MARIANO TORCAL Full Profesor in Political Science Department of

Full Profesor in Political Science
Department of Political Science
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
C/ Ramon Trias Fargas 25-27
08005 Barcelona
Phone 34-93-542-2374
Fax 34-93-542-2372.
E-mail: [email protected]
PhD. Ohio State University (USA). (Political Science).
Ph.D. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain). (Political Science). Dissertation
awarded National Center for Sociological Research (CIS) annual prize for Best
Quantitative Dissertation in Social Sciences in Spain.
M.A. Ohio State University, (Political Science).
Travelling Scholar at the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
and The Institute for Social Research (University of Michigan), Summer Semesters of
1992, 1993, 1994 and 1995. Courses for credit transferred for the completion of the
Ph.D. at OSU: Data Analysis II, Advanced Regression, Longitudinal analysis, Causal
Analysis and Game Theory (see transcripts from UM). Courses audited:
Multidimensional Analysis, LISREL and Categorical Analysis.
M.A. Instituto Universitario José Ortega y Gasset, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
(Spain); (International Relations).
B.A. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain). (Political Science).
B.A. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain). (Sociology).
Senior Adjunt Faculty, Josep Korbel Graduate School of International
Studies (GSIS), Denver University. Courses: “Comparative Democracies
in Western Europe: The Politics of the Past Today”, “Problems and
Challenges of Democratization in Contemporary Democracies” and
“Citizens in Representative Democracies.”
Visiting Professor, Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane (SUM) FlorenceItaly. From October to December, 2009. Course: “Comparative Political
Professor of the Escuela de Formación Electoral y Civil (EFEC), Junta
Central Electoral, Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana.
Full Professor, Department of Political Science, Universitat Pompeu
Fabra (Spain).
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Universitat Pompeu
Fabra (Spain).
1997- 2000
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid (Spain).
Assistant Professor, Instituto Avanzado en Ciencias Sociales, Fundación
Juan March, Madrid (Spain).
Visiting Professor, Department of Political Science, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Winter 1996. Course: “Western European Politics”.
Visiting Professor, Department of Political Science, Universitat Pompeu
Fabra, Barcelona (Spain).
Teaching Secretary, Department of Political Science, Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid (Spain).
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid (Spain).
2.2 DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS (in the past five years)
Directed and Defended:
1. Title: “La Escala Izquierda-Derecha en España”. PhD Candidate: Lucía Medina. Program: PhD
in Political Science. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Dpt.of Political Science)
Qualification: Cum-Laude by Unanimity. 2012.
2. Title: “The Impact of Political Sophistication on the Use of Cognitive Shortcuts: Evidence from
Experiments and Secondary Data”. PhD Candidate: Lorenzo Brusatin. Program: PhD in Political
and Social Science. Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Dpt.of Social and Political Science).
Qualification: Defended on July 20, 2012.
3. Title: “Behind Left and Right. The Meaning of Left-Right Self-Identification in European
Countries”. PhD Candidate: Wiebke Katharina Weber. Program: PhD in Political and Social
Science. Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Dpt.of Social and Political Science). Date for the defense:
December 15, 2012.
Almost finished:
4. Title: “The Social mechanisms of Political Intermedation Interpersonal Discussant Networks and
Boting Behavior”. PhD Candidate: Gerardo Maldonado. Program: PhD in Political and Social
Science. Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Dpt.of Social and Political Science). Estimated Date:
December 15, 2013.
5. Title: “Mas Allá de una Distinción Dicotómica del Apoyo a la Democracia”. PhD Candidate:
Lorena Recabarren. Program: PhD in Political and Social Science. Universitat Pompeu Fabra
(Dpt.of Social and Political Science). Estimated Date: November 15, 2013.
6. Title: “The Link Between Political Participation and Life Satisfaction”. PhD Candidate: André
Barra Gomes Pirralha. Program: PhD in Political and Social Science. Universitat Pompeu Fabra
(Dpt.of Social and Political Science). Estimated Date: January 2014
2010- Present
Member of the Scientific Commission of the Study “México, las Américas y el
Mundo 2010”, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE)
Co-director of the Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology
(RECSM), Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.
Organization of the Intune Winter School. Barcelona, 12-14 January
Consultant to the UNDP and AECID to create the OBSEROB (Observatorio de
Opinión Pública) of the Dominican Republic, design and implementation of a
post-electoral survey.
Member of the Editorial Board of The Journal of Politics in Latin America, at the
GIGA Institute of Latin American Studies.
Evaluator of the Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación
Member of the Editorial Board of Survey Research Methods.
Member of the Editorial Board of Southern European Society and Politics.
Evaluator of the Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya
Member of the Editorial Board of Revista Española de Investigaciones
Department Chair for the Political Science Department at the Universitat Pompeu
PhD Program coordinator for the Political and Social Sciences PhD program at
the Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal, Revista de Estudios Políticos, at
Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales
Associate Dean for the Political Science Department at the Universitat Pompeu
Spanish National Coordinator of the European Social Survey.
Coordinator of the sessión “La desafección política en las democracias Europeas”
of the program “Construcción Europea, Democracia y Globalización” funded by
UNESCO for the commemoration of the European Capital Santiago de
Compostela, 19-20 October.
Assistant Editor of the Journal Southern European Politics and Society, published
by Frank Cass.
Assistant to the Chair of the Department of Political Science at the Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid.
Member of the Organizing Committee of the seminar Consolidación Democrática
y Fuerzas Armadas, Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset- Tinker Foundation.
Peer review of the following journals: Comparative Politics,
Comparative Political Studies, British Journal of Political Research, European
Journal of Political Research, Journal of Politics, Journal of American Politics,
Party Politics, Latin American Politics and Society, Political Research Quaterly,
Electoral Studies, Political Communication, Western European Politics, Political
Behavior, Canadian Journal of Political Research, Política y Gobierno and more.
Edgardo Catterberg Award for the best conference paper “A Dark side of Political
Deliberation? The Media and Political Discussion Effects on Political Interest”, V Latin
American Congress WAPOR (World Association for Public Opinion Research),
Colombia, September 2012.
Grant for the Program I3 “Intensity Research Programme” to be on leave for three years
to do research funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Spanish Ministry for
Education and Science, July 2008, Barcelona.
The council of the dean of the University Pompeu Fabra annual award for the Transfer of
Knowledge, Barcelona.
“Best book published during 2006” by the Spanish Association of Political Science
(AECPA) for “Ciudadanos, asociaciones y participación política en España”, Madrid:
Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2006. (with José Ramón Montero and Joan
“Best article published during 2003” by the Spanish Association of Political Science
“Honorable Mention for the Gregory M. Luebbert Prize for best article in Comparative
Politics of 1997,” Comparative Politics section of the American Political Science
Association, for “Elite Strategy, Social Cleavages, and Party Systems in a New
Democracy: Spain”, Comparative Political Studies, 30, February 1997, pp. 27-54.
