KGI W a r r a n t y P a r t s R e q u e s t F o r m

KGI W a r r a n t y P a r t s R e q u e s t F o r m
Distributor Name:
Importadora y Exportadora Mich.
Distributor Account #:
KGI Invoice #:
Forwarder Address to ship parts to:
Oriente 4 #1510 3a Etapa de Cd. Indutrial
Morelia, Mich., C.P. 58200
Phone # :
011 52 (443) 323 41 37
Distributor Fax #:
011 52 (443) 323 41 37
Person Submitting Form:
Jaime Ballesteros
Klipsch Product Model # :
Diaphragm K-1133
Product Serial #:
Failed Part #:
Failed Part Serial #:
Failure Description Code (see below):
Additional Information Diaphragm.
Failure Description Codes
Failure Description Codes
□ 1. Dead
□ 2. Cone rubs against pole piece in excursion
□ 3. Buzz or rattle sound
□ 4. Frozen cone
□ 5. Cosmetics (Explain in Additional Information)
□ 1. Blows fuses
□ 2. Auto On/Off not working
□ 3. Hum
□ 4. Reduced output
□ 5. No output
□ 6. Other (Explain)________________________________
□ Missing parts (Explain in Additional Information)
Fax this form to KGI Customer Service @ 317-860-9195 or email to: [email protected]