Información - Abogacia De: Enviado el: Para: Asunto: Datos adjuntos: FBE <[email protected]> miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016 12:36 [email protected] FBE GENERAL ASSEMBLY: Strasbourg, 14 May 2016 General_Program_EN-4.pdf; Scientific_Program_EN.pdf; Agenda DE.doc; Agenda FR.doc; Agenda ENG.doc; Agenda IT.doc; Agenda ESP doc.doc; 2 - Minutes General Assembly Cracow 10.10.2015 OKOK.pdf EN Dear President, Dear Colleague, We would like to summon you to the General Assembly to be held next 14 May in Strasbourg, on the occasion of the General Congress of the European Bars Federation (FBE). We are enclosing the following information: Agenda General Assembly Strasbourg Minutes General Assembly Krakow General Program Congress Strasbourg Scientific Program Congress Strasbourg: “The Lawyer in dialogue with the European Court of Human Rights”. For your ON-LINE registration and accommodation, you are invited to use the following link (Choose English or French) : also available on the homepage of our website We are at your entire disposal for any further information you may need regarding our Congress. We look forward to meeting you very soon in Strasbourg! Kind regards. Charles KAUFHOLD Secretary General of the European Bars Federation (FBE) CONSEJO GENERAL DE LA ABOGACÍA Ancien bâtonnier Ordre des Avocats de Luxembourg Nº Registro: RE-07264 20, avenue Marie-Thérèse Of. Registro: Recoletos 27/04/2016 1 13:15:35 Página: 1 de 23 REGISTRO ENTRADA ESPAÑOLA L-2132 LUXEMBOURG T +352 444 222 1 F +352 444 222 333 [email protected] ________________________________________________________ FR Madame, Monsieur le Bâtonnier, Madame, Monsieur le Président, Cher Confrère, Nous avons le plaisir de vous convoquer à l´Assemblée Générale qui aura lieu le prochain 14 Mai, à Strasbourg, à l´occasion du Congrès Général de la Fédération des Barreaux d´Europe (FBE). Ci-joint l´information suivante : Agenda Assemblée general Strasbourg Procès-verbal Assemblée General Cracovie Programme general Strasbourg Programme scientifique: « L’avocat en dialogue avec la Cour Européenne des Droits de l’Homme ». L´inscription et la réservation hôtelière s´effectuent en ligne en utilisant le lien suivant : également disponible depuis la page d’accueil de notre site internet Nous sommes à votre entière disposition pour tout renseignement complémentaire concernant notre Congrès. Dans l´attente du plaisir de vous rencontrer ou revoir à Strasbourg, je vous prie d´agréer Madame, Monsieur le Bâtonnier, Madame, Monsieur le Président, Cher Confrère, à l´expression de mes sentiments les plus cordiaux. Charles KAUFHOLD Secrétaire Général de la Fédération des Barreaux d´Europe (FBE) Ancien bâtonnier Ordre des Avocats de Luxembourg CONSEJO GENERAL DE LA ABOGACÍA 20, avenue Marie-Thérèse Nº Registro: RE-07264 L-2132 LUXEMBOURG Of. Registro: Recoletos 27/04/2016 2 13:15:35 Página: 2 de 23 REGISTRO ENTRADA ESPAÑOLA T +352 444 222 1 F +352 444 222 333 [email protected] ____________________________________________________________ ES Distinguido Sr. Decano, Querido compañero, Me complace convocarle a la próxima Asamblea General que tendrá lugar el día 14 de Mayo en Estrasburgo, con motivo del Congreso General de la Federación de Colegios de Abogados de Europa (FBE). Le adjunto la siguiente información: Orden del Día Asamblea General Estrasburgo Acta Asamblea General Cracovia Programa General Estrasburgo Programa científico: “El abogado en diálogo con el Tribunal Europeo de los Derechos Humanos”. La inscripción ON-LINE y la reserva del alojamiento se pueden realizar mediante el siguiente link (elegir entre el inglés y francés): y también está disponible en nuestra página web: Estamos a su entera disposición para cualquier otra información que deseara al respecto. Esperamos poder saludarle personalmente en Estrasburgo. Reciba un cordial saludo. Charles