Post-doctoral Fellowship at the Kellogg Institute for International Studies, University of
Notre Dame, Indiana.
National Center for Sociological Research (C.I.S.) annual dissertation award for Best
Quantitative Dissertation in the Social Sciences, Madrid.
Fulbright Scholarship.
Fellowship to Coordinate the Laboratory of Computer Science Facultad de Ciencias
Políticas y Sociología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Scholarship of Young Researchers. Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS)
Fundación Ortega y Gasset; M. A. Fellowship in International Relations.
4.1. BOOKS:
A. Published in English
The Europeanization of National Politics? Citizenship and Support in a Post-Enlargement Union
(Citizenship, Identity and European Integration). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012 (with David
Sanders, Gabor Toka and Paolo Belluci).
Political Disaffection in Contemporary Democracies: Social capital, Institutions, and Politics. London:
Routledge, 2006 (with Jose Ramón Montero)
B. Published in Spanish or Catalan
Institucionalización del Sistema de Partidos en América Latina: medición, origen y consecuencias.
Barcelona: Antropos, 2014.
Elecciones Europeas 2009. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2012. (with Joan Font).
La ciudadanía europea en el siglo XXI. Estudio comparado de sus actitudes, opinión pública y
comportamiento políticos. Madrid. Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2010.
Què pensen els Catalans sobre el seu sistema polític i la seva societat?L’Enquesta Social Europea a
Catalunya. Barcelona: Dirección General de Participación Ciudadana, 2010 (with Guillem Rico and
MªJosé Hierro)
Elecciones Generales 2004. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2007. (with José Ramón
Montero and Ignacio Lago).
Ciudadanos, Asociaciones y Participación Política en España. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones
Sociológicas, 2006. (with José Ramón Montero and Joan Font).
España: Sociedad y Política en Perspectiva Comparada. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch, 2005. (with
Santiago Pérez-Nievas and Laura Morales).
Utilidades y presentación de Datos con SPSS/PC+, versiones 2.1 a 4.0. Madrid: Alianza Universidad,
1992 (with J.R. Sanchez Carrión).
A. Published in English
“The Left and the Mobilization of Class Voting in Latin America” in R. Carlin, E. Zechmesiter and M. Singer
(eds.), The Latin American Voter. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Forthcoming (with Scott Mainwaring and Nicolas
“Trust in the European Parliament: from affective heuristics to rational cueing” in Magalhaes, Pedro C.;
Tóka, Gabor; Sanders, David (eds.), Citizens and the European Polity: Mass Attitudes Towards the
European and National Polities (Citizenship, Identity and European Integration) Oxford University
Press, 2012, pp. 140-168 (with Marina Jordi Muñoz and Eduard Bonet).
“Introduction: Antedecents and Consequences of European Citizenship” in David Sanders, Gabor Tóka,
Paolo Belluci, Mariano Torcal (eds.), The Europeanization of National Politics? Citizenship and
Support in a Post-Enlargement Union (Citizenship, Identity and European Integration). Oxford
University Press, 2012, pp. 1-16 (with Paolo Bellucci, David Sanders and Gábor Tóka).
“Conceptualizing and Measuring European Citizenship and Engagement” in David Sanders, Gabor
Tóka, Paolo Belluci, Mariano Torcal (eds.), The Europeanization of National Politics? Citizenship and
Support in a Post-Enlargement Union (Citizenship, Identity and European Integration). Oxford
University Press, 2012, pp. 17-38 (with Paolo Bellucci, David Sanders and Gábor Tóka).
“Institutional Trust and Responsiveness in the EU” in David Sanders, Gabor Tóka, Paolo Belluci,
Mariano Torcal (eds.), The Europeanization of National Politics? Citizenship and Support in a PostEnlargement Union (Citizenship, Identity and European Integration). Oxford University Press, 2012,
pp. 91-111 (with Eduard Bonet and Marina Costa-Lobo).
“Conclusions” in David Sanders, Gabor Tóka, Paolo Belluci, Mariano Torcal (eds.), The
Europeanization of National Politics? Citizenship and Support in a Post-Enlargement Union
(Citizenship, Identity and European Integration). Oxford University Press, 2012, pp. 217-233 (with
Paolo Bellucci, David Sanders and Gábor Tóka).
“Beliefs” in Bertrand Badie Dirk Berg-Scholosser and Leonardo Molino (eds.) International
Encyclopedia of Political Science. Sage publications Inc., 2011, vol.1, pp.143-145 (with Jordi Muñoz).
“Dissatisfaction, Political” in Bertrand Badie Dirk Berg-Scholosser and Leonardo Molino (eds.)
International Encyclopedia of Political Science. Sage publications Inc., 2011, vol.3, pp.688-691
“Support Political” in Bertrand Badie Dirk Berg-Scholosser and Leonardo Molino (eds.) International
Encyclopedia of Political Science. Sage publications Inc., 2011, vol.8, pp.2563-2566 (with Paolo
"The Origins of Democratic Support in Post-Franco Spain: Learning to Be a Democrat under Authoritarian
Rule?" in Nigel Townson (ed.), Spain Transformed. The Late Franco Dictatorship, 1959-75.
Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, pp. 195-226.
“Democracy and Intermediation: Some Attitudinal and Behavioural Dimensions”, in Richard P.
Gunther, J. R. Montero and Hans-Jürgen Puhle (eds.), Democracy, Intermediation, and Voting on Four
Continents, Oxford University Press, 2007, pp. 29-74 (with Richard P. Gunther y J. R. Montero).
“Political Disaffection in Comparative Perspective”, in Mariano Torcal and José Ramón Montero, eds.
Political Disaffection in Contemporary Democracies: Social Capital, Institutions and Politics. London:
Routledge, 2006, pp.3-20 (with José Ramón Montero).
“Political Disaffection and Democratization History in New Democracies”, in Mariano Torcal and José
Ramón Montero, eds. Political Disaffection in Contemporary Democracies: Social Capital, Institutions
and Politics. London: Routledge, 2006, pp. 157-189.
“Political Participation, Information, and Accountability: Some Consequences of Political Disaffection
in New Democracies”, in Mariano Torcal and José Ramón Montero, eds. Political Disaffection in
Contemporary Democracies: Social Capital, Institutions and Politics. London: Routledge, 2006, pp.
308-331 (with Ignacio Lago)
“Some Basic Conclusions about Political Disaffection in Contemporary Democracies”, in Mariano
Torcal and José Ramón Montero, eds. Political Disaffection in Contemporary Democracies: Social
Capital, Institutions and Politics. London: Routledge, 2006, pp. 333-343 (with José Ramón Montero).
