Policy Analysis Tool Applied to Colombian Needs: PATACON Model Description Por: Andrés González Lavan Mahadeva Juan D. Prada Diego Rodríguez Núm. 656 2011 tá - Colombia - Bogotá - Colombia - Bogotá - Colombia - Bogotá - Colombia - Bogotá - Colombia - Bogotá - Colombia - Bogotá - Colombia - Bogotá - Colo Policy Analysis Tool Applied to Colombian Needs: PATACON Model Description∗ Andrés González†, Lavan Mahadeva‡, Juan D. Prada§, Diego Rodríguez¶ May 18, 2011 Abstract In this document we lay out the microeconomic foundations of a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model designed to forecast and to advice monetary policy authorities in Colombia. The model is called Policy Analysis Tool Applied to Colombian Needs (PATACON). In companion documents we present other aspects of the model and its platform, including the estimation of the parameters that affect the dynamics and the impulse responses functions. Keywords: Monetary Policy, DSGE, Small open economy. JEL codes: E32, E52, F41 ∗ This work represents the opinions of the authors alone and not the Board members of the Banco de la República. We thank Lawrence Christiano, Fabio Canova, Douglas Laxton, Hernando Vargas, Camilo Tovar, Franz Hamann, Pietro Bonaldi, Christian Bustamante, Sergio Ocampo, Juan C. Parra, Julian Perez, Luis E. Rojas and the participants of the 2008 Central Bank Workshop on Macroeconomic Modelling for their very helpful comments and discussions. † Department of Macroeconomic Modelling, Banco de la República, Colombia. Email: [email protected] ‡ Financial Stability, International Finance Division, Bank of England, Email: [email protected] § Departament of Economics, Northwestern University. Email: [email protected] ¶ Department of Macroeconomic Modelling, Banco de la República, Colombia. Email: [email protected] 1 Contents 1 Introduction 4 2 The model structure 6 3 Technological progress, population, unemployment and model units 6 4 Households 8 4.1 Utility maximization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4.2 Domestic and imported consumption choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 4.3 Wage setting problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 5 Firms 16 5.1 Gross output producers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 5.2 Warehousing firm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 5.3 Transforming firms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 5.4 Distribution of manufactured goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 5.4.1 Distributing firms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 5.4.2 Final good producers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 5.4.3 Importers of consumption and investment goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 5.5 Raw materials importers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 5.6 Investment producers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 6 Foreign variables 34 7 Monetary policy 35 8 National Accounts 35 9 Conclusions and further research 35 A Variables 39 B Equations 44 B.1 Households . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 B.2 Firms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 B.3 Foreign variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 B.4 Monetary policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 B.5 National Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 2 B.6 Exogenous Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Balance of payment’s identity 55 56 3 1 Introduction In this document we present a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model designed to forecast and to provide advice for monetary policy in Colombia. We call the model Policy Analysis Tool Applied to Colombian Needs (PATACON). The model is similar to models used in other small open economies. For example, the Riksbank, the central Bank of Sweden, uses the model by Christiano, Trabandt, and Walentin (2007). The Bank of Spain uses MEDEA, a DSGE model by Burriel and Rubio-Ramirez (2009). The Bank of Norway and the Bank of Canada constitute other examples. PATACON is a New Keynesian model constructed on top of a neo-classical growth model in which economic agents optimize the use of their resources over time. The source of growth is exogenous and depends on technological change and the rate of population growth. Following the work of Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans (2005) and Smets and Wouters (2007), this model is augmented to match the date with features such as sticky nominal wages and prices as well as real rigidities such as habit in consumption, adjustment costs in investment, variable capital utilization and endogenous capital depreciation. As it name implies, PATACON is tailored to match particular Colombian economic circumstances. For instance, Colombia is a net international borrower and consequently, it is influenced by changes in world capital markets. The model has therefore to allow for external world interest rates and perceptions of Colombian risk to affect domestic developments. The first effect is captured by a world interest rate, the second by a sustainable ratio of net foreign assets to GDP that can be altered along with perceptions of risk. World demand also matters, through export demand. Then, the external factors which have been important for the Colombian macroeconomic outlook are present in the model. Although Colombia is not very open to trade1 , world prices do matter for GDP and inflation. This is probably because imports are complementary in domestic production and consumption. That said, the import price is affected by commercialization within national frontiers. In brief, this calls for a model with different types of imported inputs - capital, raw materials and consumption products - each of which can be complementary in intermediate or final consumption with domestically produced inputs. Naturally there should be a role for domestic margins in affecting the pass-through, as suggested by studies such as Parra (2010) or González, Rincón, and Rodríguez (2010). Another channel by which world prices matter is through export prices and so revenues, a recurrent theme of Colombia’s economic history (Mahadeva and Gómez (2010)). The evidence reported in Julio (2010), Julio, Zárate, and Hernández (2009), Iregui, Melo, and Ramírez (2009), Misas, López, and Parra (2009) and Hofstetter (2010) suggests that wages and prices in Colombia 1 Imports plus exports are about 45% of the GDP 4 are very heterogeneous in their degree of stickiness. Some wages in the formal sector and some important regulated prices continue to be indexed but there are other prices which respond and adjust quickly. To account for this fact we have built in many different relative prices with different degrees of stickiness and permitted monopolistic competition in important parts of the production structure. Equally important in model design are the restrictions imposed by the available data. Reliable data on the amounts and prices of factor inputs employed by different production sectors are not available, although there are data on sectoral output and prices. To get around this, our proposal is to model the production of a composite output in one sector using all labour and capital, and then describe a transformation of that composite output into its different forms in other sectors where these two factor inputs do not feature. Similarly different imported inputs are combined with domestic factors and aggregated without the use of capital and labour. This production structure allows us to avoid depending on problematic data constructions of sectoral factor demands. As important as designing the economic structure of a model is also to develop a platform in which the model rests. The platform is a set of tools that makes possible to use the model. The main reason for this is the large uncertainty featured in the economic environment, not least for a country such as Colombia, which cannot be anticipated by experience and feasibly put into the model environment. These uncertainties are to do with structural shifts in economic structure, or to do with the measurement error contained in the data that is presented to us. The platform makes it easier to adjust the model to cope with these uncertainties as they happen. That platform is designed to work in a central bank. Crucially the theoretical structure of the model acts as a constraint on this platform, the discipline of economic theory acts against ad hoc solutions to unpredicted changes. The elements of this platform are contained in other articles published by the Department of Macroeconomic Modelling in the Banco de la República and can be listed as follows: • Mahadeva and Parra (2008) describe the construction and testing data set that is used to calibrate this model. • Bonaldi, González, Prada, Rodríguez, and Rojas (2009) describe an efficient algorithm for calibrating the steady state ratios and relative prices. • González, Mahadeva, Rodríguez, and Rojas (2009) describe how the model can be used taking account of real world features of the data. • Bonaldi, González, and Rodríguez (2011) and Bonaldi, González, and Rodríguez (2010) describe the estimation of the model and present impulse response analysis. 5 This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents an overview of the model. Section 3 describes the technological progress, the dynamics for population, employment and model units. The household’s behavior is described in section 4. In section 5 we present the production structure including intermediate and final good producers. Section 6 discusses demand for Colombian exports in the world market and the debt elastic external interest rate. Monetary policy arrangements are shown in section 7. Section 8 describes the model relation with national accounts and section 9 concludes. 