KAUFHOLD Secretario General de la Federación de los Colegios de Abogados de Europa (FBE) Ancien bâtonnier Ordre des Avocats de Luxembourg 20, avenue Marie-Thérèse L-2132 LUXEMBOURG T +352 444 222 1 CONSEJO GENERAL DE LA ABOGACÍA ESPAÑOLA F +352 444 222 333 Nº Registro: RE-07264 [email protected] Of. Registro: Recoletos 27/04/2016 3 13:15:35 Página: 3 de 23 REGISTRO ENTRADA _______________________________________________________ IT Gentile Presidente, Caro Collega , Ho il piacere di convocarvi alla nostra Assemblea Generale che avrà luogo il prossimo 14 Maggio, a Strasburgo,in occasione del nostro Congresso Generale della Federazione degli Ordini Forensi d´Europa (FBE). Con piacere vi allego tutte le informazione relative a questo incontro: Ordine del Giorno Strasburgo Atta Assemblea Generale Cracovia Programma Generale Strasburgo Programma scientífico: “L’avvocato in relazione con la Corte Europea dei Diritto dell’ Uomo” Per l’iscrizione e prenotazione ON-LINE vi preghiamo di entrare nel link che troverete a seguito, (scegliendo la lingua Inglese o Francese): . Questo Link è anche disponibile nella pagina principale In fine come sempre, rimaniamo a vostra intera disposizione per qualsiasi ulteriore informazione sul Congresso. Sperando di salutarvi personalmente a Strasbourgo, ricevete i nostri più cordiali saluti. Charles KAUFHOLD Secretario Generale de la Federazione degli Ordine Forensi di Europa (FBE) Ancien bâtonnier Ordre des Avocats de Luxembourg 20, avenue Marie-Thérèse L-2132 LUXEMBOURG T +352 444 222 1 F +352 444 222 333 [email protected] CONSEJO GENERAL DE LA ABOGACÍA ESPAÑOLA Nº Registro: RE-07264 Of. Registro: Recoletos _______________________________________________________ 27/04/2016 4 13:15:35 Página: 4 de 23 REGISTRO ENTRADA DE Sehr geehrte Frau Präsidentin, sehr geehrter Herr Präsident, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Es ist mir eine große Freude, Sie zur nächsten Generalversammlung der FBE einzuladen. Diese findet am Samstag 14. Mai 2016 anlässlich des Generalkongresses des Verbandes der Europäischen Rechtsanwalskammern/Federation des Barreaux d´Europe (FBE) in Straßburg statt. In der Beilage sende ich Ihnen die folgende Dokumente: Tagesordnung der Generalversammung in Straßburg Protokoll der Generalversammlung in Krakau Kongressprogramm Straßburg Wissenschaftliches Programm: “Der Rechtsanwalt im Dialog mit dem Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte“ Sie können sich online über den nachfolgenden Link einschreiben und ebenfalls Ihr Hotel buchen : den Sie ebenfalls auf der Home Page unserer Webseite finden können Für jegliche weitere Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung und freuen uns, Sie in Strassburg zu treffen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Charles KAUFHOLD Generalsekretär der Verband Europäischer Rechtsanwaltskammern (FBE) Ancien bâtonnier Ordre des Avocats de Luxembourg 20, avenue Marie-Thérèse L-2132 LUXEMBOURG T +352 444 222 1 F +352 444 222 333 CONSEJO GENERAL DE LA ABOGACÍA [email protected] Nº Registro: RE-07264 Of. Registro: Recoletos 27/04/2016 5 13:15:35 Página: 5 de 23 REGISTRO ENTRADA ESPAÑOLA CONSEJO GENERAL DE LA ABOGACÍA ESPAÑOLA Nº Registro: RE-07264 Of. Registro: Recoletos 27/04/2016 6 13:15:35 Página: 6 de 23 REGISTRO ENTRADA FEDERATION DES BARREAUX D’EUROPE EUROPEAN BARS FEDERATION VERBAND EUROPÄISCHER RECHTSANWALTSKAMMERN FEDERACION DE LOS COLEGIOS DE ABOGADOS DE EUROPA FEDERAZIONE DEGLI ORDINI FORENSI D’EUROPA ASAMBLEA GENERAL Estrasburgo, 14 de Mayo de 2016 11.00 Apertura de la Asamblea General Nombramiento de los Colegios presentes Admisiones y dimisiones Aprobación del acta de la Asamblea General que tuvo lugar en Cracovia (Oct. 2015) 11.10 Informe del Secretario General 11.15 Informe del Tesorero sobre la gestión del año 2015 Informe del Auditor Aprobación de las cuentas a 31 de Diciembre