“Party System Institutionalization and Party System Theory After the Third Wave of Democratization”,
in Richard S. Katz and Willliam Crotty (eds) Handbook of Party Politics. London: Sage Publications,
2006, pp. 204-227 (with Scott Mainwaring)
“Norms of Good Citizenship” in Jan van Deth, Anders Westholm and José Ramón Montero (coord.),
Citizenship, Involvement in European Democracies. A comparative Analysis.. London: Roudletge, 2007
(with Bas Denters and Oscar Gabriel).
“Political Confidence in Representative Democracies: Socio-Cultural Vs. Political Explanations” in Jan
van Deth, Anders Westholm and José Ramón Montero (coord.), Citizenship, Involvement in European
Democracies. A comparative Analysis. London: Roudletge, 2007 (with Bas Denters and Oscar Gabriel).
“Political Participation: Mapping the Terrain”, in Jan van Deth, Anders Westholm and José Ramón
Montero (coord.), Citizenship, Involvement in European Democracies. A comparative Analysis. London:
Roudletge, 2006 (with Jan Teorell and José Ramón Montero).
“Anti-Party Sentiments in Southern Europe”, in Richard P. Gunther, J. R. Montero and Juan J. Linz
(eds) Political Parties: Old Concepts and New Challenges. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002, pp.
257-290. (with Richard P. Gunther and J. R. Montero).
“Facets of Social Capital in New Democracies: The Formation and Consequences of Social Capital in
Spain,” in Paul Whiteley, Kenneth Newton and Jan van Deth (eds) Social Capital in European
Democracy. London: Routledge, 1999, pp. 167-191. (with J.R. Montero).
“Patterns of Political Participation”, in Amparo Almarcha (ed) Spain and EC Membership Evaluated.
New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1993, pp. 257-266. (with J.R. Montero).
B. Published in Spanish or Catalan
“Las Elecciones Europeas de 2009. Un marco de discusión”, in M.Torcal and Joan Font (eds.),
Elecciones Europeas 2009, Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2012, pp.11-38
“Actitudes hacia la Unión Europea y elecciones al Parlamento Europeo”, in M.Torcal and Joan Font
(eds.), Elecciones Europeas 2009, Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2012, pp.197-225.
“Lecciones de las Elecciones Europeas”, in M.Torcal and Joan Font (eds.), Elecciones Europeas 2009,
Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2012, pp.329-346.
“Los anclajes del voto en las elecciones de 2008” in J.R. Montero and N. Lago (eds), Las elecciones
Generales 2008. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2010, pp. 269-302.
“Introducción: comportamiento político y democracia en Europa”, in M. Torcal (ed.), La ciudadanía
europea en el siglo XXI. Estudio comparado de sus actitudes, opinión pública y comportamiento
políticos. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2010, pp. 9-24
“Cultura política en el Sur de Europa: un estudio comparado en busca de su excepcionalismo”, in M.
Torcal (ed.), La ciudadanía europea en el siglo XXI. Estudio comparado de sus actitudes, opinión
pública y comportamiento políticos. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2010, pp. 45-84.
(with Pedro Magalhaes)
“Conclusiones: reflexiones finales sobre el comportamiento político de los europeos en el inicio del
siglo XXI”, in M. Torcal (ed.), La ciudadanía europea en el siglo XXI. Estudio comparado de sus
actitudes, opinión pública y comportamiento políticos. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas,
2010, pp. 345-361.
“La opinión ciudadana en el Estado Autonómico”. Informe España 2010. Madrid: Fundación Encuentro,
2010, pp. 1-56. (with Fabiola Mota)
“Los Orígenes del Apoyo Democrático en la España Postfranquista” in Nigel Townson (ed.), España en
Cambio. El Segundo Franquismo 1959-1975. Madrid: Siglo XXI, 2009, pp. 167-214.
“Ciudadanos y Votantes en España: Un Balance de los Últimos Veinte Años”, in Jordi Gracia y
Domingo Ródenas de Moya (eds.), Sociedad y Cultura en la España Democrática, 1986-2008. Madrid:
Iberoamerica y Vervuert, 2009, pp. 23-41
“La Desafecció Política a Catalunya: Un Fet Diferencial?”, in Eva Anduiza Perea (dir.) Informe sobre
l’Estat de la Democràcia a Catalunya 2007. Barcelona: Mediterrània i Fundació Jaume Bofill, 2008, pp.
“La Competencia Electoral entre PSOE y PP: El Peso de los Anclajes de Ideología, Religión y Clase.”
en José Ramón Montero, Ignacio Lago y Mariano Torcal (eds.) Elecciones Generales 2004. Madrid:
Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2007, pp. 275-302 (with Lucía Medina).
“Los Sentimientos Antipartidistas en el Sur de Europa” in José Ramón Montero, Richard Gunther and Juan
J. Linz (eds.) Partidos Políticos: Viejos Conceptos y Nuevos Retos. Madrid: Trotta, Fundación Alonso
Martín Escudero, 2007, pp. 245-276 (with José Ramón Montero and Richard Gunther).
“La Participación Política: Factores Explicativos” in Joan Font, José Ramón Montero and Mariano
Torcal (coords.) Ciudadanos, Asociaciones y Participación Política en España. Madrid: Centro de
Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2006, pp. 133-155 (with Mariona Ferrer and Lucía Medina).
“La Participación Política en España: Modos y Niveles en Perspectiva Comparada” in Joan Font, José
Ramón Montero and Mariano Torcal (eds.) Ciudadanos, Asociaciones y Participación Política. Madrid:
Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2006, pp. 45-75 (with José Ramón Montero and Jan Teorell).
“Perfiles, Tendencias e Implicaciones de la Participación en España” in Joan Font, José Ramón Montero
and Mariano Torcal (eds.) Ciudadanos, Asociaciones y Participación Política. Madrid: Centro de
Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2006, pp. 325-344 (with Joan Font and José ramón Montero)
“Los Sentimientos Antipartidistas en el Sur de Europa” in Juan Montalbes, Julio Iglesias, Mario
Caciagli y Miguel Beltrán, (eds.). Instituciones y Procesos Políticos. Homenaje a José Cazorla, Madrid:
Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2005, pp. 607-636 (with José Ramón Montero and Richard
“Orientaciones Ideológicas” in Mariano Torcal, Laura Morales and Santiago Pérez-Nievas (eds)
España: Sociedad y Política en Perspectiva Comparada. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, 2005, pp. 97-112
(with Lucía Medina).
“Desafección Institucional” in Mariano Torcal, Laura Morales and Santiago Pérez-Nievas (eds) España:
Sociedad y Política en Perspectiva Comparada. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, 2005, pp. 83-96 (with
Josep Pena).
“La Confianza en el Parlamento Español: Tendencias, Causas y Consecuencias”, in Francesc Pau i Vall
(coord.) Ciudadanía y política. X Jornadas de la Asociación Española de Parlamentos. Madrid: Técnos,
2004, pp. 169-194.
