IDEXX Summary 5CP Approval of Defined Substrate Technology® (DST®) for compliance Topic testing of drinking water in Spain Title 5316 Orden SCO/778/2009, de 17 de marzo, sobre métodos alternativos para el análisis microbiológico del agua de consumo humano Author(s) Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs Source BOE 2009: BOLETÍN OFICIAL DEL ESTADO, No. 78, Section I, pg 30417 Date 31 March 2009 Highlights: Colilert-18/Quanti-Tray is an approved alternative method for the determination of coliforms and E coli in drinking water Approval was based on favorable trial data comparison of Colilert-18/Quanti-Tray to the International Standard ISO 9308-1:2000: membrane filtration method using Tergitol Lactose TTC agar Complete BOE publication notice can be viewed here