2 The model structure The model structure is summarized in Figure 2.1 and can be described roughly as follows. Households rent capital and labor to firms, obtain the benefits they generate, receive remittances from abroad and borrow from the international markets at an interest rate that depends on the aggregate level of indebtedness. Regarding expenditure, they purchase imported and domestic goods for both consumption and investment and cover the debt service. The production sector consists of monopolistically competitive firms that hire capital, labour and imported raw materials to produce an homogeneous domestic good. This domestic good is transformed, through a technology, into goods suitable for consumption, investment, exports and distribution. Finally, these domestic goods need to be distributed and commercialized. This is done by firms that combine distribution services with consumption, investment and exports goods. These firms operate in monopolistic competition. Similarly, imported goods are combined with distribution services by firms with some market power. In general, the distribution allows consumer and investment goods, domestic and imported, to be purchased by households and exports to be sold abroad. One difference between PATACON and DSGE models estimated by Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans (2005), Smets and Wouters (2007) and Adolfson, Laséen, Lindé, and Villani (2008), is that the former explicitly includes the distribution services. Thus, the final price of imported goods is determined by both the foreign price, and the cost of distribution in the domestic market. Similarly, the final price of exported goods incorporates the distribution costs. Thus, there is incomplete pass-through of the exchange rate to consumer prices. Parra (2010) and González, Rincón, and Rodríguez (2010) show evidence for this hypothesis2 . 3 Technological progress, population, unemployment and model units Growth in the model is driven by population and trend productivity per worker, per hour worked. The economy is populated by a continuum of households. The total population of size Nt grows at an exogenous 2 The complete set of variables and the set of equations are presented respectively in appendices A and B. 6 Figure 2.1: PATACON: Model structure Labor and Capital Debt and Remittances Production Households T Domestic Consumption Domestic Consumption Consumption Imported Consumption T Importers T Transforming Firms Domestic Investment Domestic Investment Investment Imported Investment T Exports Exports Distribution (T) Rest of the World Raw Materials Note: T stands for distribution. rate n. That is, Nt = (1 + n) Nt−1 . Technological progress At , is exogenous At = (1 + gt ) At−1 where gt is a stationary process and it is described by ln gt = ρg ln gt−1 + (1 − ρg ) ln g + gt g is the steady state growth rate of the technological progress, 0 < ρg < 1, and gt ∼ n (0, σ g ). To keep things simple, both the rate of labour force participation and the rate of unemployment are also exogenous in this economy. The number of people working during each period is Lt = (1 − T Dt ) × T BPt × Nt where T Dt is the unemployment rate from the economically active population and T BPt is the gross rate of participation from the total population. Both concepts correspond to series reported by the Department of National Statistics (DANE)3 . The model is solved for the stationary variables and consequently we express all variables in model units. Let Jt , in uppercase, be the total quantity of a real economic variable, such as the volume of consumption. 3 Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística, Colombia. 7 The lowercase with a tilde above represents the same variable in per capita terms: j̃t ≡ Jt Nt The variable in model units is expressed without the tilde. It is adjusted not just for population but also for productivity growth, so that it is stationary and therefore constant in the steady state. For convenience, the variable is also adjusted by the total hours available per person4 . jt ≡ Jt At Nt l There are some variables in the model such as the holdings of domestic assets by domestic residents, Bt , where the upper case denotes nominal values. For those variables, the lower case expression is also in real terms and so adjusted for the consumer price index, pcF t , as well as population, total hours worked and trend productivity growth. For example, b̃t = Bt Nt pcF t is the real stock of assets per person and bt = b̃t At l is the real stock of assets per person and per total hour worked, per unit of technological progress. Wages are also an exception because the stationary real variable is wt = w̃t At where w̃t = Wt pcF t is the real hourly wage rate. Finally, external nominal variables such as the external debt, Bt? and remittances, T Rt? are defined in real terms using the foreign consumer price index. For example, b̃?t = per person in foreign currency, and as before, b?t = b̃? t At l Bt? Nt pc? t is the real stock of external debt is the real stock of external debt per person, per total hour worked and per unit of technological progress in foreign currency. We are restricted to work with certain functional forms for technology and preferences, as those mentioned by King, Plosser, and Rebelo (1988), which ensures the existence of a balanced growth path. Thus the intertemporal rate of substitution of consumption should be independent of the scale of consumption. Neither should the income and substitution effects associated with greater technological progress affect the supply of labour. The production functions should all feature constant returns to scale, and technological progress should be Harrod-neutral. 4 Households There is a continuum of households indexed by j. These households solve three problems simultaneously, the first is to maximize utility subject to a budget constraint, the second is to choose the consumption bundle composition, between domestic and imported goods. Finally, since the households offer differentiated labour 4 24 hours daily, or approximately 2016 hours each quarter 8 in a monopolistically competitive labour market, they choose the nominal wage. 4.1 Utility maximization The household j seeks to maximize the discounted sum of its utility subject to a budget constraint. Its instantaneous utility function describes its preferences over consumption and leisure at any moment in time F u cF t (j) , lt (j) , where ct (j) is the average consumption bundle for each member of the household and lt (j) is the average level of leisure spent for each member of the household. We assume that each household has a fixed allocation of time, so that the average leisure for each member of the household is given by lt (j) = l − (1 − T Dt ) T BPt lht (j) , where lht (j) is the total hours that each individual spends working during the quarter and l is the total number of hours in an average quarter. The instantaneous utility function is the following, u (·) = 1−σ 1+η ztu F z h −σ−η 1−σ F − t l At (1 − T Dt ) T BPt h̃t (j) , c̃t (j) − habc̃t−1 (1 + gt ) 1−σ 1+η F σ represents the intertemporal elasticity of substitution, hab is the habit consumption parameter, c̃t−1 is last period per capita final consumption and η is the inverse of the Frisch´s elasticity. In addition, there are exogenous shocks to the marginal utility of consumption, ztu , and to the marginal disutility of labour, zth . These exogenous shocks are assumed to follow autoregressive processes, ln ztu = u ρzu ln zt−1 + (1 − ρzu ) ln z u + zt u ln zth = h ρzh ln zt−1 + (1 − ρzh ) ln z h + zt h u where z u , z h are long run means, 0 < ρzu < 1, 0 < ρzh < 1, zt ∼ n 0, σ z u h h and zt ∼ n 0, σ z . The household owns the production factors, total hours to work ht and physical capital kt . From the use of these factors of production each household earns a nominal hourly wage rate, Wt (j), and a nominal rental rate of capital, Rtk . Additionally, households receive nominal profits, Ξt , from the firms and remittances, trt? from abroad. These remittances are exogenous in foreign currency and follow the autoregressive process, ? ? ln trt? = ρtr? ln trt−1 + (1 − ρtr? ) ln tr + tr t ? ? ? ? where tr is the mean parameter , 0 < ρtr? < 1, and tr ∼ n 0, σ tr . t The household buys the consumption bundle at a price pcF t , invests in capital stock by buying new xF investment goods, xF t (j), at a price pt . Since investing is costly, we assume that the household covers the 9 investment cost. This cost is proportional to changes in the investment rate as in Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans (2005) and it is describe through the following equation: Ψ X xF t (j) , xF t−1 F ψ X xF t (j) − xt−1 (j) (j) = 2 xF t−1 (j) 2 where ψ X is the adjustment cost parameter. The household also chooses how intensively to work the capital. The rate of capital utilization is represented by ut . Through this decision the household will affect both the rent of capital and its depreciation rate. See Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans (2005). Additionally, the household has to cover the debt services in domestic and foreign currency. Net domestic assets, Bt , earn a nominal interest it , and net foreign assets, Bt? , in nominal foreign currency terms, pay an interest rate i?t . We denote the nominal exchange rate as st and the external consumption bundle price as pc? t . Finally, the household buys Arrow-Debreu securities at+1,t (j) at a real price pat+1,t (j). These are state contingent securities that insure the household against idiosyncratic shocks. As we will see, wages are allowed to differ across households, however, with these securities, consumption plans of different households are identical. Equation 4.1, summarizes the budget constraint faced by household j. Z b?t−1 (j) 1 + i?t−1 pxF st pc? t t F (j) + cF xt (j) + bt + + pat+1,t (j) at+1 (j) dωt+1,t (j) + (1 + n) (1 + gt ) 1 + πtc? pt pcF t kt−1 (j) F ΨX xF = rtk ut (j) + wt (j) (1 − T Dt ) T BPt ht (j) + ξt + at (j) (4.1) t (j) , xt−1 (j) (1 + n) (1 + gt ) st pc? bt−1 (j) st pc? 1 + it−1 t t ? ? tr + b (j) + t t (1 + n) (1 + gt ) 1 + πtcF pcF pcF t t cF t where ξt represent real profits from all firms, pcF t is the price of the consumption bundle and pc? t pc? t−1 = (1 + πtc? ) is the external consumption bundle inflation in foreign currency that follows the exogenous process c? ln πtc? = ρπc? ln πt−1 + (1 − ρπc? ) ln π̄ c? + πt where π c? is the mean of the foreign inflation, 0 < ρπc? < 1, and πt c? c? ∼ n 0, σ π c? . A second constraint face by the household is the capital accumulation restriction, defined as: kt (j) = xF t (j) + (1 − δ (ut (j))) kt−1 (j) . (1 + n) (1 + gt ) 10 (4.2) where δ (ut (j)) is the endogenous depreciation rate, that is a function of the capital utilization, δ (ut (j)) = δ + b 1+Υ (ut (j)) 1+Υ with δ being the steady state rate of depreciation, b > 0 a scale parameter and Υ > 0 a parameter that affects the dynamics of the capital utilization. The dynamic problem of the household j, in per capita terms, is5 :6 max {c̃Ft , x̃t , k̃t , b̃t , f˜dt , ut } s.t. Et ∞ X s (β (1 + n)) u c̃F t+s (j) , l − (1 − T Dt+s ) T BPt+s h̃t+s (j) s=0 k̃t−1 (j) ˜ b̃t−1 (j) w̃t (j) (1 − T Dt ) T BPt h̃t (j) + rtk ut (j) + ξt + 1+n 1+n Z st pc? ? ˜ t − pat+1,t (j) ãt+1 (j) dωt+1,t (j) + cFt b̃?t (j) + tr pt ? 