COMUNICACIONES Rev. Biol. Trop., 35(2): 359-362, 1 987. Effect of chronic administration of Cecropia obtusifolia (Moraceae) on mean arterial pressure in rats Isaías G . Salas· , Orlando M . Morales" , J .R. Brenes" • Depto. de Farmacología. Escuela de Medicina, Universidad de Costa Rica. .. Depto. de Fisiología, Escuela de Medicina, Universidad de Costa Rica. (Received December 1 9 , 1 986) Resumen Se le administró un extracto acuoso liofilizado de la morácea Cecropia obtusifolia en el agua de beber a un grupo de ratas (hembras y machos) de la variedad de hipertensas espontáneas. En 10$ machos no se encontraron diferencias 5ignificativas en la presión arterial media y en la frecuencia cardiaca al cabo de cuatro semanas de ingerir el extracto. En el caso de las hembras sólo se detectaron diferencias significativas en la presión arterial media, al término de la cu arta semana, pero no en la frecuencia cardíaca. Aqueous leaf extracts of Cecropia obtusifo­ lia have been shown to have a hypotensive effect when given intravenously in nonnal rats (Vidrio 1 982) and dogs (Salas 1 985), but the mean arterial pressure feIl deeper and with last­ ing effect on conscious spontaneousIy hyper­ tensive rats, SHR (Salas et al. , 1986). There­ fore , it seemed interesting to test the extract on the SHR model when the extract is given chron­ icaIly per os. The experiment was carried out using two groups, male (n = 20) and female (n = 1 5) ma­ ture SHR. Treated animals drank an aqueous solution of the extract in the drinking water (fmal concentration of 20 mgjkg) and the con­ trol received tap water, in both cases ad libio tumo The rats were housed in groups of three or six animals and fed with a rat chow (La Pradera S.A.) purchased from a local supplier. At flXed week1y periods, a group of animals (5 to 7) was prepared for mean arterial pressure recording. Under ether anesthesia a carotid artery was catheterized with polyethilene tubing (PE-50) in the morning, and late in the same aftemoon the MAP was measured in a conscious state , by means of a strain gauge transducer and a Hew­ lett Packard polygraph (model 7754 A). Caro diac frequency was detennined from the pulse wave of the pressure recording. Measurements of the cardiovascular parame­ ters of the males were obtained at the end of the fust, third and fourth weeks; and in fe­ males, at the end of the third and fourth weeks. In both cases, changes in the cardiovascular pa­ rameters were statiscally compared with control animals by means of a "t" test for independent groups. The aqueous leaf extract given to SHR ad libitum did not show any significant differences in both MAP and cardiac frequency, when com­ pared with the controls, in the tested weeks (1, III and IV) (Figs. 1 and 2). Even though the experimental female group followed the same trend , at the end of the fourth week the MAP was lower than the control (p< 0.05) (Fig. 2). Because the ingestion of the drinking water and the extract did not differ among them on a per weight basis, a different amount of the ac­ tive principie could not explain this finding, which probably is due to sex characteristics. REFERENCES Salas, I .G . 1 98 5 . Mecanismo de acción cardiovascular de los extractos frescos liofilizados de Cecropia obtusifolia, Bertol. Tesis de Maestría, Universidad de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica. 359 360 REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA TROPICAL � 1>1 f � Q) ?; -- 1=1 f � '1J Q) 3: 1-..J O o:: � z O ü � -- I�I + .>O: Q) Q) ?; . t-- 1=1 + .x <l.I <l.I 3: .- 1-1 I I .>O: <l.I Q) 3: -- ..J O cr. í-Z O ü + I O O � I O lO r() I O C\J r() T O <Xl C\J I O � C\J I O O C\J I O lO beats / min I O C\J I O <Xl I O � O Fig. 1 Effect of chronic administration of C. obtusifolia on cardiac frecuency in consciou s spontaneously hypertensive rats ( SHR). SALAS et al. .' Effect of Cecropia on arterial pressure 36 1 1-- I� + """ <1> <1> 3: f-- 1=1 I I � <1> <1> 0+ � ---.J + - O o:: fZ O U f-- I�! + � <1> <1> � - f-- 1=1 + � <1> <1> � f-- 1 -1 + -" <1> <1> 3: -- .....J O o:: �z O U + I O ro I O L() I O (\J I O (J) I O <.D MAP m m Hg I O r<> O Fig. 2 Effect of chronic administration of e oftusifolia on mean arterial pressure in consciou s spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). 362 REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA TROPICAL Salas, I .G ., 1 . R. Brenes & Orlando Morales. 1 9 86 . Antihypertensiye effeet of a C. obtusifolia leaf ex­ traet on conscious spontaneously hypertensiye rats. Rey. Biol. Trop . (in press) . Vidrio, H. 1 982. Hypotensiye aetivity of CecropÚJ obtusifolia. 1 . Pharm . Sei. 7 1 : 475-476 .