La qualitat, garantia de millora

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Curriculum Vitae
Datos personales / Personal details
Nombre/ First name
Apellidos / Family name
Pablo Javier
Tuya González
Nacionalidad / Nationality
Formación académica / Academic Qualifications
Industrial Engineer, PhD in Industrial Engineering
Datos profesionales / Professional details
Académico / Academic
Organismo / Institution
University of Oviedo
Centro / Centre
Higher Polytechnic School of Engineering
Departamento / Department
Information Technology
Área de conocimiento / Knowledge area
Computer Languages and Systems
Categoría / Professional status
University Professor
Líneas de investigación / Research lines
Palabras clave (máximo 5 líneas) / Key words (maximum 5 lines)
Software Engineering
Quality of Software
Software Testing
Experiencia como evaluador / Experience as evaluator
Máximo de 5 colaboraciones (más relevantes) / Maximum 5 (most relevant) collaborations
Panel of experts for the ACADEMIA Programme. ANECA. Since 2008
Commission for Selection of Projects in the TIN area. Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, 2011, 2015.
Project evaluator, TIC/TIN. Grant Proposal Evaluation Commission (ANEP). Since 1996
Project evaluator, sector research programme into the information society. Regional Industry Ministry at the
Regional Government of Galicia, 2008-2010.
Committees of technical experts for hiring in the Principality of Asturias and University of Oviedo (several).
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Experiencia en investigación / Research experience
Indicar las 5 publicaciones/patentes/proyectos más relevantes / Indicate the 5 most relevant
Marcos Palacios, José García-Fanjul, Javier Tuya, and George Spanoudakis. Coverage-based testing for
Service Level Agreements. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 8 (2) 299-313, March-April 2015.
Ruben Casado, Javier Tuya, Muhammad Younas. Evaluating the effectiveness of the abstract transaction
model in testing web services transactions. Concurrency and Computation - Practice and Experience, 27 (4)
765-781, March 2015.
Marcos Palacios, José García-Fanjul, Javier Tuya. Testing in Service Oriented Architectures with Dynamic
Binding: a Mapping Study. Information and Software Technology, 53(3) 171-189, March 2011.
Javier Tuya, Mª José Suárez-Cabal and Claudio de la Riva. Full predicate coverage for testing SQL database
queries. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 20 (3) 237-288, September 2010.
Project as PI: Pruebas de la persistencia de datos y perspectiva de usuario bajo nuevos paradigms
(PERTEST). National R&D&I Plan (TIN2013-46928-C3-1-R), 1014-2016.
Experiencia en docencia / Teaching experience
Máximo 10 líneas / Maximum 10 lines
Has taught at the University of Oviedo since 1988. Member of the commissions for drawing up curricula in the
degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technology and master’s degree in IT Engineering . Main courses
taught as coordinator:
Fundamentals of IT (coordinator in the seven degrees in the Higher Polytechnic School of Engineering) since
Software Process Engineering, Quality, Validation and Verification of Software (Bachelor’s degree in IT
Software Engineering), since 2012.
Analysis and Implementation of Software Products, Process and Product Quality (Master’s degree in IT
Engineering), since 2011.
Experiencia en gestión / Management experience
5 cargos más relevantes / 5 most relevant posts
Sub-director of the Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineers and Information Technology Engineers in
Gijon. University of Oviedo. 14 March 1997 – 15 June 2000.
Director of the Area of Information Technology. Vice-rectorate for Quality and Innovation. University of
Oviedo. 16 June 2000 – 29 May 2004.
Director of the Research Group in Software Engineering. The group gained official accreditation in 2010.
Director of the Indra-University of Oviedo Chair. Since October de 2011.
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Experiencia profesional / Professional experience
Máximo 10 líneas / Maximum 10 lines
ENAC: Technical Expert for accreditation audits for test laboratories in accordance with UNE-EN ISO/IEC
17025:2005). 2013-2014.
Certified Tester: Test Management (TMAP® Next Foundations). EXIN, Dec. 2008
ISO: Member of the working group: JTC1/SC7/WG26 Software and Systems Engineering - Software Testing.
AENOR: Coordinator of the working group: AEN/CTN71/SC7/GT26 – Software Engineering and Information
Systems – Software testing. Member of sub-committees: AEN/CTN71/SC7 Information Technology/ Software
Engineering and Information Systems, since 2008 and AEN/CTN71/SC38 – Information Technology/Services
and platforms for distributed applications, since 2011.
Premios y distinciones / Awards and Honours
Máximo 5 premios / Maximum 5 awards