Sibs - Family Services of the Merrimack Valley

Helping Teens Reach
Their Full Potential
This Program is Funded by…
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health
For more information, contact:
Shirley Pimentel
Program Coordinator
[email protected]
Diana Cortes
Program Facilitator
[email protected]
Mike Caban
Program Facilitator
[email protected]
Robin Gustafson
Program Facilitator
[email protected]
Our Mission
Family Services of the Merrimack Valley
empowers, nurtures and supports children and
families through life’s challenges to help them
reach their full potential.
Family Services
“Sibs” Program
Our Vision
Family Services envisions a future where all
individuals achieve and sustain emotional
wellbeing, contribute to their community, and
live their best life.
About Us
Family Services is a non-profit, social service
organization committed to helping children and
families build a better life by developing inner
strengths, teaching life skills, and providing
vital community-based resources. Rooted in
compassion and respect for the diverse population we serve, we help more than 3,000 people
in the Merrimack Valley each year through
programs focused on youth development,
parent education and emotional health.
Family Services of the Merrimack Valley is a member of
Family Serv ic es o f the Merrimac k Valley
430 North Canal Street
Lawrence, MA 01840
phone 978.327.6600
fax 978-327-6601
Family Services
El Programa Sibs
The SIBS Program is a voluntary program designed to prevent early and unplanned pregnancy for the siblings of pregnant and/or parenting teens in the City of Lawrence.
Program Goals
1. To discourage early pregnancy/parenting
2. To encourage staying in school
3. To improve self esteem
4. To provide access to needed services
5. To help see many options in life
6. To develop skills to make healthy choices
El programa SIBS es un programa voluntario
diseñado para prevenir el embarazo temprano e
imprevisto a los hermanos de padres adolescentes o embarazados en la ciudad de Lawrence.
This program assists youth in setting goals for
their future by providing case management,
referrals to needed resources, transportation,
health information, and education on topics
related to preventing teenage pregnancy.
SIBS meets 2—3 times each month. One of the
meetings is for a Wellness Group, covering topics such as self esteem, contraception, and decision making skills are discussed. During the
second or third meeting, the group goes out on
activities such as the movie theatre, bowling,
camping, Red Sox or Celtic games.
Transportation and meals are always provided.
The program is free of charge.
Sibs Participants at Mount Cardigan, NH
Adolescents in Lawrence who are between the
ages of 11-18 with a pregnant and/or parenting
sibling. parent education and emotional health.
Sibs Participants Enjoy a Trip to Boston
Metas del programa
1. Evitar embarazo temprano
2. Animar a permanecer en la escuela
3. Mejorar el autoestima
4. Proveer acceso a servicios necesitados
5. Ayudar a poder ver muchas opciones en la
6. Ayudar a adquirir habilidades para tomar
buenas decisiones
Adolescentes en la ciudad de Lawrence que
estén entre las edades de 11-17 con un hermano embarazado y/o que sea padre adolescente.
Este programa asiste a la juventud a lograr metas para el futuro, proveyendo asesoramiento,
referidos a los recursos necesarios, transportación, información de la salud, y educación sobre
temas relacionado a la prevención del embarazo
en los adolescentes.
SIBS se reúne dos o tres veces al mes. Una de las
reuniones es para un grupo del bienestar. En
este grupo discutimos temas sobre el auto estima, contracepción y como tomar buenas decisiones. Durante las otras reuniones, el grupo
sale a divertirse a sitios como el cine, acampando, y juegos de los Celtics. Transportación y una
cena siempre es proveída. Ser parte del grupo
es gratis.
Sibs is a program of
Family Services of the Merrimack Valley