de 2015 11.30 Elecciones para el año 2016/2017: Elección del Presidente: Yves OSCHINSKY (Bruxelles) Elección del 1er Vicepresidente: Sara CHANDLER QC (Westminster & Holborn Law Society) Elección del 2º Vicepresidente: Michele LUCHERINI (Lucca) Pierre-DOMINIQUE SCHUPP (Fédération Suisse des Avocats) Elección del Tesorero: Christoph MUNZ (Sachsen) Elección del Auditor: Joseph VAN DER PERRE (Bruges) 12.00 Informe de los Presidentes de las Comisiones 12.45 Presentación de la Reunión Intermediaria de Luxemburgo (13-15 octubre 2016) Presentación de las Assises del Mediterráneo (noviembre 2016) 12.55 Discurso del presidente saliente 13.00 Discurso de clausura del nuevo Presidente Fin de la Asamblea General CONSEJO GENERAL DE LA ABOGACÍA ESPAÑOLA Nº Registro: RE-07264 Of. Registro: Recoletos 27/04/2016 13:15:35 Página: 7 de 23 REGISTRO ENTRADA ©ECHR-CEDH strasbourg / 12-14 May 2016 General Congress | the European Bars Federation CONSEJO GENERAL DE LA ABOGACÍA ESPAÑOLA Nº Registro: RE-07264 Of. Registro: Recoletos 27/04/2016 13:15:35 EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS COUR EUROPÉENNE DES DROITS DE L'HOMME Página: 8 de 23 REGISTRO ENTRADA PROGRAM _Thursday 12th May 2016 10 am-02 pm Meeting of the FBE Presidency 02 pm-03 pm Meeting of the Presidents of the Commissions and the FBE Presidency 03 pm-06 pm Meeting of the Commissions 07.30 pm Welcome reception at the City Hall CONSEJO GENERAL DE LA ABOGACÍA ESPAÑOLA Nº Registro: RE-07264 Of. Registro: Recoletos 27/04/2016 13:15:35 Página: 9 de 23 REGISTRO ENTRADA ©JDorkel strasbourg / 12-14 May 2016 _Friday 13th May 2016 / European Court of Human Rights « The Lawyer in dialogue with the European Court of Human Rights » 08.00 am Arrival and reception of the Participants 08.45 am Opening and welcome addresses 09.30 am Introductory address The role of the Lawyer in the protection of rights and freedoms as stated in the ECHR 10.00 am Access to Lawyers according to the Salduz case law 10.30 am Discussion with the assembly 10.45 am Coffee-break 11.10 am The extent and the limits of freedom of speech of the Lawyer 11.40 am Disciplinary procedures in view of the European Convention of Human Rights 00.10 pm Discussion with the assembly 00.30 pm Lunch 02.00 pm The significance and development of the Michaud case law 02.30 pm Searches and seizures in view of legal professional privilege 03.00 pm Phone-tapping and the Lawyer 03.30 pm Discussion with the assembly 03.50 pm Coffee break 04.15 pm The Lawyer before the European Court of Human Rights (rules and practices) 04.45 pm The Lawyer and the European Court of Human Rights : what expectations ? what reforms ? 05.30 pm Conclusions 07.30 pm Reception - Gala dinner and Dancing _Saturday 14th May 2016 10.00 am « Forum des Bâtonniers » 11.00 am General Assembly 01.00 pm Farewell Lunch CONSEJO GENERAL DE LA ABOGACÍA ESPAÑOLA Nº Registro: RE-07264 Of. Registro: Recoletos 27/04/2016 13:15:35 07.00 pm Typical local dinner « Flammkuesche » Página: 10(Optional) de 23 REGISTRO ENTRADA ©ECHR-CEDH EUROPEAN BARS FEDERATION FEDERATION DES BARREAUX D’EUROPE VERBAND EUROPÄISCHER RECHTSANWALTSKAMMERN FEDERACION DE LOS COLEGIOS DE ABOGADOS DE EUROPA FEDERAZIONE DEGLI ORDINI FORENSI D’EUROPA 3 rue du Général Frère F 67000 STRASBOURG Téléphone : +333 88 37 12 66 Télécopie : +333 88 36 87 52 E-mail : [email protected] Web : Ordre des Avocats au Barreau de Strasbourg 3 rue du Général Frère F 67000 STRASBOURG Téléphone : +333 88 37 12 66 Télécopie : +333 88 36 87 52 E-mail : [email protected] CONSEJO GENERAL DE LA ABOGACÍA ESPAÑOLA Nº Registro: RE-07264 Of. Registro: Recoletos 27/04/2016 13:15:35 Página: 11 de 23 REGISTRO ENTRADA Graphisme : Rocchi & Cie Registration and accommodation on SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM « The Lawyer in dialogue with the European Court of Human Rights » Strasbourg, 13th may 2016 