Claudio Naranjo Character and Neurosis

Claudio Naranjo
Character and Neurosis
Reading excerpt
Character and Neurosis
of Claudio Naranjo
Publisher: Gateways
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Preface by Frank Barron .............................................. xv
Author's Foreword .................................................... xxi
By Way of Introduction:
A Theoretical Panorama ....................................... 1
1. Anger and Perfectionism (Type 1)...................... 39
2. Avarice and Pathological
Detachment (Type 5) .......................................... 65
3. Envy and Depressive Masochistic
Character (Type 4) .............................................. 96
4. Sadistic Character and Lust (Type 8) .................. 127
5. Gluttony, Fraudulence, and "Narcissistic
Personality" (Type 7)........................................... 151
6. Pride and the Histrionic Personality
(Type 2)..............................................................174
7. Vanity, Inauthenticity, and "the
Marketing Orientation" (Type 3) ........................199
8. Cowardice, Paranoid Character,
and Accusation (Type 6)....................................222
9. Psychospiritual Inertia and the
Over-adjusted Disposition (Type 9) ...................245
10. Suggestions for Further Work on Self................269
Appendix-Remarks for Differential Diagnosis............................282
Biographical Notes.................................................... 290
Index....................................................................... 293
Excerpt from Claudio Naranjo „Character and Neurosis“
Publisher: Gateways
Excerpted by Narayana Publishers, 79400 Kandern,
Tel.: +49 (0) 7626 974 970-0
Claudio Naranjo
Character and Neurosis
An Integrative View
346 pages, pb
publication 2003
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