How do I cast my vote using the new Member Assembly Electronic Voting System? Go to the following link: Once the page has loaded, please enter your ID (the number under the bar code on the sticker attached to the front of your name badge) in the Badge ID field. ASSEMBLY VOTING SYSTEM To log into the voting system of the Assembly, please enter your Badge ID and Assembly code. JHON SMITH ONG 4084 Badge ID Badge ID Assembly code LOG IN Enter your Assembly code (the number on the sticker attached to the back of your name badge) in the Assembly Code field. ASSEMBLY VOTING SYSTEM To log into the voting system of the Assembly, please enter your Badge ID and Assembly code. A1B2C3 Assembly Code Badge ID Assembly code LOG IN Note: Once you’ve logged in to the system, you will not be able to log in on a different browser or device. After clicking LOG IN you will be able to vote for the active questions (in this case, a total of 3 questions). Depending on your particular situation you may find three possible cases CASE 1: You are voting in representation of a single organization CASE 2: You are voting in representation of two or more organizations and selecting the same option CASE 3: You are voting in representation of two or more organizations and selecting different options ¿USTED ESTÁ A FAVOR DE LA MOCIÓN PRESENTADA PARA ELEGIR EL PRESIDENTE Y EL SECRETARIO DE LA ASAMBLEA? Differentiated vote for each of your organizations BR-JTTI-LACNIC(1) IN FAVOUR AGAINST ABSTENTION CANCEL SEND VOTE Select the option you wish to vote for, click SEND VOTE , then click CONFIRM VOTE to complete the voting process. Differentiated vote for each of your organizations BR-JTTI-LACNIC(1) IN FAVOUR BR-JTTI-LACNIC(1) - IN FAVOUR AGAINST ABSTENTION CANCEL SEND VOTE CANCEL CONFIRM VOTE CASE 1: You are voting in representation of a single organization CASE 2: You are voting in representation of two or more organizations and selecting the same option CASE 3: You are voting in representation of two or more organizations and selecting different options Select the option you wish to vote for on behalf of all the organizations you are representing, click SEND VOTE , then click CONFIRM VOTE to complete the voting process. ¿USTED ESTÁ A FAVOR DE LA MOCIÓN PRESENTADA PARA ELEGIR EL PRESIDENTE Y EL SECRETARIO DE LA ASAMBLEA? BR-JTTI-LACNIC(1) - ABSTENTION Differentiated vote for each of your organizations BR-MSCM4-LACNIC(1) - ABSTENTION BR-JTTI-LACNIC(1), BR-MSCM4-LACNIC(1) IN FAVOUR AGAINST CANCEL CONFIRM VOTE ABSTENTION CANCEL SEND VOTE CASE 1: You are voting in representation of a single organization CASE 2: You are voting in representation of two or more organizations and selecting the same option CASE 3: You are voting in representation of two or more organizations and selecting different options Check DIFFERENTIATED VOTES FOR EACH OF YOUR ORGANIZATIONS and then select the option you wish to vote for on behalf of each organization you are representing. After clicking SEND VOTE , the options you've selected will be listed on screen. If you agree, click CONFIRM VOTE ¿USTED ESTÁ A FAVOR DE LA MOCIÓN PRESENTADA PARA ELEGIR EL PRESIDENTE Y EL SECRETARIO DE LA ASAMBLEA? Differentiated vote for each of your organizations BR-JTTI-LACNIC(1) - AGAINST BR-JTTI-LACNIC(1) IN FAVOUR BR-MSCM4-LACNIC(1) - IN FAVOUR AGAINST ABSTENTION BR-MSCM4-LACNIC(1) CANCEL IN FAVOUR CONFIRM VOTE AGAINST ABSTENTION CANCEL SEND VOTE Important After clicking SEND VOTE you can always CANCEL your choice and select a new option before clicking CONFIRM VOTE to complete the voting process. BR-JTTI-LACNIC(1) - ABSTENTION BR-MSCM4-LACNIC(1) - ABSTENTION CANCEL CONFIRM VOTE Once your vote is confirmed, the system will go back to the home screen and you must wait for the next question. Once the next question is active, you must once again complete the Badge ID and Assembly Code and repeat the process. ASSEMBLY VOTING SYSTEM To log into the voting system of the Assembly, please enter your Badge ID and Assembly code. A1B2C3 Assembly code JHON SMITH ONG 4084 Badge ID Badge ID Assembly code LOG IN