“Sentimientos Antipartidistas en el Sur de Europa”, in Angel Valencia (ed.) Participación y
Representación Políticas en las Sociedades Multiculturales. Málaga: Universidad de Málaga, 1998, pp.
131-162. (with R. P. Gunther and J. R. Montero).
“Canvi Cultural, Conflictes Polítics i política a Espanya”, in Maria-Àngels Roque (ed.) Valors i
Diversitat Cultural a les Societats d'Europa i del Magreb. Barcelona: Institut Català de la Mediterrània,
1998, pp. 131-162 (with J.R. Montero).
“La Cultura Política,” in Rafael del Águila (eds.) Manual de Ciencia Política. Madrid: Trotta, 1997, pp.
“Cambio Cultural, Reemplazo Generacional y Política en España”, in Juan Díez Nicolás and Ronald
Inglehart (eds) Tendencias Mundiales de Cambio en los Valores Sociales y Políticos. Madrid: Fundesco,
1994, pp. 177-225 (with J.R. Montero).
“La Opinión Pública ante el Estado de las Autonomías: Una Visión Panorámica”, in Eliseo Aja (dir.)
Informe Pi i Sunyer sobre Comunidades Autónomas 1990. Barcelona: Civitas, 1991, pp 344-364. (with
J.R. Montero).
“Autonomías y Comunidades Autónomas en España: Preferencias, Dimensiones y Orientaciones
Políticas”, in Alberto Figueroa y Eduardo Mancisidor (eds.) Poder Político y Comunidades Autónomas.
Vitoria-Gasteiz: Parlamento Vasco/Eusko Legebiltzarra, 1991, pp. 125-196. (with J.R. Montero).
C. Published in Portuguese
”Confiança Institutional nas Novas Democracias Europeias: Outra Dimensao do Apoio Político? in J. A.
Moisés (ed.), Democracia e Confianza Por que os Ciudadaos Desconfiam das Instituçoes Públicas? Sao
Paulo: Livraria Cultura, 2010, pp. 219-242 (with Lorenzo Brusattin).
A. Published in English
“The Role of Political Parties in Shaping Citizens’ Political Preferences for the Territorial Organization
of the State: The Spanish Case”. European Political Science Review, forthcoming (with Fabiola Mota)
“The Incumbent Electoral Defeat in the 2011 Spanish National Elections: The Effect of the Economic
Crisis in an Ideological Polarized Party System” Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties,
“The Dark Side of Political Deliberation? The Media and Political Discussion Effects on Political
Interest”, Public Opinion Quaterly, forthcoming (with Gerardo Maldonado).
“Institutional trust and multilevel government in the European Union: Congruence or compensation?”
European Union Politics, Volume 12 Issue 4 December 2011, pp. 551-574. (with Jordi Muñoz and
Eduard Bonet)
“Electoral Coordination Strikes Again: The 2008 General Election in Spain” Southern European Society
and Politics, 13 (3) September 2008, pp 363-377 (with Ignacio Lago)
“The 2006 Regional Election in Catalonia: Exit, Voice, and Electoral Market Failures, Southern
European Society and Politics, 12 (2) June 2007, pp 221-235 (with Ignacio Lago and J.R. Montero)
“The Spanish General Election: In the Shadow of Al-Qaeda”, Southern European Society and Politics 9
(3) winter 2004: 107-121. (with Guillem Rico)
“The Political Re-crafting of Social Bases of Party Competition: The Case of Chile 1973-1995”, British
Journal of Political Science 33, 2003: pp. 55-84 (with Scott Mainwaring).
“Institutional Disaffection and Democratic History in New Democracies,” Central European Political
Science Review 3 (10), 2002: pp. 40-77.
“Democracy in Spain: Legitimacy, Discontent, and Disaffection”, Studies in Comparative International
Development 32, fall 1997: 124-160 (with J.R. Montero and R. P. Gunther).
“Elite Strategy, Social Cleavages and Party Systems in a New Democracy: Spain”, Comparative
Political Studies 30, February: 27-54 (with Pradeep Chhibber). Awarded with the “Honorable Mention
for the Gregory M. Luebbert Prize for best article in Comparative Politics of 1997,” Comparative
Politics section of the American Political Science Association.
“Voters and Citizens in a New Democracy: Some Trend Data on Political Attitudes in Spain”, in
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 2, 1990: 116-140 (with J.R. Montero).
B. Published in Spanish
“Los efectos negativos de la polarización política: confianza social, partidismo e identidades
nacionales/territoriales en España”. Anuario de Facultad de Derecho Universidad 17, 1993: 333-353.
(with Sergio Martini).
“Estrategia para aumentar la tasa de respuesta de la Encuesta Social Europea”, Revista Internacional de
Sociología, vol.68(3), 2010, pp.603-635 (with Clara Riba y Laura Morales)
“El Origen y la Evolución del Apoyo a la Democracia en España. La Construcción del Apoyo
Incondicional en las Nuevas Democracias”, Revista Española de Ciencia Política, 18, 2008: pp 29-65.
“La Participación Política de los Españoles”, Claves de la Razón Practica, 173, 2007: 38-45 (with
Ignacio Lago and J.R. Montero).
“Supervisión y Control de Calidad del Trabajo de Campo de la Encuesta Social Europea en España:
Evaluación y Resultados”, Metodología de Encuestas, 7, 2006: 75-96 (with Laura Morales and Clara
“La Participación Política en España: Modos y Niveles en Perspectiva Comparada”, Revista de Estudios
Políticos, 132, 2006: 7-41 (with Jose Ramon Montero and Jan Teorell).
“La Institucionalización de los Sistemas de Partidos y la Teoría del Sistema Partidista Después de la
Tercera Ola Democratizadora”, Revista América Latina Hoy, 41, 2005:141-173 (with Scott
“El conflicto democracia/autoritarismo y sus bases sociales en Chile, 1973-1995: Un ejemplo de
redifinición política de un cleavage”, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 102, 2003: 5182 (with Scott Mainwaring).
“Ciudadanos y partidos en el sur de Europa: los sentimientos antipartidistas”, Revista Española de
Investigaciones Sociológicas, 101, 2003: 9-48 (with José Ramón Montero and Richard Gunther).
“¿Por qué se aleja la gente de los partidos políticos? Los sentimientos antipartidistas en las democracias
representativas”, Responsa Iurisperitorum Digesta 4, 2003: 9-46 (with José Ramón Montero).
“Ideología y voto en España 1979-2000: los procesos de reconstrucción racional de la identificación
ideológica”, Revista Española de Ciencia Política 6, 2002: 57-96 (with Lucia Medina).
“La desafección en las nuevas democracias del sur de Europa y Latinoamérica,” Instituciones y
Desarrollo 8-9, May 2001: 229-280.
“La Desafección Democrática,” Leviatán 84, 2001: 161-183.
