitoring of delivery, invoicing and payment for products. Office of Property and Procurement Department of Finance and Public Administration Basque Government [email protected] Page 18 / 22 6.4) General government applications for interrelating with the administrative procurement applications listed above: CERTIFICATION, CARD AND DIGITAL SIGNATURE Provide certification and electronic signature services to the entire eProcurement System in order to incorporate them into the telematic processes for handling the services. This the fourth key element in the System. (P-91) ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION SYSTEM Notification of all kinds of documents, including those that need authenticated proof of receipt for the purposes of periods of appeal, etc. (N-38) AUTOMATIC ANNOTATION OF TRANSMITTED DOCUMENTS IN THE INPUTS AND OUTPUTS BOOK Documents notified electronically or manually, in all the applications that so require. CRM SUPPORT CENTRE FOR USERS Centre specialising in the area of eProcurement of Support and attention to internal and external System users, not only during introduction of the System, but as an ongoing service. Office of Property and Procurement Department of Finance and Public Administration Basque Government [email protected] Page 19 / 22 (P-08) REPOSITORY OF FILE QUERIES (“ATEA”). HOW'S MINE GETTING ON? Repository of information regarding different Basque Government files, including government procurement. Allows interested parties to check the files 2. Esquem a solución ATEA Visión global tram itación telem ática (P KI) Registro E/S ciudadano Gestor de Expedientes Repositorio im agen Otros gestores de expedientes (K41, B 29, L29, ...) Seguridad Aplicaciones operacionales existentes en G obierno Vasco Modelo Básico de Tram itación Tram itador Repositorio corporativo de inform ación BW (S AP) LDAP Portal Acceso gestor + Metodología over the Internet. Restricted and personalised access from companies or individuals only to their own files via authentication with recognised electronic signature certificate. PORTAL SPECIALISING IN E-PROCUREMENT: and As part of the Basque Government's services portal to facilitate relations between citizens and public authorities over the Internet, a special portal has been provided for e-procurement. OTHERS Application for managing the Official Gazette of the Basque Country [Boletín Oficial del País Vasco] (L-19), bonds/deposits for bids, etc. Office of Property and Procurement Department of Finance and Public Administration Basque Government [email protected] Page 20 / 22 6.5) Relations between applications The multilateral relationship between the applications that make up the System is fundamentally important in entering information into the system once only, thus creating a single information system. Al though the purpose of this report is not to enter into great detail, the diagram below shows the most important relations and the overall arrangement of the eProcurement System. Procurement INPUTS/ OUTPUTS BOOK Field of tendering R4 R2 CONTRACTOR REGISTER R8 R1 COMPANY REGISTER INFORMATION FOR AND CLASSIFICATION BIDDERS WEB WEB ELECTRONIC REPOSITORY OF FILE TENDERING QUERIES (ATEA) ELECT. NOTIFIC. R5 OGBC CONTRACT REGISTER R11 CLASSIFICATION OF COMPANIES R9 R6 R10 R3 Public purchase PURCHASE AND STORES MANAGEMENT R7 PROCUREMENT FILE HANDLING SUPPLIERS' WEBSITE SIMAP OGBC Bonds Office of Property and Procurement Department of Finance and Public Administration Basque Government [email protected] Page 21 / 22 7) Different speeds of introduction in different areas The range and number of procurement boards and bodies forming the network of administrative procurement in the government and the great differences between the different applications making up the eProcurement System require a different pace of introduction for each of the applications and procurement boards. The screenshots in this report, most of which are taken from applications that are now fully operative, show the high degree of development and introduction of the eProcurement System. The following general principles are worth stressing: • • • • • Implementation of all the applications in the System in the Central Procurement Committee over this year. Extension of applications to most of the procurement boards of the Basque Government. Generalised use of electronic signature mechanisms. Wide and effective use of notification and of e-tendering in administrative procurement. Maximum involvement of external users (bidders). 8) Budgets for developing the eProcurement System and its master plan The various applications of the System, its interfaces, the introduction of the electronic signature, and other elements thereof have been and will be carried out in accordance with the budgetary cover and availability obtained in each case, but the actual development of the Master Plan will also be financed in three annual payments, since it is essential to develop, among others, training activities, marketing actions and contents of documents and provide a call centre (C.R.M.), in order to implement the System with a reasonable guarantee of success. 9) Approval by the Basque Government for the eProcurement System After 3 years with previous works, on 7 April 2004, the Delegate Committee for Economic Affairs of the Basque Government approved the eProcurement System on the basic lines set out in this report. Office of Property and Procurement Department of Finance and Public Administration Basque Government [email protected] Page 22 / 22 10) Order of the Head of the Department of Finance and Public Administration. An order of 16 August 2004 (published in the Official Gazette of the Basque Country on 27 August 2004) offers essential legal coverage for the implementation of some of the functions involved in the system. The purpose of the order is threefold: to implement a telematic eprocurement register, authorise the use of electronic notifications in matters related to government procurement and regulate electronic procurement. The regulation extensively governs all aspects related to these issues, including some which—although necessary—tend to cause the most problems, such as formats, viruses, large-scale tenders, etc. 11) Bodies responsible for the System The agreement of the Delegate Committee entrusts, on the one hand, the development and execution of the System to the Property and Procurement Office of the Department of Finance and Public Administration, and at the same time, its promotion and coordination to the Office for Modernisation of the Administration of the Office of the Vice President of the Government. There is also a steering committee for the master plan, which includes, among others, the two aforementioned offices, together with the Computing and Telecommunications and Services Offices, both of the Department of Finance and Public Administration, with the support of the Basque Government IT Company (EJIE) and the body responsible for electronic certification and signature of Basque public administrations (IZENPE). Furthermore, in order to assimilate the departments in the System, and with the basic goal of achieving effective coordination, an eProcurement committee is to be created within the Government Procurement Advisory Board, with representation from all Departments. Vitoria-Gasteiz, December 2004. Office of Property and Procurement Department of Finance and Public Administration Basque Government [email protected]