Fifth Fifth Fifthgrade grade gradestudents students studentswork work workwith with withstrategies strategies strategies when when wheninvestigating investigating investigatingdivision. division. division.One One Onestrategy strategy strategy that thatassists assistsstudents studentsisisismultiplying multiplyingup. up. that assists students multiplying up. AAAstrategy strategy strategyaaafifth fifth fifthgrader grader gradermight might mightuse use usefor for for division division divisionisisisproportional proportional proportionalreasoning. reasoning. reasoning. 768 768÷÷÷16 16 16=== 768 768 768 768÷÷÷16 16 16 ÷÷÷222 ÷÷÷222 384 384 384÷÷÷888 ÷÷÷222÷÷÷222 192 192÷÷÷444 192 ÷÷÷222÷÷÷222 96 96÷÷÷222 96 ÷÷÷222÷÷÷ 222 46 46 46 ÷÷÷111===46 46 46 Parent Parent Roadmap Roadmap Grade Grade 55 Students Students Studentsinin ingrade grade grade555will will willuse use useequivalent equivalent equivalent fractions fractions fractionsinin inorder order ordertoto to add add addand and andsubtract. subtract. subtract. +++ +++ This This Thisstudent student studenthas has hasused used usedthe the thepartial partial partialquotient quotient quotient strategy strategy strategytoto todivide divide dividethis this thisproblem. problem. problem. 634 634 634÷÷÷26 26 26=== === Fifth Fifth Fifthgraders graders graderssolve solve solvefraction fraction fractionword word wordproblems. problems. problems. This This Thisexample example exampleinvolves involves involvesmultiplication multiplication multiplicationofof ofaaa whole wholenumber number numberand and andaaafraction. fraction. fraction. whole There There Thereare are are444sheets sheets sheetsofof ofcolored colored coloredpaper, paper, paper,and and andI II need need needtoto touse use use ofof ofeach each eachsheet sheet sheettoto to finish finish finishmy my my art art artproject. project. project.How How Howmuch much muchpaper paper paperwill will willI Iuse? Iuse? use? four fourtimes times timesmeans means meansthat that that ofof ofthe the thepaper paper paperisisis four used used usedwhich which whichisisis333whole whole wholesheets sheets sheetsofof ofpaper paper paperand and and the thelast last lastsheet. sheet. sheet. ofofofthe Division Division Division ofof of aaafraction fraction fractionby by by aaafraction fraction fractionisisis not not not aaa requirement requirement requirement ininin grade grade grade5.5.5. Fifth Fifth Fifthgrade grade gradestudents students studentswork work workwith with withstrategies strategies strategies when when wheninvestigating investigating investigatingdivision. division. division.One One Onestrategy strategy strategy that thatassists assistsstudents studentsisisismultiplying multiplyingup. up. that assists students multiplying up. Fifth Fifth Fifthgraders graders gradersexplore explore exploredivision division divisionofof offractions. fractions. fractions. the theresult result resultofof of333÷÷÷444and and andthey they theyshould should should isisisthe note note notethat that thatmultiplied multiplied multipliedby by by444isisis3.3. 3. IfIfIf333pizzas pizzas pizzaswere were wereshared shared sharedequally equally equallyby by by 444people people peopleeach each eachperson person personhas has hasaaashare share share ofof ofsize size size . .. AAAstrategy strategy strategyaaafifth fifth fifthgrader grader gradermight might mightuse use usefor for for division division divisionisisisproportional proportional proportionalreasoning. reasoning. reasoning. 768 768÷÷÷16 16 16=== 768 768 768 768÷÷÷16 16 16 ÷÷÷222 ÷÷÷222 384 384 384÷÷÷888 ÷÷÷222÷÷÷222 192 192÷÷÷444 192 ÷÷÷222÷÷÷222 96 96÷÷÷222 96 ÷÷÷222÷÷÷ 222 46 46 46 ÷÷÷111===46 46 46 Key Key KeyConcepts: Concepts: Concepts: Multiplication Multiplication Multiplication&&&Division Division Division Working Working Workingwith with withFractions Fractions Fractions Cobb Cobb CobbCounty County CountySchools Schools Schools Strategies Strategies Strategiesfor for fordivision, division, division, Working Working Workingwith with withdecimals decimals decimals and and andfractions fractions fractions 2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 Parent Parent Roadmap Roadmap Grade Grade 55 Students Students Studentsinin ingrade grade grade555will will willuse use useequivalent equivalent equivalent fractions fractions fractionsinin inorder order ordertoto to add add addand and andsubtract. subtract. subtract. +++ This This Thisstudent student studenthas has hasused used usedthe the thepartial partial partialquotient quotient quotient strategy strategy strategytoto todivide divide dividethis this thisproblem. problem. problem. 