“La formación y consecuencias del capital social en España”, Revista Española de Ciencia Política 2,
April 2000: 79-122 (with José Ramón Montero).
“La Desafección Política en España: Un Legado que Condiciona el Presente,” Revista de Occidente 227,
April 2000: 15-30 (with José Ramón Montero).
“La formación y consecuencias del capital social en España”, Revista Española de Ciencia Política, 2,
April 2000, pp. 79-122 (with José Ramón Montero).
“Legitimidad, Descontento y Desafección: El Caso Español”, Estudios Públicos 74, Autumn 1999: 105148 (with J.R. Montero and R.P. Gunther).
“Actitudes Hacia la Democracia en España: Legitimidad, Descontento y Desafección”, Revista
Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas 83, September 1998: pp. 9-49 (with J.R. Montero and R.P.
“Cambio Cultural, Conflictos Políticos y Política en España”, Revista de Estudios Políticos 89, 1995: 934 (with J.R. Montero).
"Elites, Cleavages y Sistema de Partidos en una Nueva Democracia Consolidada: España (1986-1992),"
Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 69, 1995, pp. 7-38 (with Pradeep Chhibber).
“Elites, Factores Estructurales y Democratización (Una Discusión de Aportes Recientes en la
Literatura)”, Revista de Estudios Políticos 80, 1993: 329-350 (with Felipe Agüero).
“Política y Cambio Cultural en España: Una Nota sobre la Dimensión Postmaterialista”, Revista
Internacional de Sociología 1, 1992: 61-99 (with J. R. Montero).
“Los Sistemas Electorales en España: Una Recapitulación”, Revista Española de Investigaciones
Sociológicas 58, 1992: 7-56 (with J.R. Montero and F.J. Llera).
“Análisis Dimensional y Estudio de Valores: El Cambio Cultural en España”, Revista Española de
Investigaciones Sociológicas 58, 1992: 97-122.
“Perfiles de la Cultura Política en una Nueva Democracia: España 1975-1990”, Revista Uruguaya de
Ciencia Política 5, 1992: 59-78 (with J.R. Montero).
“Las Comunidades Autónomas como 'Arenas' de Competición Electoral”, Política y Sociedad 8, 1991:
101-112 (with J.R. Montero).
“Autonomías y Comunidades Autónomas en España: Preferencias, Dimensiones y Orientaciones
Políticas”, Revista Española de Estudios Políticos 70, 1990: 33-91 (with J.R. Montero).
“La Cultura Política de los Españoles: Pautas de Continuidad y Cambio”, Sistema 99, 1990: 39-74 (with
J.R. Montero).
“La Dimensión Materialista/Postmaterialista en España: Las Variables del Cambio Cultural” Revista
Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas 47, 1989: 227-254.
C. Published in French
“Les sentiments antipartis en Europe du Sud”, Pôle Sud 20, Mai 2004: 167-190. (with J.R. Montero and
R.P. Gunther).
“La démocratie en Espagne: légitimité, mécontetement et désaffection”, Revue Française de Science
Politique 49, April 1999: 171-204. (with J.R. Montero and R.P. Gunther).
D. Published in Portuguese
“Teoria e institucionalização dos sistemas partidários após a terceira onda de democratização”, Opin.
Publica, Out 2005, vol. 11, nº 2: 249-286. (with Scott Mainwaring).
E. Articles under review
Mariano Torcal and Gerardo Maldonado, “The darkside of political discussions: The attitudinal
consequences of interpersonal exchange in polarized political systems” under review in Public Opinion
Mariano Torcal and Fabiola Mota “The role of political parties in shaping citizens’ political preferences
for the territorial organization of the State: the Spanish case” under review in European Political
Science Review (revise and resubmit).
Mariano Torcal “Is Europe Becoming More Relevant in the European Elections? The Effect of Party
System Differentiation Supply in Electoral Turnout” under review in European Union Politics
Mariano Torcal “The Incumbent Electoral Defeat in the 2011 Spanish National Elections: The Effect of
the Economic Crisis in an Ideological Polarized Party System”, under review in Journal of Elections,
Public Opinion and Political Parties
A. Published in English
Book review: Alejandro Moreno, “The Mexican Voter. Democracy, Political Attitudes and Electoral
behavior”, International Journal of Public Opinion Research 16 (2), summer 2004, pp. 224-226.
“Political Disaffection and Democratization History in New Democracies”, Kellogg Working Paper
Series #308, Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame, October 2003.
“Anti-Party Sentiments in Southern Europe,” Working Paper 170. Madrid: Centro de Estudios
Avanzados en Ciencias Sociales, Instituto Juan March, 2001 (with J.R. Montero and Richard Gunther).
“Social Cleavages, Political Legacies, and Post_Authoritarian Party Systems: Chile in the 1990s”,
Kellogg Institute Working Paper series #278. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame, 2000 (with Scott
"Facets of Social Capital in New Democracies: The Formation and Consequences of Social Capital in
Spain," Kellogg Institute Working Paper series # 259. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame, October
1998 (with J.R. Montero).
“Democracy in Spain: Legitimacy, Discontent, and Disaffection,” Working Paper 100. Madrid: Centro
de Estudios Avanzados en Ciencias Sociales, Instituto Juan March, 1997 (with J.R. Montero and
Richard Gunther).
“Party Change and Cleavage Formation: The Effects of Value Change on the Spanish Party System,”
Working Paper. Barcelona: Institut de Ciéncies Polítiques i Socials, Universitat Autónoma de
Barcelona, 1997 (with J.R. Montero).
“Value Change, Generational Replacement and Politics in Spain”, Working Paper. Madrid: Institute of
Advanced Studies, Fundación Juan March, 1994.
B. Published in Spanish
“El significado y el contenido del Centro Ideológico en España” Madrid: Fundación Alternativas, 2011
“La desafección política de los españoles y sus efectos en la participación”, Temas para el debate, 152,
july 2007, pp. 47-49.
Book review: Paloma Aguilar, Memoria y Olvido de la Guerra Civil Española (Madrid: Alianza
Editorial, 1996). “Transiciones, Memoria Histórica y Generaciones,” Revista de Libros, 6, June 1997,
pp. 23-24.
“Política y Cultural en España: Algunas Implicaciones de la Dimensión Postmaterialista”, in
A.E.D.E.M.O. [Asociación Española de Estudios de Mercado, Marketing y Opinión], 60 Seminar.
Political Research III. Bilbao: AEDEMO, 1992, pp. 7-60 (with J.R. Montero).
“La Cultura Política de los Españoles: Pautas de Continuidad y Cambio”, in A.E.D.E.M.O. [Asociación
Española de Estudios de Mercado, Marketing y Opinión], 53 Seminar. Political Research III. Bilbao:
AEDEMO, 1990, pp. 199-296. (with J.R. Montero).