MORNING SESSION Presidency : Françoise TULKENS, former judge et vice-president of the European Court of Human Rights 8h Arrival and reception of the participants 8h45 Opening and welcome addresses 9h30 Introductory address: The role of the Lawyer in the protection of rights and freedoms as stated in the ECHR by Frédéric KRENC, lawyer et the Brussels Bar Association, lecturer at the Louvain University 10h Access to Lawyers according to the Salduz case law by Yvan JEANNERET, lawyer et the Geneva Bar Association, professor at the Universities of Geneva and Neuchâtel 10h30 Discussion with the assembly 10h45 Coffee-break 11h10 The extent and the limits of freedom of speech of the Lawyer by Thierry BONTINCK, lawyer et the Brussels Bar Association and registered on the european lawyers list of the Paris Bar Association 11h40 Disciplinary procedures in view of the European Convention of Human Rights by Paul LEMMENS, judge at the European Court of Human Rights 12h10 Discussion with the assembly CONSEJO GENERAL DE LA ABOGACÍA ESPAÑOLA 12h30 Lunch Nº Registro: RE-07264 Of. Registro: Recoletos 27/04/2016 13:15:35 Página: 12 de 23 REGISTRO ENTRADA AFTERNOON SESSION Presidency : Jean-Paul COSTA, former president of the European Court of Human Rights, president of the International Institute of Human Rights - René Cassin 14h The significance and development of the Michaud case law by Me Jean-Jacques FORRER, former president of the Strasbourg Bar Association, president of the Délégation des barreaux de France 14h30 Searches and seizures in view of legal professional privilege by Me Laurent PETTITI, lawyer at the Paris Bar Association 15h Phone-tapping and the Lawyer by Me Dominique ATTIAS, vice-president of the Paris Bar Association 15h30 Discussion with the assembly 15h50 Coffee break 16h15 The Lawyer before the European Court of Human Rights (rules and practices) by Pascal DOURNEAU-JOSETTE, head of division of the registry of the European Court of Human Rights and associate professor at the University of Strasbourg 16h45 Panel : The Lawyer and the European Court of Human Rights : what expectations? what reforms ? With the participation of Iulia MOTOC, judge at the European Court of Human Rights Linos SICILIANOS, judge at the European Court of Human Rights Vincent BERGER, former jurisconsult of the European Court of Human Rights, lawyer at the Paris Bar Association Bertrand FAVREAU, former president of the Bordeaux Bar Association, president of the Human Rights Institute of the European lawyers Christophe PETTITI, lawyer at the Paris Bar Association, general secretary of the Human Rights Institute of the Paris Bar Association 17h45 General Conclusions by Angelika NUSSBERGER, judge at the European Court of Human Rights, president of section CONSEJO GENERAL DE LA ABOGACÍA ESPAÑOLA Nº Registro: RE-07264 Of. Registro: Recoletos 27/04/2016 13:15:35 Página: 13 de 23 REGISTRO ENTRADA FEDERATION DES BARREAUX D’EUROPE EUROPEAN BARS FEDERATION VERBAND EUROPÄISCHER RECHTSANWALTSKAMMERN FEDERACION DE LOS COLEGIOS DE ABOGADOS DE EUROPA FEDERAZIONE DEGLI ORDINI FORENSI D’EUROPA GENERAL ASSEMBLY Minutes KRAKOW, 10th October 2015 CONSEJO GENERAL DE LA ABOGACÍA ESPAÑOLA Nº Registro: RE-07264 Of. Registro: Recoletos 27/04/2016 13:15:35 Página: 14 de 23 REGISTRO ENTRADA 1. OPENING OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY President Nazario de Oleaga opens the General Assembly of the European Bars Association at 10.45 a.m. 2. ROLL CALL OF PRESENT BARS Secretary General, Charles Kaufhold, calls the Bars present at the General Assembly, which are the following: COUNTRY BARS AUSTRIA Vienna 40 BELGIUM BELGIUM BELGIUM BELGIUM Antwerpen Brugge Ordre des Barreaux Francophones et Ger Bruxelles 21 7 40 40 CZECH REPUBLIC Praga 40 FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE Lyon Paris Strasbourg 30 40 9 GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY Berlin Celle Cologne Sachsen Frankfurt am Main Hamm Koln Freiburg Nürnberg Sachsen 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 36 40 40 CONSEJO GENERAL DE LA ABOGACÍA ESPAÑOLA Nº Registro: RE-07264 Of. Registro: Recoletos 27/04/2016 13:15:35 Página: 15 de 23 REGISTRO ENTRADA VOTES HOLAND The Hague 20 ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY Ancona Bologna Forlì Lucca Torino Verona 18 40 9 13 40 23 LUXEMBOURG Luxembourg 22 POLAND POLAND POLAND POLAND POLAND POLAND POLAND Katowice Kraków Olsztyn Poznan Warszawa Wroclaw Zielona Góra 11 13 13 ROMANIA ROMANIA Cluj Dolj 12 12 SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN Alicante Barcelona Bilbao Consejo de la Abogacia Espanola Consell de l’Advocacia Catalana Madrid 40 40 40 40 40 40 SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND Association des Avocats Bernois Federation Suisse des Avocats 40 40 UNITED KINDOM Devon & Somerset Law Society City of Westminster and Holborn Law Society 15 UNITED KINDOM Total: 21 21 5 5 1.296 CONSEJO GENERAL DE LA ABOGACÍA ESPAÑOLA Nº Registro: RE-07264 Of. Registro: Recoletos 27/04/2016 13:15:35 Página: 16 de 23 REGISTRO ENTRADA 3. ADMISSION AND RESIGNATION The Secretary General announces to the Assembly the admission of the following Bar: - Breda. The Secretary General announces to the Assembly the resignation of the following Bar: - Rechtsanwaltskammer Tübingen. 4. Approval of the Minutes of the Bilbao General Assembly (May 2015) The minutes of the Bilbao General Assembly are approved. 5. Presentation of the FBE General Congress: Strasbourg, 12th – 14th May 2016. Armand Marx, former Bâtonnier of Strasbourg, presents the general congress of 2016, to take place at Strasbourg in May 12th-14th, with the scientific program at the European Court of Human Rights, on the topic of the lawyer and the human rights. CONSEJO GENERAL DE LA ABOGACÍA ESPAÑOLA Nº Registro: RE-07264 Of. Registro: Recoletos 27/04/2016 13:15:35 Página: 17 de 23 REGISTRO ENTRADA 6. Report of the President about the activities that occurred between May and October 2015 Nazario de Oleaga reports on the main topics that were dealt with by the Presidency during the last 6 months. He says that the FBE wants to be an open organisation for the Lawyers and that Bar members could always count on FBE. He thanks the members of the Presidency for their work. He especially thanks the Krakow Bar for the outstanding organisation of this meeting. 7. Report of the Secretary General. The secretary reports on the meetings held by the Presidency in Bilbao, Barcelona, Luxembourg and Paris, as well as the meetings by conference call. He informs the assembly that the Presidency had represented the Federation: - in Strasbourg at the HELP programme of the Conseil de l’Europe, - at commemorations of Magna Carta in England, - at the rentrée solennelle of Marseille, - at the legal opening of the year in London, - at International Conference in Milan - in The Hague and - at the legal opening of the year of the National Turk Bar in Ankara. CONSEJO GENERAL DE LA ABOGACÍA ESPAÑOLA Nº Registro: RE-07264 Of. Registro: Recoletos 27/04/2016 13:15:35 Página: 18 de 23 REGISTRO ENTRADA He thanks Marta Cuadrada and Philippe Loew for the excellent help they provided. He also thanks his predecessor, Javier Diago, whom he always felt perfectly available to him. He says he is honoured and pleased to be part of this enthusiastic team. 8. Reports of the Presidents of the Commissions. President Nazario de Oleaga gives a presentation of the new system of commissions being hosted by bars. Several bars have sent their application letter to the Presidency and they were discussed. In accordance with article X. C) of the statutes the General Assembly shall determine, at the proposal of the Presidency, the list of all the Commissions. Hence the