Traditional vs Castilian pattern in Cantabrian Spanish. Evidence of the northern Spanish intonation continuum Miguel Cuevas-­‐Alonso Univ. Vigo M. Jesús López Bobo Univ. Oviedo Dialectologists agree on the recognition of Cantabrian Spanish as a romance dialect evolved from Latin, with a historical development that demands for its inclusion into the Asturleonés linguistic diasystem (Holmsquist, 1988; Penny, 1970; Ealo, 2007; Fernández Juncal, 1998). Even though current dialectology considers this linguistic variety as a Spanish dialect, it owns some features that the Spanish language never inherited or they were removed very soon in its formation process. The old Leonés intonation survives in zones of the Leonés kingdom, which were early hispanicized (Meléndez Matías et al., 2006 y 2008; López Bobo y Cuevas Alonso, 2009 y 2010). Taking up again the thesis by R. Penny (2000 and 2004), these authors favour the idea that the Leonés intonation constitutes a prosodic continuum in the north-western zone of the Peninsula, with vague interdialectal limits. As we will show in this presentation, homogenous western prosodic base does not exist. On the contrary, different processes of koineization have resulted in intonation patterns in which elements of a Castilian base have mixed in a varied proportion with others of a western origin –kept in the northwest of Zamora, north of León, Asturias, Galicia and the whole Portuguese linguistic area–. Our aim is to show this complexity. We will describe the prosodic models attested in the annalysis of a corpus obtainend from 5 women (25 to 50 years old, without University degree). The sentences present a structure SVO and show all the possible accentual combinations in subject and object. We will compare our data with the ones obtained for other northern linguistic varieties (Asturian and Galician) and with the Basque Country and Castilian Spanish dialect. The data show that the prosodic situation is very complex in Cantabria. It may be due to the fact that it is a zone where a mixture of people of diverse origins took place; this situation, together with the contact with other linguistic varieties (Asturian) and with other dialects of Castilian (Spanish from the Basque Country and central Spanish) resulted in an intonation that remarkably differs from the western to the eastern area of the region. In previous works, we have confirmed the coexistence of two different intonation patterns: on the one hand, the northern pattern, regularly preserved within the rural areas and, to a lesser extent, within the city area, which shows a number of similarities with other northern subsystems, survives as a part of the north-western continuum. On the other hand, the Castilian pattern, typical of city areas, with has falling contour in assertive sentences and a rising one in interrogative ones, similar to the one confirmed for standard Castilian; nonetheless, the former shows interferences with intonation vernacular features. Limits and Areas in Dialectology Lisboa • 2011 As we will show in this investigation none of these models is homogeneous and show interferences with diverse degree; the dialect-language standard dimension gains special relevance and the nivelation process: the Castilian pattern adds features of the dialectal pattern and vice versa. Nonetheless, the orientation of this nivelation process depends to a lesser extent on the rural or urban field. In the latter, we can observe a greater degree of accommodation or convergence with the standard language, thus producing in numerous cases interdialectal patterns. On the contrary, in the rural field, sociocultural conditions and the rate of mobility of individuals determine the degree of nivelation with the standard language. Large scale emigration (quoted by Aver and Hiskins) and the processes of convergence between the traditional and the standard dialect were of great importance in the case of Cantabria if we take into account the internal migratory processes from the country to the city. CUEVAS ALONSO, M. & M.ª J. LÓPEZ BOBO (in press): «Dialectos en contacto y prosodia. Análisis contrastivo de la entonación del oriente y occidente de Cantabria», Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana, Vol. IX(1) (2011) “La prosodia en lenguas y variedades del ámbito iberorrománico”. ELEJABEITIA, A.; A. IRIBAR Y R. MIREN PAGOLA (2005): «Notas sobre la prosodia del castellano en Bizkaia», Estudios de Fonética Experimental, XIV, pp.247-272. ESTEBAS-VILAPLANA, E. & PRIETO, P. (2010): «Castilian Spanish Intonation», in P. Prieto and P. 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