Book review: La Transición Política Española, (Tezanos, J.F., R. Cotarelo and A. De Blas [eds.].
Madrid: Sistema, 1990), in Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 48, 1990.
A. International Meetings
1. European Social Survey International Conference. Session: Political Participation. Paper
presented: “Political protest and governments ideology across Europe”. European University
Cyprus. Nicosia, Cyprus, November, 23-25, 2012 (with María José Hierro and Antoni Rodón).
2. European Social Survey International Conference. Session: Trust/Social Capital. Paper
presented: “Attitudinal origins of Nonresponse in Contemporary Representative Democracies”.
European University Cyprus. Nicosia, Cyprus, November, 23-25, 2012 (with Clara Riba and
Sergio Martini).
3. European Social Survey International Conference. Session Chair: Education. European
University Cyprus. Nicosia, Cyprus, November, 23-25, 2012.
4. V Latin American Congress WAPOR (World Association for Public Opinion Research), “A
Dark side of Political Deliberation? The Media and Political Discussion Effects on Political
Interest”, Colombia, 21st September 2012 (with Gerardo Maldonado).
5. The International Political Science Association (IPSA) Word Congress Madrid 2012, Chair and
Discussant of the panel LOC01.247 “Contextualizing Social Trust: Party Systems, State
Institutions, and Multilevel Governance”, July 8 to 12th, 2012.
6. The International Political Science Association (IPSA) Word Congress Madrid 2012, Chair and
Discussant of the panel LOC01.705 “Trust and Disaffection: Party Systems, State Institutions,
and Multilevel Governance”, July 8 to 12th, 2012.
7. The International Political Science Association (IPSA) Word Congress Madrid 2012, “Party
System Institutionalization and Political Disaffection” in the panel LOC01.705 “Trust and
Disaffection: Party Systems, State Institutions, and Multilevel Governance”, July 8 to 12th, 2012
(with Ignacio Lago).
8. “A Comprehensive Framework for Undertanding Party System Change”, Co-organizer and
coordinator of the ECPR Research Sessions, Florence, EUI, June 19-22nd 2012.
9. “The effect of the economic crisis in the 2011 elections”, in the conference Political
Consequences of the Economic Crisis. Voting and Protesting in Europe Since 2008. Organized
by the BMW Center for German and European Studies, Georgetown University, Washington,
April, 17th-18th 2012.
10. 6th Conference The European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)
“The role of political parties in shaping citizens political preferences for devolution; the case of
the evolving Spanish State of Autonomies” Section: ‘Themes and Challenges to Multi-level and
Regional Politics’. Panel: ‘Balancing and Rebalancing Federal Systems: A Comparative and
Cross-National Analysis’ (with Fabiola Mota) University of Iceland, August, 25 - 27, 2011
11. “Spanish Public Opinion on the Models of the State: The role of partisan elite in shaping public
opinion”. International Symposium: WAPOR-World Association for Public Opinion Research
“Transnational Connections-Challenges and Opportunities in Communication and Public
Opinion Research” Segovia, Spain, march, 17-18, 2011
12. “Political Culture in Southern: Searching for Exceptionalism”. En el Institute of Markets
Technologies in Lucca, Italy, December, 10, 2010
13. “What can we learn from the international comparative trends?, in: Immigration and political
community: The impact of immigration and political trust, organized by Barrow Cadbury Trust y
Policy Network, London, September ,21, 2010
14. “Trust in the European Parliament: From Affective Heuristics to Rational Cueing”. European
University Institute, Florence, November, 20, 2009
15. Auditing Electoral Democracy in the European Union (PIREDEU Final User Community
Conference): “The role of politization in the relationship between support for the EU, voter’s
preferences and turnout”, panel sesión V.1, Brussels, November, 18-19, 2010.
16. XXIX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Organizer and Chair of
the panel (workshop): “La institucionalización de los sistemas de partidos: concepto, causas y
consecuencias” (DEM-6362). Toronto, Canadá, October 6-9, 2010.
17. 2010 ECPR Joint Sessions. Paper presented: “Institutional trust and multilevel government in the
EU: congruence or compensation?”, Workshop: The Interrelationship between Institutional
Performance and Political Support in Europe: Discussing Causes and Consequences (with Jordi
Muñoz and Eduard Bonet). Munster, Germany, March 22-27, 2010
18. “Los problemas de representación en las nuevas democracias: los efectos de la desafección y la
falta de institucionalización de los partidos”. Inaugural Discourse of the II Diplomado de la
Escuela de Formación Electoral y Civil (EFEC), Junta Central Electoral, Santo Domingo,
Dominican Republic, May, 20, 2009.
19. “Los problemas de la desafección y la falta de institucionalización de partidos en América
Latina”, Junta Electoral Central, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, May, 15, 2009
20. “Opinión Publica y Democracia: El papel de los medios de comunicación en America Latina”.
Panel 1: “El rol de la televisión en la generación de la opinión publica”, organized by the
Universidad Diego Portales. Chile, November 3-4, 2008
21. 104rd Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA). Boston,MA. 28-31
August, 2008. Panel 14-10: “Citizenship, Identity, Representation and Scope of Governance in
the European Union”. Paper Presented: “Confidence in the European Institutions: A National
Phenomenon?” (with Marina Costa and Eduard Bonet)
22. XIX Congreso Nacional y II Internacional de Estudios Electorales, de Jalisco, 21-23 de
noviembre de 2007. "Redes sociales y participación política en México: la elección presidencial
de 2006" (with Gerardo Maldonado), round table with Leonardo Valdés (coord).
23. 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA). Chicago,IL 31
August-2 September, 2007. Panel 15-12: "Thirty years of Spanish Democracy: Evaluating
Institucional and Party Theories". Panel discussant.
24. “The Vail International Workshop in Democracy in the global world”: The problem of equality
democracy: The problems of democracies representatives organized by the Graduate school of
international studies. University of Denver, Denver, 14-16 de December de 2006.
25. Undertanding European Public Opinion, A Conference of the European Commission/DG
Communication. Madrid, 26-27 October, 2006. Paper Presented: “How to improve our surveys
and the problems with the Eurobarometer”.
26. 102nd Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA). Philadelphia
August 31st-September 3rd, 2006. Panel 12-5: Party Systems and Party Systems in Developing
Democracies. Paper Presented: "Political Mobilization of Class Voting: Latin America and
Western Europe in the 1990s" (with Scott Mainwaring).
27. Primer Foro Internacional “México: Escenarios presentes y futuros”. México, 22-23 February,
2006. Paper presented: “Los efectos de la desafección democrática”.
28. LASA2006 Congress. Puerto Rico, USA. 15-18 March, 2006. Workshop: “What the Publics have
to Say: Public Opinion on Politics”. Paper presented: “Class Voting: Latin America and Western
Europe in the 1990s” (with Scott Mainwaring).