634 634 634÷÷÷26 26 26=== +++ === Fifth Fifth Fifthgraders graders graderssolve solve solvefraction fraction fractionword word wordproblems. problems. problems. This This Thisexample example exampleinvolves involves involvesmultiplication multiplication multiplicationofof ofaaa whole whole wholenumber number numberand and andaaafraction. fraction. fraction. There There Thereare are are444sheets sheets sheetsofof ofcolored colored coloredpaper, paper, paper,and and andI II need need needtoto touse use use ofof ofeach each eachsheet sheet sheettoto to finish finish finishmy my my art art artproject. project. project.How How Howmuch much muchpaper paper paperwill will willI Iuse? Iuse? use? four fourtimes times timesmeans means meansthat that that ofof ofthe the thepaper paper paperisisis four used used usedwhich which whichisisis333whole whole wholesheets sheets sheetsofof ofpaper paper paperand and and the thelast last lastsheet. sheet. sheet. ofofofthe Division Division Division ofof of aaafraction fraction fractionby by by aaafraction fraction fractionisisis not not not aaa requirement requirement requirement ininin grade grade grade5.5.5. Fifth Fifth Fifthgraders graders gradersexplore explore exploredivision division divisionofof offractions. fractions. fractions. the theresult result resultofof of333÷÷÷444and and andthey they theyshould should should isisisthe note note notethat that thatmultiplied multiplied multipliedby by by444isisis3.3. 3. IfIfIf333pizzas pizzas pizzaswere were wereshared shared sharedequally equally equallyby by by 444people people peopleeach each eachperson person personhas has hasaaashare share share ofof ofsize size size . .. Key Key KeyConcepts: Concepts: Concepts: Multiplication Multiplication Multiplication&&&Division Division Division Working Working Workingwith with withFractions Fractions Fractions Cobb Cobb CobbCounty County CountySchools Schools Schools Strategies Strategies Strategiesfor for fordivision, division, division, Working Working Workingwith with withdecimals decimals decimals and and andfractions fractions fractions 2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 Math Math Having Having Having worked worked worked with with with addition, addition, addition, subtraction, subtraction, subtraction, multiplication multiplication multiplication and and and division division division in inin both both both third third third and and and fourth fourth fourth grade, grade, grade, fifth fifth fifth grade grade grade students students students are are are expected expected expected to toto continue continue continue apply apply apply this this this understanding understanding understanding when when when working working working with with with decimals. decimals. decimals. Students Students Students may may may solve solve solve aa decimal adecimal decimal subtraction subtraction subtraction problem problem problem by byby using using using an anan open open open number number number line. line. line. This This This strategy strategy isis is still still based based on place place value value strategy still based onon place value understanding. understanding. understanding. 23.6 23.6 23.6–– –0.79 0.79 0.79== = 88 8xx 2.5 x2.5 2.5== = Fifth Fifth Fifth grade grade grade students students students are are are expected expected expected to toto be bebe able able able to toto fluently fluently fluently multiply multiply multiply multi-digit multi-digit multi-digit whole whole whole numbers numbers using using the the numbers using the standard standard algorithm. algorithm. standard algorithm. Students Students Students may may may solve solve solve aa decimal adecimal decimal subtraction subtraction subtraction problem problem problem by byby using using using an anan open open open number number number line. line. line. This This This strategy strategy isis is still still based based on place place value value strategy still based onon place value understanding. understanding. understanding. 