Presidency proposes to the assembly to appoint and determine the following Commissions: Commissions permanentes Accès à la justice (Lucca) Droits de l’Homme Bruxelles Ethique Devon & Sommerset LS Formation Madrid CONSEJO GENERAL DE LA ABOGACÍA ESPAÑOLA Nº Registro: RE-07264 Of. Registro: Recoletos 27/04/2016 13:15:35 Página: 19 de 23 REGISTRO ENTRADA Commissions ad hoc Arbitrage : Napoli Assurances professionnelles Antwerp Barreaux de l’Est Cluj Human Rights Freedom Poznan Médiation Barcelona Nouvelles Technologies Woclaw Organisation et fonctionnement des Barreaux Frankfurt Prospective of the Profession The Hague Law without borders Frankfurt The General Meeting approves these Commissions. Then the President offers the floor to the Presidents of the old and/or new Commissions to report. Marc Wesser and Artur Wierzbicki take the floor on behalf of the Human Rights and Freedom Commission. Rod Mole reports as President of the Ethics Commission. Izabela Konopacka reports on New Technologies Commission. Bas Marten reports as President of the Future of the Profession Commission. Carmen Pérez Andujar reports on Formation Commission. CONSEJO GENERAL DE LA ABOGACÍA ESPAÑOLA Nº Registro: RE-07264 Of. Registro: Recoletos 27/04/2016 13:15:35 Página: 20 de 23 REGISTRO ENTRADA Stanca Ioana Gidro from Cluj reports on Barreaux de l’Est. Antonio Perdices from Bilbao and Michele Lucherini reports on Access to justice. Sylvia Gimenez-Salinas reports on Mediation Commission. 9. Voting on eventual Resolutions. The Human Rights Freedom Commission proposes to vote on a resolution called Refugees resolution: As representatives of the Bar, focused on universal desire for freedom and peace of any human being, relating to influx of refugees from the countries outside Europe, let us ask European leaders and institutions to implement strong and decisive measures and take responsibility for the solutions for the arrival of these refugees to Europe, enabling them to benefit from their sacred right to life and recover their human dignity. The resolution is discussed and is approved. 10. Approval of the budget for 2016. The Treasurer, Christoph MUNZ, reports on the financial results and presents the budget of 2016 which is approved by the Assembly. CONSEJO GENERAL DE LA ABOGACÍA ESPAÑOLA Nº Registro: RE-07264 Of. Registro: Recoletos 27/04/2016 13:15:35 Página: 21 de 23 REGISTRO ENTRADA 11. Presentation of the Mediterranean Assises: Istanbul, 26th-28th November 2015. Jani TRIAS, President of the Mediterranean Commission, takes the floor and presents the next Assises to be held in Istanbul next 26-28 November. 12. Presentation of the FBE Luxembourg, October 2016 Intermediate Meeting: Charles Kaufhold informs the Assembly that the Luxembourg Bar had agreed to host the Intermediate Meeting in October 2016 in Luxembourg. Part of the meeting would possibly take place in the main Court Room of the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg. The organisers are presently waiting for a confirmation by the Court for the date of Friday 14th October 2016. As soon as the date is confirmed, details of the scientific program will be dispatched. 13. Any other business Izabela Konopacka presents German Legal Forum Conference in Woclaw on 20 – 22 November 2015: “What challenges do lawyers face today?”. 14. Closing words of GENERAL the President CONSEJO DE LA ABOGACÍA Nº Registro: RE-07264 Of. Registro: Recoletos 27/04/2016 13:15:35 Página: 22 de 23 ESPAÑOLA REGISTRO ENTRADA Nazario de Oleaga thanks the members present. He thanks the team of the translators and again thanks the Krakow Bar for the excellent organisation of the meeting. Then he closes the meeting at 13.00 o’clock. Charles KAUFHOLD Secretary General CONSEJO GENERAL DE LA ABOGACÍA ESPAÑOLA Nº Registro: RE-07264 Of. Registro: Recoletos 27/04/2016 13:15:35 Página: 23 de 23 REGISTRO ENTRADA