1 + i?t−1 st pc? pxF t b̃t−1 (j) t F x̃ (j) + ≥ c̃F (j) + t t 1+n 1 + πtc? pcF pcF t t 2 F ψ X x̃F t (j) − (1 + gt ) x̃t−1 (j) +b̃t (j) + + ãt (j) 2 (1 + gt ) x̃F t−1 (j) k̃t (j) = x̃F t (j) + (1 − δ (ut (j))) 1 + it−1 1 + πtcF k̃t−1 (j) . 1+n where β is the gross subjective discount rate, and must be small enough such that there is always net discount1−σ ing of the future. In particular, for given values of n, g and σ, β is constrained by β (1 + n) (1 + g) < 1. Since households are insured against idiosyncratic shocks, and have the same preferences then it must be the case that all individuals decisions are identical. Consequently, we can aggregate across the individuals 5 The household is interested in maximizing utility for each member over an infinite lifetime horizon, i F Nt u c̃F t (j) , l − (1 − T Dt ) T BPt h̃t (j) = (1 + n) u c̃t (j) , l − (1 − T Dt ) T BPt h̃t (j) . See Romer (2005) page 48. Remember that N0 = 1 and that NNt = (1 + n)i . t−i 6 The household problem is solved in per-capita terms and the first order conditions are transformed to model units. 11 and express the first-order conditions for this problem in model units as7 : λct λct −σ F = ztu cF t − habc̃t−1 rtk = pxF t pcF t λxt b uΥ t λct (4.4) = λxt − λct ψ X F xF t − xt−1 xF t−1 +βEt (1 + n) (1 + gt+1 ) λxt λct λct where 1 + dt = st st−1 (4.3) (4.5) 1−σ λct+1 F X F ψ X xF xF t+1 − xt + Ψ t+1 , xt xF t −σ k λct+1 rt+1 ut+1 + βEt (1 + gt+1 ) 1 + it −σ c = βEt (1 + gt+1 ) λt+1 cF 1 + πt+1 1 + dt+1 −σ = βEt (1 + gt+1 ) λct+1 (1 + i?t ) cF 1 + πt+1 = βEt (1 + gt+1 ) −σ ! λxt+1 (1 − δ (ut+1 )) (4.6) (4.7) (4.8) denotes the nominal devaluation rate. Similarly, by aggregating across all households budget constraints we obtain the aggregate resource constraint:8 pxF t xF t pcF t + ut kt−1 (1 + n) (1 + gt ) + cF t + rtk b?t−1 st pc? t cF pt (1 + n) (1 + gt ) 1 + i?t−1 F + Ψ X xF t , xt−1 = c? 1 + πt st pc? st pc? t t ? wt (1 − T Dt ) T BPt hF + ξ + tr + b?t t t t pcF pcF t t (4.9) Note that, equation (4.4) describes the trade-off in adjusting the degree of capacity utilization; equations (4.5) and (4.6) describe the investment and capital stock decisions respectively, which are often used as the basis for partial equilibrium estimations of investment; equations (4.3) and (4.7) together produce the standard Euler equation for intertemporal consumption. Finally combining equations (4.7) and (4.8) we obtain the uncovered interest rate parity. 4.2 Domestic and imported consumption choice In a separate hypothetical second stage, the households choose consumption of domestically produced goods and imported goods by minimizing cost. The aggregate consumption bundle includes domestically produced 7 We also assume the standard transversality conditions lim (β (1 + n))t λ̃ct f˜t = 0 lim (β (1 + n))t λ̃ct b̃t = 0 t→∞ t→∞ limt→∞ (β (1 + n))t λ̃x t k̃t = 0 where λ̃ct is the Lagrange multiplier associated with the budget constraint and λ̃x t is the Lagrange multiplier associated with the capital accumulation constraint.R They are then the shadow prices of consumption in terms of utility. R R R and capital respectively R 8 Where we use the relations pa at (j) dj, bt (j) dj = 0 and wt (j) ht (j) dj = wt hF t t+1,t (j) at+1 (j) dωt+1,t (j) dj = 12 mF goods, cdF (j). These are aggregated in utility t (j), and imported goods adapted for local consumption, ct as: cF t c ωωc −1 ωωc −1 ωωc −1 1 1 c c c ωc dF c ωc mF (j) = (γ ) ct (j) + (1 − γ ) ct (j) (4.10) where ω c is elasticity of substitution between domestic consumption and imported consumption. γ c controls the participation of domestic consumption on total consumption. The minimization problem is: mF mF pcdF c̃dF c̃t (j) t t (j) + pt min mF (j) {c̃dF } t (j), c̃t c ωωc −1 ω c −1 ω c −1 1 1 c c c ωc ω c̃F + (1 − γ c ) ωc c̃mF c̃dF (j) ω t (j) = (γ ) t (j) t and the first-order conditions of this problem are cdF t (j) = γ c pcdF t pcF t −ωc and cmF t c (j) = (1 − γ ) pmF t pcF t (4.11) cF t (j) −ωc (4.12) cF t (j) is the price of imported goods. is the price of domestically produced consumption and pmF where pcdF t t By substituting equations (4.11) and (4.12) into the definition of total cost of consumption we obtain the expression for the aggregate consumption deflator: 1 h c 1−ωc 1−ωc i 1−ω c pcF pcdF + (1 − γ c ) pmF t = γ t t and, by an algebraic manipulation of the later equation, also an expression for the consumer price inflation " 1+ 4.3 πtcF = γ c pcdF t−1 1 + πtcdF cF pt−1 1−ωc c + (1 − γ ) pmF t−1 1 + πtmF cF pt−1 1 c 1−ωc # 1−ω . Wage setting problem The households offer differentiated labour in a monopolistically competitive labour market. But wages are rigid in nominal terms; it is assumed that each household must wait for a stochastic signal before adjusting the nominal wage rate. 13 Representative labour aggregator As in Erceg, Henderson, and Levin (2000), workers are hired by an intermediary firm which operates under perfect competition. This firm combines the work effort of individual workers and supply a joint labour input. The problem of the intermediary firm is to minimize its costs given technological restrictions. The problem is described as: 1 Z w̃t (j) h̃t (j) dj min {ht (j)} 0 s.t h̃F t ≤ Z 1 h h̃t (j) θ w −1 θw dj i θwθw−1 0 where θw represents the elasticity of substitution among differentiated labour from households. The first order conditions for this problem are the demand for labour of the household j h̃t (j) = w̃t (j) w̃t −θw and the wage index Z 1 w̃t ≡ w̃t (j) 1−θ w h̃F t 1−θ1 w dj (4.13) . 0 Household’s decisions over nominal wages As in xxx, nominal wages are sticky. Given the demand for their differentiated labour, a household adjust wages according to a rule, but it is only free to optimally set a salary when it receives a random signal which arrives every quarter with probability 1 − εw . This probability is independent of its own history and of other i shocks in the model. Thus the probability that the wage is set by a rule for the next i quarters is (εw ) . This rule implies that nominal wages increase in line with previous period’s inflation and the rate of increase of productivity: w̃tRule (j) = w̃t−1 (j) (1 + gt ) cF 1 + πt−1 1 + πtcF . If, on the other hand, the household j receives the signal to adjust its wage at period t, it will face the 14 following problem: max Et w̃t (j) ∞ X i (βεw (1 + n)) u c̃F t+i , l − (1 − T Dt+i ) T BPt+i h̃t+i (j) i=0 s.t h̃t+i (j) = w̃t+i (j) w̃t+i −θw i Y w̃t+i (j) = w̃t (j) h̃F t+i cF (1 + gt+k ) 1 + πt+k−1 cF 1 + πt+k k=1 ! and subject to the budget constraint (4.1). It follows that the optimal salary of household j, if renegotiated at time t, will have to obey: wtopt (j) = θw numw t (j) − 1 denw t (j) (4.14) θw w where we define the terms numw t (j) and dent (j) as: numw t (j) ≡ Et ∞ X i (βεw (1 + n)) i=0 i h i Y 1−σ (1 + gt+k ) k=1 1+η h zt+i ((1 − T Dt+i ) T BPt+i ) denw t (j) ≡ Et ∞ X i (βεw (1 + n)) i=0 hF t+i wtopt (j) wt+i !−θw 1 + πtcF cF 1 + πt+i −θw 1+η (4.15) i h i Y 1−σ (1 + gt+k ) k=1 λct+i (1 − T Dt+i ) T BPt+i hF t+i wtopt (j) wt+i !−θw 1 + πtcF cF 1 + πt+i 1−θw . (4.16) Notice that all households able to choose optimally their wage, will choose the same wage because the market for assets allows them to eliminate the idiosyncratic risk associated with not being able to adjust optimally in the future. We can therefore omit the subscript j from equations (4.15) and (4.16). Additionally, it can be shown that aggregated effective real wage follows: # 1−θ1 w w cF 1−θ w 1 + π 1−θ t−1 wt = εw wt−1 + (1 − εw ) wtopt 1 + πtcF " Aggregation of the labour supply for the households implies: Z 1 Z 1 h̃t (j) dj = 0 0 15 w̃t (j) w̃t −θw dj h̃F t (4.17) hSt = awt hF t where awt = R1 0 −θ w (w̃t (j) /w̃t ) dj is the wage distortion that appears from the fact that there are two fractions of households adjusting at different wages9 , hSt is the aggregate supply of labor and hF t is the aggregate demand from the representative labour aggregator. 5 Firms This section contains a detailed description of the production process in the model. The process starts with the production of a raw domestic good that is combined with imported goods and later commercialized. The production structure of our model differs from the production structure found in other DSGE models. There are several reasons why we build a more complex production sector. First, we found that distribution of goods is an important component of the total cost of the final good (see Parra (2010)). Second, final goods are produced using both imported goods and domestically produced goods. Similarly, imported goods have to be distributed and the distribution costs are not negligible. The complete production process comprises eight stages. First, a set of firms produce a domestic generic good (gross output). These firms combine domestic factors, such as labor and capital, with imported raw materials. At a second stage, output of the intermediate domestic producers is bought by imaginary warehousing firms as inputs of production of a homogeneous good. In the third stage, the homogeneous good is transformed into four different intermediate goods: domestic consumption goods, domestic investment goods, export goods, and distribution services. We call firms involved in this stage transforming firms. They are imaginary firms because they do not produce any value added. However, having this transforming stage in the model allow us to create a set of relative prices that are useful in the calibration process. In the fourth stage of the production process, we generate distinct distribution services. That is, there are a number of firms buying distribution services from the transforming firms to produce differentiated distribution services at no cost. In the fifth stage a final producer of either domestic consumption good, domestic investment good or exports, combines the differentiated distribution services with intermediate goods from the transforming firm. The last three stages in the production process are carried out by the following firms. First, there are importers of consumption and investment goods. These importers combine raw imports with the distribution 9 This expression can be expressed in a recursive way: !