23.6 23.6 23.6–– –0.79 0.79 0.79== = 1.2 1.2 1.2xx 2.3 x2.3 2.3== =2.76 2.76 2.76 (1.0 (1.0 (1.0xx 2.0) x2.0) 2.0)++ +(1.0 (1.0 (1.0xx 0.3) x0.3) 0.3)++ +(0.2 (0.2 (0.2xx 2.0) x2.0) 2.0)++ + (0.2xx 0.3) x0.3) 0.3) (0.2 (0.2 2.0 2.0 2.0++ +0.3 0.3 0.3++ +0.4 0.4 0.4++ +0.06 0.06 0.06== =2.76 2.76 2.76 For For For information information information on onon open open open positions positions positions or or or to to to submit submit submit your your your AA student’s Astudent’s student’s model model model of ofof 1.2 1.2 1.2 xx 2.3 2.3 x 2.3 (which (which (which means means means 11 1 resume, resume, resume, please please please visit visit visit our our our Web Web Web and and and 2-tenths 2-tenths 2-tenths of ofof 22 and 2 and and 3-tenths). 3-tenths). 3-tenths).Each Each Each section section section isis is site site site at: at: labeled labeled labeled to toat: to show show show the the the product. product. product. AA fifth Afifth fifth grader grader grader should should should apply apply apply knowledge knowledge knowledge of ofof multiplication multiplication multiplication working working working with with with decimals. decimals. decimals. 22 2 •• •33 3 11 1 •• • 22 2 AA strategy Astrategy strategy used used used in inin earlier earlier earlier grades grades grades isis is working working working with place value. isis is aa written example of with with place place value. value.This This This awritten written example example ofof what students are able to do in grade 5. what what students students are are able able toto dodo inin grade grade 5.5. Student will use agrid grid show amodel model Student Student will will use use aa grid to toto show show aa model of ofof aa a problem.The The use models continues problem. problem. The use use of ofof models models continues continues as asas does working with the distributive property. does does working working with with the the distributive distributive property. property. 1.8 1.8 1.8++ +2.86 2.86 2.86== = The The The strategy strategy strategy doubling doubling doubling and and and halving halving halving isis is applied applied applied to toto decimal decimal decimal multiplication. multiplication. multiplication. 88 8xx 2.5 x2.5 2.5== = Fifth Fifth Fifth graders graders graders also also also do dodo this this this with with with subtraction. subtraction. subtraction. 11 1 Student Student will will use use aa grid to toto show show aa model of ofof aa a Student will use agrid grid show amodel model problem. problem. The use use of ofof models models continues continues as asas problem.The The use models continues does does working working with with the the distributive distributive property. property. does working with the distributive property. The The The strategy strategy strategy doubling doubling doubling and and and halving halving halving isis is applied applied applied to toto decimal decimal decimal multiplication. multiplication. multiplication. Having Having Having worked worked worked with with with addition, addition, addition, subtraction, subtraction, subtraction, multiplication multiplication multiplication and and and division division division in inin both both both third third third and and and fourth fourth fourth grade, grade, grade, fifth fifth fifth grade grade grade students students students are are are expected expected expected to toto continue continue continue apply apply apply this this this understanding understanding understanding when when when working working working with with with decimals. decimals. decimals. •• •33 3 •• • 1.8 1.8 1.8++ +2.86 2.86 2.86== = Math Math 22 2 22 2 AA strategy Astrategy strategy used used used in inin earlier earlier earlier grades grades grades isis is working working working with place value. isis is aa written example of with with place place value. value.This This This awritten written example example ofof what students are able to do in grade 5. what what students students are are able able toto dodo inin grade grade 5.5. Fifth Fifth Fifth graders graders graders also also also do dodo this this this with with with subtraction. subtraction. subtraction. AA fifth Afifth fifth grader grader grader should should should apply apply apply knowledge knowledge knowledge of ofof multiplication multiplication multiplication working working working with with with decimals. decimals. decimals. 