Documento #4 - Sherton English

Documento #4 ‐ Teacher Los tiempos verbales no progresivos: El futuro, los condicionales y los modales Infinitivo Infinitivo compuesto Present Past Participio – ado/ido to work – trabajar to live – vivir to dance – bailar to have worked – haber trabajado to have lived – haber vivido to have danced – haber bailado work live dance worked lived danced worked – trabajado lived – vivido danced – bailado to eat – comer to see – ver to go – ir to have eaten – haber comido to have seen – haber visto to have gone – haber ido eat see go ate saw went eaten – comido seen – visto gone – ido to be – ser/estar to have – tener/haber to have been – haber sido/estado to have had – haber tenido am/are/is have/has was/were had been – sido/estado had – tenido El auxiliar “will” hace el futuro del verbo: 5) Future (will) 6) Future Perfect ‐ I will have = Habré I will work – trabajaré I will live – viviré I will eat – comeré I will see – veré I will go – iré I will be – seré/estaré I will have – tendré/habré I wil have worked – habré trabajado I wil have lived – habré vivido I will have eaten – habré comido I will have seen – habré visto I will have gone – habré ido I will have been – habré sido/estado I will have had – habré tenido El auxiliar “would” hace el condicional del verbo: 7) Conditional (would) 8) Conditional Perfect ‐ I would have = Habría I would work – trabajaría I would live – viviría I would eat – comería I would see – vería I would go – iría I would be – sería/estaría I would have – tendría/habría I would have worked – habría trabajado I would have lived – habría vivido I would have eaten – habría comido I would have seen – habría visto I would have gone – habría ido I would have been – habría sido/estado I would have had – habría tenido Los verbos modales (M) = can, could, may, might, should, must 9) Modales (can/could/...) 10) Modales + Perfective I (can/could/...) + have = (puedo/podría/...) haber I can work – puedo trabajar I could live – podría vivir I may eat – puede que coma I might go – puede que vaya I should be – debería ser/estar I must have – debo tener I can have worked – puedo haber trabajado I could have lived – podría haber vivido I may have eaten – puede que haya comido I might have gone – puede que haya ido I should have been – debería haber sido/estado I must have had – debo haber tenido Copyright ©2008 Sherton English –
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