29. 101st Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA). Washington 1-4
September, 2005. Panel 12-17: Party Systems and Institutionalization in Comparative Context.
Paper presented: "Party System Institutionalization and Party System Theory After the Third
Wave of Democratization" (with Scott Mainwaring).
30. CNEP II Conference, Columbus (Ohio), 4- 7 September, 2003. Paper Presented: “Democracy
and Intermediation: Some Attitudinal and Behavioral Dimensions” (with Richard Gunther and
José Ramón Montero).
31. 99th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Philadelphia, August
28-31, 2003. Panel 15-17: “Cleavages from Below or from Above? Lipset and Rokkan
revisited”. Panel discussant.
32. 99th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Philadelphia, August
28-31 2003. Panel 11-10: Cleavages and Party Systems in Post-1978 Democracies. Paper
Presented: “Class Voting. Latin America and Western Europe” (with Scott Mainwaring).
33. Third General Meeting of the ESF-network “Citizen, Involvement and Democracy,” Madrid,
November 14-17. Papers presented: “Political Participation” (with Jan Teorell and José Ramon
Montero; “Support for Democratic Government and Social Capital” (with Oscar Gabriel and Bas
Denters); and “The Ideals of Good Society and Good Citizens: Social Capital, Values and
Norms” (with Oscar Gabriel and Bas Denters).
34. 98th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Boston, August 27September 2nd , 2002. Panel 45-10: Cleavages in Comparative Perspective: Lessons from
Third-wave Democracies. Paper presented: “Social Cleavages, the Anchoring of the Vote, and
Electoral Volatility: Latin America and Western Europe” (with Scott Mainwaring).
35. 60th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April, 27-28, 2002.
Panel 2-7:
Voting Behavior and Party Systems in Comparative Perspective. Paper
presented: “Social Cleavages, the Anchoring of the Vote, and Electoral Volatility: Latin America
and Western Europe” (with Scott Mainwaring).
36. 1st ECPR General Conference, University of Kent at Canterbury, 6-10 September, 2001. Paper
presented: “Social Cleavages, the Anchoring of the Vote, and Party System Institutionalization:
Latin America and Western Europe” (with Scott Mainwaring).
37. 97th American Political Science Association Annual Meeting (APSA), San Francisco, August
30th to September 2nd, 2001. Paper presented: “Political parties and the structuring of the
ideological space in new democracies: Chile, Greece, Hungary, Spain and Uruguay in
comparative perspective” (with Felipe Agüero).
38. Seminar La Reinvención de la Política y la Ciudadanía: la Gobernabilidad Democrática para el
Desarrollo en América Latina, organized by the Instituto Internacional de Gobernabilidad,
Barcelona 22nd-23rd January 2001. Paper presented: “Desafección Política y Partidos Políticos
en América Latina”.
39. Ten years of Freedom. Transition and the Consolidation of Democracy. The case of Central
Europe (1990-2000), Budapest October 30th-November 1st 2000. Paper presented: “The
Problem of Democratic Disaffection in New Democracies”.
40. Co-director of the seminar “Political Desaffection and Political Culture en European
Democracies,” in The Construction of Europe, Democracy and Globalization, Santiago de
Compostela, Spain, Funded by the UNESCO and the University of Santiago. October, 19-21,
41. 58th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April, 26-29, 2000.
Panel 2-9: “Understanding the voter”. Discussant.
42. 58th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April, 26-29, 2000.
Panel 2-5: “The making and Unmaking of National Political Parties”. Paper presented: “The
Political Re-crafting of Social Bases of Party Competition: The Case of Chile 1973-1995 (with
Scott Mainwaring).
43. XXII Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Chicago, September, 24-27,
1998. Paper presented: “Social Cleavages, Political Heritages, and Post-Authoritarian Party
Systems: Chile in the 1990s.” (with Scott Mainwaring).
44. XXI Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Guadalajara, Mexico, April 1719, 1997. Paper presented: “Political Attitudes and Participation in Spain: Change and
45. Society for Comparative Research and L'Université Libre de Bruxelles, “Erosion of Confidence
in Advanced Industrial Societies, ”Brussels, November 7-9, 1996, paper presented: "Democracy
in Spain: Legitimacy, Efficacy and Disaffection" (with J.R. Montero and R. Gunther).
46. Universitá di Milano, conference “On Social Capital,” Milano (Italy), October 3-6, 1996, paper
presented: "Social Capital in Spain: Exploring Political Attitudes and Participation Between
Continuity and Change" (with J.R. Montero).
47. Social Science Research Council, “Democracy and Culture in The New Southern Europe,
”Mallorca (Spain) June 26-30, 1996, paper presented: "Change and Persistence of Political
Attitudes in Southern Europe."
48. Social Science Research Council, "Democracy and cultural change in the new Southern Europe,"
Elounda (Crete), July 6-10, 1995, paper presented: "Change and Persistence of Political
Attitudes in Southern Europe."
49. Center of Advances Studies in Social Sciences, Juan March Institute, conference "Political
Parties: Changing Roles in Contemporary Democracies," Madrid, December 15-17, 1994, paper
presented: "Anti-Party Sentiments in Southern Europe: A Preliminary Exploration," (with
Richard P. Gunther and José R. Montero).
50. 90th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), New York
(U.S.A.), September 1-4, 1994, paper presented: "Elite Strategy, Social Cleavages and Party
Systems in a New Democracy: Spain," (with Pradeep Chhibber).
51. First World Congress on Changing Social and Political Values: A Global Perspective, El
Escorial and El Paular (Spain), September 27-October 1, 1993, paper presented: “Value Change,
Generational Replacement and Politics in Spain".
52. XV World Congress of Political Science (IPSA), Buenos Aires (Argentina), July 21-25, 1991,
paper presented: "Electoral Systems in Spain: An Assessment," (with J.R. Montero and F.J.
B. Spanish National Meetings
1. XVII Jornadas del Anuario de la Facultad de derecho. UAM. Identidad, Derecho y Política.
Guest speaker “Partidos: afinidades, ideología e identidad” , Madrid, November 22-23, 2012
2. X Conference of Asociación Española de Ciencia Política y de la Administración (AECPA) chair
and organizator of the panel “Actitudes hacia la UE y el proceso de integración Europea”,
Murcia, September 7 - 9, 2011.
3. X Conference of Asociación Española de Ciencia Política y de la Administración (AECPA).
Paper presented: ”Volatilidad electoral y representación política” in the workshop “Sistemas de
partidos multinivel y actores partidarios en América Latina: competencia nacional y subnacional
entre partidos tradicionales y no tradicionales” (with Ignacio Lago) Murcia, September 7 - 9,
4. The Summer Courses of the Fundación General de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.”Las
encuestas de opinión en la sociedad actual: desafíos y oportunidades. ¿Cómo lograr incrementar
la participación de los ciudadanos en las encuestas?” El Escorial, Madrid, july, 2011.