−θw cF 1 + πt−1 w̃t−1 w awt = ε (1 + gt ) awt−1 + (1 − εw ) w̃t 1 + πtcF 16 w̃topt w̃t !−θw sector output to produce an imported good that is useful for domestic consumption or investment. The second type of firms are the importers of raw materials who sell their product to producers of the domestic output. Finally, we have the producers of investment goods, they combine the final domestic investment good with the imported investment good and produce an aggregate investment good. 5.1 Gross output producers There is a continuum of firms indexed by z ∈ (0, 1). Each produces a differentiated product z given a production function. In model units, the technological restriction is: qtC (z) vat (z) ρ ρ−1 ρ−1 ρ−1 1 1 F ρ α ρ (vat (z)) ρ + (1 − α) ρ rmt (z) = ztq = v 1 ρ ρ−1 v ρv −1 ρv −1 1 ρv s ρv ρv ρv αv (kt (z)) + (1 − αv ) ((1 − T Dt ) T BPt ht (z)) (5.1) where kts (z) is the demand for capital from firm z, ht (z) is the demand for labour in hours, rmF t (z) is the demand for imported raw materials and ztq is an aggregate temporary technology shock that follows q ln ztq = ρzq ln zt−1 + (1 − ρzq ) ln z q + zt q q q z q is the mean of the exogenous process , 0 < ρzq < 1, and zt ∼ n 0, σ z . Notice that the production function in Equation (5.1) implies different degrees of substitutability between value added and raw materials, and between capital and labor. This feature allows us to control the degree of substitutability between domestic and imported factors, see Bruno and Sachs (1985, p. 64). −1 s The elasticities of substitution between vat (z) and rmF t (z) and between kt (z) and ht (z) are (ρ) −1 (ρv ) and . The participation of kts (z) in the value added is controlled by αv and the participation of vat (z) in the production is controlled by α. These firms find themselves in a state of monopolistic competition and each period have a constant probability of adjusting their price. They sell the total production QC t (z) to an intermediary at a price pqF t (z). They must solve two problems: first they decide on their demand for factors of production and then they choose its output price upon receiving a stochastic signal that allows them to change the price. 17 Cost minimization problem Intermediate firms solve the following minimization problem10 : Wt min pqF t (z) Kts (z),ht (z),RMt (z) s.t QC t Lt ht (z) + (z) ≤ ztq Rtk pqF t (z) Kts (z) + prmF t pqF t (z) RMtF (z) ρ ρ−1 ρ−1 ρ−1 1 1 F ρ ρ ρ α ρ (V At (z)) + (1 − α) RMt (z) (5.2) v 1 ρ ρ−1 v ρv −1 ρv −1 1 ρv s ρv ρv ρv + (1 − αv ) (At Lt ht (z)) V At (z) = αv (Kt (z)) to determine their demand for factors. In Equation (5.2), Wt is the nominal wage, RtK is the nominal rent of capital and prmF is the domestic price of the raw materials used for the production. The first-order conditions t for the problem above are: wt = rtk λqt (z) ztq = λqt αqtC (z) ztq vat (z) (z) ztq ρ1 αqtC (z) ztq vat (z) prmF t = λqt (z) ztq pcF t wt is the real wage, rtk = Rtk pcF t (1 − αv ) vat (z) (1 − T Dt ) T BPt ht (z) ρ1 αv vat (z) kts (z) (1 − α) qtC (z) ztq rmF t (z) ρ1 v ρ1 v ρ1 (5.3) (5.4) (5.5) is the real rent of capital and λqt (z) is the real marginal cost. In model units and measured at the consumption price index λqt (z) is defined as: λqt (z) = 1 " rmF 1−ρ # 1−ρ i 1 1−ρ h 1 pt 1−ρv 1−ρv k 1−ρv + (1 − αv ) (wt ) α αv rt + (1 − α) . (ztq ) pcF t Note that λqt (z) is the same for every firm z, because all firms face the same marginal cost and therefore will set the same market prices. 10 Note that the minimization problem is solved in levels and the first order conditions are presented in model units. 18 Profit maximization problem The problem of setting prices is motivated by assuming that each period, firms face a constant probability (1 − εq ) of receiving a signal which tells them that they can adjust their price optimally. This probability is independent of the firm and also time. This set up is as in Calvo (1983). The other εq firms set their price according with the following backward looking indexation rule: ι q 1−ιq qF qF (1 + π) (z) 1 + π prule (z) = p t t−1 t−1 (5.6) where π is the central bank’s inflation target, 1 ≥ ιq ≥ 0 is the weight assigned to past inflation as opposed to this target. The problem of the representative firm z is to choose a price pqt (z) so that its expected stream of profits will be highest, given the constraint that it will only be allowed to change its price optimally on receipt of a random signal. The problem of the adjusting firm is to maximize Et ∞ X " pqF t+i (z) pcF t+i q i (ε ) ∆t+i,t i=0 ! # C q̃t+i (z) − λ̃qt+i C (z) q̃t+i (z) subject to the demand curve for its product q̃tC pqF t (z) (z) = !−θq (5.7) q̃tF pqF t and the price-setting rule pqF t+i (z) = pqF t (z) i Y 1+ qF πt−1+l ιq (1 + π) i(1−ιq ) l=1 where ∆t+i,t = (β (1 + n)) c i λ̃t+i λ̃ct = (β (1 + n)) i i c i h Q −σ λt+i (1 + gt+k ) λc is the discount factor. k=1 The first order condition for the optimal price, t pqopt t (z), is: Et pqopt (z) t pqF t = ∞ P i=0 θq q θ −1 i (εq ) ∆t+i,t AAt+i Q i n t l=1 ∞ P i=0 qF t+i qF pt p ιq qF 1+πt−1+l ( ) qF t+i qF pt Et λqt+i (z) p o !θq −1 !θ q F qt+i i(1−ιq ) (1+π) qF t+i pcF t+i p F qt+i θ q i (εq ) ∆t+i,t AAt+i θq −1 Q o i n t ιq qF i(1−ιq ) (1+πt−1+l ) (1+π) l=1 19 (5.8) Since all firms are identical and λqt (z) = λqt then pqopt (z) = pqopt . That is, all adjusting firms choose the t t same price. Given Calvo’s pricing arrangement at each moment, 1 − εq firms will choose the price pqopt and t the remaining εq firms will adjust following the rule. Consequently the output price aggregator is given by " pqF t = 1 q 1−θq # 1−θ ιq q q 1−θ i(1−ι ) qopt qF qF q q (1 − ε ) pt (1 + π) + ε pt−1 1 + πt−1 (5.9) and from Equation (5.9), it is easy to obtain an expression for the producer’s inflation, which is : 1 + πtqF = (1 − εq ) pqopt t !1−θq pqF t 1 1−θq 1−θq 1−θq ιq q i(1−ι ) qF 1 + πtqF + εq 1 + πt−1 (1 + π) (5.10) Profits and aggregation Profits to each firm are: ξtq (z) = pqt (z) q − λ (z) qtC (z) . t pcF t Integrating across firms we obtain the aggregate profits, ξtq = ρ ρ−1 F ρ−1 ρ−1 1 1 pqF q q t qt F ρ ρ ρ + (1 − α) rmt − λt zt α ρ (vat ) . pcF t Following, Yun (1996) we have the output equilibrium condition qtC = apqt qtF where apqt = R pqt (z) /pqF t −θq dz is the price distortion that appears from the fact that there are two fractions of firms adjusting at different prices11 , qtF is the aggregate demand for the raw good, that must satisfy: qtF 11 This = pxdC pdisC peC pcdC t t t t dC dC C eC q ct + q xt + q dist + pt pt pt pqt t expression can be expressed in a recursive way: γp −θq qF 1 + πt−1 (1 + π)1−γp apqt = εq apqt−1 + (1 − εq ) 1 + πtqF 20 popt t pqF t !−θq and qtC is the total supply from all z goods, defined as12 : qtC ≡ Z qtC (z) dz = ρ ρ−1 ρ−1 ρ−1 1 1 ρ ztq α ρ (vat ) ρ + (1 − α) ρ rmF , t where vat = 1 ρv ρ −1 ρvρ−1 ρv −1 1 ρv s vρv F v ρv + (1 − αv ) (1 − T Dt ) T BPt ht αv (kt ) , with Z hF t = ht (z) dz, and kts 5.2 Z = kts (z) dz = ut kt−1 / ((1 + n) (1 + gt )) . Warehousing firm In order to obtain the demand for the intermediate raw domestic product we assumed a warehousing firm that aggregates the intermediate output to produce an homogeneous good and, for simplicity we also assume that they do not use any other input. Their transformation happens according to the following function: qtF = 1 Z θq −1 q qtC (z) θ dz q θqθ−1 . 0 The elasticity of substitution among the z firms is given by θq . The problem of warehousing firms is then to minimize cost subject to this constraint, that is: Z 1 C pqF t (z) qt (z) dz min qtC (z), z∈[0,1] 0 s.t Z 1 θq −1 q qtC (z) θ dz q θqθ−1 ≥ qtF 0 12 To and obtain this expression we use the fact that we are in a symmetric equilibrium, and that the ratios rmF t (z) qt (z) are the same for all firms. 21 kts (z) ht (z) vt (z) , , vt (z) vt (z) qt (z) The optimality condition is the demand function qtC (z) = pqt (z) !−θq pqF t qtF This demand was used in the minimization problem of the transforming firms (see Equation (5.7)). The aggregate producer price is given by pqF t Z = 1 (pqt (z)) 1−θ q 1 1−θ q dz 0 5.3 Transforming firms At a next stage, the generic raw base product is taken from the warehouse and transformed into four different types of intermediate goods: domestic consumption goods, CtdC , domestic investment goods, XtdC , exports, EtC , and distribution services, DIStC . An example of domestically produced consumption would be services. Construction is an example of a domestically produced investment good. In Colombia, oil, coal, nickel, coffee and industrial products are good examples of domestically produced exports. And for a domestically produced distribution services would simply be transport and commerce. These transforming firms take one input, and produce four types of output using the following technology QF t = N Tt = h ωq i ω1q ω −1 ω νntq (N Tt ) q + νeωq −1 EtC h ωnt ωnt ωnt i ω1nt ωnt −1 νcωnt −1 CtdC + νxωnt −1 XtdC + νdis DIStC (5.11) which represents the minimum quantity of real resources (in terms of the final good of the economy) that are needed to produce these many outputs as in Edwards and Végh (1997) model of banking production. In Equation (5.11), ωq governs the elasticity of substitution between domestic uses of output and exports, and ωnt governs the elasticity of substitution among domestic uses of output. The parameters νnt , νe , νc , νx , νdis define the shares. The functional form in Equation (5.11) assumes that substitution between export production and any other domestic use of output is no necessarily the same. In Colombia nearly half export production is in five commodities, and these are often called traditional exports. These goods (oil, minerals and coffee) cannot easily be transformed for domestic use. That is the why we would want to allow for a different elasticity to capture the special rigidity in transforming between domestic production and traditional exports. 22 The maximization problem of this firm is13 : max {CtdC , XtdC , DIStC , EtC } qF F C pcdC CtdC + pxdC XtdC + pdisC DIStC + peC t t t t Et − pt Qt h i1 ωq −1 ωq ωq −1 C ωq ωq QF = ν (N T ) + ν E t nt t e t h ωnt ωnt ωnt i ω1nt ωnt −1 N Tt = νcωnt −1 CtdC + νxωnt −1 XtdC + νdis DIStC and the first order conditions are given by pcdC t pqF t pxdC t pqF t pdisC t pqF t peC t pqF t νnt ntt qtF ωq −1 νc cdC t ntt νnt ntt qtF ωq −1 νx xdC t ntt νnt ntt qtF ωq −1 νdis disC t ntt = = = = ωnt −1 νeωq −1 eC t qtF ωnt −1 ωnt −1 ωq −1 (5.12) (5.13) (5.14) (5.15) equation (5.12) to (5.15) are supply functions. 