DESTREZA: Describiendo una foto DESTREZA

DESTREZA: Describiendo una foto
¿Dónde estamos / están?
En el fondo vemos... / En el primer plano vemos... / Hay...
Describe the weather (if applicable): Hace ___ / Está ___.
What season is it? Es el invierno / la primavera / el verano / el otoño.
What time of day is it? Es la/Son las ___ de la mañana / tarde / noche.
What are the people doing in general? Las personas que vemos ___n.
Specific (focusing one 1 – 2 figures)
¿Cómo es / son?
traits / characteristics (Or what are they not like?)
¿Cómo está(n)?
emotions / states (Or how are they not?)
Es ___ .
profession or nationality (May have to guess.)
¿Qué lleva(n)?
What are they wearing?
Incorporate possessives
su / sus (his/her/their)
Use verbs to describe what they’re doing (or not doing!) in the picture
Use verbs to imagine what they do (or don’t do!) routinely, or for a living
Tener que + inf.
What do they have to do?
Ir a + inf.
What are they going to do?
*REMEMBER: You can also use “NO” to tell what they aren’t doing, what they’re not like, etc.
DESTREZA: Describiendo una foto
¿Dónde estamos / están?
En el fondo vemos... / En el primer plano vemos... / Hay...
Describe the weather (if applicable): Hace ___ / Está ___.
What season is it? Es el invierno / la primavera / el verano / el otoño.
What time of day is it? Es la/Son las ___ de la mañana / tarde / noche.
What are the people doing in general? Las personas que vemos ___n.
Specific (focusing one 1 – 2 figures)
¿Cómo es / son?
traits / characteristics (Or what are they not like?)
¿Cómo está(n)?
emotions / states (Or how are they not?)
Es ___ .
profession or nationality (May have to guess.)
¿Qué lleva(n)?
What are they wearing?
Incorporate possessives
su / sus (his/her/their)
Use verbs to describe what they’re doing (or not doing!) in the picture
Use verbs to imagine what they do (or don’t do!) routinely, or for a living
Tener que + inf.
What do they have to do?
Ir a + inf.
What are they going to do?
*REMEMBER: You can also use “NO” to tell what they aren’t doing, what they’re not like, etc.