5. Conference “Trust in the European Parliament: From Affective Heuristics to Rational Cueing”.
Fundación Juan March, Madrid, March 5, 2009.
6. Conference “Political Culture in Southern Europe: Searching for Exceptionalism”. Centro de
Estudios Constitucionales. Madrid, January 21, 2009.
7. Seminar on “Participación ciudadana y buen gobierno: hacia la consolidación de una cultura
política participativa en Andalucía”. Málaga, November 26, 2008.
8. Seminar on “Institucionalización de los Sistemas de Partidos en América Latina”. Programa
América Latina de la Fundación CIDOB. Barcelona, November 20-21, 2008. Mariano Torcal
9. V Conference Suvey Methodology. Córdoba, September 24-26,2008. Papers presented: “Lo que
hay escondido tras un éxito. El trabajo de campo en la tercera ola de la encuesta social
europea”(with Clara Riba and Laura Morales) and “Las elecciones generales de 2008 en España”
(with Ignacio Lago).
10. XX European Courses. “Participación Ciudadana: nueva cultura política en un contexto de
liderazgo compartido”. Euskadi (Spain) , September 8-9 ,2008. Paper presented: “Ciudadanía y
actitudes en las democracias contemporáneas”.
11. VII Congreso Español de Ciencia Política y de la Administración. Valencia, September 18-20,
2007.Chair of the panel: “Comportamiento político, información y control de los gobiernos en
nuevas democracias”.
12. XII Encuentro de Latinoamericanistas Españoles. Santander, September 21-23, 2006. Chair of
the panel: “Representación y Comportamiento Político”.
13. VII National Spanish Congress of Political Science, Madrid 21-23, 2005. Paper presented: “La
institucionalización del sistema de partidos español. El peso de los anclajes de clase, religión e
ideología en la competencia PSOE/PP: 1988-2004”. (with Lucía Medina).
14. IX Jornadas sobre temas contemporáneos de Gobierno y de Administración Local en España.
February 16-18, 2005. “El régimen electoral local en el Libro Blanco”, round table with J.
R.Montero (coord.), A. Cuesta, S. Sáenz de Santamaría, G. del Val and J. Magre.
15. International Meeting España en cambio: la última etapa del régimen franquista, Madrid,
November 11-12, 2004. “El cambio desde una perspectiva comparada”.
16. VI National Spanish Congress of Political Science, Barcelona, September 18-20, 2003. Codirector of the Working Group “Capital Social, Asociacionismo y Participación Política en
España y en Europa” (with Joan Font). Papers presented: “Participación Política” (with José
Ramón Montero) and “Factores Individuales y Contextuales de la Participación Política en
España” (with Mariona Ferrer and Lucía Medina).
17. X Jornadas de la Asociación Española de Letrados de Parlamentos, Zaragoza, September 2426, 2003. Paper Presented: “El Sistema Electoral: Representación y Participación. Las Nuevas
18. V National Spanish Congress of Political Science, La Laguna (Tenerife, Spain), September 2828, 2001. Paper presented: “Anti-party Sentiments in Southern Europe” (with J.R. Montero and
19. VI National Spanish Congress of Sociology, La Coruña (Spain), September 24-26, 1998, paper
presented: “La Lógica de Formación de Cleavages Políticos” (with Pradeep Chhibber).
20. VI National Spanish Congress of Sociology, La Coruña (Spain), September 24-26, 1998, paper
presented: “Actitudes Hacia la Democracia en España: Legitimidad, Descontento y
Desafeccion,” (with JR. Montero y R. Gunther).
21. Jaime Vera Summer School, Galapagar, Madrid (Spain), July 11, 1994, paper presented:
"Cambio Cultural y Comportamiento Político en España."
22. IV National Spanish Congress of Sociology, Madrid (Spain), September 24-26, 1992, paper
presented: "Politica y Cambio Cultural en España: Algunas Implicaciones de la Dimensión
Posmaterialista," (with J.R. Montero).
23. V Seminar of Political Research, AEDEMO, Madrid (Spain), October 15-16, 1992, paper
presented: "Politica y Cambio Cultural en España: Algunas Implicaciones de la Dimensión
Posmaterialista," (with J.R. Montero).
24. International Symposium on Cultural System Change in European and North-African Societies,
Institut Català d'Estudis Mediterranis, Barcelona (Spain), November 12-14, 1991, paper
presented: "Política y Cambio Cultural en España: Una Nota Sobre la Dimensión
Postmaterialista." (with J.R. Montero).
25. III Seminar of Political Research, AEDEMO, Bilbao (Spain), October 1990, paper presented:
"Pautas de Continuidad y Cambio en la Cultura Política de los Españoles: 1975-1990," (with J.R.
Diseño y Aplicación de la Sexta Ola de la European Social Survey en España
Funding body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Programa Nacional de Internacionalización de la
I+D code # AIC-A-2011-0672, (2011-2013).
Ciudadanía Europea en España: Comportamiento Político y actitudes Políticas hacia el Proceso de
Integración Europea.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Plan Nacional de I+D+I,code # CSO200914434 (2010-2012)
Diseño y Aplicación de la Quinta Ola de la European Social Survey en España
Funding body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Programa Nacional de Internacionalización de la
I+D, code # AIC10-A-000399 (2010-2012)
Grup de Recerca en Opinió Pública, Vot i Metodologia d'Enquestes.
Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca, code#2009 SGR 1368 (2009-2013)
Integrated and United? A Quest for Citizenship in an ‘Ever Closer Europe’ INTUNE, code # CIT3-CT2005-513421. European Commission – 6º Framework Programme (2005-2009)
Providing an Infrastructure for Research on Electoral Democracy in the European Union (PIREDEU).
Collaborative Project. European Commission. 7th Framework Programme for Research, Technological
Development and Demonstration (2008-2011).
PI and Coordinator of the Grup de Recerca, code#SGR 2009-729.
Diseño y aplicación de la Cuarta Ola de la European Social Survey en España
Acción Complementaria del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, code#SEJ2007-29562-E (2008-2010).
Inmigració, política i opinió pública: anàlisi comparativa de l’impacte de la política en les percepcions i
actituds vers la inmigració. Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca,
code#2006ARAI00021 (2006-2008)
Diseño y aplicación de la Tercera Ola de la European Social Survey en España
Acción Complementaria del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, code # SEJ2004-22162-E (2005-2007)
Ciudadanos y democracia en Europa: Análisis comparado de los datos de la primera ola de la Encuesta
Social. Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Plan Nacional de I+D+I, code # SEC2002-03364 (20022005)
Spanish Professional Association of Political Scientists (AECPA).
American Political Science Association (APSA).
Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
Spanish - (native).
English - reading, writing and speaking.
Italian – reading and speaking.
Portuguese - reading.
French - reading.
Catalan – reading and writing