5.4 Distribution of manufactured goods In every economy, there is a sector which takes finished manufactured goods and brings them to the consumer. This sector combines retailing, marketing and transport. The role of this sector is becoming ever important as goods acquire the essential characteristic of services, which is to be designed for each consumer. The economics of this sector has a very important effect on final consumer prices, which is often referred to as distributor’s margins. For example, they play a role in shaping the pass-through of exchange rate changes into the economy (see Campa and Goldberg (2008)). In this section we describe how the output of that sector is produced, and then used to transform the raw outputs of other sectors so that they are ready for final or intermediate uses. 5.4.1 Distributing firms There is a continuum of distributing firms indexed by z who take the product from the transforming firm and shape it into an intermediate input that can be used to take other goods to their respective markets. and sell it at a price pdis They buy this good at a price pdisC t t (z) . Their final output is DISt (z). 13 Note that the maximization problem is solved in levels and the first order conditions are presented in model units. 23 Profit maximization problem These firms operate under monopolistic competition. Each firm z, as a producer of the differentiated intermediate good faces an downward sloping demand curve of the form dist (z) = where disF t = R1 0 (dist (z)) θ dis −1 θ dis θ dis θ dis −1 dz −θdis pdis t (z) pdisF t disF t is the final output of distribution, pdisF = t is the aggregate price of distribution services and θ dis R1 0 1−θdis pdis dz t (z) 1 1−θ dis is the elasticity of substitution among the z firms. In addition, we assume that nominal prices are determined as in the previous sections, with a probability 1 − εdis firms receive a stochastic signal that tells them whether they can set their price optimally. If not the firm follows a rule of the form disF pdisrule (z) = pdis t t−1 (z) 1 + πt−1 ιdis 1−ιdis (5.16) (1 + π) as before ιdis is the weight assigned to past inflation as opposed to the central bank target and πtdisF is the inflation of the final output of distribution. The problem of the z th firm is to choose the output price pdis t (z) to maximize the discounted sum of profits subject to its demand curve and to the price rule that has to follow if the firm is not allow to reset its price. The optimum price on receiving the signal obeys Et ∞ P i=0 pdisopt (z) θdis t = dis disF θ −1 pt pdisC t+i i εdis ∆t+i,t AAt+i t i Q disF (1+πt−1+l ) l=1 Et i=0 i (εdis ) ∆t+i,t AAt+i t pdisF t+i pcF t+i i Q l=1 pdisF t+i θdis pdisF t ∞ P pcF t+i ιdis pdisF t+i pdisF t disF (1+πt−1+l ) ιdis disF t+i (1+π) θdis −1 i(1−ιdis ) θdis (5.17) . disF t+i θdis −1 dis (1+π)i(1−ι ) From the price aggregation and the fact that a fraction εdis of firms follow an indexation rule and a fraction 1 − εdis firms adjust the price optimally, we arrive at the following equation for the inflation of the distribution sector final output: disF 1 + πt = 1−ε dis pdisopt t pdisF t !1−θdis dis disF 1−θ 1 + πt + εdis dis disF ι 1 + πt−1 1−ι (1 + π) dis 1−θdis 1−θ1dis (5.18) 24 Profits and aggregation The profits of each firm are: ξtdis (z) = pdis t (z) pcF t dist (z) − pdisC t dist (z) pcF t and after aggregating across all firms, the aggregate profit for the distribution sector is ξtdis pdisC pdisF disF t t − t cF disC t . cF pt pt = The market equilibrium condition for the distribution sector is: (5.19) dis F disC t = apt dist = where apdis t R disF pdis t (z) /pt −θdis dz is the price distortion, disC t = R dist (z) dz is the total supply from the z firms and disF t is the aggregate demand for distribution services, that must satisfy: cd xd e m disF t = dist + dist + dist + dist xd e m where discd t , dist , dist , dist are the distribution output for final domestic consumption, final domestic investment, final exports and final imports. 5.4.2 Final good producers In this section we describe how the distribution sector transforms the domestically produced items into goods ready for final use. In what follows, Jt is a dummy variable which could refer to domestic consumption, Ctd , domestic investment, Xtd or exports, Et . The superscript j represents cd, xd or e. There is a continuum of firms, indexed by z, which produce Jt (z) in monopolistic competition. They buy the raw good JtC (z) from the transformation sector at a price pjC t , and combine it with the distribution sector’s output to transform this good into a good ready for final use according to the production function " Jt (z) = γ j 1 ωj JtC (z) ωj −1 j ω + 1−γ j 1 ωj DIStj ωj −1 ωj (z) # ωj ω j −1 here ω j represents the elasticity of substitution between distribution services output and other domestically produce good. γ j is a participation coefficient. 25 These firms are in monopolistic competition and each period can be allowed to change their prices with a constant probability. They need to chose the demand for factors, and also the optimal price in the event that they are allowed to change. Cost minimization problem Given the output, the demand for factors are the first order conditions of the cost minimization problem: pjC t min JtC (z), DIStj (z) pjt (z) JtC + pdisF t pjt (z) " s.t Jt (z) ≤ γ j 1 ωj DIStj ωj −1 ωj −1 1 ωj j C j ωj ωj DISt (z) Jt (z) + 1−γ # ωj ω j −1 The first order conditions are: pjC t pcF t pdisF t pcF t = = λjt (z) γ j jt (z) jtC 1 ωj ! 1j 1 − γ j jt (z) ω λjt (z) disjt where λjt (z) is the marginal cost associated with producing the good jt (z). The marginal cost is a weighted average of the relative prices of inputs as shown in the following equation: λjt (z) = λjt = γ j pjC t pcF t !1−ωj + 1 − γj pdisF t pcF t 1−ωj 1 1−ω j . Profit maximization problem We assume that each firm z faces a downward sloping demand curve of the form jt (z) = pjt (z) pjF t !−θj jtF where θ represents the elasticity of substitution among the z varieties, j pjF t = R1 0 1−θj pjt (z) dz 1 1−θ j jtF = R1 0 (jt (z)) θ j −1 θj dz θj θ j −1 and . As in the rest of the paper, we assume a price setting structure as in Calvo (1983). With probability 1 − εj firms receive a stochastic signal which lets them know if they can choose the price in an optimal 26 way. If not, prices follow a rule of the form ι j 1−ιj jF j (1 + π) (z) 1 + π pjrule (z) = p t t−1 t−1 (5.20) As before, ιj represents the indexation to past inflation for each firm that produces the jt (z) good, and πtjF represents the final inflation of good jt . The firm z has the problem of choosing pjt (z) to maximize his discounted future stream of profits given a demand function for variety z and Equation (5.20). The solution to this problem implies that Et pjopt (z) t pjF t ∞ P εj i=0 θj = j θ −1 i !θj F jt+i ∆t+i,t AAt+i θ j t i Q j ιj jF (1+πt−1+l ) (1+π)i(1−ι ) l=1 !θj −1 jF t+i pcF t+i p Et jF p t+i jF pt λjt+i ∞ P jF p t+i jF pt (5.21) F jt+i i (εj ) ∆t+i,t AAt+i θj −1 t i j Q ι jF i(1−ιj ) i=0 (1+πt−1+l ) (1+π) l=1 As in previous sections, the inflation rate for each jt is defined through the following equation: 1 + πtjF = 1−ε j pjopt t pjF t !1−θj 1 + πtjF 1−θj + εj jF 1 + πt−1 ι j 1−ι (1 + π) j 1−θj 1 1−θ j . (5.22) Profits of each firm z are given by ξtj (z) = pjt (z) jt (z) − λjt jt (z) pcF t and the aggregate profit of sector jt is ξtj = pjF t jtF − λjt jtCF . pcF t The market equilibrium condition for the jt good is: jtCF = apjt jtF where apjt = R pjt (z) /pjF t −θj dz is the price distortion, jtCF = R jt (z) dz is the total supply from all z firms in each jt sector and jtF is the total demand for each jt sector output . Equation (4.11) is the demand dF for final domestic consumption cdF t , Equation (5.36) is the demand for final domestic investment xt , and Equation (6.1) is the demand for final exports. 27 5.4.3 Importers of consumption and investment goods Imports are transformed and made ready for final and intermediate consumption by a continuum of intermediary firms. There is a sector that buys raw imports on the world market, combines it with the distribution output to produce an imported good that is fit for local use. We assume that these firms operate in monopolistic competition and consequently they solve two problems: A cost minimization problem to obtain the demand for inputs and a profit maximization problem to choose its optimal prices, the probability of setting prices is as in Calvo (1983). Cost minimization problem The z th firm produces imports Mt (z) using the raw import Mt? (z) and the distribution sector’s output DIStm (z). The technology for producing Mt (z) is h i ωωmm−1 ω m −1 ω m −1 1 1 m ωm m m ωm ? ωm ωm Mt (z) = (γ ) (DISt (z)) + (1 − γ ) (Mt (z)) where ω m represents the elasticity of substitution and γ m defines the share of raw imports. The intermediate firms determine their demand for inputs by solving the following problem: min DIStm ,MtE s.t pdisF pmC t DIStm (z) + tmF Mt? (z) mF pt pt h i ωmωm ω m −1 ω m −1 1 1 −1 m ωm m m ωm ? ωm ωm Mt (z) ≤ (γ ) (DISt (z)) + (1 − γ ) (Mt (z)) The optimality conditions are: pdisF t pcF t = 1 m ωm λm t (z) (γ ) mt (z) dism t (z) ω1m (5.23) and pmC t pcF t 1 m ωm = λm t (z) (1 − γ ) mt (z) m?t (z) ω1m m m where λm t (z) is the real marginal cost. As before λt (z) = λt for all firms. 