RESIDENCIES 2016 & 2017
After a long and difficult study of the many suggestions for projects received this year, we have drawn up the programme for residencies in
2016. Our selection criteria have been artistic, logistical and with regard to the calendar.
Spaces for residencies at L’animal a l’esquena are shared by the creators on the residencies programme and associate projects of
L’animal a l’esquena: Mal Pelo, loscorderos.sc, Xavi Bobés, Neus Villà, Núria Font and Nevada Lab.
We thank you for the applications and projects you have sent that cannot be accomodated this year and also for your faith in the work of
The projects we have selected are:
Pere Faura Sweet Fever (Provisional title)
Txalo Toloza - Laida Azcona Extraños mares arden (Pacífico #3)
Roser Tutusaus - Joan Català Menar
Laia Cabrera - Alex Ardid Zonzo
Marta Vergonyós - Beatriz Santiago Madremanya: La casa de las mujeres libres
Enric Ases - Piero Steiner - Pep Ramis - Andrés Corcherro Trobada
Sandra Sotelo Viaje a Unheimliche
Big Bouncers O.V.N.I.
Enric Montefusco Tata Mala
Idoia Zabaleta Envoltura
María Eugenia García Sottile - Joaquín Jara - Rosa Rodríguez Cartografías Sensibles: Espacio y notación
misióndivina Colectivo de investigación y transmisión de prácticas artísticas del cuerpo
Leonor Leal - Tamara López - Úrsula López - María Muñoz - Mónica Valenciano Encuentro
Conde de Torrefiel Club Trash
Mónica Valenciano - Tania Arias Imprenta acústica: 14 borrones de una aparición
Veronique Delarche - Marie Bosque - Geneviève Sorin Des fraises et du sang
Olatz de Andrés Color
Tania Arias danza más cabra - The Horn of Plenty Dress/Summer 2016
Natalia Jiménez - Jorge Gallardo LA OBRA VACÍA
Aimar Pérez Galí The Touching Community
La Bolsa Laboratori
In March we shall put up on our web page a new tab for the section Residencies. There you will be able to find the procedure to apply for
a research and/or creation residency at L’animal a l’esquena.
Given that applications for residencies have been increasing in recent years, we think this will be a way to improve communcation for
everyone. You will find a form and files with instructions, information and protocols for best use of the space.
Many thanks.
The team at L’animal a l’esquena.
www. lanimal.org