1.2 1.2 1.2xx 2.3 x2.3 2.3== =2.76 2.76 2.76 (1.0 (1.0 (1.0xx 2.0) x2.0) 2.0)++ +(1.0 (1.0 (1.0xx 0.3) x0.3) 0.3)++ +(0.2 (0.2 (0.2xx 2.0) x2.0) 2.0)++ + (0.2xx 0.3) x0.3) 0.3) (0.2 (0.2 2.0 2.0 2.0++ +0.3 0.3 0.3++ +0.4 0.4 0.4++ +0.06 0.06 0.06== =2.76 2.76 2.76 Fifth Fifth Fifth grade grade grade students students students are are are expected expected expected to toto be bebe able able able to toto fluently fluently fluently multiply multiply multiply multi-digit multi-digit multi-digit whole whole whole numbers numbers using using the the numbers using the standard standard algorithm. algorithm. standard algorithm. AA student’s Astudent’s student’s model model model of ofof 1.2 1.2 1.2 xx 2.3 2.3 x 2.3 (which (which (which means means means 11 1 and and and 2-tenths 2-tenths 2-tenths of ofof 22 and 2 and and 3-tenths). 3-tenths). 3-tenths).Each Each Each section section section isis is labeled labeled labeled to toto show show show the the the product. product. product. Los estudiantes de quinto grado trabajan con las estrategias en la investigación de la división. Una estrategia que ayuda a los estudiantes se multiplica arriba. Una estrategia que el estudiante de quinto grado podría utilizar para la división es el razonamiento proporcional. 768 ÷ 16 ÷2 ÷2 384 ÷ 8 ÷2 ÷ 2 192 ÷ 4 ÷2 ÷ 2 96 ÷ 2 ÷2÷ 2 48 ÷ 1 = 48 768 ÷ 16 = Guía de ruta para Padres Grado 5 Los alumnos de quinto grado usarán fracciones equivalentes con el fin de sumar y restar. + Este estudiante ha utilizado la estrategia cociente parcial para dividir este problema. 634 ÷ 26 = + = Estudiantes del quinto grado resuelven problemas de fracciones. Este ejemplo implica la multiplicación de un número entero y una fracción. Hay 4 hojas de papel de colores, y tengo que utilizar de cada hoja para terminar mi proyecto de arte. ¿Cuánto papel voy a usar? cuatro veces significa que de papel ha sido usado el cual son 3 hojas enteras y de la última hoja. División de una fracción por una fracción no es un requisito en el grado 5. Estudiantes del quinto grado exploran la división de fracciones. es el resultado de 3 ÷ 4 y se debe notar que multiplicado por 4 es 3. Si 3 pizzas son compartidas por igual por 4 personas, cada persona tiene un pedazo del tamaño de . Key Concepts: Multiplication & Division Working with Fractions Escuelas del Condado de Cobb Estrategias para la división, Trabajar con decimales y fracciones 2013-2014 Matemáticas Después de haber trabajado con la suma, resta, multiplicación y división, tanto en tercero y cuarto grado, se espera que los alumnos de quinto grado continúen aplicando este conocimiento al trabajar con decimales. Una estrategia utilizada en los grados anteriores está trabajando con el valor de posición. Este es un ejemplo escrito de lo que los alumnos son capaces de hacer en quinto grado. 1.8 + 2.86 = Los estudiantes pueden resolver un problema de resta decimal utilizando una línea numérica abierta. Esta estrategia sigue basándose con la comprensión del valor de posición. 23.6 – 0.79 = 22.81 2 • 3 1 • 2 La estrategia de duplicación y la reducción a la mitad, se aplica a la multiplicación decimal. 8 x 2.5 = Estudiantes del quinto grado también hacen esto con la resta. Un estudiante de quinto grado debe aplicar el conocimiento de la multiplicación trabajando con decimales. Se espera que los estudiantes de quinto grado ser capaz de multiplicar fluidez conjunto de varios dígitos de números enteros con el algoritmo estándar. El estudiante usará una cuadrícula para mostrar un modelo de un problema. El uso de modelos continúa trabajando con la propiedad distributiva. 1.2 x 2.3 = 2.76 (1.0 x 2.0) + (1.0 x 0.3) + (0.2 x 2.0) + (0.2 x 0.3) 2.0 + 0.3 + 0.4 + 0.06 = 2.76 Modelo de un estudiante de 1.2 x 2.3 (lo que significa que 1 y 2 décimas de 1 y 3 décimas). Cada sección se etiqueta para mostrar el producto.