28 (5.24) Profit maximization problem In keeping with the literature on new open economy models, we assume that there is a degree of stickiness in local currency pricing. As ever, the stickiness is model of as in Calvo (1983). With probability (1 − εm ) each firm receives a stochastic signal that it can choose its optimal price. If not it should follow the rule mF pmrule (z) = pm t t−1 (z) 1 + πt−1 ι m (1 + π) 1−ιm (5.25) with ιm defining the degree of indexation and πtmF the imports final inflation. As before the z th firm’s problem when it receives the signal is to choose pm t (z) to maximize its discounted profit stream: max m pt (z) Et ∞ X i (εm ) ∆t+i,t i=0 pm t+i (z) pmF t+i pmF t+i m m̃ (z) − λ̃ m̃ (z) t+i t+i t+i pcF t+i m −θm p (z) mF subject to the demand function, mt (z) = ptmF t and the price rule in Equation (5.25). In this t m θ hR i θm −1 θ m −1 1 case mF (mt (z)) θm dz = is the aggregate amount of imports adapted for domestic use, pmF t = t 0 1 hR i 1−θ m 1 1−θ m dz (pm is the aggregate price of imported goods and θm is the elasticity of substitution t (z)) 0 among z varieties. The optimal price is determined by: Et ∞ P i=0 pmopt (z) θm t = m mF θ −1 pt i (εm ) ∆t+i,t AAt+i Q i n t l=1 Et ∞ P i=0 i (εm ) ∆t+i,t AAt+i Q i n t l=1 mF θm pt+i λm mF t+i (z) t+i mF pt ιm mF (1+πt−1+l ) pmF t+i pcF t+i pmF t+i pmF t mF (1+πt−1+l ) o (1+π) θm −1 o ιm i(1−ιm ) θ m (5.26) mF t+i i(1−ιm ) (1+π) θm −1 using the aggregate price for imported goods and the fact that a fraction 1 − εm of firms choose the price optimally, the aggregate price in the sector is pmF t h i1−θm 1−θ1 m m m 1−ιm mopt 1−θ m m mF mF ι , = (1 − ε ) pt + ε pt−1 1 + πt−1 (1 + π) 29 and the inflation for the final imported good is mF 1 + πt = (1 − εm ) pmopt t pmF t !1−θm m mF 1−θ 1 + πt + εm h m mF ι 1 + πt−1 1−ι (1 + π) m i1−θm 1−θ1 m (5.27) Note that the inflation rate in this sector depends directly on the exchange rate through the price of the m? imported goods. In fact, using the purchasing power parity condition, pmC = st pm? is the external t t , where pt price of imports, we have that imported inflation is (5.28) 1 + πtmC = (1 + dt ) (1 + πtm? ) where πtm? is the inflation rate of imports in foreign currency that follows the exogenous process m? ln πtm? = ρπm? ln πt−1 + (1 − ρπm? ) ln π m? + πt where π m? is the mean of the foreign inflation, 0 < ρπm? < 1, and πt m? m? ∼ n 0, σ π m? . Profits and aggregation The profits of the z th firm are given by ξtm (z) = pm t (z)mt (z) pcF t − λm t mt (z), and the total profits of the sector are ξtm = pmF t m C mF t − λt mt . pcF t As before, the market equilibrium is (5.29) m F mC t = apt mt where, apm t = R mF pm t (z) /pt −θm dz, is the price distortion, mC t = R mt (z) dz is the total supply of imports and mF t is the total demand for imports, this demand satisfy cmF + xmF = mF t t t . 5.5 (5.30) Raw materials importers There is a continuum of firms indexed by z, these firms operate under monopolistic competition. These firms import raw materials and sell them to domestic producers. They buy a quantity, RMt? , of raw materials at the port price, prmC , and transform them into a differentiated raw material, RMt (z), without cost. These t 30 firms face a negative slope demand curve for its product rmt (z) = prm t (z) prmF t −θrm rmF t θ rm i θrm hR θ rm −1 −1 1 θ rm is the imported dz where θrm is the elasticity of substitution among firms, rmF = (rm (z)) t t 0 1 hR i 1−θ rm 1 1−θ rm good adapted for aggregate use and prmF = 0 (prm dz is the aggregate price of raw t t (z)) materials adapted for production. In this case the raw materials price, prmF , already includes the distribution t cost, that is, the distribution of raw materials is not explicitly model14 . As for the importers of goods for consumption and investment, these firms receive a signal that allows them to adjust optimally their prices, otherwise prices are set by a rule rmF prmrule (z) = prm t t−1 (z) 1 + πt−1 ιrm 1−ιrm (5.31) (1 + π) where ιrm represents the indexation to past inflation and πtrmF the raw materials inflation. When the signal is received, the z th firm’s problem is to choose the price prmopt (z) to maximize the discounted stream of real t profits subject to the demand for its product and subject to the price rule (Equation (5.31)). In this case the first order condition for the optimal price is given by Et ∞ P i=0 prmopt (z) θrm t = rm rmF θ −1 pt prmC t+i i (εrm ) ∆t+i,t AAt+i Q i n t l=1 Et ∞ P i=0 i (εrm ) ∆t+i,t AAt+i Q i n t l=1 pcF t+i prmF t+i prmF t ιrm rmF (1+πt−1+l ) prmF t+i pcF t+i ( prmF t+i prmF t ιrm rmF 1+πt−1+l ) θrm o rmF t+i i(1−ιrm ) (1+π) θrm −1 o θrm (5.32) . rmF t+i (1+π) i(1−ιrm ) θrm −1 The aggregate raw materials inflation is defined as rmF 1 + πt = (1 − εrm ) prmopt t prmF t !1−θrm rm rmF 1−θ 1 + πt + εrm h rm rmF ι 1 + πt−1 (1 + π) 1−ι rm i1−θrm 1−θ1rm (5.33) Note that the raw materials inflation rate depends on the nominal exchange rate through the price of imported raw materials. This comes from the fact that we assume that purchasing power parity holds, that is, prmC = st prm? , where prm? is the external price of raw materials. Therefore, the inflation rate of raw t t t 14 We decided not to model the distribution of imported raw materials because there is no statistical information about this in the Colombian national accounts. 31 . materials at the port is (5.34) 1 + πtrmC = (1 + dt ) (1 + πtrm? ) where πtrm? is the raw material inflation in foreign currency, which we assume exogenous. rm? ln πtrm? = ρπrm? ln πt−1 + (1 − ρπrm? ) ln π rm? + πt where π rm? is the mean of the exogenous process , 0 < ρπrm? < 1, and πt rm? rm? ∼ 0, σ π rm? . Profits and aggregation The profit of each raw materials importer is: ξtrm (z) = prm t (z) pcF t rmt (z) − prmC t rmt (z) pcF t and integrating over firms we have the aggregate profit for the raw materials importers sector ξtrm rmF prmF prmC t t − t cF rmC t . cF pt pt = The market equilibrium is rmC t = where, as before, the price distortion is aprm t = R F aprm t rmt rmF prm t (z) /pt −θrm dz. The total demand for raw mate- rials, rmF t , comes from the aggregation of the raw good producer (equation (5.1)) rmF t = ρ (λqt ztq ) and the total supply of raw materials, rmC t = R prmF t pcF t −ρ 15 (1 − α) qtC . ztq rmt (z) dz, comes from the aggregation over the raw materials importers. 5.6 Investment producers As we have seen investment goods can be produced abroad and domestically. Both are important in explaining Colombian growth and fluctuations. An example of the former would be machinery equipment, an example of 15 In the aggregation across all the raw good producers it must be that 32 qt rmt is equal for all firms. the latter would be infrastructure. These two types of capital are aggregated to produce combined investment. This then enables us to work with an aggregate capital stock in production. The technology for combining the two types of capital is well described by: xF t = ztx x (γ ) 1 ωx xdF t ωωx x−1 x + (1 − γ ) 1 ωx xmF t ωωx x−1 ωωx x−1 (5.35) dF where xF is the input of domestically produced investment, xmF is the input of t is final investment, xt t imported and distributed investment, ω x is the elasticity of substitution between domestically and imported investment, γ x define the share of domestic investment into total investment and ztx is an investment efficiency shock x ln ztx = ρzx ln zt−1 + (1 − ρzx ) ln z x + zt x x x where z x is the mean of the exogenous process , 0 < ρzx < 1, and zt ∼ n 0, σ z . The firms which carry out this aggregation operate under perfect competition. Hence they solve the . and xmF following problem to find the final demand for xdF t t max mF {xdF } t , xt s.t F xdF pxF XtdF − pmF XtmF t Xt − pt t xF t ≤ ztx ωx ωωx x−1 ωωx x−1 ωx −1 1 1 x ωx x ωx dF mF (γ ) + (1 − γ ) xt xt The expressions for these demands are: xdF t = xmF t = −ωx F xt pxdF t (γ ) ztx ztx pxF t mF −ωx F pt xt x (1 − γ ) ztx ztx pxF t x (5.36) (5.37) Combining Equations (5.36), (5.37) and (5.35), we obtain an expression for the price of the final investment good pxF = t 1 x 1−ωx 1−ωx i 1−ω 1 h x (γ ) pxdF + (1 − γ x ) pxmF . t t x zt 33 (5.38) 6 Foreign variables It is assumed that exports EtF are demanded according to following function eF t = pe? t pc? t −µ (6.1) c?t where c?t is the external demand, that follows the autoregressive process ln c?t = ρc? ln c?t−1 + (1 − ρc? ) ln c? + ct ? ? ? where c? is the mean of the exogenous process , 0 < ρc? < 1, and ct ∼ n 0, σ c . pe? t is the foreign currency price of Colombian exports and is determined in the world market, that is, e? peF t = st pt , and consequently, exports inflation rate is define as (6.2) 1 + πteF = (1 + dt ) (1 + πte? ) . The ratio − µ1 is the slope of the demand for Colombian exports. Following Schmitt-Grohe and Uribe (2003) we impose a further condition to ensure that external debt converges to a predetermined ration with GDP. Let us assume that the external sector offers resources at a rate i?t which depends on the deviation of debt from this target ratio. In that case, we define the rate of interest as: i?t = ? i zti? exp Ωu ? ? st pc? t bt − b? cF pt yt where i is the nominal risk free international interest rate, ? st pc? t bt y pcF t t (6.3) is the external debt to GDP ratio in the same currency, b? is its target value and Ωu > 0 is a parameter that affects the model’s dynamics, zti? is a risk premium shock which follows an exogenous process i? i? z ln zti? = ρzi? ln zt−1 + (1 − ρzi? ) ln z i? t + t . z z i? t is the mean of the exogenous process , 0 < ρz i? < 1, and t 34 i? i? ∼ n 0, σ z . 7 Monetary policy Monetary policy in the model follows the simple rule it = ρs it−1 + (1 − ρs ) i + ϕπ πtcF −π + ϕy yt ytf lex ! −1 + zti (7.1) where ρs is the smoothing coefficient, i is the steady state value for the nominal interest rate, ϕπ determines the response to deviations in the inflation from its target, ytf lex is the level of output if prices were flexible, and ϕy is the response to deviations of GDP from its flexible prices value. Deviations from the observed nominal interest rate and the nominal interest rate dictated for this rule are define by an exogenous process zti . i + (1 − ρzi ) ln z it + zt ln zti = ρzi ln zt−1 i i i where z it is the mean of the exogenous process , 0 < ρzi < 1, and zt ∼ n 0, σ z 8 National Accounts From the aggregate budget constraint of the households (equation (4.9)), follows the balance of payments identity as16 : b?t−1 1 + i?t−1 st pc? st pc? t t b?t = − c? (1 + n) (1 + gt ) 1 + πt pcF pcF t t peF pmC prmC st pc? t t t t F E C F e − m − rm + trt? − ΨX xF t t t t , xt−1 cF cF cF cF pt pt pt pt Defining ỹt ≡ Yt 1 At Nt , pcF t we can express real GDP as: yt = cF t + 9 (8.1) pxF peF pmC prmC t t t t F F E x + e − m − rmC t t t t . pcF pcF pcF pcF t t t t (8.2) Conclusions and further research In this document we described the structure of PATACON, a DSGE model for the Colombian economy. PATACON was designed to be useful for analyzing the Colombian macroeconomic data and to help guide the monetary policy discussion. However, in its design we ignored three characteristics of the Colombian 16 The derivation is presented in Appendix C. 35 economy that may be important. Currently, the Department of Macroeconomic Modeling at Banco de la República is continuously working on these and other related issues. The first omission of PATACON is that it does not incorporate frictions in the labour market and consequently it cannot explain the dynamics of employment and unemployment over the business cycle. A first attempt to incorporate these features in a DSGE model for the Colombian economy can be found in González, Ocampo, Rodríguez, and Rodríguez (2011). The second aspect, in which we are working on, is in the introduction of a financial sector to understand its role in the economic business cycle. Some work has also being done in this respect. See, for example, López and Rodríguez (2008), López, Prada, and Rodríguez (2009) , López and Prada (2010) or Bustamante (2011). The third modification is to include explicitly the government within the model. Finally, the in-house construction and design of a general equilibrium model creates spill overs that are also valuable. Indeed, the design and implementation of PATACON has created a need to improve the understanding of some macroeconomic phenomena and to develop econometric techniques useful for its implementation and suitable for routine use. 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Imports at dock continue... 39 Symbol Description mC Final imports (supply) eF Final exports (demand) eC Intermediate exports eCF Final exports (supply) λx Multiplier for capital accumulation equation λc Multiplier for budget constraint hF Labour ks Capital supply k Total capital u Variable capital utilization δ (u) Endogenous depreciation rmF Final raw materials (demand) rmC Final raw materials (supply) y Real gross domestic product qF Gross output (demand) nt Domestic uses of output qC Gross output (supply) va Value added disF Final distribution services (supply) discd Distribution services used for domestic consumption disxd Distribution services used for domestic investment dise Distribution services used for exports dism Distribution services used for imports disC Final distribution services (demand) b? External debt Interest rates it Nominal interest rate i?t External nominal interest rate Inflation rates and nominal devaluation continue... 40 Symbol Description πtcF Consumption bundle inflation πtcdF Domestic consumption inflation πteF Exports inflation πtmF Imported goods inflation πtmC Imported goods inflation at dock πtqF Homogeneous good inflation πtrmF Raw materials inflation πtdisF Distribution services inflation πtxF Investment inflation πtxdF Domestic investment inflation dt Nominal devaluation Marginal cost λq Marginal cost of producing good q λcd Marginal cost of producing good cd λe Marginal cost of producing good e λm Marginal cost of producing good m λrm Marginal cost of producing good rm λxd Marginal cost of producing good xd Relative prices pcdF t pcF t Final domestic consumption / Consumption bundle pcdF t pqF t pcdC t pqF t peF t pcF t peF t pqF t peC t pqF t pmF t pcF t pmF t xF pt pmC t pcF t pmC t mF pt Final domestic consumption / Gross product Intermediate domestic consumption / Gross product Final exports / Consumption bundle Final exports / Gross product Intermediate exports / Gross product Final imports / Consumption bundle Final imports / Final investment Intermediate imports / Consumption bundle Intermediate imports / Final investment continue... 41 Symbol Description prmC t pcF t Intermediate raw materials / Consumption bundle prmC t prmF t Intermediate raw materials / Final raw materials prmF t pcF t Final raw materials / Consumption bundle pqF t pcF t Gross output / Consumption bundle pdisF t pcF t Final distribution services / Consumption bundle pdisF t pmF t Final distribution services / Final imports pdisF t pqF t pdisC t pqF t pxF t pcF t pxdF t pcF t pxdF t pcdF t pxdF t pmF t pxdF t pqF t pxdF t xF pt pxdC t pqF t pe? t c? pt st pc? t pcF t pm? t pc? t prm? t pc? t Final distribution services / Gross product w Real wage rk Real rent of capital Intermediate distribution services / Gross product Final investment / Consumption bundle Final domestic investment / Consumption bundle Final domestic investment / Final domestic consumption Final domestic investment / Final imports Final domestic investment / Gross product Final domestic investment / Final investment Intermediate domestic investment / Gross product Foreign currency price of exports / Foreign consumer price index Real exchange rate Foreign currency price of imports / Foreign consumer price index Foreign currency price of raw materials / Foreign consumer price index Optimal prices and wage wopt Optimal real wage pqopt t pqF t pcdopt t pcdF t peopt t peF t pmopt t pmF t prmopt t prmF t pdisopt t pdisF t Optimal price of gross output q Optimal price of domestic consumption goods cd Optimal price of exports e Optimal price of imports m Optimal price of raw materials rm Optimal price of distribution services dis continue... 42 Symbol Description pxdopt t pxdF t Optimal price of domestic investment goods xd Profits ξ Aggregated Profits ξq q gross output producer’s profits ξ cd cd domestic consumption goods producer’s profits ξe e exports producer’s profits ξm m imports producer’s profits ξ rm rm raw materials producer’s profits ξ dis dis distribution services producer’s profits ξ xd xd domestic investment goods producer’s profits Auxiliary variables f1 Recursive equation for optimal wage f2 Recursive equation for optimal wage Ψq Recursive equation for optimal price of gross output q Ψcd Recursive equation for optimal price of domestic consumption goods cd Ψe Recursive equation for optimal price of exports e Ψm Recursive equation for optimal price of imports m Ψrm Recursive equation for optimal price of raw materials rm Ψdis Recursive equation for optimal price of distribution services dis Ψxd Recursive equation for optimal price of domestic investment goods xd Θq Recursive equation for optimal price of gross output q Θcd Recursive equation for optimal price of domestic consumption goods cd Θe Recursive equation for optimal price of exports e Θm Recursive equation for optimal price of imports m Θrm Recursive equation for optimal price of raw materials rm Θdis Recursive equation for optimal price of distribution services dis Θxd Recursive equation for optimal price of domestic investment goods xd Price distortions apq Price distortion of gross output q continue... 43 Symbol Description apcd Price distortion of domestic consumption goods cd ape Price distortion of exports e apm Price distortion of imports m aprm Price distortion of raw materials rm apdis Price distortion of distribution services dis apxd Price distortion of domestic investment goods xd Exogenous variables c? External demand g Growth rate of the technological progress π c? External imported inflation π m? External imported inflation π rm? External raw materials inflation tr? Remittances zu Shock to marginal utility of consumption zh Shock to marginal disutility of labour zq Temporary technological shock zx Investment efficiency shock zi Nominal interest rate shocks zi B B.1 ? Risk premium shock Equations Households Utility maximization 1 + i?t−1 st pc? b?t−1 st pc? st pc? pxF t t t t ? ? X F F F F x , x = c + tr + y + b − Ψ x + t t t t t t−1 t (1 + πtc? ) pcF (1 + n̄) (1 + gt ) pcF pcF pcF t t t t δ (ut ) = δ̄ + b 1+Υ (ut ) 1+Υ 44 (B.1) (B.2) kt = xF t + (1 − δ (ut )) kt−1 (1 + n̄) (1 + gt ) (B.3) −σ (B.4) F λct = ztu cF t − hab ct−1 λct pxF t pcF t = λxt F λ c ψ x xF t − xt−1 − t F xt−1 (B.5) 1−σ λct+1 +β (1 + n̄) Et (1 + gt+1 ) −σ λxt = βEt (1 + gt+1 ) x F F ψ xt+1 − xt + xF t k λct+1 rt+1 ut+1 + βEt (1 + gt+1 ) −σ λct = β Et (1 + gt+1 ) −σ 1+ πtcF = γ c 1+ 1−ωc πtcdF λxt+1 (1 − δ (ut )) pcdF t pcF t = (1 − γ ) pcdF t−1 pcF t−1 1−ωc (B.8) (1 + i?t ) (1 + dt+1 ) cF 1 + πt+1 (B.9) −ωc pmF t pcF t c cmF t ωωc −1 c c ωωc −1 (B.10) (B.11) cF t −ωc + (1 − γ ) 1 + 45 (B.6) (1 + it ) cF 1 + πt+1 λct+1 λct+1 cmF t c xF t 2 (B.7) Domestic and imported consumption choice ωωc −1 1 c c ω1c dF cF = γ c + (1 − γ c ) ωc t t cdF = γc t (xFt+1 −xFt ) λxt Υ u λct t rtk = b λct = β Et (1 + gt+1 ) −σ ψx 2 (B.12) cF t 1−ωc πtmF pmF t−1 pcF t−1 1 c 1−ωc ! 1−ω (B.13) Wage setting problem (B.14) f1 t = f2 t f1 t wtopt wt = λct wtopt (1 − T D) T BP (θw − 1) +β (1 + n̄) Et (1 + gt+1 ) 1−σ εw = θw zth ((1 − T D) T BP ) 1+η +β (1 + n̄) Et (1 + gt+1 ) wt = B.2 εw cF 1 + πt−1 wt−1 1 + πtcF opt wt wt 1−σ εw 1−θw (B.15) hF t 1 + πtcF wtopt opt cF 1 + πt+1 wt+1 f2 t !−θw !1−θw f1 t+1 1+η !−θw (B.16) hF t 1 + πtcF wtopt opt cF 1 + πt+1 wt+1 !−θw (1+η) f2 t+1 w opt 1−θ ! 1−θ1 w (B.17) + (1 − εw ) wt Firms Gross output producer qtC = ztq 1 α ρ (vat ) ρ−1 ρ 1 + (1 − α) ρ rmF t 1 ρv −1 1 vat = αvρv (kts ) ρv + (1 − αv ) ρv wt = ztq λqt rtk = ρ−1 ρ (1 − T D) T BP hF t α qtC ztq vat ρ1 (1 − αv ) vat (1 − T D) T BP hF t α qtC ztq vat ρ1 ztq λqt prmF t = ztq λqt pcF t 46 αv vat kts (1 − α) qtC ztq rmF t ρ1 ρ1 v ρ ρ−1 (B.18) ρvρ−1 v ρ1 v v ρ ρ−1 v (B.19) (B.20) (B.21) (B.22) kts = ut kt−1 (1 + n̄) (1 + gt ) pqopt t pqF t = (B.23) θq Θqt θq − 1 Ψqt (B.24) θ q 1−σ qF (1 + gt+1 ) 1 + πt+1 λct+1 q Θt+1 Θqt = λqt qtF + εq β (1 + n̄) Et θ q λct 1 + πtqF Ψqt = pqF t pcF t θq −1 1−σ qF (1 + gt+1 ) 1 + πt+1 λct+1 q qtF + εq β (1 + n̄) Et Ψt+1 θq −1 λct qF 1 + πt pqopt t 1 + πtqF = (1 − εq ) !1−θq pqF t 1 + πtqF 1−θq + εq qF 1 + πt−1 1−θq =ε q qF 1 + πt−1 1 + πtqF ξtq = (B.27) (B.28) !−θq apqt−1 (B.26) 1 1−θ q qtC = apqt qtF apqt (B.25) pqopt t q + (1 − ε ) !−θq pqF t pqF t qtF − λqt qtC pcF t (B.29) (B.30) Transforming firms ωq ω1q ω −1 ω qtF = νntq (ntt ) q + νeωq −1 eC t (B.31) ωnt ω1nt ωnt ωnt ωnt −1 + νdis disC ntt = νcωnt −1 cdC + νxωnt −1 xdC t t t (B.32) pcdC t pqF t pxdC t pqF t pdisC t pqF t ω −1 = νcωnt −1 νntq = νxωnt −1 ω −1 νntq ω −1 ωnt −1 = νdis νntq ntt qtF ωq −1 cdC t ntt ωnt −1 ntt qtF ωq −1 xdC t ntt ωnt −1 ntt qtF ωq −1 disC t ntt 47 ωnt −1 (B.33) (B.34) (B.35) peC t = νeωq −1 pqF t eC t qtF ωq −1 (B.36) Distributing firms pdisopt θdis Θdis t t = dis disF θ − 1 Ψdis pt t (B.37) 1−σ Θdis t disF (1 + gt+1 ) 1 + πt+1 pqF pdisC dis = tcF t qF disF β (1 + n̄) Et dis t +ε θ pt pt 1 + πtdisF 1−σ Ψdis t disF (1 + gt+1 ) 1 + πt+1 pdisF dis = t cF disF + ε β (1 + n̄) E t θdis −1 t pt 1 + π disF θdis θdis −1 t λct+1 dis Θt+1 λct λct+1 dis Ψt+1 λct pdisF pqF pdisF t = tcF t qF cF pt pt pt 1 + πtdisF = 1 − εdis pdisopt t pdisF t 1 + πtdisF 1 + πtqF (B.40) = 1−θ dis disF + εdis 1 + πt−1 1−θ dis pdisF pdisF t−1 t / pqF pqF t t−1 =ε disF 1 + πt−1 1 + πtdisF −θdis apdis t−1 + 1−ε (B.41) (B.42) (B.43) dis F disC t = apt dist dis (B.39) 1−θ1dis !1−θdis 1 + πtdisF apdis t (B.38) dis pdisopt t pdisF t !−θdis (B.44) pdisF pqF pdisC t t t F dis − disC t t cF cF pt pt pqF t (B.45) e cd xd m disF t = dist + dist + dist + dist (B.46) ξtdis = Final good producers Final domestic consumption 48 cdCF t 1 ωcdcd−1 ω + 1 − γ cd ωcd cdC t 1 = γ cd ωcd pqF pcdC t t = λcd t cF pt pqF t γ cd cdCF t cdC t ωcdcd−1 ω discd t ω cd ω cd −1 (B.47) 1 ω cd (B.48) ! 1cd ω 1 − γ cd cdCF t discd t pdisF t = λcd t pcF t (B.49) θcd Θcd pcdopt t t = cd cdF θ − 1 Ψcd pt t (B.50) 1−σ Θcd t = dF λcd t ct cd + ε β (1 + n̄) Et (1 + gt+1 ) cdF 1 + πt+1 cd cdF θ 1 + πt 1−σ Ψcd t θcd cdF (1 + gt+1 ) 1 + πt+1 pcdF cd = tcF cdF cd t + ε β (1 + n̄) Et θ −1 pt 1 + π cdF θcd −1 t pcdF t pqF t 1 + πtcdF pcdopt t pcdF t = 1 − εcd = pqF t pcF t pcdF t pcF t λct+1 cd Θt+1 λct λct+1 cd Ψt+1 λct !−1 cd cdF 1−θ 1 + πt 1 + πtqF (B.53) = cd cdF 1−θ + εcd 1 + πt−1 pcdF pcdF t−1 t / qF pqF p t t−1 =ε cdF 1 + πt−1 1 + πtcdF −θcd ξtcd = apcd t−1 + 1−ε 49 (B.54) (B.56) cd pcdF t cd dCF cdF t − λ t ct pcF t Final domestic investment (B.55) dF cdCF = apcd t t ct cd (B.52) 1−θ1 cd !1−θcd 1 + πtcdF apcd t (B.51) pcdopt t pcdF t !−θcd (B.57) (B.58) xdCF = t γ xd ωxdxd−1 dC 1 ω xd xt ω + 1−γ pqF pxdC t t = λxd t cF pt pqF t xd ωxdxd−1 ω disxd t 1 ω xd γ xd xdCF t xdC t ω xd ω xd −1 (B.59) 1 ω xd (B.60) 1 ! xd ω 1 − γ xd xdCF t disxd t pdisF t = λxd t pcF t (B.61) θxd Θxd pxdopt t t = xd xdF θ − 1 Ψxd pt t Θxd t = dF λxd t xt +ε xd β (1 + n̄) Et (1 + gt+1 ) (B.62) 1−σ xdF 1 + πt+1 xd xdF θ 1 + πt 1−σ Ψxd t θxd xdF (1 + gt+1 ) 1 + πt+1 pxdF xd β (1 + n̄) Et = tcF xdF xd t +ε θ −1 pt 1 + π xdF λct+1 xd Θt+1 λct θxd −1 t λct+1 xd Ψt+1 λct pxF pxdF pxdF t = tcF txF cF pt pt pt 1 + πtxdF = 1 − εxd apxd t pxdopt t pxdF t =ε xd (B.63) (B.64) (B.65) 1−θ1 xd !1−θxd 1 + πtxdF 1−θ xd xdF + εxd 1 + πt−1 1−θ xd (B.66) pxdF 1 + πtxdF pxdF t−1 t = / 1 + πtcdF pcdF pcdF t t−1 (B.67) dF xdCF = apxd t t xt (B.68) xdF 1 + πt−1 1 + πtxdF −θxd ξtxd = apxd t−1 xd + 1−ε pxdF t xd dCF xdF t − λ t xt pcF t Final exports 50 pxdopt t pxdF t !−θxd (B.69) (B.70) eCF t = γ e ω1e eC t ωωe −1 e e + (1 − γ ) pqF peC t t = λet pcF pqF t t pdisF t = λet pcF t 1 ωe γ e eCF t eC t (diset ) ω e −1 ωe e ωωe −1 (B.71) ω1e (1 − γ e ) eCF t diset (B.72) ω1e (B.73) peopt θe Θet t = θe − 1 Ψet peF t (B.74) 1−σ Θet = λet eF t e + ε β (1 + n̄) Et eF 1 + πt+1 e eF θ (1 + gt+1 ) 1 + πt 1−σ Ψet θ e eF (1 + gt+1 ) 1 + πt+1 peF e = tcF eF e −1 t + ε β (1 + n̄) Et θ pt 1 + π eF λct+1 e Θt+1 λct θe −1 t peopt t peF t 1 + πteF = (1 − εe ) e eF 1−θ 1 + πt 1 + πtqF = eF + εe 1 + πt−1 1−θe peF peF t−1 t / pqF pqF t t−1 apet = εe eF 1 + πt−1 1 + πteF −θe ξte = (B.77) (B.78) (B.79) eCF = apet eF t t (B.76) 1 1−θ e !1−θe 1 + πteF λct+1 e Ψt+1 λct (B.75) apet−1 + (1 − εe ) peopt t peF t !−θe (B.80) peF t e CF eF t − λt et pcF t (B.81) Importers of consumption and investment goods mC t = ztm m (γ ) 1 ωm (m?t ) ω m −1 ωm pmC t = λm t pcF t m + (1 − γ ) γ m mC t m?t 51 1 ωm ω1m (dism t ) ω m −1 ωm ωωmm−1 (B.82) (B.83) pdisF t = λm t pcF t pqF pdisF pdisF t t t = pmF pcF pqF t t t pmC t = pmF t pmF t pcF t −1 = F λm t mt (B.85) m? st pc? t pt cF pc? pt t (B.86) pmC pmF pmC t t t = pcF pcF pmF t t t (B.87) pmopt θm Θm t t = m mF θ − 1 Ψm pt t (B.88) m + ε β (1 + n̄) Et (1 + gt+1 ) mF 1 + πt+1 m mF θ θ m 1 + πt 1−σ Ψm t (B.84) −1 pmF t pcF t 1−σ Θm t ω1m (1 − γ m ) mC t dism t mF (1 + gt+1 ) 1 + πt+1 pmF m = tcF mF m −1 t + ε β (1 + n̄) Et θ pt 1 + π mF θm −1 t pmopt t pmF t 1 + πtmF = (1 − εm ) apm t =ε m λct+1 m Θ λct t+1 λct+1 m Ψ λct t+1 (B.89) (B.90) 1−θ1 m !1−θm m mF 1−θ 1 + πt m mF 1−θ + εm 1 + πt−1 (B.91) 1 + πtmC = (1 + dt ) (1 + πtm? ) (B.92) 1 + πtmF pmF pmF = tcF / t−1 cF 1 + πt pt pcF t−1 (B.93) pm? 1 + πtm? pm? t−1 t = / 1 + πtc? pc? pc? t t−1 (B.94) m F mC t = apt mt (B.95) mF 1 + πt−1 1 + πtmF −θm ξtm = apm t−1 + (1 − ε ) pmF t m C mF t − λt mt pcF t 52 m pmopt t pmF t !−θm (B.96) (B.97) (B.98) mF mF + xmF t = ct t Importers of raw materials λrm = t prmC t pcF t (B.99) prmopt θrm Θrm t t = θrm − 1 Ψrm prmF t t (B.100) 1−σ Θrm t = λrm t rmF t +ε rm β (1 + n̄) Et rmF 1 + πt+1 rm rmF θ (1 + gt+1 ) 1 + πt 1−σ Ψrm t θrm rmF (1 + gt+1 ) 1 + πt+1 prmFt rm = cF rmF β (1 + n̄) Et rm t +ε θ −1 pt 1 + π rmF θrm −1 t 1 + πtrmF = (1 − εrm ) prmopt t prmF t λct+1 rm Θt+1 λct λct+1 rm Ψt+1 λct rm rmF 1−θ rm rmF 1−θ + εrm 1 + πt−1 1 + πt prmC prmC t t = prmF pcF t t =ε rm (B.102) 1−θ1rm !1−θrm prmF prmF 1 + πtrmF t−1 t = / cF 1 + πtcF pcF p t t−1 aprm t (B.101) prmF t pcF t (B.103) (B.104) −1 (B.105) prmC st pc? prm? t = cFt t c? cF pt pt pt (B.106) (1 + πtrm? ) prm? prm? = t c? / t−1 c? (1 + πt ) pt pc? t−1 (B.107) rm F rmC t = apt rmt (B.108) rmF 1 + πt−1 1 + πtrmF (−θrm ) ξtrm = aprm t−1 rm + (1 − ε prmF t rm C rmF t − λt rmt pcF t 53 ) prmopt t prmF t !(−θrm ) (B.109) (B.110) Investment producers xF t = ztx 1 (γ x ) ωx xdF t xdF t xmF t 1+ πtxF 1 = x zt γ x 1+ 1−ωx πtxdF ωωx x−1 =γ x x + (1 − γ ) pxdF t ztx pxF t x = (1 − γ ) pxdF t−1 pxF t−1 −ωx pmF t ztx pxF t 1−ωx xmF t −ωx (B.111) xF t ztx 1−ωx πtmF −1 pxdF pqF pxdF t t t = pxF pcF pqF t t t pmF pmF t = tcF xF pt pt pxF t pcF t −1 pxdF pxdF t = txF mF pt pt pmF t pxF t −1 pcdF t ωωx x−1 (B.112) + (1 − γ ) 1 + pxF t pcF t ωωx x−1 xF t ztx x pxdF pxdF t t = pcdF pqF t t B.3 1 ωx (B.113) pmF t−1 pxF t−1 1 x 1−ωx ! 1−ω (B.114) (B.115) (B.116) (B.117) !−1 (B.118) pqF t Foreign variables eF t peF t pqF t = pe? t pc? t −µ st pc? pe? = cFt tc? pt pt (B.119) c?t pqF t pcF t !−1 (B.120) eF pqF peF t pt t = qF pcF pcF t t pt (B.121) c? ? ? st pt bt ¯? i?t = ī? zti exp ΩU − b yt pcF t (B.122) st−1 pc? (1 + πtc? ) (1 + dt ) st pc? t−1 t = / 1 + πtcF pcF pcF t t−1 (B.123) 54 B.4 Monetary policy it = (it−1 ) B.5 ρi cF ϕπ ϕy 1−ρi πt yt ī zti π̄ y f lex National Accounts yt = ξt + prmF pqF t qtF − t cF rmF t cF pt pt (B.125) ξt = ξtq + ξte + ξtdis + ξtxd + ξtcd + ξtm + ξtrm B.6 (B.124) (B.126) Exogenous Processes u ln ztu = ρzu ln zt−1 + (1 − ρzu ) ln z̄ u + zt u (B.127) h ln zth = ρzh ln zt−1 + (1 − ρzh ) ln z̄ h + zt h (B.128) q (B.129) x (B.130) q ln ztq = ρzq ln zt−1 + (1 − ρzq ) ln z̄ q + zt x ln ztx = ρzx ln zt−1 + (1 − ρzx ) ln z̄ x + zt ? ? ? i ln zti = ρzi? ln zt−1 + (1 − ρzi? ) ln z̄ i + zt i ln zti = ρzi ln zt−1 + (1 − ρzi ) ln z̄ i + zt i? (B.131) µ (B.132) c? ln πtc? = ρπc? ln πt−1 + (1 − ρπc? ) ln π̄ c? + πt c? m? ln πtm? = ρπm? ln πt−1 + (1 − ρπm? ) ln π̄ m? + πt m? rm? ln πtrm? = ρπrm? ln πt−1 + (1 − ρπrm? ) ln π̄ rm? + πt ? ¯ ? + zt ln trt? = ρtr? ln trt−1 + (1 − ρtr? ) ln tr 55 (B.133) tr ? rm? (B.134) (B.135) (B.136) ln c?t = ln c?t−1 ρc? + (1 − ρc? ) ln c̄? + ct ? ln gt = ρg ln gt−1 + (1 − ρg ) log ḡ + gt C (B.137) (B.138) Balance of payment’s identity Starting from he aggregate household budget constraint we have: pxF t xF t pcF t + ut kt−1 (1 + n) (1 + gt ) + cF t + rtk b?t−1 st pc? t cF pt (1 + n) (1 + gt ) 1 + i?t−1 F + Ψ X xF t , xt−1 = c? 1 + πt st pc? st pc? t wt (1 − T Dt ) T BPt hF trt? + cFt b?t t + ξt + cF pt pt combining the former with the equilibrium condition of the consumption bundle pmF pxF pcdF t t mF cdF + tcF xF t + cF ct cF pt pt pt t ut kt−1 rtk (1 + n) (1 + gt ) + + b?t−1 st pc? t cF pt (1 + n) (1 + gt ) 1 + i?t−1 F + Ψ X xF t , xt−1 = 1 + πtc? st pc? st pc? t trt? + cFt b?t wt (1 − T Dt ) T BPt hF t + ξt + cF pt pt again, combining the former with the equilibrium condition of the aggregate investment pxdF pmF pcdF t t t dF dF c + x + cmF + xmF t t t t cF cF pcF p p t t t ut kt−1 rtk (1 + n) (1 + gt ) 1 + i?t−1 F + + Ψ X xF t , xt−1 = 1 + πtc? st pc? st pc? t trt? + cFt b?t + wt (1 − T Dt ) T BPt hF t + ξt + cF pt pt b?t−1 st pc? t (1 + n) (1 + gt ) pcF t combining with the total imports, we get: pcdF pxdF pmF t t t dF dF c + x + mF t t t pcF pcF pcF t t t ut kt−1 rtk (1 + n) (1 + gt ) b?t−1 st pc? t (1 + n) (1 + gt ) pcF t 1 + i?t−1 F + + Ψ X xF t , xt−1 = 1 + πtc? st pc? st pc? t + wt (1 − T Dt ) T BPt hF trt? + cFt b?t t + ξt + cF pt pt 56 using the from the profits ξt : pcdF pxdF pmF t t t F cdF xdF t + t + cF mt cF cF pt pt pt ut kt−1 rtk (1 + n) (1 + gt ) 1 + i?t−1 F + Ψ X xF t , xt−1 = c? 1 + πt st pc? st pc? t trt? + cFt b?t + wt (1 − T Dt ) T BPt hF t + cF pt pt + b?t−1 st pc? t cF pt (1 + n) (1 + gt ) + ξtq + ξte + ξtdis + ξtxd + ξtcd + ξtm + ξtrm using the homogeneity of degree one in the production and also using the factor demands pxdF pmF pcdF t t t F cdF xdF t + t + cF mt cF cF pt pt pt + b?t−1 st pc? t (1 + n) (1 + gt ) pcF t F pqF t qt pcF t − prmF st pc? st pc? t t t F ? rm + tr + b?t t t pcF pcF pcF t t t 1 + i?t−1 1 + πtc? F + Ψ X xF t , xt−1 = + ξte + ξtdis + ξtxd + ξtcd + ξtm + ξtrm dF y mF From the final production for cdF t t , xt pcdC pdisF pxdC pdisF pmC pdisF t t t t t t dC cd dC xd ? c + dis + x + dis + m + dism t t t t t t pcF pcF pcF pcF pcF pcF t t t t t t F pqF b?t−1 1 + i?t−1 st pc? prmF t qt X F F + cFt + Ψ x , x − t cF rmF t t−1 = t c? cF pt (1 + n) (1 + gt ) 1 + πt pt pt c? c? st p st p + cFt trt? + cFt b?t + ξte + ξtdis + ξtrm pt pt From the uses of final output qtF pdisF pdisF pmC pdisF t t t discd disxd + m?t + t cF dism t + t t cF cF cF pt pt pt pt pdisC b?t−1 1 + i?t−1 peC st pc? t t t F C C + ΨX xF q dist + cF et t , xt−1 = c? cF pt pt (1 + n) (1 + gt ) 1 + πt pt prmF st pc? st pc? t − t cF rmF trt? + cFt b?t + ξte + ξtdis + ξtrm t + cF pt pt pt + Final raw materials also generate profits pdisF pdisF t t cd dis + disxd t t pcF pcF t t b?t−1 1 + i?t−1 st pc? t (1 + n) (1 + gt ) 1 + πtc? pcF t + + peC prmC st pc? t t t eC rmC trt? t − t + cF cF pt pt pcF t 57 + + + pmC pdisF t t ? m + dism t t pcF pcF t t pdisC t F ΨX xF , x disC t t−1 = t pqt st pc? t b?t + ξte + ξtdis pcF t Distribution profits implies pdisF pdisF t t discd disxd t + t cF pt pcF t b?t−1 1 + i?t−1 st pc? t (1 + n) (1 + gt ) 1 + πtc? pcF t + + peC prmC pdisf t t t F C dis + e − rmC t t t pcF pcF pcF t t t + + + pmC pdisF t m?t + t cF dism t cF pt pt F ΨX xF t , xt−1 = st pc? st pc? t t ? tr + b?t + ξte t pcF pcF t t using finals exports pdisF pdisF t t discd disxd t + t cF pt pcF t ? ? bt−1 1 + it−1 st pc? t (1 + n) (1 + gt ) 1 + πtc? pcF t + + pdisf peF pdisF t t t F F dis + e − diset t t pcF pcF pcF t t t + + − pmC pdisF t m?t + t cF dism t cF pt pt F ΨX xF t , xt−1 = prmC st pc? st pc? t t t C ? rm + tr + b?t t t pcF pcF pcF t t t finally, using the distribution services, we derive the balance of payment identity: 1 + i?t−1 b?t−1 st pc? t − (1 + n) (1 + gt ) 1 + πtc? pcF t peF pmC t + tcF eF − m?t − pt t pcF t 58 st pc? t b?t = pcF t prmC t X F rmC xF t −Ψ t , xt−1 cF pt